Natura Impact Statement

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County Clare Local Economic & Community Plan Natura Impact Statement

24th October 2023

County Clare Local Economic & Community Plan

Natura Impact Report

Document Date

Document Version



Prepared by Pat Doherty MSc, MCIEEM

This report has been prepared by DEC Ltd with all




and diligence.

Information report herein is based on the interpretation of data collected and has been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid. This report is prepared for Clare County Council and we accept no responsibility to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies on the report at their own risk.

Table of Contents 1.0
















































































Client: Project Title: Document Title :


Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final


Doherty Environmental Consultants (DEC) Ltd have been appointed by Clare County Council to undertake a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) of the draft County Clare Local Economic & Community Plan plan (LECP). This NIS has been completed with respect to the requirements outlined in Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive and Section 177U of the Planning and Development Act and has been prepared in order to facilitate Clare County Council’s requirement for completing an Appropriate Assessment of the Plan. The draft LECP is not directly connected with or necessary for the management of any European Site and hence the requirements of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive and Part XAB of the Planning and Development Act 2000, apply. Section 177U(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 requires that a screening for appropriate assessment of, inter alia, a land use plan be carried out by a competent authority to assess, in light of best scientific knowledge, whether the proposed Plan, individually or in combination with another plan or project is likely to have a significant effect on a European site. A Screening Report in support of Screening for Appropriate Assessment has been completed to examine the potential for the draft LECP to result in likely significant effects to European Sites. A summary of the screening is provided in the following sub-section. 1.1

STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY This Screening Report for Appropriate Assessment has been prepared by Mr. Pat Doherty BSc., MSc, MCIEEM, of DEC Ltd. Mr. Doherty is a consultant ecologist with over 20 years’ experience in completing ecological impact assessments and environmental impact assessments. Pat has been involved in the completion of assessment reports for proposed developments and land use activities under the EIA Directive and Article 6 of the Habitats Directive since 2003 and 2006 respectively. He has extensive experience completing such reporting for projects located in a variety of environments and has a thorough understanding to the biodiversity issues that may arise from proposed land use activities. Pat was responsible for completing one of the first Appropriate Assessment reports for large scale infrastructure developments in Ireland when he prepared the Appropriate Assessment for th e N25 New Ross Bypass in 2006/07. Since then, Pat has completed multiple examinations of both plans and projects in Ireland. He has completed Natura Impact Statements for national scale plans such as Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan and National Seafood Development Plan and regional and 1


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

county scale plans including County Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Tourism Strategies and Climate Action Plans. Pat has completed multiple Natura Impact Statements for a range of development types that include large scale infrastructure developments in sectors such as transport and energy as well as industrial, commercial and residential developments.

Pat has completed focused certified professional development training in Appropriate Assessment as well as in a range of ecological survey techniques and assessment processes. Training has been completed for National Vegetation Classification (NVC) and Irish Vegetation Classification (IVC) surveying, bryophyte survey for habitat assessment and identification, professional bat survey and assessment training, mammal surveying and specific training for bird and bat survey techniques. Ongoing training has been completed by approved training providers such as CIEEM, British Trust for Ornithology, the Botanic Gardens and the Field Studies Council.


SUMMARY OF THE SCREENING FOR APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT A Screening Report in support for Screening for Appropriate Assessment has been completed for the draft LECP. This Screening Report is provided as Appendix 1 to this NIS. This Screening was completed in line with the requirements of Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive, as transposed into Irish law in Part XAB of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) in relation to land use planning. The Screening represents the first stage of the Article 6(3) Habitats Directive assessment process and was undertaken to identify whether the draft LECP has the potential to result in likely significant effects to European Sites. The first step of the Screening was to assess all land use actions proposed by the draft LECP for their potential to result in likely significant effects to European Sites. The land use actions of the draft LECP are reflected in the Objectives of the draft LECP. During the screening a clear relationship was identified between land use activities, that may arise as a result of the implementation of certain Objectives and European Sites.

For instance, Objectives that aim to develop and promote the provision of infrastructure for the economic, transport and climate change protection could, in the absence of appropriate design and consideration, to contribute to land use effects with potential to result in adverse effects to European Sites.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Given elements of the draft LECP will facilitate land use activities that will have the potential to result in impacts to European Sites, further consideration of the LECPs potential to combine with other land use plans (or any other plans identified during a thorough examination of in combination effects) is required as part of a Natura Impact Statement.

Accordingly, this NIS has been prepared to inform the Appropriate Assessment of the draft LECP’s potential to result in likely significant effects to European Sites and their qualifying features of interest occurring within the zone of influence of the plan.





This NIS has been undertaken in accordance with National and European guidance documents: Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland: Guidance for Planning Authorities (DEHLG 2010) and Assessment of Plans and Projects Significantly Affecting Natura 2000 sites – Methodological Guidance of the Provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats directive 92/43/EEC. The following guidance documents were also of relevance during this the preparation of this NIS: •

Assessment of Plans and Projects Significantly Affecting Natura 2000 Sites – Methodological Guidance of the Provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/42/EED. European Commission (2021).

Managing Natura 2000 Sites – The provisions of Article 6 of the Habitats directive 92/43/EEC. European commission (2018).


BACKGROUND TO HABITATS DIRECTIVE ARTICLE 6 ASSESSMENTS The EC (2021) guidelines outline the stages involved in undertaking an assessment of a project under Article 6(3) and 6(4) of the Habitats Directive. The assessment process comprises the four stages outlined below. Stage 1 to 3 form part of the Article 6(3) process, while Stage 4 forms part of the Article 6(4) process. This NIR presents the findings of an assessment for Stage 2 of this assessment process.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Stage 1 – Screening: This stage defines the proposed plan, establishes whether the proposed plan is necessary for the conservation management of the Natura 2000 site and assesses the likelihood of the plan to have a significant effect, alone or in combination with other plans or projects, upon a Natura 2000 site.

Stage 2 – Appropriate Assessment: If a plan or project is likely to have a significant affect an Appropriate Assessment must be undertaken. In this stage the impact of the plan or project to the Conservation Objectives of the Natura 2000 site is assessed. The outcome of this assessment will establish whether the plan will have an adverse effect upon the integrity of the Natura 2000 site.

Stage 3 – Assessment of Alternative Solutions: If it is concluded that, subsequent to the implementation of mitigation measures, a plan has an adverse impact upon the integrity of a Natura 2000 site it must be objectively concluded that no alternative solutions exist before the plan can proceed.

Stage 4 – Where no alternative solutions exist and where adverse impacts remain but imperative reasons of overriding public interest (IROPI) exist for the implementation of a plan or project an assessment of compensatory measures that will effectively offset the damage to the Natura site 2000 will be necessary.



The EC Guidance Assessment Criteria for Appropriate Assessment seeks the following information: 1. A description of the elements of the project that are likely to give rise to significant effects to European Sites; 2. The Setting out the Conservation Objectives of the Site; 3. A description of how the project will affect key species and key habitats; 4. A description of how the integrity of the site (determined by structure and function and conservation objectives) is likely to be affected by the project (e.g. loss of habitat, disturbance, disruption, chemical changes, hydrological changes etc.);



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

5. A description of the mitigation measures that are to be introduced to avoid, reduce or remedy the adverse effects on the integrity of European Sites. 3.4


The purpose of the Appropriate Assessment of the Plan is not only to assess the implications of this Plan on European Sites and their qualifying features of interest occurring within its zone of influence, but also to provide safeguards that aim to minimise the ecological implications of the Plan and avoid likely significant effects to European Sites. This was completed by identifying any elements of the Plan and the current Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown CDP that aim to protect the natural environment. 3.5


Information relied upon included the following information sources, which included maps, ecological and water quality data:


Online data available on European sites as held by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) from;

GIS based ecological datasets held by the NPWS;

GIS based ecological datasets held by Clare County Council;

Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023 – 2029 Natura Impact Statement;


The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the draft LECP was carried out concurrently with the NIS. There were several areas of overlap and in accordance with good practice in terms of the following stages: •

Sharing of baseline data gathering and sharing, data on European sites and potential sensitivities and threats.

Objectives that will result in land use activities were examined by the NIS team for potential adverse effects on integrity of the European Sites in terms of their



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Conservation Objectives but also any other ecological impacts outside of the European site scale were highlighted to the SEA team for them to address in the SEA process. •


SEA team was able to highlight potential interactions between other environmental issues such as water quality and infrastructure and the sensitivities of European sites to the NIS team.


The criteria used to examine the potential for the draft LECP to result in adverse effects to European Site followed that used for the Appropriate Assessment of the draft Clare County Development Plan 2023 - 2029. The purpose of an Appropriate Assessment is to examine the potential for a land use plan to result in land use activities that could compromise the conservation objectives of a European Site. For many conservation objectives that that have been given sitespecificity, they are themselves broken down into a series of attributes and targets for each Qualifying Interest.

To make the assessment process efficient and manageable without losing quality of analysis, the Conservation Objectives were distilled to five common themes that could then be used as assessment criteria to examine each Objective that has been identified as having the potential to result in likely significant effects to European Sites. Each of the five criteria was quite general in nature which allows an easier assessment but also resulted in a very light “trigger” for the potential for adverse effects on integrity of European Sites to be identified.

The common themes which have become the five assessment criteria for the analysis of zoning parcels are described below:

1. Is the site located within 6km of a Lesser Horseshoe Bat Roost SAC? This criterion refers to the potential impact that development can have on foraging areas, roosts and flight paths used by this Annex II/IV species. County Clare is a stronghold for this species and development both in isolation and when viewed in combination can h ave adverse effects. Research carried out on this species has suggested that the majority of feeding activity takes place within 2-3km of roosts during the year with occasional movements in excess of 4km (Bontadina, 2002; Biggane, 2003). The core sustenance zone for lesser horseshoe bats is also considered to be up to 2.5km surrounding roost



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

sites (NPWS, 2018). This distance can reduce down to a few hundred metres in the birthing season whilst larger scale movements of up to 15km are not unreasonable when bats move between winter and summer roosts. For the purposes of identifying a zone of influence, a precautionary value of 6km was applied to identify a theoretical maximum foraging range.

2. Are there hydrological/hydrogeological

linkages between Objectives and

European sites and potential for impacts arising to and from surface, ground and coastal water quality? European sites in County Clare host a range of freshwater (surface and ground) and marine-dependent QIs and SCIs. These QI’s and special conservation interests are reliant on freshwater, groundwater and/or coastal water quality. Therefore, any Objectives that could directly or indirectly affect water quality or supply could potentially affect the European site.

3. Will there be a risk of direct habitat loss or loss of ecological networks supporting European sites? For example, walking trails and other new development occurring on undeveloped lands within the European sites etc.

4. Will there be a risk of direct or indirect disturbance to European site habitats and/or species? Even though many of the land use activities that form Planning Authorityrt of the Objectives of the draft LECP may not be directly within European sites they could affect European Site and their Qualifying Interest (Qis) via indirect disturbance, e.g., recreation at coastal sites, river walkways, noise disturbance due to construction. 5. Will there be a risk of direct or indirect threats to European sites by invasive species? Many freshwater and terrestrial European sites are vulnerable to the adverse effects of invasive species introductions and land use activities associated with certain Objectives will have the potential to result in the spread of such species (e.g. lake-based recreational activity).


OVERVIEW OF THE COUNTY CLARE LECP The LECP is being prepared for County Clare. The primary aim of the LECP is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic 7


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

development and the local and community development of the relevant local authority area, in this case Clare County Council, both by the Local Authority directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders through the Local Community Development Committee. The LECP is an important way to set out how Local Government and other stakeholders can work together to ensure that their initiatives, programmes and projects support an improved quality of life for people living and working in the county. The LECP Guidelines (2021) form part of the statutory responsibilities assigned to the Minister for Rural and Community Development (DRCD), under the Local Government Reform Act of 2014, to support the development and implementation of the LECP. The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) is charged with oversight of the Economic Elements of the LECP. The development of each LECP is informed by the overall vision for Local Government as set out in Putting People First: Action Programme for Effective Local Government, the need “to promote the well-being and quality of life of citizens and communities”. The LECP Guidelines (2021) state the plan preparation process should consist of two parts including; a) the development of an overall LECP framework detailing the High -Level Goals and Sustainable Community and Economic Objectives as well as consideration of outcomes and high-level indicators for the 6-year LECP period. Consideration of any potential actions should form part of the development of the High-Level Goals and Objectives in the LECP framework but the detailing of prioritised actions as well as specific performance indicators and commitment to their implementation is a function of the implementation plan. b) The development of Implementation Plans to detail the inputs, actions and resources required for that implementation plan period as well as relevant specific key performance indictors to facilitate evaluation.

The main features of the LECP are the provision of High-Level Goals for the integrated plan which will be supported by specific Sustainable Objectives under respective economic and community streams.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

The Plan will have to comply, as relevant, with various legislation, policies, plans and programmes (including requirements for lower-tier Appropriate Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecological Impact Assessment and requirements as appropriate) that form the statutory decision-making and consent granting. The LECP is required to align with and sit alongside the County Development Plan in terms of the county-level planning hieracrhy and as such actions arising from the LECP will demonstrate compliance with the environmental protection measures in the Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 and SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Report



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement





Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

County Clare is situated on the west coast of Ireland, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Shannon Estuary to the south, Lough Derg to the east and Galway Bay to the north. The County is located mainly within the Shannon International River Basin District, with a small area to the north of the County located in the Western River Basin District.

The County has a diverse topography varying from limestone pavement, to the extensive upland forested areas, estuarial mudflats, high Atlantic cliffs, inland lakes and waterways and fertile plains. Much of the County is underlain with limestone which is highly permeable. Habitats and species of particular note within the County include: limestone pavements, associated orchid and calcareous species rich grassland, estuarine habitats, turloughs, Lesser Horseshoe bats, Barnacle Geese and the Bottlenose Dolphin. The Plan covers an area of 318,784 ha, with a coastline of 360km in length. The County has a population of 117,196 (2011). It has a well-developed road and rail infrastructure, an International Airport and a network of villages and large towns. It has a strong industrial base and is in close proximity to the cities of Limerick and Galway.

There are 37 Special Areas of Conservation and 10 Special Protection Areas within County Clare ranging from the coastal sites at the Cliffs of Moher to the inland sites of the East Burren Complex. There are also a multitude of small sites designated for caves and structures that support the Annex II species, Lesser Horseshoe Bats. As well as within Co. Clare there are a high number of European Site bordering the county within a 15km buffer zone surrounding the county boundary. The rationale for referring to this distance is outlined in Section 5.2. Spatial boundary data for the European site network used was the most up-to-date available, updated and accessed in June 2020. All European Sites which were deemed to be within the zone of influence of the potential implications of the draft LECP are listed in Table A2.1 in Appendix 2.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :


Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final


In order to identify the European Sites that could be significantly affected by the implementation of the draft LECP an initial long-list of all sites occurring within County Clare and in a 15km radius surrounding the County has been compiled. The establishment of a 15km buffer area surrounding County Clare is in line with the DAHLG recommended procedures for identifying European Sites. The buffer distance of 15km was also considered sufficient to ensure all potential impacts to European Sites arising from the implementation of the plan were taken into account. In practice the designation of an immoveable reference distance is not deemed to be useful as Qualifying Interests/Special Conservation Interests have different sensitivities. For example, Lesser horseshoe bats are most significantly affected by changes to habitats within 2.5km of their roosts (NPWS, 2018) whereas Atlantic Salmon could be affected by changes in water quality well over 15km away. Therefore whilst a reference distance of 15km has been used for diagrammatic purposes, within the assessment analyses there are references to the Aran Islands which are outside the 15km zone but no references to several European sites within 15km in cases where there was no reasonable linkage to these sites. 5.3


As noted in Section 3.7 above the function of this NIS is to determine whether the Plan could have significant effects on the European Sites occurring within its zone of influence, in view of the Conservation Objectives for the qualifying features of interest/special conservation interests of these European Sites that also occur within the zone of influence of the project. Generic Conservation Objectives have been published for all European Sites occurring in Ireland. The generic Conservation Objectives for SAC and their qualifying habitats and qualifying species are: •

To maintain the Annex I habitats for which the SAC has been selected at favourable conservation status;

To maintain the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected at favourable conservation status;

To maintain the extent, species richness and biodiversity of the entire site; and 11


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

To establish effective liaison and co-operation with landowners, legal users and relevant authorities.

The generic Conservation Objectives for SPAs and their special conservation interests are:

To maintain the bird species of special conservation interest, for which the SPA has been designated, at favourable conservation status. Favourable Conservation status of a habitat is achieved when: •

Its natural range, and area it covers within that range, are stable or increasing;

The specific structure and functions which are necessary for its long term maintenance exist and are likely to continue to exist for the foreseeable future; and

The conservation status of its typical species is “favourable”. Favourable Conservation status of a species is achieved when: •

Population dynamics data on the species concerned indicate that it is maintaining itself on a long-term basis as a viable component of its natural habitats;

The natural range of the species is neither being reduced nor is likely to be reduced for the foreseeable future; and

There is, and will probably continue to be, a sufficiently large habitat to maintain its populations on a long-term basis.

In addition to the published generic Conservation Objectives for all European Sites, Site Specific Conservation Objectives (SSCOs) have been published for a number of individual European Sites. These SSCOs identify the attributes that underpin the conservation status of qualifying features of interest/special conservation interests and provide targets for ensuring that their favourable status is maintained and/or restored. As outlined in Section 3.7 above five assessment criteria have been used during this NIS that aim to capture the attributes and targets that underpin the site-specific conservation objectives for European Site. These five criteria are used to examine the potential for land use activities associated with Objectives to result in adverse effects to European Sites.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final




ELEMENTS OF THE LECP WITH POTENTIAL TO RESULT IN ADVERSE EFECTS The actions of the LECP have been examined for their potential to result in land use effects, which in turn could contribute, in the absence appropriate safeguards and consideration, to adverse effects to European Sites. All Objectives of the LECP are set out in Appendix 1. A total of 5 objectives have been identified as having the potential to support future land use activities that could in turn result in adverse effects to European Sites. It is noted that objectives of the LECP are strategic in nature and lack specificity with regard to nature and location of future land use activities that may be supported by the 5 no. objectives listed in Table 6.1 below. As such the identification of potential adverse effects is based on a consideration of conceivable land use activities that could arise as a result of the supporting policy framework established by the LECP. The consideration of such adverse effects is set out in Table 6.1 below. Figure 6.1: LECP Objectives Identified as havingPote to Contribute to Adverse Effects to European Sites

Objective No.


Objective 1.6

To take all available actions to ensure that the people in Clare have access to secure housing and accommodation suitable for their needs.


Adverse Effects The provision of secure housing and accommodation can comprise a range of actions including the development of new residential housing stock. In many instances new residential developments can have the potential to influence the status of European Sites. In general, such developments are not situated within European Sites but can be connected to such sites via impact pathways. Most commonly such impact pathway are mediated by hydrological pathways and the potential for new residential developments to result in the emission of poor quality and inadequately treate surface water runoff and/or foul waters. The European Sites that are sensitive to such negative effects to water are those that include freshwater 24/10/2023

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

or coastal qualifying habitats and species.

Objective: 3.3

To support viable and busy town and village centres which function as sustainable communities and which are linked to rural hinterlands.

Objective: 3.5

To put in place an inclusive, reliable and improved universal access Public Transport System to provide connectivity and access to services across the County.

Objective: 4.4

To sustainably manage economic, social, and recreational potential of the Wild Atlantic Way, Hidden Heartlands and the Shannon Estuary while protecting the coastal zone and its biodiversity and adapting to and managing the challenges and opportunities of climate change.

Objective: 5.4

Within the limits of our carbon emissions targets to encourage and support the sustainable development of our renewable natural resources for the benefit of all.


By supporting viable ad busy towns and villages the LECP The implementation of this objectives could concevably result in the support of new infrastructure to meet the aims of the objective. The provision of such infrastructure, should it be located within European Sites will have potential to result in direct impacts such as habitat loss or habitat degradation or indirect impacts such as habitat and species disturbance and changes in key indicators of conservation status such as water quality. Whilst it is noted that this objective has embedded within it a commitment to the protection of the coastal zone and biodiversity, with appropriate safeguards and due consideration the management of economic, social and recreational potential of the target areas specified in this objective will have the potential to contribute towards adverse effects to European Sites. The areas targeted by this action such as the County Clare coastline and the Shannon Estuary are subject to a number of European Site designation. Any land use activities facilitated under this objective could conceivably result pose a risk of adverse effects to these European Sites such as habitat loss, degradation or indirect impacts such as habitat and species disturbance and changes in key indicators of conservation status such as water quality. The harnessing of renewable natural resources generally requires infrastructural development. In many instances new infrastructure developments can have the potential to influence the status of European Sites. 24/10/2023

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

In general, the majority of past examples of such developments have been situated outside of European Sites. Notwithstanding this such developments can be connected to European Sites via impact pathways. Most commonly such impact pathway are mediated by hydrological pathways and the potential for new renewable natural resource developments to result in the emission of poor quality and inadequately treated surface water runoff and/or foul waters. These developmentts can also, if sited inappropriately result in disturbance, habitat loss or fatalities to mobile species e.g., birds and lesser horseshoe bats that are represetnative of features of interest of European Sites.


IDENTIFICATION OF THE NATURE OF ADVERSE EFFECTS The potential impacts of the implementation of the LECP Objectives listed in Table 6.1 to European Site is examined in Table 6.2 below by evaluating the potential for each of these Objectives to result in adverse effects to the 5 assessment criteria.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Table 6.1: Identification of adverse effects to the Qualifying Features/Special Conservation Interests of European Sites


Objective 1.6

Lesser horseshoe bat roost SAC

Yes. New residential developments that could be supported by this objective can result in the loss of foraging and/or commuting habitats relied upon by lesser horseshoe bat SAC populations which such developments are located within the core sustenance zone of such an SAC.

Hydrological pathway to European Site whose conservation objectives are reliant on surface, ground and coasal water quality Yes. County Clare supports a high number of European Sites that support freshwater and coastal dependent qualifying habitat and species. These qualifying habitat and species are reliant on good water quality and new development, that could be supported by this objective could, in the absence of suitable safeguards, have the potential to result inperturbations to water quality with downstream impacts to qualifying habitats and species.


Direct habitat loss of European Site

Direct or indirect disturbance to European Site habitat and/or species

Direct or indirect impacts to European Site from invasive species

Given that residential developments are not generally located within European Site designation or within examples of qualifying habitat within European Sites any infrastructure developments supported by this action is not predicted to result in the direct loss of qualifying habitats of SACs or SPAs.

Yes. The provision of residential developments supported by the objective will have the potential to result in direct and indirect disturbance to qualifying habitat or species where the development site is connected to such habitats or the habitats relied upon by such species via impact pathways such watercourse etc.

Yes. In the event that residential developments supported by the objective result are located in areas that are already infested by non-native invasive species, the potential will exist for their spread.


Client: Project Title: Document Title :


Objective: 3.3

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Lesser horseshoe bat roost SAC

Yes. Developments associated with the provision of viable town and village centre and linkages to the rural hinterland that could be supported by this objective can result in the loss of foraging and/or commuting habitats relied upon by lesser horseshoe bat SAC populations which such developments are located within the core sustenance zone of such an SAC.

Date: Document Issue:

Hydrological pathway to European Site whose conservation objectives are reliant on surface, ground and coasal water quality Yes. County Clare supports a high number of European Sites that support freshwater and coastal dependent qualifying habitat and species. These qualifying habitat and species are reliant on good water quality and new development, that could be supported by this objective could, in the absence of suitable safeguards, have the potential to result inperturbations to water quality with downstream impacts to qualifying habitats and species.


October 2023 Final

Direct habitat loss of European Site

Direct or indirect disturbance to European Site habitat and/or species

Direct or indirect impacts to European Site from invasive species

Whilst town and village centres are not located within European Sites boundaries, development associated with the provision of linkages to the rural hinterland could overlap with European Sites. In the event of such overlap the potential could arise for the loss of qualifying habitat under circumstances where due consideration and safeguards do not inform such developments.

Yes. The provision of developments supported by the objective will have the potential to result in direct and indirect disturbance to qualifying habitat or species where the development site is connected to such habitats or the habitats relied upon by such species via impact pathways such watercourse etc.

Yes. In the event that developments supported by the objective result are located in areas that are already infested by nonnative invasive species, the potential will exist for their spread.


Client: Project Title: Document Title :


Objective: 3.5

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Lesser horseshoe bat roost SAC

Yes. Developments associated with the provision of public transport and linkages to the rural hinterland that could be supported by this objective can result in the loss of foraging and/or commuting habitats relied upon by lesser horseshoe bat SAC populations which such developments are located within the core sustenance zone of such an SAC.

Date: Document Issue:

Hydrological pathway to European Site whose conservation objectives are reliant on surface, ground and coasal water quality Yes. County Clare supports a high number of European Sites that support freshwater and coastal dependent qualifying habitat and species. These qualifying habitat and species are reliant on good water quality and new development, that could be supported by this objective could, in the absence of suitable safeguards, have the potential to result inperturbations to water quality with downstream impacts to qualifying habitats and species.


October 2023 Final

Direct habitat loss of European Site

Direct or indirect disturbance to European Site habitat and/or species

Direct or indirect impacts to European Site from invasive species

Whilst development associated with the provision public transport and linkages to the rural hinterland could overlap with European Sites. In the event of such overlap the potential could arise for the loss of qualifying habitat under circumstances where due consideration and safeguards do not inform such developments.

Yes. The provision of developments supported by the objective will have the potential to result in direct and indirect disturbance to qualifying habitat or species where the development site is connected to such habitats or the habitats relied upon by such species via impact pathways such watercourse etc.

Yes. In the event that developments supported by the objective result are located in areas that are already infested by nonnative invasive species, the potential will exist for their spread.


Client: Project Title: Document Title :


Objective: 4.4

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Lesser horseshoe bat roost SAC

Yes. Developments associated with targeting the economic, social and recreational potential of the County Clare coastline, hidden heartland and Shanon Estuary that could be supported by this objective can result in the loss of foraging and/or commuting habitats relied upon by lesser horseshoe bat SAC populations which such developments are located within the core sustenance zone of such an SAC.

Date: Document Issue:

Hydrological pathway to European Site whose conservation objectives are reliant on surface, ground and coasal water quality Yes. County Clare supports a high number of European Sites along its coastline and within its hidden heartland and Shanon Estuary. Many of these European Sites support freshwater and coastal dependent qualifying habitat and species. These qualifying habitat and species are reliant on good water quality and new development, that could be supported by this objective could, in the absence of suitable safeguards, have the potential to result inperturbations to water quality with downstream impacts to qualifying habitats and species.


October 2023 Final

Direct habitat loss of European Site

Direct or indirect disturbance to European Site habitat and/or species

Direct or indirect impacts to European Site from invasive species

Yes. Developments associated with targeting the economic, social and recreational potential of the County Clare coastline, hidden heartland and Shanon Estuary could overlap with European Sites. In the event of such overlap the potential could arise for the loss of qualifying habitat under circumstances where due consideration and safeguards do not inform such developments.

Yes. The provision of developments supported by the objective will have the potential to result in direct and indirect disturbance to qualifying habitat or species where the development site is connected to such habitats or the habitats relied upon by such species via impact pathways such watercourse etc.

Yes. In the event that developments supported by the objective result are located in areas that are already infested by nonnative invasive species, the potential will exist for their spread.


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Lesser horseshoe bat roost SAC

Objective: 5.4

Yes. Developments associated with the provision of infrastructure to harness renewable natural resources that could be supported by this objective can result in the loss of foraging and/or commuting habitats relied upon by lesser horseshoe bat SAC populations which such developments are located within the core sustenance zone of such an SAC.

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Hydrological pathway to European Site whose conservation objectives are reliant on surface, ground and coasal water quality Yes. County Clare supports a high number of European Sites that support freshwater and coastal dependent qualifying habitat and species. These qualifying habitat and species are reliant on good water quality and new development, that could be supported by this objective could, in the absence of suitable safeguards, have the potential to result inperturbations to water quality with downstream impacts to qualifying habitats and species.


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Direct habitat loss of European Site

Direct or indirect disturbance to European Site habitat and/or species

Direct or indirect impacts to European Site from invasive species

Whilst development associated with the provision of infrastructure to harness renewable natural resources could overlap with European Sites. In the event of such overlap the potential could arise for the loss of qualifying habitat under circumstances where due consideration and safeguards do not inform such developments.

Yes. The provision of developments supported by the objective will have the potential to result in direct and indirect disturbance to qualifying habitat or species where the development site is connected to such habitats or the habitats relied upon by such species via impact pathways such watercourse etc.

Yes. In the event that developments supported by the objective result are located in areas that are already infested by nonnative invasive species, the potential will exist for their spread.


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This Section provides an outline of the potential cumulative effects of the draft LECP in-combination with other plans and projects. There is potential for a wide range of plans and project to combine with the draft LECP. Table 6.2 below provides a non-exhaustive list of the Plans that were identified during the Screening for Appropriate Assessment as representing those most likely to combine with the LECP to result in potential cumulative effects. An assessment for potential cumulative effects to arise is provided for each of the Plans listed in Table 6.2. Table 6.2: Assessment For Potential Cumulative Effects With Other Plans & Projects



Cumulative effects


The purpose of the NPF is to provide a focal point for

A NIR was prepared for


spatial plans throughout the planning hierarchy. It

this plan and an


will provide a framework for the new Regional

Appropriate Assessment

Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSESs) by the three

was completed. The

Regional Assemblies and the associated enhancement

Appropriate Assessment

of the economic development focus of local

concluded that, subject to

authorities as per the Local Government Reform Act

mitigation measures

2014. The draft NPF will co- ordinate the strategic

proposed in the NIR, there

planning of urban and rural areas in a regional

will be no adverse effects

development context to secure overall proper

to the integrity of any

planning and development as well as co-ordination of

European Sites as a result

the RSES’s and city/ county development plans in

of the implementation of

addition to local economic and community plans and

this Plan.

local area plans and other local development.


The RSES is a strategic plan which identifies regional

A NIR was prepared for

Spatial &

assets, opportunities and pressures and provides

this plan and concluded


appropriate policy responses in the form of Regional

that, subject to mitigation


Policy Objectives. At this strategic level it provides a

measures proposed in the

framework for investment to better manage spatial

NIR, there will be no

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Cumulative effects

planning and economic development throughout the

adverse effects to the


integrity of any European Sites as a result of the implementation of this Plan.

Clare County

The objectives of draft LECP that were identified as

No in‐combination


having the potential to result in likely significant

impacts were predicted as


effects to European Site are also reflected in the

a result of implementation

objectives of the CDP. For instance, the CDP contains

of the Plan.

objectives to provide for the sustainable economic and social development of County Clare, its towns and villages and its rural hinterland.

These objectives as well as all other objectives of the Clare County Development Plan were subject to a full Appropriate Assessment and SEA. Certain objectives of the CDP were identified as having potential to result in likely significant effects to European Site. Mitigation measures have been provided as part of the CDP to ensure that such effects are avoided at the plan level. The final assessment of the CDP found that with the implementation of all relevant mitigaiton measures the CDP will not have the potential to combine with other plans or projects to result in negative impacts to European Site.


These plans were subject to full SEA and AA and

No in‐combination


concluded that subject to full adherence and

impacts were predicted as



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Cumulative effects


implementation of all measures and particularly those

a result of implementation


that aim to safeguard the environment, there will be

of the Plans

no potential for adverse effects to European Sites.


Some Objectives of the draft LECP that were

No in‐combination


identified as having the potential to result in likely

impacts were predicted as


significant effects also form part of the SIFP.

a result of implementation


Particularly the SIFP contains objectives for the

of the Plans


provision of pier facilities with the capacity to cater for cruise ships at Cahercon. The SIFP also contains measures that seek to improve transport links with Ennis, Shannon and Limerick. The potential for these objectives to result in likely significant effects to European Site were assessed as part of the Appropriate Assessment of the SIFP. Mitigation measures were outlined in the SIFP and the Appropriate Assessment concluded that provided all mitigation measures are implemented there will be no potential for the SIFP to combine with other plans or projects to result in negative impacts to European Sites.


The River Shannon Tourism Masterplan includes

No in‐combination


objectives for enhancing on-water visitor experiences,

impacts were predicted as

for the

providing for walking and cycling infrastructure etc.

a result of implementation


Many of the freshwater-based objectives outlined in

of the Plans


the draft LECP overlap with those included in the Tourism Masterplan for the Shannon Region. This Masterplan has been subject to Appropriate



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Cumulative effects

Assessment and the potential for likely significant effects to European Site have been identified. Mitigation measures have been outlined for the masterplan and the Appropriate Assessment has concluded that, with the implementation of all mitigation measures, the masterplan will not have the potential to result in likely significant effects to European Site.

Burren and

The Burren and Cliffs of Moher Experience

No in‐combination

Cliffs of

Development Plan outlines objectives for the future

impacts were predicted as

Moher Visitor

development and promotion of the area. the draft

a result of implementation


LECP contains a number of Objectives that overlap

of the Plans


with the objectives of this development plan. The

Plan (2019)

development has been subject to Appropriate Assessment and the potential for likely significant effects to European Site have been identified. Mitigation measures have been outlined for the masterplan and the Appropriate Assessment has concluded that, with the implementation of all mitigation measures, the masterplan will not have the potential to result in likely significant effects to European Site.

The Holy

This management plan seeks to develop Holy Island

No in‐combination

Island Visitor

as a visitor destination area. The freshwater lake-

impacts were predicted as

and Tourism

based objectives associated with Objectives 17 of the

a result of implementation

draft LECP overlap with the objectives of this

of the Plans

management plan. The management plan was subject



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to Appropriate Assessment and the potential for likely

Plan (2017)

significant effects to European Site have been

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Cumulative effects

identified. Mitigation measures have been outlined for the masterplan and the Appropriate Assessment has concluded that, with the implementation of all mitigation measures, the masterplan will not have the potential to result in likely significant effects to European Site.



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MITIGATION MEASURES Given that the LECP is required to align with and sit alongside the Clare County Development Plan 2023 -2029 in terms of planning hierarchy applicable to the county it follows that all environmental safeguards set out in the County Development Plan will be applicable to the safeguarding European Sites from potential adverse effects identified for the LECP.

The following subsections below sets out the suite of mitigation measures to ensure the Clare LECP does not give rise to significant environmental effects.

All mitigation measures included in the following section are relevant to the protection of European Sites and their qualifying features of interest/special conservation interests. All general mitigation measures that provide safeguards to biodiversity in general are also included in the list of mitigation measures outlined in the following section. 7.1

MITIGATION MEASURES FROM DRAFT CLARE CDP 2023-2029 The policies and objectives set out in the Clare County Development Plan (2023-2029) that will provide safeguards for the potential adverse impacts that could arise out of land use activities supported by the LECP are outlined in Table 7.1 below. Table 7.1: Cloare County Development Plan 2023 – 2029 Mitigation Measures



CDP 3.1

It is an objective of the Clare County Council: a) To require compliance with the objectives and requirements of the Habitats Directive, specifically Article 6(3) and where necessary


6(4), Birds, Water Framework, and all other relevant EU Directives and all relevant


transposing national legislation; b) To require project planning to be fully informed by


ecological and environmental constraints at the earliest stage of project development and


any necessary assessment to be undertaken, including assessments of disturbance to


species, where required together with the preparation of both statutory and non-Statutory



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Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA); c) To protect, manage and enhance ecological


connectivity and improve the coherence of the Natura 2000 Network; d) To require all


proposals to ensure there is ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity within developments 70 Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 d) To ensure that European sites and Natural Heritage Areas (designated proposed NHAs) are appropriately protected; e) To require the preparation and assessment of all Plans and Projects to have regard to the information, data and requirements of the Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Report, SEA Environmental Report and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report contained in Volume 10 of this Development Plan; and f) to require compliance with the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and support the implementation of the 3rd Cycle River Basin Management Plan (and any other iteration during the lifetime of the CDP).



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To facilitate the housing needs of the existing

Facilitating the

and future population of County Clare through the management of housing development

Housing Needs

throughout the county in accordance with the Urban and Rural Settlement Strategy; b) To


monitor and review the effectiveness of the Housing Strategy in meeting and resolving



identified housing needs; and c) To prioritise the reuse of existing housing stock in the Plan area and the renovation and re-use of obsolete, vacant and derelict homes

CDP 5.3 Living

It is an objective of the Development Plan: a) To encourage the reuse of upper floors above

in our Towns

commercial premises for residential accommodation; b) To promote the retention of town

and Villages

centre residential units and to discourage their subdivision into smaller units or conversion into non-residential uses; c) To encourage the development of new residential accommodation in or adjoining town centres and to ensure that such developments provide a range of accommodation types and tenures and a high level of residential amenity; d) To support the procurement of vacant town centre residential property by Clare County Council to ensure its continued use for residential purposes into the future; and e) To support opportunities for the delivery of serviced sites for housing within towns and villages



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DP5.4 Use of

It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To work with the National Land Agency,

public lands

other public bodies and capital spending departments and agencies to coordinate and secure the best use of lands in public ownership; and b) To promote the renewal of underutilised strategic areas to assist in the effective regeneration of places identified as being most in need



It is an objective of the Development Plan: a) To ensure that green areas associated with


new residential developments enrich the quality of life of local residents and provide


ecologically-rich areas that enhance biodiversity and contribute to the green infrastructure



network in the County; and b) To facilitate and encourage community stakeholders to


repurpose underutilised pockets within existing residential areas for the enhancement of biodiversity and green infrastructure.



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To contribute to the economic development

Energy supply

and enhanced employment opportunities in the county by: i) Enabling the development of a self-sustaining, secure, reliable and efficient renewable energy supply and storage for the County in line with CDP Objective 3.3; ii) Facilitating the county to become a leader in the production of sustainable and renewable energy for national and international consumption through research, technology development and innovation; and iii) Supporting on-land and off-shore renewable energy production by a range of appropriate technologies in line with CDP Objective 3.3



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To support the development of industries that


create and employ green technologies and take measures to accelerate the transition


towards a low carbon economy and circular economy. b) To support the development of social enterprises and the circular economy within local communities to benefit environmental protection, employment generation and community development



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CDP 8.1 Rural

It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To work with all relevant stakeholders to


deliver the actions identified under the Our Rural Future: Rural Development Policy 2021-


2025 and the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022 (and any subsequent programmes). b) To promote and support the development and implementation of a Rural Town Stimulus Programme and to seek investment from sources such as the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund to support regeneration and economic growth in rural areas of County Clare; c) To harness the potential of shared learning and good practice from European Programmes and policy to assist rural development; and d) To further develop a diverse base of smart economic specialisms involving innovation and diversification in rural areas, in agriculture, the marine, forestry, peatlands, renewable energy, tourism (leveraging the opportunities from the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands corridors), social enterprise, circular economy, knowledge economy, global business services, fin-tech, specialised engineering, heritage, arts and culture, design and craft Industries as dynamic drivers for the rural economy.

CDP 8.6 Rural

It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To support the retention and enhancement of


existing rural transport services in County Clare and the expansion of the Local Link Rural Transport Programme by the National Transport Authority in the following manner: • Seek further integration with other public transport services, including HSE and school transport • Better linkage of services between towns, villages and rural areas • Ensure fully accessible vehicles operate on all services • Enhance the customer experience • Increase patronage among children and young people • Encourage innovation in the service b) To support the provision of new rural transportation initiatives which provide greater accessibility between towns and villages and all rural areas; c) To encourage the development of ‘hub and spoke’ rural transport services at key locations in order to support the integration of local and regional transport services; and d) To support the provision of regular express bus services throughout the County and to encourage private-public partnership in the provision of more widespread rural bus services

CDP Tourism


It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To permit tourism-related developments and facilities inside existing settlements where the scale and size of the proposed development



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is appropriate and in keeping with the character of the settlement, subject to normal site


suitability considerations; b) To permit tourism-related developments outside of settlements



where there is a clear need for the specific location and the benefits to the local community are balanced with any potential environmental impact; c) To ensure that development of new or enhanced tourism infrastructure and facilities include an assessment of the environmental sensitivities of the area including an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) if required in order to avoid adverse impacts on the receiving environment; and d) To work with the relevant authorities to develop specific monitoring protocols for visitor pressure on the county's natural, archaeological and built heritage asset and to ensure that tourism activities are maintained within sustainable limits for the European sites in the county



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To ensure that future development proposals


contribute to the creation of sustainable communities throughout County Clare; and b) To


work in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders to facilitate the planning and delivery of accessible community facilities throughout the County



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To facilitate the implementation of the River


Basin Management Plan 2022-2027 and any subsequent plan for ground, surface, estuarine,


coastal and transitional waters in the Plan area as part of the implementation of the EU

Directive and

Water Framework Directive; b) To protect groundwater and surface water resources in


accordance with the statutory requirements and specific measures as set out in the River



Basin Management Plan 2022-2027, and any subsequent management plans; c) To achieve and maintain at least good water quality status for all water bodies except where more stringent obligations are required such as Blue Dot/High Status Objective Water Bodies; d) To consider development proposals where it can be clearly demonstrated that the development will meet the requirements of the River Basin Management Plan; and e) To work with and support LAWPRO and support improvements/recommendations within Priority Areas for Action, Blue Dot/High Status Objective catchments and any additional areas identified within subsequent River Basin Management Plans.



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It is an objective of the Clare County Council: a) To support the protection and


improvement of the quality of drinking water sources in line with the requirements of the


Water Framework Directive; b) To ensure that developments that would have an unacceptable impact on water resources, including surface water and groundwater quality and quantity, designated sources protection areas, estuarine, coastal transitional waters, river corridors and associated wetlands will not be permitted; c) To ensure the efficient and sustainable use and development of water resources and water services infrastructure in order to manage and conserve water resources in a manner that supports a healthy society, economic development requirements and a cleaner environment; d) In areas of potable groundwater resources or over vulnerable aquifer areas, to consider development proposals only if the applicant can clearly demonstrate that the proposed development will not pose a risk to the quality of the underlying groundwater; e) To protect groundwater resources, in accordance with statutory requirements and specific measures as set out in the National River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027; f) To work with and support Uisce Éireann, the Group Water Scheme Sector and LAWPRO in identifying public drinking water sources vulnerable to climate change and develop source protection or alternative sources, in order to maintain water quantity and quality levels; g) To consider proposals for development which infringe on a river boundary, or an associated habitat, including their connection by groundwater, only where it can be clearly demonstrated that: • The character of the area will be conserved; • An acceptable physical riparian zone will be maintained; and • There will be no deterioration of water body status; h) To work with Uisce Éireann to find a sustainable and longterm solution for the production, minimisation beneficial reuse of water sludge as a by-product in order to minimise risk to human health and the environment



Waste Management CDP11.35 It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To support


and facilitate the implementation of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan ‘A New Circular


Economy Action Plan for a Cleaner More Competitive Europe’ (2020), the EU Raw Material Initiative, A Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy – Ireland’s National Waste Policy 2020- 2025 and the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021; b) To support and promote circular economy principles prioritising prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery, to support a healthy environment, economy and society; c) To encourage and facilitate the development of new options and technological advances in relation to waste 31


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management; d) To support the development of waste recycling facilities at appropriate locations in County Clare as a means of facilitating a reduction in the quantity of waste that goes to landfill disposal sites; e) To promote environmental awareness measures and action programmes to ensure good environmental awareness and practices, the recycling of waste, water management, and energy conservation; f) To have regard to ‘Best Practice Guidelines for the Preparation of Resource Management Plans for Construction & Demolition Projects’ (EPA 2021) and any subsequent guidelines in the management of waste from construction and demolition projects and to require the submission of a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan for projects in excess of the following thresholds: • New residential developments of 10 houses or more, • Other new developments, including institutional, educational, health and other public facilities, with an aggregate floor area in excess of 1,250m2, • Demolition/renovation/refurbishment projects generating in excess of 100m3 in volume of construction and demolition waste, 280 Civil engineering projects producing in excess of 500m3 of waste, excluding waste materials used for development works on the site. The Council may also require the submission of Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plans for other developments, and this will be managed through the preplanning consultation and planning application processes; g) To require proposals for brownfield regeneration in strategic locations to be accompanied by a site risk assessment and a clear waste plan for any wastes arising, including consideration of hazardous or contaminated material; and h) To support and facilitate the repurposing of previous landfill sites and where appropriate their reuse for community or recreational purposes.



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To require proposals for development that

Light pollution

include the provision of external lighting, to clearly demonstrate that the lighting scheme is the minimum needed for security and working purposes; b) To ensure that external lighting and lighting schemes are designed so that the incidence of light spillage is minimised ensuring that the amenities of adjoining properties, wildlife and the surrounding environment are protected; and c) To require that external lighting is designed taking the Bat Conservation Ireland Guidance Notes for: planners, engineers, architects and developers on bats and lighting into consideration, together with EUROBATS Guidelines for consideration of bats in lighting projects



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It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To facilitate appropriate development which


is compatible with the areas of the Estuary which are designated under the Habitats and


Birds Directives, whilst ensuring that the environment is protected, conserved and

Estuary as an

maintained and where possible restored, ensuring the dual goals of economic development


and environmental conservation can be achieved; b) To ensure that all proposed


developments shall be in accordance the Birds and Habitats Directive, Water Framework

Building the

Directive and all other relevant EC Directives; c) To ensure that all proposed developments do not compromise the achievement of the objectives of the River Basin Management Plans, prepared in accordance with the Water Framework Directive and the Flood Risk Management Plans prepared in accordance with the Floods Directive; d) To work in partnership with all relevant statutory and other bodies to support and facilitate the preparation of an Integrated Environmental Management Plan for the Shannon Estuary; and e) To work in partnership with all relevant authorities to support the preparation of a site-specific conservation management plan for the Lower River Shannon cSAC taking into consideration the status of the Shannon Estuary as a Marine Protected Area



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To promote the sustainable development of


the potential of the marine environment; b) To foster opportunities for innovation in the


maritime economy and drive forward the County as a first mover under the National Marine

in coastal areas

Planning Framework (NMPF) and the Draft Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan II (or any finalised version of same), while preserving the environmental and ecological conservation status of our marine natural resource. Close interaction between higher education, state agencies, and enterprise will be facilitated in this regard; and c) To require proposals for development which may impact on a European site to undertake and submit a Natura Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Assessment Report should it be deemed necessary as part of any planning application in accordance with the requirements of the Habitats and EIA Directives


It is an objective of Clare County Council: To work will local communities, relevant


stakeholders and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine to ensure the proper



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and successful implementation of the Shellfish Waters Directive on the County Clare






It is an objective of the Development Plan: To ensure that coastal squeeze is taken into consideration in formulating and assessing coastal development proposals.




It is an objective of the Development Plan: a) To permit maritime development on sites



either on or adjacent to any beach area, only where such developments would not



significantly interfere with the recreational use of the area or would not cause damage or

sand dunes

degradation of the beaches or sand dune system; b) To assist all relevant stakeholders to proactively monitor and manage the dune systems in the County in full compliance with the EU Habitats Directive; and c) To protect the structure and function of sand dunes within the County, (which include Annex I habitats and Annex II species), and to ensure that any permitted development would support the integrity (ecological and visual) of these areas and comply with the requirements of the Habitats and Birds Directives


It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To support coastal initiatives such as the

Bathing Water

Green Coast Award, Clean Coasts and Blue Flag scheme and seek to ensure that coastal


areas and bathing waters are maintained to the highest levels; and b) To work to retain Blue Flag and Green Coast status on beaches currently awarded this status whilst seeking to increase the present number of such beaches.




It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To implement the National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017- 2021, the All Ireland Pollinator Plan 2021-2025, the EU A Farm to Fork Strategy 2020, the County Clare Heritage Plan 2017-2023 and the County Clare Biodiversity Plan 2017- 2023, or any subsequent plans, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders; b) To review the Clare County Heritage Plan 2017-2023 and to prepare a new plan, which will be set within the context of the National Heritage Plan "Heritage Ireland 2030", upon the expiry of the existing adopted Plan; c) To support National Biodiversity Week and events such as Bioblitz in order to increase awareness of biodiversity and its 34


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benefits to the community; d) To ensure that features of importance to local biodiversity are retained as part of developments and projects being undertaken in the County; e) To identify ecological buffer zones, where appropriate, in the Plan area; and f) To support current and future projects with the aim of restoration/rehabilitation of natural habitats and species.


It is an objective of Clare County Council: To support initiatives that enhance and protect


County Clare's unique natural heritage, biodiversity and built heritage assets, recognising


the contribution which education and outreach can play in developing understanding of


biodiversity and heritage in our communities. Such initiatives should secure funding to



support projects in the region in line with the National Biodiversity Action Plan


It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To afford the highest level of protection to all

European Sites

designated European sites in accordance with the relevant Directives and legislation on

Heritage Assets


such matters; b) To require all planning applications for development that may have (or cannot rule out) likely significant effects on European Sites in view of the site’s Conservation Objectives, either in isolation or in combination with other plans or projects, to submit a Natura Impact Statement in accordance with the requirements of the EU Habitats Directive and the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended); and c) To recognise and afford appropriate protection to any new or modified SPAs or SACs that are identified during the lifetime of this Development Plan through the planning application process bearing in mind proposals for development outside of a European site may also have an indirect effect



It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To implement Article 6(3) and where


necessary 6(4) of the Habitats Directive and to ensure that Appropriate Assessment is


carried out in relation to works, plans and projects likely to impact on European sites (SACs and SPAs), whether directly or indirectly or in combination with any other plan(s) or



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project(s); and b) To have regard to Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland


– Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2009 or any updated version.


It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To actively promote the conservation and



protection of areas designated as NHA's (including proposed sites) and to only consider

heritage areas

proposals for development within or affecting an NHA where it can be clearly demonstrated

and proposed

that the proposed development will not have a significant adverse effect on the NHA or


pNHA; and b) To identify and afford appropriate protection to any new, proposed or

heritage areas

modified NHA's identified during the lifetime of the Development Plan;

CDP 15.8 Non-

It is an objective of Clare County Council: a) To ensure the protection and conservation of


areas, sites, species and ecological networks/corridors of biodiversity value outside of




designated sites throughout the County and to require an ecological assessment to accompany development proposals likely to impact on such areas or species; b) To ensure that available habitat mapping is taken into consideration in any ecological assessment undertaken; c) To complete the Habitat Mapping of the County (in accordance with A Guide to Habitats in Ireland - The Heritage Council 2000) in order to identify and record the natural habitats of the County at a detailed level and afford appropriate protection to areas of importance as required; and d) To implement and monitor the actions as set out in the Clare Biodiversity Action Plan and the National Biodiversity Action Plan



It is an objective of the Development Plan: a) To implement the EIA Directive, ensuring


that all elements/stages or components of the project are included in one overall assessment


and all reasonable alternatives are taken into consideration in choosing the option with the


least environmental impact; b) To have regard to “Guidelines for Planning Authorities and An Bord Pleanála on carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments (2018) when considering proposals for which an EIA is required; and c) To ensure full compliance with the requirements of the EU Habitats Directive, SEA Directive and associated legislation/regulations, including the associated European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011), European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) regulations 2004-2011, and the European



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Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1989 – 2011 (or any updated/superseding legislation)



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The following mitigation measure outlined in the Natura Impact Report of the Clare County Development Plan 2023 – 2029 will provide sufficient safeguards to ensure any future development supported by the LECP does not result in adverse effects to European Sites with respect to habitat loss or changes in habitat extent; habitat/species disturbance or fragmentation; reduction in species density; changes in key indicators of conservation status – water/air quality; and changes in key indicators of conservation status – invasive species. Habitat Loss or Changes in Habitat Extent

Any development proposal shall undergo the AA process (AA screening or NIS as deemed necessary) including habitat assessments. The proposal shall clearly identify the spatial extent of any development and shall address the potential for increased disturbance (both in isolation and in combination with other plans/projects) upon the European site. Proposals that cannot avoid adverse effects upon European sites shall not be permitted. Habitat/species Disturbance or Fragmentation

Any new development shall not restrict otter commuting routes along a water body and a minimum 10m buffer zone shall be located along each bank (where there is not already development).

Any application shall be accompanied by an EcIA, AA screening and/or NIS as deemed relevant. These reports shall be informed by the relevant ecological surveys. Reporting shall include an assessment of potential disturbance during construction and operation (e.g., increased human presence, recreational activities, noise, lighting) upon otter at all life stage and supporting habitat.

Any development application shall be accompanied by a full bat survey by a suitable qualified ecologist, particularly in relation to Lesser horseshoe bats usage of the site, and a full light spill modelling study to demonstrate that the chosen lighting design shall not create any increase in ambient light levels beyond the perimeter of the development footprint.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Development applications shall not propose removal of woody vegetation around the perimeter of the site and shall address how linkages across the landscape can be maintained.

Any development applications shall include an assessment by a suitably qualified Ecologist as to the potential for the site to support SPA SCI bird species. If the site is deemed suitable, detailed bird surveys should be undertaken on the site to accompany the development application. These assessments and/or surveys should inform an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and/or Natura Impact Statement, dependent on the outcome of the site survey. If the site is deemed suitable, a full lightspill modelling study should accompany all development applications and demonstrate that the chosen lighting design would not create any increase in ambient light levels beyond the perimeter of the development applications and demonstrate that the chosen lighting design would not create any increase in ambient light levels beyond the perimeter of the development footprint in relation to SCI birds.

Removal of any hedgerows or trees (including trimming of trees) shall be undertaken outside of the bird nesting season 1st March to 31st August inclusive. If these works are required within this season, then an assessment of vegetation to be removed shall be conducted by a suitably qualified ecologist. Additional monitoring and licencing from NPWS may be required following the ecological assessment. Any vegetation removal within the nesting season shall be supervised by a suitably qualified ecologist if deemed necessary.

The design and construction of any watercourse crossing (bridge/culverts) shall adhere to the guidance stipulated within “Guidelines on Protection of Fisheries During Construction Works in and Adjacent to Waters" (IFI 2016) and "Guidelines for the crossing of watercourses during the construction of national road schemes" (TII 2008) or any subsequent updates. The crossing shall be subject to detailed design and options appraisal. IFI and NPWS shall be consulted at an early stage in relation to the proposed options and any guidance/advice shall be followed. Any development proposal shall undergo the AA process (AA screening or NIS as deemed necessary) The proposal shall clearly identify the spatial extent of any tourism activities and shall address the potential for impacts (both in isolation and in combination with other plans/projects) upon European sites. Proposals that cannot avoid adverse effects upon European sites shall not be permitted.



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Reduction in Species Density

Development applications shall be accompanied by an Ecological Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and/or Natura Impact Statement, whichever is deemed relevant these should include an assessment of potential impacts upon water dependant QIs at all life stages (migration /spawning /juvenile /adult).

Development shall allow a riparian buffer as per Planning guidance within IFI document "Planning Watercourses in the Urban Environment' This includes ≥10m width along the stream side and ≥15m in the middle zone and ≥8m width in the outer zone as is appropriate for the river. Development within these zones shall be cognisant of the types of development suggested for each zone and ensure natural floodplain of the river is protected.

Riparian buffer along the riverbanks shall be maintained to ensure ecological corridors are not fragmented and the ecological services these riparian corridors perform for the watercourse are maintained (e.g., flood attenuation, temperature regulation, woody debris source, hydromorphology). Any proposed development shall need to take into consideration the potential negative effects on FWPM and its habitat. Any proposed development shall submit the appropriate environmental assessments including (but not limited to) an assessment of FWPM and ensure that the habitat requirements including water quality and host salmonid fish are not impacted. Changes in Key Indicators of Conservation Status – Water/Air Quality Appropriate surface water management shall be installed during construction phase to ensure no direct discharges of unattenuated water enters any surface water body and European site. A Surface Water Management Plan shall be submitted as part of any planning application detailing how surface water run-off (including silt/hydrocarbons and other pollutants) shall be managed and controlled during construction. During operation appropriate SUDs shall be installed to treat surface water runoff prior to discharge to any surface water body (e.g., green roof, silt traps, petrol interceptors, permeable paving.



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Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Appropriate wastewater treatment facilities shall be provided that can fully demonstrate that there will be no adverse effects upon water quality and European sites and compliance with mitigation for CDP11.32. Any development proposal for animal housing shall ensure there is adequate capacity to store animal waste and application shall demonstrate proper disposal of waste without impacting upon ground or surface water quality. Development application with potential for impacts on the hydrology of groundwaterdependent Qualifying Interests of European sites shall be accompanied by a hydrogeological assessment and concludes that the development will not interfere with groundwater movement to the groundwater dependent Qualifying Interest of the European site.

Where relevant it shall be ensured that any application which to maintain/amendment or seeks a new discharge to a water body is subject to the requirements of the EPA and discharge licencing. The potential impact upon water quality shall be fully assessed to inform an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and/or Natura Impact Statement. Where relevant, ensure any application for further development shall be accompanied by an Air Quality Impact Assessment with reference to potential impacts to European sites within the zone of influence (to be determined by an air quality specialist) of any air emissions. This shall inform an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and/or Natura Impact Statement. Changes in Key Indicators of Conservation Status – Invasive Species Where there is potential for disturbance and spread within European site or to hydrologically connect downstream European sites development application shall include an assessment of the site by a suitable qualified ecologist for the presence of invasive species. Should invasive be present the extent of infestation shall be mapped. The impact upon Conservation Objective of European sites shall be assessed and a management plan drawn up outlining how invasive species will be management on site to prevent spread during construction and operation. An appropriately qualified invasive species specialist shall be appointed should they be required to implement an eradication programme and any “vector” material transported off site is disposed of within a licenced waste facility, no works shall be permitted until the area is deemed suitable for works by an appropriate qualified ecologist/invasive species specialist. 41


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October 2023 Final


The responsibility for implementing land use actions proposed by the draft LECP lies with the relevant departments of Clare County Council. Departments seeking to carry out land use activities, under theaegis of the support provided by the draft LECP objectives are obliged to ensure that the implementation of these objectives are consistent with the environmental safeguards as listed in Section 7.1and Section 7.2 above. It is a statutory requirement for a competent authority (e.g. Clare County Council) to carry out screening for appropriate assessment for all land use projects and all land use activties implemented under/facilitated by the draft LECP will be assessed for their potential to result in likely significant effects.


CONCLUSION This NIS has reviewed the potential impacts arising from the draft LECP and found that, without the implementation of mitigation measures, the Plan will have the potential to impact upon the Conservation Objectives of European Sites and their relevant qualifying features that occur within the zone of influence of the Plan. Given the undefine spatial nature of the Objectives and conceivable land use activities outlined in the draft LECP it has not been possible to identify the specific European Site and associated features of interest that may be at risk of adverse impacts from the Plan. For such objectives with potential to generate land use activities a precautionary approach has been taken and it has been found in this NIS that in the absence of appropriate safeguards adverse impacts to European Site could arise. These adervse impacts are detailed in Table 6.1 of this NIS. The mitigation measures outlined in Section 7 of this NIS will protect European Sites from potential adverse impacts. These measures have been implemented for previously adopted plans in County Clare and are known to provide effective safeguards at the Plan level for the protection of European Site from potentially adverse land use activities. With the proper implementation of all mitigation measures detailed in this NIS the draft LECP is not considered to have the potential to result in adverse impacts to European Sites occurring within County Clare or the surrounding area.



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Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final


Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government (DEHLG) (2010). Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects. Guidance for Local Authorities. European Commission (2019). Managing Natura 2000 sites. The provisions of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. Luxembourg.

European Communities (2021). Assessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites. Methodological guidance on the provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. Luxembourg. European Commission (1992). EU Habitats Directive.



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Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final


Table A1.1 below provides an examination of the LECP objectives with the aim of identifying those objectives that have potential to result in the support of land use activities.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

High Level Goal 1: Healthy, Equitable, Inclusive County: That Clare will be a County that prioritises the physical, mental, and social well-being of all people, where socio-economic rights are realized, making it a healthy place to live, work, grow and learn. Objective 1.1

That all agencies in Clare and all collaborating partners will work towards ensuring that people have access to health services locally at least at the national average levels No potential for land use towards improving health and wellbeing in the County. activities

Objective 1.2

On a County-wide basis to remove barriers to and create opportunities for sustainable livelihoods where income of at least the national living wage is aimed at, for those unemployed, those older people wish to continue working, and those whose current No potential for land use livelihoods will be at risk from climate action. activities

Objective 1.3

To reduce persistent poverty, by being proactive in the delivery of supports and services that address the challenges of poverty including access to all services and amenities across the County with particular attention paid to ensuring the availability of affordable childcare.

No potential for land use activities

To identify and provide resources towards addressing gender inequalities and inequities in County Clare for women and girls from the diverse communities which make up the population and to support local and community initiatives to prevent and mitigate domestic, sexual and gender-based violence in accordance with the 3rd National Strategy on Domestic Sexual and Gender-Based violence Implementation Plan.

No potential for land use activities

Objective 1.5

To support integration and inclusivity of all people in the County through reciprocal collaboration and representation on decision making structures and in employment.

No potential for land use activities

Objective 1.6

To take all available actions to ensure that the people in Clare have access to secure housing and accommodation suitable for their needs.

Yes. Potential for land use activities

Objective 1.4



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October 2023 Final

High Level Goal 2: Life-Long Learning and Training That Clare will be a County which supports and promotes education facilitated via access across early years, primary, secondary, higher, and further education that provides opportunities for life-long learning, upskilling and personal development. Objective: 2.1

To promote and facilitate access to training, education, skills development, and personal development for all people in Clare.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 2.2

To enable local employees and businesses access targeted Government assistance programmes for upskilling and reskilling making use of mentorship and other resources available within the County.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 2.3

To enhance the financial, managerial and leadership competences of micro and small business owners including those entering the domains of social or circular economies.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 2.4

To improve literacy levels throughout the County by providing accessible and effective literacy education and support. This includes a focus on digital, financial and health literacy thereby promoting inclusivity and reducing educational inequalities No potential for land use including those facing social and economic disadvantages. activities

Objective: 2.5

To provide the necessary tools and supports to promote the growth of sustainable employment opportunities with a focus on increasing business participation in comprehensive apprenticeship programmes.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 2.6

Offer accessible education and training opportunities, with a particular emphasis on language skills development for all people in the County.

No potential for land use activities

High Level Goal 3: A County with Vibrant Retail, Industry, Agriculture, Marine, Tourism, Culture and Services Sectors That Clare will have vibrant environmentally sustainable Retail, Industry, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Marine, Tourism, Aviation and Culture and Services sectors that will offer employment and recreational opportunities for the wellbeing and benefit of all and support the seeking of National Funding to overcome the current wide ranging infrastructural deficit within the County.



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October 2023 Final

Objective: 3.1

To support agriculture, marine workers and other sectors in Clare to play an active role in protecting and restoring the natural environment by supporting avenues for No potential for land use sustainable diversification and viable generating alternatives within those sectors. activities

Objective: 3.2

To develop and improve the integration of local business, especially artisan and craft producers, and those offering experiences such as courses, activities and retreats within the County’s Tourism offering ensuring the needs of communities are prioritised alongside the opportunity to benefit economically, socially, and culturally.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 3.3

To support viable and busy town and village centres which function as sustainable communities and which are linked to rural hinterlands.

Yes. Potential for land use activities

Objective: 3.4

To provide the training and mentorship (including apprenticeships) to support the development of Social Enterprises or other appropriate models of enterprise in Clare and promote the circular economy.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 3.5

To put in place an inclusive, reliable and improved universal access Public Transport System to provide connectivity and access to services across the County.

Yes. Potential for land use activities

Objective: 3.6

To support greater action and engagement on climate change ensuring both mitigation and adaptation methods are pursued to reduce carbon emissions and to foster the development of a sustainable carbon neutral green economy across all economic sectors.

No potential for land use activities

High Level Goal 4: Enhance Economic, Cultural and Social Opportunity To enhance the economic, cultural, and socially vibrancy of the County so its people can live, work, invest and learn.

Objective: 4.1

To support and diversify the arts and culture sector across the county with the cooperation of and collaboration of the County Library and Arts Office and with voluntary, and private arts/culture providers and individual artists, musicians, and performers.



No potential for land use activities

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Objective: 4.2

To facilitate and support sustainable livelihoods and employment creation which enhances the economic opportunities for all those living in Clare.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 4.3

To leverage the economic, employment, cultural, and social benefits of emerging technologies whilst sustaining employment and creating new opportunities through social enterprise and community wealth building.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 4.4

To sustainably manage economic, social, and recreational potential of the Wild Atlantic Way, Hidden Heartlands and the Shannon Estuary while protecting the coastal zone and its biodiversity and adapting to and managing the challenges and opportunities of climate change.

Yes. Potential for land use activities

Objective: 4.5

To further develop our communities to provide appropriate residential options for residents and visitors alongside recreational and community spaces for all.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 4.6

To support Clare Libraries in the delivery of a County wide universal service including information provision

No potential for land use activities

High Level Goal 5: A Sustainable and Resilient County Clare will be a County with strong and balanced urban and rural areas, where people can reach their potential, ensuring protection of the environment with the intention of building support for just transition, assisting Ireland to achieve our carbon emission targets and enhancing the economic benefits for our local communities.

Objective: 5.1

To sustain the population in our urban and rural communities by ensuring that our youth and working and ageing population can remain and can contribute to the social, cultural, and economic growth of their communities.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 5.2

To prioritise climate adaptation measures whilst supporting Climate Mitigation and implementation of the Climate Action Plan having regard to the reduction of carbon emissions through research, initiatives, and collaboration while accessing appropriate funding supports.

No potential for land use activities



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October 2023 Final

Objective: 5.3

To work with all our communities, businesses, statutory and voluntary organisations to understand and harness the positive opportunities of undertaking climate action and, in recognising the negative impacts of climate change to prioritise the development of No potential for land use climate resilience across the County. activities

Objective: 5.4

Within the limits of our carbon emissions targets to encourage and support the sustainable development of our renewable natural resources for the benefit of all.

Objective: 5.5

To support the marine and farming sectors (especially small/part-time farmers) to diversify to meet Climate and CAP targets, as appropriate, as a means of sustaining the No potential for land use viability of both sectors and our communities activities

Objective: 5.6

To put in place support services which make use of and enhance local volunteerism in cooperation with statutory services to address levels of rural isolation across the County.

Yes. Potential for land use activities

No potential for land use activities

High Level Goal 6: A Collaborative, Diverse and Innovative County Clare will be a collaborative, sustainable and innovative County to further strengthen local democracy and enhance delivery of services at local level to provide economic and community development opportunities. Objective: 6.1

To develop social enterprises and other job creation initiatives for areas of high unemployment and social need in the County.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 6.2

To roll out enhanced digitalisation across public services to support the development of Smart Places across the County whilst ensuring continuation of in -person and online locally available services in line with our public sector duty.

No potential for land use activities

Objective: 6.3

To put in place a Local Living Lab to provide an independent forum for discussing the long-term future of Clare in setting direction for the County at regional and national level as well as the resource requirements to underpin efficient local service delivery.

No potential for land use activities



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Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Objective: 6.4

To develop an anti-racism plan having regard to the commitment of the LCDC to the Public Sector Duty and the implementation of the National Action Plan Against No potential for land use Racism. activities

Objective: 6.5

To support a bottom up collaborative, collective and coordinated approach to local economic and community development in the County, eliminating duplication and promoting partnership in the delivery of projects and initiatives and to add value to our No potential for land use communities. activities

Objective: 6.6

To support and enable the delivery of national policy initiatives and collaborate with agencies to address local and regional concerns in the County which are of a national nature i.e., Housing/accommodation, Childcare, Transport, Access to Health Services, No potential for land use etc. activities



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final


Table A2.1 lists the European Sites occurring within the zone of influence of the draft LECP.



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

Candidate Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) Ballyallia Lake SAC (000014)

Ballycullinan Lake SAC (000016)

Ballyogan Lough SAC (000019)

Black Head Poulsallagh Complex SAC (000020)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition‐ type vegetation [3150]

Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition‐ type vegetation –Inadequate

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Calcareous fens with Cladium

• Calcareous fens with Cladium

mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae [7210]

mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae –Bad

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae [7210]

mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae –Bad

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:


[1220] –Inadequate

levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho=Batrachion vegetation [3260]

levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho=Batrachion vegetation [3260] –Inadequate

• Alpine and boreal heaths [4060] • Juniperus communis formations on

• Alpine and boreal heaths [4060] –

• Natural eutrophic lakes with

• Calcareous fens with Cladium

• Reefs [1170] • Perennial vegetation of stony banks • Water courses of plain to montane

heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130]

• Natural eutrophic lakes with •

• Calcareous fens with Cladium •

• Reefs [1170] –Bad • Perennial vegetation of stony banks •

• Water courses of plain to montane

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left


• Juniperus communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130] –Inadequate



• Water levels • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures. • Air quality

• Water levels and flow • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Air quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Water levels and flow • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Air quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Water levels • Calcium rich conditions • Low nutrient waters • Surface and ground water flow • Scrub management • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Appropriate levels of grazing • Maintenance of nursery, transitional and hibernation habitats • Maintenance of foraging habitat • Food supply • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity • Connectivity between sites

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and

scrubland facies on calcareous grasslands [6210]

scrubland facies on calcareous grasslands [6210] – Inadequate

pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) [6510]

pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) [6510] –Bad

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220]

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220] – Inadequate

• Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus • Petrifying springs with tufa

• *Limestone pavements [8240] • Submerged or partially submerged


• • • •

Vegetation cover Air quality Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures Riparian habitat prone to flooding

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • • •

Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures Connectivity between sites Maintenance of foraging habitat Appropriate levels of disturbance Appropriate levels of grazing

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected:

• Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Water levels • Surface water movements • Scrub management

• Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus • Petrifying springs with tufa

• *Limestone pavements [8240] –

sea caves [8330]


Annex II Species

sea caves [8330] - Favourable

• Petalwort Petaphyllum ralfsii

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

• Submerged or partially submerged Annex II Species

• Petalwort Petaphyllum ralfsii [1395] - Favourable Danes Hole, Poulnalecka SAC (000030)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Caves not open to the public [8310] • Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and

• Caves not open to the public [8310]

Blechnum in the British Isles [91A0]

– Favourable

• Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and•

Annex II Species:

Blechnum in the British Isles [91A0] Bad

hipposideros [1303]

Annex II Species:

• Lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros [1303] - Favourable

Dromore Woods and Loughs SAC (000032)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition‐ type vegetation [3150]

Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition‐

• Natural eutrophic lakes with

• Natural eutrophic lakes with



Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

• Hydrophilous tall herb fringe

type vegetation – Unfavourable/Inadequate

communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels [6430]

• *Limestone pavements [8240]


• Hydrophilous tall herb fringe

Annex II species

communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels – Unfavourable/Bad

hipposideros [1303]


• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus • Otter Lutra lutra [1355]

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • • • • •

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Tidal currents • Height and frequency of the tides • Water levels • Erosion and deposition rates • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Air quality • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Riparian habitat prone to flooding • River habitat • Water quality (Q4-5)

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected:

• • • • •

• *Limestone pavements –

Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of nursery habitats Maintenance of foraging habitat Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality

Annex II species

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hipposideros – Favourable

• Otter Lutra lutra - Favourable Inagh Estuary (000036)

River SAC

Annex I Habitats

Annex I Habitats

colonising mud and sand [1310]

colonising mud and sand [1310] Inadequate

• Salicornia and other annuals • Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-

• Salicornia and other annuals

Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330]

• Atlantic salt meadows (GLauco-

Juncetalia maritime) [1410]

Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330] Inadequate

with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) [2120]

Juncetalia maritime) [1410] Inadequate

shoreline with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) [2130]

with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) [2120] - Inadequate

• Mediterranean salt meadows

• Shifting dunes along the shoreline • *Fixed coastal dunes along the

• Mediterranean salt meadows

• Shifting dunes along the shoreline • *Fixed coastal dunes along the shoreline with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) [2130] - Bad

Pouladatig Cave SAC (000037)

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros [1303] - Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus



Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures Connectivity between sites Maintenance of foraging habitat Appropriate levels of disturbance

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

Conservation •

Lough Gash Turlough SAC (00000051)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• *Turloughs [3180]

• *Turloughs – Inadequate •

Moneen Mountain [000054]

Annex I habitats: SAC

• *Turloughs [3180] • Alpine and boreal heaths [4060] • Juniperus communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130]

• Calaminarian grasslands of the

Annex I habitats:

• *Turloughs [3180] - Inadequate • Alpine and boreal heaths [4060] Bad

• Juniperus communis formations on

Violetalia calaminariae [6130]

heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130] - Inadequate

scrubland facies on calcareous grasslands [6210]

Violetalia calaminariae [6130] Inadequate

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220]

scrubland facies on calcareous grasslands [6210] – Bad

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and • Petrifying springs with tufa

• *Limestone pavements [8240] Annex II Species

• Marsh fritillary Euphydryas aurinia [1065]

• Lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros [1303]

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Calaminarian grasslands of the

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and • Petrifying springs with tufa

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220] Inadequate

• *Limestone pavements [8240] Inadequate Annex II Species

• Marsh fritillary Euphydryas aurinia [1065] - Inadequate

• Lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros [1303] - Favourable



• • • •

Surface and ground water flow Water levels Water quality Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures

• • • • • • •

Surface and ground water flow Water levels Water quality Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures Connectivity between sites Maintenance of foraging habitat Appropriate levels of disturbance

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

Moyree System (000057)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Water courses of plain to montane

• Water courses of plain to montane

levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation [3260]

levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation • [3260] - Inadequate

• Alkaline fens [7230] • *Limestone pavements [8240] • Caves not open to the public [8310]

• Alkaline fens [7230] - Bad • *Limestone pavements [8240] -

Annex II Species

- Favourable

hipposideros [1303]

Annex II Species

River SAC

• Lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Appropriate levels of disturbance • Air quality • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Riparian habitat prone to flooding • River habitat • Water quality (Q4-5) • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Connectivity between sites • Maintenance of foraging habitat

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Appropriate levels of disturbance • Maintenance of hibernation habitats • Food supply • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity • Connectivity between sites • Vegetation cover • Air quality • Groundwater levels/movements • Tidal currents • Height and frequency of the tides • Water levels • Erosion and deposition rates • Foraging Habitat • Food supply • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Air quality • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Riparian habitat prone to flooding


• Caves not open to the public [8310]

• Lesser horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros [1303] - Favourable

Poulnagordon Cave (Quin) SAC (000064)

Galway Complex (000268)


Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

Annex II species

Favourable Annex II species

• Caves not open to the public [8310]

• Caves not open to the public -

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus•

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros - Favourable

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

by seawater at low tide [1140]

by seawater at low tide [1140] Inadequate

• Mudflats and sandflats not covered • *Coastal lagoons [1150] • Large shallow inlets and bays [1160] • Reefs [1170] • Perennial vegetation of stony banks

• Mudflats and sandflats not covered • *Coastal lagoons [1150] - Bad • • Large shallow inlets and bays [1160] – Inadequate


• Reefs [1170] - Bad • Perennial vegetation of stony banks

colonising mud and sand [1310]

[1220] – Inadequate

• Salicornia and other annuals


To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left Detailed conservation objectives are available for this site, see


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

• Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-

• Salicornia and other annuals

Puccinetalia maritimae) [1330]

colonising mud and sand [1310] – Inadequate

• Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritime) [1410]

• *Turloughs [3180] • Juniperus communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130]

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and

scrubland facies on calcareous grasslands (FestucoBrometalia)(*Important orchid sites) [6210]

• Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae [7210]

• Alkaline fens [7230]


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives • • •

River habitat Water quality (Q4-5) Unhindered migratory routes

• Atlantic salt meadows (GlaucoPuccinetalia maritimae) [1330] Inadequate

• Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritime) [1410] Inadequate

• *Turloughs [3180] – Inadequate • Juniperus communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130] - Inadequate

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and

scrtubland facies on calcareous grasslands (Festuco-Brometalia) (*Important orchid sites) [6210] - Bad

Annex II Species

• Calcareous fens with Cladium

• Otter Lutra lutra [1355] • Harbour seal Phoca vitulina [1365]

mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae [7210] - Bad

• Alkaline fens [7230] - Bad Annex II Species

• Otter Lutra lutra [1355] Favourable

• Harbour seal Phoca vitulina [1365] Favourable Loughatorick South Bog SAC (000308)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Blanket bogs (*if active bog) [7130]

• Blanket bogs (*if active bog) [7130] – Bad


To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected:


• Surface and ground water flow • Water levels • Water quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of disturbance (including recreation, harvesting and commercial activities)

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

Conservation •

Ballyteige (Clare) SAC (000994)

Ballyvaughan Turlough SAC (000996)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) [6410]

peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) [6410] – Bad

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Molinia meadows on calcareous,

• *Turloughs [3180]

• Molinia meadows on calcareous, •

• *Turloughs [3180] – Inadequate •

Glenomra Wood SAC (001013)

Carrowmore Point to Spanish Point and Islands SAC (001021)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and

• Old sessile oak woods with Ilex and

Blechnum in the British Isles [91A0]

Blechnum in the British Isles [91A0] Bad

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:


[1220] - Inadequate

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220]

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220] Inadequate

• *Coastal lagoons [1150] • Perennial vegetation of stony banks • *Petrifying springs with tufa

• *Coastal lagoons [1150] - Bad • Perennial vegetation of stony banks • *Petrifying springs with tufa


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Water levels • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures. • Air quality

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Water levels • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity.

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • •

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Water levels • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures. • Air quality • Tidal currents • Height and frequency of the tides


Air quality

Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures Appropriate levels of disturbance Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code Termon Lough SAC (001321)

Qualifying Interests

Annex I habitats:

• *Turloughs [3180]

Current Status


Annex I habitats:

• *Turloughs [3180] – Inadequate •

Glendree Bog SAC (001912)

Annex I habitats

Annex I habitats

• Blanket Bog (* if active only) [7130]

• Blanket Bog – Unfavourable/Bad

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives Detailed conservation objectives are available for this site, see To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected:

• The qualifying interests of the East Complex (001926)

Burren SAC

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

benthic vegetation of Chara spp. [3140]

benthic vegetation of Chara spp. – Unfavourable/Bad

• Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with • *Turloughs [3180] • Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation [3260]

• Alpine and Boreal heaths [4060] • Juniperus communis formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands [5130]

• Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with • *Turloughs –


• Water courses of plain to montane

European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: • The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Alpine and Boreal heaths – Unfavourable/Bad

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and

• Juniperus communis formations on

scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia)(*important orchid sites) [6210]

• Semi-natural dry grasslands and

heaths or calcareous grasslands – Unfavourable/Inadequate scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco



• Water levels • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity.

• Surface and ground water flow • Water levels • Water quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of disturbance (including recreation, harvesting and commercial activities) • Air quality • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Water levels • Calcium rich conditions • Low nutrient waters • Surface and ground water flow • Scrub management • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Appropriate levels of grazing • Maintenance of nursery, transitional and hibernation habitats • Maintenance of foraging habitat • Food supply • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity • Connectivity between sites • Vegetation cover • Air quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Riparian habitat prone to flooding

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

• Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus

Brometalia)(*important orchid sites) – Unfavourable/Bad

pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) [6510]

• Calcareous fens with Cladium

mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae [7210]

• Petrifying springs with tufa

formation (Cratoneurion) [7220]

• Alkaline fens [7230] • Limestone pavements [8240] • Caves not open to the public [8310] • *Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (AlnoPadion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) [91E0]


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

• Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) – Unfavourable/Bad

• Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae – Unfavourable/Bad

• Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion) – Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Alkaline fens – Unfavourable/Bad • Limestone pavements – Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Caves not open to the public Favourable

Annex II species:

• *Alluvial forests with Alnus


glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (AlnoPadion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) - Unfavourable/Bad

• Marsh fritillary Euphydryas aurinia • Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hipposideros [1303]

• Otter Lutra lutra [1355]

Annex II species:

• Marsh fritillary Euphydryas aurinia – Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hipposideros – Favourable

• Otter Lutra lutra - Favourable Old Domestic Building, Keevagh SAC (002010)

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •


To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left


• • • • • • •

Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

Newhall and Edenvale Complex SAC (002091)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

Annex II species

Favourable Annex II species

• Caves not open to the public [8310] • Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hipposideros [1303]


• Caves not open to the public • Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus• hipposideros - Favourable

Pollagoona Bog SAC (002126)

Annex I habitats

• Blanket Bog (* if active only) [7130]

Annex I habitats

• Blanket Bog – Unfavourable/Bad •

Newgrove House SAC (002157)

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •

Lower Shannon (002165)

River SAC

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

covered by sea water all the time [1110]

covered by sea water all the time Favourable

• Estuaries [1130] • Mudflats and sandflats not covered

• Estuaries –

• Sandbanks which are slightly

by seawater at low tide [1140]

• *Coastal lagoons [1150] • Large shallow inlets and bays [1160] • Reefs [1170] • Perennial vegetation of stony banks

• Sandbanks which are slightly


• Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide Unfavourable/Inadequate

• *Coastal lagoons -

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • • • • •

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Surface and ground water flow • Water levels • Water quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of disturbance (including recreation, harvesting and commercial activities) • Air quality • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Maintenance of hibernation ha bitats • Food supply • Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity • Connectivity between sites • Vegetation cover • Air quality • Tidal currents • Height and frequency of the tides • Water levels • Erosion and deposition rates • Foraging Habitat • Food supply • Spawning habitat • Appropriate levels of disturbance • Air quality • Water quality including nutrient levels, water clarity, sediment levels • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Riparian habitat prone to flooding • River habitat

Detailed conservation objectives are available for this site, see





Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding, foraging and hibernation habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Groundwater levels/movements

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

• Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic

• Large shallow inlets and bays -

and Baltic coasts [1230]


• Salicornia and other annuals

• Reefs - Unfavourable/Bad • Perennial vegetation of stony banks

colonizing mud and sand [1310]

• Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-


• Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic

(Juncetalia maritimi) [1410]

and Baltic coasts Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Water courses of plain to montane

• Salicornia and other annuals

levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation [3260]

colonizing mud and sand Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) [6410]

• *Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (AlnoPadion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) [91E0] Annex II species:

• Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera [1029]

• Atlantic salt meadows (GlaucoPuccinellietalia maritimae) Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi) Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Molinia meadows on calcareous,


peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) Unfavourable/Bad

• Brook Lamprey Lampetra planeri

• *Alluvial forests with Alnus


glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (AlnoPadion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) - Unfavourable/Bad

• Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus

• River Lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis [1099]

• Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar (only in fresh water) [1106]

• Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncates [1349]

• • •

- Unfavourable/Inadequate

Puccinellietalia maritimae) [1330]

• Mediterranean salt meadows

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

Annex II species:

• Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera Unfavourable/Bad



Water quality (Q4-5) Riverbed breeding gravels Unhindered migratory routes

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status


• Otter Lutra lutra [1355]

• Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus -

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives


• Brook Lamprey Lampetra planeri Favourable

• River Lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis Favourable

• Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar (only in fresh water) – Unfavourable/Inadequate

• Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncates - Favourable

• Otter Lutra lutra - Favourable Old Farm Buildings, Ballymacrogan SAC (002245)

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •

Ballycullinan, Old Domestic Building SAC (002246)

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •

Toonagh Estate SAC (002247)

Annex II species:

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros - Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •


To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of nursery habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

Carrowmore Dunes SAC (002250)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) [2120]

with Ammophila arenaria (white dunes) [2120]

• Reefs [1170] • Embryonic shifting dunes [2110] • Shifting dunes along the shoreline • *Fixed coastal dunes with

• Reefs [1170] - Bad • Embryonic shifting dunes [2110] • Shifting dunes along the shoreline• • *Fixed coastal dunes with

herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) [2130]

herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) [2130]

Annex II Species:

Annex II Species:

Vertigo angustior

Vertigo angustior

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Narrow-mouthed whorl snail Kilkee Reefs SAC (002264)


• Large shallow inlets and bays [1160] • Reefs [1170] • Submerged or partially submerged sea caves [8330]

• Large shallow inlets and bays [1160] - Inadequate

• Reefs [1170] - Bad • • Submerged or partially submerged

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Northern Atlantic wet heaths with

• Northern Atlantic wet heaths with

Erica tetralix [4010]

Erica tetralix [4010] - Bad

• European dry heaths [4030] • Blanket bogs (* if active bog) [7130]

• European dry heaths [4030] - Bad • • Blanket bogs (* if active bog) [7130] - Bad

Old Domestic Building, Rylane SAC (002314)

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • •

Erosion and deposition rates Appropriate levels of disturbance Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures Vegetation cover Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • •

Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Erosion and deposition rates Appropriate levels of disturbance

• Narrow-mouthed whorl snail

sea caves [8330] – Favourable

Slieve Bernagh Bog SAC (002312)

Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

Annex II species

Annex II species

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable


Detailed conservation objectives are available for this site, see To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Surface and ground water flow • Water levels • Water quality • Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of disturbance (including recreation, harvesting and commercial activities) • Air quality

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected:

• • • •


Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding and hibernation habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status

Conservation •

Ratty River Cave SAC (002316)

Knockanira House SAC (002318)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• Caves not open to the public [8310]

• Caves not open to the public -

Annex II species

Favourable Annex II species

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus•

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros - Favourable

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •

Kilkishen House SAC (002319)

Annex II species

Annex II species

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros – Favourable

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus •

Pouladatig Cave SAC (000037)

Tullaher Lough and Bog SAC (002343)

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

Annex II species

Favourable Annex II species

• Caves not open to the public [8310]

• Caves not open to the public -

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus

• Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus•

hipposideros [1303]

hipposideros - Favourable

Annex I habitats:

Annex I habitats:

• *Active raised bogs [7110]

• *Active raised bogs [7110] - Bad


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding and hibernation habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Groundwater levels/movements Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of breeding habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of summer and winter roosts habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Appropriate levels of disturbance Maintenance of hibernation habitats Food supply Appropriate levels of development in the vicinity Connectivity between sites Vegetation cover Air quality Groundwater levels/movements Surface and ground water flow Water levels Water quality

Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status


• Degraded raised bogs still capable

• Degraded raised bogs still capable

of natural regeneration [7120]

of natural regeneration [7120] - Bad

• Transition mires and quaking bogs

• Transition mires and quaking bogs•


[7140] - Bad

the Rhynchosporion [7150]

the Rhynchosporion [7150]

• Depressions on peat substrates of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) Cliffs of Moher • Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis [A009] SPA (004005) breeding • Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla [A188] breeding • Guillemot Uria aalge [A199] breeding • Razorbill Alca torda [A200] breeding • Puffin Fratercula arctica [A204] breeding • Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax [A346] breeding Inner Galway Bay • Great northern diver Gavia immer SPA (004031) [A003] wintering • Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo [A017] wintering + breeding • Grey heron Ardea cinerea [A028] • Light-bellied brent goose Branta bernicla hrota [A046] wintering • Wigeon Anas Penelope [A050] wintering • Teal Anas crecca [A052] wintering • Shoveler Anas clypeata [A056] wintering • Red-breasted merganser Mergus serrator [A069] wintering • Ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula [A137] wintering

• Depressions on peat substrates of

• Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis [A009] Green • Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla [A188] Amber • Guillemot Uria aalge [A199] - Amber • • Razorbill Alca torda [A200] - Amber • Puffin Fratercula arctica [A204] – Amber • Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax [A346] - Amber • Great northern diver Gavia immer [A003] - Amber • Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo [A017] -Amber • Grey heron Ardea cinerea [A028] - • Green • Light-bellied brent goose Branta bernicla hrota [A046] - Amber • Wigeon Anas Penelope [A050] - Red • Teal Anas crecca [A052] - Amber • Shoveler Anas clypeata [A056] - Red • Red-breasted merganser Mergus serrator [A069] – Amber • Ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula [A137] - Green • Golden plover Pluvialis apricaria [A140] - Red


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• Appropriate agricultural practices including grazing pressures • Appropriate levels of disturbance (including recreation, harvesting and commercial activities) • Air quality

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • •

Food supply Breeding habitat Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • •

Food supply Breeding habitat Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

• Golden plover Pluvialis apricaria [A140] wintering • Lapwing Vanellus vanellus [A142] wintering • Dunlin Calidris alpina [A149] wintering • Bar-tailed godwit Limosa lapponica [A157] wintering • Curlew Numenius arquata [A160] wintering • Redshank Tringa tetanus [A162] wintering • Black-headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus [A179] wintering • Common gull Larus canus [A182] wintering • Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis [A191] breeding • Common tern Sterna hirundo [A193] breeding • Wetland and water birds [A999] Ballyallia Lough • Wigeon Anas penelope [A050] • SPA (004041) wintering • • Gadwall Anas strepera [A051] • wintering • • Teal Anas crecca [A052] wintering • • Mallard Anas platyrhynchos [A053] • wintering • • Shoveler Anas clypeata [A056] wintering • Coot Fulica atra [A125] wintering • Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa [A156] wintering • Wetlands and Waterbirds [A999] Lough Derg • Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Shannon) SPA [A017] breeding + wintering (004058)

Current Status


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

• Lapwing Vanellus vanellus [A142] - Red • Dunlin Calidris alpina [A149] - Red • Bar-tailed godwit Limosa lapponica [A157] - Amber • Curlew Numenius arquata [A160] Red • Redshank Tringa tetanus [A162] - Red • Black-headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus [A179] - Red • Common gull Larus canus [A182] Amber • Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis [A191] - Amber • Common tern Sterna hirundo [A193] Amber • Wetland and water birds [A999]

Wigeon Anas penelope – Red Gadwall Anas strepera - Amber Teal Anas crecca- Amber Mallard Anas platyrhynchos - Green • Shoveler Anas clypeata - Red Coot Fulica atra- Amber Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa limosaAmber

• Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo [A017] - Amber


To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • •

Food supply Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird

• • •

Food supply Breeding habitat Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Current Status


• Tufted duck Aythya fuligula [A061] • Tufted duck Aythya fuligula [A061] wintering + breeding Red • Goldeneye Bucephala clangula [A067] • Goldeneye Bucephala clangula [A067] • wintering + breeding - Red • Common tern Sterna hirundo [A193] • Common tern Sterna hirundo [A193] Breeding Amber • Wetlands and Waterbirds [A999] • Wetlands and Waterbirds [A999] River Shannon and • Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo • Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo River Fergus [A017] breeding + wintering Amber Estuaries SPA • Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus [A038] • Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus (004077) wintering Amber • • Light‐bellied Brent Goose Branta • Light‐bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla hrota [A046] wintering bernicla hrota - Amber • Shelduck Tadorna tadorna [A048} • Shelduck Tadorna tadorna - Amber wintering • Wigeon Anas penelope - Red • Wigeon Anas penelope [A050] • Teal Anas crecca- Amber wintering • Pintail Anas acuta - Green • Teal Anas crecca [A052] wintering • Shoveler Anas clypeata - Red • Pintail Anas acuta [A054] wintering • Scaup Aythya marila - Amber • Shoveler Anas clypeata [A056] • Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula wintering Green • Scaup Aythya marila [A062] wintering • Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria - Red • Ringed Plover Charadrius • Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola hiaticula [A137] wintering Amber • Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria • Lapwing Vanellus vanellus - Red [A140] wintering • Knot Calidris canutus - Amber • Grey Plover Pluvialis • Dunlin Calidris alpina - Red squatarola [A141] wintering • Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa limosa• Lapwing Vanellus vanellus [A142] Amber wintering • Bar‐tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica • Knot Calidris canutus [A143] Amber wintering • Curlew Numenius arquata - Red • Dunlin Calidris alpina [A149] • Redshank Tringa totanus - Red wintering • Greenshank Tringa nebularia - Green • Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa limosa • Black‐headed Gull Chroicocephalus [A156] wintering ridibundus - Red


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• •

Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the Annex I habitat(s) and/or the Annex II species for which the SAC has been selected: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • • •

Food supply Breeding habitat Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Flooding regime of coastal grasslands Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

Detailed conservation objectives are available for this site, see


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Ilaunonearaun SPA [004114]

Qualifying Interests • Bar‐tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica [A157] wintering • Curlew Numenius arquata [A160] wintering • Redshank Tringa totanus [A162] wintering • Greenshank Tringa nebularia [A164] wintering • Black‐headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus [A179] wintering • Wetlands [A999] • Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis [A045] wintering

Current Status


• Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis [A045] - Amber •

Loop Head (004119)

SPA • Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla [A188] • Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla [A188] Breeding Amber • Guillemot Uria aalge [A199] - Breeding • Guillemot Uria aalge [A199] - Amber •

Slieve Aughty • Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus [A082] Mountains SPA breeding (004168) • Merlin Falco columbarius [A098] breeding

• Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus – Amber • Merlin Falco columbarius - Amber •


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • •

Food supply Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • • •

Food supply Breeding habitat Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • •

Food supply and foraging habitat Undisturbed breeding habitat Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance


Client: Project Title: Document Title :

Clare County Council County Clare LECP Natura Impact Statement

Date: Document Issue:

October 2023 Final

Details of European Sites within County Clare Site Name and Code

Qualifying Interests

Mid-Clare Coast • Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo SPA (004182) [A017] breeding • Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis [A045] wintering • Ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula [A137] wintering • Sanderling Calidris alba [A144] wintering • Purple sandpiper Calidris maritima [A148] wintering • Dunlin Calidris alpina [A149] wintering • Turnstone Arenaria interpres [A169] turnstone • Wetlands and Waterbirds [A999] Corofin Wetlands • Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis SPA (004220) [A004] wintering • Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus [A038] wintering • Wigeon Anas penelope [A050] wintering • Teal Anas crecca [A052] wintering • Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa [A156] wintering • Wetlands and Waterbirds [A999]

Current Status


• Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Amber • Barnacle goose Branta leucpsis [A045] - Amber • Ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula • [A137] - Green • Sanderling Calidris alba [A144] Sanderling • Purple sandpiper Calidris maritima [A148] - Green • Dunlin Calidris alpina [A149] - Red • Turnstone Arenaria interpres [A169] Green • Wetlands and Waterbirds [A999] • Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis – Amber • Whooper Swan Cygnus Cygnus – Amber • • Wigeon Anas Penelope – Red • Teal Anas crecca – Amber • Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Amber


Conservation Management Conditions underpinning site integrity Objectives To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • •

Food supply Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance

To maintain or restore the favourable conservation condition of the bird species listed as Special Conservation Interests for this SPA: The qualifying interests of the European site as listed in columns to the left

• • • •

Food supply Undisturbed roosting sites close to feeding areas Water quality Appropriate levels of disturbance


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