Budget Report 2020

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Adopted Budget 2020

responsibility in the de livery o f H ousing, C ultural, S ports and R ecreational Services in the County which are represented in Divisions A and F of the draft budget 2020. The Directorate has been and will continue to deliver housing solutions for those in need and 2020 will see a significant increase in activity in Local Authority self build in line with Rebuilding Ireland targets. In addition we continue to work closely with the approved housing bodies who are invaluable in h elping a chieve Clare County Council housing targets. P resent indications s uggest upwards o f 2 00 new dwellings w ill be at v arious stages o f construction during 2020. This C ouncil is p roviding s ignificant re sources i n the d elivery o f ho meless services; during 2019 the Homeless Action Team (HAT) was established and the first family hub at C usack Lodge opened. These s ervices go some way towards addressing the experience of homelessness in County Clare. We are continuing to add addi tional services and facilities to further improve the homeless service in the County. The i nvestment i n planned m aintenance is be ginning to d eliver the be nefits to tenants of this Council, by the end of 2020 this Council aims to be one of the first Local Authorities to be compliant with the statutory requirements of S.I. 137 2019 Minimum Rented Standards. The continued investment in the management and maintenance of our social housing stock is continuing to pose significant funding challenges. This challenge will increase over time as the housing stock numbers rise to meet the ever increasing demand. The construction of the new County Library will commence in 2019 and continue during 2020 w ith a completion d ate in 2021. The c ompleted facility will greatly enhance the cultural offering in the County town. In addition we will continue to support and invest in the recreational facilities in the County to ensure Clare is recognised as a centre of excellence for sport and recreational facilities. Physical Development The Project M anagement O ffice continues to m anage a w ide variety o f C apital projects throughout the County, as well as through Section 85 agreements with Limerick City and County Council in respect of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road (LNDR) and with Tipperary County Council in respect of the Killaloe Bypass, Shannon Bridge Crossing and the R494 Upgrade scheme. The main Clare projects include: • The Ennistymon Inner Relief Road (Blakes Corner);

Clare County Council


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