Budget Report 2020

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Adopted Budget 2020

Income from scrap metal has increased following the awarding of a new contract for the period July 2019–July 2020. Income from textiles remains stable following the awarding of a n ew contract in March 2019. Although the price per tonne for textiles has reduced, the usage of the new textile banks has increased thereby k eeping the income f rom te xtiles re latively s table. Every e ffort wi ll be made by the E nvironmental and P rocurement te ams to e nsure the be st v alue possible is achieved. The Recycling Service is part funded by a combination of income which includes a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) subvention, subsidies under the Packaging Regulations, fees from collection of c lothes, metals and batteries as we ll as income ge nerated f rom re cycling c harges c ollected at the v arious facilities. Education and Awareness (E0503) Greener Clare Programme The Greener Clare programme actively promotes higher order waste actions in the areas of prevention, reuse, resource efficiency and recycling. Under the Greener Clare Programme Clare County Council actively supports locally led waste pre vention pro jects thro ugh the p rovision o f a Clare Waste P revention Grant Scheme. A total of €19.75k funding was provided by Clare County Council in 2019 to nineteen locally led waste prevention projects. This complies with policy action B.1.2 of the Southern Regional Waste Management Plan (2015– 2021) which relates to an annual budget allocation of 15c/inhabitant expenditure on waste prevention related activities. The Greener Clare Programme supports and promotes locally led environmental projects and i nitiatives. Lo cally led initiatives i nclude anti litter and was te prevention initiatives including projects developed by community voluntary groups such as tidy towns groups or community development groups, schools, businesses etc. Programmes/initiatives supported during 2019 include: • An Tasice Green Schools Programme; • National Tree Week; • Blue Flag Beach environmental education activities; • Community based awareness campaigns; • An Taisce National Spring Clean and Clean Coast initiatives; • Clare County Council plastic reduction and recycling initiative; • Leave No Trace; • ECO Unesco Young Environmentalist Awards; • Invasive species awareness campaigns; • Promotion of food waste prevention and home composting; • Green Christmas Awareness Campaigns; • October Reuse month campaign;

Clare County Council


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