Bodyke Location and Context The settlement of Bodyke primarily takes a linear form, with an acute bend in the road defining the centre of the settlement. The landscape in and around Bodyke is robust with a significant amount of tree cover and vegetation. The village consists of residential dwellings built in a linear manner along the R352 radiating from the village centre. Within the village there is a garage/shop, a local pub, a church, a national school and a number of other small businesses. The East Clare Golf Club is also located in close proximity to the village and is a significant recreation and tourism amenity in the area. General Objectives •
To encourage the small-scale expansion of the settlement throughout the lifetime of this Plan in order to sustain and increase the population of the area and support new and existing services in the village;
To ensure that existing population levels and services are maintained;
To ensure that future growth in Bodyke is incremental and small scale in nature, relative and appropriate to the scale, size and character of the population and services in the village;
To facilitate the provision of infrastructure to allow for future growth in the village;
To support the creation of an appropriate car park/drop off area to service the National School.
Employment and Enterprise In order to support economic development in the village, is it an objective: •
To support existing and new businesses in the village. The redevelopment of unused buildings within the village for new enterprises will be particularly encouraged.
Strategy for growth and sustainable communities The strategy for the sustainable growth of the village and its community is through consolidation and regeneration that promotes compact sequential growth and supports and __________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029