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Location and Context

Boston is a small rural village consisting of a school, church and a small number of houses located on the eastern edge of the Burren National Park. While the Village is served by a Group Water Scheme, it has no public water treatment system, and it lies within an area of extra extreme groundwater vulnerability. Boston has experienced little growth in recent years partly arising from the lack of wastewater infrastructure.

Boston is located within the East Burren Complex Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Future development must ensure that there are no adverse effects on the integrity of the SAC or the integrity of any other European site as a result of the proposed development. Accordingly, objectives for European sites and appropriate assessment as set out in Volume 1 of this Plan will apply to any future development proposals in this area. The Natura Impact Report accompanying this Plan (Volume 10a) provides relevant mitigation measures and recommendations at site and project level.

General Objective

• To make provision for the sustainable growth of the Village which will support existing services and encourage further expansion of the service base, whilst retaining its distinctive rural character.

Employment and Enterprise

In order to support economic development, the Council will facilitate and encourage farm enterprise and Agri-tourism in Boston and will also support home-based economic activity where feasible.

Strategy for Growth and Sustainable Communities

The strategy for the sustainable growth of the Village and its community is through consolidation and regeneration that promotes compact sequential growth and supports and strengthens a sustainable village community and its rural hinterland. This will be achieved by encouraging small scale growth in areas which make a positive contribution to the overall enhancement of the Village and sustains it into the future. In line with this approach and to promote vibrant rural villages, Village Growth Areas have been identified which provide opportunities and choice for development, including small scale commercial, enterprise, community, services/facilities as well as small scale cluster housing, all of which offer a viable and attractive option for rural living within a village community and setting.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

The delivery of any new development in Boston will be encouraged by adopting a combined approach of sequential compact growth and the re-use and redevelopment of any vacant or derelict sites and buildings within the village.

Place Making and Regeneration

Although a small village, local commitment is evident in the attractive sense of place with neat boundaries, well defined road edges and well-presented buildings.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

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