MORE 2022

Cover image Jinglei Wang
© University of Westminster
Designed & produced Clare Hamman
MORE 2022
Printed London
ISBN: 978-1-8383870-1-3
First published September 2022
Contents Introduction MA Interior Architecture ThesesIntroduction MA Architecture ThesesIntroduction MSc Architecture & Environmental Design ThesesIntroduction MA Urban Design ThesesIntroduction MA International Planning & Sustainable Development ThesesIntroduction MA Tourism & Events TBC ThesesIntroduction MSc Air Transport Planning & Management Introduction MSc Logistics & Supply Chain Management Introduction MSc Transport Planning & Management ThesesIntroduction MA Urban & Regional Planning ThesesIntroduction Practice & Study LiveRIBAIntroductionPart3DesignPractice Research PhDSelectedResearchIntroductionGroupsResearch Department of Architecture SponsorsStaff4037363230282622201514762 8078706058565450484746434241
Thanks are owed to many MORE. To Nasser Golzari and Yara Sharif who designed and curated the exhibition; to Clare Hamman who has designed and produced this beautiful catalogue; to Daniel Scroggins who organised seemingly everything else; to François Girardin and the Fabrication Lab staff who built the exhibition; to Mirna Pedalo who curates our social media and the website accompany the exhibition,; to our campus team led by Kow Abadoo, Amaniel Gebreyesus and John Whitmore. Above all, thanks to our students and the staff, for their good will and good work.
MORE also shows how we have rebuilt our postgraduate and research community and reestablished our Marylebone home as a place in which to spend time together, learning and exchanging ideas and skills. The scope of the exhibition reflects the extraordinary range of creative and crossdisciplinary work that sits within our single School, encouraging students and staff to work together in addressing regenerative and resilient Design, Making, Place, Spatial Policy, Mobilities, Territorial Transitions and Professional Practice. The breadth of work also reflects our students who, drawn from all around the world, create a mix of views and approaches that is in itself a critical dimension for anyone wishing
to contribute to our contemporary planetary and societal challenges.
Please enjoy the show / webinar / publication.
2021 saw the School achieve exceptional results in the Research Excellence Framework, as well as launch its own research website [http://www.] to showcase the work of our five complementary research groups: transport + mobility; architectural humanities; emerging territories; place + experience; making + practice.
Harry Charrington
MORE 2022 SIGNALS something of a return to ‘normal’, taking place in September after two years of online / hybrid events necessarily held in January because of the pandemic. For those of you able to attend the opening event and party, you’ll notice how much we have learnt from those past events, with live streaming around the world allowing people to join in the celebrations both in person and virtually.
Head of the School of Architecture + Cities
Welcome to MORE 2022
Students: Temitope Akindele, Franchesca Atender, Xudong Bai, Jasdev Singh Bajwa, Wen Cai, Holly Cameron-Jennings, Jingqi Chen, Yanfei Chen, Chun Ho Cheung, Zhou Du, Aesha Vipul Gandhi, Jiahui He, Puyu He, Zhenhao He, Katharina Kollarits, Duygu Kose, Chushi Li, Yongheng Li, Qianying Luo, Himanshu Mewada, Amulya Mitta, Vatsal Panchal, Richa Patel, Nykole Priestley, Deneb Sarmiento Felix, Giulia Sbona, Minzi Shao, Ilayda Simsek, Komalpreet Sodhi, Yilin Sun, Yu Sun, Ploykan Tanataveetram, Jinglei Wang, Shuqi Wang, Yihan Wang, Wei Jing, Tianqi Yu, Junwei Zhang, Xiaofang Zhang, Yihang Zheng
David Littlefield (Course Leader), Dusan Decermic, Simon Banfield, Nick Beech, Tomasz Dancel-Fiszer, James Engel, Bruce Irwin, Maja Jovic, Debbie Kuypers, Benson Lau, Anna Mansfield, Paresh Parmer
Dusan Decermic is an architect who engages with both theoretical and design practices in architecture and interior design. He set up his own practice, arclab, in 1999 and has worked with numerous clients, including the Royal National Theatre and fashion designer Issey Miyake.
MA Interior Architecture
OUR INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE MA promotes a speculative approach to spatial design that is rooted in theory and the world of ideas. Those ideas, however, are deployed to confront contemporary questions and challenges. This MA course, therefore, is both conceptual and pragmatic; experimental and rigorous. With a special focus on people and place, the course encourages students to develop a deep sympathy for the needs and aspirations of the users of a space, as well as a sensitivity towards (and response to) physical and social contexts.
6 Masters | MA Interior Architecture
Located within the School of Architecture + Cities in central London, our Masters course provides students with a platform to develop personally and professionally. It comprises a set of study modules that can be grouped into three categories: theory; technical substantiation; and design. Through our theory modules, students encounter the ideas which underpin the understanding of place and site, including the notion that design and social practices are forms of cultural production. We develop research and critical thinking skills, including the use of precedent study and design method, supporting students to achieve a high degree of technical proficiency in their work, including
Guests and Critics: Ying Man (Regent Street Cinema) , Jo Prosser (Royal Academy) , Matthew Rosier (Conceptual artist and designer)
David Littlefield is Senior Lecturer and has written, co-written and edited more than 10 books on architecture and cities. His research focuses on authenticity, heritage, regeneration and notions of place. He is presently undertaking a PhD into the representation of authenticity.
This year, students were provided with the option to select their own site and theme for investigation for their major Thesis study, while there was also the option of exploring guided themes: cinema (working with the Regent Street Cinema in central London); retail; and the adaptive reuse of the historic Bargehouse building on London’s South Bank. The results were diverse, ambitious and extraordinary; from the proposal for a silent movie theatre in Waterloo station to a community park within the grounds of the former Holloway women’s prison. What we have sought to do this year is inspire a strong connection with, and response to, place; what our students have done is both respond to the demands of site as well as offering new and even surprising interpretations of the physical and social contexts in which they find themselves.
the representation of ideas; the use of ‘digital craft’ and the design of lighting solutions. Students then progress to develop their own major project through either a design proposition or a written thesis. We strive for a rich, mature synthesis of learning, a process aimed to prepare students (academically, professionally and personally) for the challenges of a complex world.
MA Interior Architecture | Masters
Further, ideas of transparency and interference between train station activities and the screening of silent films leads to the incorporation of perforated façade panels, creating a pavilion design that contrasts with the Victorian structure. In addition, experiments involving the projection of moving images onto perforated surfaces led to a study of the Moiré effect; this effect provides an overlay of interference patterns into the film that responds to one’s movement.
Chun Ho Cheung Waterloo STAYtion
and ergonomics, the design proposal is a dynamic landscape that folds into a series of interiors for the screening of German expressionist and silent movies.

THE THESIS EXPLORES ideas of time in relationship with body and space. Introducing new cinematic spaces in Waterloo Station, the proposal allows people to ‘stay’ rather than ‘wait’ and echoes the former Art Deco News Cinema that was once located in the station.
The project commenced with noticing; recording the traces left by the demolished news cinema (objective time). and examining the circulation patterns that emerge as a response to the train schedules of Waterloo Station (subjective time). Inspired by Claude Parent’s Oblique Function, an investigation between the rhythms of typologies

HUMAN BEHAVIOUR IS fascinating. Through a series of observations, this project focuses on bodies in space, their movements, and how they navigate through specific environments. When it comes to dining, it is clear that people may sit alone or in groups, while using food to express their social interests.
The act of eating can be very dynamic and hectic, or something very intimate. It is a process of movement, whether alone or with 20 people at the table. What are the limits to clustering people in one space? Can one be alone, but not lonely?

8 Masters | MA Interior Architecture
These behaviours affect the public and private spaces around them. Set in a very dynamic habitat on Oxford Street, characterised by continual movement, this project proposes a variety of spaces based around the acts of movement and eating – while shifting from an uncontrollable outside to a more controlled space within. The project seeks to demonstrates through function and representation how an existing building might be reconsidered.
Katharina Kollarits Bodies Tell Stories
The project envisages photographic studios; a gallery to exhibit interchangeable photographic works; and a permanent exhibition presenting the work of Bernd and Hilla Becher, who created a photographic record of a wide range of industrial structures, including gas-holders. The proposal also includes panoramas of London: one exhibit created from historic images, and a viewing platform from which to observe the current, ever-changing London.
THIS THESIS PROJECT developed from the Hackney gasholder complex, one of approximately 20 of these structures across the city. This infrastructure contributes to the identity of the Hackney area, and is an iconic structure locally.

gasholder structure; but also introspectively, observing the transition of time represented by repurposing the structure for a new era. The design considered a hierarchy of scale, working from the photograph and its production to the urban scale and panorama of the entire city.
explores ideas of looking, visually at interior exhibits and externally at views of London framed by the
Ploykan Tanataveetram ‘Looking’ through the Hackney Gas Holder
MA Interior Architecture | Masters
The design demonstrates the use of the original guide frame structure as both an interior and exterior. The proposal also suggests repositioning a smaller gas holder inside its larger equivalent, creating several circular shaped floors, around a central void, on which to site different functions throughout the Thisbuilding.thesis
Xudong Bai Voices That Can Be Seen
The project seeks to realise the potential of the longest running bell foundry by actively re-using the building's six-hundred-year-old structure, instead of monumentalising it for national purposes. It proposes a return of the metal casting and ceramic artists to reconcile with the history of bell-making.
Zhenhao He From Playtower to Playgrounds

Yanfei Chen
10 Masters | MA Interior Architecture
Franchesca Atender House of Food
Beginning with Finsbury Memorial Sports Centre, Barnet, this project encourages local youth to participate with the building through graffiti art. While continuing to function for the wider community, the Gym Box offers a space for multi-generational interaction.
Graffiti and Gym Box in the Forest
Temi Akindele
This project aims to highlight the theme of wellness with the aid of colours in order to evoke various emotions within oneself. Sited at 214 Oxford Street, this project shall also explore what retail was and still is to the public; as well as what it can be.

Wen Cai New Retailing
Jiahui He The Touch
(left-right) Temi Akindele; Jiahui He; Chun Ho Cheung
This project restores Ladywell Playtower into a multifunctional kindergarten with a puppet theatre, puppet workshop and playground where parents and children can spend time together while children learn through play.
This thesis looks at the common arrangements of supermarkets and explores new ways to present and organise food in a space. This project aims to create a new experience and represent the evolution of food in the Rank Hovis Premier Mill.

Aesha Gandhi Fabric of Time
The project takes advantage of the rising and falling tides of the Thames to create a new space where the river flows freely in and out of the bargehouse courtyard basement. A new heterotopia staircase has been created to access the new space.
The project explores the connection and relationship between online and offline shops. The new retail space enables sensory retailing through the analysis of the five human senses and offers a conduit to connect the different retail experiences.
MA Interior Architecture theses 2022 contd.
This project focuses on the relationship between sound and film and builds on this with the design of the walls of the Regent Street cinema. It explores how walls can change shape in response to sound, allowing the audience to see the dynamics of the changing sound as well as hearing them.
This thesis project proposes a series of interventions within Regent Street Cinema. By focusing on the body in space, these interventions question how the notions of repetition, materiality and scale can influence the relationship between those who inhabit the cinema.
This project attempts to reintroduce timber into the the Bargehouse. Inside the building, you can experience the past and future of wood through the different floors of the building.
The project aims towards an understanding of how a derelict site could be observed and how those traces could be preserved and reused again as a symbol and a dimension to recreate a new space with a modern approach.
The Holloway Knot is the redevelopment of the former Holloway Women's Prison. The theme of the project is rebirth, the creation of a new life within a one-time place of imprisonment through urban installations that create a new dynamism among the courtyards and buildings of this site.
The Repetitive Art of Cinema

The objective of the project is to examine the theoretical relationship between architectural design and choreography. This is based on an abstract approach of finding elements of intersection between architectural design and dance composition.
Jinglei Wang Artists' Community
Chushi Li
The Timber Lab
Ilayda Simsek
This project aims to create a space based on principles of perceptual architecture so that women of all ages can unwind and relieve the menstrual cycle's discomfort, promoting understanding, dialogue, and the demystification of the taboos that encompass this process.
(left-right) Nykole Priestley; Guilia Sbona; Jinglei Wang
Nykole Priestley
Qianying Luo The Secret Library
Himanshu Mewada Reimaging a Trace
This project aims to provide flexible living spaces for artists and their families, including private studio workspaces, shared community spaces and shared work courtyards that can be opened to the public. Artists can carry out their own creative practice and exchange creative experience with other artists, cooperate together and seek creative inspiration.

Giulia Sbona The Holloway Knot
Can Choreography be an Architectural Element in the Interior?
Deneb Alna’ir Sarmiento Felix Moon Time
The Secret Library is a library about forbidden books. Adaptively reusing the abandoned Aldwych tube station, it takes the Inferno of The Divine Comedy as the design concept and explores the architectural and spatial experience of secret reading.
MA Interior Architecture | Masters
Minzi Shao Experiential Retail
Holly Cameron-Jennings Suspension of Belief
This project transforms the Bargehouse on London's South Bank into a sensory experience art centre. Bringing a new sensory experience for each sense, the project attracts people to visit the Bargehouse and explore the relationship between time and change.
12 Masters | MA Interior Architecture
The creation of a utopian underground secret garden in the Smithfield Market improves the environment of the original Victorian building and provides a stressfree retreat for customers in an area without easy access to plants.
Yilin Sun Where All Things Grow
Jingqi Chen The Lost Paradise
The project combines historical investigation, archival discovery, conservation and technical innovation to re-imagine and recreate through VR technologies the Regent Street Cinema to enable users to experience the cinema's interior at different times in past.

(left-right) Vatsal Panchal; Yihang Zheng; Jasdev Singh Bajwa
Amulya Mitta The Clay Life
Exploring ideas of replication, this thesis project dwells on momentarily suspending belief in theatres. What do we need spatially to feel like we are in a theatre? The design proposition is theatrical, temporary and changeable – as theatre is by its very nature.
Green Paradise is a project to transform the Bargehouse, an old warehouse, into an art centre. The project enhances the experience by addressing the serious existing problems of the Bargehouse and incorporating green space in the atrium.
Virtual Record of Regent Street Cinema’s History
MA Interior Architecture theses 2022 contd.
Komalpreet Sodhi The Bargehouse Collective
Jasdev Singh Bajwa
The Clay Life is a community to make, educate and sell crafts using clay and it’s forms. Located in the Bargehouse, it addresses the poor ventilation and introduces an interactive façade installation. A play of light and colour explores human touch by elevating the handmade experience.
Blurring the line between real and virtual, Experiential Retail considers how a retailer could build emotional relationships with a shopper and enhances their sensory experience to strengthen the perception of a brand.
Yongheng Li Green Paradise
This thesis addresses the poor existing circulation of the Bargehouse. It aims to re-activate underutilised areas of the existing building by re-distributing the vertical and horizontal circulatory network. In so doing, it is transformed into a space where human connections are developed and a community is built.

This project creates an interesting third social space on the exterior of is an art centre building through a labyrinth of interactive installations. People can reach the different floors through the interactive installation and interact with the building.

This thesis explores the concept of changing space with light and using the various effects of light to draw people into the cinema. Film is inherently an art of light and the effects that light can have on a space can create a dramatic experience.
The project aims to use big data to create a dynamic and flexible public space within a department store by analysing people's preferences to plan different activities, and direct how to change the content of the space frequently and easily.

MA Interior Architecture | Masters

This project develops a space where dementia patients’ memories can be triggered by their living space through instructive frames based on dance movement trajectories. The intervention focuses on the interior space, but also extends into the surrounding landscape.
This project brings new life to the Bargehouse on London's South Bank, introducing circulation and more connections to the surrounding site. Inside, the journey includes a series of new destinations, such as a sunset bar and a floating riverside platform.
Junwei Zhang Mini City in Fenwicks
Based on the theory of change in four dimensions, this project intervenes in through editable and modular spatial combinations that create strong visual stimulation points to attract consumers to an exploratory offline shopping experience. Consumer loyalty is fostered through a distinctive brand storyline.
Tianqi Yu The Journey
Yu Sun
Yihan Wang Dancing in the Memory
The Arts Centre: Labyrinthine Wall
Jing Wei The Public Library
(left-right) Yongheng Li; Holly Cameron-Jennings; Yu Sun
Xiaofang Zhang Entrance
Shuqi Wang
This project references Kevin Lynch's Image of the City and finds a correspondence between it and the department store, turning the five elements into an orientation symbol. By fusing these together, upon entering the department store, the customer will be able to perceive the building in terms of space.

Alice in Wonderland
Yihang Zheng Make Space like a Rubik's Cube
The public library opened in the central commercial street brings different experience and convenience to people. This unexpected location breaks the inherent impression of a traditional library space and atmosphere.
The MA Architecture enables specialisation in architecture design or theory through its three pathways: Cultural Identity and Globalisation; Digital Media; and History and Theory. Alternatively, there is an option for students to select and combine relevant modules that meet their personal interests for their career development, subject to course entry requirements and personal circumstances. The course also offers distinct student awards, including Jila Golzari for outstanding achievement in one academic year, and Weston Williamson + Partners for outstanding Thesis Design offering monetary and working in practice prizes. The awards are announced at the exhibition marking the end of the academic year.
Filip Visnjic is an architect, curator and a media technologist working at the intersections of art, media and technology. He is editor-in-chief at CreativeApplications.Net, and director at HOLO Magazine and FRAMED*.
Students: Abdulmajeed Adeyemo, Tony Afrifa, Danilo Bulatovic, Negin Dehnaviyylagh, Shada Elmagri, Kelly Engelbercht, Censu Munevver Karagoz, Euzkai Perez Chacon, Constantino Pitsillides, Kristin Sharpe,
The different modules on offer encourage alternative modes of study and creative methods in design, representation and research. The course team of academics and practitioners offers full skills and intellectual support for students to develop their own thesis subject MA Architecture
14 Masters | MA Architecture
Nasser Golzari is a senior lecturer and senior partner of Golzari (NG) Architects. His research and build projects have won a number of awards including RIBA Award for Research, Holcim Award and Aga Khan Award.
THE ARCHITECTURE MA course offers a dynamic and unique programme on advanced postgraduate study, combining a high level of design and theoretical investigation with innovative representational methods and critical approaches to contemporary discourses on the subjects of design and theory. The programme is holistic, encouraging strategic re-thinking of habitation at the scale of the city/neighbourhood. Taking theories and design practices in socio-environmental ecologies or issues of globalisation and identity into consideration, students engaging in conceptual and technical explorations of redesigning habitation at macro- and micro-scales.
Emrullah Sonmez, Mahmood Tantwala, Jobayer Ullah, Nahal Vahdatisal, Yan Yan, William Zeng
which concludes in a design or written thesis project, promoting live projects and collaboration with clients, be they individuals, institutions or municipalities.
Krystallia Kamvasinou is a senior lecturer, an architect and a landscape architect. Her research on the topic of Interim Spaces and Creative Use has been published widely in academic journals and books.
Guest Critics: Philip Breese, Danilo Bulatovic, Simon Cole, Andreas Christodoulou, Richard Difford, Katrina Galea, Charlotte Khatso, Kate Jordan, Rim Kalsum, Katarzyna-Kasia Kwiatkowska, Angelikie Sakellariou
Nasser Golzari (Course Leader), Krystallia Kamvasinou, Filip Visnjic Andreas Christodoulou, Beth Cullen, Davide Deriu, Maja Jovic, Prajakta Kalamkar, Iman Keaik, Dirk Lellau, Samir Pandya, Yara Sharif
70 years and driven their prosperity; in contrast to the population of the desert which has suffered great neglect over this time. The Seeds mission creates opportunities around the desert to consciously reclaim, reallocate, utilise and preserve natural resources, especially fossil water, thus metaphorically to celebrate these resources.
The seed cultivates possibilities for new ways of living in the desert of Libya. As the seeds grow, the oases can develop and grow sustainably throughout the years. Over time, these natural points of connection between urban metropolises can become established as hubs that inspire and initiate more urban ecosystems across the Sahara Desert and transform the region as a whole.
Shada Elmagri Seeds of a Utopian Desert
MA Architecture | Masters
THIS DESIGN-LED THESIS project aims to create microoases in the desert in revolt of the existing cities, to address freedom, acceptance of diversity and sustainable management and distribution of resources. Considered both metaphorically and practically, the seeds are a completely sustainable, self-sufficient environment for people to thrive away from the oppressive and monolithically homogeneous city. A safe haven for the nomads, exiled and forgotten to form their own heterogeneous society and celebrate their diverse identity.
The seed can be spread around the blank spaces of Libya's ‘Desert’. The desert is the main source of oil, gas and water that the cities in the north have relied upon over the last

Danilo Bulatovic Revisiting ‘Yugoslav Florida’
contemporary world practice. This phenomenon is followed through the analysis of three case studies, showing the shifting architectural discourse that occurred in SR Montenegro. Such development resulted in a symbiosis of the architectural and urban language erected as a product of flirting with the practices coming from the West.
THIS THESIS CONSIDERS how the socio-political circumstances in the former Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia influenced the leisure architecture on the Adriatic coast of SR Montenegro between the 1960s and the 1980s. Wedged between the harsh opposites of communist East and capitalist West, it examines how the development of coastal tourism was integral to the politics of the ‘third way’. Moreover, the thesis aims to examine the role of tourism economically, and as a tool for embracing ideology, national cohesion and modernisation of the socialist society.
Tourist estate 'Montenegro' in Bečići, Montenegro, 1972. Designed by Pavle Popović and Vasko Đurović [image courtesy of Town Planning Institute, Podgorica, Montenegro]
It also questions to what extent Yugoslav architects were allowed to design the coast ‘from above’, in line with

16 Masters | MA Architecture
Finally, the analysis of the leisure heritage left by the Socialist Republic of Montenegro provides just a small piece of the puzzle in the wider quest for rebuilding the forgotten patterns of self-identity experienced by this ex-Yugoslav republic.

THE CONTEMPORARY PLORIFORATION of digital technoloiges portrays a blurred connection between the virtual and physical dimensions of space; creating a heterotopic landscape that, according to Michel Foucault, are worlds within worlds that exist in different realms and are incompatible with each other.

MA Architecture | Masters

This thesis explores mechanisms immersed in that phenomena. Simulated by digital media, such as cinemabased techniques, software and principles of machine learning algorithms, it aims to study how this experiential system is produced, reproduced and shapes the future of spatial conditions.

Euzkadi Perez Digital Rituals
with intangible fields, by users performing digital rituals that become an essential part of the current society’s identity.

The final result is a speculative visualisation of a fictional world which attempts to create a possible near-scenario ruled by digital rituals.
Understanding the multidimensional nature of space enables one to explore the phenomena of its dynamics. In this context, the constantly evolving technologies have expanded the space experience in a heterotopic way; from one where analogue devices contained a microcosm of meaning; to the current hybrid place that allow the connection of material

This project is an open ended spatial experience, reclaiming the spaces of uncertainty as potential spaces for freedom in a constrained city. The aim of this project is not to invent anything new, but to frame and reinterpret what is already there. The project consists of a series of walks, situations and experiences throughout London. Using text, photography, mapping and different types of notational drawings, the essence of each space is captured.
Nahal Vahdatiasl My Space of Freedom
This thesis considers how architecture can enable excluded communities’ voices to be heard in order to achieve spatial justice. By breaking and connecting existing buildings, rights to the city are addressed by focusing on inclusivity and constructing an integrated neighbourhood. Through this process, the project endeavours to create inclusive spaces that are vital for a healthy, thriving city in order to break down systematic inequalities in Kensington borough.

18 Masters | MA Architecture MA Architecture theses 2022 contd.
(top left) Negin Dehnavi ; (bottom left) Nahal Vahdatiasl ; (right) Constantinos Pitsillides
Negin Dehnavi Inclusion
Constantinos Pitsillides Energising the Voids in Havana
This design-led thesis considers how the spaces that emerge through disrepair within a city offer a potential, providing spaces that could be filled with the human desire. This thesis reveals the new possibilities of Havana and re-imagines these unoccupied spaces.

Beyond Devastated: Building a resiliant city in Sinjar
MA Architecture | Masters
Wars devastate collective memories and spaces. The aim of this design-led thesis is to cultivate possibilities for the post-conflict city of Sinjar to become a city of resistance. The proposal is to create new narratives of hope from the ruins; to create collective spaces, rebuilt by Yazidi and the citizens of Sinjar, which can mark a new beginning and protect their past heritage.

The Public Gardens of Theodosia Okoh
Kelly Engelbrecht Mapping Displacement
Tony Afrifa
The proposed public gardens are in the memory of Ghanian artist and activist Theodosia Okoh, who inspired the country's independent movement. Each garden uses colours of red, green and black metaphorically raising awareness of socio-environmental ecology, care for the planet, and women’s skills.
(top left) Kelly Engelbrecht ; (bottom left) Tony Afrifa ; (right) Emrullah Sonmez
This thesis explores ‘displacement’ as a methodology to map the movement of people and culture in the urban environment. Observing ‘displacement’ in broad terms as driving factors, whether instigated by urban development or gentrification, climate change or war, this thesis seeks to devise a set of methods to apply contemporary computation techniques, and thus to speculate on its possible application and social and political implication of the outcomes.

Emrullah Sonmez

Rosa Schiano-Phan (Course Leader), Mehrdad Borna, Paolo Cascone, Joana Goncalves, Kartikeya Rajput, Rofayda Salem, Amedeo Scofone, Juan Vallejo, Zhenzhou Weng
MSc continued with the investigation of the ‘Environmental performance of work and live environments during the pandemic’. The study investigated work and live environments of case study buildings in London in the context of their climate, urban microclimates, architectural features and occupants’ behaviour. The analysis explored the mutual effects that such factors have on indoor/outdoor activities, environmental quality, human comfort and energy consumption in buildings. These evaluation projects led to the semester 2 design brief on ‘Designing for the Changing Environment in the times of the Pandemic’. Proposals for the complete re-imagination of the studied sites were offered by the students with attention to the compounding requirements of a post-pandemic society, climate change and resources conservation.
IN 2021/22, THE Architecture and Environmental Design
Masters | MSc Architecture and
MSc Architecture and Environmental Design
Sai Nethrika Reddy Singareddy, Paloma Souza, Meagan Tan, Amrita Thomas, Dilshad Vadakke Koramman Churathil
The course successfully continues the Collaborative Thesis Programme with Industry, partnering with a range of architectural firms and environmental consultancies. To date theses feature a variety of topics in different climatic and socio-political contexts. The MSc AED embeds the BREEAM Approved Graduate course, while being Learning Affiliate with the Energy Institute. In April 2022, the course has also received conditional accreditation by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers and the Energy Institute. These initiatives have led to joint publications with our alumni and employment opportunities for our students.
Guest FilomenaCritics:Russo (University of Cambridge) , Giles Bruce (A-zero Architects) , Saveria Boulanger (University of Bologna) , Dimitris Argyros (Haptic Architects) Environmental
Urszula Bajcer (WSP) , Herman Calleja (SOM) , Joao Cotta (University of Campinas) , Karl Cullen (chapmanbdsp) , Christian Dimbleby (Architype) , Sebastian Eugenio (Architype) , Jacopo Gaspari (University of Bologna) , Nasser Golzari, Catherine Harrington (Architype) , Dean Hawkes (University of Cambridge) , Patrik Hermon (LCD) , Sandeep Kapoor (Arcadis) , Lia Marchi (University of Bologna) , Matthew Marson (Arcadis) , Phil McIlwain (Stroma) , Will McLean, Andrew Moore (Hilson Moran) , Alberto Neto (Poly USP) , Michael Salka (IAAC Barcelona) , Vince Ugarow (Hilson Moran)
Norah Alhamdam, Arta Ibrahimi, Naziat Azmi Mim, Rajasri Shankar: Post-Pandemic Multifunctional Housing
Students: Norah Alhamdan, Maria Angiulli, Ashmi Anil, Mohit Attri, Renjith Balachandran, Marie Haase, Arta Ibrahimi, Kwan Lam, Megha Menon, Naziat Azmi Mim, Wilanda Rachbuakhao, Ege Savran, Rajasri Shankar,
Joana Goncalves is an architect and academic working as a Visiting Lecturer for the MSc AED, as well as at The Bartlett and the Architectural Association. She was Associate Professor of Environmental Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo and has taught at Harvard University. She is the Vice-President of the PLEA conference and author of several international publications.
and Environmental Design | Masters
MSc Architecture
Rosa Schiano-Phan is an architect, consultant and academic who has worked in environmental design consultancy and research for over 20 years. Rosa has lectured at the Architectural Association, University of Nottingham, University of Oxford, University of Bologna and University of São Paulo. She is the co-author of The Architecture of Natural Cooling (Routledge, 2020).

THE FAÇADE IS one of the main features of a building to promote internal comfort and building performance, and in tropical climates this becomes an essential feature to address. Unfortunately, in many cases, they are taken for granted. The result is a series of residential tower buildings with homogenous façades, not properly designed for the climate, impacting not only the performance of the building but also human comfort.

This research aims to understand the design principles and elements that comprise a Responsive Façade and how they impact energy efficiency and user comfort for space cooling. The study looks for façade options for multi-storey residential buildings, seeking a balance between daylight, shading, and natural ventilation.
As a result, a series of façade features were adopted. Ceramic was chosen as the primary material to create perforated and opaque panels that both act as a double-skin façade and flexible shading devices. The dynamic operation was explored through automated elements which move according to the sun or by occupants' control. In addition, various scenarios of intervention were explored to optimise performance in tropical climates. Design

(left) Double-skin façade with flexible ceramic shades for multi-storey residential buildings in tropical climates, demonstrating day and night arrangements Paloma Souza The Future of Responsive Façades for Multi-Storey Residential Buildings in Tropical Climates
The design study analyses good examples of precedent buildings and critically assesses challenges in existing building façades in a tropical climate; this allows identification of the elements that interfere with occupants’ internal conditions and building performance, as well as building parameters which can shape possible design solutions.
Masters | MSc Architecture and Environmental
THE FUTURE URBAN population will increase by 2050, with two out of every three people worldwide living in cities (UN). To be able to develop sustainably, cities must dynamically manage and limit their expansion and protect their biodiversity and ecosystems while responding to the demand for housing. At the same time, cities must become more resilient against climate change as well as mitigate their impact on the local climate. Part of the solution is the infill and urban regeneration of brownfield sites which offer the potential to revitalise and positively impact the community and environment.
MSc Architecture and Environmental Design | Masters
Marie Haase Hacking the Street: Regenerative design principles for the existing urban street section and public realm

Marie Haase
(left) Environmental strategy section; (right) Prototype model, winter solstice

This design project, based on the environmental analysis, introduces regenerative strategies and natural elements to the existing street section and public realm of Wallis Road, London, UK, which is within the London Olympic Legacy boundary and under redevelopment from a former industrial to a residential use. A vital part of the design is to work with the ground through bio-remediation of the soil and flood resilience strategies.
Remediation processes to treat the polluted soil of former industrial sites are an essential part of the regeneration process. Research has shown that potential bio-remediation with fungi and plants can be an alternative to established methods and be part of a systematic approach to achieving an ecological renewal of those sites.
The proposed prototype, which responds to the environmental parameters and surrounding buildings, is a sustainable addition that improves the local microclimate, pedestrian comfort, and ecological regeneration while mitigating the impact of future climates on the urban population.
MSc Architecture and Environmental Design theses 2022 contd.
24 Masters | MSc Architecture and Environmental Design

This thesis design project aims to explore a new office building prototype that is appropriate to the context of Dubai, not only by responding to the local hot desert climate, but also to the new emerging global context of a pandemic-prone environment, with unpredictable occupancy and behavioural norms.
The thesis considers the dual challenges faced by many UK office buildings of energy use and carbon emissions, and the pandemic's impacts on working patterns and adaptations. It focuses on adapting offices to incorporate natural ventilation and adjusting layouts.
This thesis design project explores the climatic aspects and local vernacular construction techniques for the design of a school and cultural centre for students and native people in the hot, semi-arid climate of a rural area in Rajasthan, India.
Operational Energy in High-Rise Office Buildings: The path towards zero carbon

This thesis explores the benefit of integrating nature, visual interests and other sensory perceptions in a hospice. Improving microclimatic conditions in transitional spaces and gardens could create a building that provides health-care, hope and comfort in times of grief.

Naziat Azmi Mim Passivhaus Ventilation Effectiveness and Behaviour in Various Weather Conditions
Maria Angiulli
Between Spaces: A holistic hospice design for the terminally ill
Redefining the Environmentally-Responsive Office Building: A prototype for a bioclimatic, pandemic-prepared office building in Dubai
(left-right) Wilanda Rachbuakhao; Naziat Azmi Mim; Kwan Lam
Megha Menon
This design study examines the use of natural ventilation by evaluating different natural ventilation strategies in a polluted area, with the challenge of achieving thermal comfort in London hotels without compromising the indoor air quality.
How can façade design enhance daylight in office environments in temperate climates?

Passive house design, coupled with the Net Zero Energy Model (NZEM), can save a tremendous amount of energy and reduce the carbon footprint. Passive house and smart ways for energy management and ventilation are the main focus of this research and considers the case study of Chalfont Community Centre.
The Brittlebush: School design for rural Rajasthan, India
Thermal Comfort and Natural Ventilation for Hotels in Temperate Climates

According to the latest targets and regulations, highrise office buildings should theoretically achieve netzero carbon. However, this study shows that this is impossible to achieve without passive design solutions, efficient systems and on-site innovative renewables.
This project considers how a community farm within a housing complex can benefit the apartments' design and offers an opportunity for social cohesion, health awareness and economic growth, by the farm providing a sustainable, community-based food system.

Kwan Lam
Retrofitting of the Mid-Rise Office Building in a Dense Urban Environment

Ashmi Anil
Contemporary fully-glazed façades of high-rise office buildings create an internal environment that is hard to control. This study presents an evidence-based approach for tackling issues like glare, excessive daylight and solar heat gain by proposing different shading techniques.

Mohit Attri

Norah Alhamdan
Renjith Balachandran
Urban Pedagogical Farm: An opportunity of social cohesion, health awareness and economic growth
Arta Ibrahimi
Mass timber is increasingly prevalent to achieve net zero targets. While doing so, however, various building elements often remain overlooked. This study investigates the next generation of mass timber construction and proposes novel means of further embodied and operational carbon reduction.

Sai Nethrika Reddy Singareddy
Flow: Social Housing for the Fishing Community of Kerala, India

This study seeks to establish lighting systems; artificial light dimming and organic response to reduce energy consumption while improving employees' well-being, and productivity in the office. The study will consider literature review and case study far data collection.
Wilanda Rachbuakhao
Rajasri Shankar Artificial Light Dimming and Organic Response
Dilshad Vadakke Koramman Churathil
Ege Savran
The Impact of Material Selection and Construction Strategies on Embodied Carbon

(clockwise from top left) Maria Angiulli; Renjith Balachandran; Arta Ibrahimi; Ashmi Anil; Amritha Thomas
Amritha Thomas
Green Façade Features for Office Buildings in the Future Climate
This thesis explores the integration of green façade systems in office buildings to improve the thermal and daylight environment and to respond to the global warming challenges in the context of London.

This thesis proposes a series of architectural solutions and guidelines based on natural ventilation, courtyards, permeable materials and roof design to be considered while designing a community rehabilitation housing project in a warm and humid climate type.
This paper analyses the effects of climate change in Kerala, India, and proposes a prototype house in rural village which is low-cost, sustainable, and resilient to the effects of climate change like heavy rains, floods, and droughts.
This thesis design project aims to analyse the micro-climate of Orissa, India and propose suitable sustainable solutions to achieve an off-grid community by integrating vernacular elements such as courtyards, slope roofs, materials and also providing quality of life.

The Change: An off-grid development for the tribal community of Orissa, India
MSc Architecture and Environmental Design | Masters
Climate Resilient Rural House: Sustainable prototype for Kerala

MA Urban Design
Drawing on the cultural and economic forces acting in the city, the Urban Design course focuses on understanding and shaping the physical setting in which these processes take place; the manner in which buildings, streets and urban spaces are combined to create distinct environments that nurture daily life, provide efficient urban systems and form memorable places valued by their inhabitants is carefully
David Mathewson (Course Leader), Roudaina Al Khani, Bill Erickson (Studio Lead), Simone Gobber, Krystallia Kamvasinou, Michael Neuman, David Seex
Cities are at the centre of modern life, and are the places where the majority of the world’s inhabitants make their homes. They are the hubs of economic and social life and where the majority of resources are consumed. They have evolved over time with important built forms and urban profiles that attract investment while serving as cultural assets which reflect the values of their inhabitants, around whom shared experiences revolve and daily activities are shaped. This process is well understood in the West, however in a global context the pace of change is both dramatic and accelerating, creating new challenges for city design and management, particularly in the developing nations of the global south.
THE MA URBAN DESIGN course at the University of Westminster provides a coherent approach to challenges facing cities today. Combining structured academic study with live design projects, it allows students to develop practical skills alongside a theoretical understanding and an informed approach to sustainable urban development. As a multidisciplinary field, it overlaps with and incorporates elements of urban and regional planning, architecture, landscape design, urban regeneration, geography, transport planning and infrastructure planning, drawing students from all these backgrounds.
26 Masters | MA Urban Design
James Draper: Creating a low traffic neighbourhood
Students: Hillary Lok Yi Chow, James Draper, Marwa Griew, Harpinder Kaur, Yousra Kherkhache, Grant McClements, Alina Ohriniuc, Triveni Sarda, Jerome Thibault, Leonie Walker
here is based on student dissertations and major design projects in which particular impacts on the design of cities are identified and how, in the light of these effects, urban form can best be adapted to current and future needs. The practice of urban design has been emerging as a distinct profession since the 1970s and is underpinned by a growing knowledge base informed by research and tested through spatial analysis and design proposal; these studies represent a critique of current responses to urban challenges and provide a unique contribution to urbanism’s body of knowledge.
MA Urban Design | Masters
David Mathewson is a Senior Lecturer, with over 20 years' experience as an urban designer, architectural designer and international planner currently undertaking doctoral studies in planning policy related to flooding and the link with changing urban form in Jakarta, Indonesia..
Bill Erickson is Principal Lecturer. He is an architect and urban designer with research interests in digital modelling of urban development, including a focus on urban morphology.
Krystallia Kamvasinou is a Senior Lecturer and an architect and landscape architect who has published widely, and recently completed a Leverhulme Fellowship on ‘Interim Spaces and Creative Use’.
Roudaina Al Khani is an architect and urban and regional planner, and founder and director of Platforms for Sustainable Cities and Regions Ltd.
Michael Neumann is Professor of Sustainable Urbanism at the University of Westminster. He previously taught at the University of New South Wales, Australia and Texas A&M University.
David Seex has been teaching urban design and planning at Westminster for over 30 years and runs an urban design and planning consultancy.

The Paradigm for Revamping London's Railway Viaducts
Marwa Griew
Unravelling the Low Traffic Neighbourhood Paradigm: Traffic management and implications for sustainable and equitable urban design
(left) James Draper ; (right) Jerome Thibault
Masters | MA Urban Design
MA Urban Design theses 2022
Lok Yi (Hillary) Chow
James Draper
Harpinder Kaur
Yousra Kherkhache
Reflecting on the COVID-19 Transition to Web-Based Community Engagement Technologies in Urban Projects
Using the concept of the 15-minute city, this paper utilises mapping data to pinpoint neighbourhoods and streets in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to explore how poor access to local services, parks and transportation can leave people disengaged from the city.

Many proposals exist for the future of high and low railway lines in different countries. But where are these infrastructural lines in London heading? Are they considered just an eye-sore or a noisy barrier? Are the government policies and their disengagement responsible for it? Or is there a better approach to go forward in favour of Londoners?
As the densest city in the UK, London is undergoing large-scale regeneration to address its housing shortage. Hong Kong, for example, has been plagued by a housing crisis for decades. Can current developments in London be a springboard for improving the urban qualities of Hong Kong’s public housing?
Restoring Life to Post-War Cities
Learning to Change: Delivering Liveable Communities for future Hong Kong by benchmarking against London
Urban design solutions in conflict affected cities can work towards people-centred development approaches, enhancing a community's sense of belonging, ownership and cohesion. This study aims to understand how culture-based urban solutions can be prioritised in conflicts cities. While investigating cities that have recovered after war, it focuses on the role communities play in reviving the soul of the historical city centre, image and memory.
Through the lens of best practice, this thesis evaluates how the recent design paradigm of ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’, schemes implemented across many of London’s boroughs, could incorporate wider elements of urban design including sustainability, equitability and placemaking interventions.

Casting Light on Urban Illumination
(left) Leonie Walker: Times Square, New York [image © Vincent Desjardins] ; (bottom right) James Draper ; (top right) Alina Ohriniuc

Sustainability is very present in design briefs but hard to deliver. With the urge to reduce land consumption, brownfields are opportunities to deliver sustainable cities. With the help of indicators, this research explores how to design sustainable urban parks from brownfields sites.
The thesis provides a discussion on the over-station densification driven by the Compact City model and the challenge it creates to the preservation of the built heritage. It considers cultural values that could shape a more robust and resilient community growth response anchored in the perspectives of United Nations Sustainable and Cultural Development goals.
Jerome Thibault
Balancing Compact Development and Cultural Heritage: The Goods Yard case
Temporary Solutions with Lasting Benefits? Temporary Urbanism’s Contribution to the Creation of Sustainable Places
Designing Urban Park from Brownfields with Sustainable Indicators

Alina Ohriniuc
MA Urban Design | Masters
Leonie Walker
Grant McClements
Triveni Sarda
With Mumbai being the forefront of global socio-economic change and rapid urbanisation in India, urban infrastructure in the city faces immense pressure to accommodate the growing population. The development trend that follows is an ad hoc method of jugaad where the benefits of the project outweigh systematic environmental and social resilience.
In recent years hybrid temporary urban projects have become ubiquitous in London. This research examines such projects against sustainability and urban design indicators. Four London case studies are analysed to develop a framework for sustainable and well designed temporary urban projects.

The Urban Jugaad: Urban development trends in Mumbai
Sustainability is very present in design briefs but hard to deliver. With the urge to reduce land consumption, brownfields are opportunities to deliver sustainable cities. With the help of indicators, this research explores how to design sustainable urban parks from brownfields.
Structured around written assignments and studiobased projects, and supported by lectures, seminars, tutorials and site visits, students can choose to follow
Special CamilloThanks:Boano (DPU/UCL) , Angelique Chettiparamb (University of Reading) , Malcolm Moor, Michael Mutter, Marion Roberts, Pat Wakely (DPU Associates) , Ya Ping Wang (University of Glasgow)
Andrea Rehm, Rumana Rumpa, Francesca Saberton, Elisenda Sanclimens, Prathamesh Sawant, Daniel Sefton, Ahmed Sharaf, Rachel Streeter, Neel Nitin Talathi, Eric Vonhofen, Prachi Prabhakar Wade, Wing Cheong (Gary) Wong, Luka Zumbach
The course is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and New Urban Agenda and we are a Habitat Partner University. The curriculum draws
Students: Christopher Amamgbo, Lindsay Blainey, Giulia Borea, Hyacynth Cabiles,Tre-Vaughn Caines, Abdallah El Hajj, Mohammad Ganai, Maximillian Gibson, Christian Gonito, Nina Gul, Mohammed Mehedi Hasan, Helen Kearney, Ryan Lee, Lasse Lottgen, Jeremy MacIsaac, Atia Mahjabin, Negin Namdar-Dastjerdi, Emanuele Nardella, Elizabeth Nash, Megi Nushi,
Krystallia Kamvasinou is a senior lecturer, an architect and a landscape architect. Her research on the topic of Interim Spaces and Creative Use has been published widely in academic journals and books.
THIS COURSE EXPLORES contemporary theories, policy and practice in planning and urban design for sustainable, inclusive and resilient development in cities, regions and communities in a rapidly urbanising world. It spans both developed and developing world contexts, in locations facing a wide range of growing climate change and other environmental, economic and social pressures and risks, reflected in the student project work noted here.
the Spatial Planning Pathway which has a strong urban design component and an emphasis on development planning. Alternatively, the Urban Resilience Pathway provides a sustainable development-focused route with a core emphasis on climate change risks, adaptation planning and natural hazard risk management.
Christopher Amamgbo: Street in Lagos at high tide [image © IseeAfrica]
on the hands-on experience of the Max Lock Centre, an international development unit that has been actively involved in action- and policy-focused research across the developing world since 1995.
MAIPSD is aimed at those with a relevant background who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of planning and sustainable development, whether to improve career prospects in their country or enter UK or international practice. It is aimed at full-time international, UK and EU students, but it is also open to part-time UK-based students who want to explore an international development planning career pathway. The course is fully accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) as a ‘combined planning programme’. Graduates from this course find employment as planners and urban designers, urban regeneration or environmental management specialists in private consultancy, local and national government, and non-governmental sectors in their own country or internationally, including international development agencies and financial institutions.
Tony Lloyd-Jones (Course Leader), Krystallia Kamvasinou (Dissertation Module Leader) Roudaina Al Khani, Lindsay Bremner, Andrew Boughton, Jim Coleman, Bill Erickson, Jeff Howard, Ripin Kalra, David Mathewson, Michael Neuman, Johannes Novy, Simona Palmieri, Geoff Payne, Federico Redin, David Seex, Abubokkar Siddiki, John Somers, Mireille Tchapi, Giulio Verdini
Tony Lloyd-Jones is an architect, urban designer and planner involved in international development research and practice. He is Reader in International Planning and Sustainable Development and Director of Research and Consultancy at the Max Lock Centre.
MA International Planning and Sustainable Development
Guest DarshanaCritics:Chauhan (CoPlug) , Martyn Clark (Tripleline) , Nandini Dasgupta, Grishma Girish (Broxbourne Council) , Yann Leclerc (Dar Group) , Sebastian Loew (Urban Design Journal) , Peter Newman, Geoff Payne (Geoffrey Payne Associates) , Robert Sadlier
Masters | MA International Planning and Sustainable Development
MA International Planning and Sustainable Development | Masters

Masters | MA International Planning and Sustainable Development
Through these case studies, the efficacy of NGOs to create a lasting impact at the local level is explored and how this is best achieved through building relationships with other organisations, agencies or institutions to consider the future of the community after the formal project has ended.
Andrea Rehm The Role of NGOs: Building community resilience in rural African communities
A girl from the Borena tribe drives sheep and goats in Dire District, southern Oromiya Region [image © Unicef Ethiopia]

THIS DISSERTATION EXPLORES the role of NGOs in building community resilience in the context of poverty, climate change and political instability in rural Ethiopia. It addresses the question of who communities can engage with when national government is uninterested, unstable or otherwise disengaged, and considers the role of NGOs in this context. Can they leave a lasting and place-appropriate solution that does not immediately necessitate the help or involvement of the national government?
By considering the challenging circumstances of what has been called the ‘climate-fragility-conflict nexus’, this study builds on the concept of community resilience. The more individuals and households can rely on their community, the less dependent they are on higher government powers and the less vulnerable they are to stresses and shocks.
Two case studies are examined; Farm Africa was founded to respond to famine in Ethiopia and designed to ‘test innovative market-based approaches to improve the resilience of vulnerable pastoralist/agro-pastoralist households to climate change’; the other is CGIAR, a global research partnership comprised of funders and research centres aiming at a foodsecure future through the transformation of ‘food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis’ and ‘catalys(ing) positive change for climate-smart agriculture’.
Elisenda Sanclimens Top-down Tactical Urbanism in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: From temporary interventions to long-term urban reshaping
Cykelslangen, Copenhagen [photo: Unsplash]

THE OUTBREAK OF COVID-19 forced us to rethink form and space allocation in our living environments, and our priorities in terms of mobility, social interaction, health and economic models. This unpredictable event gave us the opportunity to question our settled planning processes and to explore alternative approaches to adjust our cities in accordance with the emergency. In other words, the world crisis forced us to undertake action, to upgrade collective resilience, to change rooted social behaviours, and to question settled planning processes that seemed invulnerable until then.
Elisenda Sanclimens
As a quick response to the pandemic, several cities used tactical urbanism as a flexible, low-cost and reversible tool to reshape their streets in a short period of time. Overall, those temporary measures targeted the redistribution of the street surface, allocating more space to pedestrians and promoting active mobility at the expense of motorised traffic. Using an evaluative analytical framework and through an extended literature review, this study explores the tactical nature of such interventions and its relationship with the achievement of long-term urban strategies for sustainable development. Case study analyses in the cities of Berlin and Barcelona investigate the planning processes behind the tactical interventions in the emergency context and establishes a correlation between tactics and strategy. The results of the study underline the role of tactics to accelerate transformation processes in an urban environment, as well as the importance of a coordinated and pragmatic decisionmaking process within the planning authorities. The study concludes that tactical urbanism can be a suitable tool to introduce changes and experimentation in the urban space, as a temporary stage towards a long-term, strategy-oriented reshaping of urban space.
MA International Planning and Sustainable Development | Masters
MA International Planning and Sustainable Development Theses 2022 contd.
Mohammad Ganai Allocation and Access of Development Aid for Water Supply and Sanitation in Urban Areas
Conceptualising a Sustainable Use for the Urban-Rural fringe: A study of the UK and China
Urban stormwater management (SWM) is an intricate process that requires the implementation of ‘Green Infrastructure’ (GI) to address climate change in cities and complement existing traditional infrastructures. This dissertation discusses the challenges of GI implementation in various climatic and geographic contexts to improve strategies for sustainable SWM.
The main objective of the research is to evaluate how the concept of community-based adaptation to climate change can be applied to the local climate policy framework of low-income communities of developing countries. Lagos, a mega-city in Nigeria faced with flooding issues, is used as a case study.
The study aims to research community gardening activities and their relevance in delivering climate change adaptation and mitigation in the periphery of Rome. It considers if their impact on vulnerable groups can be valued as fair and considered a climate justice strategy.
Christian Gonito
Jeremy MacIsaac
This study utilises desktop research to speculate whether sustainable transportation of walking and cycling is crucial for achieving faster response and more effective short-term recovery for flood risk cities. It considers their likely efficacy through the experiences of Mumbai, Chennai and Copenhagen.
This thesis analyses the challenges, and proposes recommendations, in using heritage landscapes to advance sustainable development and resilience planning in the historic port city of Liverpool, with reference to practices in New Orleans, Mombasa and Yangon.
Masters | MA International Planning and Sustainable Development
Max Gibson
Certain urban forms favour sustainability, while others make places less habitable for individuals and are costly economically and environmentally. In order to achieve sustainability, urban form must be created or regenerated to prioritise citizens in the way that economics and the natural environment are fostered.
The central discussion focuses on the challenges and opportunities experienced by the urban transport sector of cities in developing countries. To illustrate the discussion further, the case of Dhaka city will be considered as the primary study for the research.
Giulia Borea
Resilience to Climate Change through Community-Based Adaptation Planning: The Case of Lagos, Nigeria
An Investigation of how Urban Form affects the Sustainability of a City
This thesis seeks to examine how compact city planning has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on London, it explores how urban planning has changed from before, during and after this period.
Urban Community Gardening as a Climate Justice Strategy in Rome's Neglected Periphery Neighbourhoods
‘Who truly benefits?’ Exploring equity implications of urban greening interventions in the Woodberry Downs redevelopment
Atia Mahjabin
Compact City Planning and the COVID-19 Pandemic in London
This thesis aims to research current practices in developing the urban-rural fringe in the context of the UK and China. Using London and Beijing as key case studies, it seeks to understand recommendations and barriers for its future sustainable development.
Christopher Amamgbo
London’s response to the social housing crisis is explored by researching different councils' responses to social housing subsidies within urban regeneration projects. The thesis looks at the effects on existing tenants, the implications of new regeneration projects, and considers options for the Love Lane Estate.
Lasse Lottgen
Resilient Heritage: How the historic urban landscape can be used to advance sustainable development in historic port cities
Hyacynth Cabiles
The objective of the study is to understand the mechanisms behind the decision-making of development aid allocation for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) supplies. It also examines the factors that might enable or constrain developing countries from attracting finance.
Towards sustainable Public Transport: Challenges and opportunities in developing Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ryan Lee Investigating the Effectiveness of Walking and Cycling in Disaster Risk Management for Flood Risk Cities
Helen Kearney
How can Haringey council respond to social housing issues in their regeneration scheme of Love Lane Estate?
Mohammed Mehedi Hasan
Implementation of Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management
This thesis explores the concept of environmental gentrification and its key principles by considering the Woodberry Downs redevelopment. It questions the equity and the assurance of a ‘just sustainability’ in the benefits delivered for the residents.
Focusing on the realities experienced by The Maldives and Grenada, this study seeks to learn from their successes and failures.
An Exploration of the Role of Urban Parks as Opportunity Areas for Increasing Wellbeing and Broadening Community Benefits

This thesis explores well-being benefits of urban green spaces. It investigates the importance and role of urban parks in developing and maintaining mental, physical and social well-being, through two case studies in London: Hyde Park and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
Are economic drivers preventing small island nations from keeping to political promises to combat global climate change?

Emanuele Nardella
This dissertation focuses on land management issues, specifically the policy instrument of land readjustment as a tool for efficient and equitable land development. The study contributes to the discourse on rapid urbanisation and ways to achieve efficient and equitable land development in peri-urban areas.
Luka Zumbach
Hong Kong's Hidden Gems: Unofficial conservation and social sustainability
Megi Nushi
Daniel Sefton
From Invisibilised Social Exclusion to Legitimised Market-Based Displacement

This research investigates how unofficial heritage, not recognised by official conservation policies, impacts social sustainability in Hong Kong, by comparing two case studies: Wing Lee Street represents a rare successful case for unofficial heritage conservation with public effort, while Lee Tung Street represents a failed attempt for conservation.

(left to right) Rachel Street: Favéla, Rio de Janiero [image © dany13] ; Megi Nushi: Urban Park; Wing Cheong Wong: Wing Lee Street [Image © 文子言木] ; Elizabeth Nash: The Maldives [Image © Fredrik Rubensson] ; Christian Gonito: Love Lane Estate, Haringey, London
MA International Planning and Sustainable Development | Masters
Regenerating a Former Company-Reliant Town: The case of Mumias, Kenya
This thesis examines whether the National Park City campaign has led to changes in planning policy and governance of green space in the boroughs of Hackney and Richmond. It analyses how it has affected the provision and governance of green space in London or whether it is more of a political marketing tool for the city’s global status.
Once Kenya’s largest sugar supplier, Mumias lost its sugar company in 2018. The existing strategic plan was written for a thriving agricultural town; how can this be adapted to best utilise the urban form for a more sustainable future?
Wing Cheong (Gary) Wong
This dissertation is underpinned by case studies of Community Land Trusts in San Juan, Puerto Rico and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It considers how, and to what extent, can CLTs be mobilised as part of informal settlement upgrading initiatives in order to overcome gentrification.
Prachi Wade
Many cities are growing rapidly; if appropriate mitigation measures are disregarded, this could elevate the risk to life and infrastructure caused by Tsunami events.
A global Perspective on Increased TsunamiRisk Caused by Current Urban Growth
Elizabeth Nash
Land Readjustment as a Tool to Achieve Efficient and Equitable Land Development
This dissertation studies one of the largest informal communities in the world, Dharavi in Mumbai, home to a million people and over 525 acres in size.
This research tests the hypothesis that current urban growth and urbanisation are exacerbating Tsunamirelated risk for loss of life, assets and infrastructure.
Upgrading the Living Conditions of People in Dharavi Slum, Mumbai
The challenges associated with ‘informal settlements’ (slums) are global. Intervention in slums needs to be an upgrading rather than a redevelopment.

Rachel Streeter
This is an exploration of the political influence held by economic drivers and how they impact the reality of sustainable development in small island nations.
Franchesca Saberton London and the National Park City Campaign
dynamic and rich study environment for students and staff alike, and well reflects the global nature of professional work in tourism and events.
Chantal Laws is a Senior Lecturer, disability tutor for the school and a researcher in events and the creative and cultural industries. Her professional background ranges from curating in the heritage sector to managing a multi-stage publicly-funded London arts venue.
The courses combine small-group classes, some studio work, experiential learning and independent study. In the final phase of their studies students produce a thesis using original primary research.
MATM Students: Blerim Aliaj, Eliza Bagdasaryan, Abhay Bahadur, Sofiane Boumaza, Martina Buratti, Simona Karamanoleva, Simran Kaur, Mahir Jatinkumar Patel, Clayton Rodrigues, Sameer Mansukhbhai Sakariya, Sanchay Sharma
diverse and highly international community of students who come to the courses with a range of education and prior experience. All of this makes for a
Chantal Laws (course leader), Rutendo Musikavanhu (deputy leader), Dimah Ajeeb, Ian Arnott, Stroma Cole, Helen Farrell, Anne Graham, Lindsey Hanford, Clare Inkson, Josef Jammerbund, Maja Jović, Fatemeh Mohamadi, Chiara Orefice, Ilaria Pappalepore, Andrew Smith
Our sister courses hold a unique position within the UK higher education sector due to their situation within an architectural school. We take a distinctive position on the spaces and places for tourism and events with a focus on destinations and the urban environment, drawing on our own research and links with industry in London and further afield.
36 Masters | MA Event Design & Management
THE MA COURSES in Event Design and Management and Tourism Management are strongly aligned and delivered by a close-knit team who combine established academics, early career researchers and a range of professional experience in events and tourism.
MA Tourism Management
These taught masters courses provide students with the opportunity to focus their studies through a range of optional modules. These reflect the research interests of the staff team including creative experience design, global festivals and events, the inter-relationships between tourism, culture and society, airport and airline management and tourism entrepreneurship. We are fortunate to draw on excellent industry links to provide a range of guest speakers, visiting lecturers and field trips.
MA Event Design & Management
Our alumni have been recognised for their scholarly and professional achievements, including multiple winners of the Tourism Management Institute’s Postgraduate Dissertation Prize.
MAEDM Students: Maddison Ackerman, Sidra Rahmath Ali, Claudia Balters, Andrea Perez Bisbal, Hengyin Chen, Carolina Gomez Cortes, Erika Jarrin Hidalgo, Aneta Jirouchova, Ana Jitari, Rebecca Johnson, Riddhi Joshi, Addison Keel, Madison Kesselring, Solene Levrat, Xi Luo, Georgia Michaels, Aashna Nandu, Titilayo Okunola, Jess Porritt, Prithvi Singh, Ting Chi Tai, Pin Tan, Nishad Sunil Vichare, Kehan Yang, Yang Zheng
A growing area of specialism is the field of experience design and our MA course was successfully relaunched in September 2018 (with increased enrolments) to focus further on the creative design aspects of event
Rutendo Musikavanhu is an experienced academic, skilled in education, strategic leadership, mega-sport events, tourism and hospitality. She is a strong research professional with interests in the legacy and social impacts of mega events.
Factors Affecting Music Tourism in the United Kingdom since the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Role of Special Interest Events: Destination promotion and visitors’ motivations
Andrea Perez Bisbal
Motivation of Attending the CAFEEX in Shenzhen and the Impact in City Branding
Jess Porritt*
Ana Jitari
Solene Levrat
Exploring the Impacts of Sustainable Mega-event Venues in the UK
Analysis of How New Technology is Used in the Event Industry
Influence of Tradition on Events and Tourism: Diwali as a global festival
An Analysis of the Importance of Product Launch Events: The case study of Apple
Social Medias’ Influence and Impact on Sustainable Wedding Planning
Riddhi Joshi
Travel Blogs about China: Their use and the image of China as a touristic destination
Understanding Wedding Tourism and its Influence on Destination Branding: The case study of Udaipur destination weddings
Eliza Bagdasaryan*
Aneta Jirouchova
The Attitude of Customers Towards Eco-Tourism Post-Pandemic
Prithvi Singh
Sanchay Sharma
The Effect of COVID-19 on Attendance of Fashion Shows and High-End Stores in the United Kingdom
The Importance of Islands as a Destination and Developments to Increase their Appeal
Erika Jarrin Hidalgo
Titilayo Okunola
Madison Kesselring
Abhay Bahadur
The Social Impacts of the English Premier League (EPL) on the Residents of Croydon
Italy and UK Food Markets: A comparison between the factors that contribute to the event experience
Rebecca Johnson
An Exploration of the Role of Extreme Sporting Activities in the Creation of Transformative Eventscapes
How does the Notting Hill Carnival impact the environment, economy, and social and cultural experiences for visitors and local residents?
Promoting Russia as a Tourist Destination to the British
Pin Tan
Sameer Mansukhbhai Sakariya
Claudia Balters
Analysing the Event Planning and Management of the 2017 Fyre Festival and Astroworld 2021: Successes and downfalls
The Battle between Traditional Hotels and Airbnb: A comprehensive study of the tourist accommodation market
How has Covid-19 impacted electronic music events in the music industry?
Ting Chi Tai Globalisation of Cultural Hallmark Events
Impacts of Creative Place-Making on Tourism Development in Tirana
Exploring the Relationship between Accessibility and Experience at Leisure Events for Young Adults with a Disability
Hengyin Chen
Aashna Nandu
Mahir Jatinkumar Patel
Ecotourism and its Advantages to Local Businesses
Kehan Yang Motivations to Attend Digital Pop Music Concerts
Study of Challenges Faced by the Airline Industry Before the COVID-19 Pandemic
Georgia Michaels
MA Tourism Management | Masters
Yang Zheng
Sofiane Boumaza
Maddison Ackerman*
Comparison of WorldExperiencescapes:ImmersiveHarryPotterandDisneylandParis
Simran Kaur
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Propensity of UK Residents to Travel
An Analysis of Organised Protests Around the World
Clayton Rodrigues
A Critical Approach to the Effects of City Branding: The Medusa Music Festival case
Xi Luo
Carolina Gomez Cortes
Blerim Aliaj
Nishad Sunil Vichare
Simona Karamanoleva
Differences in Nightlife Events: A comparison
Addison Keel
Martina Buratti*
Exploring the Sustainability of Music Festivals in the Future
The Effect of Influencer Culture on the Events Industry and its Participants
* Best dissertation
The Negative Impact of Mega Events on Local Communities: The case of Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
MA Event Design and Management Theses 2022 MA Tourism Management Theses 2022 poster
For young adults living in London
§ Objective: To develop recommendations for the improvement of accessible leisure events based on participant’s perceptions.
§ Objective: To record participants’ experience journey at a leisure event of their choice from beginning to end.
References Barrera Fernádez D. and Hernández Escampa M. (2020). Mobility in urban events: walkability and accessibility in the Guelaguetza. Annals of Leisure Research 24, 1 26. Available from DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2020.1800497. Braj a Zganec A., Merkaš M. and Šverko I. (2011). Quality of Life and Leisure Activities: How do Leisure Activities Contribute to Subjective Well Being? Soc Indic Res 102(1), 81 91. Available from DOI 10.1007/sI 1205 010 9724 2. Broadbent, A. (2017). Company Report: Eventbrite UK Event Accessibility Guide 2017. Available from content/uploads/PDF 2017.pdf [Accessed 12 March 2022]. Cole, S., Zhang,Y., Wang, W. and Cheng ming H. (2019). The influence of accessibility and motivation on leisure travel participation of people with disabilities. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 36(1), 119 130. Available from DOI: Darcy,10.1080/10548408.2018.1496218S.(2012).Disability,Access,AndInclusion In The Event Industry: A Call For Inclusive Event Research. Event Management 16(1), 269 265. Available from DOI: [Accessed 12 March 2022]. Dickson, T.J., Darcy, S., Johns, R. and Pentifallo C. Inclusive by design: transformative services sport event accessibility. The Service Industries Journal 36(11), 532 55. Available from DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2016.1255728. dos Santos Neto, S.C., de Oliveira, A.F.S., Cardoso,V.D. and de Castro Haiachi M. (2019). Rio 2016 Paralympics and accessibility: Breaking barriers in urban mobility? In: Finkel, R., Sharp, B. and Sweeney, M. (eds). Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity in Critical Event Studies. Oxon: Routledge, 167 176. Law, M., Cooper, B., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P. and Letts, L. (1996). The Person Environment Occupation Model: A transactive approach to occupational performance. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 63(1), 23. Available from DOI:10.1177/000841749606300103. Law, M., Steinwender S. and Leclair L. (1998). Occupation, health and well being. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 65(2), 81 91. Available from DOI: Ormesher10.1177/000841749806500204.E.(2021).Whytheevents industry must prioritize accessibility post Covid. The Drum 15 September. Available industry prioritize accessibility post covid [Accessed 12 March 2022]. Páez A. and Farber, S. (2012). Participation and desire: leisure activities among Canadian adults with disabilities. Transportation 1 24. Available from DOI 10.1007/s11116 012 9385 Pyer M. and Tucker, F. (2017). ‘With us, we, like, physically can’t’: Transport, Mobility and Leisure Experiences of Teenage Wheelchair Users. Mobilities 12(1), 36 52. Available from DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2014.970390. Shin, K. and You, S. (2013). Leisure Type, Leisure Satisfaction and Adolescents’ Psychological Wellbeing. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 7(2), 53 62. Available from Doi 10.1017/prp.2013.6. Strong, S., Rigby, P., Stewart, D., Law, M. and Cooper, B. (1999). Application of the Person Environment Occupation Model: A practical tool Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 66(3), 122 133. Available from DOI: 10.1177/000841749906600304.
Conceptual Framework Review

To critica ly ana yse these themes and draw comparisons between study resu ts and ex sting research
An exploration of the role of endurance running as an event activity in the creation of transformative eventscapes ch 18 510 527 B own G 020 E en s apes T ans o m ng P ce Spac and E per ence London Rout edge B yme E & G ay T 200 D nc ng h na e hy hm and harmon n e t eme spo t par pa on o rn o Adv ntu e duca on & Outdoo ea n ng 9 2 135 149 B y E S h R 2012 E p g d y h h A ph g d d g d an e y n ex eme spo ou na of He h Ps cho og Bu k ey R 200 Adven u e Tou m Managem nt London Rou ed e
Literature Review
Research Aim and Objectives

Transformat ve eventscapes prov de a iminal space for participants to exp ore new poss b l t es(Szako cza , 2009) Pine and Gi more (1999) and Berr dge 2012) prov de an ntroduction to the principles of an effective event experience Wh le Brown s (2020) work on eventscapes offers an in depth exp orat on of spat al transformation Neuhofer Celuch and L nh s 2020 ana yses of Burning Man demonstrate the theories of transformat ve eventscapes in pract ce As endurance running has not yet featured n research on transformat ve eventscapes t wi l be necessary to exp ore the participant psychology and motivat on as we l as the phenomenon of adventure shock to understand the transformat ve mpact of extreme act vit es (Brymer & Oades 2009; Roebuck et a 2018 Buck ey 2009)
1 2 3 4 5 Objectives

Masters | MA Event Design & Management (top) MA Event Design & Management posters; (bottom) MA Event Design & Management and MA Tourism Management preseentations
Maddison Ackerman Supervisor: Chantal Laws
Be dge G 012 Des gn ng e en e p r nce n Pa e S and Conne ed The Ro t edge Handbook f E en Abd ngdon Rou edge 273 288 B own G ee S K ng K Sh pway R 201 Even cap s and he c ea on o e en eg c e Anna o L su e Re ea
Background and Rationale
§ Objective: To establish the role of engagement in leisure events and activities on wellbeing.
Transformat ve events represent an emergent research area n the sphere of event studies with ex sting research focusing ma nly on fest vals (Brown, 2020) Despite s gnif cant ideolog cal crossover between sport psycho ogy ser ous le sure part c pat on and transformative event experience there is no research that addresses the transformational eventscape offered by endurance runn ng events Shipway & Jones 2008)
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Accessibility and Participant Experience:
Proposed Methodology
§ Objective: To evaluate the relationship between accessibility and participant experience through participant interviews.
To appra se the relative mportance of the event activ ty n transformative eventscapes aga nst env ronmenta and socia factors

Accessibility within the event industry has become a more prevalent topic over the last few years, and post COVID 19, the opportunity to rebuild more inclusively has been identified (Ormesher, 2021). Although policies and guidelines have been put in place to ensure inclusion and equality for all within the events sector, further work is needed to make this a reality (Darcy, 2012). Furthermore, event professionals have acknowledged that accessibility is often an after thought during the event planning process (Ormesher, 2021). In addition to the policies guiding event accessibility, the ethical and and business advantages of universal inclusion have been recognised, but little research has been conducted in this area within event studies (Broadbent, 2017; Darcy, 2012). Outside of the events sector the importance of leisure participation and events has been studied, and findings suggest a strong link between participation and well being, as well as an indication that individual’s with disabilities often feel excluded from this type of participation, negatively impacting well being (Páez and Farber, 2012; Brajša Zganec et al., 2011). This existing research has formed the basis for this dissertation and its purpose is to address the gaps in literature regarding participant’s experience journey before, during and after a leisure event, for individuals with disabilities.
To ident fy the key factors of a transformative eventscape and assess the r relevance to endurance running events
Within the health sciences, theories have been developed to understand individual’s performance in desired activities and its relationship to health and well being (Law et al., 1998). The Person Environment Occupation (PEO) Model is a popular occupational therapy framework that established a dynamic relationship between the individual, their environment and their occupations (Law et al., 1996). Applying the PEO Model to leisure event studies, aids the understanding of how individual’s abilities, feelings and beliefs, interact with their environment (social, natural, and built), impacting participation in a desired leisure event (Law et al., 1996; Strong et al., 2019). Extensive research findings suggest that leisure participation plays an important role in subjective well being and life satisfaction (Brajša Zganec et al., 2011; Shin and You, 2013). Furthermore, Páez and Farber (2012) found that participant’s disability negatively impacted frequency of leisure participation and was often accompanied by a longing to engage in more leisure. Additionally, participation in leisure events is impacted by transportation barriers for individuals with disabilities, as research indicates those with mobility impairments face stress and challenges using public transportation, decreasing desire to travel for leisure related purposes (Cole et al., 2019; Pyer and Tucker, 2017). In an event context, research was conducted on accessibility, the barriers that exist, and changes needed to reduce them for those with physical disabilities, however, a majority of this
Conceptual Framework

To d stingu sh key themes n transformative sporting exper ences through primary research nc uding surveys semi structured nterv ews, and observation

Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the experience journey (lived experience) for young adults with disabilities attending leisure events.
By exp oring the impact of endurance running on the creation of transformat ve eventscapes th s study a ms to demonstrate the existence of key des gn factors that apply to al transformat ona event spaces

Supervisor: Chantal Laws
research failed to include cognitive disabilities or participant’s perception of experience into the discussion (Dickson et al., 2016; dos Santos Neto et al., 2019; Barrera Fernádez and Hernández Escampa 2020).

To synthes se ex sting research into transformative exper ence across mu tip e d scipl nes
Transformation through intensity:
There are factors such as mass part c pat on, pre preparation, separation from norma ity and immersion n the eventscape which are shared between endurance sportscapes such as marathons and intense fest vals such as Burning Man (Brymer & Gray 2010; Neuhofer et a 2021)
e B o D 2000 P ay g Sy bo ca y h Dea h Spo s Bod & Soc t 6 1 1 Neuho e B Ce uch K L nh T 202 Expe nce de gn nd he d men ons o ran orm t ve e va expe en es n e na on ou na o Con empo a y Hosp t y M nagemen 3 9 2881 901 Neuho e B gge a R Yub Ce uch K 202 D s gn ng exp r nce n he ge o human an orma on An ana s o Bu n ng M n Anna o Tou sm Rese r h 91 1 13 Sh pwa R ones 20 8 The G ea Subu ban E e es An n de s Per pe t ve on xpe en es t th 2007 o a ondon Ma a hon ou na of Spo t & our m 13 1 61 77 P n & G mo e 1999 The E per ence Econom Roebu k G F t ge a d P B Urquh r D M Ng S C cu n F M F z bbon B M 2018 Th ps cho o y o u a h A P y h gy p d E 7 43 58 S ako c a A 2009 m na and E pe enc S uc u ng ans o y ua on and ans o ma v ev nt
The a m of this study is to exp ore the role of endurance running as an event act vity n the creation of transformative eventscapes
The study of China as an emerging economy will be important to underline the development of this country as a dynamic destination (Arnold and Quelch, 1998). The context of marketing will also be taken into consideration in order to see how China is attracting tourists (Tse and Zhang, 2013) and promoting its cultural heritage to other countries. Thus, the study of Hofstede’s cultural dimension model (1989) will be key as it expresses the importance of “the distinction between the unique and the comparable” (p.24), underlining how China could use its heritage as a tool to increase touristic demand (Richards, 2018 and Su 2020). The push pull theory by Dann (1977) will be another fundamental basis for the study of touristic demand, which is linked to tourists’ motivations and decisions. To this end, important resources are the motivation theories by Gilmore and Pine (2007), Richards (2007) and Mansfeld (1992). Furthermore, a solid foundation for this research will be the analysis of travel blogs. By examining social media engagement theories (Cao, 2021; Robertson, 2018) it will be possible to explore how people are stimulated to use social media platforms and why they are influenced by them (objective number two). The contextualisation of experiences (O’Dell, 2007; Hoven and van Mierlo 2006 cited in Brown, 2019; Getz, 2007 cited in Brown, 2019) is also appropriate for the development of a travel blog, as personal experiences will be investigated into details during the data analysis of this research.
Literature Review



TourismChina Travel blogs


3. Use travel blogs to study people’s perceptions based on personal experiences

Literature review but researches often discuss them in general. Focusing on a specific group > more accurate analysis > tailoring the tourism products. UK = tourist generating region (ITB Berlin, 2014). British tourists can become loyal travellers (Stylos et al., 2017) Main travel purpose = knowledge seeking (Jang and Cai, 2002) > cultural and heritage tourism > Armenia. Motivations of the British tourists to go to the Mediterranean coast (Valls et al., 2018) the focus is on a specific region (not Transcaucasia).The British care about the reliability (Korneev & Mokhova 2021). Destination image is essential in the decision making process (Stylos et al., 2017) > not much study devoted to specific places > Armenia is an emerging destination > not so much attention. There are some researches about stakeholders and their impact (Hieu & Rašovská, 2018), but few case studies. A research devoted to emerging destinations and the function of DMOs “Managing Emerging Destinations: the Case of Azerbaijan” (Demiroglu & Müller, 2021). Institutionalised stakeholders > establishment of DMOs in Azerbaijan. In Armenia: fund for the development of tourism (IRTEK, 2017).
Interviews Data
For this research, mixed methodology will be developed. Data are going to be analysed with a questionnaire, useful to target a bigger audience; and with interviews, essential to have a detailed understanding of tourists’ perceptions (objective number four). conclusionsand analysis
MA Tourism Management | Masters

4. To draw conclusions about the perceived image of China, including negative aspects.

(top) MA Tourism Management posters; (bottom) MA Event Design & Management and MA Tourism Management preseentations



thanks to new innovative trends (Buhalis, Costa and Ford, 2005). Travel Blogs are more and more popular, starting to become a proper source of information and starting to influence people’s decisions. Travel blogs are not passive, they stimulate people to participate (Robertson, 2018) and to express one’s adventures. Travel blogs present a destination throughout people’s experiences and perceptions, and as a matter of facts, tourists’ perceptions are very subjective, and they could evoke different multiple emotions (Lu and Atadil, 2021; Tseng et al. 2015). ReferencesMethodology Arnold, D.J. and Quelch, J.A. (1998). New Strategies in Emerging Markets. Sloan management review, 40(1), pp. 7 20. Available from: [Accessed 11th March Buhalis2022] D., Costa, C. and Ford, F. (2005). Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products, and Industry. Jordan Hill: Taylor & Francis Group. Available from: origsite=primo&docID=269968 [Accessed 11 March 2022] Cao, D. et al. (2021). Understanding consumers’ social media engagement behaviour: An examination of the moderation effect of social media context, Journal of Business Research Volume 122, p. 835 846. Available from: https://www sciencedirect [Accessed 20th February 2022] Dann, G.M.S (1977). Anomie, ego enhancement and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 4(4). Pages 184 194. Available from: [8th March 2022] Getz, D. (2007). Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. In: Brown, G. (2019). Eventscapes Transforming Place, Space and Experiences London: Routledge. Available from: https://www taylorfrancis graham brown [Accessed 28th February 2022] Hofstede, G. (1989). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviours, institutions, and organizations across nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Hover, M. and van Mierlo J. (2006). Imagine Your Event: Imagineering for the Event Industry. Unpublished manuscript. Breda University of Applied Sciences and NHTV Expertise, Netherlands: Event Management Centre. In: Brown, G. (2019). Eventscapes Transforming Place, Space and Experiences London: Routledge. Available from: https://www taylorfrancis graham brown [Accessed 20th February 2022] Lu, Q. and Atadil H.A. (2021). Do you dare to travel to China? An examination of China's destination image amid the COVID 19. Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 40. 100881. Available from PVuZZK_ROG6IbPzw14Dy8FQKJfoFM1L3bPmkmlbPB5EqhLBRYD0E67O9xV0Jnk[Accessed28thFebruary2022]MansfeldY.(1992).Frommotivationtoactualtravel. Annals of Tourism Research 19(3), 399 419. Available from: [Accessed 31st January 2022] O’Dell, T. (2007). Tourist Experiences and academic junctures. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 7(1). PP.34 45. Available from: [Accessed 9th March 2022] Pine, I.B.J. and Gilmore, J.H. (2011). The Experience Economy Updated Edition. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press. Available from: origsite=primo# [Accessed 22 February 2022]. Richards, G. (2007). Cultural tourism: Global and local perspectives Psychology Press. Richards, G. (2018). Cultural tourism: A review of recent research and trends. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 36. Pages 12 21. Available from: [Accessed 11 March Robertson.2022]S.P. (2018). Social Media and Civic Engagement: History,Theory, and Practice San Rafael, California: Morgan & Claypool Publishers. Available from: https://web ebscohost 1aac 476b 8149 a40c65d4904a%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=1822198&db=nlebk [Accessed 20th February 2022] Su (2020). Managing intangible cultural heritage in the context of tourism: Chinese officials’ perspectives. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 18(2), 164 186. Available from: https://www tandfonline [Accessed 31st January 2022] Tseng, C. et al. (2015). Travel blogs on China as a destination image formation agent: A qualitative analysis using Leximancer. Tourism Management Volume 46. Pages 347 358, Available from IH3QeWlImaEkagwJWMKUYcLGZBKHwZNpsH03q28rxkUw4E1Pe2OCs9TFfdZo[Accessed28thFebruary2022]TseT.S.andZhang,E.Y.(2013).Analysisofblogsandmicroblogs:AcasestudyofChinesebloggerssharingtheirHongKongtravelexperiences. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 18(4), 314 329. Available F3fXbh9RkCkmaRT6IO9kcpNNbxgtkYs4WS2SnBgcqtkfjX_YpxKRIW5N2KRZk[Accessed31January2022]
Quantitative method
Armenia as a tourist destination to the British market ELIZA Supervisor:BAGDASARYANMaja Jović Rationale Chasteauneuf C. (2010) ‘Questionnaires’ in Mills, A.J., Durepos G. and Wiebe, E. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Case Study Research,Volume 2. Los Angeles, London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Demiro lu O. and Müller, D. (2021). Managing Emerging Destinations: the Case of Azerbaijan. Journal of Tourismology.7 (1), 1 27. Available from emerging destinations the of azerbaijan [Accessed 28 February European2022]. Bank for Reconstruction and Development (2019). Armenia Country Strategy 2019 2024. Available from and policy coordination/strategy for armenia.pdf [Accessed 27 February 2022]. Hieu V.M., Rašovská (2018). A proposed model on Stakeholders Impacting on Destination Management as mediator to achieve sustainable tourism development. Trendy V Podnikání 8 (1), 90 102. Available from [Accessed 12 March 2022]. IRTEK Legal information center (2017). Decision N 785 N of June 29, 2009 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on “Creation of the Tourism Development Fund of Armenia, redistribution in the State Budget of 2017 of the Republic of Armenia, and making change and additions in the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 1313 of December 29, 2016, as well as on allocating money to the State Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Development and Investment”. Available from [Accessed 10 March 2022]. ITB Berlin. (2014). World travel trends report 2014/2015 Available from http://www.itb [Accessed 07 March 2022]. Jang, S., Cai, L. A. (2002).Travel motivations and destination choice: A study of British outbound market. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 13(3), 111 133. Korneev S.E., Mokhova Y. A. (2021).Tourism: restart. How to attract tourists to Russia. St. Petersburg: Piter Shadish W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D.T. (2002). Experimental and quasi experimental designs for generalized causal inference Cengage Learning: Boston, MA. Stylos N., Bellou V., Andronikidis A.,Vassiliadis, C.A. (2017). Linking the dots among destination images, place attachment, and revisit intentions: A study among British and Russian tourists. Tourism Management (1982). 60 15 29. Available from https://www sciencedirect [Accessed 02 March 2022]. Tourism Committee Ministry of Economy of Armenia (no date). Tourism statistics 2018/2019. Available from [Accessed 07 March 2022]. UNWTO (2020). World Tourism Barometer Volume 18 Issue 1. Available from https://www.e [Accessed 25 February 2022]. Valls, A., Gibert K., Orellana, A., Antón Clavé S. (2018). Using ontology based clustering to understand the push and pull factors for British tourists visiting Mediterranean coastal destination. Information & Management. 55 (2), 145 159. Available from https://www sciencedirect [Accessed 09 March 2022]. World Economic Forum (2019).Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index2019 edition. Available from and tourism competitiveness report 2019/country mq7h5HY7ioPJu4ZI1OXO6RO77oORJ6l9VNaLUgtWwF5SaO3u0#economy=ARMprofiles/?fbclid=IwAR22gzypD [Accessed 7 March 2022]. Yin, R.K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods Fourth Edition. London: SAGE publications Ltd. Armenia is 12th fastest growing destination (UNWTO, 2020) Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2019 edition: 79th/140 Year 2015 2017 2019 Score (max 7) 3.4 3.5 3.7 (World Economic Forum, 2019) 4.3 5.7 4.2 Tourist infrastructureservice competitivenessPrice Effectiveness of marketing Tourism = priority in the development strategy 2019 2024 (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2019) UK is the 6th largest tourist generating region in Europe Aim To analyse the attractiveness of Armenia as a tourist destination for the British market and to give practical recommendations for improving it Objectives ✓ to examine travel habits of the British ✓ to analyse Armenia as a tourist destination ✓ to identify the key factors that make Armenia an attractive tourist destination for the British ✓ to give recommendations of how to make Armenia more appealing tourist destination for the British Conceptual framework Interview insightful, variety of data no time for self reflexion, time consuming (Yin, 2009) Chasteauneuf 2010) ❑ Random sampling = approximate result (Shadish et al., 2002) Case Study: exploring complex realistic social phenomena BUT knowledge is not transferable & subconscious bias is possible (Yin, 2009)

Questionnaire Qualitative method

Supervisor: Dimah Ajeeb
The tourism industry is evolving quickly, especially
Motivations are important,

Conceptual Framework
This research aims to draw the perceived image of China throughout the analysis of travel blogs, exploring different tourists’ experiences and perceptions.

1. To generally analyse tourists' need and decision of travel 2. To discuss how people engage with travel blogs and why they feel to be influenced

40 Masters | MSc Air Transport Planning and Management
Nigel Dennis (Course Leader), Anne Graham, Andrew Cook, Frances Kremarik
Frances Kremarik assists with the day-to-day running of the course and specialises in airline networks and the North Atlantic market as well as air travel statistics and surveys.
Laura Faucon (Aéroports de Paris) , Jerry Foran (British Airways) , Kelly Ison (American Airlines) , John Twigg (formerly Manchester Airports Group)
taught core modules: Air Transport Economics; Air Transport Management and Operations; Air Transport Forecasting and Market Research; and
Students come from a range of disciplines (first degrees have included Economics, Geography, Engineering, Languages and Music). No prior knowledge of the air transport industry is assumed but a passion for aviation is one of the best qualifications taken in conjunction with a formal academic background or equivalent appropriate work
THE MSC AIR Transport Planning and Management is a very practical course that brings together academic content with a large number of specialist contributors from the aviation industry. It is uniquely taught in block mode where students attend for modules of five days’ duration, making it very accessible to part-time students working in the aviation industry both in the UK and internationally. Additional activities are arranged for fulltime students in-between the module blocks, including tutorial and discussion sessions, guest lectures and visits to airport facilities and outside events.
Dissertation is also a core module undertaken in the second half of the study period. A wide range of aspects of the aviation business can be analysed and this year’s dissertations have covered subjects including: human factors in commercial aircraft accidents; trends in the aircraft leasing market; dangerous goods transportation by air; impact of COVID-19 on different markets to/from the UK; customer satisfaction with LCCs in Vietnam; scope for regional aircraft operations in Zimbabwe; optimisation in revenue management; impact of Spaceport UK on ATM flow; modelling passenger choice of airport in London; and the reduction of emissions in Icelandic aviation.
Nigel Dennis is the course leader and a specialist in airline economics, forecasting, scheduling and marketing. He has served on international committees including those of the Transportation Research Board in the US and the Association for European Transport.
MSc Air Transport Planning and Management
three taught option modules, currently from a choice of four: Airport Finance and Strategy; Air Transport Policy and Planning; Airline Marketing and Business Models; and Air Traffic Management, Scheduling and Network Planning. Students also have the possibility of a free choice module from another suitable programme in place of one of the three options. Most modules include a group workshop or business game in which students apply their knowledge to work as a team in a competitive
Anne Graham is a specialist in airport economics, finance, management and aviation issues related to tourism. She is author of the book Managing Airports published by Butterworth-Heinemann.
Andrew Cook leads the department’s air traffic management research and sits on national and international ATM committees. He also lectures on air transport market research and data analysis.
Guest CaroleSpeakers:Blackshaw (aviation consultant) , Robert Boyle (formerly IAG) , Guillaume Burghouwt (Schiphol Group) , Adrian Clark (NATS) , Jon Clyne (Civil Aviation Authority) , Nick Fadugba (African Aviation Services Ltd) ,
The course attracts a diverse, international group of students which is of particular benefit to a programme that focuses strongly on international logistics and supply chains. Over the years, students on the course have come from all parts of the world and have brought a huge variety of educational and professional experience.
taught module occupies a three-hour slot per week. Modules use a variety of teaching and learning methods including academic lectures, seminars, tutorials, case studies, guest speakers, site visits, small group exercises, and group and individual presentations.
Jacques Leonardi is Professor of Sustainable Logistics with over 20 years’ experience in developing, testing and evaluating sustainable logistics solutions. His research focuses on supply chain energy and global logistics, and applies methods to evaluate new technologies and policy impacts.
Marzena Piotrowska is Research Fellow and lecturer whose primary research interests focus on city logistics, urban freight consolidation and transport policy. Her current research centres on the role of urban freight consolidation facilities in supporting sustainable city logistics.
Ohakawa, Ajmal Ashraf Palathingal Asharaf, Shishir Poudel, Sajitha Rajenthiram, Arunselvan Rajkumar, Harish Ravichandran, Rachid Rezzoug, Izabela Rychlowska, Ghias Sadiq, Kewal Sangoi, Muhammad Shafiq, Rahul Shah,Talha Shahzad, Shakirat Shittu, Mohammad Saif Siddiqui, Mitesh Solanki, Bala Krishnan Srirengarajan, Rahul Subramanian, Sowraj Sudheeran, Devvadarshan Suresh, Kamile Sutrikaite, Valery Tunge, Hathim Mahamood Vadakkeveettil Manathenghat, Luke Williams, Abdulwahab Yousaf, Elnaz Zahabi, Egemen Zeyrek
The course team is highly active in freight-related research and consultancy projects, with a particular focus on freight transport efficiency and sustainability. The curriculum is updated regularly based upon our research which ensures that the course content and overall strategy reflect current issues in logistics practice, preparing students for careers in this area. We work closely with clients and project partners in both the private and public sectors.
Julian Allen is Senior Research Fellow. His research interests include the role of transport policy in reducing the negative impacts of logistics operations, developments in retailing and their relationship with logistics and transportation systems, and the history of freight transport.
Mengqiu (Matthew) Cao is Senior Lecturer in Transport and Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Cities. He has worked in both academia and industry, specialising in an interdisciplinary research field crossing transport analysis and urban studies.
Allan Woodburn is Principal Lecturer in Freight Transport and Logistics, with over 25 years’ teaching experience. He often works on industry research and consultancy and his research focuses on different aspects of rail freight including policy, operations, sustainability and efficiency.
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management | Masters
MSC LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, introduced in 1998, is one of the longest established logistics postgraduate courses in the United Kingdom. The course has been designed to combine logistics concepts and principles with ‘real world’ experience, with a particular emphasis on issues relating to freight transport (i.e. product flow) within the supply chain. The course delivery encourages reflective and critical thinking in helping students to extend existing skills and competencies. In particular, students are given guidance on developing their skills for undertaking personal research, and a considerable amount of time is spent by the student on personal study for the Research Dissertation.
Marzena Piotrowska (Course Leader), Julian Allen, Mengqiu (Matthew) Cao, Jacques Leonardi, Maja Piecyk, Allan Woodburn
Full-time students: Sinchu Antony, Sameera Abeysinghe, Ali Saad Ali Al-Taie, Sandeep Banam, Eldho Benny, Sergio Cardona Fernandez, Aarti Chawla, Omar Dalal, Bibek Dawadi, Vatsal Divecha, Santino Dmonte, Paarth Duklan, Dounya El Yamani, Feba Jose, Vimalkumar Mukeshbhai Gajera, Anil Kumar Naga Gantala Veera Venkata, Dennis George, Ravi Gupta, Zimu Hu, Erlin Hysa, Grace Ijachi, Saili Tanaji Jadhav, Emily Jagne, Fred Kasule, Venkatesh Kesavamoorthy, Abubakar Khaibakh, Asim Noushad Koyaliparambil, Subhiksha Lenin, Parmeet Singh Lotey, Afzaal Majeed, Paul Maliki, Aditya Manere, Javokhir Meliev, Prajwal Mhatre, Mustafa Yusuf Najmi, Swaraj Nelson, Duc Nguyen, Emmanuel Ogah, Nkechi
Part-time students: James Hehir, Marina Ntikoudi, Alexander Potkins, Elena Stamenova, Ewelina Starosciak, Ana Trofino
Maja Piecyk is Professor in Logistics. Her research interests focus on the optimisation of supply chain networks, GHG auditing of businesses and the sustainability of freight transport operations. Piecyk is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK).
The course can be taken full-time over 12 months or parttime over 2 years, starting in September. We also offer a Logistics and Supply Chain Management Postgraduate Diploma and a Logistics and Supply Chain Management Postgraduate Certificate. The Diploma usually takes one year to complete full-time, while the Certificate usually takes six months to one year to complete part-time. Each
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Students following this course develop a critical, in-depth understanding of key transport issues, alongside the skills that will help them progress careers within the sector. The course team is in regular contact with key employers, many of whom regularly both sponsor current employees and employ our recent graduates. Such employers regularly provide information about vacancies and come into the University to speak about the opportunities that they offer. Some offer to partner with full-time students on key dissertation topics of interest, for example providing data for analysis, which can be an excellent route into the
Enrica Papa, Rachel Aldred, Mengqiu (Matthew) Cao, Tom Cohen, Luz Navarro Eslava, Emilia Smeds, Ersilia Verlinghieri
Mengqiu (Matthew) Cao is Senior Lecturer in Transport and Urban Planning at the University of Westminster.
Tom Cohen is Senior Lecturer in Transport at the University of Westminster. His research interest is in Transport Policy.
skills. The course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), and graduates are exempt from the Institute’s exams. The Course also forms part of the pathway to the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification.
Luz Navarro Eslava is a Research Associate in Transport Planning at the University of Westminster.
42 Masters | MSc Transport Planning and Management
The course intake is diverse in terms of background and sector experience. Students without experience in the sector are enabled to equip themselves with knowledge, techniques and methodologies required to take policy decisions or to provide the necessary information and knowledge for others to take such decisions. They benefit from learning from the experiences and knowledge of part-time professional students, who in turn benefit from the opportunity to critically reflect on their own practice, and examine transport, policy and planning issues from a wider perspective than their present employment.
THE MSC TRANSPORT PLANNING and Management course aims to develop the students’ abilities to initiate and undertake qualitative and quantitative analysis and research in the areas of transport policy, planning and operational management.
South Woodford Community Hub parklet
Manyindustry.of our graduates have progressed to senior levels in management and policy-making, within transport operators, public bodies, consultancy companies and nongovernmental organisations.
Enrica Papa is Reader in Transport Planning and course leader of the MSc. Her main research interest is in sustainable accessibility planning. Rachel Aldred is a Professor in Transport and Director of the Active Travel Academy.
Special thanks: Michael Barratt (TfL) , David Carrignon (Arcadis) , Adrian Hames (WSP)
MSc Transport Planning and Management
The overall objectives are to provide all students with a stimulating academic environment within which to study transport issues, to ensure students are aware of current transport policy and planning issues, and to prepare them for a wide range of potential employment within the transport sector by developing relevant transferable
Ersilia Verlinghieri a Senior Research Associate in Urban Mobility at the University of Westminster.
Emilia Smeds is a Research Fellow in Transport and Mobility at the University of Westminster.
Elizabeth Yajah
Urban Public Transport Systems: The impact of bus rapid transit on service quality
Jonathan Fuller
Feasibility Study into the Different OnStreet EV Charging Solutions within Buckinghamshire and Identifying the Potential Barriers to Widespread EV Adaptation
MSc Transport Planning and Management | Masters
Mapping Street Experiments in London: Geospatial analysis of location factors
The Impact of a Child’s Bicycle Seat and Cargo Bike on the Objective Overtaking Behaviour of Motorised Vehicles in London’s Suburban Context
MSc Transport Planning and Management Theses 2022
Anu James
Do low traffic neighbourhoods change travel behaviour and attitudes? A case study of Bethnal Green and Wapping

Separating Modes, Connecting Settlements: Exploring the challenges of delivering active travel infrastructure in rural contexts
Georgia Corr
Ryan Curtis
Robert Morton
Alongside looking at the impact of different bicycle types, the study investigates a range of secondary variables including whether the presence of escorting a child (using a doll baby), gender, and different types of cycling infrastructure impacts drivers’ overtaking behaviour. The aim is to provide a robust understanding of how different variables interact and affects drivers’ behaviour to establish what actions policymakers can make to encourage more people to start cycling, and particularly currently underrepresented groups such as families and women.
To undertake this research, a sensor was attached to all of the bicycles to capture the amount of cleared lateral space motorists provide when overtaking. To understand whether a relationship exists on the types of vehicles that overtake, and the amount of overtaking space provided, a camera attached to the handlebar of the bikes enabled sensor readings to be matched with the camera footage.
The Impact of a Child’s Bicycle Seat and Cargo Bike on the Objective Overtaking Behaviour of Motorised Vehicles in London’s Suburban Context
This research seeks to establish the objective impact of different bicycle types – namely, a standard bicycle, a child’s bicycle seat, and cargo bike – on drivers overtaking proximities in the London Borough of Ealing.

Masters | MSc Transport Planning and Management
Map of the England’s Economic Heartland region, covering Oxfordshire, Herfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northampton and Cambridge
THE PERCEIVED RISK of cycling, particularly relating to cycling with motorised traffic, is a widespread barrier cited across multiple groups.
Georgia Corr
region covered by the sub-national transport body England’s Economic Heartland [EEH], this research involved semi-structured interviews with local, regional and national practitioners involved in the delivery of active travel infrastructure in the region. Alongside this, secondary data sources were used to contextualise the challenges faced and identify regional opportunities.
shift in the national policy landscape and design guidance surrounding active travel infrastructure. With towns and cities cited as the primary focus of national activity, there is a need to highlight the challenges faced and encourage action to support the delivery of active travel infrastructure in rural
MSc Transport Planning and Management | Masters
Jonathan Fuller
THIS RESEARCH EXPLORES the challenges of delivering active travel infrastructure in rural contexts and in line with the requirements of a changed national policy context.
Jonathan Fuller Separating Modes, Connecting Settlements: Exploring the challenges of delivering active travel infrastructure in rural contexts
The publication of Gear Change and Local Transport Note 1/20 and the formation of Active Travel England signal a
The research reveals that place characteristics, land acquisition and legal processes present unique challenges for the delivery of active travel infrastructure in rural contexts, compounded by difficulties in securing financial investment. Recent national active travel policies pose both challenges and opportunities for rural contexts, with participants’ highlighting uncertainties about the applicability, proportionality and implications of infrastructure design
Map of the England’s Economic Heartland region, covering Oxfordshire, Herfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northampton and Cambridge
recommends actions to be taken across local, regional and national levels to support the delivery of active travel infrastructure in rural contexts. The research’s findings and recommendations have the potential to inform EEH’s emerging regional Active Travel Strategy and the future operation of Active Travel England.
46 Masters | MA Urban and Regional Planning
AS IN PREVIOUS years, the topics of our students' dissertations, as well as the learning activities that have taken place in the MA Urban and Regional Planning in the past academic year, allow for some interesting insights into the times we find ourselves in. And what extraordinary times they were and still are…
it is the role of the built environment for mental health, the challenge of finding better ways to deal with embodied carbon in planning policy, or the possibilities of reshoring/nearshoring industry in urban environments: many students have chosen fascinating and highly relevant topics for their dissertations and we are confident that many of them will go on to careers that will allow them to make a difference to planning and society at large.
as individuals and as a community, and planning can help ensure that the places we inhabit benefit rather than harm us. What we as planners knew all along is more widely recognised in society now because of the pandemic, and the experience of the lockdowns confining us to our homes and neighbourhood.
Johannes Novy (Course Leader), Andrew Boughton, Sebastien Loew, Michael Neuman, Suzy Nelson, David Seex, Ian Simpson, Nancy Stevenson, Mireille Tchapi (dissertation tutors)
Students: Farhan Ahmed, Saira Alam, Nasra Ali, Ismail Ameen, Ryan Beckwith, Kashi Bhanji, Paul Budgen, Dominic Bush, Daryl Cook, Katherine Fairfax, Kathryn Greenwood, Emily Harris, Jordan Henderson, Noah Jordan, Wai Kan, Joseph Kent, Nouvella Kusi, Sharon McCarthy, Lisa McElhinney, Sana Mir, Masroor Mushtaq, Russell Newcombe, Jade Ocampo, Clarissa Patrick, Brooke Pride, Naimah Quamie, Benjamin Rafferty, Adam Sciberras, Guaranshi Sharma, Carlos Sousa, Fausta Stella, Paulo Tavares, Yushekia Tracey, Aidan Van De Weyer, Lilly Varnham, Alice Walker, Annabel Williams, Joe Wright, Yusif Yusifzada
In the wake of the pandemic, the increasingly evident effects of climate change and the general fragility that characterises today's world, the theme of crisis and how to deal with and respond to crises was central to many of our discussions. The prevailing view was that the challenges we and the world at large face, while daunting, also present opportunities for planning and, crucially, that planning as a profession has a big role to play in addressing them. While for many years urban planning was perceived as a discipline in crisis, whose meaning, purpose and practice were questioned by many, this is no longer the case in today's crisis-ridden times.
Given the importance of planning for individuals, communities and societies at large, planning also has a great (ethical) responsibility, which is something we regularly draw students' attention to. Along with it, we also communicate to students that they should use their time with us and the work they put into their studies, and especially their dissertation, wisely. ‘Make it matter’ is what we tell them before they choose a dissertation topic, and this year, too, many students have fortunately heeded this
Johannes Novy is a Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning and holds a PhD in Urban Planning from Columbia University, New York. In addition to his work in teaching and research, he is a founding member of the Berlin collective u-Lab, Studio für Stadt und Raumprozesse, and a member of the Curatorial Board of the International Building Exhibition Stuttgart Region IBA2027.
With regard to tackling the climate crisis, it is now widely recognised that urban planning, as other built environment disciplines, has an essential role to play, and the experience of the pandemic has also contributed in several ways to raising society's awareness of the importance of planning. Place matters: the quality of our built environment has a direct impact on our wellbeing, both
MA Urban and Regional Planning
Disabled People in Public Space: An Investigation into inclusive design and policy implementation
Assessing the Social and Economic Impact of Regeneration on Two of London's Opportunity Areas
Kashi Bhanji
Guaranshi Sharma
Noah Jordan
The Impact of Misconduct within Building Regulations in the United Kingdom
Naimah Quamie
The future of the London Borough of Bromley's High Streets
Ryan Beckwith
Impact of the River Restoration and Sustainable Regeneration to the Environment in London: A Case Study of the Lea River and Lower Lea Valley
Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Transportation: Nine Elms/Battersea Power Station regeneration projects
Kathryn Greenwood
Joseph Kent Residential Planning is a Zero-Sum Game: Who Ultimately Prevails?
Katherine Fairfax
Black Women and Local, Community-Scale Green Spaces: Exploring Access and participation with community-scale greening initiatives
Adam Sciberras
Tackling Loneliness: Exploring how co-housing models can be used as housing alternatives to help reduce loneliness amongst north Norfolk seniors
Bigger Isn’t Always Better: The case for microhomes in London
Cultural Regeneration: Investigating its use as the leading regeneration strategy within SouthendOn-Sea
Jade Ocambo
Strategic Planning and Equity in Paris and London
Smart Sustainable Cycle Frameworks: Critical analysis of how to implement within the Royal Borough of Greenwich
Spatial Planning and the Protection of Children's Outdoor Play Opportunities Across Generations
MA Urban and Regional Planning Theses 2022
Farhan Ahmed
Under-resourced Local Authorities and the Government’s Drive to Level Up: Is housing delivery a dream or a reality?
Masroor Mushtaq
Seeking Restoration: Planning and designing public spaces to support mental health in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
Saira Alam
The Unplanned Experiment: Strategic learnings from COVID-19 temporary footway widening schemes and the delivery of the London healthy streets approach
Improving Women's Safety in London: A review of women in planning and planning for women
The Death and Life of Working Cities: Are We planning for manufacturing in the inner city?
Jordan Henderson
Fausta Stella
Benjamin Rafferty
Discussing the impact of cinema on community heritage within the urban environment of Hackney, London
What benefit, if any, is there to owning a residential property in a designated conservation area?
The Community Infrastructure Levy in Surrey
Lilly Varnham
Exploring the Implementation of Co-Housing as an Urban Design and Planning Concept in the UK
Alice Walker
Carlos Sousa
Daryl Cook
Yusif Yusifzada
An Exploration of how Public Perception of Local Green Spaces has Evolved Following the Pandemic within the Three Rivers District
Dominic Bush
Urban Analysis of ‘Station Square’: Recommendations for implementing transit-oriented development in Central Milton Keynes
Brooke Pride
Paulo Tavares
Annabel Williams
Design and the Green Belt: Should national planning policy be more flexible?
Failing to Plan or Planning to Fail? Examining the duty to co-operate for local planning authorities in London’s metropolitan green belt
Effective Community Involvement in Regeneration Projects in London
Ismail Ameen
MA Urban and Regional Planning | Masters
An Investigation into the Public Perception of the Importance of Environmental Impact Considerations in the Context of Urban Growth Planning
Joe Wright
Emily Harris
Sharon McCarthy
Aidan Van De Weyer
Wai Kan
Research into the Impacts of the Prior Approval (Class O) Office to Residential Legislation in the London Borough of Islington
A Comparative Study on the Impacts of Sports-led Infrastructural Developments in the Boroughs of Merton and Haringey
PROFESSIONAL STUDIES FORMS an integral component of all courses across the School of Architecture + Cities at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Our role is to help students develop ways of working together and build an understanding of their role in the complex landscape of practice, whatever their subject focus.
Professional practice and ethics is drawn out of the courses in a variety of ways from design to contextual studies. For example, undergraduate architecture students take a two-week work experience placement at participating design practices; the live design studio launches this coming year at postgraduate [Part 2], having been developed at BA level; while the PG Diploma Professional Practice in Architecture [Part 3] is the largest such course in the UK. Supported by staff and professionally-practicing teaching fellows, the symbiosis between teaching and practice is further cemented at this important stage of professional development for architects by recent course graduates becoming Part 3 Champions and mentoring current students.
The nature of working and practicing within fields of urban design, planning and strategy means that students are expected to contribute to society in a variety of ways when they move into the workplace. Professional studies is an opportunity to develop working practices with colleagues, in addition to cultivating an appreciation of personal, economic and intellectual well-being.
Alastair Blyth Assistant Head, School of Architecture + Cities
Following the requirements of the ARB/RIBA Professional Criteria, Part 3 is structured as a series of building blocks with clear assessment points throughout the year. The lectures, delivered by industry experts, allow students to balance attendance with work commitments and are recorded for easy future access.
50 Practice & Study | RIBA Part 3
THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + CITIES runs the largest RIBA Part 3 programme in the UK. The students come from a wide variety of backgrounds including overseas schools of architecture. Architects who trained outside the UK also attend the course to gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of UK practice.
Students’ professional development in the workplace is supported by a team of 40 professional tutors – all architects in practice – who provide one-to-one tutorial guidance on project-based coursework. Professional
The Part 3 Course was validated by the RIBA for a further five years in November 2017 and the Visiting Board gave it a Commendation citing its scope and delivery, dedicated Chair of Professional Practice and dedicated administrative support. It was revalidated by the University inAlastair2018. Blyth Wilfred Achille
Alastair Blyth is Assistant Head of School and Co-Course Leader. He spent ten years in the Directorate for Education and Skills at the OECD developing a research programme on learning environments. Publications include books on Briefing (Routledge, 2001, 2010); and education environments (OECD 2009, 2012). He collaborates with architectural practices in Sydney and Mexico on school building projects.
RIBA Part 3
Susanne Bauer is Senior Lecturer in the Professional Practice in Architecture and the Architectural History and Theory courses. She has practiced in offices in the UK and Germany, including Foster + Partners and AHMM, and previously taught at Norwich University of the Arts and Birmingham City University.
Wilfred Achille is Co-Course Leader. Wilfred completed a major study on Broadwater Farm, Tottenham after the eighties riots. Founder of Mode 1 Architects specialising in estate remodelling projects and urban regeneration, he is developing new Turn-key solution business models for architectural practice.
examiners consistently comment on the high, critical standard of the coursework which we attribute to the structured tutoring system where students are challenged to think about practice differently.
The students' personal backgrounds, the types and number of practices represented on the course, along with the tutors and examiners gives the course an unprecedented reach into the architectural profession. This enables the course both to draw from the breadth of practice experience as well as contribute to it.
Stephen Brookhouse is a Principal Lecturer and Module Leader for English law, regulations, construction procurement and contracts. He is a chartered architect with over 20 years' experience in practice has authored the first two editionas of the Part 3 Handbook as well as Professional Studies in Architecture: A Primer
Alastair Blyth, Wilfred Achille, Susanne Bauer & Stephen Brookhouse
This module is delivered as an intensive short course in January with a written examination held in May. The 12 lectures cover general management, marketing and practice management, as well as managing health and safety, different forms of architectural practice and the role of the professional and regulatory bodies.
The two lecture-based modules are delivered during the first semester. The lecture programmes are delivered by differing industry experts, including construction lawyers, construction managers, architects and surveyors, and are
Architectural Practice Management

repeated to allow students to balance attendance with work commitments. Lectures are video recorded for easy future access. Each series concludes with an open book written exam.
English Law, Regulations, Construction Procurement and Contracts
RIBA Part 3 | Practice & Studies
Aimee Daniels / PH+ Architects: Wembley Extension
Lecture-based Modules
This module is delivered as a programme of evening lectures from September to December with a written examination held in January. The module starts with an overview of the English legal system, the regulatory framework that architectural practitioners work with, the procurement of construction projects, the range of contracts used in practice and dispute resolution. Throughout the course students are encouraged to place the issues covered in the context of their practice as well as other experience they will have had.
Students submit a draft case study in March and receive formative assessment and feedback in April. The final coursework is submitted in June and assessed in July. Guidance is given on preparing for the oral examination which takes place in September.
Practice & Study | RIBA Part 3
advice by email where needed. The work-based modules are also supported by a lecture programme. Students may defer submission of the coursework for the workbased modules for either six or twelve months to enable them to respond to their workplace context
These are supported by a team of 48 professional tutors –all architects in practice – who provide one-to-one tutorial guidance and act as the students’ professional studies advisors for the year. Tutors arrange a mix of group and individual tutorials and additionally provide individual

Work-based Modules
52 RIBA Part 3
The Professional Case Study

The aim of the module is to bring together student’s knowledge of practice including management, legal frameworks, procurement and critically analysis in the context of a construction project, drawing substantially on their own experience. It aims to build on the theory studied in the lecture-based modules, and provide an opportunity to make professional judgements. The case study covers the practice, the design team, appointment, regulatory framework, procurement, and the construction stage. Students are asked
to analyse their project against best practice, and make recommendations for future practice based on their analysis.
Oral examinations for both modules take place in early September, with interviews generally lasting 45 minutes. Professional Examiners are paired and will see six students over a day. Their role is to assess the candidate’s performance at oral only and the interviews are based on the Professional Case Study and the Professional Development coursework submitted. The written coursework will have been marked already and the examiners will see the feedback given to students.
Oral Examinations

This work-based module tracks and supports the student’s professional development in the workplace. A student’s professional development is discussed with their Professional Tutor who provides guidance on the professional Curriculum Vitae and the Career Evaluation as well as guidance on preparing for the oral examination. Coursework, comprising the CV, Career Evaluation and PEDR sheets, is submitted in June and assessed in July. Students are required to complete PEDRs for the duration of the course and the PEDR sheets are reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Work-based Modules contd
RIBA Part 3 RIBA Part 3 | Practice & Study (this and facing page) Lucy Steeden / Alma-nac: Barn extension

Professional Development and Experience

Live Design Practice
Community Hub
54 Practice & Study | Professional Development
Significantly, the projects have a tangible physical aspect which can be communicated to a wide range of audiences, and makes broader participation exciting, engaging and empowering. As well as being practical, this process of design is iterative and demonstrates applied and action research.
Mini Meadows
Thanks to: Wilfred Achille, Robert Baron, Alastair Blyth, Peter Bonfield, Harry Charrington, Chris Melloy, William McLean, Dain Son Robinson, Peter Silver, Ro Spankie, Jan Kattein, BloQs, Mervyn Rodrigues, QHT
(clockwise from top left)
Our approach is to use Live Projects as a way to understand issues and ask questions. This process enables a deep reflection on the interaction between spatial, political, economic and social factors in connection with our lived urban experience.
We constructed a 1:1 prototype of the QHT-funded community hub project, which was part of the London Festival of Architecture and displayed at the rear podium of the Marylebone Campus. Students developed structural concepts in collaboration with the engineer, which were integrated into the final proposal. The prototype includes a lightweight translucent polycarbonate roof to protect from rain, innovative up-cycling cladding solutions, and enabled the development of co-creation methodologies with the local community. Next year the hub will be implemented within the local community.
We explored the relationship between culture and nature, between architecture and ecology, celebrating the wonders of biodiversity with a one planet and climate action approach. The Mini Meadow project is located adjacent to the student living courtyard by the main campus entrance at Harrow with the design inspired by students' work.
LIVE DESIGN PRACTICE is part of the new Live Design MArch Studio run by Maria Kramer. It is a process that promotes an understanding of complex relationships between stakeholders while introducing novel ways of practice in a number of ways. We introduce new ways of working collaboratively across sectors by taking our multidisciplinary skills within academia and using these in live projects to serve communities. Live Design has a positive impact on society while introducing students and staff to alternative practice.
xx xx
Professional Development | Practice & Study

THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + CITIES combines disciplines that contribute to the design of environmentally and socially sustainable places and mobilities in a range of contexts. We encourage innovation and the crossfertilisation of ideas, drawing from our unique combination of disciplines – interior architecture, architecture, environmental design, urban design, urban planning, transport studies, and tourism and events. All these disciplines have a well-established history of research and teaching at the University of Westminster.
The School has a strong international reputation for research and hosts several research centres and groups. Its research centres are the Active Travel Academy, the Centre for Air Traffic Management, the Centre for the Production of the Built Environment (PRoBE), and the Max Lock Centre. The research groups are: Architectural Humanities; Emerging Territories; Making and Practice; Place and Experience; and Transport and Mobilities. These groups represent interdisciplinary
areas and research agendas within the School. They contribute to the research culture of the school, mentor early career researchers, strengthen the production of research outputs, hold seminars and other events, and extend international partnerships and collaborations. The School of Architecture + Cities also provides leadership for the university-wide ‘Sustainable Cities and Urban Environments’ cross-disciplinary research community.
In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the School submitted more than double the number of researchers than in 2014. 76.7% of our individual outputs were judged to be of 4* (world leading) or 3* (internationally excellent) quality. Our five impact case studies were also judged to be 4* or 3* and our research environment as 3* or 2* (recognised nationally). This result placed us 17/37 in our Unit of Assessment, but 7/37 in our research power, a combined measure of the quality of our research and the number of people submitted. For further details about our research groups, visit: Lindsay Bremner SA+C Director of Research
The Making and Practice Research Group brings together leading and award-winning design practitioners who demonstrably innovate in their field, with leading academics and teachers who study and use design methods and processes within their research, including the school’s exceptional expertise in representation, fabrication, live projects, experimental projects and environmental design.
Members of the Architectural Humanities Research Group address critical questions about architecture and its historical, social and cultural contexts by engaging with a range of humanities-based methods, including interdisciplinary approaches that bring together arts and sciences.
Transport and Mobilities
Convened by Gerald Gurtner and Enrica Papa

Research | Groups
The Place and Experience Research Group focuses on tourism, events and leisure research with specialisms in: City Tourism, Mega Events, Urban Parks, Destination Community Experiences, and Sustainability.
Emerging Territories
Convened by Kate Jordan and Davide Deriu
Making and Practice
Convened by Paolo Zaide and John Zhang
Convened by Krystallia Kamvasinou and Giulio Verdini
The Emerging Territories Research Group focuses on societal and environmental challenges faced by cities and territories in relation to evolving notions of sustainability and resilience, climate change, healthy cities, governance, diversity and social inclusion. Five key themes reflecting the strengths and intersections of our research are: Climate Urbanism; Health, Wellbeing and Cities; UrbanRural Interfaces; Anthropocene Territories; and Public Space and Diversity.
Place and Experience
The Transport and Mobilities Research Group covers a diverse range of aspects of transport and mobility, including: City Mobilities, Active Travel, Freight, Infrastructure Investment, Networks, Accessibility and Transport Equity.
Architectural Humanities
Convened by Stroma Cole and Ilaria Pappalepore
Director: Andrew Cook; Co-Director: Luis Delgado
This newly established research group builds on more than 20 years of research into air traffic management, for which the University of Westminster is well known. Working with academia, industry and international organisations, the group is active in projects funded by Clean Sky 2, SESAR and Horizon 2020.
THE MAX LOCK CENTRE is an international development research unit drawing on planning and design expertise across the School of A+C and wider development-related expertise across the University. It has been investigating planning and design solutions for sustainable and inclusive development mainly, but not exclusively, in developing countries since the mid-90s.
Max Lock Centre
In addition to these five groups, the school hosts the Active Travel Academy led by Rachel Aldred, the Max Lock Centre led by Tony Lloyd-Jones, the Air Traffic Management Research Centre led by Andrew Cook, and ProBE, led by Christine Wall and Linda Clarke, a joint initiative between the School of Architecture and Cities and the Westminster Business School.
Director: Tony Lloyd-Jones
Director: Rachel Aldred
ProBE provides a focus for interdisciplinary and international activity related to the social processes underpinning the production of the built environment.
The ATA is an interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange centre that currently leads projects funded by organisations including NIHR, DfT, and TfL, hosts the Active Travel Studies journal, and organises events including the regular Walking and Cycling@Teatime seminars.
Groups | Research
Active Travel Academy [ATA]
Directors: Christine Wall & Linda Clarke
Centre for Air Traffic Management Research
African off-grid housing axonometric: Form finding,

60 Research | Making and Practice

Special thanks to: Lindsay Bremner and discussion panel participants: Conor Black (Arup) , Claudia Loggia and Dr Viloshin Govender (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban) , Vincent Kitio (UN-Habitat, Nairobi) , Mark Raymond (GSA, University of Johannesburg)
International Conference on Evolving Cities (ICEC2021), at the Radical Architecture Practice for Sustainability (RAPS International Conference 2021, Bristol UWE) and the London Festival of Architecture in June 2022.

The proect's research-by-design methodology is informed by the analytical study of the relationship between the architectural geometry, material systems and environmental performances of a set of pre-colonial and contemporary precedents in relation to their climatic context. According to this initial analysis, the project developed a ‘design-to-build’ tool to test the design methodology, using a paradigmatic case study in Cameroon and an environmental design parametric approach.
African Off-Grid Housing [AOH]
The form-finding process of the initial vernacular housing genotype was informed by the negotiation between the site-specific climatic conditions, the spatial and energy needs of local users, and the material systems available onsite. The initial performative criteria included consideration of self-sufficiency for upgrading informal housing scenarios in relation to energy, water and food accessibility.

THE AFRICAN OFF-GRID HOUSING PROJECT investigates how to design and build affordable housing solutions for the African sub-Saharan context. The research project considers how innovative knowledge can bridge traditional and advanced design strategies, as well as construction technologies, in response to climate change and the urgent need for affordable housing in Africa.
Paolo Cascone :

Research Team: Maria Christina Georgiadou, Maddalena Laddaga, Benson Lau, Rosa Schiano Phan
The design methodology and computer model are conceived to be adapted to specific social and climatic scenarios. The housing configurations developed use recycled and local materials to upgrade offgrid community housing, generating the possiblity for site-specific variations within a broadly scaleable strategy. The project has been presented at the
Scientific Reports, 12(1). pp.1-11
AMONG MULTIPLE FACTORS, latest studies suggest vitamin D deficiency and pre-existing health conditions to be major contributors to death from COVID-19. Vitamin D is an anti-inflammatory hormone synthesised upon exposure to the sun. It is known that the physical configuration of the built environment can impact sun exposure and consequently, vitamin D levels. Furthermore, long-term exposure to air pollution can play an independent role in vitamin D deficiency as there is evidence to suggest air pollution may interfere
Impact of Air Quality and the Built Environment on Vitamin D Status: Investigating modifiable risk factors for COVID-19
Maria Woloshynowych (Social Sciences)
Mehrdad Borna (SA+C)
Our multidisciplinary research, funded by the Sustainable Cities and the Urban Environment Research Community, responds to the need for increased capability of our cities to prevent disease and optimise health. The aim of our research is to explore the link between urban form configuration, air quality and vitamin D status across multiple urban scales. So far, we have conducted a correlational analysis of urban form and air quality in relation to the demographics and COVID-19 cases and mortality rate across 32 London boroughs. We found deaths from COVID-19 to be negatively correlated with mean percentage of households with access to total open space and positively correlated with total road length and four-year average PM10 μgm-3. Our findings link COVID-19 prevalence and mortality across London with aspects of the built environment and air quality linked to vitamin D deficiency.
Emerging Territories | Research
with sunlight reaching the earth. Currently, over half of the world's population live in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to grow by 2.5 billion by 2050. It has also been reported that approximately half of the global population have insufficient vitamin D levels.
: Collage of Persons' Correlation Analysis results and photo of urban environment of London (Barbican Centre)

Rosa Schiano-Phan (SA+C)
Emanuela Volpi (Life Sciences)
Borna, M., Woloshynowych, M., Schiano-Phan, R., Volpi, E.V. and Usman, M. (2022). A correlational analysis of COVID-19 incidence and mortality and urban determinants of vitamin D status across the London boroughs.
Moonisah Usman (CETI)
By way of urban living labs in Amsterdam, Bologna, Milan, Ghent, Munich and London, we generate insights into:
4) Strategies of change that can accelerate the transition towards a ‘post-car’ city.
Experimenting with City Streets to Transform Urban Mobility (EX-TRA)
EX-TRA is an international research project funded for March 2021-2024 by the ESRC through the JPI Urban Europe ERA-NET Co-fund. The project studies ‘City street experiments’ defined as: ‘an intentional, temporary change of the street use, regulation and/or form, aimed at exploring systemic change in urban mobility, away from “streets for traffic”, and towards “streets for people”.’
62 Research | Transport and Mobilities
1) Possible combinations of physical design and regulation that increase the types of usage and inclusivity among users of city streets;

The activities developed by the UoW team in the last year were targeted at the development of an engagement platform for collecting data on user perceptions of public space changes, the street experiment process, and community engagement. We critically explore the perceptions of multiple users, ‘publics’ and stakeholders who are affected by and mobilise around ‘city street experiments’.
2) Transport and land use conditions for the purpose of enabling and improving walking and cycling accessibility in city districts;
3) Shared mobility platforms and micro-mobility and freight delivery options which complement attractive streets and accessible districts; and
Enrica Papa Emilia Smeds Tom Cohen
School Street in Lambeth, London: experiment with closing the street to provide more space for people, rather than traffic [photo © Paul Tanner + Sustrans]
Read more at:
Enrica Papa Ipshita Basu Emilia Smeds Maria Kramer
How do people perceive the experiment (implementation) process and their ability to participate in it? Is the process perceived as just?
Reclaiming the Street in London – Participatory Fund
An innovative storytelling approach will seek to capture people’s narratives of lived experiences in public space, with a pilot of codesign approaches developed within architectural research. The activities seek to build the capacity of community partners/ members to assess the potential of street experiments for just transitions towards post-car cities.
THE RESEARCH PROJECT focused on two street reallocation pilots in London: a parklet in Redbridge and a school street in Lambeth. The aim is to advance mobility justice: doing research with people, not for them or on them. The activities considered EDI aspects of street uses, allowing for more intensive coproduction with community members who are underrepresented in local planning debates (lower-income, BAME individuals).
Transport and Mobilities | Research Knowledge gathering exercise
The project has broadened partner organisations’ public engagement and campaigning strategies to encompass a greater diversity of local people (including harder-to-reach groups) and more holistic perspective on-street space, where the focus is not only on infrastructure and traffic, but also social connections, play and ‘publicness’ of space.

Knowledge will be co-produced, across the UoW team and community partners, on the following questions: How do people use, perceive and experience street experiments? Are there differences between social categories, that indicate injustices?
The project has empowered Redbridge and Lambeth community members by evaluating street experiments based on their own criteria, deliberating on diverse and conflicting knowledge claims, including considerations of fairness, and how to meaningfully collect and present qualitative data (e.g. experiential knowledge).
Funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust
Final poster presenting the findings of the research project understanding availability of Green Space in London during COVID-19

Climate-Resilient and Healthy Cities
During a semester-long period, University of Westminster students across PG and UG courses worked to translate scientific data, reports and technical facts around climate and health issues in the built environment, into accessible knowledge for the wider public. They simulated the formation of a multi-disciplinary practice, engaging with non-academic stakeholders and, at the end, organising an exhibition and community engagement workshop in Cody Dock, East London. In the final event, students explained their learning, presenting a set of posters and engaging with locals regarding the new demands of green spaces among people post-pandemic. During the exhibition the results of the climate urbanism studio of the BA Designing Cities (BADC) studio were also presented. Students involved: Abdallah El Hajj, Emanuele De Angelis, Mari Gvritshvili, Marie Kaune, Marwa Greiw, Reda Mahmood, Viven Rao Krishna Moorthi. Volunteer student from BADC: Mahdis Hosseini.
Research | Emerging Territories
Krystallia Kamvasinou Giulio Verdini Ripin Kalra
THIS PROJECT, INITIATED by Krystallia Kamvasinou, Giulio Verdini and Ripin Kalra and funded by a QHT award on ‘supporting learning and teaching, the student experience and social enterprise’, aimed to enhance students’ skills relating to climate, health and resilience in built environment projects. It capitalised on previous research on green space in London and the COVID-19 health emergency, and climate urbanism and resilience, to develop a suitable cross-disciplinary intensive training programme with contribution from Rachel Aldred (Transport), Nina Smyth (Psychology), Linda Percy (Biological Sciences), Corinna Dean (Architecture), and the support of research associate Sabina Cioboata.
was instrumental in organising a visit from a delegation of 50 North American tradeswomen, in partnership with Tradeswomen Building Bridges (TBB), a network of North American women whose vision is to build transnational solidarity among women working in the trades.
ProBE IS A multi-faculty research centre spanning Westminster Business School (WBS) and the School of Architecture and Cities (A+C). Established in 2010, it provides a rich programme of research and related activities, including oral history, film, exhibitions, and seminars. It provides a focus for interdisciplinary and international activity related to the social processes underpinning the production of the built environment.
ProBE | Research
Director Professor Christine Wall continues her focus on oral histories of the built environment with a new project, ‘“If I had a hammer”: Feminist activism and the built environment in Britain 1975-2000’, funded by an Emeritus Leverhulme Fellowship 2022-2024. This project aims to chronicle a vibrant period of feminist activism by recording the working lives of many women who were involved.
Co-Director Nick Beech, Christine Wall and Linda Clarke are all affiliated with the ongoing AHRC research project ‘Translating Ferro / Transforming Knowledges of Architecture, Design and Labour’ for the New Field of Production Studies, based in the Universities of Newcastle and Sao Paulo. Current PhD student, Mustafa Abedmousa, will soon submit his thesis, ‘The productivity of the construction sector in Palestine’. While in 2022 Lena Stina Andersson, PhD candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, became a ProBE visiting scholar to undertake research at the Victoria and Albert Museum for her thesis: ‘Who Builds a National Museum? Architectural Transformation and Material Change from the 19th to the 21st century’.
Director Linda Clarke (WBS) is currently engaged in the project: ‘Climate Literacy for Construction: Integrating climate literacy into the construction trades’, funded by the Canadian government until 2025. In June 2022 Linda
The Centre for the Study of the Production of the Built Environment(ProBE)
Christine Wall Linda Clarke
We continue to welcome PhD candidates and visiting scholars interested in the areas of research covered by ProBE.
Laying a new limestone floor at the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. [Photo © Lena Stina Andersson]

Centre for Air Traffic Management Research
In 2022, the team was engaged in six European projects, coordinating four of these, including Engage: the European Knowledge Transfer Network for SESAR (
Andrew Cook
major projects running in 2022 are: Pilot3, a software engine for multi-criteria decision support in flight management ( and Dispatcher3, innovative
The Engage knowledge hub ( is designed as the one-stop, go-to source for ATM research and knowledge in Europe. It has delivered many European firsts: an interactive research map of ATM; a consolidated research repository; an interactive roadmap of future ATM concepts; a database of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes; and supporting European ATM education and training – with free training courses. The KTN has supported 18 catalyst funding projects and 10
66 Research | Centre for Air Traffic Management Research

dispatching and flight operating processes ( (both Clean Sky 2); BEACON, behavioural economics and flight prioritisation concepts (; NOSTROMO, next-generation open-source tools for performance modelling ( and Modus, modelling and assessing the role of air transport in integrated, intermodal transport ( (all SESAR).
RESEARCH was formally established in 2022, with an eight-strong team led by Professor Andrew Cook, with Dr Luis Delgado as Co-Director, reflecting the continued growth of research in this domain at Westminster. Air traffic management (ATM) research at the University began in 1999. Early funding was primarily through EUROCONTROL (the pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation and associated research) and air navigation service providers such as NATS. This later moved to most funding through SESAR (the technological pillar of Europe’s ambitious Single European Sky initiative and the mechanism that coordinates and concentrates most EU R&D activities in ATM) and Horizon 2020.
Whilst our work contributes extensively to fundamental science innovations in ATM, it maintains a focus on applied research with industry. The team is well known for producing the standard European reference on the cost of delay. It is looking to bid strongly into SESAR 3 (Horizon Europe) in late 2022, and continues to support the MSc Air Transport Planning & Management, while now also growing its PhD engagement.
EARLIER THIS YEAR, the Max Lock Centre completed its Global Challenges Research Fund-sponsored study exploring the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic from an international urban planning, design and environmental science perspective. A team of researchers, graduates from our postgraduate international planning and urban design programmes, carried out city-based case studies across the globe, from Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) and Manila (Philippines), though New Delhi and Bangalore (both India) in Asia, to L’Aquila (Italy) and Greenwich (UK) in Europe and Tegucigalpa (Honduras) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) in the Americas.
Max Lock Centre
Tony Lloyd-Jones
Villa 31, Buenos Aires. Sitting within District Retiro, one of the city's wealthiest areas, this slum neighbourhood of Buenos Aires formed part of the Global Challenges Research Fund study into policies to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in city slums. [photo © Christoph Wesemann]

Indonesia, with academic partners from Indonesia, the Netherlands and Singapore. The Centre also engaged with other colleagues from the Emerging Territories Research Group in advising the London Borough of Hounslow with the development of their Future Cities Neighbourhood 2030 Strategy and Action Plan, drawing on its earlier study of retrofitting strategies for the central London district of
has lost one of its founders, the late Dr Mike Theis, who sadly died after a short illness at the age of 95. Active until almost the end, Mike was a continuous inspiration to all those who worked with him including the dozens of young professionals he supported and mentored during the many decades he spent in the field directing operations in surveys and associated urban and regional planning studies across Nigeria.
Max Lock Centre | Research
Efforts to extend the School’s expertise in environmental, urban and housing design to the South East Asian context resulted in an MLC-led bid to study energy efficiency in housing construction and occupation in urbanising
68 Research | Active Travel Academy

enough to support transport in your area?
Jamie RachelFurlongAldred

Re-imagining London’s streets: What drives attitudes to active travel funding?

findings to the question: Are TfL and your local

Using the Travel & Places TfL survey data (June-July 2021, N=12,470), the Active Travel Academy has been studying questions such as: How are demographic characteristics associated with attitudes to funding of cycling, walking and driving infrastructure? How does this vary across inner and outer London? Early findings suggest that younger residents across all of London are far more likely than older residents to believe that active travel is under-funded. However, this and other demographic differences (e.g. income and gender) were largely driven by differences in car ownership and, to a lesser extent, bike ownership. After accounting for demographics, people living in more car-dominated parts of London with little active travel infrastructure were also more likely to want more investment in walking and cycling.
THE SHIFT EXPERIENCED during the COVID-19 pandemic to more people walking and cycling, exposed the unequal allocation of space in Britain’s towns and cities for different transportation methods. In response, the government created an Active Travel Fund to support English local authorities to rapidly improve cycling and walking facilities. This funded a range of schemes (e.g. protected cycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, School Streets, and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods). Some have been controversial and not all remain. For instance, in London around 130 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods were implemented in 2020-2021, but around thirty have since been removed. What determines people’s attitudes to these kinds of investments in walking and cycling? Who wants more funding for active travel, and who thinks that there is already too much?
Survey authority doing
18-24 25-49 50-64 65+ groupAge

Modal filter for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) in Stoke Newington, Hackney
There is some promising evidence of the benefits of LTNs, including decreased car ownership and use, increased active travel, and a reduction in street crime and road traffic injuries. However, there is also concern about adverse impacts, for instance on disabled people who need to use cars and whose journeys will be longer, or for residents on boundary roads which may experience the negative consequences of diverted motor traffic.
of this work is ‘go-along’ interviews with residents who live in or nearby an LTN. During the go-along, residents are asked to guide researchers around their local area; they discuss their daily experiences of living within or near the low traffic neighbourhoods and how the scheme impacts them and their journeys, both positively and negatively. The method allows researchers to better understand the inclusivity of the schemes, such as the experiences of disabled people and older residents who have diverse travel needs and might use roads differently. At the same time, go along interviews enable researchers to highlight potential positive or negative impacts not easily captured by quantitative data or traditional interviews, including changes in perceptions of safety of the local environment or changes to the way public space is used.
Funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research, the ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London’ project uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the benefits, harms and experiences of new

Active Travel Academy | Research
LTN schemes and inform the future of similar transport
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London: A mixed-methods study of benefits, harms and experiences
Rachel Aldred Harrie Larrington-SpencerEmmaLawlorErsiliaVerlinghieriLuzNavarro
Low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) are transport interventions that limit through-traffic motor vehicle access in a set of residential streets. Their aim is to make walking, wheeling and cycling safer and more comfortable, and make driving less convenient.
Kate Jordan PhD Coordinator
work models offer routes into postgraduate study for outstanding professionals with an established body of work and have also helped to forge valuable connections with industry. This year, the School hosted the 2022 Architectural Humanities Research Association Graduate Student Symposium. The symposium, which featured presentations from students from across the world as well as those from Westminster, explored the theme of 'voices in architecture'.
For further details about our PhD programme, visit:
In addition to standard PhDs, we continue to supervise students working towards PhD by Published Work and PhD by Practice. The practice and published
PHD STUDENTS IN the School of Architecture + Cities are engaged in wide-ranging areas of research that fall within and across the School’s five research groups: Architectural Humanities; Emerging Territories; Making and Practice; Place and Experience; Transport and Mobilities. Recently completed theses have made pioneering contributions to global scholarship on climate change, active travel, childhood mobility, public space and heritage policy.
Shengkang Fu
Marzena Piotrowska
PhD candidates, 2022
Dawn Rahman Fred
Asa Henry Patrick Thomas
Ameera Akl Hala
THIS RESEARCH-BY-DESIGN IS concerned with forming a critique on the temporary uses of public space by sociocultural activists in Athens, Greece, through the development of notational drawings and filmic experiments. The aim is to propose a method to describe, sustain and construct conditions for temporary transformations within the urban context of Athens by exploring the symbiosis of corporeal movement and physical space.
The research draws attention to the political, economic and social drivers that led to the increased presence of performative activism in public space from the beginning of the financial crisis in 2009. An improvised notation system is formulated as a representational language that can describe selected events and become a way by which ephemeral actions, engraved through performance into public space, can be captured. Speculative experimentations test how
Performative Interventions in Public Space: Moments of urban transformation in Athens

Supervisors: Nasser Golzari, Samir Pandya
PhD | Research
the interpretation of the ephemeral as an embodied experience can determine and impose elements of design to consolidate a new potential tool for architecture, urban design and urban activism.
Drawing a performative notation for Omonia: Frames from the filmic experiments that capture movement in Omonia Square

This notational drawing as a hybrid tool has the capacity to shape socio-spatial programmes and disrupt the formality of space, freeing it from constraints and showing what cannot be otherwise seen. The research therefore contributes towards the formulation of an experiential drawing method that illustrates how we can draw urban spaces, with their dynamics and flows, and their temporary transformations, beyond the conventional drawing styles used in architecture. Ultimately, through this process, traditional architectural drawing is challenged in terms of its ability to adapt and reflect complex social transformations.
Angeliki Sakellariou
74 Research |
The findings of this study confirmed several correlations between air pollution concentrations and urban form within street canyons. This study generated new knowledge on air pollution and microclimate behaviour within various street canyons. It provided recommendations for 30 distinct urban street canyon configurations in order to increase dispersion and protect pedestrians from harmful levels of air pollution. It also offered much needed knowledge and recommendations for urban designers and planners to consider how to make informed design decisions to encourage greater dispersion of air pollution within various urban street canyons, particularly in areas with high pedestrian traffic to reduce and limit public exposure to harmful air pollution.

Supervisors: Rosa Schiano-Phan, Krystallia Kamvasinou
(left) Schematic section and plan view residential street canyon layout with the indication of monitoring receptors (right) Pollution levels within different residential street canyon configurations

Designing Healthy Cities: The impacts of urban form on concentration of air pollution at pedestrian level

PUBLISHED by WHO reported that in 2018 air pollution caused eight million premature deaths worldwide. The same report highlighted that outdoor air pollution was responsible for 4.2 million deaths. This implies that further efforts and mitigations are needed to reduce individuals’ exposure to harmful air pollutants. In this respect, governments around the world developed and published a number of air quality plans and frameworks. However, they either ignored or paid less attention to microclimate and urban form attributes and their impact on air pollution concentrations or dispersion in urban spaces, particularly within urban street canyons.
Considering the above, this study postulates that there is a correlation between urban form and air quality. Therefore, the core focus of this thesis is to investigate this relationship in greater depth and to propose a set of recommendations that can create a desirable microclimate within various urban street canyons capable of mitigating air pollution concentrations and thereby reducing its negative impact on human health. This thesis employs a variety of methods, including fieldwork, computational modelling and correlation analysis, to measure the influence of various street canyon configurations on the concentration of air pollution.
Mehrdad Borna
THIS PHD EXAMINES how tourist resorts, typically designed for foreign visitors, are used by local residents and domestic tourists in Turkey. Tourism is acknowledged for its influence on modernising and Westernising societies, as tourists often bring their cultural norms and practices with them. Correspondingly, tourist resorts often become bubbles of this Western lifestyle, transforming into pleasure zones of escapism and freedom. In countries where
Supervisors: Andrew Smith, Maja Jovic, Ilaria Pappalepore
Ross Bennett-Cook
Resorts of Escapism
Using Turkey as a case study, the PhD explores the relationship that locals have with the country's Mediterranean and Aegean coastlines; places retaining an overwhelming Westernised European atmosphere, liberal attitudes and sociocultural structure during rapid shifts towards conservatism and religiosity elsewhere in the Undercountry.the

autocracy is on the rise, these tourist spaces can hold a new significance for local people. What happens when a country that is popular with tourists begins to revert away from Westernisation? What happens to the highly Westernised tourist resorts that are left behind?
current government's staunchly conservative leadership, Turkey is torn: there are those who support a more religious outlook for the country, and those who long for the Westernised and secularist orientation the country was founded on. Resorts have become a place where people can leave the country culturally without physically leaving its borders. Through interviews with Turks who live and travel to tourist resorts, this project will examine their relationship with such places, how and why they are attracted to them, and how they act as a liminal space between East and West. Turkey's peripheral position between Europe and Asia, its trans-cultural identity, its complex history with religion and secularism, and its current political climate are considered throughout the thesis.
PhD | Research
Bodrum, Turkey
Wordcloud of key terms

Supervisors: Rachel Aldred, Pieter Verdegem, Tom Cohen

THERE ARE NUMEROUS health and environmental benefits aligned with the goals of reducing dependency on private car transport and encouraging active modes of travel. Street intervention schemes in the UK, such as Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) and School Streets, make changes to the road environment to promote quieter streets with more opportunities for walking, cycling and wheeling. Despite the proposed benefits, such schemes have proved divisive in reception and have seen increased media coverage. Social media has also been used by people to communicate polarised and often affective opinions on their local transport interventions.

To achieve the research aims, mixed methods are applied within a theoretical framework from linguistics, transport and political economy. Qualitative content analysis is used on local news articles to explore emotion use in the context of LTNs and School Streets coverage. This is followed by a computational social media analysis to interpret sentiment and summarise topics from tweet data. The findings will build knowledge around media framing and aggregated public opinion related to road schemes. This has potential impact in informing focused and sympathetic communications around future street interventions.
This project aims to make sense of these positive and negative opinions within news and social media discourses. In addition to summarising sentiment towards road initiatives, this research also explores how both semantics and emotion use can help uncover perceptions about the wider travel environment. Street interventions are unique situations where the status quo of mobility has

Emotions, Evaluations and Opinions of Street Interventions in News and Social Media

76 Research | PhD

been disrupted. Consequently, there is potential to assess how likes and dislikes of local schemes are related to different emotion expressions and themes related to local environment. Conceptualised as ‘emotion evaluations’ in this project, these expressions could indicate, for example, concern about pollution, frustration over traffic, or excitement around safe routes to school.
Athena Brook
The concept of a threshold is in perpetual change, both the visible geopolitical checkpoints and border lines, and more subtle mental barriers that are erected between people.
THIS RESEARCH-BY-DESIGN THESIS endeavours to critically examine marginalised people living on a threshold in politically divided cities and contested places,‘in-between’ two lands, two territories or two neighbourhoods. It aims to understand the unequal distribution of resources around the blue demarcation line between Israel/Palestine and Lebanon and examine the changing nature of the intangible and invisible borders in the City of Beirut.

The study will take place in territories of conflicting power, understood through different methods of representation including narrative, film, drawing and imaginative scenarios. By drawing from the existing urban and living conditions, the narrative will illustrate the unequal distribution of resources in Beirut including water, electricity and gas, among other issues of land ownership. It will first investigate the complex relationship between architecture and power and its effect on the dividing lines. Second, it will examine cities that lie on a threshold and how tangible and intangible borders are created by the unequal distribution of resources.
Supervisors: Nasser Golzari, Samir Pandya
PhD | Research
Mapping the journey on the blue demarcation line
Paradox of Living in Contradicting Terrains and Contested Grounds
Iman Keaik
Echoing the author's personal journey through divided terrains and endeavour to live on the Green Demarcation dividing the East and West in Beirut, the thesis aims to unpack the unequal distribution of resources and its effect on the sectarian division. It questions: Where does the dividing line start and end? Are we living on the edge or in between invisible traces?
Lindsay Bremner Florian BethPaulRobinBrianJonathanMatthewJohnAndrewHannahBrianMarkJimStromaStanleyTomCristina-RalucaSabinaHayleyHarryPaoloMengqiuAleksandraTobyKevinTomChristopherStephenBrilletBrookhouseBryantBuddBurchellBurgessCannockCaoCasconeCharringtonChiversCioboataCirstocCohenCohenColeColemanColesConstantConstantineCookCookCousinsCoventryCrawfordCromptonCrosbyCullen
78 School of Architecture & Cities | Staff Staff 2021-2022
Simon Banfield Mark Bannister
Josef Jammerbund Kate Jordan Maja
Miriam AnnaCarltonSuzanneJamieIzabelaRiccardoTomasStefanieHelenAnfomAnnetteElanthaBillJamesElisaLizKirtiChristopherLucyOrsaliaRichardZoiDavideNigelLuisDusanCorinnaChristopherDall’IgnaDanielDeanDecermicDelgadoMunozDennisDeriuDiakakiDiffordDimitriouDinnenDiteDurelleEllstonEngelEngelEricksonEvansFisherEvans-FarrellFischerFiszerFregoniDozicFrostFurlongGaballaGajadharGillies
François Girardin Inan AlisdairAnneJoanaNasserGokcekGolzariSoaresGoncalvesGrahamGray
Wilfred Achille Sam JamesAlessandroIanAnaJulianRoudainaRachelDimahAitkenheadAjeebAldredAlkhaniAllenDeOliveiraAraujoArnottAyusoBaldwin
Sean Griffiths Thomas Grove Eric YannickGuibertGuillen Sloma Gerald
Peter Barber Tessa Barraclough
Scott LukeAnthonyAndrewHocineHocineRobertoMehrdadStefaniaAlastairWoiezechoskiCarineRossNickSusanneBattyBauerBeechBennett-CookBergerBlythBoccalettiBornaBottazziBougdahBougdahBoughtonBoulangerBowler
Enrica Papa Ilaria
David Littlefield
Andrew Smith Angus Smith Paul Smith Tsz Wai So John
David Pitfield Ben EmiliaSumitaPeterSarahEliteConorGeoffreyPeterYaraAlexandrosDavidRobertDavidAmedeoRosaEraIzisShahedMichaelKatyPaulFedericoLucyKesterKartikeyaJamesDavidPollockPorterPurchonRajputRattenburyReaderRedinRichensRobertsRoseSaleemSalvadorPintoSavvidesSchiano-PhanScofoneScottScottSeexSfyridisSharifSharrattShearcroftSheehanSherShuttleworthSilverSinghaSmeds
SophieAnastasiaTrifanCristina-AlexandraAlessandroAdamAsaMireilleBolicGrahamJaneAllanBenCarlyBernardMatthewRachelNancyKennethEmmanuelRobertAfolabiRoMajidSomersSoolakiSpankieSpenceSpoonerStellakisStevensStevensonStevensonStewartStilwellStraughanStringerSylvesterTankardTannerTatjanaTchapiThomasThwaitesTotiTsamitrouUngerer Juan
Cheryl Mvula
Chiara Orefice
Samir Pandya

We wish to thank the following organisations for their support:

MORE 2022 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + CITIES University of Westminster 35 MaryleboneNW1LondonRoad5LS Tel 020 7911 5000 A+C