April 2012

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ol IX 12| v


|iss 4


april 2

TALENT GRAB How Claremont recruiting favors big business Pg. 16-17




The Claremont Colleges don’t cancel class that often – I’m pretty sure we’ve never had a snow day, and even Presidents Day evades recognition. But there’s always been that Friday at the end of March when the dining halls serve brunch and SURIHVVRUV GRQ¡W KROG RIĂ€FH KRXUV 6LQFH WKLV LV P\ Ă€UVW \HDU DFWXDOO\ KDYLQJ D )ULday class – thank you, science GE – I’d like to take a moment to honor the man we are celebrating this March 30: CĂŠsar ChĂĄvez.

april 2012| vol IX iss 4

For those of you who didn’t attend California public schools, Chåvez was a Latino civil rights hero who brought national attention to the plights of farm workers. In the 1960s and 70s, working conditions and wages for the men and women who grew our nation’s produce were pitiful. Chåvez, along with Dolores Huerta, stepped in to form the United Farm Workers of America. To make their union effective, Chåvez and Huerta didn’t just sign workers up for their cause – they built connections and asked for a deeper commitment. The union’s most prominent action was the table grape boycott. To gain national support for their cause, striking grape growers travelled through-


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Thank  You,  CÊsar  Chåvez out the country to share their stories. In 1970, grape growers contracted with the union and workers won their rights.

impressive. If its goal was to make Joseph Kony famous, the campaign has been VXFFHVVIXO 6LPLODUO\ 'DQ 6DYDJH¡V ´,W Gets Betterâ€? campaign reaches LGBTQ In this spirit, Pomona’s dining hall work- teens who may not otherwise hear a supers have been trying to unionize for the portive message – that’s an innovative and past two years. And while I support their productive use of digital communication. cause, I think we can all agree that the But neither campaign involves the shoeworking conditions in Frary are far supe- leather, grassroots organizing that made ULRU WR WKRVH LQ &DOLIRUQLD¡V JUDSH Ă€HOGV ChĂĄvez’s advocacy successful. And that’s in the 1960s. Especially as students, we’re why they’ll only skim the surface of the fortunate not to face struggles on the lev- larger problems. el of those experienced by the farm workers. But when we leave the Claremont On the second anniversary of the pasbubble, many of us will go on to advocate sage of the Affordable Care Act, I joined for social change. In doing so, we must the Twittersphere in saying #ThanksOresist the temptation to restrict our activ- bamacare. My tweet was picked up by a ism to creating – or worse, simply sharing GOP parody account and re-tweeted by – a YouTube video. While we may spend 50+ strangers. That may have been great more time on Facebook than interacting for my Klout score, but I doubt my tweet with our real-life friends, ChĂĄvez’s orga- DFWXDOO\ LQĂ XHQFHG DQ\ RI WKRVH SHRSOH nizing strategy of face-to-face connec- Comparatively, about a month ago I attion-building is still the most effective tended an Obama campaign volunteer way to gather support for a cause. training in the Claremont village. I was asked to share why I personally support Which brings me to Kony 2012. Contro- the president – and my story made a versy aside, releasing a 30-minute video woman cry. That’s the kind of connecDERXW DQ RYHUVHDV PXOWL GHFDGH FRQĂ LFW tion that promotes progress, whether to that has generally evaded mass-media at- unionize farm workers or reelect Barack tention and having it go viral overnight is Obama.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alyssa  Roberts PUBLISHER Chelsea  Carlson EDITOR  EMERITUS  MANAGING  EDITORS Alex  Heiney CAMPUS  Sam  Kahr  WEB  EDITOR NATIONAL  Kathryn  Yao Russell  M.  Page INTERNATIONAL  Samantha  Morse COPY  EDITORS CYqdY :]fc]j$ 9dq EafYea\] ILLUSTRATORS Angela  Zhou,  Caitlin  Kenney,  Chelsea  Carlson The Claremont Port Side is dedicated to providing the Claremont Colleges with contextualized, intelligent reports to advance debate among students and citizens. This is a progressive newsmagazine that offers pertinent information and thoughtful analysis on the issues confronting and challenging our world, our country, and our community. Each article in the Claremont Port Side UHà HFWV WKH RSLQLRQ RI LWV DXWKRU V DQG GRHV QRW UHSUHVHQW the Claremont Port Side, its editors, its staff, or the Claremont Colleges. Letters, Questions, Comments? editor@claremontportside.com

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This CÊsar Chåvez Day, let’s commemorate Chåvez’s legacy by remembering that achieving social change takes hard work. Tweet all you want – but tell your story to your roommate, too.

Campus Progress works to help young people — advocates, activists, journalists, artists — make their voices heard on issues that matter. Learn more at CampusProgress.org.

Single copies ar e fr ee, to pur chase additional copies please contact us. editor@claremontportside.com

Syrians advocate against authoritarian regime By Deborah Frempong Staff Writer, PO ‘15 By now, we’ve all heard the story: On December 17, 2010, a Tunisian street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on Ă€UH LQ SURWHVW DJDLQVW WKH FRQĂ€VFDWLRQ RI KLV ZDUHV DQG KDUDVVPHQW E\ D PXQLFLSDO RIĂ€FLDO and her aides. Unbeknownst to him, this action would soon become the catalyst for the uprising in the Arab World known today as WKH ´$UDE 6SULQJ Âľ 7R GDWH IRXU UXOHUV KDYH been forced from power, with civil uprisings and major protests breaking out in Algeria, in response to the protests and is essentially Iraq, Jordan and other countries. massacring its citizens. According to the United Nations, there have been between 6\ULD KDV MRLQHG WKH OLVW RI $UDE FRXQWULHV 9,100 and 11,500 uprising-related deaths in calling for a change in political rule. On 6\ULD VLQFH -DQXDU\ 7KHUH KDYH DOVR January 26, 2011, after a reported case of been reported cases of kidnapping and torVHOI LPPRODWLRQ 6\ULDQV WRRN WR WKH VWUHHWV turing of anyone who dares to speak out calling for political reform and the reinstate- against the government, whether they are a ment of civil rights. Over 120,000 protesters declared protester or not. have called for the resignation of President %DVKDU DO $VVDG ZKR KDV NHSW 6\ULD LQ D 7KRXJK 6\ULD LV KDOIZD\ DFURVV WKH ZRUOG state of emergency since 1963. from California, the issue is not as distant from the Claremont Colleges as one may exAzmi Hauron PZ ‘15, whose parents are pect. Many students and faculty were born IURP 6\ULD WROG WKH Port Side that the uprising in the Middle East or have close connections ´ZDV DEVROXWHO\ MXVWLĂ€HG DQG QHFHVVDU\ 6\U- with the Arab world. Hauron is just one stuia’s authoritarian regime mirrors many of its dent who has been personally affected by neighbors’ governments that have collapsed, WKH LVVXH ´%HIRUH WKH XSULVLQJ VWDUWHG P\ DQG , EHOLHYH LW LV Ă€QDOO\ WLPH IRU GHPRFUDWLF IDPLO\ WUDYHOOHG WR 6\ULD HYHU\ VXPPHU IRU FKDQJH LQ 6\ULD DV ZHOO Âľ about a month. Not being able to visit the country itself is very emotionally taxing beHowever, the government is not without cause I feel a genuine connection with my VXSSRUW $V +DXURQ H[SODLQHG ´D ODUJHU IDPLO\ DQG 6\ULDQ FXOWXUH :KDW KXUWV HYHQ percent of the country does not support more is not being able to seriously improve the current president, mainly from popula- the situation quickly and watch the death toll tions in rural areas. However there is still a increase,â€? he explained. respectable amount of support for Bashar coming from other Alawis as well as up- Hauron raises an important point about the SHU FODVV 6\ULDQV DQG PDQ\ DYHUDJH 6\ULDQV limitations of aid, especially by individuals. who are simply worried for their lives if they When asked what 6\ULDQV LQ WKH GLDVSRUD were to speak their minds. Bashar al-Assad – and, by extension, students in Claremont was initially praised as a reformer of security seeking to alleviate human rights abuses – and economic conditions, yet the uprisings FDQ GR WR VXSSRUW WKH SHRSOH RI 6\ULD +DXbegun as a result of the terrible economic URQ FRXOG QRW SURYLGH PDQ\ RSWLRQV ´7KHUH conditions and lack of civil liberties.â€? are many online groups that anyone can donate to or sign a petition for, but unfortu7KH 6\ULDQ $UP\ KDV FODPSHG GRZQ KDUG nately no matter how interested someone is,

there are large restrictions for humanitarian aid. Much international pressure has been applied to Bashar’s regime through sanctions and removal of foreign ambassadors, \HW WKH ÀQDO EORZ WR WKH $VVDGV KDV \HW WR be struck.� ,Q OLJKW RI WKH PDVVLYH VXSSRUW IRU WKH 6\Uian people, there are several hindrances to their movement. The involvement of Islamist groups such as Al-Qaeda and Hizbut-Tahrir has SUHYHQWHG WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV from supporting the movement with arms because of fears that these weapons will fall into the hands of terrorist organizations. Also, despite the increased pressure against President Bashar al-Assad, there are countries such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran which continue to support the 6\ULDQ JRYHUQPHQW It is appalling when a government starts killing its own people. Leaders are elected to help their citizens, to protect them and DERYH DOO WR VHUYH WKHP 6\ULDQV DUH PRUH than validated in asking for their rights and in demanding accountability from their government. However, the ethnic and sectarian undertones in this struggle leave people wondering about the future stability of the oil-rich nation. +RSHIXOO\ WKH YRLFHV RI WKH 6\ULDQ people will remain strong and the international community will assist in championing their aspirations for basic human rights and an accountable government.

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Arab  Spring  Continues


Afl]jfYlagfYd Oge]f k <Yq Should we celebrate “Man’s Day� too? By Elham Yusuf-Ali Staff Writer, CMC ‘15

ing that it isolates men. This criticism raises questions about how to bridge the genders in issues of inequality. Those who support March 8, 2012 marked the celebration of International Women’s Day are now lookInternational Women’s Day, when women ing for ways to foster understanding and across the globe are appreciated with gifts support from men on that day and also for RI Ă RZHUV FKRFRODWHV SRHPV DQG LQ :RPHQ¡V 6WXGLHV LQ JHQHUDO some cultures, a reprieve from household responsibilities. In India, women marched As a discipline that grapples with quesin solidarity and women-led organizations tions of justice, inclusion, and belonging, marked their legacy in newspapers and International Women’s Day is an importelevision reports. In Russia, the day is WDQW HYHQW IRU :RPHQ¡V 6WXGLHV ,Q DQ actually a public holiday. In our very own interview with the Port Side, Claremont &ODUHPRQW VRPH ZRPHQ DIĂ€UPHG ZLWK 0F.HQQD +LVWRU\ DQG :RPHQ¡V 6WXGenthusiasm the validation of this day. Cla- LHV 3URIHVVRU 'LDQD 6HOLJ H[SODLQHG WKDW remont McKenna’s Gender Equality Task ´International Women’s Day inspires Force celebrated all week by organizing us to learn about women’s experiences speakers on women’s issues, a petition for around the world and to advocate for reproductive rights, a clothing drive, and ZRPHQ¡V HPSRZHUPHQW 6LQFH WKH Ă€UVW other activities. International Women’s Day over a hundred years ago, women’s rights have made 6WLOO WKLV FHQWXU\ ORQJ FHOHEUDWLRQ UHPDLQV great strides around the globe, and those D WRSLF RI GHEDWH 6KRXOG WKH ZRUOG RQO\ advancements are worth celebration.â€? set aside one day to appreciate women? An Though the day serves as a reminder of even more pressing question involves the women’s history and a marker of achieve´PDOH UROHÂľ LQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO :RPHQ¡V 'D\ ment, it is also important to investigate 6RPH DUH FULWLFDO RI WKH FHOHEUDWLRQ DUJX- how the day continues to shape Women’s







6WXGLHV DQG JHQGHU HTXDOLW\ PRYHPHQWV Contemporary critics of International Women’s Day question the microscopic focus on women because it alienates men. Audrey Bilger, CMC Professor of LiteraWXUH DQG &R &KDLU RI WKH *HQGHU 6WXGLHV 3URJUDP FRXQWHUHG WKDW DOWKRXJK ´WKHUH DUH GHĂ€QLWH DPRXQWV RI LQHTXDOLW\ ZLWK men as there are with women, women are a focal focus on this day because they are a more disenfranchised group than men in a multivariable system. It is imperative to investigate the interlocking systems of oppressions.â€? It is fundamental to contextualize the issue of inequality between both genders based on social and cultural interwoven webs. Therefore, though this day focuses on women’s issues, there is no assertion that women’s issues are more important than men’s issues. Additionally it is necessary to incorporate men into International Women’s Day and therefore minimize negative views that stem from alienation. BilgHU H[SODLQHG ´0HQ VKRXOG FDUH DERXW women too. We are used to putting men’s accomplishments as a universal ideal. We should also put women’s perspectives



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as universal and not only as a ‘women’s’ perspective.�

focus on domestic women’s issues than international ones. Highland asserts that education is key in alerting both women %RWK ZRPHQ DQG PHQ ZRXOG EHQHĂ€W and men to the great inequalities in our from universal gender equality. In look- own country. However, she also noted LQJ DW WKH 8 6 DORQH LW LV FOHDU WKDW PDQ\ WKDW ´WUDQVIRUPLQJ QDWLRQDO DWWHQWLRQ WR systems are coded with gender and privi- women [would] affect change in the inlege hyper-masculinity. This not only im- ternational hemisphere.â€? pairs women but men as well. Men hold WKH PDMRULW\ RI 6HQDWH VHDWV ZRPHQ VWLOO As an advocate for equal opportunities, earn only 77 cents on the male dollar, Highland believes that International and the media continues to subjugate Women’s Day is part of a larger scheme women for their sexuality. On the other of gender equity involving men advocathand, men who do not conform to ide- LQJ IRU WKH ULJKWV RI ZRPHQ 6KH VWURQJals of hyper-masculinity, such as fathers O\ EHOLHYHV WKDW ´WKHUH LV D SODFH IRU PHQ who prefer to stay home and raise their in women’s issues.â€? Highland explained children, are ridiculed and emasculated. that similar concerns affect both genOne step towards altering this oppres- GHUV )RU H[DPSOH ´LI D ZRPDQ LV JLYHQ sive system can be taken in Interna- maternity leave to take care of her newtional Women’s Day, a day that in some born, so should a man in order for him cultures valorizes those who perform to be with his family at that important domestic work. Reducing the stigma of time.â€? Lastly, Highland argued that we ´VWD\LQJ DW KRPHÂľ IRU ERWK JHQGHUV LV D can bridge women’s studies and men’s strong move towards equality. In trying LVVXHV E\ ´GHĂ€QLQJ D FRPPRQ JXLGH to correct system of imbalances, Bilger towards a common goal.â€? International LV FRQĂ€GHQW WKDW ´ZH FDQ RYHUFRPH RXU Women’s Day is an excellent place to esphysical being and gender divide.â€? tablish mutual respect for both women and men. But perhaps a International Women’s Day is not necessarily the best way to re- Despite such leaps in female empowerduce the gender divide. Caitlin Highland ment worldwide, there is still much to be CMC ‘14, an International Relations ma- done to accomplish gender equality. Acjor, believes that it is more important to FRUGLQJ WR 3URIHVVRU 6HOLJ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO

Women’s Day is integral in drawing atWHQWLRQ WR LVVXHV OLNH ´LOOLWHUDF\ SRYerty, disenfranchisement, violence, and lack of access to education and health care, which deny women full rights and limit their freedoms and opportunities.â€? Awareness is one element but action is DQRWKHU DQG 6HOLJ Ă€UPO\ EHOLHYHV WKDW WKH GD\ ´FDQ VHUYH DV DQ HIIHFWLYH FDOO WR DFWLRQ Âľ %XW VKH FRQWLQXHG ´LW LV HVVHQtial to remember that this action cannot EH FRQĂ€QHG WR RQH VLQJOH GD\ $GYDQFing equality and freedom for all people will take continued effort and vigilance throughout the year.â€? Though originally celebrated to appreciate women in the domestic realm, International Women’s Day has grown into a global activist movement by women and men for women and men. The day should not be used to isolate the genders but unite them in countering similar plights and vanquishing inequalities. In striving for equality between men and women, International Women’s Day develops unique intellectual frameworks and teaches students how power, privilege, and difference shape our individual identities and society as a whole. VIOLENCE 2008 SEXUAL RECOGNIZED



2010 U.N.WOMEN






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Democracy.com The internet is changing activism, but it has limits By Chelsea Thompson Contributing Writer SC ‘14 This past year has unlocked the potential power of the internet as a political tool. )URP OLYH YLGHR RI WKH $UDE 6SULQJ UHYRlutions to the Facebook-organized Workers for Justice protests right here in Claremont, the internet’s capacity for rapid information-sharing across vast distances has indicated the growing power of the web in mobilizing citizens around causes.

Juhasz, who teaches classes on the politiFDO XVHV RI ZHE SODWIRUPV ´,W¡V SDWHQWO\ not true, but I think that’s a very simplistic way of thinking about them. It allows us to not notice the ways that they are not serving us.â€?

ing political transparency. Thanks to the internet, it’s a lot easier for the public to understand and evaluate the process.�

)RU 6WRQH WKH LQWHUQHW RIIHUV DQ RSSRUtunity to spread and gather political inIRUPDWLRQ ´, WKLQN LW¡V IDQWDVWLF KDYLQJ ´7KH KDOOPDUN SODWIRUPV RI :HE WKDW not just the internet but social media in are sold to us and understood as forms for particular to be able to spread political democratic expression and the broaden- commentary or analysis or information,â€? ing of voice are unsuccessful at this point 6WRQH VDLG /LNH PDQ\ FROOHJH VWXGHQWV in what their potential radical possibilities 6WRQH XVHV )DFHERRN DQG 7ZLWWHU WR SDVV FRXOG EH Âľ FRQWLQXHG -XKDV] ´7KH\ DUH along information and share his own poTwo particular instances in recent months owned by corporations that have other litical opinions. highlight the power of the internet an ad- needs than our radicalized free speech.â€? YRFDF\ WRRO %RWK WKH 6XVDQ * .RPHQ Juhasz, however, is critical of the wide Planned Parenthood confrontation and 0D[LQH <DNREL 6& Âś D %HKDYLRUDO (FR- GLVSHUVDO RI SROLWLFDO LGHDV ´2QH RI WKH the protests surrounding the controversial nomics major, is also dubious about the big myths about internet communication 623$ DQG 3,3$ OHJLVODWLRQ XVHG WKH LQWHU- typical narrative of the internet as a demo- is that the more people that hear you the net in new and interesting ways. The ideo- FUDWLF IRUXP ´7R D GHJUHH , WKLQN WKDW WKH better, there’s some sort of un-thought logical mobilization around these issues government likes to make us believe that through premium on numbers,â€? said Jutook place almost entirely on social media freedom of speech isn’t violated as much KDV] ´/RWV RI SHRSOH DUH WDONLQJ 7KDW sites and political news blogs — although as it actually is,â€? said Yakobi, whose sta- doesn’t mean anyone’s listening and it there were no physical marches, the rapid tus as an international student gives her doesn’t mean what you’re saying has any spread of information facilitated a mass D PRUH JOREDO SHUVSHFWLYH RQ 8 6 QHZV effect. There’s this illusory feeling of havresponse, highlighting the unique way in ´7KHUH¡V GHĂ€QLWHO\ D KXJH DPRXQW RI FHQ- ing participated by speaking. When one which the web is able to assist democratic sorship that I notice when I’m looking at is attempting to be political, it is not just movements. news.â€? that your opinion is expressed, it’s that after your opinion is expressed something Proponents of the internet are claiming However, despite censorship and corpo- KDSSHQV Âľ 7KH YLUDO ´.RQ\ Âľ YLGHR that we have entered a new era of internet rate ownership of social media platforms that sprang up online a few weeks ago UHYROXWLRQV EXW 3LW]HU 0HGLD 6WXGLHV SUR- and news sources, the internet can still be aims to do just this: turn talk into action. fessor Alex Juhasz cautions against such used to promote transparency in politics But whether the actions that the campaign XQFULWLFDO RSWLPLVP ´1R that is crucial to the democratic process. promotes – to donate to Invisible Chilone would want to argue 6DP 6WRQH &0& ¡ PDQDJHV D ZHEVLWH dren and make Joseph Kony a household that the new networked FDOOHG ´5HGLVWULFWLQJ LQ $PHULFDÂľ WKURXJK name – will actually help lead to his arrest platforms for media WKH 5RVH ,QVWLWXWH RI 6WDWH DQG /RFDO *RY- is controversial. expression are not ernment at Claremont McKenna. The useful for political website aims to clarify the redistricting Juhasz discourages thinking of the interexpression and process, which often redraws the borders net as a democratic end in itself, instead organizing,â€? said of congressional districts for purely politi- viewing it as part of a total experience cal reasons. that results in political action on the JURXQG ´:H KDYH WR NHHS RXU Ă€QJHUV RQ ´,W¡V UHDOO\ LPSRUWDQW WR KDYH WKH LQWHUQHW the pulse of the world and think about not only because it makes it possible for the ways these technologies buttress, efeveryone to get access to this process, but fect, contribute to, augment, and alter \RX FDQ PDNH LW LQWHUDFWLYH Âľ VDLG 6WRQH behaviors that we’ve already had as hu´,Q JHQHUDO KDYLQJ WKH LQWHUQHW DV D UH- man beings, but ultimately come back to source is incredibly powerful in improv- that pulse.â€? h Y _ ] . t Y h j a d ) * t [ d Y j ] e g f l h g j l k a \ ] & [ g e t n g d m e ] A P a k k m ] ,

Despite 5C popularity, relevance of Fulbright in question

This month, students across the 5Cs will UHFHLYH QRWLĂ€FDWLRQ RI WKHLU DFFHSWDQFH or rejection from the Fulbright Program, D 8 6 JRYHUQPHQW VSRQVRUHG H[FKDQJH program which funds recipients to study, conduct research, or teach abroad. The program operates in over 155 countries, and has funded approximately 307,000 individuals over the past six and a half decades. As our fellow classmates come one step closer to participating in next year’s Fulbright Program, we should reĂ HFW RQ WKH IRXQGLQJ JRDOV DQG UHOHYDQFH of a half-century old program in today’s geopolitical atmosphere. ,Q WKH ZRUGV RI 6HQDWRU - :LOOLDP )XOEULJKW ´7KH )XOEULJKW 3URJUDP DLPV WR bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs, and thereby to increase the chance that nations will learn at last to OLYH LQ SHDFH DQG IULHQGVKLS Âľ 6LJQHG LQWR law by President Truman in 1946, the Fulbright Program began in the wake of :RUOG :DU ,, DV WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV IDFHG pressures to establish itself as a world hegemon and promote a wider understanding of its founding principles and character. Congress was keen on avoiding the potential carnage of a World War III and believed that educational exchanges would foster a community of nations reluctant to take up arms against each other. After successful exchanges in Western European countries, the Fulbright Program expanded to regions of Asia as well as Latin America. A focus on American studies and English instruction encourages an increase in international knowlHGJH RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DQG LWV FXOWXUH Inherent in the exchanges are the social interactions grantees experience on a dayto-day basis; the program relies on this human interaction to build and strengthen

a global net of camaraderie, which diminishes the risk of cultural ignorance and misunderstanding. Although World War II may appear long past to young adults today, the risk of misunderstanding foreign peoples, leading to xenophobic and uninformed decision-making, remains a threat to international harmony. The recent rise of Islamophobia in America is an example of how harmful stereotypes can be perpetuated about a country, region, or group of people.


Any organization that brings two cultures together is invaluable.

tunity to live and work abroad,â€? conductLQJ UHVHDUFK RQ D VSHFLĂ€F WRSLF DEURDG LQ order to establish mutual understanding ´GRHVQ¡W VHHP OLNH D FRKHVLYH PLVVLRQ Âľ 2QH RI WKLV \HDU¡V )XOEULJKW Ă€QDOLVWV 2Oivia Uranga CMC ‘12, submitted an application to teach English in the Middle Eastern country of Bahrain. As a Middle (DVWHUQ 6WXGLHV DQG *RYHUQPHQW PDMRU Olivia spent a semester studying abroad in Oman, and hopes that by living and working in Bahrain she can continue perfecting her Arabic and become immersed once again in Middle Eastern culture. In KHU RSLQLRQ ´DQ\ RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW EULQJV two cultures together is invaluable.â€?


By Julia Starr Staff Writer, CMC ‘12

In recent years, the Claremont Colleges have performed exceptionally well in Fulbright acceptances. Pitzer College Olivia Uranga has been ranked #1 by the Chronicle of C MC ‘ 1 2 , Ful b ri g h t Fi n al i st Higher Education as the top producer of )XOEULJKW IHOORZV DPRQJ 8 6 OLEHUDO DUWV colleges for the past eight years. Approxi3URIHVVRU /HH 6NLQQHU &0&¡V )XOEULJKW mately a quarter of Pitzer students apply advisor, spoke with the Port Side about for fellowships each year, and about a the strengths and character of Fulbright quarter of these applicants receive them WRGD\ 6KH QRWHG ´>)XOEULJKW@ HQULFKHV – last year 19 Pitzer students accepted the individual as well as the community Fulbright scholarships. The other 5Cs abroad and at home, and people get to also performed well in the 2010-2011 EHQHĂ€W IURP WKDW NQRZOHGJH DQG H[SH- Fulbright cycle, with awards granted to 15 ULHQFH Âľ 6NLQQHU DGGHG WKDW ´ZLWK )XO- students from Pomona, three from CMC, bright they really stress that you have HLJKW IURP 6FULSSV DQG RQH IURP +DUYH\ a long-standing passion for all things Mudd. international.â€? This of course does not imply that applicants are limited to Inter- On campus and abroad, debate continues national Relations majors; this year ap- over the contemporary relevance of the plications came from such varied disci- Fulbright Program. However, positive plines as economics, literature, language, feedback received from past Fulbright and philosophy. participants and the enthusiasm of current applicants indicates a healthy trajecAmong the positive attributes of Ful- tory of the program into the future. The bright are points of contention that ques- effects on the international community tion the contemporary relevance and DUH GLIĂ€FXOW WR WDQJLEO\ HYDOXDWH EXW WKH ultimate impact of the program, which fact that misconceptions of foreign culmay deter potential applicants from ap- tures remain today reinforces the necesplying. Erica Bellman CMC ’12 stated sity of programs that encourage bilateral WKDW WKRXJK VKH ´ZRXOG ORYH WKH RSSRU- cooperation and mutual understanding. n g d m e ] A P a k k m ] , t [ d Y j ] e g f l h g j l k a \ ] & [ g e t Y h j a d ) * t h Y _ ] /


Fostering  Fulbright


Caucasian  Culture  Club  Controversy Pitzer reacts to fake club proposal By Arielle Zionts Staff Writer, PZ ‘14

that identity the same way that anybody else does,â€? explained New Resource D program for students of non-traditional On February 19, Pitzer students discov- FROOHJH DJH student Michael Ceraso PZ ered, through the unmonitored list ser- ‘15 and Dante Pronsato CMC ‘14. They YLFH ´VWXGHQW WDON Âľ WKDW D &DXFDVLDQ &XO- DOVR VDLG WKH &&& ZRXOG H[SORUH ´ZKDW LW WXUH &OXE &&& ZDV WR EH SURSRVHG DW means to be white in America.â€? WKDW QLJKW¡V 6HQDWH PHHWLQJ During discussion, many in attendance $IWHU LQWHQVH GHEDWH 6HQDWH XQDQLPRXVO\ questioned whether the club was a serejected the proposal. Three days later, ULRXV SURSRVDO 6WXGHQWV SRLQWHG RXW students learned that the CCC was pro- that the proposers mistakenly associSRVHG DV SDUW RI D GRFXPHQWDU\ Ă€OP ated American culture with whiteness made by three students in a Pitzer media and repeatedly contradicted themselves studies course. For the next week, the when explaining the purpose of the club CCC proposal was in the spotlight, as as well as their own views on race. Afstudent-talk debates raged, Pitzer’s Black ter students expressed their confusion, 6WXGHQW 8QLRQ %68 KRVWHG D GLVFXVVLRQ anger, and frustration in regards to this UHODWHG WR WKH HYHQWV 0HGLD 6WXGLHV SUR- proposal, the CCC was unanimously reIHVVRUV DGGUHVVHG 6HQDWH DQG WKH 0HGLD jected. 6WXGLHV Ă€HOG JURXS GUDIWHG D QHZ HWKLFV policy. Many Pitzer students and faculty 6WXGHQW WDON UHVSRQVHV HQVXHG ERWK EHstill hold passionate opinions relating to IRUH DQG DIWHU WKH 6HQDWH PHHWLQJ ,Q this controversy, as it combines compli- addition to echoing concerns similar to cated and often emotionally charged top- WKRVH DW WKH 6HQDWH PHHWLQJ VWXGHQWV ics like racism, academic and artistic free- pointed out the CCC’s clear allusion to dom, and ethics. the KKK, and debated the concept of UHYHUVH UDFLVP 6RPH VWXGHQWV ZLVKHG The Club and Student Reactions that the proposal had garnered more student-talk discussion, and wondered The purpose of the club, according to its ZKHWKHU WKH XQDQLPRXV 6HQDWH UHMHFSURSRVHG FRQVWLWXWLRQ ZRXOG EH ´to pro- WLRQ ZDV D VXIĂ€FLHQW UHVSRQVH WR WKH mote and celebrate the variant aspects of CCC proposal, or if the administration Caucasian culture.â€? Activities would in- VKRXOG KDYH PDGH DQ RIĂ€FLDO VWDWHPHQW FOXGH ´KDYLQJ OLVWHQLQJ DQG GDQFH SDUWLHV to the Pitzer community. Evelyn Cheung of our favorite Caucasian artists‌as well PZ ’13 wrote that she thought Pitzer atas the observance of traditionally Cauca- WHQGHHV ZHUH ´VXSSRVHG WR EH SROLWLFDOO\ VLDQ KROLGD\V H J 6W 3DWULFN¡V 'D\ 6XSHU aware and socially conscious enough to %RZO 6XQGD\ 3UHVLGHQW¡V 'D\ *URXQG- understand the political implications KRJ 'D\ HWF Âľ 7KH ´FOXE SURSRVHUVÂľ VXJ- behind every one of their actions and JHVWHG WKDW LW LV ´LPSRUWDQW IRU &DXFDVLDQ words.â€? Many emails contained very students at Pitzer to feel they are also a strong opinions, and students were not part of a culture which contains a pletho- afraid to explain why the proposal perra of beautiful, folkloric traditions.â€? sonally offended them. The CCC proposal was the last topic to EH GLVFXVVHG DW WKH 6HQDWH PHHWLQJ ´,W¡V fair to see that we [Caucasian people] deserve an identity and deserve to embrace

to the forefront a diverse and beautiful array of traditions and histories so often marginalized in western culture.â€? Another student, who preferred to rePDLQ DQRQ\PRXV MRNHG ´$V DQ $UPHnian, I think it’s high time there were a club to bring our plight to the forefront! I should point out, though, that among Caucasians, there is little fraternity.â€?

An Explanation 7KUHH GD\V DIWHU WKH 6HQDWH PHHWLQJ Pitzer students received an email with a letter written by Alvaro Parra PZ ’12, &DVV\ :RQ 6& ¡ DQG &KHOVHD 'XUJLQ CMC ’14. They explained that the CCC ZDV SURSRVHG ´IRU WKH SXUSRVHV RI Ă€OPing a documentary that aims to explore and critique the concepts of ‘color-blindness,’ ‘white privilege,’ and the constructions and perceptions of race at Pitzer College.â€? They understood that some people were offended by the proposal, but felt that ´WKLV SURYRFDWLRQ ZDV QHFHVVDU\ WR SURmote truthful dialogue and reactions about race and ethnic identity, something that is often times shrouded in hyper politically correct discourse at the Claremont Colleges.â€? Once the true nature of the proposal was revealed, Pitzer students returned to student-talk saying they felt used, and questioned whether the project was approved by a professor or went through Pitzer’s Institutional Review Board. Hascalovici ZURWH ´WR VD\ WKDW \RX¡YH GRQH VRPHthing for the good of dialogue is not only an egregious lie but personally insulting to WKRVH ZKR ZHUHQ¡W RQ WKH EHQHĂ€WLQJ HQG of this project.â€?

Other students responded with jokes and sarcasm. In a sarcastic monologue, Yohai Ayanna Harris PZ ‘13 characterized stu+DVFDORYLFL 3= ¡ HPDLOHG ´, IRU RQH GHQWV¡ FRPPHQWV DV UDQJLQJ IURP ´GHlaud the effort of these students to bring fending the club, pleading to move on

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of the project and his intentions.

regarding� the CCC proposal.

+DUULV D %68 PHPEHU EHOLHYHG LW ZDV important to have this discussion since ´student-talk can be impersonal and misleading, and with something this politically charged, it’s very important to physically interact with each other as people... not as student-talk personalities.â€? Regarding her personal view of the project, she VD\V VKH ´GLVDJUHH>V@ ZLWK WKH FODLP WKDW this was the only or best way to capture it.â€?

3LW]HU 0HGLD 6WXGLHV SURIHVVRU $OH[DQdra Juhasz similarly noted the tradition of controversial mockumentaries speFLĂ€FDOO\ DGGUHVVLQJ UDFH DQG LGHQWLW\ On a broader note, she points out that, ´throughout the world of art-making, there have been controversial and provocative pieces of art.â€? Regarding students’ reactions to this project, she VWDWHG ´7KH GLVFRXUVH ,¡YH KHDUG LQ UHlation to this situation, which again was The next day, at the request of Pitzer’s extremely complicated, was all about Faculty Executive Committee, the Media some people’s vulnerability, and not 6WXGLHV Ă€HOG JURXS FUHDWHG D GUDIW RI WKHLU about those people’s power. This sort new ethics policy. Two days later, a week of default, that everyone is vulnerable, is DIWHU WKH &&& SURSRVDO 0HGLD 6WXGLHV simply not true. Marginalized people are professors Jesse Lerner and Ruti Talmor vulnerable in certain situations and not DWWHQGHG 6HQDWH WR GLVFXVV DQG DQVZHU in others, and have diverse reactions to questions regarding the CCC proposal, the same situations.â€? the documentary, and the new media studies policy. While the Pitzer community has diverse opinions regarding this project, most Despite their efforts, however, people can agree upon the fact that overall, OLNH 6HQDWH 6HFUHWDU\ %UDGHQ +ROVWHJH Pitzer’s student body successfully and 3= ¡ ZHUH VWLOO GLVDSSRLQWHG ´7KH\ passionately stood up to the proposal of failed to address whether [the docu- the -- later known to be fake -- Caucamentary project] was right or wrong, or VLDQ &XOWXUH &OXE 5HJDUGLQJ WKH 6HQDWH whether the draft would have prevented PHHWLQJ DQG WKH %68 KRVWHG GLVFXVVLRQ it,â€? Holstege explained. He believed it 'DQ 6HJDO 3LW]HU SURIHVVRU RI $QWKURZDV LQDSSURSULDWH WR ´H[SORLW 6HQDWH IRU SRORJ\ DQG +LVWRU\ VWDWHG WKDW ´many from the issues raised simply because the WKHVH SURMHFWV Âľ VLQFH ´LW¡V D JURXS RI students...showed that they had a very proposal was unanimously rejected, to in- volunteers who are giving their time.â€? sophisticated understandings of both timating that students who were outraged the construction of race and of white were ‘overreacting.’â€? It is now known that Parra and his two privilege‌Pitzer should feel really good peers’ project was part of their Pitzer about its students; how articulate they Pitzer Responds 0HGLD 6WXGLHV FRXUVH 'RFXPHQWDU\ were and how able they were to disagree Media, co-taught by Professors Lerner civilly, but forcefully.â€? 6RRQ DIWHU WKLV UHYHODWLRQ 3LW]HU¡V %68 and Talmor. Over email Parra explained, sent out an email inviting people to at- ´ZH ZHUH LQVSLUHG E\ D Oong tradition of Hopefully Pitzer students and the rest of WHQG D GLVFXVVLRQ DERXW ´:KLWH 3ULYLOHJH mockumentary...which at times lie and the 5Cs will continue to use and share and what this means in relation to recent deceive in order to tell the truth about their knowledge about race and related events such as the ‘experiment’ to bring something.â€? Despite their original in- topics in positive ways. This can only be a Caucasian Culture Club to our school.â€? tent, however, Parra and the others are accomplished however, by having meanAbout two dozen individuals attended no longer following through with their ingful and productive discussions conWKH PHHWLQJ KHOG RQ 0DUFK 6WXGHQWV original plan; instead, they are interview- cerning not only race but also academic expressed their frustrations with the proj- LQJ VWXGHQWV DQG WHDFKHUV ZKR ´ZRXOG freedom, artistic freedom, and ethics at ect, while Parra explained the background like to share their opinions or reactions the Colleges and in society. n g d m e ] A P a k k m ] , t [ d Y j ] e g f l h g j l k a \ ] & [ g e t Y h j a d ) * t h Y _ ] 1

L`] <Yjc Ka\] g^ HYjY\ak] A look at some of Claremont’s infamous alumni By Aly Minamide Copy Editor, CMC ‘15

infamous Claremont College alumnus is Randy Kraft CMC ‘67 who became known WKURXJKRXW 6RXWKHUQ &DOLIRUQLD DV WKH Graduates of the Claremont Colleges ´)UHHZD\ .LOOHU Âľ DFFXVHG RI PXUGHULQJ go on to accomplish great things in their at least 16 people, though he is suspected lives: Claremont McKenna alumnus of killing over 50 others. While Kraft is Henry Kravis co-founded a private eq- the only known serial killer among ClareXLW\ Ă€UP ZRUWK RYHU ELOOLRQ +DUYH\ mont’s alumni, the other colleges do not Mudd grad Dominic Mazzoni created the lack their share of violent graduates. Audacity sound editing program; GabriHOOH *LIIRUGV WKH IRUPHU 8QLWHG 6WDWHV A Killer’s Human Side Representative from Arizona, studied at 6FULSSV +XQWHU /RYLQV 3= ¡ ZDV KDLOHG Randy Kraft was born on March 19, ´+HUR RI WKH 3ODQHWÂľ E\ Time magazine 1945, in Long Beach, CA. The fourth for founding Natural Capitalism, Inc.; and child and only son of Harold and Opal Walt Disney Company Executive Roy E. .UDIW KH ZDV ´DV QRUPDO DV QRUPDO FRXOG Disney graduated from Pomona. Those be,â€? according to Bill Manson, a longtime are just a few of our famous alumni. friend interviewed by Dennis McDougal for a biography on Kraft called Angel of However, not everyone who completes his Darkness. Kraft grew up in Westminster or her four years in the Claremont bubble surrounded by conservative Presbyterian becomes a superstar. Perhaps the most families, excelling academically in both junior high and high school. His fellow students recognized him as studious and likable but quiet, only becoming animated when discussing his staunch Republican political views.

Left to right: Kraft at CMC, during his trial

Then Kraft entered CMC, at that time known as Claremont Men’s College. He resided in Green Hall for all four years

and, just like the freshmen today, had many interesting experiences. For example, Mc'RXJDO UHFRUGV WKDW ´7KHUH ZDV WKH WLPH that the seniors built themselves an illegal brewery‌ but the dean found out about it and made them destroy it. To show how civilized he was, he shared a bottle with the boys before he made them get rid of it.â€? Not much has changed, it seems. Kraft made a place for himself at CMC, pursuing a major in economics, engaging in political conversation as he had since a young age, and enrolling in CMC’s ReVHUYH 2IĂ€FHUV 7UDLQLQJ &RUSV SURJUDP for two years. One classmate’s impression RI KLP ZDV IURP 0F'RXJDO WKDW ´KH was kind of a stereotyped Orange County conservative Republican John Bircher.â€? But that changed in the following summers, when Kraft not only realized he was politically liberal, but also accepted that he was gay, which he had suspected from high school but had never addressed. The political change became clear to everyone, but Kraft did not reveal his newfound sexuality to anyone but his family, so his CMC friends were left clueless until years later. By his fourth year at CMC, Kraft had developed a major case of senioritis, which meant that, like a large portion of the student population, he spent most of his study time cramming, often pulling allQLJKWHUV +H ZDV DOVR H[KLELWLQJ WKH Ă€UVW signs of suspicious behaviors; he would disappear at odd hours of the night, according to his roommate, and often walked around the dorms wearing black and holding a beer bottle. Mike Dono-

van, who lived in Green at the same time as Kraft, described him to McDougal as KDYLQJ ´D EHDUGÂŤ,W ZDVQ¡W UHDO IXOO -XVW a little tuft at the bottom of his chin‌ And his sense of humor was strange. He would make snide little comments that were jokes or something, but they seemed funny only to him. Not funny ha-ha but strange funny. Odd funny.â€?

hitchhikers were shot, strangled by their own belts, or killed by a combination of WRUWXUH DQG GUXJV 6RPHWLPHV HYHQ ZKROH body parts were missing, examples being the eyes, hands, and genitalia.

Essig was charged with attempted murder but pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, and was committed to a state mental institution.

Alexander G. Valentine, a former Harvey Mudd student, was 18 when he alledgedly beat his mother, Diane Valentine, and his father, Kenneth Valentine, to death with a pipe wrench on August Despite suspicions from a few individu2, 1996. According to a North County als, Kraft generally displayed a friendly Times article, the murders took place disposition, and none of his critics ever DW 'LDQH 9DOHQWLQH¡V ZDWHU SXULĂ€FDWLRQ confronted him, even after he graduated HTXLSPHQW EXVLQHVV LQ QRUWK 6DQ 'LHJR IURP &0& LQ KH ZDV QRW DOORZHG 9DOHQWLQH ZDV Ă XQNLQJ RXW RI +DUYH\ to graduate with his class in 1967, due to Mudd and, after his mother found out, KLV IDLOXUH LQ VRPH HFRQRPHWULFV FRXUVHV took all measures to make sure the inR andy K r af t Although he was discharged from the Air formation was not conveyed to his sucC MC ‘ 67 Force when he disclosed his sexuality, cessful engineer father, the end result Kraft pursued a relatively normal career being the murder of both parents. He after college, entering into the computer Infamous... But Not Alone was sentenced in February 1998 to a life programming business and impressing prison term without the possibility of both colleagues and friends. Is CMC’s name and reputation tarnished parole, despite his protests that the poE\ LQGLYLGXDOV OLNH 5DQG\ .UDIW" 6DUDK lice had fabricated his confession. ValThat is, until late one night on May 14, 6ZDUW] &0& ¡ WKLQNV QRW ´, KRQHVWO\ entine attempted to obtain a new trial 1983, when two California cops stopped had no idea [about Kraft],â€? she admitted, for himself in 2005, but was denied by Kraft on a highway for drunk driving and ´EXW HYHU\ LQVWLWXWLRQ LV ERXQG WR KDYH the appeals court. discovered in his vehicle not only the its bad apples.â€? After all, Kraft is not the dead body of a Marine but also an en- only infamous Claremont alumnus. 7KH PRUDO RI WKHVH VWRULHV" :HOO Ă€UVW velope containing the photographs of 47 RI DOO GRQ¡W KLWFKKLNH 6HFRQG RI DOO different men, placed in gruesome posi- On October 30, 2000, former Pomona be aware of your surroundings. In the tions and appearing asleep or dead. In student Jared Essig reportedly stabbed Claremont bubble we often forget that DGGLWLRQ D ´VFRUHFDUGÂľ LQ WKH FDU OLVWHG 3URIHVVRU )UHGHULFN 6RQWDJ WZLFH LQ WKH there are dangerous individuals and cryptic code names for 67 of his victims. QHFN DV 6RQWDJ ZDV GULYLQJ KLP WR KLV situations out in the world, ones in which For instance, PARKING LOT referred dormitory. Essig had just been released our lives or the lives of others could be to 19-year-old Keith Daven Crotwell from jail for shoplifting, vandalism, and SXW DW ULVN $QG Ă€QDOO\ ORRN RXW IRU \RXU from Long Beach, California, who was public drunkenness, and had spent time fellow students, especially if you notice last seen leaving a parking lot with Kraft, in mental hospitals during his sopho- unusual or destructive behavior. and whose severed head was found in a more year, according to a 2000 Los An- One of Randy Kraft’s most Long Beach jetty, while his remaining geles Times UHSRUW 6RQWDJ SXOOHG LQWR D chilling yet illuminating skeleton was discovered in El Toro, over parking lot when Essig began giving him statements from his half an hour away. nonsensical directions. As the professor college years was, told the Los Angeles Times ´+H ZDV RXW ´<RX NQRZ WKHUH¡V Kraft’s methods of killing were varied, of his mind. He gets these psychotic a part of me that DQG GHVFULSWLRQV RI KLV YLFWLPV¡ Ă€QDO FRQ- breaks. He has paranoid episodes, too. you will never ditions would make even the most sea- That’s all.â€? Despite losing three pints of know.â€? soned Hollywood horror-watcher cringe. EORRG 6RQWDJ VXUYLYHG WKH LQFLGHQW DQG Often sexually abused, the young male felt no resentment toward his attacker. Randy Kraft was sentenced to the death penalty in 1989, but still resides today on GHDWK URZ DW WKH 6DQ 4XHQWLQ 6WDWH 3ULVon. Twenty-two of his listed victims have QHYHU EHHQ UHFRYHUHG RU LGHQWLĂ€HG



You know, there’s a part of me that you will never know.


L`]q j] Fgl 9dd HYdY[]k From price to quality, inequalities are vast within 5C housing By Jonathan F. Rice Staf f Writer, PZ ‘13 Although the Claremont Colleges are known for high-quality residence life, a number of students are left with unappealing dorms, and some with considerably high room charges. Even as Pomona and Pitzer tout on their websites that the facilities are so wonderful that faculty and staff live in them, in reality the quality varies. During the room selection process each spring, there are always coveted rooms. Whether it is newer residence halls like 6RQWDJ DQG &ODUHPRQW DW 3RPRQD DQG CMC, respectively, or lively halls like North and Browning at Harvey Mudd DQG 6FULSSV HYHU\ VWXGHQW KDV D GUHDP dorm. During room draw, planning and strategizing for rooms on campus beFRPHV D Ă€HUFH HQGHDYRU 6WXGHQWV YLVLW URRPV YLHZ Ă RRU SODQV DQG SLFN URRPPDWHV DOO LQ WKH KRSH RI JHWWLQJ D ´JRRGÂľ room. However, not every student is SOHDVHG ZLWK WKHLU Ă€QDO DFFRPPRGDtions. Masked by the colleges’ meticulous groundskeeping and numerous construction projects are residence halls that few students covet.

construction and are showing wear and tear. Although some Pitzer students seem to enjoy Mead Hall for its suite-style livLQJ DQG DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ +ROGHQ Ă€QGV few supporters. ´,W¡V VR GLUW\ Âľ H[FODLPHG /DXUHQ 6DPSson PZ ’14, a resident of Holden Hall. :KHQ Ă€UVW DUULYLQJ DW KHU QHZ URRP VKH claims that she spent two days bleaching DQG VFUXEELQJ WKH Ă RRUV DQG EDWKURRP %HFDXVH RI WKH EXLOGLQJ¡V DJH 6DPSVRQ VDLG ´QR RQH KDV WDNHQ FDUH RI LW Âľ At Claremont McKenna, the majority of the 13 residence halls are holdovers from the institution’s post-war past. The older dorms at CMC show their true military FRORUV UHĂ HFWLQJ DQ DOPRVW EDUUDFNV OLNH GHVLJQ 6RFLDO OLIH LV D GHĂ€QLQJ DVSHFW IRU CMC’s housing, with the lively North 4XDG WKH VXEGXHG 6RXWK 4XDG DQG 0LG Quad acting as a happy medium of the two.

$V IRU WKH EXLOGLQJV WKHPVHOYHV WKH Ă DVK\ Claremont Hall, completed in 2008, remains the most modern and distinct dorm at the College, save for the three elevated ´WRZHUVÂľ RQ WKH VRXWK SDUW RI WKH FDPpus. The senior apartments, of course, Measuring Quality also remain ever popular. The four halls in North Quad were built between 1948 and :KLOH Ă€UVW \HDU VWXGHQWV DW 3LW]HU OLYH 1950, though they all received renovations in the complex of Pitzer, Atherton, and in 2003. The halls in Mid Quad, however, 6DQERUQ KDOOV DOO EXLOW LQ WKH UH- have a more textured past, built between maining two halls, Holden and Mead, the mid-50s and early-60s, and renovated built between 1964 and 1968, house the in the late 90s. From speaking with stuthe rest of Pitzer’s on-campus students. dents, the dimly lit and relatively isolated In the years since construction, they have halls of Benson and Berger in Mid Quad seen few updates to their cinder-block are the least favored on campus.

For an institution whose residence halls KDYH EHHQ OLNHQHG WR ´SDODFHVÂľ E\ WKH 3ULQFeton Review on multiple occasions, Pomona’s dorm quality is far from consistent. ,Q WHUPV RI GHĂ€QLQJ WKH TXDOLW\ RI 3Rmona’s residences, one need only look at ZKHWKHU WKH\ DUH LQ WKH 1RUWK RU 6RXWK of the campus. According to the College’s ZHEVLWH WKH PDMRULW\ RI 6RXWK FDPSXV KDOOV KDYH ODUJH VHFWLRQV UHVHUYHG IRU Ă€UVW year students. In contrast, juniors and seniors usually select four of the six North FDPSXV KDOOV 6WDQGRXWV RI FRXUVH DUH WKH QHZ 6RQWDJ DQG 3RPRQD KDOOV IHDWXUing full-size beds. 6FULSSV¡ UHVLGHQFH KDOOV DUH FKDUDFWHUL]HG not by their modern amenities, but by their old-fashioned charm. Joanie PradKDQ 6& ¡ QRWHG WKDW WKH TXDOLW\ RI WKH college’s dorms comes from their beauty. ´2YHUDOO >WKH GRUPV@ DUH UHDOO\ QLFH ,I you complained about something, I don’t know what it would be,â€? she said. Pradhan claimed that Kimberly Hall – originally designed for Harvey Mudd’s female students – is the least desirable dorm on campus because of its utilitarian aesthetic. At Harvey Mudd, the personalities of each hall’s residents, rather than the buildLQJ LWVHOI VHHP WR GHĂ€QH LWV OLNDELOLW\ 6WXdents queried put less of a premium on the quality of the room, but on the culture. As anyone who has walked through Harvey Mudd’s campus and heard the VKRXWV RI ´1257+Âľ NQRZV SULGH UXQV high.

$3,500 $3,617 $3,902 $4,432 SCRIPPS Â HOUSING Â FLAT Â RATE



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With the variances in quality of life throughout the Consortium, it is no surprise that housing fees at each college are different. According to information on tuition and fees compiled from the college’s websites, the best bargain comes IURP 6FULSSV ZLWK D UDWH RI SHU semester for housing, regardless of the size or type of room. Harvey Mudd and 3RPRQD DOVR RIIHU Ă DW UDWHV IRU WKHLU VWXGHQWV FRPLQJ LQ DW DQG UHspectively for 2011-2012. CMC and Pitzer both price their rooms based on type and size. A standard douEOH DW &0& FRVWV SHU VHPHVWHU D VLQJOH DQG VHQLRU DSDUWPHQWV UDQJLQJ LQ SULFH IURP 7KH most expensive rooms in the consortium DUH DW 3LW]HU ZKLFK FKDUJHV IRU D GRXEOH DQG D ZKRSSLQJ IRU D VLQJOH ² DOPRVW PRUH WKDQ WKH SULFH RI D FRPSDUDEOH URRP DW 6FULSSV 6WLOO QR PDWWHU WKH TXDOLW\ PDQ\ VWXGHQWV DFFHSW WKH VWHHS FRVWV IRU WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI OLYLQJ RQ FDPSXV ´(YHQ LI LW LV WRR H[SHQVLYH Âľ VDLG 3UDGKDQ ´, GRQ¡W IHHO OLNH I would want to live off campus unless I really needed to.â€?

Dorm Reform With the construction of new dorms on campus, differences between the dorms are becoming more apparent. One way the administrations can address these discrepancies is by pricing dorms based on overall quality. Instead of simply adjusting by single, double, or apartment, the colleges could divide costs in other ways. For example, a full size bed in the new 6RQWDJ KDOO FRXOG FRVW PRUH WKDQ D WZLQ size in Walker.

grades, who have more choices for housing, would be able to select rooms based RQ FRVW ZKLOH ÀUVW \HDUV ZRXOG EH IRUFHG to pay a premium. Pricing rooms this way could also segregate the colleges socioeconomically; lower-income students may not be able to pay for the higher-priced rooms. Of course, another issue for the colleges, beyond quality of life, is the ability to live in residence halls at all. Over the past years, a number of the campuses, most QRWDEO\ &0& 3LW]HU DQG 6FULSSV KDYH had to house students at Pomona or in off-campus apartments due to lack of space. As yield rates grow, the colleges are faced with housing more students than expected. With high costs and the sales pitch of a residential college experience, it is very discouraging when a student does not even get the chance to live in a less desired dorm on their campus. Looking to the future, most of the Claremont Colleges realize the need to modernize dorm facilities to match rising expectations and class sizes. Pomona UHFHQWO\ FRPSOHWHG WKH QHZ 6RQWDJ DQG Pomona Halls, while Pitzer College has already instituted a three-phase Residential Life Project to replace all existing dorms with new facilities, the second of which will be completed this summer. Claremont McKenna introduced a new Master Plan that calls for the building of QHZ UHVLGHQFH KDOOV 6FULSSV DQG +DUYH\ Mudd have also looked into new buildings, the latter on Linde Athletic Field.

Even if all of the housing in Claremont had the perfect amenities, favorites would still emerge. From the location of the building to the residents, there are a multitude of factors that make a dorm popular. Based on the current situation, There could be issues with the fairness as long as students continue to voice of this model. Considering that at Pitzer their concerns and comments, even in ÀUVW \HDU VWXGHQWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR OLYH LQ the face of rising costs, the schools will QHZHU KDOOV VDLG 6DPSVRQ ,I WKLV PRG- feel pressure to improve housing options el was implemented, students in upper and overall availability.

Berger Hall, C MC P hoto by Ka yla Benker

The Cost of Residence Life

6XSUHPH &RXUW WR WHVW DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ By Quinn Chasan Staff Writer, CMC ‘13 $ FDVH IDFLQJ WKH 6XSUHPH &RXUW ODWHU WKLV fall is one that could have drastic effects on the way employers, college admissions, DQG RWKHU JURXSV XQGHUVWDQG DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ +RZHYHU WKH Ă€QHU SRLQWV RI WKH case may have vastly different implications for different institutions, including the Claremont Colleges, and it all depends RQ WKH ZD\ WKH 6XSUHPH &RXUW GHFLGHV WR UXOH RQ WKH PRGHUQ FRQFHSWLRQ RI DIĂ€Umative action. At its inception, President Lyndon B. -RKQVRQ GHVFULEHG KLV YLVLRQ RI DIĂ€Umative action as not simply a force of freedom, but of actively bringing racially disadvantaged citizens to be equally free from economic bonds as well. This original purpose is important to keep in mind moving forward, and will shape the debate in the upcoming case Fisher v. University of Texas.

the spots in the freshman class since its inception in 1998. However, after Grutter, the University began to incorporate race DV D IDFWRU IRU Ă€OOLQJ RXW WKH UHVW RI LWV freshman class. Fisher’s case is twofold ² Ă€UVW VKH DUJXHV WKDW WKH ´7RS Âľ policy has made the University of Texas one of the most diverse institutions in the QDWLRQ DQG WKDW DGGLQJ EHQHĂ€WV IRU GLYHUVLW\ LV RYHUNLOO IRU WKH UHVW RI WKH FODVV 6KH also contends that the school’s rationale WKDW GLYHUVLW\ LV QHHGHG WR ´DGHTXDWHO\ UHĂ HFW WKH GLYHUVLW\ EUHDNGRZQ RI WKH VWDWHÂľ is exactly the type of racial balancing that the Court in Grutter indicated would be unconstitutional.

Here at the Claremont Colleges, we have the luxury of approaching diversity in a different way. Whereas the University of Texas has to factor in innumerable variables due to its public nature, the 5Cs are only partially funded through federal funds, and therefore can interpret diversity in a differently. Adam Miller, Associate Dean of Admissions for Claremont ,Q WKH 6XSUHPH &RXUW QDUURZO\ XS- McKenna, explained the process as more held a University of Michigan law school of an ex post examination. Due to the policy in Grutter v. Bollinger DIĂ€UPLQJ WKH applicant pool difference – about 31,400 University’s right to factor in race slightly versus about 4,600, respectively – CMC during the admissions process to increase can look at the breakdown of each applidiversity. The 5-4 decision was based on cant pool, see who is applying, who isn’t, the fact that Michigan was not assigning DQG ZK\ ´2XU GLYHUVLW\ SURFHVV LV D KR´SRLQWVÂľ RU DQ\ RWKHU VRUW RI TXDQWLWDWLYH listic review and is more about outreach,â€? measurement to race in the admissions 0LOOHU H[SODLQHG ´&0& ZKLOH 8 6 RULprocess per se, but simply looking at is as ented, is a global institution. Where we another factor in the admissions process recruit has a direct correlation to who like leadership or community service. applies.â€? 7KH 6XSUHPH &RXUW ZLOO KDYH WR UHYLVLW that decision in Fisher, a case in which Abigail Fisher, a white female, is suing the University of Texas for racially discriminating against her application. The UniYHUVLW\ RI 7H[DV KDV D ´7RS Âľ SROLF\ in which any student in the top 10 percent of his or her high school in Texas is granted automatic admission into the 8QLYHUVLW\ 7KLV SROLF\ KDV Ă€OOHG PRVW RI

Matthew Bibbens, CMC’s General CounVHO H[SODLQHG WKH RIĂ€FLDO SROLF\ PRUH VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ ´&0& IROORZV DQ LQGLYLGXalized holistic process. There are both TXDQWLWDWLYH DVSHFWV WHVW VFRUHV DFDGHPLF DFKLHYHPHQWV HWF DQG TXDOLWDWLYH DVSHFWV that play a role.â€? Bibbens elaborated that ´UDFH LV DQ DVSHFW RI GLYHUVLW\ EXW QRW WKH whole picture. There are no separate admission tracks for any student, regardless

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of background.â€? In this way, CMC is not factoring in any sort of set quota or single ethnic pool WR Ă€OO VHDWV 7U\LQJ WR VKLIW WKH DSSOLFDQW pool of an institution through recruitPHQW FDQ KDUGO\ EH FRQVWUXHG DV ´DIĂ€Umative actionâ€? in the traditional sense. The University of Texas’ announcement WKDW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ ZDQWV WR UHĂ HFW WKH socioeconomic and racial breakdown of


If the original intention of the legislation was primarily an economic one, then it may be time to rethink DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ WR FRQWLQXH progressing on that front.



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the state, on the other hand, could easily be taken as an implementation overreach RI DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ :KLOH &0& DQG the other Claremont Colleges will have to pay attention to the decision in Fisher, it is very plausible that the ruling may change DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ LQ WKH ZD\ WKDW WKH 8QLversity of Texas was using it, but not in the way CMC has traditionally taken race into account. 6R GRHV )LVKHU KDYH D FDVH" 3RVVLEO\ ² VKH is making several claims that the Court could choose to focus on or ignore. On top of her basic claims, Fisher is asking WKH 6XSUHPH &RXUW WR UHFRQVLGHU Grutter, which, if they do so, could completely RYHUWXUQ DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ DV ZH NQRZ LW -XVWLFHV .HQQHG\ 6FDOLD DQG 7KRPDV DOO RSSRVHG DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ LQ Grutter. Chief Justice Roberts was not yet a justice when the Court decided Grutter, but LV VHHQ DV DQ RSSRQHQW RI DIĂ€UPDWLYH DF-


tion, as well as Justice Alito, which makes for a majority of the Court.

VR +RZHYHU 7KRPDV H[SODLQHG ´ORZHUing academic standards to increase any diverse aspect of an institution could compromise that institution’s retention of elite status as an institution.â€? This is H[DFWO\ WKH Ă€QH OLQH DFDGHPLF LQVWLWXWLRQV try to walk, and exactly what has gotten them into trouble.

Overall, Fisher UHRSHQV WKH DIĂ€UPDWLYH action conversation at the federal level, IRUFLQJ WKH 6XSUHPH &RXUW WR H[DPLQH One of the most plausible directions the the law in a number of ways. As ProCourt can take is to reiterate the messages IHVVRU 7KRPDV H[SODLQHG ´DIĂ€UPDWLYH in Grutter. While the line between quanaction was originally intended to help titative and qualitative measurements for out economically disadvantaged minoriadmissions is hazy, the University publicly ties, and the Court may want to examstating that it accepts minorities to betine how effective it has been at helping ter represent the state population sounds Finally, the Court could take up Fisher’s those burdened minorities versus those HHULO\ FORVH WR Ă€OOLQJ D TXRWD ZKLFK WKH Ă€QDO FODLP WR WU\ DQG RYHUWXUQ Grutter who are more privileged.â€? Questions of Court explicitly forbid in Grutter. DOWRJHWKHU VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ ZHDNHQLQJ DQG race and economic status are not as cut SRVVLEO\ HIIHFWLYHO\ QXOOLI\LQJ DIĂ€UPD- and dry as they were on the coattails of George Thomas, CMC Associate Pro- tive action. This result is conceivable desegregation. A harsh criticism lobbied fessor of Government specializing in with the current makeup of the court. DJDLQVW DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ LV WKDW LW KHOSV American Constitutionalism, proposes Without Grutter, there are other cases to minorities who are not economically disanother solution that calls the Univer- IDOO EDFN RQ WKDW KDYH DGGUHVVHG DIĂ€UPD- advantaged relative to the societal norm. sity’s bluff in its stated goal of fostering tive action in similar ways, but they all es- If the original intention of the legislation diversity. Thomas’ argument would make sentially stem from Grutter, so overturn- was primarily an economic one, then it diversity equally as important as any ing that case will effectively overturn the PD\ EH WLPH WR UHWKLQN DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ other metric of admission, if not more similar message in subsequent cases. to continue progressing on that front. It LV QR TXHVWLRQ WKDW DIĂ€UPDWLYH DFWLRQ KDV helped make great strides in racial equality, but to continue to do so, it likely needs reform.

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@]dh OYfl]\ Traditional on-campus recruiting is exclusive and expensive By Summer Dowd-Lukesh Staff Writer, SC ‘14 Claremont students are undoubtedly familiar with job recruitment emails, newsletters, and pamphlets around campus. Recruiting at the 5Cs is vigorous and often obvious, but it doesn’t equally represent all industries. Last November, Yale senior Marina Keegan wrote an op-ed for the New York Times in which she argued that the recruitPHQW V\VWHP RQ KHU FDPSXV LQĂ XHQFHV graduating seniors to step away from soFLDOO\ SURGXFWLYH RU EHQHĂ€FLDO LQGXVWULHV DQG LQVWHDG JR LQWR EDQNLQJ DQG Ă€QDQFH ´,V ZRUNLQJ IRU D EDQN LQKHUHQWO\ HYLO"Âľ .HHJDQ GHOLEHUDWHV LQ KHU DUWLFOH ´3UREably not. But the fact that such a large percentage of students at top-tier schools enter an industry that isn’t contributing, creating or improving much of anything saddens me.â€?

and preliminary pricing information. While information sessions and emails to the general student bodies are free, career fairs are not. Harvey Mudd, for example, FKDUJHV D \HDU IRU WKHLU ´&RUSRUDWH Partnership Programâ€? which includes UHJLVWUDWLRQ IRU WZR MRE LQWHUQVKLSV IDLUV access to rĂŠsumĂŠ books, sponsorship of a career event, and more.

allow students to make a personal connection with people in the industry. This means that when senior thesis is coming to a close and job opportunities seem sparse, students have someone to call.

Case Study: Consulting

Coming to campus to entice students to HQWHU D VSHFLĂ€F LQGXVWU\ UHFUXLWHUV DWOf the companies recruiting on campus, tempt to show future Claremont Colthe majority come from industries that OHJH JUDGXDWHV ZK\ ZRUNLQJ IRU WKH 6WDWH heavily use on-campus recruiting, such as 'HSDUWPHQW EDQNLQJ RQ :DOO 6WUHHW RU Ă€QDQFH FRQVXOWLQJ LQYHVWPHQW EDQNLQJ consulting for large companies is the best business, and engineering. Most of these option on the table. But does it work? types of companies are well represented &RQVXOWLQJ Ă€UP 'HORLWWH SURYLGHV D JRRG DW FROOHJH UHFUXLWPHQW IDLUV ´7KH\ DUH example of the role a company may play the ones that have traditions in on-cam- early on in a student’s career, a role that pus recruiting, that’s why they’re here,â€? FDQ KHDYLO\ LQĂ XHQFH ZKHUH WKH VWXGHQW said Kerry Martin, Assistant Director of ends up after graduation. $OXPQL &DUHHU 6HUYLFHV DW 3RPRQD &ROlege. Dustin Godevais PO ‘14 attended DeORLWWH¡V $OWHUQDWLYH 6SULQJ %UHDN 7KLV $UW JDOOHULHV QRQ SURĂ€WV DQG VPDOOHU LQ- week-long, all expenses paid trip to AtlanGHSHQGHQW Ă€UPV DUH OHVV OLNHO\ WR HQJDJH ta offers college students the opportunity in that sort of on-campus recruitment to network with business professionals because they simply do not have the re- and recruiters while supporting younger sources or the infrastructure to compete students in at-risk communities through with these larger, capital-rich companies, community service. explained Martin. Or, perhaps these industries do not need to come to Clare- ´, WKRXJKW LW VHHPHG OLNH D KXJH SD\PRQW WR DWWUDFW DSSOLFDQWV ´7KHVH DUHQ¡W off for a low cost opportunity,â€? said areas that need to recruit on campus‌ *RGHYDLV ´$QG , UHDOO\ HQMR\ WXWRULQJ because they get thousands of unsolicited and mentoring. I didn’t know I would get resumes,â€? concluded Martin. it when I applied, to be honest.â€?

The Claremont Colleges do not go unQRWLFHG E\ FRUSRUDWLRQV DQG Ă€UPV KRSLQJ to choose from some of the best and the brightest in the nation. The Pomona ColOHJH &DUHHU 'HYHORSPHQW 2IĂ€FH UHSRUWV over 500 on-campus recruiters per year at Pomona alone, and with our wide range of academic backgrounds and focuses attracting a variety of different industries, the grand total is undoubtedly much higher. Consequently, the more established companies are more pervasive in the on-camRecruit on Campus? Pay a Fee. pus recruitment culture, easily targeting students in a variety of academic disciRecruiters have a one-stop website where plines as potential future employees. Rethey can peruse what Claremont has to cruiters have meals with students, set up offer – Claremont Colleges Advantage. booths to talk up their industry, and pub+HUH WKH\ Ă€QG DQ DUUD\ RI UHDVRQV ZK\ licize internship opportunities. This sets WKH\ VKRXOG UHFUXLW DW WKH &V ´7DOHQWHG students up to be more informed about candidates at top ranked undergraduate the careers offered by these industries and graduate schools‌Quantitatively than others, ultimately making students skilled candidates with a liberal arts per- more likely to pursue those industries afVSHFWLYHÂľ DV ZHOO DV ZD\V WR JHW VWDUWHG ter graduation. Furthermore, recruiters

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Godevais found out about this AlternaWLYH 6SULQJ %UHDN RSSRUWXQLW\ WKURXJK D family friend, but it was also heavily publicized on campus through emails and newsletters to the Claremont community. Godevais, who was already considering FRQVXOWLQJ SRLQWHG RXW ´, ZDQW D MRE I want a cool location, a decent salary, something that is intellectually stimulating, and something that at least somewhat has prospects for the future. Ultimately I want what a lot of people want: I want


power, I want to have an impact, and I ZDQW LQĂ XHQFH RYHU RWKHU SHRSOH Âľ

For both Godevais and Ioffreda, oncampus recruiting by Deloitte strongly affected their goals and career choices. Godevais sees consulting as a viable op- For Ioffreda, her time interning with the WLRQ WR Ă€QG WKRVH WKLQJV ZKLOH KHOSLQJ Ă€UP DV ZHOO DV KHU H[SHULHQFHV RQ FDPbusinesses to improve their strategies and pus showed her that consulting was her deal effectively with problems they run up best option. Godevais hopes to eventuagainst. His opportunity to spend spring ally work in the public sector, but sees break with Deloitte only strengthened his consulting as a productive, important and resolve that this was an industry in which SURĂ€WDEOH Ă€UVW VWHS LQWR WKH SURIHVVLRQDO he could succeed and be rewarded for his world. strengths. Were it not for recruitment strategies on Francesca Ioffreda CMC ‘10 interned for campus, would these two have gone into Deloitte after her sophomore year, which the consulting world? While it’s not inhershe says helped provide her with an idea HQWO\ EDG WR JR LQWR Ă€QDQFLDO VHUYLFHV LW LV RI ZKDW FRQVXOWLQJ HQWDLOV ´0\ SRVLWLYH a loss for students and for the American internship experience was the catalyst to community when students are conpursuing consulting,â€? explained Ioffreda. vinced early and often that ´2Q FDPSXV , DWWHQGHG PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW going into those industries recruiting sessions to get a feel for all the is their best option before GLIIHUHQW Ă€UPV DQG QHWZRUN ZLWK WKH HP- they get all the information ployees.â€? about other careers. For Godevais, consulting is one The internships she found while in school of the few careers he has exand the opportunities to network at CMC tensive knowledge about, set her up for a future career in that in- and he is likely to be GXVWU\ 6KH DFFHSWHG D SRVLWLRQ DW 'H- inclined to be more loitte, after spending time abroad with a comfortable stickFulbright Fellowship. ing with what he knows. If other When Ioffreda talks about the merits of industries reconsulting, she sounds like any good re- cruited like FUXLWHU ´&RQVXOWLQJ DOORZV \RX WR H[SHUL- D e l o i t t e , ence numerous clients, thereby providing perhaps stuexposure to different working environ- dents would ments, business challenges, and project be more likely to teams. Consulting also provides a steep pursue a larger varilearning curve and helps hone a solid ety of careers. and transferable skill set i.e. presentation, communication, analytic.â€? You’re Hired? Godevais understands these reasons to go into consulting, but he is also convinced that consulting is a good way to use your talents helping people who FRXOG XVH WKHP ´:KHQ \RX JR LQWR FRQsulting, you work with a lot of different Ă€UPV DQG UHDOO\ WU\ WR PDNH WKHP PRUH HIĂ€FLHQW DQG LPSURYH WKHLU EXVLQHVV VR the smart kids get to spread the love around,â€? he said.

tive options, we still have over half of CMC’s employed class of 2011 going into business, investment banking, consulting, DFFRXQWLQJ RU ÀQDQFH ,Q 6FULSSV VHQW RI LWV HPSOR\HG WR WKHVH LQGXVtries and in 2010 Pomona sent about a quarter. As we begin the job search, we must be aware that some industries have the ability to recruit more aggressively than others. Money and traditional resource alloFDWLRQ GLFWDWH WKDW ÀQDQFH EXVLQHVV DQG consulting take aggressive approaches to recruiting. As college students, we have to investigate proactively, looking into different industries besides just those proffered to us. A variety of careers can be just as rewarding, if not more so, than working for a large corporations and or in the ÀQDQFLDO VHFWRU

Here in Claremont, we study everything from neuroscience, to creative writing, to economics and politics. Our student body is diverse, and our postgraduate pursuits should be as well. While many students do pursue alternan g d m e ] A P a k k m ] , t [ d Y j ] e g f l h g j l k a \ ] & [ g e t Y h j a d ) * t h Y _ ] ) /


Queer  in  Claremont Gender-neutral housing step to promote LQBTQ understanding By Veronica Salas Contributing Writer, CMC ‘14

emerged as an event in fall 2010 in response to the series of highly publicized suicides by young gay men, achieving considerable Tuesday, March 27, marked a rare spirit SRSXODULW\ DFURVV WKH 8 6 DQG SDUWLFXODUO\ GD\ DW &ODUHPRQW 0F.HQQD 6SRQVRUHG on college campuses. The event acknowlby the College’s Alliance for Queer Un- edges the unique struggles LGBTQ peoGHUVWDQGLQJ DQG $SSUHFLDWLRQ $48$ ple face, such as elevated incidences of a group that strives to foster healthy suicidal behavior due to harassment over dialogue about queer issues and cre- their identity. As demonstrated by student ate safe spaces for those at the 5Cs who reactions to the gender-neutral housing identify as queer, the event encouraged SURSRVDO VXEPLWWHG WR $6&0& E\ &0&¡V VWXGHQWV WR GRQ WKHLU ´IDYRULWH SXUSOH Residential Life Committee in February, it tee all dayâ€? as a means of demonstrat- is clear that more awareness about queer ing their solidarity with LGBTQ youth. issues is necessary at the Consortium. 6SHFLĂ€FDOO\ VSRUWLQJ SXUSOH JDUE VLJQLĂ€HG one’s repudiation of the sexuality-based 7KRXJK WKH $6&0& ([HFXWLYH %RDUG bullying many encounter nationwide. DQG $6&0& 6HQDWH YRWHG WR DSSURYH WKH memorandum, which must now receive 6SLULW 'D\ DV LW LV IRUPDOO\ NQRZQ Ă€UVW a green light from the Board of Trustees before taking effect, many students were concerned that uni-sex dorm bathrooms PLJKW RSHQ WKH Ă RRGJDWHV WR

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uncomfortable exchanges between residents of the opposite sex. Others voiced downright confusion as to why a change in housing policy was even necessary; after all, they reasoned, CMC does not have a high transgender population. Given that most discussions centered on the proposal’s logistics in terms of altering the status quo, these views may constitute legitimate, even well-intentioned, concerns. Nevertheless, the intricacies and sensitivities surrounding gender and sexual identity should carry more weight in conversations about queer issues if we hope to enhance cross-cultural understanding on campus. Institutionalized conceptions of gender, such as those espoused in housing and restroom arrangements, force individuals to cast their lot with either men or women when neither descriptor may


DFFXUDWHO\ UHĂ HFW WKHLU LGHQWLW\ 3XW GLIIHUently, dominant social structures impose a binary on society whereby people must categorize themselves under one of only two groupings. Through these restrictive lenses, people expect others to express corresponding traits of masculinity or femininity and exhibit heteronormative sexual behavior, i.e. attraction to women if male and attraction to men if female.

IURP HPEUDFLQJ DQGURJ\Q\ WR Ă DXQWing masculine or feminine clothing and mannerisms even when doing so diverges from convention. The media does not frame the debate about equal marriage rights as a queer issue, yet bi- and homosexuality constitute two pronounced aspects of identity that tread against entrenched social norms for gender.

7KH 4XHHU 5HVRXUFH &HQWHU 45& ¡V Often our gender identity, our sense of Mauri Navarro PO’14 explained to the being a man or a woman, will match our Port Side what he has observed to be the VH[XDO LGHQWLW\ WKH ELRORJLFDO FODVVLĂ€FDWLRQ most pejorative, upsetting transgressions we receive depending on our sex organs, non-normative students shoulder in the hormones, and chromosomes. Plainly, college setting: micro-aggressions. MicroWKRXJK HYHU\RQH GRHV QRW Ă€W QHDWO\ LQWR aggressions refer to the commonplace that scheme, as illustrated by the growing body language and verbal expressions number of demonstrations about queer individuals from powerful and privileged ULJKWV 7KH ZRUG ´TXHHUÂľ IXQFWLRQV DV DQ groups use to perpetuate an oppresumbrella term, referring to anyone who is sive ideology related but not limited to gender-nonconforming. This lack of con- wealth, educational level, race, religion, formity can manifest in countless ways gender expression, and sexual orientaand to varying degrees, WLRQ 6XFK DEXVHV PLJKW LQclude overt insults about a queer person’s lifestyle or more cloaked snickering at someone’s unconvenWLRQDO DSSHDUDQFH ´:KDW¡V hurtful is daily existence,â€? he said, as the binary and micro-aggressions shove queer people into a box.

tral housing might deter prospective queer students from attending CMC and may deny current students a comfortable atmosphere to explore their identity. Failure to install uni-sex bathrooms compels non-normative students into spaces where their peers may likely reject them with apprehension and icy stares. Jonathan Williams HMC ’13 and Naomi Bosch PO’15 reassured the Port Side, however, that there are a number of measures people can take to make the Consortium more inviting to gender-nonconforming students like themselves. For one, we need to correct the gross misconceptions ZH KDYH DERXW WKRVH ZKR GR Ă€W VRFLety’s cookie-cutter images about gender. 6HFRQG ZH PXVW GLVSHO WKH LGHD WKDW HYeryone’s identity falls within the binary. 6XFK D VWHS ZRXOG UHTXLUH IRU H[DPSOH that we stop assuming others have a boyfriend or girlfriend simply based on their dress. Finally and perhaps most importantly, becoming an ally means intervening when others are misgendered and if a IULHQG ´MRNLQJO\Âľ VD\V ´WKDW¡V JD\Âľ LQ UHIHUence to an unfavorable occurrence. Both agreed such empathy would brighten their outlook on student life at the colleges.

Though not the only Claremont College with a macro-culture caustic to queer experiences, CMC is the lone undergraduate In short, each day domi- institution in the Consortium that has not QDQW 8 6 FXOWXUDO LQVWLWXWLRQV changed its housing policies to accommosuggest that gender-noncon- date all students. After this year, that realforming individuals live in an ity may no longer ring true. The College environment where they do not has seen unprecedented queer activism in belong. In light of the prejudices recent months, most notably the Shifting queer students endure, neglect- Perceptions series at the Athenaeum sponing to emphasize the negative sored by CMC’s 2011-2012 Resident Asimplications of inaction VLVWDQWV 6WXGHQWV ZHQW ZLOG RQ )DFHERRN on housing policy with rave reviews about the Ath talk deand other issues OLYHUHG E\ 'DQ 6DYDJH GLUHFWRU RI WKH ´,W borders on cal- *HWV %HWWHUÂľ SURMHFW 6R OHW XV DOO SUHVHUYH lousness. Fail- the momentum in cultivating a more tolure to institute erant campus climate. Everyday should be g ender-neu- 6SLULW 'D\ JR SXUSOH &ODUHPRQW

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The tents are gone, but Occupy Claremont lives on By Emma Brillhart Contributing Writer, SC ‘14 Occupy Claremont may have suffered one blow at the hands of Claremont’s City Council, but the movement isn’t going GRZQ ZLWKRXW D Ă€JKW After spending months camped out in front of Claremont City Hall, Occupy Claremont experienced a setback on January 24, when the City Council unanimously approved an ordinance requiring the movement’s tents to be removed from the front of the building within twentyeight days. The ordinance explained that the tents, there since November, were a KHDOWK DQG VDIHW\ LVVXH 2QH FLW\ RIĂ€FLDO compared the tents to abandoned cars, and another insisted that this was not a repression of citizen protest, but merely an enforcement of the protection of SXEOLF SURSHUW\ 6LPLODU RUGLQDQFHV KDYH been passed throughout the country to limit local branches of the nationwide Occupy movements, which were based RQ WKH RULJLQDO 2FFXS\ :DOO 6WUHHW PRYHment in New York City. The ordinances often limit the use of camping equipment in city parks and in front of government and public buildings. Members of the movement were understandably disappointed by the City Council’s deci-


We  are  the Â


sion, and some believed that a compromise could have been reached to allow the tents to stay standing. The Occupy Claremont movement is mostly made up of Claremont residents, many of them residents of Pilgrim Place, a senior community dedicated to serving others. According to Emma French PZ ’13, herself and about two or three students from the Claremont Colleges are currently involved, although that number ZDV FORVHU WR Ă€YH RU WHQ EHIRUH ZLQWHU EUHDN 6WXGHQWV ZRXOG EULQJ IRRG WR KHOS maintain the presence of the camp. Rather than mourning the end of the encampment, members of the Claremont movement commemorated the end of the physical presence of Occupy Claremont E\ KRVWLQJ DQ ´2FFXSDUW\Âľ LQ IURQW RI City Hall on February 25. The event featured speakers, food, and live music performed by the Pilgrim Pickers of Pilgrim Place, and was co-sponsored by Occupy &ODUHPRQW (OGHUV IRU WKH 0RYH2Q Claremont, Direct Action Claremont, Eco Center, and Food Not Bombs. According to the movement’s website, the purpose RI 2FFXSDUW\ ZDV WR FHOHEUDWH ´WKH HIIHFW Occupy has had around the country and even the world. It is meant to publicize the fact that we are being evicted, but to do it in a positive, self-empowering way that communicate[s] the fact that we’re not going to stop meeting and organizing.â€? Occupy Claremont activists are adamant that the movement is not over simply because they have a smaller physical presence. French is very optimistic about the movement going forward, sayLQJ ´ZH

food  not BOMBS!

are in ways more productive now that we are not diverting so much energy to sustaining the physical occupation in front of city hall. We still meet weekly...and I meet with the Homes Foreclosure Committee every Thursday.â€? In addition to these meetings, the movement also organized a bank protest in front of the Claremont Wells Fargo in conjunction with MoveOn Claremont that took place over spring break. Protesters called on President Obama WR Ă€UH (GZDUG 'H0DUFR ZKR FXUUHQWO\ serves as the head of the Federal HousLQJ )LQDQFH $JHQF\ )+)$ DQG RYHUVHHV Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two major players in the national subprime mortgage FULVLV 'H0DUFR KDV FRPH XQGHU Ă€UH IURP many liberals in the past months, and activist group Rebuild the Dream recently delivered a petition with 85,000 signatures WR WKH )+)$ FDOOLQJ IRU 'H0DUFR¡V Ă€ULQJ French estimates that there were about thirty to forty protesters at the event. 7KH JURXS DOVR KHOG D ´)RUHFORVXUH )Rrumâ€? in front of City Hall on March 25 to address the issue of bank foreclosures on homes in the Claremont community. AcFRUGLQJ WR WKH HYHQW Ă \HU RYHU KRXVHV in Claremont were foreclosed in 2011, and there were 38 foreclosures in January 2012 alone. The Foreclosure Forum featured speakers from Occupy L.A., Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, and Prudential California Realty. Clearly, Occupy Claremont is resolute in WKHLU Ă€JKW IRU HFRQRPLF DQG VRFLDO HTXDOLW\ not just in Claremont but also around the country. Despite the ordinance and the lack of a physical encampment, it seems likely that the city of Claremont will continue to see many demonstrations and events organized by the movement throughout the next few months. Whether more students will get involved remains to be seen.

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