February 2012

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Many questions remain, but there is one that is particularly frustrating: After almost twenty successful years at CMC, why did 'HDQ 9RV IHHO WKH QHHG WR EHJLQ LQĂ DWLQJ test scores in 2005? I doubt it was solely an internal decision; something or someone pressured him to cheat. Cheating, at the Variations of the word “leaderâ€? appear VFKRRO WKDW WUDLQV OHDGHUV" <RX GRQ¡W QHHG WR 8,490 times on CMC’s website. We host a ´'LVEHOLHI Âľ ZDV *DQQ¡V Ă€UVW UHDFWLRQ ZKHQ take Ethics and American Political Leaderconference on leadership, sponsor intern- she learned that a senior administrator – ship to see the problem. ships in leadership, and have a research 9RV ² KDG EHHQ UHSRUWLQJ LQĂ DWHG 6$7 institute dedicated to leadership. Apply- scores since 2005. That was my reaction, And possibly worse, with no checks and LQJ WR &0&" <RX¡OO KDYH WR ZULWH DQ HVVD\ too. And I’m still in disbelief. But I’m also balances system in place, Vos must have DERXW D OHDGHU $QG ZLWK MXVW Ă€YH FODVVHV disappointed – not just in the person who thought that his cheating wouldn’t be the “Leadership Sequenceâ€? can appear got us into this mess, but in the aftermath. caught. Evidently, the administration forgot on your degree. We’re not into subliminal As a “leader in the making,â€? I’m disappoint- DERXW WKH Ă€UVW Federalist quote CMC profesmessaging. ed in my college’s leadership. sors drill into every Gov. 20 student: “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.â€? It’s understandable that a college that builds Gann’s initial response to the scandal was Leadership 101. leaders would want to be a leader itself. strong. But since the Jan. 30 email and subHigh rankings and prestige are part of that sequent interview with student media, she’s These leadership failures trouble many equation. When former Dean of Admis- been silent. Sans Gann, four administration members of our community, who call for sions Richard Vos came to CMC in 1987, RIĂ€FLDOV DGGUHVVHG $6&0& 6HQDWH D ZHHN open communication, transparency, and we were number 23 on the U.S. News list. after the news broke. While it was nice to accountability. But – as many of the comBy the time President Pamela Gann started KHDU WKDW FRQVXOWLQJ Ă€UPV ZLOO VWLOO DFFHSW ments in the national media and the quesin 1999, we’d moved up to 14. And now – our job applications, the meeting did little to tions at the ASCMC meeting indicate deserved or not – we’re number nine. rebuild students’ trust in our administrators. ² VRPH VWXGHQWV Ă€QG VDYLQJ &0&¡V UHSXKravis Kube isn’t even open 24/7, but it’s tation more important than holding the Rankings are especially important for far more accessible and transparent than the College accountable. And based on the feelschools with poor name recognition. Luck- administration. good reassurances that dominated the Senate discussion, the administration agrees.

february 2012| vol IX iss 3

Since the day I was admitted to Claremont McKenna, I’ve consistently received one message from the College’s administration: we want you to take over the world. All 1,289 CMC students are “Leaders in the 0DNLQJŠ Âľ <HV LW¡V WUDGHPDUNHG


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O`Yl Caf\ g^ D]Y\]jk 9j] O] EYcaf_7 ily, CMC’s name recognition got a recent boost when the New York Times called us “prestigious,� “elite,� and “comparable to some Ivy League schools.� The only problem: those descriptions came under the headline “College Says It Exaggerated SAT Figures For Ratings.�

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CMC can run dozens of leadership programs, but leadership is best taught by example. Do we want our future leaders to be more concerned about making themselves look good, or with bringing the full truth to light? Should they be ethical and accessible, or foster an environment that allows cheating? This scandal offers an opportunity for the CMC community to reevaluate what kind of leaders we are making.

Campus Progress works to help young people — advocates, activists, journalists, artists — make their voices heard on issues that matter. Learn more at CampusProgress.org.

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L`aj\ HYjlq HjgZd]ek November will be here sooner than we think By Chelsea Heaps Contributing Writer, PZ ‘14 The upcoming 2012 elections have dominated political news for months now. Even though the actual election seems in the distant future, the race for the Republican nomination is here and is certainly stirring up controversy among conservatives and liberals alike. In any case, the UDFH LV QRZ GRZQ WR 0LWW 5RPQH\ 1HZW Gingrich, and Rick Samtorum. One lucky winner will battle President Barack Obama. But will there only be two men on the EDOORW LQ 1RYHPEHU" $ WKLUG SDUW\ FDQdidate could split the Republican vote or seriously damage Obama’s chances. However, many 5C students are still supporting the incumbent. “I would not vote third party, mostly because I don’t know very much about third party candidates, and I personally think Obama is the optimal choice for right now,â€? said Anna Brill CMC ‘13. 7KRXJK LW LV XQOLNHO\ 5DOSK 1DGHU ZLOO run as a third party candidate in 2012, 5RQ 3DXO PD\ WDNH XS WKH LGHD 1RW RQO\ does he have a strong base, but he could also be a choice for independents and those who dislike the Republican nominee. While he has come out publicly saying that he doesn’t plan to run on a third party platform, Paul hasn’t shut the door yet. When he left Congress in 1984, he vowed he would never return – yet he GLG 5RQ 3DXO LV QRW PDNLQJ DQ\ GHĂ€QLWLYH statements on whether or not he will run LQ 1RYHPEHU LI KH ORVHV WKH 5HSXEOLFDQ nomination. Third parties have changed elections and still have the potential to do so. In the upcoming presidential election, there are third party candidates coming from the Green Party, Socialist Party, Prohibition Party and even the “Boston Tea Party.â€? Most of these groups have little to no

support and won’t garner much of the vote. However, this doesn’t make much of a difference to some students who pledge they will be voting third party because they don’t trust President Obama or any of the current Republican candidates.

nominated, some conservatives may feel WKDW KH LVQ¡W Ă€W WR EH &RPPDQGHU LQ &KLHI due to his past “liberalâ€? policies. Furthermore, there is some discomfort with his Mormonism, though this is minimal. If Gingrich is nominated, many of those who would vote Republican might go

“I will not vote for Obama. Even if it means defeating a more outrageous fascist like Romney or Gingrich, I cannot co-sign American tyranny just to fend off the greater of two evils. Also, my singular vote matters little as a proportion of Obama votes, and it is therefore better spent voting for a third party candidate,â€? said Phillip Sebastian Aguiar PZ ‘14. Maybe the Obama campaign does have something to fear. Some young liberals who voted him in 2008 are no longer devout supporters. Furthermore, there are even some people planning to opt out of voting completely, as they would rather stand aside than cast a vote for a candidate they dislike. Even though a number of Obama’s supporters have abandoned him, there are many more who remain loyal and will be casting a vote for him come election time. ´, WKLQN KLV WHUP ZDV LQVXIĂ€FLHQW JLYHQ the gravity of the problems he had to address upon being elected. In order for any real progress to be seen other than crisis aversion and relief bundles that he’s installed, he requires more time,â€? said MaxLQH <DNREL 6&5 Âś %H\RQG WKLV VRPH RI Obama’s supporters are still going strong and think he has what it takes to continue revitalizing the economy. The majority of students interviewed for this article felt WKDW 2EDPD GHVSLWH KLV Ă DZV LV VWLOO WKH better choice overall. It is too early to predict whether or not a third party candidate will hurt President Obama or the Republicans come election time. In the scenario that Romney is

third party due to his past personal problems that have plagued the news. Santorum, who has made some headway in the primaries lately, could also be selected. Due to the nature of Santorum’s conservatism, he would not likely garner many independent voters. Third parties may make a difference this election. Whether this will hurt or help the President is still up in the air and will depend mainly upon whom the Republican Party nominates. Overall, it is evident that many 5C students are disappointed with the job Obama has done, with some claiming he is incompetent and others saying he needs more time in RIÀFH $ UHFHQW &11 SROO VKRZHG WKDW 59% viewed the Republican Party unfavorably, compared with 47% for Democrats. So, it all boils down to whether or not the Democrats can garner enough votes for their candidate in comparison to losing them to a third party candidate. If they fail to do this, the Republican nominee might have a chance at winning the White House.

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D]^lgn]j ;dYj]egfl What happens to our day-old steak and half-eaten sushi? By Mallika Srinivasan Staff Writer, CMC ‘15 If you are a student with an appetite for fresh intellectual discourse served with a side of delicious cuisine prepared by a campus dining hall, the Claremont Colleges can’t be beat. It is an established fact that the Claremont Colleges’ dining halls serve some of the highest quality food in the nation. Several organizations consistently offer high rankings for our dining halls. College Prowler gives CMC an A+, while Pomona, Pitzer, Harvey Mudd and Scripps all manage A’s. While many students enjoy the high quality food served in the dining halls, few think about the inevitable result of their gastronomical indulgence: leftovers. Leftover food has several environmental and financial implications for the colleges and students alike. Fortunately, Claremont’s dining hall managers are very aware of the issue of leftovers, and are actively working towards reducing the amount of leftover food and finding alternatives to simply throwing it all in the trash.


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Commons or burrito night at Pomona’s Frary dining hall can attest, certain dishes have a history of being extremely popuTo prevent excessive leftovers, the dining lar. Many chefs are able to gauge in adhalls attempt to cook just enough food vance which dishes are quickly devoured so supply equals demand. Rachel Pag- and which only the most hardcore vegans hunasan, operations manager of Pitzer’s DQG YHJHWDULDQV ZLOO FRQVXPH WHPSHK McConnell dining hall, says that the din- VFUDPEOH DQ\RQH" EDVHG RQ SDVW H[SHULing hall does this by batch cooking: chefs ence and knowledge, and can therefore cook a certain portion of a dish, directly prepare an appropriate amount. “In the related to how popular it has been in the past, chicken tenders have been very poppast, and then serve it. Once the portion ular, and we cook more of it,â€? explains Ă€QLVKHV WKH FKHI FRRNV PRUH EDVHG RQ Collins sous chef Marcelino Araya. how much more time is left until the dining hall closes, as well as how popular the Paghunasan pointed out that there is a dish actually is, which can be inferred by very small amount of leftover food evKRZ TXLFNO\ WKH SRUWLRQ Ă€QLVKHV ery day at Pitzer, mostly due to the batch cooking technique and how the menu has Pam Franco, general manager of Col- been organized to include live stations lins dining hall at CMC, adds that batch as well as cooked and prepared dishes. cooking enables chefs to cook portions as While mass prepared dishes generate a close to serving time as possible. Besides lot of food waste, made-to-order stations making our food fresher, this also allows greatly reduce food waste. Furthermore, a GLQLQJ KDOOV WR EH Ă H[LEOH LQ WHUPV RI FD- lot of the food, like fruits and vegetables, tering to the number of guests that show does not require cooking and can thus be up. “If the guest count at each meal sud- used at a later time while still being fresh. denly changes, we begin to see patterns [and] we adjust accordingly,â€? explains L`] ;d]Yf HdYl] ;dmZ7 Franco. <HW KDYLQJ OHIWRYHU IRRG LV LQHYLWDEOH GHAs any student who has waited in the long spite all the preventative measures emlines for sushi night at Scripps’s Malott ployed. At CMC, approximately 30 pounds

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of food remains daily, while at Scripps and Harvey Mudd there is much less. Just about 10-15 portions of food remain after breakfast at Mudd, according to Ruben Vega, executive chef at the school’s HochShanahan dining hall. Vega points out that lunch and dinner menus are largely constituted by made-to-order dishes. Pomona DQG 3LW]HU ZHUH XQDEOH WR SURYLGH ÀJXUHV regarding leftover food. But what about the half-eaten hard boiled egg left on your plate? To discourage students from taking more food than they’ll eat, Claremont’s dining halls stopped using trays a few years ago. But we aren’t all members of the clean plate club. While students have the option of throwing their leftovers in compost bins at some dining halls, this is a responsibility given to students, who may or may not take it as seriously as they should. Because of this, the Colleges have come up with a variety of ways in which they can make good use of uneaten leftovers. CMC’s Collins Dining Hall stands alone when it comes to processing leftover food. Brand new digesters were installed last fall behind the tray drop-off station. These machines turn uneaten the food into a black dirt, which can be used as fer-


tilizer. Pam Franco sais that the fertilizer is used to nourish the grounds around CMC’s campus. From Franco’s description, these digesters seem to be very efÀFLHQW DQG D IDQWDVWLF DGGLWLRQ WR &ROOLQV

HYqaf_ al >gjoYj\ Some colleges use the help of studentrun organizations to address the issue of leftovers that don’t make it to a student’s plate. Food Rescue, a student-run club originally from Pomona that has since spread to Harvey Mudd, CMC and Scripps, is a volunteer-based organization that collects the leftover dining hall food at the end of each day and delivers it to various nearby homeless shelters. These shelters include Pomona Valley Christian Ministry, Inland Valley Hope Partners and the Pomona Corps Salvation Army. “Donating to charity is always a better option than throwing the food away,� explained executive chef at Harvey Mudd, Ruben Vega. “That way, it’s given to people who actually need it.� Food Rescue at Pomona collects about two to four trays of food every day. Most of this food consists of main line options that were meant to be served but were not


touched by students. Each tray of food can feed roughly 20-30 people. ´7KHUH LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ D IHHOLQJ RI VDWLVIDFtion that you took an hour out of your day to try to tackle a problem,â€? explains 1LFKRODV 0XUSK\ 32 ¡ D 'UDSHU &HQter Volunteer Coordinator who organizes Pomona’s Food Rescue club. “We are not changing the world every day, but it is important for volunteers to realize that over time we have donated a phenomenal amount of food.â€? The 5C dining halls are working WRZDUG EHLQJ PRUH Ă€QDQFLDOO\ DQG environmentally friendly. Food is valuable, and as a consortium, we are very lucky to have a variety of quality dining options. As students, however, we should take the matter of food waste into our own hands. Students need to become more aware of compost bins, which are readily available in many halls and should be expanded to every college. More importantly, students should help themselves to an amount they know they can actually eat rather than wasting their food at the end of their meal, which cannot be donated. Bon appetit! Sam Kahr contributed reporting to this article.


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=Ykl7 E]]l O]kl& CMC participates in a cultural exchange with Kuwait By Elham Yusef-Ali Staff Writer CMC ‘15

QDWLRQDO 5HODWLRQV 1LFN 5RZH &0& ‘13 said he traveled to Kuwait “not to learn the language [Arabic] but because During Spring Break 2011, the Univer- I haven’t been to the Middle East. It’s sity of Kuwait invited CMC Arabic Pro- important to learn the perspectives of fessor Bassam Frangieh and CMC Histo- different cultures and traditions in orry Professor Lisa Cody to lead 22 CMC der to formulate a worldview of this VWXGHQWV WR .XZDLW DV WKH Ă€UVW KDOI RI melting pot.â€? He perceived Kuwait as an international educational exchange. being wealthy, having an oil-focused The University of Kuwait covered all the industry and conservative Muslim students’ expenses, such as accommoda- society. These impressions were all tions, meals, travel, and activities. For a verified. However, on a deeper-level, reciprocal visit, CMC invited 20 Kuwaiti SODFHV OLNH WKH 'HZDQL\D D KDQJRXW students and six faculty members to visit where men and women gather to drink CMC in late January 2012. Aleta Wenger, FRIIHH RU VPRNH +RRNDK VKRZHG WKDW CMC Director for International Pro- Kuwait was not as restrictive as Rowe grams, and Professor Bassam Frangieh, supposed. In fact, Kuwait was welcomcoordinated and organized the delega- ing in a unique way. Rowe said, “I was tion’s schedule, on and off campus ac- shocked because their communication tivities, as well as lodging and travel ar- level was quite fluent. They spoke elorangements. quent English, an aspect which really spoke to me.â€? In interviews with the Port Side, participants of both programs recounted their Rowe’s only disappointment was that the stories of cultural differences, stereo- Kuwaiti lifestyle focused primarily on types, and inner-change. commercialism and materialism. Because of this, he would not consider Kuwait as a place for long-term living. Rather, he Gf CmoYal$ Eg\]jfalq$ Yf\ Eggk%d]ek found it more suitable for tourism, work, A dual major in Economics and Inter- and education.

Ian Gulliver CMC ‘14 shared Rowe’s disappointment: “I wish the program directors would show us more Kuwaiti artifacts and culture. Instead, they insisted that we would enjoy our time in the malls shopping just like them. They loved the idea and brand of being American. However, we wanted to see what makes Kuwait, Kuwait. Their freedom of ideas and expression.� Gulliver was also surprised by the social separation of men and women. He explained, “Even for international students, it was hard to break the social norm in Kuwait. If a student from China, for example, wants to stay out with friends after 9 p.m., he/she would have to petition such ‘privilege’ with his/her hometown embassy and go through endless paperwork.� On the whole, the trip was a positive experience. Gulliver enjoyed visiting the Kuwaiti Gulf Oil Company, volleyball FRXUWV D VRXT PDUNHW DQG D GHVHUW WHQW where he learned that showing the soles of one’s feet is deemed inappropriate due to uncleanliness. When asked if he had last words or advice for those who aspire

Claremont students visiting Kuwait dress in traditional thobes. Photo by Melissa Carlson.

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Kuwaiti students visiting Claremont sit in on a CMC Arabic class. Photo by John Valenzuela.

to visit Kuwait, Gulliver said, “It was an eye-opening experience. I felt very welFRPH DV LI , ZDV RQH RI WKHP 1R RQH looked down upon me, because to them, I was an equal. It taught me about the differences that make us unique but our passion for aspiring, dreaming, and achieving unites us.�

ogy major, volunteered to help organize the Kuwaiti Delegation. “Seeing Claremont through the eyes of an outsider is UHDOO\ VRPHWKLQJ VSHFLDO <RXU PDQQHU RI thinking and theirs are different. The way we act, eat, think, dress is distinctive. Our differences are the essence of our humanity,� said Peterson, who is taking an introductory course in Arabic with CMC Professor Ayman Ramadan. Peterson says that this experience was valuable in utilizing “my Arabic skills, igniting my passion to interact with people from other traditions, and offering my talents to them as a Scripps tour guide.�

tant individual. Whereas, in Kuwait we are required to study and go to college from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., leaving no room to explore RXUVHOYHV RU WR DFW DFFRUGLQJ WR RXU UHà HFtion in independency.�

:KHQ DVNHG DERXW KHU Ă€UVW LPSUHVVLRQ RI the students, Peterson laughed and said she was not sure who was more nervous. However, the interactions quickly became more comfortable. She was shocked by how articulately the students spoke EngIn terms of academics and personal lish. “This week more than ever, I discovgrowth, Hamadah agreed with the other ered the small differences between ‘clasVWXGHQWV ´<RX FRXOG JR IRU PRQWKV DQG sic’ America and a small Middle Eastern Gf 9e]%ja%cY$ ;dYj]egfl ;gdd]_]k @gddqogg\ \HDUV DQG QRW Ă€QG D WKLQJ WKDW H[FLWHV country. We differ with our clothing but you. Here in the Claremont Colleges you share our love for movies, such as one Rawan Al-Awadhi, Ghanimah Hamadah, DUH RIIHUHG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR Ă€QG WKDW Kuwaiti student’s love for Kill Bill. It’s and Latifah Al-Abbad, top Kuwaiti stu- ‘thing’ that makes you want to wake up funny, we wanted to share names too. GHQWV LQ WKHLU Ă€HOGV &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ /DZ everyday with all the myriad classes and In my Arabic class, we are given Arabic and Dentistry respectively, thoroughly en- sport activities. Even if you hate studying, names, and similarly the Kuwaiti women joyed the independence of America. Hav- the communal, joyful, and hospitable feel wanted American names. I named one ing lived in a country with restrictions on here guides you to love learning among Ashley,â€? explained Peterson enthusiastiwomen, with laws preventing them from the people you admire.â€? cally. becoming judges and cultural conventions restricting their outings in public, being in The students laughed when asked to These interviews with Kuwaiti and America was a liberating experience. share their favorite experience in Amer- Claremont Colleges students show that ica. They said that they enjoyed touring it is an enriching and inspiring experiPrior to their scheduled trip to Disneyland, Hollywood Boulevard and seeing two ence to engage with peers across the the three women spoke with the Port Side PHQ Ă€JKWLQJ RQ WKH VWUHHW XVLQJ $PHUL- globe. Though students were surprised and praised the atmosphere of positivity can slang. To them this scene epitomized by several cultural differences, they in the Claremont Colleges. Al-Awadhi said, a Hollywood drama with all the glamour, were even more shocked by the simi“Here, you learn to know, learn to do, and glitz, and action. They saw their week in larities. Students from the East and learn to be yourself. I love how students Southern California as a personal Holly- West both enjoy comparable trends in are involved with different aspects of their wood movie. pop-culture, yet there are even deeper lives, socially, academically, and spiritually. FRQQHFWLRQV 1RWDEO\ LQGHSHQGHQFH Even the smallest thing, like entrusting a L`] GZk]jn]j and self-fulfillment are primary constudent to gather our delegation at the aircerns for college students from Amerport, makes the student feel like an impor- Megan Peterson SCR ‘15, an Anthropol- ica to Kuwait. n g d m e ] A P a k k m ] + t [ d Y j ] e g f l h g j l k a \ ] & [ g e t ^ ] Z j m Y j q ) * t h Y _ ] /


K`Y\]k g^ ?jYq The debate over Scripps’ ethnic studies requirement By Arielle Zionts Staf f Writer, PZ ‘14 Many American colleges and universities used to require students to take a course surveying the history and culture of “Western civilization.� However, with the decline of eurocentric thinking in recent decades and the increasing importance of multiculturalism and diversity in higher education, this requirement has nearly disappeared. Instead, some institutions are now requiring courses that stress “non-Western� cultures, diversity, and multiculturalism.

important requirement.â€? Carolyn Lasch SCR ‘15 agrees, explaining she believes that these courses help connect generally privileged students to the realities of WKH RXWVLGH ZRUOG 2WKHU VWXGHQWV Ă€QG it essential to have knowledge of certain histories, vocabulary, and concepts in order to talk about race and ethnicity. Kelsey Poppe SCR ‘12 says it is important to “learn to talk about race in a productive way,â€? because there have been incidents in Scripps classes when a student or professor has said something inappropriate about race or ethnicity.

However, not all students believe that The 5Cs clearly illustrate this trend. the race and ethnic studies requirement While none of the 5Cs require a “West- is necessary. Jenny Philips SCR ‘12 tried ern Civâ€? course, Pitzer students must to opt out of this requirement, along IXOĂ€OO DQ ´LQWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\ DQG LQWHUFXO- with the gender and women’s studies tural explorationâ€? graduation require- requirement, because she found them ment, while Scripps students must take “redundant.â€? She felt that her Core a “race and ethnic studiesâ€? course. A FRXUVHV 6FULSSV VWXGHQWV WDNH D WKUHH VLJQLĂ€FDQW QXPEHU RI 6FULSSV VWXGHQWV semester interdisciplinary humanities hold strong and diverse opinions re- VHTXHQFH DQG :ULWLQJ FODVV DQ HOHFgarding this graduation requirement. WLYH LQWHQVLYH ZULWLQJ FRXUVH WKDW Ă€UVW \HDU VWXGHQWV PXVW WDNH DGHTXDWHO\ According to Scripps’s website, their covered these topics. In addition, Phil“race and ethnic studies requirement as- ips felt these courses to be burdensome sesses the systematic discrimination and since as a biology major, she has many exploitation of African Americans, La- requirements to complete. Shalina WLQR $PHULFDQV 1DWLYH $PHULFDQV DQG Omar SCR ‘15 agrees that it is “a little $VLDQ $PHULFDQV WKDW KDYH Ă€JXUHG VR heavy handedâ€? to force students to take critically in the history of this country.â€? these courses. &RXUVHV WKDW IXOĂ€OO WKLV UHTXLUHPHQW include “Indigenous Peoples of the Some students support this requireAmericas,â€? “Asian American Religions,â€? ment but feel that it needs to be up“Latino Politics,â€? “Modern Black Fic- dated and expanded. One student, who tion,â€? and “Race in U.S Urban/Subur- wished to remain anonymous, suggestban History.â€? These courses pull from ed that some Middle Eastern studies multiple disciplines and can be taken at FRXUVHV VKRXOG IXOĂ€OO WKLV UHTXLUHPHQW any of the 5Cs. since there is a history of systematic discrimination against Middle Eastern Students in favor of this requirement Americans, especially since 9/11. The point out that race and ethnicity, today anonymous student also argued that as in the past, are an important factor in other groups, such as Jews, Italians, and all aspects of American life. Lia Tam- Irish people, while no longer currently minen SCR ‘12 shares this point of view, systematically discriminated against in expressing that this is an “incredibly this country, have been in the past, and

VKRXOG WKHUHIRUH IXOĂ€OO WKH UHTXLUHPHQW When this student talked to Dean of Students Bekki Lee about wanting her Jewish-American literature course to count toward this requirement, Lee said she has heard other students complain about this requirement. In addition to Lee, Professor Roberto Pedace, Chair of the Race and Ethnic Studies SubCommittee, is also well aware of the strong opinions that students possess regarding this requirement. When explaining the absence of courses on Middle Eastern Americans to Pedace, he replied that this is “not the Ă€UVW WLPH VRPH VWXGHQWV KDYH UDLVHG concernsâ€? about the requirement. As with most issues regarding identity and academic requirements, this requirement can be a personal and controversial topic. For example, what determines if a group is systematically discriminated against? Are some groups more oppressed and discriminated against than others? Should these courses focus on any group that has been historically systematically discriminated against, or only on those that are currently? Should the requirement be broadened to be more like Pitzer’s requirement, which simply emphasizes learning about other cultures? Most students at Scripps believe that the race and ethnic studies requirement is valuable, but some believe it needs to be updated. Another population of stuGHQWV Ă€QGV WKH PDWHULDO UHGXQGDQW QRW relevant to their major, or frustrating when dealing with Scripps’s extensive graduation requirements as a whole. It seems it is time for Scripps professors and students to have an open discussion about the history, purpose and future of the race and ethnic studies requirement.

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Violence and corruption escalate in Mexican drug war By Jenna Hussein Contributing Writer, CMC ‘15

Why do these inhumane cartel organizations continue to grow? Why would anyone choose to participate in such violent tactics? The answer is simple, and they say it makes the world go round.

at the lower levels will be tainted by their leadership and also become corrupt,â€? explains Roderic Camp, CMC Professor of Just two and a half hours south of ClareWKH 3DFLĂ€F 5LP ´<RX FDQ RQO\ UHIRUP mont, Mexico’s location is a dream come police institutions if you professionalize true for the drug trade. Conveniently lothe police force and instill a sense of incated within close proximity to the main 0RQH\ ² ELOOLRQ LQ SURĂ€WV WR EH H[DFW tegrity and responsibility at all levels.â€? drug-producing countries in Central And that’s just in one year. America, Mexico also shares a 2000-mile According to Camp, the American govlong border with the United States – the One kilogram of cocaine will sell for as ernment should take a great deal of relargest drug-consuming nation in the much as $120,000 in the United States, sponsibility for the drug war in Mexico. world. while the cost of production in Mexico The solution is simple: if the United States is a mere $2,000. Heroin, marijuana, and stopped providing such a large market for Mexican drug cartels have grown consis- other narcotics yield similar statistics. narcotics, the Mexican drug cartels would tently in recent decades and are the leadcease to exist, and the violence would end. ing supplier of drugs to the American The extreme level of poverty in Mexico Camp explains, “The United States needs market. Violence emerges when cartels is one main reason for the success and to admit that they have a problem on the compete against each other for control growth of the drug trade. Forty six per- demand side – until then, there is little that over Mexican regions and access to traf- cent of the population lives on less than Mexico can do about the causes of drug Ă€FNLQJ URXWHV DQG LW HVFDODWHV ZKHQ 0H[L- $2 a day, and those who are lucky enough consumption, only its consequences.â€? He FDQ JRYHUQPHQW RIĂ€FLDOV DWWHPSW WR WUDFN WR Ă€QG D MRE ZLOO OLNHO\ EH SDLG WKH PLQL- suggests that America should focus its atdown the cartel leaders and arrest them. mum wage of $5 per day. Thus, it is not WHQWLRQ RQ SUHYHQWLQJ GUXJ XVH LQ WKH Ă€UVW surprising that over 450,000 Mexicans place: “The most effective technique for In a quest to demonstrate their sheer are employed by the drug cartels, most reducing drug consumption is prevention dominance, cartels have posted many of whom are young males with no other through education, not interdiction.â€? RI WKHLU H[HFXWLRQV RQ <RX7XEH WRVVHG economic opportunities. body parts into public areas on a number President Calderon began his term in of different occasions, and have even left 'UXJ FDUWHOV KDYH LQĂ€OWUDWHG QXPHURXV DQG D QHZ SUHVLGHQW ZLOO WDNH RIĂ€FH 35 bodies in the middle of a highway in political institutions, especially on the lo- in December 2012. Strikingly, the total Boca del Rio, a major tourist city. cal level – even the police force can no amount of money that Calderon’s govlonger be trusted. Every government ernment has spent on public administraThe ongoing violence in Mexico often administration since the 1970s has at- tion and security over the past six years makes headlines. If travelers begin to feel tempted to reform the police, but without does not even compare to the amount of that Mexico is an unsafe destination, it success. President Felipe Calderon has at- money that the drug cartels earn in one poses a considerable threat to the tourism tempted to tackle the issue from a differ- single year. industry. “Though in the past I have vaca- ent angle by simultaneously addressing tioned in Mexico with my family, because the corruption at the local, federal, and Looking to the future, a decisive end to of all the violence in the news, I would state levels. the drug war will likely depend on the not feel comfortable going now,â€? explains mutual cooperation of Mexican and Rachel Clare PZ ‘14. “If corruption is present at the higher lev- $PHULFDQ JRYHUQPHQW RIĂ€FLDOV +RSHels of an institution, the people working fully the newly elected Mexican president is up for the challenge.

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;dYj]egfl E[C]ffY k OYl]j_Yl]7 Administration must re-earn trust of CMC community By Sam Kahr Campus Editor, CMC ‘14

L`] L`aj\ Kl]h

though CMC’s real scores would not have changed its rank. Kiplinger’s editorial di7KH Ă€UVW WZR VWHSV RI WKLV SODQ ZHUH UHFWRU .HYLQ 0F&RUPDOO\ MXVWLĂ€HG WKH The events of the last few weeks have swiftly executed and the responsible ad- removal in a blog post: “We believe the tested the cohesion of the entire Clare- ministrator, former Vice President and best way to preserve the integrity of our mont McKenna community and brought Dean of Admission and Financial Aid rankings – and the trust our readers put in into question the College’s integrity. Richard Vos, has resigned. But since the them – is to make it clear that deliberate scandal was announced on Jan. 30, many IDOVLĂ€FDWLRQ RI WKH GDWD ZLOO QRW EH WROHU1HZV WKDW WKH VFKRRO UHSRUWHG IDOVH 6$7 challenges have arisen that hinder the im- ated.â€? scores for incoming freshmen to ranking SOHPHQWDWLRQ RI WKLV WKLUG DQG Ă€QDO VWHS organizations, the Department of EducaWhile the College’s rankings have not yet tion, credit agencies, its academic accredi- “If the administration is not able to pull been been changed in any other publicator, and the general public since 2005 this together in a way that is satisfactory tion, the ultimate repercussions of the shocked us all and propelled our tiny to the public we are all going to have a scandal have yet to come to light. SAT FDPSXV LQWR WKH QDWLRQDO VSRWOLJKW 1R major issue,â€? explained Brad Johnson scores only account for 7.5 percent of longer are we the best school that nobody CMC ’08, an editor emeritus of the Port WKH 8 6 1HZV DQG :RUOG 5HSRUW UDQNhas ever heard of. Side. “I a have heard a concern among ings. However, the alumni giving rate alums, that what they are doing may be and undergraduate academic reputation While national media attention has died tainted by this‌that their education will – two criteria that could be affected by down and everyone is doing their best to become undervalued.â€? the College’s handling of the situation – move forward, the SAT scandal has raised account for 27.5 percent of the ranking questions regarding the honesty of the Repairing the trust of students, parents, combined. college administration. In an interview a faculty, staff and alumni is only a fracfew days after the College announced the tion of the solution; the College must Foreboding rumors have circulated conmanipulations, CMC President Pamela also make amends with rankings agen- cerning the repercussions from the DeGann laid out a three-part plan to deal cies and the larger academic community. partment of Education and our academZLWK WKH LQFLGHQW Ă€QG DQG Ă€[ WKH SURE- %XVLQHVV DQG SHUVRQDO Ă€QDQFH PDJD]LQH ic accreditor. There is even a possibility lem, report the corrected the data, and re- Kiplinger removed the college completely of our credit rating being affected. In a pair the College’s reputation and rebuild from its “Best Values in Private Collegesâ€? Washington Post article, Ralph A. Wolff, trust. list on account of the false scores even President of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges to which the college submits internal reviews for acaGnf[^k h_ L:M L\hk^l Fh]bĂ›^] I^k FZmkb\neZmbhg R^Zk demic accreditation, pointed out that any IDOVLĂ€FDWLRQ RI GDWD ´UDLVHV DQ LQWHJULW\ issue.â€?

Graphs by Jeremy B. Merrill

:KLOH QXPHURXV &ROOHJH RIĂ€FLDOV GHclined interview requests, the administration provided the Port Side ZLWK DQ RIĂ€cial statement. The statement points out that the Board of Trustees has engaged outside legal counsel to review “admission-related data processesâ€? and will take appropriate actions in response to the Ă€QGLQJV RI WKH UHSRUW ´7KH &ROOHJH UHmains committed to acting in a manner WKDW UHĂ HFWV WKH ORQJVWDQGLQJ LQWHJULW\ RI our institution and we will continue to update the members of our community

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about our response to the matter as we are able to do so,� the statement concludes.

;E; k ;mdlmj] While the petty details of the scandal may never be known for certain, the incident has caused many to question CMC’s culture and administration in general. Ask nearly any CMCer to speculate about Vos’s motivations and they will be quick to point out the aspirations of President Gann and the Board of Trustees to advance the college’s national visibility.

tween “goals� and “aspirations,� winter 2010’s feature in CMC Magazine – which celebrates Gann’s tenth anniversary at the College and details the rise in median SAT scores over each year – suggests that this was something the administration strove for, regardless of having an explicit goal or not. “Academically, CMC’s entering students are stronger now than they were ten years ago,� the article boasts. “Median SATs have risen from about 1350 to 1410.�

And as a lawyer, Gann is aware of her word choice. “Aspirationsâ€? and “goalsâ€? may have distinct meanings in her mind. ´0\ Ă€UVW UHDFWLRQ WR WKH QHZV ZDV Âś2I But coming from the president of a colcourse it’s CMC.’ I am surprised but I lege to a lower administrator, however, wish I was more surprised,â€? said Johnson. “aspirationâ€? and “goalâ€? mean practically the same thing. While it is hard to criticize the administration for how it handled the situation ini- Furthermore, until the CMC community tially, the true test of the administration’s hears Vos’s side of the story, his motivacommitment to honesty will come only as tions for fabricating test data will remain more information comes to light. unknown. What is certain is that all of WKH SLHFHV RI WKH SX]]OH GR QRW Ă€W 9RV “I am very happy that the College did had a long and storied history at Clarenot engage in a cover up. This was a huge mont McKenna. He could have easily step; it was not an easy decision to make retired having played a part in transformbut it was the right one,â€? said Johnson. ing CMC from a school that accepted 49 “The question is what they are going to percent of its applicants to a school that do later? Once the [College] has com- accepts just over 11 percent. Why would SOHWHG LWV LQWHUQDO LQTXLU\ DQG JHWV D Ă DYRU he jeopardize everything for 10-20 measly for the situation, they need to share that SAT points? After nearly twenty years at information with the full CMC commu- the College, what made him start the manity.â€? nipulations of the past seven years? Stepping back, it is also hard not to question the role that the administration SOD\HG LQ FDXVLQJ WKH VFDQGDO LQ WKH Ă€UVW place. In an interview with students, Gann remained vague when asked whether she placed any pressure on the Admissions 2IĂ€FH WR LPSURYH 6$7 VFRUHV “We do not have explicit goals for SAT scores,â€? Gann said in an interview with the Port Side and CMC Forum. “We have aspirations, but that’s not an explicit goal. 7KHVH DUHQ¡W KDUG DQG Ă€[HG Âľ While Gann is quick to differentiate be-

:KLOH WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ KDV ´Ă€[HGÂľ WKH present problem, the more general concern is whether the College will be able to prevent problems like this in the future, a solution which most likely requires CMC to reevaluate its institutional culture. Like cancer, the tumor has been cut away. But who is to say it won’t metastasize in the future? Johnson believes that the ambitious, win-at-all-costs, type-A personality that characterizes CMC may be causing the College to drift away from its founding mission to “educate its students for

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thoughtful and productive lives and responsible leadership in business, government, and the professions.� “We alums love CMC for its good side but it is getting harder and harder to ignore its problems,� said Johnson. “If the administration is not able to present itself in a way to recapture its collegiateness, it will be hard to support in the future. We are a college, not a corporation.� It seems that our biggest strengths are becoming our biggest weaknesses.

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Kmh]j EYf gj Kmh]j H9;7 A third element enters the race for the White House By Logan Galansky Staff Writer, PO ‘14 With the 2012 Republican primary election in full swing, Americans are encountering an onslaught of political blunders. From Rick Perry’s now infamous debate “oopsâ€? WR 1HZW *LQJULFK¡V DOOHJHG RSHQ PDUULDJH the Republican race seems more like a circus than a presidential primary. <HW VRPH RI WKH JUHDWHVW DQG PRVW LQĂ XHQtial absurdities in this election are not well XQGHUVWRRG $ VLGHVKRZ RI VKDGRZ Ă€QDQciers now make up one of the most pervasive media buzzwords: the Super PACs. Or, more accurately described, the political action committee run amok. In light of Claremont McKenna’s SAT scandal and the greater issues of integrity, transparency and accountability, the impact that Super PAC could have on access to information about presidential nominees and the potential dampening of the concerns of small groups – including our college


community – is particularly relevant.

mine the validity of a potential presidential candidate.

O`Yl ak Y Kmh]j H9;7 It started with Citizens United. In what prominent legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky called “one of the most important First Amendment cases in years,â€? the Supreme Court held that it is unconstitutional for the government to regulate political spending by independent actors. Effectively, the &RXUW UHYHUVHG IRUW\ \HDUV RI FDPSDLJQ Ă€nance reform. At its most fundamental level, a Super PAC is an organization that is allowed to raise unlimited campaign money from corporations, unions, and private donors. But EH\RQG LWV VXUIDFH GHĂ€QLWLRQ 6XSHU 3$&V embody a far more dangerous phenomenon. Behind the veil of innocuous and obscurely patriotic names like “Restore Our Future,â€? “Make Us Great Again,â€? and “The Red, White and Blue Fund,â€? Super PACs are vehicles for the nation’s corporate and individual elite to almost unilaterally deter-


Perhaps the most detrimental aspect of these colossal campaign piggy banks is their slanderous nature. For instance, in the weeks leading up to the South Carolina primary election, the Super PAC supportLQJ 1HZW *LQJULFK DLUHG D WZHQW\ HLJKW PLQXWH YLGHR WKDW GHĂ€QHG RSSRQHQW 0LWW Romney as a “predatory corporate raider.â€? Perhaps consequently, Romney’s approval UDWLQJV ZHUH VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ XQGHUFXW LQ WKH state.

9f Af\a^^]j]fl 9e]ja[Y Corporations can buy our elections. So where’s the outrage? Professor David Menefee-Libey, Chair of the Pomona Politics Department, suggests that the American people have not called for an end to Super PACs’ tactics because “a really larger portion of Americans feel really disconnected from government and public policy‌[and] care more about‌what’s on


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WKHLU L3RG WKDQ ZKR¡V LQ WKH 2YDO 2IĂ€FH Âľ Interestingly, nearly all of the Republican candidates have publicly reprehended the methods of Super PACs. Before Jon Huntsman ended his campaign, he stated that “this race has degenerated into an onslaught of negative and personal attacks not worthy of the American people and not worthy of this critical time in our nation’s history.â€? However, the reality of the matter is that the American political process is no stranger to negative campaigning. What distinguishes this election from others is the sheer amount of money being invested. With Super PACs outspending campaigns two to one, presidential hopefuls do not have much of a choice if they intend to compete this election season. As Menefee-Libey explains, “campaigns and elections are a very pragmatic world. It’s not an idealistic world in terms of campaigning and fundraising because it’s all about winning and losing on election day.â€? Even President Obama – who has publicly condemned these special interest groups as a “threat to democracyâ€? – is joining the Super PAC frenzy by asking fundraisers to redirect donations to Priorities USA Action, an organization backing his reelection campaign.

tion will spend “between‌three hundred, WKH Ă DZV RI RXU FDPSDLJQ Ă€QDQFH ODZV WR WKUHH Ă€IW\ >PLOOLRQ GROODUV@Âľ E\ WKH HQG RI a group of people who otherwise might the year. know much about it.â€? When contrasted with the current economic climate in the United States, this massive expenditure borders on ridiculous. “This is happening at the same time as a radical increase in economic inequality in the United States,â€? Menefee-Libey says, “so the broader context of this is really important. If you increase the role of money in elections at the same time as you increase economic inequality, that compounds the impact and makes those wealthy people‌ more powerful.â€?

;geZYlan] ;ge]\q There is one person using this new found wealth-biased power to try and curb the negative impacts of Super PACs, albeit through satire. Stephen Colbert has once again entered the political discourse with KLV FUHDWLRQ RI ´7KH 'HĂ€QLWHO\ 1RW &Rordinating With Stephen Colbert Super PAC.â€? With fellow comedian Jon Stewart, Colbert has highlighted some of the outrageous aspects of Super PACs, namely the premise that there is a separation of communication between the committee and the candidate.

Although we may laugh at Colbert’s antics, it is also vital that we take a moment to critically analyze the message behind the joke and what it says about our political system and media coverage as a whole.

L`] =f\ g^ <]eg[jY[q7 When confronted with the size and scope of Super PACs, we may assume that their SUHVHQFH ZLOO GURZQ RXW WKH LQĂ XHQFH RI any single person’s vote. However, Menefee-Libey still feels that there are ways for individuals, especially college students, to get involved in political proceedings. ´5XQ IRU RIĂ€FH Âľ KH HQFRXUDJHV ´3DUWLFLSDWH at all levels‌There’s a huge array of things that people can do to affect the political process. Put candidates into the pipeline. Run people for school boards and city council so that they become viable‌and in twenty years, you’ll have a presidential candidate.â€?

Bergeron echoed Professor MenefeeLibey’s hopefulness saying, “It’s easy to WKLQN WKDW WKH LQĂ XHQFH RI RQH SHUVRQ¡V vote versus one person with a lot of money is minuscule, but I do think that the old adEven though the Federal Election Com- age that every vote counts is true in some PLVVLRQ )(& KDV PDGH LW LOOHJDO IRU 6XSHU sense. Everyone’s vote counts and every PACs to discuss campaign tactics with can- vote matters.â€? Obama for America campaign manager Jim didates, the fact that most Super PACs are Messina defended the President’s decision, run by former staff members of the candi- So although it may seem as though Super stating that he is simply “fac[ing] the real- dates does not make coordinating strategy PACs have contaminated our election proLW\ RI WKH ODZ DV LW FXUUHQWO\ VWDQGV Âľ <HW YHU\ GLIĂ€FXOW $QG ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR UHJX- cess, we as political participants should not Obama’s endorsement of Super PACs is lating the actions of Super PACs and candi- simply surrender. “The limiting factor here leading some supporters to question his dates, the most that the FEC has ever done is whether or not voters see this and destance as a reformer. LV OHY\ D Ă€QH 7KH DYHUDJH SHQDOW\ cide that they don’t like it,â€? Menefee-Libey is much lower. believes. It is crucial to remember the imTo give some sense of the extent of the doportance of individual responsibility in our nations to Super PACs, Carl Forti, former Colbert Report fan Chris Bergeron PO ‘14 election process and our democratic duty political director for Mitt Romney and one thinks that Colbert and Stewart’s actions to be informed about the issues, go out of the people heading the Super PAC that are “bringing awareness of what Super and vote and ultimately enact meaningful supports him, admitted that their organiza- PACs are, how they function, and some of change. n g d m e ] A P a k k m ] + t [ d Y j ] e g f l h g j l k a \ ] & [ g e t ^ ] Z j m Y j q ) * t h Y _ ] ) -


K`gmd\ HjanYl] K[`ggdk :] GmldYo]\7 Warren Buffett thinks so By Summer Dowd-Lukesh Staff Writer, SC ‘14 A public education is seen as a natural right in the United States, but what does that mean for the private education that we also offer? Most Americans would intensely defend a family’s right to send their children to private school for religious, cultural, or academic reasons. We are an intensely individualistic country with a lasting commitment to choice and independence. The Los Angeles area alone is home to prestigious public schools like UCLA as well as private schools like the Claremont Colleges. Pomona Professor David Menefee-Libey, who has spent almost two decades studying education in the U.S., says that private schools exist because Americans believe in freedom and want to protect it. “Private schools means that you can market your particular approach to education and see if others agree with you,� he said. Menefee-Libey goes on to say that

private schools are populated by all kinds of families who want their children to get D VSHFLĂ€F UHOLJLRXV XSEULQJLQJ FXOWXUDO background, or academic setting. They are a diverse set of students, teachers, and educational philosophies. Keeping that in mind, billionaire and many liberals’ poster child Warren Buffett told Michelle Rhee, CEO of StudentsFirst and former chancellor of the Washington D.C. public school system, that it would be easy to solve today’s problems in urban education. “Make private schools illegal and assign every child to a public school by random lottery,â€? he said. Buffett suggests that wealthy families sending their children to private schools detracts from the overall education of students who cannot afford the luxury. In response, Menefee-Libey says that even an attempt to abolish private schools would be unimaginable. “People would stop it,â€? he says. “But I think Buffett is trying to make a point about the tempWDWLRQ WR Ă HH UDWKHU WKDQ Ă€[ Âľ 3ULYDWH schools offer a great service to many, but they also attract the well-off, wellHGXFDWHG DQG LQĂ XHQWLDO DZD\ IURP SXElic schools where they are arguably most needed to encourage education reform and fund school programs. K-12 Catholic schools aren’t the only private institutions in the U.S. – every American citizen at the Claremont Colleges also attends an expensive private alternative to the public education offered by their state. Private colleges offer many of the VDPH EHQHĂ€WV DV SXEOLF VFKRROV MXVW HQhanced and generally at a higher price tag. Here in private school, we’re guaranteed to get pretty much any class we want with an intimate setting and lots of one on one time with professors if you go looking for

it. Few of us will have stay in college an extra year to take classes we couldn’t get into before and we’re all given the opportunity to study abroad, if that’s what we want. Private schools like ours are generally safe and provide an immense bureaucracy to support us. 3ULYDWH VFKRROV RIIHU EHQHĂ€WV IRU LQGLviduals and often they provide additional support for their communities. But as progressives, we need to at least acknowledge the monetary and moral complications presented by the elite, expensive, homogeneous prep schools so many of us attended, and which we all attend now. &ODUHPRQW VWXGHQWV ZLOO JHQHUDOO\ Ă€QLVK school able to live a very comfortable lifestyle thanks to our fantastic education here. Maybe you will have the opportunity to send your kids to private school. If you thoughtfully decide that a private education is the best option for your children, by all means send them there, but don’t immediately discount your public school and don’t ignore it either. Using our own prestigious educational backgrounds for the betterment of our local public schools, regardless of whether or not our children attend it, is a great step in the right direction. Pursuing a career in education policy or teaching is even better. Someone in your family has EHQHĂ€WHG IURP D SXEOLF HGXFDWLRQ ² NHHS that in mind and give some of your time, money, and energy back to the system. As progressives or liberals, or whatever we like to call ourselves, we should be humble in the face of the privileges we were given and remember the kids who don’t have them when we move on and have generous disposable incomes. And for the record, Buffett’s children went to public school.

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