7 minute read

Our Delivery Program


The Local Government Act 1993 provides the following principles to guide councils to carry out their functions in a way that facilitates local communities that are strong, healthy, and prosperous. Generally, Council is to: • provide strong and effective representation, leadership, planning and decision-making. • carry out functions in a way that provides the best possible value for residents and ratepayers. • plan strategically, using the integrated planning and reporting framework, for the provision of effective and efficient services and regulation to meet the diverse needs of the local community. • apply the integrated planning and reporting framework in carrying out their functions so as to achieve desired outcomes and continuous improvements. • work co-operatively with other councils and the State government to achieve desired outcomes for the local community. • manage lands and other assets so that current and future local community needs can be met in an affordable way. • work with others to secure appropriate services for local community needs. • act fairly, ethically and without bias in the interests of the local community. • be responsible employers and provide a consultative and supportive working environment for staff. • actively engage with their local communities, through the use of the integrated planning and reporting framework and other measures. In arriving at decisions, Council will: • recognise diverse local community needs and interests. • consider social justice principles. • consider the long term and cumulative effects of actions on future generations. • consider the principles of ecologically sustainable development. • be transparent and accountable for decisions and omissions. Financially, Council will: • be responsible and sustainable, aligning general revenue and expenses. • invest in responsible and sustainable infrastructure for the benefit of the local community. • have effective financial and asset management, including sound policies and processes.



We work together as one council towards shared goals a We have a safety focused workplace culture to ensure the wellbeing of our staff and the community and for the greater good of the community We work together as one council towards shared goals and for the greater good of the community We are inclusive, treat people with courtesy and fairness, and ensure each individual is valued and heard


We behave in a way that is honest, open, and transparent. We will take responsibility for our actions and strive for excellence We will deliver services efficiently, effectively, and in an environmentally and financially sustainable manner. We engage with our staff and community to inform our decision making, and create awareness of our activities


Council’s Corporate Values are derived from its adopted Code of Conduct which sets out the following general conduct obligations for all Councillors, staff, Council Committees and delegates of Council. All individuals must: • not conduct themselves in a manner that is likely to bring the

Council or holders of civic office into disrepute, • act lawfully, honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in carrying out your functions, treat others with respect at all times, • play your part in the efficient and effective operation of Council, implement Council decisions without delay. Fairness and equity • consider issues consistently, promptly, and fairly, • deal with matters in accordance with established procedures, in a non-discriminatory manner. Harassment and discrimination, • not harass, discriminate against or support others who harass and discriminate against colleagues or members of the public. Development decisions • ensure that development decisions are properly made, • ensure parties involved in the development process are dealt with fairly, • avoid any occasion for suspicion of improper conduct in the development assessment process, • ensure that no action, statement or communication between yourself and applicants or objectors conveys any suggestion of willingness to provide improper concessions or preferential treatment. Binding Caucus Votes • not participate in binding caucus votes in relation to matters to be considered at a Council or Committee meeting. Conflict of Interest • must avoid or appropriately manage any conflict of interests. Gifts and Benefits • must avoid situations giving rise to the appearance that a person or body, through the provision of gifts, benefits or hospitality of any kind, is attempting to secure favourable treatment from themselves or from the Council, • must take all reasonable steps to ensure that your immediate family members do not receive gifts or benefits that give rise to the appearance of being an attempt to secure favourable treatment.

Dr Ian Tiley



• to be the leader of the council and a leader in the local community, • to advance community cohesion and promote civic awareness, • to be the principal member and spokesperson of the governing body, including representing the views of the council as to its local priorities, • to exercise, in cases of necessity, the policy-making functions of the governing body of the council between meetings of the council, • to preside at meetings of the Council • to ensure that meetings of the council are conducted efficiently, effectively and in accordance with this Act, • to ensure the timely development and adoption of the strategic plans, programs and policies of the council • to promote the effective and consistent implementation of the strategic plans, programs and policies of the council • to promote partnerships between the council and key stakeholders, • to advise, consult with and provide strategic direction to the general manager in relation to the implementation of the strategic plans and policies of the council • in conjunction with the general manager, to ensure adequate opportunities and mechanisms for engagement between the council and the local community • to carry out the civic and ceremonial functions of the mayoral office • to represent the council on regional organisations and at intergovernmental forums at regional, State and Commonwealth level • in consultation with the Councillors, to lead performance appraisals of the general manager • to exercise any other functions of the council that the Council determines.


(left to right) Cr Karen Toms Cr Ian Tiley Cr Allison Whaites Cr Greg Clancy Cr Debrah Novak Cr Bill Day Cr Peter Johnstone Cr Steve Pickering Cr Jeff Smith


• to be an active and contributing member of the governing body • to make considered and well-informed decisions as a member of the governing body • to participate in the development of the integrated planning and reporting framework • to represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers, and the local community • to facilitate communication between the local community and the governing body • to uphold and represent accurately the policies and decisions of the governing body • to make all reasonable efforts to acquire and maintain the skills necessary to perform the role of a Councillor.


• accountable to the local community for the performance of the Council.


Improving our Services - Service Review Clarence Valley Council makes decisions about the range and level of services it provides by balancing the needs and expectations of the community and the resources available to meet those needs and expectations. Clarence Valley Council is committed to providing services to the community that are flexible to the communities changing needs and that are efficient and effective in their delivery. As part of the review of the Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework by the Office of Local Government in 2021, and establishment of new guidelines for all Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC), it is a legislated requirement of all Local Government entities to have an annual program of services reviews. This Service Review program will become part of Clarence Valley Council’s Integrated Planning & Reporting documentation. Service Reviews assess service delivery against volume, cost and quality and provide recommendations and insights which develops an improvement plan for the future. The priority service reviews to be undertaken during 2022-2025, have been identified. Each service review will result in an improvement plan where adjustments to services levels are required or ways to maximise efficiencies are identified. The outcomes of the service reviews will be reported in Delivery Program reports and the Council’s Annual Report.

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