7 minute read
Focus Area 1: Attitudes and Behaviours
Objective 1: Increase positive perceptions of disability.
Clarence Valley Access Committee to continue to provide advice to Council.
Members of the Access Committee, CVC staff and councillors meet monthly to discuss implementation of the DIAP, increasing positive perceptions of people with disability and advising on access and inclusion-related matters.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Monthly Access Committee meetings.
Continue to add to a portfolio of positive images of people with disability for inclusion in CVC publications, presentations etc.
Using feedback from DIAP consultation in 2023, and in partnership with Access Committee, develop messages and campaigns that highlight disability inclusion.
Positive images of people with disability represented in CVC publications and content.
CVC stock images represent diversity of community and staff.
A strategic educational campaign developed and delivered annually to increase positive perception of people with disability in community.
Campaign delivered across CVC digital platforms and posters.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Number of images of people with disability used in CVC publications.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Campaigns delivered. Digital engagement statistics.
Objective 2: Raise awareness about the valuable contribution people with disability make to our community.
Include positive stories and images of people with disability in mainstream Council publications, media and marketing material.
Incorporate inclusive stories into communication plans for CVC communication channels including the CVC magazine.
Communications team explicitly looking for positive content of people with disability.
Increased representation of staff and community members with disability in Council publications and content.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Number of stories of people with disability in CVC publications.
Objective 2 continued: Raise awareness about the valuable contribution people with disability make to our community.
Provide advice to local retailers about the importance and benefits of providing good access to their businesses.
CVC engages and connects with local businesses to promote the economic benefits of improving access to their business.
CVC develops partnerships to support local businesses to be accessible and inclusive.
Update Council's Missed Business brochure.
Cultural, Community and Industry
/ 2025 Number of engagements with local businesses.
Missed Business brochure updated.
Number of brochures distributed.
Investigate ways Council can celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPwD) on 3 December.
CVC partners with community to celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually An event/ activity/ campaign to celebrate the day is developed and delivered.
Number of partners/people involved in celebration.
Objective 3: Increase participation of people with disability in Council run events, festivals and activities.
Training for Council staff involved in the planning and delivery of events as part of their role to ensure events are inclusive and accessible.
Conduct annual consultation with people with disability to develop strategies for improving access at Council-run events, festivals and activities.
Incorporate and promote an accessible event planning session into Destination NSW workshop targeting event organisers.
Staff have the tools and knowledge to deliver inclusive, accessible events.
Organisational Development; Cultural, Community and Industry; Open Spaces and Facilities.
Number of staff trained in running inclusive and accessible events.
Accessibility of events, festivals and activities in the Clarence Valley continues to improve.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Annual consultation conducted.
Strategies developed and improved.
Event organisers understand why it’s important to plan accessibility into events in the planning stages.
Cultural, Community and Industry
2024 Number of attendees
Objective 3 continued: Increase participation of people with disability in Council run events, festivals and activities.
Work with event organisers to deliver and promote accessible events.
Accessibility is planned into all Council-funded events.
All event organisers are provided with NSW Government's Toolkit for Accessible and Inclusive Events.
Accessible Events Kits developed for event organisers to display at events, festivals and activities including signage.
Key information about access is included in marketing and promotional material for events, festivals and activities, such as access symbols, companion card access.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Accessible Events Kits developed.
Number of Accessible Events Kits handed out.
Toolkit for Accessible and Inclusive Events evaluation forms returned by event organisers following events.
Year-on-year improvement of the number of people with disability attending events.
Objective 4: Undertake community development initiatives to promote and increase access and inclusion.
Partner with Social Futures to deliver Access at a Glance inspections at Council's public buildings and facilities and promote outcomes.
All CVC public buildings have Access at a Glance stickers at the entrance, clearly highlighting accessibly.
Opportunities for improved access identified.
Council leads by example, encouraging other Clarence Valley businesses to take part in the Access at a Glance campaign.
Cultural, Community and Industry; Open Spaces and Facilities inspections.
Promote the inclusion of people with disability in youth service programs, library programs and gallery programs.
A growing number of people with disability participating in programs and events delivered by Clarence Valley libraries, Grafton Regional Gallery and CVC Community Engagement teams.
Cultural, Community and Industry of inclusive programs and events delivered.
Objective 4 continued: Undertake community development initiatives to promote and increase access and Inclusion.
Partner with community-based organisations to deliver free accessibility workshops for businesses, tourism operators and local Chambers of Commerce.
Promote access and inclusion-focused grant opportunities to internal and external stakeholders.
Review and update 'Tradies Guide to Good Access' and promote to local tradespeople and developers.
An increase in accessibility to shops and businesses in the Clarence Valley.
Promotion of the economic and social benefits of accessible tourism.
Community and Industry workshops delivered.
External funding sourced to improve access and inclusion in the Clarence Valley.
Developers and tradespeople are aware of their minimum requirements regarding access for all abilities.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Development and Land Use Planning; Cultural, Community and Industry
Objective 5: Internal education and awareness training.
Develop and expand disability awareness education and training, through inductions and ongoing training opportunities in the Learning and Development Training Plan.
Consult with staff on training topics to ensure relevant and specific training is delivered.
Implementation of disability awareness through online and face-to-face inductions.
Grants identified.
Guide is updated, promoted and made available online.
Number of staff who accessed training.
Year-on-year improvement.
Successful staff survey implementation and engagement on preferred training topics.
Objective 1: Improve access to Council’s public toilets.
Complete Public Amenities Strategy and deliver actions.
Deliver accessible access to Pippi Beach toilets and viewing platform in 202324 capital works program.
Audit toilets accessible by MLAK key and promote on Council website and Public Toilet Register
All amenities and MLAK/ accessible status published on Council website and National Public Toilet Map Register.
Open Spaces and Facilities; Cultural, Community and Industry
Improve access to public toilets from accessible pathways and accessible car spaces.
Investigate options for portable accessible toilets/adult change facilities to be used at key locations and events.
Events across the Clarence Valley can provide accessible facilities for attendees.
Open Spaces and
Spaces and Facilities outcomes planned and
2024/2025 Number of adult change facilities
Objective 2: Improve access to Council owned public spaces and streetscapes.
Continue to improve the accessibility of open spaces and recreational spaces through renewal and upgrade programs.
Increase in universally accessible park/street furniture, bubblers, BBQ's, fixtures and facilities and accessible pathways linking open and recreation space.
Incorporating accessibility into Open Spaces projects enhances the liveability and accessibility of the region.
Open Spaces and Facilities
Annually Accessible facilities and equipment incorporated.
Consult with Access Committee and people with lived experience on projects to ensure accessibility needs are met.
Continue identifying and accessing grant funding opportunities with disability access as a priority.
Through consultation, access outcomes are identified and incorporated in projects.
Open Spaces and Facilities
Annually Number of projects submitted to advisory committee.
Results of ongoing consultation
Promote Council's accessible play spaces, recreational services and facilities via Council's website, Bookable, and communication channels.
Continue to renew and install Council's regional and district level playgrounds to incorporate accessible and inclusive play elements and a continuous accessible path of travel (CAPT) between the key elements.
Incorporate accessible parking, toilets and seating when renewing Council's sports grounds and facilities.
Improved accessibility to public spaces and streetscapes.
Creates opportunities for improving accessibility in the region, beyond Council's budget limitations.
More people aware of accessible outdoor spaces and facilities and Council's commitment to inclusion and accessibility.
Open Spaces and Facilities
Annually Grant funding opportunities identified.
Accessible outcomes grant-funded.
Number of playgrounds in the Clarence Valley with accessible elements and access increases annually.
People with disability can better access playgrounds and move around safely.
Open Spaces and Facilities; Cultural, Community and Industry
2024 Council website and Bookable updated.
Communication plan to promote accessible open spaces developed and delivered.
People with disability and others have increased opportunity to access, participate and utilise sports grounds and facilities.
Open Spaces and Facilities
Annually Playgrounds upgraded.
Key accessible elements incorporated.
Open Spaces and Facilities
Annually Access outcomes incorporated.
Objective 2 continued: Improve access to Council owned public spaces and streetscapes.
Monitor and enforce compliance of Footpath Trading Policy.
People with disability, in particular vison impaired, can navigate footpaths safely.
Footpath trading does not create hazards or obstruct a continuous accessible path of travel.
Environment 2024 Role of parking officer expanded to include monitoring of footpath use.
Objective 3: Increase access to Council’s recreation services and facilities.
Conduct annual consultation with people with disability for feedback to improve and increase access to Council's recreation services and facilities.
Plan and deliver accessible beach access at Clarence Valley Beaches
Ongoing targeted engagement between Council and community.
Open Spaces and Facilities; Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Consultation.
Ensure accessibility is included in the upgrade of Council's community and heated pools.
2023-24 Operational Plan includes delivering accessible pathways to viewing platform at Pippi Beach, and planning and seeking funding for Turners Beach (all accessible improvements).
Future improvements to include Main Beach Yamba, and Minnie Water Main Beach.
Council demonstrates commitment to improve beach accessibility.
Regional Aquatic Centre has full access to all pools.
People with disabilities, and others, have more opportunity to utilise aquatic services.
Open Spaces and Facilities
Annually Accessible beach access planned and delivered.
Open Spaces and Facilities
2024 Access outcomes incorporated.