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Focus Area 4: Improve Access to systems and processes
Objective 1: Increase access to information by producing it in a variety of accessible formats to support different needs and capabilities.
Provide education to staff around the provision of communication supports including communication boards, Auslan interpreters (online), voice-to-text apps.
Ensure Council's publications, communications, forms and templates are accessible to everyone.
Continue to monitor and update Council's web content for compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
Ensure captioning is incorporated into all video content Council produces including video content on webpage, social media, email, and Vimeo.
Investigate options to provide Council news and information in accessible formats including Easy Read versions, printed copies and audio versions.
Customer Service and outward-facing staff are aware of accessible formats to communicate with people with disability.
Organisational Development; Cultural, Community and Industry
Successful internal communication of support options available.
Integration of recommendations in the 'NSW Government DIAP Guidelines - Writing and Formatting Accessible Documents' across Council communications.
Web accessibility is enhanced.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Accessible Documents produced across Council.
Easy English version of DIAP delivered.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Compliance report and updates implemented.
Council's digital content is accessible for hearing impaired.
Cultural, Community and Industry
2024 Number of videos including captioning.
People with disability have access to Council's news and information.
Cultural, Community and Industry and Systems
2024 Outcomes of the investigation.
Objective 1 continued: Increase access to information by producing it in a variety of accessible formats to support different needs and capabilities.
Maintain the delivery of live streaming services of Council’s ordinary meetings.
Strive for consistency across Council's communications platforms and service points.
Council meetings are accessible.
Meetings live streamed.
Systems and Processes across Council are inclusive and accessible.
Cultural, Community and Industry; Organisational Development
Processes developed.
Objective 2: Increase Council’s capacity to provide accessible and inclusive services and facilities.
Develop guidelines to assess and rate disability access when collecting data about the condition of Council assets to inform the prioritisation of asset renewal and upgrade.
Promote accessible assistance and options available to help navigate the planning process, through Council's Planning Customer Service Officer and Duty Planning/Building Officer services.
Provide technical training about access and inclusion for Council Officers specific to their roles including operating audio loops.
Access and inclusion considerations are embedded in data collection process.
Civil Services; Open Spaces and Facilities
Guidelines developed.
Support is available for people with disability to navigate Council's planning process.
Development and Land Use Planning
Feedback from Council customer satisfaction survey and Access Committee.
Staff have the knowledge and tools to provide accessible and inclusive services and facilities.
Organisational Development
Successful development of online learning modules.
Objective 2 continued: Increase Council’s capacity to provide accessible and inclusive services and facilities.
Investigate sensory tools and quiet hour trials at customer service points, Clarence Valley libraries and Grafton Regional Gallery.
Provide training to relevant staff on Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Companion Animals Act 1998 specific to assistance animals and their registration.
Consider disability access and inclusion in the upgrade of the Customer Service Charter.
Continue to consult Access Committee and/or specialist consultants in the early stages of design for key projects and when developing master plans.
Exploration of innovative inclusion features to support people with disability, their families and carers to engage with Council.
Staff have appropriate training and knowledge around laws relating to assistance animals.
Organisational Development; Cultural, Community and Industry
Environment; Organisational Development; Cultural, Community and Industry
2025 Successful implementation of sensory tools.
Number of visitors during designated quiet hours.
2024 Training delivered.
Better access and inclusion outcomes in Customer Service delivery.
Organisational Development 2025 The Customer Service Charter that has been updated with considerations for access and inclusion.
Access and inclusion deliverables considered at concept development and preliminary design.
Delivery of improved access and inclusion outcomes in key projects and master plans.
Budget planning adequately scopes for access in design and delivery.
Open Spaces and Facilities; Strategic Infrastructure; Cultural, Community and Industry
Access and inclusion deliverables considered at concept development and preliminary design.
Evidence of consultation.
Objective 3: Establish and deliver an annual program of Emergency Management preparedness and public education programs.
Deliver the Simtables for Community Empowerment program to enhance individual understanding of risk from natural hazards and how this can inform personal emergency preparedness and evacuation plans including those with a disability.
People with disability included in Emergency Management programs and planning.
Strategic Infrastructure 2024/2025 Program delivered.
Objective 4: Develop inclusive individual community recovery profiles that support local recovery.
Develop community recovery profiles in consultation with community members including those with a disability and other vulnerable individuals.
The voice of people with disability included in local recovery planning.
Strategic Infrastructure 2025 Profiles created include people with disability.
Objective 5: Increase participation of people with disability in Council’s community engagement activities.
Incorporate access and inclusion provisions in Council's community engagement processes.
Consult with the peak bodies to learn how Council can better provide services.
People with disability are represented in engagement activities.
Community Development Team; Exec Support Team
Provisions implemented.
Ongoing improvements to Council's delivery of accessible and inclusive services.
Open Spaces and Facilities; Strategic Infrastructure; Cultural, Community and Industry; Organisational Development
Annually Outcomes of consultation.
Objective 5 continued: Increase participation of people with disability in Council’s community engagement activities.
Create a contact list of people with disability, carers, friends and family of people with disability and service providers interested in being informed of Council's community engagement activities.
Plan for ongoing consultation with DIAP working groups.
People with disability are informed and represented in community engagement activities.
Data collection process is reliable, confidential and informative.
Regular review of DIAP to monitor progress.
Standing agenda item added to Access Committee Agenda every six months: DIAP update.
Consultation with Access Committee on DIAP outcomes is ongoing.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Contact list created.
Engagement information sent to contact list.
Cultural, Community and Industry
Annually Consultation plan delivered.
Minutes of Access Committee meetings.
Objective 6: Improve Council’s policy and planning documents to strengthen and support access and inclusion outcomes.
Submit all large scale subdivisions and/or high public use development applications to the Access Committee for advice to advance universal design principles and ensure developments are user-friendly for people with disability.
Review and update the development control plans to incorporate adaptable housing principles based on NSW adaptable housing guidelines or relevant Australian Standards, including universal design.
New developments comply with all relevant accessibility standards and reasonable community expectations.
Development and Land Use Planning
Annually Number of development applications submitted to advisory committee.
Local planning controls support delivery of housing stock options for seniors and people with disability.
Development and Land Use Planning
2024 Relevant development controls reviewed and development control plans updated.
Objective 6 continued: Improve Council’s policy and planning documents to strengthen and support access and inclusion outcomes.
Develop a checklist to ensure all new subdivisions and developments incorporate accessibility and best practise at the concept design stage including linked pathways, kerb ramps, safe crossings and accessible open spaces.
Investigate education and awareness-raising across the industry and with DA applicants to encourage the implementation of adaptable housing design in new dwellings and accessibility improvements into current housing.
Identify and deliver training on universal design and access standards to staff responsible for assessing development applications.
Accessible subdivisions and developments enhance the liveability and accessibility of a community.
Planning accessibility into the concept design stage of a development or subdivision reduces access retrofitting.
A better understanding across the industry and community of the benefits of adaptable and inclusive housing design.
Development and Land Use Planning
2025 Checklist created. DCP update to consider the liveable housing Australia tool and guidance.
Development and Land Use Planning
2024 Case studies of improved design to be showcased in Council communication and/or events.
Inclusive planning and the application of universal design principles creates liveable communities.
Development and Land Use Planning
2024 Relevant trainer identified and training is delivered.
Objective 7: Ensure that Council’s planning and processes strengthen and support access and inclusion outcomes for new development and redevelopments.
Submit all large scale subdivisions and/or high public use development applications to the Access Committee for advice to advance universal design principles and ensure developments are user-friendly for people with disability.
New developments comply with all relevant accessibility standards and reasonable community expectations.
Development and Land Use Planning
Annually Number of development applications submitted to advisory committee.
Objective 7 continued: Ensure that Council’s planning and processes strengthen and support access and inclusion outcomes for new development and redevelopments.
Review and update the development control plans to incorporate adaptable housing principles based on NSW adaptable housing guidelines or relevant Australian Standards, including universal design.
Develop a checklist to ensure all new subdivisions and developments incorporate accessibility and best practise at the concept design stage including linked pathways, kerb ramps, safe crossings and accessible open spaces.
Investigate education and awareness-raising across the industry and with DA applicants to encourage the implementation of adaptable housing design in new dwellings and accessibility improvements into current housing.
Identify and deliver training on universal design and access standards to staff responsible for assessing development applications.
Local planning controls support delivery of housing stock options for seniors and people with disability.
Development and Land Use Planning
2024 Relevant development controls reviewed and development control plans updated.
Accessible subdivisions and developments enhance the liveability and accessibility of a community.
Planning accessibility into the concept design stage of a development or subdivision reduces access retrofitting.
A better understanding across the industry and community of the benefits of adaptable and inclusive housing design.
Development and Land Use Planning
2025 Checklist created.
DCP update to consider the liveable housing Australia tool and guidance.
Development and Land Use Planning
2024 Case studies of improved design to be showcased in Council communication and/or events.
Inclusive planning and the application of universal design principles creates liveable communities.
Development and Land Use Planning
2024 Relevant trainer identified and training is delivered.