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3.1. Shaping our future
3.1. Shaping our future
The Clarence Valley aims to see sustained growth in economic activity and people visiting and moving to the area over the next twenty years and beyond.
Through coordinated actions and collective effort from Council and our community, we will create opportunities and support a growing population, beyond current trends.
Our engines of growth are identified in the Regional Economic Development Plan as Tourism, Agriculture and Manufacturing with sub industry specialisations providing opportunities for our community, particularly justice and aged care.
The new M1 will transform the ease with which people and goods can move around the North Coast region, and to south-east Queensland and beyond. The shorter, safer drive from the Gold Coast and Brisbane now puts places like Yamba, Wooli, our stunning hinterland and charming villages within easy reach for visitors and even remote workers.
According to the ABS, Australia’s population is growing towards 53 million people by 2100 (using a medium growth rate). Sustained growth in South East Queensland and across the NSW North Coast in the short and long term, coupled with the continued attraction to our stunning environment and economic development in our area is expected to see a growing population in the Clarence. The Clarence has housing land zoned to accommodate an additional 10,000 -15,000 people, along with land available for employment growth and areas available for potential growth over the term of this LSPS. As outlined below, there are a number of factors that could come together to unlock the potential of the Clarence Valley to support a sustainable population and commensurate services and facilities for our community.
unlock the potential of the Clarence Valley to support a sustainable population and commensurate services and facilities for our community. The driving forces that will see an upward trend in the long term prospects for our community include:
Significant population growth in south-east Queensland and across the north coast
Population growth and new industries within the Clarence Valley
The new M1 Pacific Highway upgrade, improving accessibility across the region and further afield
Significant infrastructure projects such as the new Grafton bridge, Sportsman’s creek bridge at Lawrence and others