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The Clarence Valley encourages ecologically sustainable development which supports our growing population, the creation of meaningful and sustainable job opportunities and maintains the character of our places and lifestyle that make the Clarence Valley such a great place. The Clarence Valley is part of the best region in Australia to live healthy and well-connected lives.

Our natural environment, surfing beaches, and coastal villages are rare gems that Council have responsibility to care for. We manage one of the largest Council areas on the NSW coast, with rich biodiversity, the largest river system on the east coast of NSW, and a diverse community.

The community value the natural setting which we are blessed to live in, and our existing urban areas and areas of new development need to respect and enhance the natural environment, including through incorporating measures to work with nature and maximise ecosystem services in managing our impacts on the natural environment.

Green Infrastructure Strategy

Like traditional built infrastructure, green infrastructure is essential for providing high quality places to live. It provides a range of social, economic, environmental and cultural benefits to communities. The role of this strategy is to guide implementation of green infrastructure and support existing Council strategies which address green infrastructure in existing development. This strategy also identifies a number of priority areas to improve planning outcomes, protect and enhance biodiversity and waterway health, improve green infrastructure outcomes in new residential and employment areas, improve the provision of open space and trees, and support the walking and cycling.

This strategy will guide future land use decision making and the design of new development in the protection and provision of green infrastructure. The strategy sets the direction for an approach to green infrastructure outcomes in exiting and new development areas that best meets the needs of the Clarence Valley community over the next 20 years.

Vision For Green Infrastructure

The Green Infrastructure Strategy plays a key role in supporting the priorities in the Community Strategic Plan – The Clarence 2032, including the principle for Valuing, respecting and actively participating in the care and management of the Clarence’s natural environment for current and future generations.

A vision for the Green Infrastructure Strategy has been developed:

In harmony with our natural environment – planning for green, liveable and connected places

Implementing Community Priorities

Councils priorities are set out in the IP&R Framework, including the Community Strategic Plan, which provides a vision for the Clarence to be a Community of Opportunity, and how we are aiming to create a place where people are healthy, safe, connected and in harmony with the natural environment to retain and improve the quality of community life. Councils Local Strategic Planning Statement also aims to create more liveable places to improve the community’s quality of life and provide opportunities for people to enjoy our great places as well as planning for resilient and sustainable infrastructure

An important step in achieving these priorities is providing opportunities for the provision of green infrastructure. This can be achieved through land use decision making, design, operation of council assets, integration with recreation and open space planning, measures to manage natural hazards (like flooding, stormwater runoff, coastal inundation and the like), and a range of other measures

Green Infrastructure In Clarence Valley

Clarence Valley’s natural assets provide a wealth of ecological, cultural and health and well-being benefits that are crucial to our identity and future. They are a major draw-card for people to live, work and visit the area. Looking after our natural areas, and managing natural hazards, is essential for sustainable prosperity. Thus, while the Green Infrastructure Strategy is a new strategy for Council, green infrastructure isn’t something that is completely new for Council or our community. The Valley already consists of a large network of green infrastructure which Council has significant experience in managing through existing planning and maintenance practices. The strategy and implementation will enhance the awareness of and role of green infrastructure provision, and provide the policy direction and evidence to help update planning controls (like the LEP or DCPs) as well as decision making about resourcing, asset management, capital projects and other activities of Council.

Priority Areas

This Strategy has identified 6 priority areas for green infrastructure:

- biodiversity sensitive urban design

- street tree canopy cover

- parks and open space

- connected places and communities

- sustainable waterways

- improved governance

Quick Wins

The Strategy has identified a number of high priority actions, referred to as quick-wins in each of the 6 priority areas. The quick-wins are actions that can be readily implemented and delivered based on what we already know, have a high return for their investment and have a clear alignment with the vision and objectives of the Community Strategic Plan – The Clarence 2032.

Action Plan

As well as identifying quick wins there are also a range of medium to longer term actions which are part of the Strategy for each of the priority areas. These action plans will continue to build a strong foundation to inform the ongoing evolution of the way green infrastructure is planned, delivered and managed in the future in the Clarence Valley.

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