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Table 2 Improved governance actions Action Timing
Improve Council’s green infrastructure planning and policy framework that clearly outlines preferred green infrastructure provisions for the Clarence Valley considering scale of development, geography, maintenance, and deemed to comply options
1. Using Clarenza as a case study for an urban release area incorporate a costed green infrastructure plan into any new structure plan to inform contributions planning and future development
2. Using future industrial land identified at Big River Way, South Grafton as a case study for employment lands, develop a costed green infrastructure plan to inform contributions planning and future development
3. Deliver 3 green infrastructure demonstration projects that showcase a range of multi-functional and multi-purpose green infrastructure assets
4. Audit and benchmark existing green infrastructure assets (including trees, WSUD, cycleways and footpaths)
5. Investigate the need for a green infrastructure compliance and enforcement officer and development engineering officer to audit and review the implementation of green infrastructure assets
6. Take a proactive role at the masterplan/structure plan phase to ensure planning for green infrastructure, active transport links and open space corridors have adequate initial analysis undertaken. Incorporate agreed green infrastructure into site specific DCPs and development contributions
7. Take a proactive role in promoting green infrastructure in the community and in the development industry through providing training as well as capacity building in the local industry
Short term
Medium term
Short Term