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While the Green Infrastructure Strategy is a new strategy for Council green infrastructure is not new. Clarence Valley already includes a large network of green infrastructure which Council has significant experience in managing through existing planning and maintenance practices. For example, Council has a Biodiversity Strategy, an Urban Tree Management Strategy, Open Space Strategic Plan, Coastal Management Plan and the Yamba Street Tree Masterplan. All of these existing plans provide a strong starting point for the Green Infrastructure Strategy.
An Overarching Strategy
The Green Infrastructure Strategy is an overarching strategy to support the green infrastructure assets that Council currently plans and manages on a day to day basis. As green infrastructure encapsulates a wide range of Council assets there are a corresponding wide range of actions that Council could implement.
A Targeted Approach
The Green Infrastructure Strategy, through a considered prioritisation process, identifies a number of high priority actions, sometimes referred to as quick-wins. The quick-wins identified in this strategy are actions that:
- can be readily implemented
- can be delivered based on what we already know
- have a high return for their investment
- have a clear alignment with the vision and objectives of the Community Strategic Plan – The Clarence 2032 and the priority areas in the Green Infrastructure Strategy
A key part of this approach is acknowledging that Council has to work within the budgets that are available This Strategy adopts a carefully targeted approach to green infrastructure which focuses on early wins which are achievable and which provide good outcomes for green infrastructure. This approach helps to demonstrate Council’s commitment to green infrastructure, increases Council’s capacity to manage green infrastructure and builds community support.
As well as identifying high priority actions there are also a range of longer term actions which are part of the strategy which will continue to build a strong foundation to inform the ongoing evolution of the way green infrastructure is planned, delivered and managed in the future.