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Hisham Baharin Brett Camilleri Thomas Chaney Arthur Chang

Charlie Knowles Jack Mahoney Rhys Maslen Martin Mogilski

Jason Chang

Maddison Rogers

Jordan Chapman

Ann-Maree Saver

William Cilento

Jesse Sculley

Louise Crowe

Kaitlin Strong

Mitchell Dunn

Kevin Su

To m a s E m e r t o n Elliot Fooks

Aiden Thomlinson Clare Villalba

Alexandra French

J e s s i c a We i

Timothy Goulding

A n d r e w Ya b s l e y

Nicholas Green

Y i l l y Ya o

Jacob Harvey

L a r r y Ye n

Thomas Kakanis

About Hisham I enjoy working in teams on innovative projects and aspire to create products that are innovative, efficient, easy to use and environmentally responsible. I chose to pursue industrial design because it gives me a chance to make a positive d i f f e r e n c e i n p e o p l e ’s l i v e s t h r o u g h t h e products they use around them.

H i s h a m ’s P r o j e c t

HISHAM BAHARIN h i s h am b. 0 3 @ g m a il . c o m

REPLICULTURE Researchers conduct experiments on plants in laboratories using hydroponics for a wide range of purposes. Reproducibility of these experiments is essential for scientific progress and it was found from my research that reproducibility could b e a f f e c t e d b y m a n y f a c t o r s . To p o s s i b l y minimise the effect of these factors on r e p r o d u c i b i l i t y, I h a v e d e s i g n e d t h e RepliCulture hydroponic system. The RepliCulture hydroponic system seeks to enhance the workflow of researchers in laboratories through streamlining the overall plant cultivation process and standardising the equipment used. At the same time, it hopes to enhance the sterility of the system and also improve the method of plant manipulation, thus increasing the reliability of the cultivation s y s t e m a n d h e n c e r e p r o d u c i b i l i t y.

About Brett After four years of my design degree, I have discovered an interest in understanding and learning about people. The fact that design can positively influence people through use and form has inspired me to be a part of this industry and I cannot think of anything else more interesting t o d o a s a c a r e e r. I n a d d i t i o n t o t h i s , I find myself wanting to design systems and services as the larger scope of these types o f p r o j e c t i n t e r e s t m e g r e a t l y, w h i l s t I a l s o believe they may be the key to solving future problems in both the corporate and natural world. B r e t t ’s P r o j e c t

BRETT CAMILLERI b r e t t .camilleri9 2 @gmail. c om

THE BUBBLE SYSTEM What the Bubble System hopes to achieve is to help facilitate communication and interaction between members of a suburb and aid them in creating their own groups of interest, whether it be an afternoon running group, a book club or even an area cleanup. By having local members engage with each other in activities they share an interest in, this allows them to form social ties that wouldn’t normally happen otherwise, all the while achieving something positive in the community they live in.

About Thomas I have always found a strong delight and intrigue with the objects around me. I’m artistically and musically inclined but also mathematic and systematic. A goodlooking product excites me and I tend to apply logic and positively critique decisions and accelerate projects in that sense. I enjoy how products can change the way people feel and act and idolise practical thinking, not divine inspiration, a s t h e k e y t o i n n o v a t i o n . Ye c h e e r s .

Thomas’ Project

THOMAS CHANEY t ho m a s.chaney.j@gmail. c om

ZENN Independently driven food production is a growing interest among urban yuppies, yet still half of Australians do not utilize their backyards for growing food. The connection with food growing from seed t o p l a t e i s j o y o u s t o m a n y ; h o w e v e r, some people cannot climb the initial wall of setting up a plot and are intimidated by the commitment. The reasons behind this become a haze of laziness, ‘loss of time’, skepticism, lack of knowledge and intimidation. This project sets its sights on paving an appropriate path for the hesitant urban dweller to allow them to seamlessly and joyously grow food whilst adhering to their flux lifestyles.

About Arthur My main motivation for design is being able to design something that may affect s o m e o n e ’s l i f e i n a p o s i t i v e m a n n e r. A s I am also very passionate about fitness and also sustained an injury from performing the flat bench press, I decided to focus my project on the flat bench press.

A r t h u r ’s P r o j e c t

ARTHUR CHANG a r t hur c98 8

FOCUS My project investigates how to perform the flat bench press correctly with good form and technique and how to help performers of the bench press maintain good form and technique. The design aims to inform, correct and provide feedback for the user with regards to their bench press form and technique.

About Jason ...

J a s o n ’s P r o j e c t


ELECTRIC HAND TROLLEY T h e E l e c t r i c H a n d Tr o l l e y i s a n I n n o v a t i o n i n h a n d t r o l l e y t e c h n o l o g y, i d e a l f o r warehouse use. It reduces worker strains and injuries from trying to lift heavy packages. Simply set your load on the platform and use the remote to set the electric hand trolley to hold the weight.

About Jordan I am interested in all areas of design, especially the way design thinking can be used to produce better systems and benefit different corporate operations. I also enjoy designing products that help t o i m p r o v e p e o p l e ’s e v e r y d a y l i v e s a n d coming up with new solutions to design problems.

J o r d a n ’s P r o j e c t

JORDAN CHAPMAN m ail @ jordanvchapman.c om

UNWIND I explored insomnia disorder in adults by starting with existing research and t h e n m o v i n g o n t o m y o w n c a s e s t u d y. This uncovered a variety of factors which contribute to insomnia, and the most common ones were used to guide my project. In response to these findings, my design helps to promote relaxation and better sleep hygiene.

About William Through studies in Industrial Design, Animation and Natural Resources, William seeks to maximise his ability to exercise strategic design principles, visually communicate ideas and understand the world they will exist in. Background knowledge in fabrication, and time spent s t u d y i n g i n N o r w a y, h a v e a f f o r d e d W i l l i a m an appreciation for the importance of honesty in materials and optimisation of the manufacturing process.

W i l l i a m ’s P r o j e c t


RIGIDAIR Injury rates for motorcyclists are higher t h a n f o r a n y o t h e r r o a d u s e r, a n d t h e most frequent and damaging injuries o c c u r t o t h e l o w e r p o r t i o n o f t h e b o d y. It was found through interviews and observation that lower body protection was more frequently omitted than for a n y o t h e r p a r t o f t h e b o d y, p a r t i c u l a r l y for commuters, primarily because of the inconvenience of dealing with protective clothing at the destination. This project seeks to improve the level of lower body protection for motorcyclists by addressing the inconvenience of wearing protective apparel when riding to commute.

About Louise Industrial design is the way of the future and I feel that any projects undertaken will have a positive impact on the population as a whole and future generations. Design to me is helping improve current problems t o b e a p o s i t i v e i n t o d a y ’s s o c i e t y. I e n j o y problem solving and designing around taboo topics, and in fact I find these topics very interesting. I’ve done a lot of projects outside the range of normal, but they have been my most favourite. I like working outside my own comfort zone for I feel I get the most out of it, being able t o h e l p i n a p o s i t i v e m a n n e r.

L o u i s e ’s P r o j e c t


PROMESSA During my research into the Future of Funerals, it proved to me the younger generation would be open for change when deciding on their own funeral choices. It became clear the majority of people are considering the environment and their memorilisation as more important to them than what happens to the physical side of body disposal. Improvements are n e e d e d i n t h e d e a t h i n d u s t r y, w i t h n e e d for improved memorilisation products/ systems in place to personalise funerals and upcoming funeral processes. My project is intended to design a memorial process to help promote an alternative body disposal option called Promession.

About Mitchell Mitchell is an enthusiastic and motivated emerging Industrial Designer who enjoys challenging situations and tackling these through design. He aspires to create change and contribute to improving the lives of others through innovative and useful solutions. Mitchell is looking forward to designing for the real world, learning from experienced professionals a n d d e v e l o p i n g h i s s k i l l s f u r t h e r.

M i t c h e l l ’s P r o j e c t

MITCHELL DUNN m it che l l dunn9 3 @gmail.c om

COACTIVE As only half of all Australian adults participate in the recommended minimum e x e r c i s e p e r d a y, t h i s p h y s i c a l i n a c t i v i t y presents a significant health issue. F u r t h e r, s e d e n t a r y a n d o f f i c e w o r k e r s are presented with unique challenges in incorporating exercise into their lifestyle. Coactive addresses this issue through focusing on the enjoyment of exercise, community and integration into work life. Coactive acts as a mediator for workplace exercise and allows users to participate in exercise that is fun and personalised to their needs. Users participate through the use of their Coactive wearable device and linked mobile app. Through Coactive, fulfilment, enjoyment, adaptivity to needs and organisational benefit, can be ensured.

A b o u t To m a s Drawing upon his diverse international a n d c u l t u r a l u p b r i n g i n g , To m a p p r o a c h e s projects with a pragmatic and thoughtful mindset, aiming to spark solution through achieving a balance of creative ideation a n d l o g i c a l d e p t h o f m i n d . To m i s a believer that good design is experienced and not seen for the wrong reasons, and adores good, clean, simple design. More t h a n a n y t h i n g To m w i s h e s t o e x p l o r e t h e understanding between materiality and design through hands-on means.

To m a s ’ P r o j e c t

TOMAS EMERTON t o m . e m er

A Q U AVA T E Aquavate is a compact all-in-one aquaponics kit designed for the urban inner city home. Aquaponics is a cultivation technique whereby fish and p l a n t s a r e r a i s e d s y n e r g i s t i c a l l y. A q u a v a t e is all about bringing a clever technology that has been otherwise limited to a hobbyist market to a new user group. Aquavate hopes to spur the advancement of aquaponics technology into the mainstream marketplace, and is designed as the premier small scale aquaponics kit, for those who wish for serious productivity with real results.

About Elliot As a young designer Elliot is passionate about how design can have positive influences on peoples everyday life on both emotional and physical levels. Elliot also has a passion for exploring ways to push materials into new product areas where they have not been traditionally used.

E l l i o t ’s P r o j e c t


A C C I D E N T A S S I S TA N T E l l i o t ’s d e s i g n l o o k s t o h e l p u s e r s t h r o u g h the process of dealing with a traffic accident, helping them to relieve stress and ensure that all relevant details are recorded to make a traffic accident a less traumatic experience.

About Alexandra The palette that I present to the world comes from a plethora of personal experiences. My most cherished mentors have instilled a desire to stay hungry for knowledge and have a flaying eye for detail. I aspire to have the ability to materialize their ethos, so I may create informed and complete solutions to enrich lives.

A l e x a n d r a ’s P r o j e c t


YOKE After researching the indoor ecology of office spaces and night shift environments, it was clear that inconsistent levels of daylight and darkness stimulate emotional and physiological issues. I n t u r n j e a p o r d s i n g o c c u p a n t ’s h e a l t h , w e l l - b e i n g a n d p r o d u c t i v i t y. T h i s p r o j e c t m i m i c s d a y l i g h t , a n d e x p o s e s o c c u p a n t ’s to the non-visual effects of lighting that encourages the maintenance of a healthy circadian rhythm.

About Timothy With interests in manufacturing, print m e d i a a n d u s a b i l i t y, I e n j o y d e s i g n i n g products and solutions which are ready for manufacture or implementation. I enjoy helping to solve existing problems in the world through intelligent design. Outside of my studies I spend time working on Graphic Design and Print media projects and restoring motorcycles.

T i m o t h y ’s P r o j e c t


IIV My project explored existing design problems with intravenous (IV) devices in the anaesthetic work place. Consultations with anaesthetic staff members aided design development, producing a new way for staff to interact with IV devices. The proposed design aims to solve some of the larger design issues that arose during research, while simultaneously improving the life cycle and repairability of the IV device. These improvements allow staff to deliver IV care in a more effective and efficient manner to patients.

About Nicholas With a love of all things deign, I have dived head first into both the Industrial Design and Graphic Design worlds. There is nothing more exciting than looking at the problems people face, and through the use of design and user centred thinking, make their lives more enriched and engaging.

Nicholas’ Project

NICHOLAS GREEN nickgre en1 1 @hotmail.c om

S TA B L E T R E K K E R The worldwide population of older adults i s i n c r e a s i n g e v e r y y e a r, a n d i n A u s t r a l i a there is a vast heterogeneous cohort of Older Adults. It was identified through the literature and interviews that a c o m b i n a t i o n o f p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y, s o c i a l stimulation and community engagement were all required to ensure an older adult is not only adding life to their years but are Successfully Ageing as well. T h e ‘ S t a b l e Tr e k k e r ’ i s a N o r d i c t r e k k i n g pole designed to be used by Older Adults in retirement villages. It aims to minimise falls during use, disperse impact across t h e u s e r ’s b o d y a n d c r e a t e a s t r o n g s o c i a l and communal sense of engagement through weekly challenges and community goals.

About Jacob With a passion for solving problems and helping others, the choice to pursue a career in design was an obvious one. Studying Industrial Design at university and partaking in work experience with d e s i g n c o m p a n y, ‘ D i e n a m i c s ’ , p r o v i d e d me with an insight into the design i n d u s t r y, a s w e l l a s u s e f u l s k i l l s i n p r o d u c t development and manufacturing.

J a c o b ’s P r o j e c t

JACOB HARVEY ja co b . h ar vey@hotmail.c om

ENGAGE The project aims to develop an improved Earthing system in Australian Substations. The product will highly improve work efficiency whilst also maintaining the h i g h e s t l e v e l o f s a f e t y.

About Thomas What I love most about design is the opportunity to make products that people can care about. Developing a f e e l i n g o f s e n t i m e n t a l i t y, p e r s o n a l i t y, and individuality in whatever I produce is my goal, and I am so grateful to the mentors I have had in my brief time as an Industrial Designer that have helped me work towards this.

Thomas’ Project


SIGNAL A i r A m b u l a n c e R e s c u e U n i t s ( A A R U ’s ) a r e a service that save lives under the most trying conditions. SIGNAL improves on their current communication methods by recognising the hand gestures made by AARU team members and translating them in to verbal messages. Doing so utilizes the communication techniques already e m p l o y e d b y A A R U ’s w h i l e s i g n i f i c a n t l y r e d u c e s t h e i r m a r g i n o f e r r o r.

About Charlie Industrial Design has given me a unique approach and outlook on the world we l i v e i n a n d i n t e r a c t w i t h d a i l y, f r o m s y s t e m designs to products. QUT has helped shape and develop a better understanding of its true potential in society and the variety of applications knowledge and s k i l l s c a n h a v e o n o n e ’s l i f e . W i t h a passion for furniture and designing for children I hope to further my skills and understandings further overseas in the coming years to broaden my grasp and increase my passion for Industrial Design.

C h a r l i e ’s P r o j e c t

CHARLIE KNOWLES ckno w l es9 0 m

ARCA Classrooms can be associated with thoughts of dull layouts and bleak furniture and observational research found this to be true in most cases. My project aimed to provide a product that functioned as stimulating, interactive and enjoyable for the children to use and engage with, while also providing practicality in its application to the environment for the teachers and schools alike.

About Jack I have developed key interest in technology and the rapid development of products t h a t r e l y o n s u c h t e c h n o l o g y. D u r i n g 2 0 1 4 I was fortunate enough to work for B&R Enclosures a leading edge manufacturing Company that develops a wide range of Enclosures and data housing. The work mostly consisted of CAD development in the form of Sheet metal parameters. In 2015 I aim to look overseas and find a job abroad to help gain a greater cultural understanding of Industrial Design.

J a c k ’s P r o j e c t

JACK MAHONEY ja ckm a h ony_b@hotmail . c om

SMART BOTTLE My research focused on Motivation in the form of Fitness engagement. The research consisted of a mix of physiological theory and Observational findings that helped to develop the design Criteria. Ultimately the product will address such motivational constrains users have in the context of H e a l t h c l u b s ‘ G Y M ’s ’ . A n d a i m t o g i v e each user a tailored experience that addresses motivational issues.

About Rhys What excites me the most as I embark on my journey to becoming a professional i n d u s t r i a l d e s i g n e r, i s t h e a b i l i t y t o improve products to have a positive effect on the environment and peoples lives.

Rhys’ Project

RHYS MASLEN m asl e n0 5

NEST I have focused my research on the difficulties people face when moving house. My project has aimed to reduce the stress people experience whilst moving and connect them emotionally to their new home environment. My product ’Nest’ has achieved these objectives.

About Martin I have always adored the notion of product design, and find the process of sculpting a cleverly cohesive and thoughtful product to be immensely satisfying. Having been able to achieve industry experience in furniture design, I have acquired a new penchant for products which are simple and eloquent in their nature, and wish to expand and build upon my knowledge in this subject whenever possible.

M a r t i n ’s P r o j e c t

MARTIN MOGILSKI m ar t inmogilski@gmail.c om

ORDINO Ordino is a modular organisational system that is comprised of a number of configurable components, allowing users to create solutions tailored to their storage requirements. It is comprised of four main components, along with five accessories for use within the system. Designed foremost as a storage solution, Ordino is boundless in its uses, and can be utilized in a limitless number of environments and scenarios.

About Maddison Maddison is a Designer who strives for excellence by focusing on user needs and human interaction. She believes excellent design is driven by innovation and attention to detail. With interests in, business strategies and sustainable product manufacturing she created her own business in developing and selling high quality design lead canine accessories. The brands foundation and philosophy is based on the core principles of ecofriendliness and fair trade.

M a d d i s o n ’s P r o j e c t


SINACLEAR Daily nasal irrigation statistically improves overall symptom s e v e r i t y. However negative experiences associated with current products deters users from implementing proper nasal irrigation practices. Maddisons’ design aims to promote successful and sustainable nasal irrigation management to sinonasal disease sufferers.

About Ann-Maree The skills and outlooks of product design have added another wonderful level of depth and richness to my design palette, including fashion, graphic and interior design. I relish in making new connections between seemingly ordinary or unrelated things. Reinventing these into something surprisingly unexpected or a solution that asks for a new perspective of what was thought possible.

A n n - M a r e e ’s P r o j e c t


C A R RY- O N L U G G A G E Tr a v e l l i n g w i t h c a r r y - o n o n l y f o r b u s i n e s s and leisure trips alike are on the rise. Despite its evident cost, time, security and mobility benefits, packing in this extreme poses higher challenges of planning and packing, particularly for trips of up to seven nights. My design aims to serve travellers in prompting what and how much of each item to pack, and to adequately store and protect items from one another in a more efficient organisation system. In effect, the design seeks to assist travellers in taking carry-on only on more trips and on longer trips that first thought possible.

About Jesse Majoring in Industrial Design with minors in Visual Arts and Lighting Design gives a mix of appreciation and fascination of l i g h t , g e o m e t r y a n d s i m p l i c i t y.

J e s s e ’s P r o j e c t

JESSE SCULLEY scul l e y_8 5

TRUNC Enticing the people of Brisbane to use their otherwise idle public spaces through adventure, curiosity and surprise. The envisioned end product will be a public interactive art installation that is well designed and thoroughly resolved for m a n u f a c t u r e a n d u s a b i l i t y. Tr u n c i s a p u b l i c i n t e r a c t i v e a r t e f a c t that animates with light and motion in response to nearby moving people, a n i m a l s a n d o t h e r Tr u n c ’s . T h e s i m p l e interaction allows the public to play f r e e l y w i t h t h e Tr u n c w h i l e s t i l l o f f e r i n g a m o r e e l a b o r a t e u n d e r l y i n g g a m e p l a y. I t i s hoped to encourage a public space to be used playfully and offer an opportunity for s t r a n g e r s t o s h a r e a n e x p e r i e n c e t o g e t h e r.

About Kaitlin My areas of interest include product design, fashion design, art and science. I particularly enjoy the interdisciplinary approach to design; broadening my knowledge and design skills. With near future plans of travel and additional study in the creative fields of fashion design, graphic design & art, I ultimately aspire to be a leading designer like my idol Alexander McQueen.

K a i t l i n ’s P r o j e c t


LUMI-QUIESCENT DUVET My final year design project looks at the interdisciplinary fields of product design, textiles, wearable technology a n d p s y c h o l o g y. W i t h a c o n t e x t f o c u s o n B i p o l a r d i s o r d e r, m y d e s i g n a i m s t o introduce the potential of a personal management product to coincide with current methods of prescribed medications and psychotherapy remedies. It aims to improve the sleep wake cycle, reduce the onset and frequency of manic - depressive episodes, as well as suppress periods of anxiety for overall wellbeing.

About Kevin As a freelancer focusing on graphic design and tattoo art, I’ve been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity being involved in several projects that I share great interest in. I am a passionate visualiser and ever since I’ve stepped in the realm of design, I’ve always wanted to make a positive change for the end u s e r.

K e v i n ’s P r o j e c t

KEVIN SU km a n9t o1

OGENKI PETZ Developing healthy eating habits for children at an early age benefits their health and lowers the chances of diagnosing chronic diseases later in life. The project explores and identifies the importance of healthy eating in current society and how people perceive the subjective nature of health. Through the use of fun and gaming interaction, it is expected that the end user will experience an intuitive and effective outcome in order establish a healthy behaviour with food consumption.

About Aiden As a young designer Aiden has been able to gain industry experience designing and manufacturing products from an array of experienced mentors. Through this process Aiden has found the passion to design products that push various boundaries and require him to apply both analog and digital development, and physical craftsmanship.

A i d e n ’s P r o j e c t

AIDEN THOMLINSON a t ho m l inson9 3 @gmail.c om

BARRACUZZI Research identified that the safety and wellbeing of Barramundi is compromised through poor fish handling and the time that a fish spends out of the water before release, particularly during angling tournaments. The Barracuzzi aims to eliminate the need to repetitively handle the fish, minimising the risk of angler inflicted injury and/or post release m o r t a l i t y.

About Clare My focus as a designer is in the thoughtfulness of design; considering the users and their needs, recognising the context of use and understanding the experience. Through this process, the products we design will be able to better meet the users’ practical and emotional needs. My current aim as a designer is to make the most of every opportunity and learn as much as I can from every experience.

C l a r e ’s P r o j e c t

CLARE VILLALBA cl are . v illalba@ou tlook.c om

AURA Aura was designed as a device that would empower women to feel connected, prepared and aware as they travel at night. The audio awareness device is a stylish accessory which utilises bone conduction audio, has a low attention navigation interface and provides a reactive feature. Aura allows women to t a k e a p r o a c t i v e a p p r o a c h t o t h e i r s a f e t y, enabling them to maintain situational awareness as they travel and plan safer routes that are aligned with their own priorities. Aura fits seamlessly into the u s e r ’s l i f e , t h r o u g h i t s j e w e l l e r y i n s p i r e d aesthetic and by providing valuable everyday functions. Aura will enhance the experience of exploring the urban landscape at night and will empower women to be safer when traveling.

About Jessica Industrial design have changed my perspectives on many things in life. During the past four years I have learnt a lot and one of the most amazing experience was to watch my ideas form shape and eventually come to life. This year I have decided to shift my design focus to animals. My ultimate goal as a designer is not only to design products/system that will be able to change lives of individuals, but also change and improve the lives of animals.

J e s s i c a ’s P r o j e c t

JESSICA WEI m y je ssic awei@hotmail.c om

BONI Looking into enhancing positive sheltered animal behaviour and raise animal adoption rates by increasing interaction between sheltered dogs and visitors/ potential adopters. Through the use of interactive toy that will be fun, intuitive and health beneficial for sheltered dogs.

About Andrew I’ve been fortunate enough to have had a number of excellent mentors already in my short time as a student of design. My goals at present are simply to continue learning and developing so that I may one day repay the faith of these figures.

A n d r e w ’s P r o j e c t


BREW Research into the world of home brewing revealed that there are a number of factors which deter non-users from attempting the practice, as well as additional issues preventing existing novice and intermediate users from transitioning into more sophisticated brewing techniques. My project aims to mitigate these deterrents.

About Yilly Having lived and studied design in China, Italy and Australia, I consider m y s e l f a s a n o p e n - m i n d e d c o l l a b o r a t o r. I enjoy working with people from different disciplines, and I always look at the world with curious eyes. Music, dance, architecture, nature‌ anything that has a rhythm gives me inspiration.

Y i l l y ’s P r o j e c t

YILLY YA O yil l y y

C R E AT I V E M AT C H My research revealed that due to time and budget constrains, local artisans are not able to present and promote their h a n d m a d e p r o d u c t s e f f e c t i v e l y. T h e e n d result of this project is an online bartering service for crafters and local creative talents. In addition, promotional displays will be placed at appropriate events to showcase successful projects and to generate interest among the general publics.

About Larry I ’ m a Ta i w a n e s e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t study Industrial Design and Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g a t Q U T. C u r r e n t l y i n t e r e s t i n g in CAD, model making and 3D printing. Enjoy the process of providing solution for daily problems we faced.

L a r r y ’s P r o j e c t

LARRY YEN l ar r y 00 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 @ y a h o o . com . t w

WOKTOP B y s t u d y i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t ’s c o o k i n g behavior and identify the potential solution t o e n h a n c e p e o p l e ’s c o o k i n g e x p e r i e n c e with cooktops.

INDUSTR14L would like to thank our generous sponsors without who the exhibition would not be possible.


For more information on INDUSTR14L and the Graduating Designers please visit w w w. i n d u s t r 1 4 l . c o m

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