NOVEMBER 21, 2013
VOL. 100 ED. 11
Clarion college conservatives host political speaker Kyra Ammon FEATURES EDITOR
CLARION, Pa. - Students, faculty and community members gathered in Level A of Carlson Library Nov. 18 to attend a presentation hosted by the Clarion College Conservatives. The event was made possible through a grant from The Leadership Institute. Clarion College Conservatives president Thomas McConnell introduced Thomas Woods, who took to the podium to deliver his presentation, “Government: How Your Sweet Little Seventh-Grade Textbook Got It All Wrong.” Woods has appeared in many television and radio programs across the U.S., has been published in various magazines and has authored 11 books, several of which are New York Times best-sellers. The topic in general was, as Woods put it, “the view about government and the market that we all got; by the time we were in sixth grade, we had all memorized it.” During his lecture, Woods challenged several ideas concerning government and the free market that are typically taught to American students as they grow up.“What I want to do tonight is,
Andy Grove / The Clarion Call
Thomas Woods presents the lecture “Government: How Your Sweet Little Seventh-Grade Textbook Got it All Wrong.” more or less, say…the opposite of everything anyone’s ever told you about everything,” Woods said. He went on to say that in order to learn about a different way of thinking than what is taught in classrooms, one must do research independently to find out, which he did. Woods questioned the idea that having a
free market following the industrial revolution yields monopolies and all of the poor working conditions in America. He said that this belief can be found in every textbook on the market, and relayed to the audience those views. “This is what I sort of refer to as the comic book version of U.S. and
world history,” he said. “A version of this was taught to every single one of us, and I understand completely if people believe it. It makes sense. It seems to make sense. But what I want to suggest today first is the comic book version is not true at all. Not in any sense, whatsoever, is anything that I just told
you true. Second, that the standard objections to laissez-faire or a free society are misplaced and thirdly that there’s a little bit more to government than an institution that’s innocently pursuing the public good.” He followed this by citing both old and modern examples of markets where no central author-
ity is in charge. He gave the English language, the study of physics and the manufacturing of pencils as his three examples supporting the idea that a free market can be beneficial. Other points Woods brought up included the definitions of monopolies as well as poverty and how it compares to the standard of living of people between the 12th and 18th centuries. He also explained the concept of economic harmonies and disharmonies, referencing economist Frederick Bastiat’s book “Economic Harmonies.” Following the presentation, the session was opened up for questions from the audience for approximately 45 minutes. McConnell said he wants the people who came to the presentation to consider a different point of view. “I hope that people kind of get out of the mindset [that] the way we have it now, governmentwise, is the way it always has been and the way it should always be.” Clarion College Conservatives will soon change its name to the Young Conservatives of America, as a branch from the new national organization. Meetings are held on Mondays at 6 p.m. in 116 Founders Hall.
Psychology professor presents at workshop Amerigo Allegretto ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
CLARION, Pa. - Clarion University psychology professor Jeanne Slattery presented a workshop early last month in Harrisburg. Slattery and two other professionals, Jay Mills of Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Molly Haas Cowen of Harrisburg, presented “Positive Multiculturalism as Aspirational Ethical Practice: Concepts and Applications” at the Ethics Educators workshop of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association. Slattery is a member of the board of directors for the PPA and is
serving as it’s public interest chair. “What we’re looking at is not just what we shouldn’t do when working with people of different cultures from us, but how to perceive our strengths, how to work with them effectively,” said Slattery. “So it’s just a different emphasis.” Slattery said although the presentation was “a little bit scary” for her, it was fun.”One of the people I was presenting with I didn’t meet until a month before we presented,” she said. “I’m not always sure what it’s going to be like to present and what their presentation style is going to be like.” Slattery said the idea
for the workshop generated from PPA president Vincent Bellwoar. “He asked that we try and find ways of bringing the ideas of positive multiculturalism into the committees that are part of PPA,” said Slattery. She also serves as board chair for the ethics committee and the multicultural committee and said it was a “natural association to bring those two together.” ”If you’re multiculturally competent, you’re also more ethical and vice versa,” she said. Slattery said it’s important to embrace multiculturalism in today’s world. “One way that I look
at multiculturalism is that we have multiple identities: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion...and if we don’t pay attention to those, we’re going to be missing the other person. We’re not going to be seeing them,” said Slattery. “I think it’s a mistake to think about people of color for whom we need to be thinking about multicultural issues.” PPA “is the third largest state association affiliated with the American Psychological Association,” according to the website. The website also states that the purpose of PPA is to “advance psychology in Pennsyl-
Jon Hyatt / The Clarion Call
Jeanne Slattery of Clarion’s psychology department. vania as a means of promoting human welfare.” More information on
Department holds faculty seminar presentations. FEATURES PAGE 5
UAB to attempt breaking a world record in spring. ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 9
Gannon stuns women’s volleyball team in playoffs. SPORTS PAGE 12
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2 4 5 7 7 8 10 11
PPA can be found on their website at www.
2 News
November 21, 2013 THE
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Senate reports ATA ridership increase, new RSO approved Emily Miller NEWS EDITOR
Student senate approved a new Recognized Student Organization at it’s meeting Monday Nov. 19. The Young Americans for Liberty is a non-partisan political organization that aims to “educate and engage the [Clarion] students and faculty and anyone interested in the concept of liberty as well as the political process,” according to the organization’s president Conor Omecinski. “We are non-partisan because we believe that the concept of liberty can draw folks from across all political spectrums,” Omecinski said. “We also recognize that
liberty in itself gives individuals a large responsibility, we hold our chapter members to a high degree of moral conduct and character.” The Young Americans for Liberty “believe that government is the negation of liberty when it’s excessive, voluntary action is the only ethical behavior, respect for individual’s property is fundamental to a peaceful society and that violent action is only warranted in the defense of one’s property.” Additionally, they believe that “the individual owns his or her body and is therefore responsible for his or her actions and that society is the responsibility of the people and not necessarily the government.”
Also at the meeting, senate adviser Shelly Wilson reported that the ATA transportation services at the university has seen an increase in ridership, despite a decline in enrollment. The bus service that provides transportation for both community members and students had a ridership of 8,994 in October 2010-2011, and in October 2013 the ridership increased to 17,819 riders. Out of those riders, around 94 percent are students. “We were very happy with those results and consider the program to be a success and a positive venture on our part,” said Wilson. Student senate meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in 246 Gemmell.
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NOVEMBER 21, 2013
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4 Opinion
November 21, 2013
“Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Call welcomes letters from our readers, but reserves the right to edit for libel, grammar, length, punctuation and obscenity; the determination of which is the responsibility of the Editor-in-chief. Submissions must be signed and received no later than 5 p.m. the Monday before publication.
Ford’s apology, actions lack sincerity
U.S. should find peace talks vital
Matt Knoedler STAFF WRITER
While many presidents have a laundry list of goals they would like to accomplish during their second term, there is one that is seemingly passed down from one administration to another. Whether or not President Obama wants to push for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians remains his decision. Not much has been advanced regarding foreign affairs that haven’t involved Syria, ending the war in Afghanistan or attempting to end Iran’s nuclear program. But what the latter nation has stated
in the past could prove to help mend Israeli/Palestinian relations with the diplomatic aid of the United States, ultimately ending that presidential cycle. Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and members of his administration made a number of controversial comments about Israel while in office. The former president went as far as to say the Holocaust didn’t exist, a highly offensive remark to a predominantly Jewish nation. Using even stronger words, he added that Israel should be “wiped off the map.” Both Israel and Palestine have heavy concentrations of Jewish citizens, and both areas are within striking distance of Iran should the nation choose to use a nuclear weapon. This is why the United States should consider peace talks between the two factions that
make up the Holy Land. Although Iran has a new, more moderate administration led by new President Hassan Rouhani, the threats are still all too real for Israelis and Palestinians. Nuclear weapons know no boundaries; fighting a nuclear war is simply impossible. So what can the United States do in this instance? Merely assist the diplomatic process. Secretary of State John Kerry and the like can work in peace talks with Israelis and Palestinians, using the potential threat of war with Iran as their negotiating tool. This is in no way a form of manipulation or political trickery if the threat is real, which it is. President Obama shouldn’t chase a conflict that isn’t really his to fix. But, given the history of the American presidency, he’ll inherit it regardless, and he needs to be prepared.
Victoria Mikita STAFF WRITER
Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto recently admitted to drug and alcohol use while in office, but has no plans to step down from his position. Not only does he feel no need to be stripped from his power, he has also informed the public that he wants to be prime minister one day. Ford has apologized for the drug use but does not seem to feel much remorse for his actions. Ford claimed that he would have admitted his drug use at any time, but no one asked him the right question. He waited until charges were pressed on a friend to admit that he had smoked crack in a “drunken stupor.”
The right question, he claims, would have been whether or not he had ever smoked crack or marijuana. Instead he was asked if he was an addict, so he denied all of the accusations and insisted that he had never lied about his drug use. I do not think a simple apology can erase the actions of Ford. As he has said many times, he is only human and makes mistakes as the rest of us do, but I don’t see drug use as acceptable in the professional and political world. The city councilors are trying to take away much of Ford’s power, as well as the votes he received in the last municipal election. I believe that this is fair, taking into consideration the information voters just found out about their mayor. The voters of Toronto put their trust into Ford, only to find out he had bought illegal drugs. Of course people are free to do what they please on their own
time, but a political figure should not be taking part in any illegal actions while in office. It goes against everything a political figure stands for, and there is no longer any trust. The fact that Ford occasionally abuses alcohol and uses drugs on his own time means that he could be impaired while making decisions as the mayor of Toronto. This is highly irresponsible in my eyes, and every power he is stripped of moving forward seems only right. It is almost laughable that he wants to run for prime minister one day with the reputation he has already created for himself. Abusing alcohol and drugs is completely different for one who has a political position, and it is unacceptable to abuse them and then expect an apology to fix it. Ford should resign if he does not soon show sincere remorse for his actions and ensure that it will not happen again.
Christmas that has taken over society in the past 10 years or so. The season of giving has become the season of staying out in line all night and trampling other people so that you can be the first to get a 95-inch super HD combo TV/DVD player/ microwave for $100 off. Every year, I read stories like this in the newspaper and I think of a quote by one of the greatest blanket-toting philosophers of the twentieth century, Linus Van Pelt. The quote from the sage of Charles Schultz’s “Peanuts” famously remarked “I love mankind, it’s people I can’t stand.” For the purposes of the sheer state of insanity that consumes people this time of year, I would say few people, real or fictional, have a better insight. I’m not saying that I don’t listen to a Christmas song or two before Thanksgiving or even watch the occasional holiday movie, but when I see stores and busi-
nesses decorated to the nines before Oct. 31, I find myself feeling like Linus’ best friend Charlie Brown. No, it’s not because I’m always unsuccessfully chasing the Little Red-Haired Girl, or that when “adults” talk, all I ever hear is a trumpet sound. It’s the fact that I find myself asking, “Doesn’t anybody know the true meaning of Christmas?” To spare everybody the monologue, the true meaning to the season, no matter your beliefs, is to celebrate family and those who mean the most to you in spirits of peace on earth and goodwill to men. While I do appreciate a nicely decorated yard full of lights and displays, the point shouldn’t be to out-do the Joneses and win the neighborhood decorating contest or do everything in your power to get a Red Ryder BB gun because we all know you’ll shoot your eye out. It’s a time to be with and appreciate those you love and care about.
Drae’s thoughts: Kobe vs. LeBron Friendly holiday reminder, Peanuts style
If you had to pick out from Kobe Bryant in his prime or LeBron James— who is currently in his prime—to start or build an NBA franchise, who would you select? Who do you believe is the better player? James has won four out of the last five NBA regular season MVPs, and has won the last two NBA championships, so a lot of people—especially today’s younger generation— would probably choose James, however I would take Bryant in his prime. Yes, Bryant is currently recovering from a devastating Achilles injury, and his return for this season is still uncertain, but people tend to forget that Bryant is a five-time NBA champion, two-time NBA Finals
MVP, 15-time NBA All-Star and has made the NBA AllDefensive first team nine times. Bryant, in his prime and even today, is a better mid-range, three-point and free-throw shooter than James. In his career, Bryant has averaged 83 percent from the free throw versus James’ 74 percent, and Bryant has shot 36 percent from behind the three-point line versus James’ 33 percent. Bryant is also tied for the record of most threepointers mad in a game with twelve and has the second most point ever scored in a game with 81. Bryant is more clutch than James, hitting 36 career game-winning shots compared to the King, James, who has only made 11. James is a great defender with a lot of range, but Bryant was just as good in his prime. Some may say that James is a better overall player because he averages more rebounds and assists. Bryant critics and James fans also say that James is more of a team player, and they claim that Bryant shoots too much and hogs the ball, which is valid statement.
However, Bryant has been to the NBA Finals seven times, won five and has only missed the playoffs once in his career. He may hog the ball at times, but he is a winner. James had too many early exits in the playoffs. Two of those were in 2008 and 2009, when the Cavaliers had the best record in the NBA. It took James teaming up with two other All-Stars, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh, to finally win a championship. A player as great as James shouldn’t need two other all-stars to help him get over the hump. Maybe one, but if you are the self-proclaimed King, why would you need so much help? In Bryant’s championship years, the only AllStars he played with were Shaquille O’Neal in the first three, and Pau Gasol in the last two. After winning three rings with O’Neal, and he left the team, the Lakers became mediocre. Bryant stuck through the tough times in L.A., he didn’t leave to join two other great players like James did, and Bryant went on to win two more.
As the wind begins to chill and the final leaves fall from the trees, it can mean only one thing; the holidays are upon us once again. However, if you’ve ventured out to any store, you’ve noticed it’s been Christmas time since Halloween ended (and while you’re at it, you might want to get to the store shortly after the new year to get your Fourth of July decorations before everybody else does). Before I go any further, let me give this disclaimer: I am not a Grinch, I do not hate the Christmas season. Now that that’s out of the way, I will say that I do hate the vast overcommercialization of
November 21, 2013
Features 5
Professor presents “State Dependence in the Natural Gas and Rig Count Relationship” Anastasia Bates STAFF WRITER
An associate professor of finance held a presentation as part of COBA Faculty Research Seminars on Thursday. Dr. Matthew Brigida of Clarion University spoke to students and presented his topic on “State Dependence in the Natural Gas and Rig Count Relationship” which was the final seminar of its kind for the semester. The series of talks has been organized by professor of Administrative Science, Dr. Gustavo Barboza. The talk lasted just shy of an hour, with questions enabling a lively discussion throughout his presentation. The research project Brigida presented focused on natural gases and energy consumption, and correlations were made using a slideshow presentation. The project began as just an idea around a year ago, and now Brigida hopes to be published in a journal in the near future. “I just finished the paper, so I wanted to present it to the Clarion community to one, get feedback which I can incorporate into the paper, and two, maybe spark some interest in the topic among oth-
Tyler Lobdell / The Clarion Call
Dr. Matthew Brigada addresses the relationship between the energy market and the state. ers at Clarion. I’ll also likely present the paper at the 2014 annual meeting of the US Association for Energy Economics in New York City. Once I get feedback from that presentation, the paper will be ready to go to a journal,” he said. “I have had a great interest in energy markets, and particularly natural gas and electricity mar-
kets, ever since I worked for NextEra Energy (a deregulated utility) while completing my Ph.D. Now is an exciting time to do research in these markets, particularly because of deregulation in the electric utilities. Moreover, we are in a shift away from coal toward natural gas fired electricity generation, which means we will be
EFSN dating game show pairs students together Joshlyn Lawhorn STAFF WRITER
On Friday, Nov. 15, University Activities Board hosted an Every Friday and Saturday Night dating show game at the Gemmell Food Court. The host Adam Ace kept the audience’s attention by having the players answer creative questions and perform dance moves. The participant and their chosen date would win $75 to start their love story. In order to choose the contestants, Ace turned on music to dance to, and the audience picked the dancer they thought performed the best. For the first round, Ace played “Jump On It” by the Sugarhill Gang, and the audience selected student Taylor Aiken as the best dancer. Aiken sat in a seat on one side of a curtain, unable to see the four selected gentlemen on the other side. One of the questions asked was for the candidates to describe themselves if they were an animal. The answers varied from a puppy to a lion and chameleon. Another question asked was why the men each believed he deserved to date Aiken. Answers some of the candidates gave ranged from assertions of being “amazing,” or “goodlooking,” to knowing how
to treat a girl right or “changing the world.” The last question Ace chose to ask in the first round was what the name would be of the first baby the couple would have. After the contestants got a case of the squirms, they all banded together to answer and say that the decision would ultimately be up to Aiken. After taking on several more answers and deliberating over who was best for her, Aiken chose Torron Mollett. Aiken said, “I think I found the love of my not really!” For round two, Ace played “Soulja Boy” by Soulja Boy, and the audience selected Dion White. Ace then selected six women from the audience to be contestants to find White “the love of his life.” One of the questions asked was where the candidates would take White on a first date. The answers varied from snowboarding to going to breakfast together at the County Seat. Another question was, “What was the worst pickup line a guy ever used on you?” One woman said that after denying a guy once, he said to her, “Keep it moving like a U-HAUL.” Another woman said that she had to repeat her name six times, but the person she was talking to continually called
her different names. After several more questions, White chose Thea Headley. “I believe that was not one of the wisest decisions I have made,” Headley said. For the final round the audience chose Cortez Carey, along with five contestants who eagerly volunteered. In this round, it was Carey who asked the majority of the questions. He said, “I like a woman [who] is beautiful along with her soul, and [who] has poise.” Among some of the other questions Carey asked was what the ladies’ dream weddings would be. Another wide range of answers included a Peacock wedding, an all-white wedding with ice sculptures of themselves, and a backyard wedding with immediate family only. Carey also asked what the contestants’ favorite Bible verse was. Some answers to this were Psalm 143 and John 3:16. Out of the women who participated, Carey chose Nautica Lewis. Lewis said, “This was a sweet event, and I enjoyed the host because he was funny, but in a sarcastic way.” Ace said the event was a good turnout. “I had a lot of fun today. This game show had the most surprising and interesting answers I’ve ever heard.”
more exposed to price increases in natural gas. Also, the incorporation of renewables into the grid poses some unique challenges. So research in this field can have a large impact in creating a better community.” He also said that the energy market he studied in his research is an “exciting and quickly evolving field,” and so
he expects to conduct future projects on this particular issue. Dr. Barboza spoke on general reaction from the series, “The reaction has been very positive. We continuously have a good number of speakers that want to share their research. See, through our seminars we provide a unique setting for a healthy and productive
exchange of ideas that normally would only happen on a one-to-one basis. Here in the seminar, speakers welcome comments upon which they are able to improve their research. The result of this exchange of ideas is that our faculty is normally capable of moving forward their research along the research pipeline. This is to say, they not only prepare a presentation for our seminar series, but also incorporate many of the comments as they continue preparing their research for peer-reviewed publication outlets.” He added that the main aim of the presentations was to “provide an opportunity to share the research that our faculty (and sometimes invited speakers) is currently conducting.” “I believe that our seminars have indeed been very successful. We have been able to consistently have enough presenters to run the seminars. Now, here we have to consider that faculty will only be able to present if they are producing enough research.” Approximately seven speakers are already in line for next semester, while this semester saw talks from Dr. Yao Yu Chih and Chad Smith and Barboza himself.
6 Features
November 21, 2013
Courtesy Photo
Andrew Brown poses in front of the Duomo Cathedral in Milan, Italy.
Courtesy Photo
Caitlyn Mangan is currently studying and teaching in Galway, Ireland.
Clarion students share study abroad experiences
The first time I saw Italy, or Europe in general, was on my way from Frankfurt, Germany to Milano last August. I passed over the Italian alps and I remember peering out the plane window, looking at the peaks of the mountains as they crested above the clouds in the distance. As soon as the alps started to taper off, we started our decent into my new home for the next year: Milan, Italy. My name is Andrew Brown, and I am a sophomore studying Political Science at Clarion University of Pennsylvania (Fly Eagles Fly!). Through an amazing program called ISEP, I came into contact with my host university; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. For those of you who dream to study abroad, just do it. Go to the International Office and talk to Lynn Hepfl, who will always be there if you have a question or if you need help. Clarion does all it can, through constant support and various scholarships, to help students who have a dream to see something other than the United States and who want to see the world in a different perspective. It’s a huge leap to leave your family, friends and literally everything you’ve ever known for a semester, or a year if you’re ad-
venturous like me! But living in another country is something that I will never be able to do again. Learning the language, eating the food, seeing this beautiful country and being part of an Italian community are all things I would never take back. Currently as I type this in early November, I’m a little over three months into my 10-month experience, and I have seen so much. The most beautiful place I have ever been in my life, Cinque Terre, was absolutely amazing. The waves of the Mediterranean sea crashing against huge, jagged cliffs with 1,000 year old castles sitting on top really gave me a taste of rural Italy. Fresh sea food, caught right in front of me and cooked five minutes later, was unlike anything I have ever had in my life. Seeing the beautiful sunset as I sat in Riggamore sipping on a glass of local Rosé while guitars could be heard in the distance was something I will never forget in my life. After my trip to Riggamore in early September, I went to Lake Como. I decided to go to the Swiss side, and this was yet another astonishingly beautiful place. Nestled right in-between the Swiss and Italian alps, jagged mountains shot up into the sky past the clouds. We camped on the side of the lake, and un-
fortunately, our tents flooded. So we had to sleep on the floor of a public bathroom. But after hiking for hours, then kayaking to Italy and back, it didn’t seem to matter. We were living our dreams; and that’s what life is about. As for my next adventure, I’m not quite sure this one will reach the papers. In mid-October, I went to Munich, Germany for one of the coolest world events ever; Oktoberfest. After an eight hour bus ride from Milan to Munich, which spanned Switzerland, Austria, and most of Bavaria, our group was dropped off in Munich, Germany and left to fend for ourselves. We instantly ran around trying to find the fairgrounds, and at 6:30 a.m. we found them, and immediately proceeded to the Hofbräu tent. Oktoberfest is quite literally one of the best times I’ve ever had in my life because it lives up to every movie and every story you have ever seen or heard about it. It is absolutely insane, and here we were for two days with nothing to do but enjoy it. It was in the top three weekends of my life. Europe has already changed me forever, in such a short amount of time. Although I’m not sure where I’m going next, I’ll be sure to keep in touch with Clarion and CU’s newspaper. Look for my next article soon! Ciao!
Caitlyn Mangan GUEST WRITER
The Atlantic Ocean in my backyard, rolling green hills, mountains with the colors of fall and cliffs that will take your breath away; it sounds a little bit like heaven. These are some of the things I get to see every day, but life in Galway, Ireland is much more than the stereotypical scenery we think of. I have been living in Ireland for approximately three and a half weeks, and it is now that I finally feel like I’m settled in. The first few days here, I was the ultimate tourist, taking pictures and exploring every inch of the city that I could. Soon after, school started and I began my journey as an American teacher in a new, unfamiliar country.
As I walked through the doors to Holy Trinity Primary, I was hit with the realization that everything I knew about teaching was about to change. I have been placed in a 3rd class (which is the equivalent to 2nd grade) classroom with 28 all girl students. In a typical day, the students will learn math, reading, Irish, religion and the occasional science and social studies. The teachers here are responsible for teaching art, music and library. With only five and a half hours in a school day, it is often very difficult to fit the entire curriculum into one day. Discipline isn’t enforced and homework isn’t a priority in the classrooms, which was probably the biggest shock for me. I’m used to a quiet classroom and behavior charts com-
pared to consistent chatter and little structure. However, we adapt to the environments we are in and make the best of them. My students are learning what I expect of them and I’m gaining more patience than I could have thought existed. As I enter my fourth week of teaching, I’m excited to try new things and fully engage with the opportunity I have been given. During my time here, I have been challenged as a teacher, student, American and female, but I have grown from every situation. Studying abroad allows you to discover yourself and lose sight of everything you thought you knew. I would not trade the experiences (both good and bad) for anything and believe they are shaping me into a more diverse person/teacher.
November 21, 2013
Classified advertising is free for Clarion students and $0.20 per word for non-students. E-mail addresses, URLs and phone numbers are considered to be one word. Send your classifieds to or call 814.393.2380.
FOR RENT Next to campus, various houses and apartments. Accommadates 1-4 students or groups of 6-8. Some utilities included. Rent starts at $1200 per semester. Visit us online at or call Brian at 814-227-1238. Realtor owned. FALL/SPRING 2014/15. Cute small home in Clarion with sun deck and small yard, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, office, washer/dryer. Very reasonable rates. Evening calls only 2265651. For Rent: FALL/SPRING 2014/15. 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, washer dryer, dishwasher, huge deck. $1250 per person per sem @ 3 tenants, some utilities included! Evening calls only 226-5651. Now renting one person apartment for Spring 2014 semester and two & three person apartments for Fall 2014/Spring 2015 semesters. Located on Greenville Avenue. Call 814-229-9212. FREE place to live for a Serious Student - Do you like horses? We offer free room and board in our home for occasional chores and house sitting, 7 miles from campus. Call: 814-379-3759. Email: gwwills@ Next to campus, various houses and apartments. Accommodates 1-4 students or groups of 3-4. Some utilities included. Rent starts at $1200
per semester. Visit us online at or call Brian at 814-227-1238. 2014/2015. 3 bedroom duplex. $360/month per student, plus utilities. No smoking, no pets. 3 students. 724-799-7133. For Rent: 2014/2015. 2 bedroom duplex. $360/month per student, plus utilities. No smoking, no pets. 2 students. 724-799-7133. 3-bedroom apartment for rent for 3 students for Spring/ Fall 2014/2015, 1 mile from Clarion Campus. $360/month each plus security deposit. Includes utilities. Call 814-7452215 or 814-764-3754. Nice, large 2 bdrm apt 15 min walk to campus. Bus every 30 min. $500 a month for a 12 month lease, $600 for a 9 month lease. Fallonly leases, Aug 1 thru Dec 31 $850/month 814-226-7092. 3 Bedroom apartment on Wilson Ave. Catty-corner from Gemmell. Remodeled/ Furnished. 2 to 4 students. No Pets. 814-389-3000. EAGLE PARK APARTMENTS For Clarion University Students fully furnished. Includes utilities 814-2264300, 301 Grand Ave. Clarion, PA 16214. HOUSING AVAILABLE FOR BETWEEN 1-8 STUDENTS FOR FALL 2014/ SPRING 2015. CALL MARCIE: 814-227-8029. A house for 2 or 3 and a house for 4. Nice, private, campus
close. 6867.
Four bedroom apartment for 2014/ 2015 school year. Call 814-226-6106 or 814-2299812. Contact a.s.a.p. Time is running out to rent for the coming school year! For rent: 2 bedroom duplex & 3 bedroom duplex @ 91 & 93 S 5th Avenue. Call 724799-7133 for details. 2 bdrm apt 1/2 block from campus. Summer-FallSpring. Call 814-226-9279. Houses for rent within two blocks of campus to accommodate up to 8 people. Private bedrooms, starting at $1500 / semester, some include utilities. Call 814229-1182 or email 4chris@ Student housing. Fall 2014/ Spring 2015. 1/2/3/4 bedroom apartments/houses. 1-2 blocks from campus. Furnished. Some include utilities. Off-street parking. 814-227-2568. Summer apartments available. Close to campus. 1-4 people. 814-379-9721. Houses and apartments available for Fall 2014-Spring 2015 semesters. www. silverspringsrentalsonline. com. Call 814-379-9721 or 814-229-9288 (cell). 3 bedroom duplex on S. 5th Ave. For rent 2014-2015 and 2 bedroom duplex on 5th Ave.
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For rent 2013-2014. Would rent to students doing internships. Need 3-2 students for Fall & 3-2 students from Spring semesters. Inquire 724-799-7133. Available for Fall 2014/Spring 2015. Two well-maintained 5-bedroom houses on South 5th Avenue for 4 or more people. Call Barb at 814379-9721 or 814-229-9288. silverspringsrentalsonline. com. 3 and 4 bedroom Apts/ Houses available for the 2014-2015 school year and summer sessions. For more information call: (814)2266106, (814)221-7485 or (814)229-9812. Call soon! 4 bedroom house close to campus. Clean & convenient. 814-319-3811. Student rental apartments for Fall 2014/Spring 2015. All utilities included. Within one block from campus. 1-4
Classifieds, Puzzles & Comics 7 students. Call Jim at 814-2294582. Off Campus Housing available for 2014/2015 semesters. one to five bedroom houses and apartments. Contact Chris Thompson at 814-229-1182 or 814-226-4320 or email at cthompsonrentals@gmail. com. 5 bdrm House for rent Fall and Spring 2014-2015 $1100 per semester per student call 814-226-8185 & leave a message. Large furnished apt. on Main St. for 3 people (3 bedrooms + washer & dryer.) Heat included. $1500 per semester per student + $225 security deposit. NO PETS. Call Larry @ 354-6795. Newer furnished apt. for 2. Washer & dryer inc. $1500 per semester per student per semester + $225 security deposit per student. NO PETS. Call Larry 354-6795.
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Houses available for 5-8 students! Keep your group together and save lots of money. Call 814-227-8029. Available July 1st, 2014. For Rent, 205 South 4th Avenue. 4 Bdrm Home. Will accommodate up to 5 students. $275 Per/MonthPer/Student. One-year Lease. Tenants are responsible for all utilities. LAKEN APARTMENTS Houses and Apartments available Summer 2014; Fall 2014/Spring 2015. Fully Furnished, Utilities Included, Off-Street Parking www. Call 814-745-3121; 814-229-1682; 814-229-1683 2, 3, 4 bedroom apartments for rent. 1/2 block from campus. Furnished. Off street parking available. Call Caleb at 814-541-0910. Check out our web site at
Native American Tribes
8 Arts & Entertainment
BLAYNE SHEAFFER “Is yo’ man on the flo’? If he ain’t, lemme know.” This is my experience with Chris Brown, along with his other radio hits, which, to me, all seemed poppy and middle-schooldance oriented.
ANDI FULMER Chris Daughtry has been a well-known name in rock and pop since his stint on “American Idol.” Following his elimination, he formed the band Daughtry that has released three full-length
EMILY ROMIG Noise rock band Magik Markers released a new album on Nov. 18. It was their first album released in four years. Their al-
AMERIGO ALLEGRETTO Lady Gaga has always kept listeners on edge with catchy pop gems that contain hints of weirdness. That successful formula is intensified
November 21, 2013
Brown announced that his anticipated album “X” will now be released in the middle of 2014, but released the freebie five-song mixtape “X Files” Tuesday, Nov. 19 to hold his ravenous fans over until then. Maybe he needed that time to make some actual music. Catchy, hip-hop tunes with aggressive lyrics that are overlooked by the lovelorn teen population no longer seem to be Brown’s area of focus. His new game is headed in the poor-excuse-for-R&B direction, with many awkward sexual situations
and a smidgeon too much profanity for the Bieberesque rapper. “X Files” sounds like Brown spent his stint in rehab listening to Usher’s “Confessions” album and Ludacris’ song “What’s Your Fantasy” and thought to himself, “If I do what they do, people will like me too.” He even brought Ludacris in to create “Fantasy 2,” in which Brown repeated, “You got me wanting to do it, and I’m ‘bout to prove it,” after which Ludacris re-rapped a verse from his hit “What’s Your Fantasy.”
It’s not music just because an “artist” talks about his sexual encounters through a synthesizer. They have hotlines and support groups for that. Busta Rhymes made an appearance in “Sweet Caroline,” a song about a lady of the night whom Brown encounters with the lights out. While Busta Rhymes’ verse was the highlight of the album, I couldn’t help but be disappointed that he condoned Brown’s poor music making by participating. “Love 2 Remember” catches Brown red-handed in his grody acts in a
song about fighting with his significant other because she thinks he’s been cheating on her. Golly, mister, what did you think was going to happen after your night with “Sweet Caroline”? Not only is the subject matter too repetitive, but the sound is bland as well. That wavy, sexyslow sound you associate with all great R&B singer/songwriters is in all five songs. Ludacris’ and Busta Rhymes’ rapping do not belong over the sound that Marvin Gaye made perfect. This mixtape is a peek
into the most offensive, sexist and degrading album that has already been done before by more graceful artists. According to, Brown hopes to make “X” a double album, featuring artists like Kendrick Lamar, Brandy and Kelly Rowland. said it was nice to see Brown focus more on his music after being in rehab. But honestly, “X” is looking to be a quick fix for money that I hope the above artists can see right through before investing their time into Brown’s mess.
albums since its inception. Since 2011 and the release of “Break the Spell,” the band has been fairly quiet but they’re making a new splash with this week’s release of “Baptized.” First song and title track “Baptized” doesn’t get the album started on a strong foot, but it’s not exactly what I was expecting either. There’s a definite country edge worked through the number. Next we have one of the album’s singles, “Waiting for Superman.” The music is not a far deterrent from what one
could expect from this group, opening slowly but becoming a raucous pop rock ballad by the end. What strikes me most about this song is the lyrics: “She’s waiting for Superman to lift her up/Take her anywhere/ Show her love/Climbing through the air/Save her now/Before it’s too late tonight/She’s waiting for Superman,” goes one verse. This boring old notion of a woman waiting for a man to rescue her will resonate with few, and that it’s still used seriously is laughable. Next up is “Battle-
ships” which has a fuller sound. Thus far, I’ve heard Daughtry attempt to incorporate some electronic elements, but this is the first song it really works in. Interestingly, these elements are opposite a heavy downbeat, stripped acoustic guitar,, and even some unique vocal flair thrown in. This song would certainly not be out of place on an Imagine Dragons album. “Long Live Rock and Roll,” the other single, is a nostalgic number where Daughtry looks back on the greats they grew up listening to as well
Daughtry’s own journey into rock. A surprisingly sweet number, it’s a nice deterrent from the other lyric content as well as bringing in a fresh musical style. It’s upbeat and optimistic and that plays out well in the tone of the song. Several more tracks come and go, but none of any particular note crop up, though all are still working well for this newer, less rock sounding Daughtry. I’ll close with this: what I expected was a solid rock album and what I got was a rock band who
has undertaken the task of expanding into other genres and styles and done so without losing the essence of their band, whether you like what that is or not. I was most surprised at the incorporation of country elements, which somehow really works. If this deconstructed rock sound is what they are aiming for, they’re certainly on the right path. Overall, the album is enjoyable to listen to, albeit a bit repetitive, but is one I imagine will be met with a generally positive response.
bum “Surrender to the Fantasy” was said to have a psychedelic feel to it, and it does in the wrong ways. Not all the songs on the album were awful, but I wouldn’t say that any of them were particularly good and blew me out of the water. The first song on the album, “Crebs,” was just a complete ball of awful. I could not understand any of the lyrics because the singer’s voice was purposely muffled. When I went to look up the lyrics,
there weren’t any, probably because no one else could understand them either. The ending was even more horrible than the singing, because it sounded like static from an old TV, and there wasn’t anything with it, just the static. The next song, “Acts of Desperation,” is a little better, but not much. The only real thing it has going for it is that I could actually understand most of the lyrics. This being said, I still don’t think it
is a good song. I feel like the tempo and lyrics did not make a good match with the background music, which features a lot of guitar. I actually did not hate the song “Bonfire.” The lyrics were still muffled, but I liked the tempo in correlation with the lyrics. As for getting a deeper meaning from the song, I can’t say that I found one, Magik Markers just kept repeating “bonfire” over and over for a majority of the song.
I really liked “American Sphinx Face” for the first minute and a half before the band began singing. I tried really hard to like this song, but once the lyrics began, the song just went downhill. Elisa Ambrogio, the lead singer for the band, wasn’t even singing; she was just talking, though it couldn’t be considered rap because there’s a definite rock beat behind her voice. Toward the end of the album, the songs started to slow down in their
tempo, which didn’t help Magik Markers at all. I still didn’t like any of the ending songs, especially in the last song “WT” when one of the male band members who has a notso-good voice started harmonizing with Ambrogio. I’m not saying that the band sucks, I just didn’t like any of the songs on their new album. They got a little boring toward the end, and I am just unsure if this is the right genre for Magik Markers to be performing.
with her third LP, “Artpop.” That’s essentially what her music is, art pop. Imagine fusing Madonna with New Order and Nine Inch Nails; that’s what you get with most of this album. Lyrically, “Artpop” is blunt. Themes of sexuality, girl power and drugs dominate this album. Gaga proudly compares herself in a semi-British accent to Venus, the goddess of love [along with Venus’ Roman equivalent Aphrodite] in the spacey song “Venus.” “I can’t
help the way I’m feelin’/ goddess of love please take me to your leader,” sings Gaga. To go along with the sexual themes, she also sings, “Let’s blast off to a new dimension/in your bedroom.” She also name drops some planets of the solar system in the breakdown to give listeners an astronomy lesson, and shows off her inner Ke$ha in her voice. Gaga brought friends for “Jewels N’ Drugs.” T.I., Too Short and Twista add high-speed poetry to this combination of
rap and dubstep. Gaga meanwhile croons over lyrics pertaining to fame. Key changes and rhythm shuffles make this song a joyride from beginning to end, as if your ears are on a roller coaster. While Gaga splits vocal duties with the rap trio 50/50 to bring the surprise factor into action, it’s a bit overdone. There’s simply too much in this song to go around equally and tastefully. R. Kelly makes a guest appearance on the groovy “Do What U Want.” Once
again playing the sex card, Gaga and Kelly talk about getting together for a night. Kelly steals the second verse with tasteful vocals and a smooth falsetto. Gaga meanwhile shows she can still be the R&B diva with powerful vocal delivery. Instrumentally, this song is the best on “Artpop.” The industrial dance rhythms with slap bass grooves and airy synth melodies make “Do What U Want” a sexy dance anthem. “Artpop” is exactly
what the title implies. It’s weird, danceable and catchy. Still, the album lacks depth. Fourteen out of the 15 songs are industrial foot stompers. The piano ballad, “Dope” is a nice break from the club atmosphere that is this album. Gaga has one formula for most of the songs on “Artpop” and that’s to dance, dance, dance. Artists can add all the weirdness they want, but in the end, the same formula that’s used thousands of times before shows.
November 21, 2013
Arts & Entertainment 9
University Activities Board to attempt breaking world records Marissa Dechant STAFF WRITER
Clarion’s University Activities Board plans on breaking world records during the 2014 spring semester. UAB adviser Brian Hoover and UAB Special Events Chair Gina D’Achille came up with the idea and are currently working on the event. The event was presented a month ago and is still in the works. D’Achille, a junior communication major, said UAB is continuing to take suggestions from the student body as to which records to break. “UAB is all about providing programs for the students to take part in; we really wanted something that would stand out and get everyone excited to be involved. Also, this would be the very first time that Clarion has attempted anything like this. We have never accomplished a world record before,” D’Achille said. The UAB is trying to gather as many students as possible to participate in the event. “The opportunity is
Amerigo Allegretto / The Clarion Call
The board outside of the University Activities Board’s office contains lists of ideas students wrote for potential world record attempts. open to everyone. It would be awesome if the whole Clarion campus could take part….No matter what record we choose to break, it’s going to be a lot of fun for everyone and I would love to be part of it,” D’Achille said.
The University Activities Board presently has a bulletin board open for students to suggest what records to break and will contact Guinness World Records as soon as an idea is chosen. The board will start advertising shortly
in order to draw a large group of participants. “We will be reaching out to all of the RSOs and RUOs on campus, posting fliers, creating bulletin boards and doing anything that we can to get the word out there and
Music professor inducted into honors education council Amerigo Allegretto ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR
The National Collegiate Honors Council inducts members every year from universities across the nation in different fields of education. Clarion University saw one of its professors become inducted this year. University music professor Brent Register was one of six inductees into NCHC earlier this month in New Orleans. Register, who has taught at Clarion since 1990, said it’s an honor to be inducted. “I’m very pleased with it. I’m pleased to be recognized by the organization, and I believe in the organization,” said Register. “I do believe that they have a very high standard. I like that they believe in quality in education.” Register’s career in music is not limited to teaching, and this is not the first time his name has been mentioned in the NCHC. His compositions were premiered at an NCHC conference in Denver, Colo., in 2007. Along with that, his compositions were featured in a performance at Long Island University for the “Creativity and Thought” conference in 2008. He has performed both nationally and internationally. His performances and studies have taken him to such places as Las Vegas, Buenos Aires, Argentina and Oslo, Norway, among others. Register’s work has also been featured in multiple publications, including “The Journal of the International Double Reed Society” and the “Popular Musicians” series in The Salem Press, among others. Register said another
thing he likes is the diversity of students he worked with. “Most of them [students] are not liberal arts majors. In the honors programs, you get a lot in science and math,” he said. “These are scientists who perform at a very high level.” Register was one of three music professors who did not receive a retrenchment letter this semester. He said he found the university’s decisions to be “unethical and unnecessary.” “I absolutely think there could have been other ways and lots of options offered to resolve this, and I just think they’re not hearing it,” he said. Students and faculty who have known Register inside and outside the classroom say he is deserving of the recognition by the NCHC. “He’s very deserving. He’s put in a lot of time and energy in the honors program,” said Paula Amrod, another music professor at Clarion. Amrod was on the searching committee in 1990 when Register was hired. “He’s very engaging and very concerned for his students.” Student Seth Robertson, who has been taught by Register for three years, says he is “a wonderful professor.” “He always comes to class knowing his stuff. He’s really pushed for higher levels of thinking and comprehension rather than knowing the stuff,” said Robertson. Register is the second professor in four years to become a fellow of the NCHC, the other being Hallie Savage in 2010. More information on the NCHC can be found on their website at
Courtesy Photo
Brent Register was inducted as a fellow for the National Collegiate Honors Council earlier this month and has taught at Clarion University since 1990.
inform students of our goal,” D’Achille said. While this will be the first time this event has been attempted, D’ Achille thinks it has the potential to turn into an annual activity. “If we can pull it off, I
think it would be a great idea to make it an annual event. It’s hard to say if it will be for certain, because it all depends on the motivation from the students, but it could definitely be a goal to strive for in years to come,” D’Achille said. Many parts of the record breaking event are still in progress, but D’ Achille has high hopes. “I’m very excited to be planning this event. It has been on my bucket list for quite some time now, and it has finally come to the day where I plan to cross it off,” D’Achille said. D’Achille also has her eyes on a bigger goal. “I hope that we accomplish our goal of getting everyone participating, having fun and making Clarion’s name go down in history.” For more information on this UAB event, contact D’ Achille at The UAB office can be found on the second floor of Gemmell in Room 249. UAB meetings are held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Gemmell Student Complex, Room 246.
10 Sports
November 21, 2013
Clarion wrestling splits dual meet hosted by Easter n Michigan Univer sity Brent Guffy STAFF WRITER
The Clarion Golden Eagles wrestling team opened the season with a dual meet at Eastern Michigan University this past weekend. The team went 2-2 with wins over Campbellsville and Tiffin and fell to Northern Illinois and Eastern Michigan. Clarion had a solid showing by freshman Michael Pavasko, who wrestles at 165, and Justin Arthur, who wrestles at 149. Both wrestlers finished with 4-0 record at the meet. Arthur is currently ranked at No. 18 in the nation by both AWN and Intermat. “The legacy for Clarion wrestling is very physical and high pace, I feel that our team was successful in keeping that alive,” said Pavasko. Wrestling Coach Troy Letters said he was not surprised about Arthur finish at the meet. “He is very talented and expects to win,” said Letters. Freshman 125 pounder Jonathon Mele, 157 pounder
Austin Matthews, and junior 157 pounder Daniel Sutherland also came away with 3-1 records. The Golden Eagles started off the meet against Campbellsville, who they defeated 34-3. The Golden Eagles were aided by fall from freshman Evan Daley and major decisions from junior Sam Sherlock and freshman Austin Matthews. Clarion also took down Tiffin 43-6 which included four pins by senior Tyler Bedelyon, junior Ryan Darch, Sutherland and Arthur. These two victories were then followed by consecutive losses to Northern Illnois, 21-15, and Eastern Michigan, 26-15. “We have a very young team with some very talented kids and a lot of new faces on the mat competing together for the first time,” said Letters. He added that he felt like they beat who they should have beaten up on and lost to two teams who they should have beaten. In both matches that
Clarion lost, they did hold leads of 15-12 against Northern Illinois and 11-0 against Eastern Michigan, but fell to both squads. Letters said that both of these matches were tough and could gone either way. “Our toughest opponent at the Eastern Michigan University dual’s was Eastern Michigan. Wrestling 4 matches consecutively wears on you physically and mentally. So that was a true test of fight and heart,” said Pavasko. He also added that he has full belief in the program, coaching staff and the team. “I put my reputation on the line in saying, but this is the re-emergence of Clarion wrestling as a dynasty. I feel that our team will continue to grow and improve through the course of the season and season’s to come. Don’t believe me? Just watch,” said Pavasko. The Golden Eagles next opponent is Rutgers who they will play host to on Nov. 22 in Tippin Gymnasium.
Golden Eagle women’s basketball start out season with split in Clarion Classic Alex Henry STAFF WRITER
The Clarion University Golden Eagles women’s basketball team kicked off its season on Nov. 15 and Nov. 16 in the Clarion Classic. The first match-up was against Charleston in which the team “had jitters early and got off to a slow start,” said Gie Parsons, who is beginning her 25th season as Clarion’s Head Coach. The Eagles fell behind early as they trailed 20-10 halfway through the first half. The Golden Eagles battled back, managing to tie the game with three minutes left in the first half. However, the Eagles trailed at half by the score of 33-27. Parsons said,“The team came out flat in the second half.” Charleston began the half with a 13-5 run making the score 46-31. The final result was 74-55. In the loss, senior
guard Emma Fickel led the team with 15 points and three steals. Sophomore Guard Tania Holmes chipped in with 14 points with four steals. The second game of the tournament was against West Liberty on Saturday, Nov. 16. The team came out slow once again. After Clarion scored the first basket of the game, West Liberty went on a 13-0 run making it 13-2 just over three minutes into the game. The team continued to struggle until a timeout with 7:58 to go in the first half. “The team flipped a switch,” Parsons said, “we’ve been teaching them that.” The Golden Eagles closed out the half with a sensational run of 15-2 soaring them back in front. of West Liberty 44-41 at half. The Golden Eagles came out strong in the second half and never looked back as they won by the
final of 104-88. It was the first time the team has scored over 100 points since November 2004. “They played together, they played for each other, it was a good team win.” Parsons said. Fickel once again led the team in points with 27, recording a career high and going 5-8 from behind the arc. Freshman point guard Kelly Johnson came off the bench and was just an assist short of having a triple-double in the game. Johnson had 17 points along with 11 rebounds, nine assists and five steals. Johnson was named the PSAC West Freshman of the week for her outstanding play on Saturday. Parson said “It was sensational to see a freshman have a performance like that.” Going forward, Parsons believes “the team needs to make adjustments defensively. We may have scored 104 but they put up 88 on us.”
Offensive explosion propels Golden Eagle men’s basketball over Penn State Dubois Tyler DeGiacomo STAFF WRITER
Clarion men’s basketball team resembled that of the old-school arcade game “NBA Jam” because they were in “On Fire” mode all game. Clarion, who had 12 players score, six of which reached double figures, unveiled their uptempo offense. Clarion shellacked Penn State-Dubois 121-64 Saturday afternoon, Nov. 16 at Tippin Gym. “We were really balanced offensively… I liked that about [the] game,” said Clarion’s 26 year Head Coach Ron Righter. The Golden Eagles’ defensive prowess was the story of the afternoon. Clarion forced 30 turnovers and had 27 steals and scored 37 points off those turnovers. Clarion ran out to a 12-0 lead in the first two minutes of the game and led 33-8 just eight minutes into the game. The Golden Eagles built the lead up in the first half
to as many as 47 points to take a commanding 72-25 at the half. In the second half, the lead reached to as many as 63 points twice. The Golden Eagles were led by senior forward Mike Kromka. Kromka filled the statistics sheet with a stellar performance as he poured in 17 points, had three assists, blocked four shots, stole the ball three times and pulled down a career-high 20 rebounds in just 24 minutes of game action. Fellow junior forward Darius Stevens chipped in with 13 points, five rebounds and two steals. Leading all scorers in the game was junior guard DeMarius Miller with 22 points on 10 of 15 shooting. Miller also added three assists and three steals in just 19 minutes of play. Junior point guard Marques Jones added 18 points, four steals and three assists. Senior Corey Bellovich, who registered his first
career double-double had 13 points and 10 rebounds, three steals and two assists. Freshman BJ Andrews rounded out Clarion’s potent attack with 13 points, five assists and three steals. Junior guard Jeremy Schmader, who is Jones back up, came off the bench and got late minutes filled in with five steals, two blocked shots, and two assists. Schmader spoke on the team’s play after the game. “We shared the ball and took great shots. We know we’re capable of being a better team and we expect to improve as the season continues.” The 121 points scored by the Golden Eagles goes down as the second most points ever scored by a Clarion men’s basketball team in a single game. With the victory, Righter is now two coaching victories away from reaching the 400 win plateau. The Golden Eagles’ next contest at Tippen gym will be Nov. 23 against Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
FACE OFF Who is this year’s NFL Most Valuable Player? Trevon Gaines STAFF WRITER
How could you possibly argue that there is another player having a greater season than Peyton Manning in this 2013-2014 season? In my eyes, I don’t think anyone even comes close to the MVP race with Manning this season. There are a few players like Drew Brees, Jimmy Graham and Calvin Johnson that can maybe be in the argument since they’re all having great seasons but their stats still don’t add up to Manning’s. The 37-year old veteran is looking almost impossible to stop this season. Not only is he leading the No. 1 team in the NFl, he’s also doing it almost close to perfection. If it wasn’t for Adrien Peterson’s unexplainable, fantastic and record setting season last year, he could be on his way to be winning his second straight MVP. Manning finished runner-up in the MVP poll last season. Manning is leading the No. 1 offense in the NFL this season. He’s averaging 350 yards passing per game this year. Going into the most anticipated game of the season this past Sunday, Nov. 17, against the conference rival Kansas City Chiefs, Manning was completing 71 percent of his passes. That means Manning was connecting a little over seven out of every ten passes this entire season. Some may look at Manning and say he’s getting old and he isn’t as good as he once was, but that has to be disrespectful compared to the numbers Manning is putting up this year. During week one he set the level of success for quarterbacks this season extremely high. He completed 27 of 42 passes for 462 yards and added seven touchdowns. His longest pass of the game and also his longest pass so far this season was a 78 yard pass. It only took Manning three games to reach the 1,000 yard mark for passing yards. Manning has a passer rating of 118.3 so far this year and six out of the ten games played this year he had a passer rating over 105. On top of that, Manning didn’t have a passer rating under 92 in any game this season. Manning is leading the lead in passing yards so far this year with 3,572 yards. The player closest to him is Brees and he’s over 200 yards behind Manning. He’s also leading the NFL in passing touchdowns with 34, which Brees is also trailing him by eight touchdowns. Manning also has only six interceptions this year and just over 100 of his 409 passes this season were incomplete. If he continues to play at the level he’s playing at, Manning could pass his old record of 49 touchdowns he had in the 2004 season. He’s on pace to throw close to 60 touchdowns this season. This task might be a little challenging for Manning though. Four of the final six teams that Manning is facing is ranked number one, seven, nine and twelve in the NFL in passing defense. But when you’re the leader of the No. 1 offense not only in the NFL now but one of the best offenses this league has ever seen makes the task that much easier. You can watch one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time this Monday night, Nov. 25 against his arch rival Tom Brady and the New England Patriots on ESPN at 8:30 p.m.
Jazzmonde James STAFF WRITER
Although he may not be Peyton Manning or Tom Brady, Drew Brees is one of the best quarterbacks in the game and more people should see his talent. Brees is a good quarterback and even better with the right support system behind him, like anyone else. After last season, a lot of people thought the Saints wouldn’t be as good as one would hope, but the team is now 8-2. Although he is not the height of any of the top quarterbacks he is still able to produce similar things that top quarterbacks can for his team. Brees has given the Saints a chance to score when the defense holds them back. He is able to take the leadership role and deliver the ball to the right person at the right time. One thing that makes him better is his footwork and has the right mechanics to be a quarterback. It is all about having the right stance so you throw the ball right. He has good accuracy and placement when throwing the ball so the wide receiver can catch it.. Brees has the most passing yards out of the top three quarterbacks. Brees also has had at least one touchdown for 54 games straight. In the season so far, he is 3369 total yards, and has recorded 68.9 percent completion percentage. He has only two interceptions and has thrown 26 touchdowns. He also has a quarterback rating rating of 106.7. Brees has the ability to get his team down the field and score a touchdown at any time. The team has a challenging schedule for the reason of the season and it shouldn’t affect the way Brees plays. Brees gave the Saints the second best passing yards and in the red zone they are No. 20 in the league but that can be worked on because all the games they won were not because that could not be points on the board because they did that and won by 25 and higher and even when they lost, they had at least 25 points on the board. All this happens through what the quarterback does while the game is played and how good he is dealing with pressure of the defense and I think that Brees does a good job with all of that. I think that Brees will take the Saints to the NFC Championship as long as he keeps up with the skills that he has and keeps improving on the things that he is doing for then the rest of the season will go well for them. This Thursday, their next game will be against Atlanta at 8:30 on the NFL Network. I think you will see Brees open up the offense and test the defense. Once the defense lets Brees get on a roll, he can get over 200 yards in the game and he can even get a couple touchdowns. Brees is as good as some of the top quarterbacks in the game right now. Just with the right player around him you can see what he has to over and have the great coaching he can show out on game day. Brees may not be the No. 1 quarterback in the league but he should at least be in the top five.
Sports 11
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November 21, 2013
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-Yeah, They Said It“I don’t know, you have to ask him, cause he didn’t finish the game. Ice up son, ice up!” -Carolina Panthers wide receiver Steve Smith after being asked about his altercation with Partiots defensive back Aqib Talib.
12 Sports
November 21, 2013
Gannon stuns Clarion women’s volleyball in PSAC playoffs Eddie McDonald STAFF WRITER
The celebration of winning a conference championship was short-lived by the Clarion women’s volleyball team. Clarion won the PSAC West title Saturday after defeating Slippery Rock and having Cal U lose to Gannon. Clarion went into the PSAC playoffs as the No. 1 seed in the West and took on the No. 4 seed in Gannon. Clarion won the first set before dropping the next three and the match 3-1. In the first set, Clarion won 25-18 and ended the set on a 9-1 run. The crowd at Tippin Gymnasium, which was in a “Blue Out,” appreciated the team’s efforts. Head Coach Jen Mills appreciated the crowd’s enthusiasm throughout the duration of the match. “It was awesome. I think the energy was great.” She continued, “I appreciate it probably more than they know.” The second set saw Clarion start off well against Gannon. The turning point of the game the match was when Clarion led 11-6 and Gannon called a timeout. From that point forward in the game, the defending PSAC champions outscored the Golden Eagles
Kelsey Waros/ The Clarion Call
The loss to Gannon marks the first loss Clarion has suffered this year in Tippin Gymnasium. 19-10. Coach Mills thought the timeout is what really changed the fate of the game. “I think we had them in the second [set] and we
kind of stopped playing hard,” Mills said. Clarion was in contention to take the third set, but Gannon had other ideas. After trailing 20-17, the Golden Knights yet again
rallied to come back and take the set from Clarion. All of the sudden, the PSAC playoff ride for Clarion was in jeopardy. Gannon controlled the tempo in the fourth and
decisive set, gaining a 2014 advantage. Clarion trailed 24-17 and then sparked the crowd just a little bit as the team threatened a run of its own.
Courtesy Photo /Sports Information
Harsch was tied for the team lead in goals and points this season.
However, the Golden Eagle comeback was stopped short at 20, and Gannon won the set 25-20 and the match 3-1. Mills said the loss came because of poor passing and movement. “We couldn’t pass well all night, even the set we won. That’s our fault.” For as poor as the passing was for Clarion, Mills credited Gannon for taking them away from the game plan. “They were successfully able to keep us out of system,” Mills said. Clarion now has to wait to see if it gets a bid in the NCAA Division II tournament for the fifth consecutive season, something Mills thinks her team will get. Mills is hoping this lights a spark under the PSAC West champions. “I know we’re a better team than that, and I know we’re tired and exhausted, but that’s not an excuse for letting the little things go,” She continued, “I think this will sting enough to hopefully make us pick it up a little bit.” Senior Emily Steward had 14 kills and 14 digs for Clarion, while junior Laura Subject paced the offense with 35 set assists. Senior Carlie Bieranowski had 11 kills and 13 digs, while sophomore Morgan Seybold contributed 26 digs.
Courtesy Photo / Sports Information
Saussol is a three-year starter for the Golden Eagles soccer team.
Saussol and Harsch earn All-PSAC honors for Clarion soccer Jason C. Croft STAFF WRITER
After a wonderful 3-1-2 start to the season, the Clarion Golden Eagle women’s soccer team went downhill from there losing eight of its final 11 games. Clarion finished with a final record of 4-94 (.307) and was 12 points behind the eighth PSAC Playoff spot held by Mercyhurst. On the bright side of things for Clarion, two players were named to the second AllPSAC team by year’s end. Juniors Laura Saussol and Casey Harsch became the first women to make it to a PSAC all soccer team for Clarion University since the 2008 season and the first combo to do so since the 2007 campaign. Saussol finished third in the PSAC in save percentage as well as put herself in the Clarion record books with the best goals against average in team history. Harsch finished the season tied with the team lead of three goals (Mackenzie Stover, Tirzah Blackstone) and tied the
lead in points with seven (Stover), though she is a defender. For Saussol, although she may have succeeded with her individual goals, the team didn’t play up to par. “For myself, I had a big expectation to do much better than last year, and I think I succeeded. As a team, our expectation was to make playoffs and have a winning reputation,” according to Saussol. “[Next year], my goal is to increase the way I play, beat the [school GAA] record more than I beat it this year. As a team our goal is to win seven games and make playoffs, which I think we can do.” Harsch had other things to add to the goals set for herself and the team. “In general I had a better expectation than most people did. I came into the season pretty positive hoping to hit a certain goals that we set as a team and just overall have a positive outlook on the whole season. Individually, I probably had goals similar to not allowing anybody to get past me, assist goals when I could on free kicks and corners, and to help [Saussol] in the back to not
have [the opponents] get any shots on her.” When asked about their head coach they both had praises for him. “Rob [Eaton] has helped me a lot throughout my career. Ever since I was a freshman, he was there encouraging me telling me what I need to change and need improvement on. He is very good with his outlook on soccer and knows what he is talking about. He helped me a lot,” said Saussol. Harsch then said, “Coach Rob is really hard on me. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything when it comes to me because he knows that is how I liked to be coached. On a more personal level, he makes sure I’m doing well in school and that my head’s on straight between school, boyfriends and my family life.” When asked who their biggest supporters were, they both replied with their moms. Saussol said, “My biggest supporter would be my mom. She comes to every game, cheers me on whether we’re winning or losing. And after the game she’ll always come and give me a hug. She’s definitely the best.”
Harsch had almost identical words. “My biggest supporter would be my mom. She’s always been there; she’s a big soccer fan as well. She’s at every home game she can be. She’s just supported me throughout my whole soccer career, and it hasn’t changed even with me getting hurt, she was still there.” Harsch will have a difficult off season this year as she battles a tough leg injury. Harsh said, “Overall my first goal is to come back stronger than I ever have been. I’m trying to come back as soon as possible so I can start working with the team and training in the summer. Ultimately, I want us all to get the right mindset to be able to hit the goals we didn’t achieve this year and to have the seniors [of next year] go out with a bang and not accept the fact that were going to lose any games what so ever this upcoming season.” Both Saussol and Harsch return for their senior seasons next year and hope to help this Clarion team change things around and clinch a post season berth next year.
November 21, 2013
Special Report 13
SPECIAL REPORT: Communiversity Relations
Partners critical for HIP practice Lauren Healy Chelsea Signorino CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Photographer / The Clarion Call
Marc BrownGold, general manager, and Anthony Saufley, marketing director, welcome (from left) Kelly Ryan, Elisz Dietz, Jasmine Gilliam and Halee Kephart to Swarthmore Co-op.
Arts and culture team members Emily Oravitz (left) and Margot Goralczyk pose with Chris Cooke of Pulse Pittsburgh during an art crawl in the Garfield area of Pittsburgh. Andy Grove / The Clarion Call
Teams to share plans with community Dec. 5 Abbey Messich Lauren Healy CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Community service has always played an important part at Clarion University as a way to show that students not only go to school here but are also part of the community. This year students are looking to make their presence known even more in the community by starting the Communiversity Relations project. Throughout the fall semester, student intern and community partner teams have been working to develop plans for projects in three different areas: agriculture and natural resources, economic growth and development and arts and culture. Project proposals, which are still in the develop-
Students document project This “Special Report” on Communiversity Relations: Student Leadership, Media and Civic Partnerships is published with funds from a 2012 Clarion High Impact Practices pilot grant and in cooperation with the editorial board of The Clarion Call. Editorial content was provided by students in Dr. Laurie Miller’s MMAJ 340 Newswriting class. Those students include: Amerigo Allegretto, Anastasia Bates, ment stage, will be presented by the students 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5 at The American Legion in Clarion. Seniors Halee Kepart, a corporate communications major, and Jasmine Gilliam, a biology major,
Katherine Bonchi, Megan Brennan, Morgan Dehner, Lawrence Fickenworth, Alyssa Gerhart, Andrew Grove, Emily Hank, Emily Hardie, Lauren Healy, Dylan Hyman, Kaitlyn Jones, Alex Kozora, Abbey Messich, Jennifer Moore, Zack Rosen, Evan Schindler, Chelsea Signorino, Joshua Stefanosky, Natalie Thompson, Adam Warner, Lauren Welsh, Lauren Wyant and Brian Zalakar.
are developing a plan for a food co-op. Gilliam said the purpose of the food co-op is to “provide an outlet for farmers to sell produce so that the community members can buy and sell local produce.” Gilliam and Kepart will
give a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed Grow Clarion Food Co-op and offer a general overview of their action plan during the Dec. 5 event. Communiversity Relations is a Clarion University High-Impact Practices Grant
“It’s a great example of what happens when people belive and work together. It’s been awesome.”
Kelly Ryan
pilot program coordinated by Kelly Ryan, assistant director of the Leadership and Involvement Center at Clarion, and Dr. Laurie Miller, assistant professor in the department of Communication. Ryan is enthusiastic about the progress on the project and said she hopes it continues for years to come. “It’s a great example of what happens when people belive and work together. It’s been awesome,” Ryan said.
Teamwork, problem solving, and leadership skills all are aspects that students can expect to learn during the Communiversity Relations: Student Leadership, Media and Civic Partnerships internship. This is the first year that the program has been offered. Kelly Ryan, assistant director of the Center for Leadership and Involvement, and Dr. Laurie Miller, assistant professor in the Department of Communications, submitted separate proposals for High Impact Practices grants funded through the Provost’s office. The proposals were combined, and planning for Communiversity Relations started in spring 2013. Ryan explained how important it is for the university and community to join together to tackle problems and make Clarion a better place. “It’s really about dynamic problem-solving opportunities, “Ryan said. “We are focusing on community problem-solving and how we can look at problem solving among citizens here and how we can make it better for people who live here.” Interns were selected through an application process, and all students who applied were selected. The student interns, who are juniors or seniors and have a required GPA, have diverse backgrounds and interests. “The more diverse the teams could be, the more dynamics their actions would be,” Ryan explained. The project started in spring with a lunch-in. Members from all over the community came together to brainstorm ideas for collaborations between university students and member of the community. Plans progressed with the help of a summer intern. “I worked with Lizz Murr over the summer, and she did a great job. We followed up with the ideas on what people gave us at the lunch,” Ryan said. Students are working together in teams on three types of projects. The first team is the business and economic team, comprised of Olivia Kohler, a senior Communication major, Ryan Brantner, a senior business major, Terri-Lynn Clark, a business economics major, and community partner Andrea Estadt, Clarion mayor and business owner. It is developing a field experience program that will allow students in their early time here to get out in the business community organizations and get experience in their majors. The arts and cultures team, comprised of Emily Oravitz, a senior communication major, and See HIP Page 14
14 Special Report
November 21, 2013
Mayor discusses community connections Evan Schindler CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Clarion University has always had an immense impact on the surrounding borough of Clarion, Pa. More than 50 percent of Clarion’s population consists of those aged 18-24, and much of the local economy in Clarion depends on the students’ presence in the community. Clarion Mayor Andrea Estadt has been aware of this interdependence between students and community members for quite some time. So when she made an appearance at the university to speak with some students, her main focus was to promote connections between the university and the community. A small group of students filed into a Gemmell conference room on Sept. 17 to discuss some of their ideas about strengthening the relationship of Clarion University and Clarion Borough. Mayor Estadt has been working with students on one of three groups comprising the
Communiversity Relations Internship Program. An agriculture committee, an arts committee and a business committee have all been formed of university students working to make an impact on Clarion students and residents alike. Estadt opened the meeting by providing the students with a successful example of civic engagement. “A very good example of civic engagement is coming up--it’s the Autumn Leaf Festival,” said Estadt. She then went on to tell the story about a group of gentlemen in the 1950s who wanted to bridge the gap between then Clarion Teachers College and Clarion Borough by hosting a parade during homecoming weekend. “Now 60 years later, Clarion is known as the Autumn Leaf capital of the world. We have created a relationship, even if only for a weeks time, where alumni, students, community members and those from out of town come to celebrate this festival,” she explained. The meeting then proceeded with Estadt di-
Laurie Miller / The Clarion Call
Mayor Andrea Estadt (right) discusses community engagement with Ryan Brantner, Terri-Lynn Clark and Olivia Kohler. recting questions toward the committees and their progress on new civic engagement ideas. The business committee, made up of Terri-Lynn Clark, 21, Olivia Kohler, 21, and Ryan Brantner, 20, explained their initiation of a local internship program between the university and community. The program would allow university students to gain real-life experience while interning with local businesses. “It would be a semes-
ter program for students in which they could work between 40 and 60 hours for a local business,” Clark said. “We are looking into a lot of options including programs for communications, economics, marketing and computer information systems.” “You can imagine the advantage that Clarion University would have over other state schools if we could sustain a program like that,” said Esdadt about the program.
“Real life experience is such a valuable asset to have as an applicant for today’s job market.” The agriculture committee, made up of Jasmine Gilliam, 21, and Halee Kephart, 22, proposed a community wide food coop run by university students. “The bulk of our project would be a food co-op. The local farmers can come in and sell their produce to community members in bulk,” explained Kephart. “We would want
to see a community garden be integrated as well, so there is education on all levels.” “We want to get a community garden started behind the elementary school, and that way we can work it into the education as well,” stated Gilliam. The arts committee consisting of Margot Goralczyk, 21, and Emily Oravitz, 21 explained their work on a mentoring program that would allow for university art students to connect with local grade school students. They also proposed the idea of allowing for a venue on main street to display and sell Clarion University students’ artwork. Estadt will continue working alongside these students in the upcoming semester to try and solidify their efforts. Estadt was a Clarion University graduate in 1992, and is the owner of The Bathtub located on Main Street. She has been the mayor of Clarion University since 2010, and her term will end this December. Emily Hank contributed to this report.
Chamber representative speaks on “take-aways,” recruitment, retention Alex Kozora Kaitltyn Jones Zack Rosen CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Kelly Ryan / The Clarion Call
Halee Kephart (right) and Elise Dietz (center) talk to Eileen Gallagher of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.
Plan focuses on local, healthy food Brian Zalakar Adam Warner CONTRIBUING WRITERS
New ideas about making health changes in the world are happening every day, and there is one that is circulating around Clarion. The Communiversity agriculture/ natural resources team is working hard to make a positive change in the Clarion area regarding healthier food choices. Halee Kephart, a senior at Clarion University, majoring in corporate communication, is interning with the team to focus on bettering the community of Clarion. Kephart and others have been working together formulating ideas on how to help local farmers sell their goods. “We have a lot of people farming in Clarion,
but don’t have a place to sell their crops yearround. We’re working on finding an area to build an establishment where farmers can sell their goods and people can come buy them, Kephart said. She is working on a three-member team that includes student jasmine Gilliam and community partner Elise Dietz, manager of the Farmers’ Market in Clarion. The beginning steps of the plan require that the people working with the project must reach out to community members of Clarion to see specifically what they would want to see happen regarding the agricultural establishment. In the early stages this plan, the group members are extending to the community their ideas, but want to hear the com-
munity’s input as well and take it into consideration. The hope for the project is to benefit local farmers and producers by giving them a place to encourage their hard work. The team is reporting to town meetings throughout the area to spread the word and make people aware of the project. “There are big things, major issues in Clarion, and we can generate solutions,” Kephart said. Besides a place for farmers to sell their products, there are other developments that the team wants to incorporate into this establishment. Inside the establishment, the team wants to build a shared kitchen where people can rent to make their own food and sell it. In addition to a shared
kitchen, a gluten-free kitchen in is the works as well because gluten-free food can be hard to find, and it would give people in the area and out of the area a reason to visit Clarion. Also, a local man has been contemplating a brewery for years, and this could give him an opportunity to create a brew-pub, but this is far into the development plans. “Our vision is to have people driving along the interstate a reason to get off the Clarion exit and come to our marketplace,” Kephart said. Plans are still in early development, but students on the Communiversity teams will make public presentations of their plans 7 p.m. Dec. 5 at the American Legion, Main Street, Clarion.
Community, university collaborate in high-impact practice HIP from Page 14 Margot Goralczyk, a senior rehab science major, will be working with the Clarion County Arts Council and is looking to raise awareness of arts and fine arts through public art classes and workshops for local residents. The agriculture team, comprised of Halee Keph-
art, a senior communication major, Jasmine Gilliam, a senior biology major, and Elise Dietz, manager of the Clarion County Farmers’ Market, is developing a plan to get more locally grown food to local restaurants and retailers. They’re also working on moving the farmers market to an indoor location so the commu-
nity can have it year round and open a food co-op. In addition to the intern teams, 25 students in Miller’s MMAJ 340 Newswriting class participated in the highimpact project by providing news coverage and taking photographs of meetings, presentations and field trips and providing content
for a “special report,” published in cooperation with the editorial staff of the university’s student-run newspaper, The Clarion Call. Ryan said, “I’m thrilled with this project so far; it has really blossomed. It is a great example of what happens when people work t ogether.” Megan Brennan contributed to this report.
Cody Rapp had one message to the group of students working on Clarion’s Communiversity Relations project. Have a “take away” – something to be gained from that experience. Rapp, the assistant to the director of the Clarion Area Chamber of Business and Industry, talked to three student intern teams working on arts and culture, agriculture and business and the economy on Oct 22. He spoke of the importance of retention with the idea of recruitment being the biggest influence. “Good recruitment will reap great retention,” Rapp said. “Retention is a part of everything. Really, anytime you’re involved in a membership organization, retention is automatically a part of something you do.” He added that creating a feeling of exclusivity for each of the members is also paramount. Equally as important is finding a purpose and ensuring the leader understands and communicates it effectively. “Everyone has to have a purpose,” Rapp told the group. The intern teams decided their purpose was to make the Clarion community a better place. A 2012 Clarion graduate, Rapp stressed credibility. “Values will determine your actions,” he said in the hour-long presentation. “Do what you say you’re going to do.” Rapp explained to the group the importance of following through with plans and goals, and he advised them to continue communicating with participants throughout the process. Above all, Rapp said caring about the project would cause others to buy into its goals. He quoted leadership
Laurie Miller / The Clarion Call
“Values will determine your actions, Do what you say you’re going to do.” Cody Rapp speaker John C. Maxwell, saying, “People don’t care about what you know until they know how much you care.” In dealing with large group projects, creating clarity through communication was a focal point. Rapp explained to do that, the group must act in accordance with the purpose and communicate in order to fulfill the goal. It’s sometimes a difficult task. He told the group the most effective ways to accomplish it is through having a time commitment, creating a share vision, applying past lessons and being respectful. Rapp spent extra time discussing applying past lessons, admitting that mistakes he made helped him grow and adapt. Sponsored by a High Impact Practice Innovation Grant, the Communiversity project is described on the university website as “a program that unites college students and community members to build dialog, partnerships, and action plans.”
November 21, 2013
Special Report 15
Diversity included in community planning Dylan Hyman Amerigo Allegretto Anastasia Bates CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
In an effort to help encourage diversity in community planning, Brenda Dédé discussed the topic with internship teams in the Communiversity Relations program Oct. 15. Dédé, student advocate and associate vicepresident for Academic Affairs, spoke to various students about her vast experiences regarding diversity in the workplace. Dédé began by explaining to the younger generation seated around her table that diversity is not always a racial matter. She believes diversity can “be just plain differences” between two people. “I guess the first thing
Photographer / The Clarion Call
Dr. Brenda Dédé discusses diversity with members of the Communiversity Relations Internship teams. I want to talk about is diversity in this group. Even though you’re on the same team, there’s diversity within that little group, too. Most people think you are talking about color, but you’re not; you’re talking about just plain differences. Di-
versity is the differences in people and how we react to that,” Dédé said. Speaking on her own background as an African-American woman, Dédé, who has a doctorate in higher education administration, spoke on how families can even
be diverse. She spoke of personal experience and explained how while she and her siblings were related to each other, they each had their own differences. Not just in shades of their skin color, but attitude, personality and other factors can make
family members some of the most diverse people someone can know. Dédé allowed time at the end of the session to answer questions from the students on how they could allow for more diversity in each of their respective teams. Many of
the groups were involved in various charitable organizations on campus that reach out to businesses in the community. Dédé was able to guide many of the students who asked for advice in the right direction for each of their own projects. “Dr. Dédé gave me a better understanding of what diversity really is,” said Halee Kephart, a member of the agriculture and natural resources team. “I was under the impression that diversity was a difference in qualities that you could easily observe, such as appearance. Dr. Dédé explained that diversity is anything that makes you different from someone else – like the way you think or the life experiences you’ve had. … I am going to bring diversity into my project by asking more people for their opinions.”
Internship team outlines plan to encourage and enhance arts scene Katie Bonchi CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Encouraging and enhancing arts and
culture through university and community partnerships is the aim of one team in the Communiversity Relations Internship program. Emily Oravitz, a senior communication/advertising major with an art minor, and Margot Goralczyk, a rehab science major, comprise the arts and culture team. “Our focus is to get the community and university involved with one another,” Oravitz said. The team plans to do this by offering free classes on Main Street and having community members be taught by students and university faculty, in hopes to make art more accessible to the community members. Oravitz and Goralczyk are writing an action plan, which will be set into motion by others at a later date. Oravitz says, “Right now our goal is to staff the project and see how interested people will be in this project.” Some main street establishments have shown an interest in the project. After the classes they want to have a showcase where you can submit the artwork and show it in the local stores on Main Street. All stores that were asked gave positive feedback to Oravitz and Goralczyk. The team is also discussing the possibility of organizing an art crawl, similar to the gallery crawls held in larger cities, where a number of galleries or businesses participate in an exhibit-driven event on a scheduled date. Representatives of the Clarion County Arts Council are serving as community partners to the team. As part of the project, the team trav eled to Pittsburgh to interact with other
organizations, including the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, that sponsor classes and organize arts and culture events. The team asked them advice and networked with the members on how to make this as successful as possible. One suggestion was to have a big event on Main Street prior to the event, even if unrelated to the project, to draw people in and to the location. “The goal is to make this an ongoing project and to build on it. Ultimately we would like to have our own Main street location,” Oravitz said.
Emily Hardie and Natalie Thompson contributed to this report.
Jennifer Moore/ The Clarion Call
Ryan Brantner and Clarion Mayor Andrea Estadt attend a work session during a trip to Washington, D.C.
Career Exploration aims at bridging gap Josh Stefanosky Lauren Wyant CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Andy Grove/ The Clarion Call
A model of the duck that visited Pittsburgh sits in the Pittsburgh Glass Center.
Andy Grove/ The Clarion Call
Mary Brenholts, director of school and community programs at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts in Shadyside, shows working space to Kelly Ryan and Laurie Miller of Clarion University.
A few students from Clarion University have been taking steps to help bridge the gap between the Clarion community and the students of the university. Ryan Brantner, Olivia Kohler, and Terri-lynn Clark, of Clarion are involved in creating a program that will allow students to work hand in hand with local businesses to help gain real world work experience by allowing students to volunteer hours in local businesses that have common traits to their field of study. The program will target primarily sophomore students and will require the applicant to be in good academic standing with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. If the student earns a position at a local business through the project, he or she will be required to volunteer 75 hours throughout the semester. The group believes that the program will also aid in enrollment in the university. They believe it will be a promotional tool to prospective students as well as developing an appreciation for the community for the already enrolled students. The interns are working with community partner Clarion Mayor Andrea Estadt to create a program, tentatively named Clarion University Career Exploration/Experience, in which students who are sophomore standing with a 3.0 Grade Point Average can gain an apprenticeship in the field of business, marketing, communication and other majors. The students would be partnered with small businesses in Clarion. The group is targeting local businesses that can be correlated with a student’s major, therefore giving the student experience in their field of study without dealing with the hassle of the internship process. The team members said they believe that the project will equally benefit both the student and
“The purpose of the areer Exploration program is to gain hands-on experience outside the classroom Students would work with a professional related to their major. They would apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to a real-world setting.” Olivia Kohler the business. Students will be receiving hands-on job experience that they can take into their careers, while the business will receive free labor hours and also a young mind and fresh ideas for the business that could help benefit the business. The group thinks that the benefits received both by the student and the business will benefit the entire community as a whole. “The purpose of the Career Exploration program is to gain hands-on experience outside the classroom Students would work with a professional related to their major. They would apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to a real-world setting,” Kohler said. The group is still in the planning stages of the project. They are in the process of contacting local businesses attempting to create a wide variety of different types of businesses to benefit different students. They are also taking steps to try to make sure if the project is a success, it will continue after they graduate by trying to get the program incorporated under the Career Services department. The group traveled to Washington, D.C., in November to attend a seminar about community-based learning. They hope with the skills and knowledge taken from the seminar they hope to get a pilot program launched by the fall semester 2014. Alyssa Gerhart and Lauren Welsh contributed to this report.
16 Special Report
November 21, 2013
Ag team seeks ideas in Philadelphia Lawrence Fickenworth Morgan Dehner CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
The agriculture and natural resources team, one of three groups in the Communiversity Relations internship program, recently took a trip to eastern Pennsylvania to gather ideas and that could be used in Clarion. The team, comprised of students Halee Kephart, Jasmine Gilliam and community partner Elise Dietz, visited a couple of co-ops in Swarthmore and Weaver’s Way. Kephart explained a co-op is a member-owned market, where the members get a certain percentage discount on whatever is sold there. The co-op usually focuses on locally grown food, but can outsource its goods. The food is usually sustainable and organic. The group also visited the Yorkitchen, a shared kitchen facil-
Kelly Ryan/ The Clarion Call
Colorful fruit and vegetables abound in a farmers’ market. ity where people sell their food, have it inspected by the Department of Agriculture, or host private dinners or parties, and
the York Central Market, which is similar to a farmer’s market but contains embellishments such as a butcher’s or pastry stands.
Other stops on the trip included the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and the Reading Terminal. Kephart said the trip fo-
cused on looking at co-op models “to see which one would fit best in Clarion and see how all of the businesses would work.”
There was also a brewery located in the York Central Market. Kephart said her team is interested in trying to incorporate the establishment of a microbrewery, to be operated by a local business person, in the development plan for a food co-op. If this project were to be successful, then the brewery would be combined with a shared kitchen facility to bring an even more diverse experience to the Clarion community. Along with the shared kitchen facility and the brewery, the Communiversity team wants to create a community garden where elementary school students can learn about gardening and assist with taking care of the garden. Kephart said these ideas could be beneficial to the community in multiple ways and could offer a new way for people to acquire food and sell their wares.
Art “crawls” in ’Burgh Andy Grove CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Jennifer Moore/ The Clarion Call
Meghan Rego speaks to the team in Washington, D.C.
Econ team heads to D.C. for advice Jennifer Moore CONTRIBUTING WRITER
The Communiversity Relations Economic Growth and Development Team took an informative trip to the Washington, D.C., metro area Nov. 10. The team, which consists of three Clarion University students, Olivia Kohler, Ryan Brantner, and TerriLynn Clark, was accompanied on the trip by Clarion Borough Mayor Andrea Estadt. The group was led by project coordinator Kelly Ryan, who has been overseeing all aspects of the Communiversity Relations program. The purpose of the Communiversity project is to unite the Clarion residents and the university, creating a mutually benefitting relationship. It will put students in real-life situations where they will be able to gain working experience, and it will also help local businesses in the Clarion community. The Economic Growth Team spent two days talking to representatives from American University and Montgomery College to understand similar programs and to obtain ideas that will aid in the Communiversity project in Clarion. Meghan Rego is the community engagement and service coordinator for American University. She explained that the program in place at AU gives students the opportunity to get credit for their field study work, but still aids local and even international businesses, “We currently have 168 businesses across the city that we work with,” Rego said. “ It’s a great opportunity for the students because it gives them the chance to learn in the real world instead of sitting in
a classroom just reading from a textbook.” While the program at AU differs from the one being developed in Clarion, the team was able to take away some useful advice. In order to get the word out about the field study opportunity, the school can use the yearly activity fair on campus. Rego said that businesses come from all over the area in order to get in contact with students who are interested in the program. The activity day would be an opportunity for CU students to connect with area business owners who specialize in their particular major or field of interest. The team also had the chance to meet with Nik Sushka, the service learning coordinator at Montgomery College, who had some advice. “You want to make sure you find sustainable partners in the community. You don’t want a business that’s just looking for help for a semester and that’s it. It’s the businesses that are in the program for years that build the best relationships with the college.” The Economic and Development team was able to take away ideas from the coordinators and plans to try to incorporate these into the Communiversity program at Clarion. The group will present ideas in December, not just to the university, but members of the community as well. “My goal was always to strengthen the partnership between the university and the town,” Estadt said. “I want to show the benefits of having a university in a small town but also find a way to try and keep students in Clarion long after they graduate. This program is the perfect opportunity to do that.”
The arts and culture team, part of the Communiversity Relations program, traveled to Pittsburgh Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 to look at other programs and research ways of enhancing community involvement with arts and culture. Kelly Ryan, assistant director of Leadership and Involvement at Clarion, and Dr. Laurie Miller, assistant professor in the Department of Communication, received a 2012 Clarion High-Impact Practice pilot program grant to collaborate on the Communiversity program. One facet of the program involves arts and culture, and one of three internship teams is working in this area. The team, comprised of Emily Oravitz and Margot Goralczyk, decided to travel to Pittsburgh to meet with several artists and organizations to talk with about how to integrate the arts with the town of Clarion. Ryan traveled to Pittsburgh with the team, and Andy Grove, a student in Miller’s MMAJ 340 Newswriting class accompanied the group to document the event. The group had the opportunity to interview three representatives from The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust: Eric Thomas, assistant director of Volunteer Services & Customer Service; Al Rodibaugh, director of Ticketing Services, Vanessa Braun, director of Accessibility and manager of Employee Engagement. Rodibaugh suggested offering writing skills to the young children, such as writing-intensive classes with illustration involved. “The best way of getting people in the area involved is to have a large event around the courses that you want to get started in the area,” Thomas said. Braun added, “You have to get out in the community and make the difference.” One idea agreed upon by everyone at the meeting included having students from the college and high schools from
Andy Grove/ The Clarion Call
Murals cover walls and houses along Penn Avenue in Garfield. the surrounding areas to get involved with enhancing the arts in the area. The group had the opportunity to talk to Mary Brenholts, director of School and Community at the Shadyside Center of the Arts. Brenholts discussed the methods the center uses to foster the arts in Pittsburgh and surrounding counties. She explained that organizers need to attract people with new and upcoming art and technology. Brenholts suggested starting programs to attract local volunteers with activities that are different from the norm, such as making Latex Halloween masks that could bring in the older teens into the town. She also suggested that animation might draw the younger crowd to arts classes. She suggested the group use social media to get people in the area and surrounding areas to become more involved in bringing the arts into Clarion. “Make art interactive with the community,” Benholts said. She told the group that grid art is becoming popular in
Andy Grove/ The Clarion Call
Paintings, such as this one depicting the Day of the Dead, are among the art works featured in the Garfield Art Crawl. the art scene. Project organizers send out grid paper to people in the area and have the people mail their completed work to the center where the art is constructed. Grid art may be a way to get people involved in the community, she said. The group traveled to Lawrenceville to talk to several arts and at-
tended the Garfield Art Crawl in the Penn Avenue Arts District. The students plan to incorporate some of the ideas gleaned on the trip into their development plan for Clarion. “It will take time to get it out to the masses, but it will occur over time with people coming out,” Thomas told the team.