One Recognized Student Organization is dedicated to getting students outside to be active – a notion that has become more important since the beginning of the pandemic.
outside and experiencing all the outdoors has to offer. We typically try to plan events that take advantage of whatever weather is forecasted, such as our yearly ski trip in the winter,” Marcic said.
“Getting outside, be it dedicating yourself to going on a hike or simply walking to class, is very important when dealing with the stress from the pandemic,” said Clarion University senior Zachary Marcic, president of the Recreational Outdoors Club. “The Recreational Outdoors Club and its members believe that encouraging people to take ‘outside breaks’ is just as vital for one’s health as drinking water. People need that break from being trapped inside to go breathe some fresh air, take in the nature all around them, and remind themselves that even though things are stressful, the world is still full of beauty and joy.”
Marcic believes the pandemic has had a positive effect on membership with students returning to campus and wanting to get involved.
The student Recreational Outdoors Club explores the greater Clarion region through planned trips that involve adventures like hiking or canoeing. “The club does travel when permitted by the university,” Marcic said. “We usually do not go farther than two hours away just to make sure our trips are accessible and affordable.
While the club’s roster has 55 names, there are about 12-15 people per event or meeting. “We’re pleased with that number given that a lot of clubs have struggled with participation in this era of virtual events,” Marcic said. Marcic became involved in the ROC after joining the organization for a canoe trip in 2019. He now serves as the president of ROC after serving for one year as social media chair. He’ll graduate in fall 2022 with a secondary education degree with a concentration in social studies and a minor in history. Even though Marcic got involved in the club early in his college career, many of the new members have been upperclassmen proving it’s not too late for students to get involved by going outside.
In addition to smaller trips, they have a yearly ski trip. One thing the club never does is stay indoors. “In the years I have been at Clarion, the club has not used the climbing wall or the Rec Center. We have taken several trips during times when the weather was less than ideal, but the club sees that as part of the experience of getting
“When the pandemic started, we were active participants in the president’s outdoor challenge. We created the hashtag #CUOutside, and we encourage every student to use that hashtag to show off their Clarion adventures!” The organization also has an Instagram page: @roc.cu.