BACK2EDEN NEWS MAG Featured Topics : Masturbation-By Tranea Prosser Sexual Reclamation-By Prophetess Joyce Stewart Spiritual Husband, Spiritual Wife & Demonic ForcesBy Chisa Roby Zumba: Exercise or SEXerise-By Theresa Nelson
Cover Feature: Jenn & Jason Ray, Worshippers Make Better Lovers
VOL. 9-ISSUE 2 2018
Topic : SEX!
Spiritual Commentary on MARVEL'S BLACK PANTHER
B A C K 2 E D E N
VOL. 9 / ISSUEÂ 2- 2018
C O N T E N T S 0 3
Publisher's Note
0 4
Masturbation from a Christian Perspective
0 6
Spiritual Commentary on Marvel's Black Panther
0 9
Spiritual Husband, Spiritual Wife & Demonic Forces
1 1
Let's Talk About SEX
Sexual Reclamation
14 15 17 25
Did You Know? Let's Talk Finances Zumba: Exercise or SEXercise? EAW-Health &Fitness Columnist: Ann Wooten-Taylor
Cover Feature: Jenn & Jason Ray
*BACK2EDEN NEWS MAG mission is to bring the systems of this world into Divine Alignment of God's perfect Will for mankind as we stand on the foundation scripture of Genesis 2:8 and the theme from First Corinthians 3:9." (Amplified Version).
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VOL. 9, ISSUE 2-- 2018
Sex is one of the most talked
It is my prayer that things will
about topics within this world
began to change within the Body
but unfortunately, it is not talked
of Christ as we come together to
about enough within our
allow God to grace us on how to
churches or amongst other
discuss this topic. The features
brothers and sisters in Christ!
within this issue, are sure to spark
How can you avoid NOT talking
some conversation around your
about SEX when it is on our
coffee table and we pray that
televisions, within our movies, in
these articles will bless you and
the music, cartoons and so much
open your mind to the liberation
more? I often wonder why does
of discussing something so
the church see this topic as such
sacred that God intended for a
a taboo?
husband and wife to enjoy!
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VOL. 9, ISSUE 2-- 2018
Masturbation from a Christian Perspective By-Tranea Prosser My name is Tranea Prosser and I am the Author of a book called, "Celibacy: What TRANEA PROSSER Was I Thinking?" I wanted to talk about a topic that I know many Saints will become silent on, and that is the topic of Masturbation! Many of you wonder, HOW does the Lord view masturbation and is it a sin? Well, I am going to make this short, but simple; masturbation may not be specifically mentioned in the Bible, but there are some scriptures to pay attention to that teaches principles which can be applied to any questionable practice/habit/behavior in life. Not every person is tempted by everything nor is every person tempted by the same things. First Corinthians 6:12-14 says, "Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial." "Everything permissible for me," but I will not be mastered by anything. "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food." but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (NIV). The best time to put a stop to any temptation, is when it is still an idea! Temptation comes with the price and purpose of defeating us, trapping and enslaving us. This affects our relationship with our Father. Yes, God gives us free-will but if you are striving to live Holy, YOU should do whatever it takes to PLEASE HIM! Some people see masturbation as a way to relieve stress instead of taking a chance of catching a disease, but do you realize that masturbation can lead you a way from your WALK in ABSTINENCE or CELIBACY? Be mindful of the books you read, the television shows you watch and the music you listen to, because these things can set you up for great destruction. Please protect your eye and ear gates. Learn what triggers you and become victorious in not allowing that thing to take over you, for the enemy always wants to take from us so that we will fall out of FELLOWSHIP with our Heavenly Father.
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And lastly, some of you wonder is it a sin to self-please yourselves when you are NOT involved in a relationship because you are NOT MARRIED? Well, I believe the danger of self-pleasuring yourself, is that if and when you do get in a relationship with someone, they will NEVER be able to satisfy you! I say this because you will be so busy demanding them to touch you a certain way, which your body is used to, and he/she, may have a better way to make your TOE-NAILS just curl under themselves! On a personal note, I would rather wait for the REAL THING! Don't allow your anxiety to forfeit your destiny! Stay within the things of the Lord and keep your mind FOCUS on what He has for you until Mr. or Mrs. Right shows up and believe me, if you are waiting on God, IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WAIT! Connect with Tranea on Facebook @
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VOL. 9, ISSUE 2-- 20188
Spiritual Commentary of Marvel's Black Panther By-Prophetess Joyce Stewart Movie Commentary: I give this film 7 STARS FOR PERFECTION! TRANEA PROSSER
The much-awaited movie, “The Black Panther,” exceeded my expectations! For those who have not seen the movie, I am going through great restraints to avoid talking about scenes in detail. No spoiler alert needed! From the first scene until the very end, this movie proved its worth of production and all efforts of the cast that played each role. The star, Chadwick Boseman, was perfectly cast as was his mother Angela Bassett. The entire presentation was simply fantastic. As an avid fan (fanatic) of the marvel movies, I was thrilled that the caliber of costume, African culture, visual cinema and digital technology was incredibly surreal. From a historical perspective, it was prolific, prophetic and a timely representative of the grass roots of the African/African-American and People of Color’s experience.
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The rich heritage of the fictional land of Wakanda (Africa-based), was displayed in such a magnificent manner that it challenges one’s perspective of the continent of Africa altogether. Growing up in America as a person of color, I recalled the European/American based teaching as “us” living a substandard and mediocre life as compared to other nationalities. This absolutely has contributed to a lesser esteem and devalued self-image based on the missing cultural truths and the unawareness of the vast riches and wealth of the beginnings of African-Americans/AfroEccentric culture. With this being said, it may seem like a negative view of our European/American brothers and sisters that are not of the People of Color nationalities. However, this is not a railing accusation but a true “BREAKTHROUGH” of EPIC PROPORTION! How can this be viewed as a positive and climatic spiritual progression in our lives today? When truth is exposed, revelation and deliverance can be APPLIED! Marvels edition of the “Black Panther” has incited a Nation of People who even today with all of its (educational, economical or spiritual advantages), still seemed to be STUCK from an unknown disadvantage. I truly believe that God is using this movie to raise our (self-image) consciousness that we ALL come from a ROYAL LINEAGE! In the “Body of Christ”, we must be on ONE ACCORD. This can only happen when we all view ourselves as a ROYAL LINEAGE in our deepest hearts.
It has been said throughout the years that “People of Color” will never be a nation that can be united. This movie supports a different view. The church has suffered racism, slave like tendencies and division because there has been undertones and explosions because of a “racist demonic spirit” that still rears its ugly head through violence, ignorance, economics, outdated educational tools and the letter of law (biblical traditions).
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The “Black Panther’s” story brought the PROMISE OF UNITY , cultural diversity and the concept of EVERY RACE to understand that we ALL play a huge role in building a GODLY KINGDOM that doesn’t divide but provides HOPE for the HUMAN RACE - not only for those who know Jesus but those who are coming into a knowledge of Him as well. Praises to Marvel for having the courage to support Humanity and God’s Beloved People through the Big Screen.
Connect with Prophetess Joyce Stewart on Facebook @
VOL. 9, ISSUE 2---2018
Spiritual Husband, Spiritual Wife and Demonic Forces By- Chisa Roby What is it like having a spiritual husband or a spiritual wife? Having a spiritual husband or wife is a spirit that is created by Satan (The Enemy) that creates sexual events that pleases the flesh. If you have been violated,meaning sexually, physically, mentally, and verbally, you may feel as a victim having attachments that is connected to your very heart and soul. For example, I have been sexually abused as a child and it transformed into a sexual relationship. What happened now that I am an adult, has caused me to have nightmares, having problems within my marriage, not being affectionate to my husband or children or anyone that was connected to me. I had trust issues with family, friends, and spiritual sisters and brothers. I built up a rage that was unbelievable and it spreaded everywhere that I went and affected those whom I was in relationship with. According to my research, when you have dreams or nightmares, you can have sex in your dreams illegally and the enemy torments your mind with past hurts and pain mixed into that nightmare to keep you in fear and intimidation. This can become your spiritual husband or spiritual wife! Your abuser, your past, your faults and guilt and so on. We must know how to divorce the spiritual husband or spiritual wife. It is Satanic to have sex in dreams.
"It is Satanic to have sex in dreams."
Sex dreams are demons having sex with you. You have no power of your own to deny the spiritual husband and/or wife. Whether you like it or not, those demons will have sex with you until the day you are delivered! The spiritual husband and wife deprives the married, so that the demons do everything they can to deny married sex. This can bring excuses to deprive sexual relations,causing the married to sleep in different beds! The spiritual husband and/or wife, is one of the major causes of separation and divorce. To be married, there will be no affection and attraction for your husband or wife and the spiritual husband or wife will cause you hatred for your spouse. You have heard women who say that they have no feelings towards their husband’s and that is because they have a spiritual husband. Having a spiritual husband or wife can affect you in the natural and in the spirit. You will become tormented and filled with distractions.
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When your past is being used in your nightmares, the enemy will send what we call “Memory Recall” to your psyche and you will be off your square. This is the year to let go of anyone who has hurt you in the past and divorce this spiritual husband or wife and denounce all spirits of lust and perversion in the Name of Jesus. Be free from the wolf that is trying to discourage you and keep you from having a peace of mind. As an individual who dealt with sexual abuse and personally had a spiritual husband, I know firsthand of what it is like to be tormented, torn down, not sleeping, and not having peace. This year, I began to forgive all those who sexually abused me, verbally abused me, or even mentally abused me or those who tried to damage my character. I forgive all of those that hurt me and God has given me a peace that surpasses all my understanding. God has touched my heart to divorce the spiritual husband and to forgive that person who raped me as a child. I am FREE from ALL past hurts! My silence is broken through this article. I pray for all of you who read this article and if you are dealing with the spiritual husband or wife, please denounce every foul spirit and declare the Name of Jesus whose name is above every name. If you have any Questions or Comments concerning “The Spiritual Husband or Spiritual Wife," Please Email me at
VOL. 9, ISSUE 2---2018
Sexual Reclamation By-Prophetess Joyce Stewart Throughout history, sex has been a very controversial and misunderstood subject/concept as it relates to those in the world as well as most in the church dimension. The genesis of sex as most are familiar with, is “Adam knew Eve” (Genesis 4:1). That word “knew” refers to “intimacy.” To understand sex, we must note that it refers to a deep relationship physically, mentally and emotionally. Although, this “knowing” can lead to reproduction or establishing a family – this was NOT a MEANS to an END for Sex! Now, we can plainly see that God had a purpose for sex. He intended for it to be pleasurable and memorable. After the Fall of Adam, Genesis 3:16, says that women shall conceive children with pain, but her desire shall be for her husband. This confirms that sex was not a mechanical or robotic duty to be fulfilled for reproduction of mankind only. I want to address why “Sexual Reformation” should occur in the church. 1. God created the perfect courtship (dating) for sexual attraction 2. God licensed marriage/union to keep order for sexual relations. 3. God designed sex to be intimate and enjoyable. *Reformation – Healthy Sex in your Marriage What is healthy sex, you may question in your mind? Healthy sex is what brings you life, joy and freedom. The famous and legendary Marvin Gaye was correct when he crooned the song: “Sexual Healing.” Many times, those considered non-spiritual perceive things in the soul realm quicker than we do in the spiritual kingdom (Luke 16:8). Even science has discovered that sex is healthy. It releases chemicals, a natural pain reliever referred to as the “love hormone.” It is said that prior to an orgasm, oxytocin is released from the brain and is accompanied by surges of endorphins – which are natural pain killing hormones. What this means, is that a healthy marriage must have healthy sex!
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This is one of the areas that “our enemy- Satan (and his co-horts) has caused many relationships to fail. How do we know what healthy sex is? 1. First, marital partners must stay physically engaged with one another. 2. Secondly, they should be faithful to each other. 3. Thirdly, quality time alone cannot be substituted. These are just a few rules of thumb. The how’s, when’s and details are things that you must have a true commitment and agreement to in order to create your very own “love cocoon.” *Restoration in Your Bedroom If you have a promising relationship outside of your bedroom, then your bed chambers have a great chance of being successful with plenty of “loving moments.” However, if there is much turmoil, disagreements, anger or lack of communication, this can certainly wreak havoc in your love life. To create restoration or just to bring life to a dull love life, you must start with the basics all over again. Money issues can put out fire in the bedroom! Make sure you work together to keep order and stability in your finances to be on one accord. Communication is KING!!! A woman must feel (emotionally) fulfilled, secure and desired. A man must sense that he is respected and honored (Ephesians 5:22-33). These are vital to the fundamentals to a great relationship and an amazing love relationship. I’ve counseled men and women regarding these issues. Men need to listen with their hearts and women need to be receptive to the verbal cues of their husbands. Don’t overlook your mates “body language!” This is where you both must take heed to prosper in intimacy. 1. Communication cannot be overlooked: I highly recommend that couples and singles read “The 5 Love Languages” book. 2. Make time to make yourselves appealing: physically; cologne/perfume/etc. 3. Dating doesn’t have to be an expensive restaurant/gift to activate romance. When your love life is hanging in the balance, you must pursue corrective action. Use your creativity with quality time, you can’t afford for the light/fire to go out of your relationship. Prevent the enemy from bringing temptation, petty arguments or dissatisfaction.
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*Revolutionary Sex – Imagination in that Secret place I find that the average “Believer’s” understanding about sex is truly lacking. One of the reason’s that I believe that boredom visits the bedroom, is a lack of “imagination.” I don’t want this to be confused with experiments with worldly types of stimulation, such as, pornographic films/magazines, sex toys or introducing a woman/man or the extreme things such as wife swapping to try and introduce newness. These are all entrapments and will bring an appetite or perversion/lasciviousness - that causes death and NOT life into your marriage. What I want you to consider is prayer. You might say what!!! How can prayer bring more enjoyment to my sex life with my mate? The Word of God says that the “Holy Spirit” brings us into “ALL Truth”. What this will do is cause you to receive more revelation about one anothers sexual points, peaks and desire levels. In other words, how can I turn on my wife or husband in a new way? What, you don’t think God cares? God cares about EVERYTHING HE CREATED even SEX. God is always the answer to any problem or issue. Ask yourself this, if God created it – then “He” can enhance it according to the ones He gave it to! 1. God gave “YOU” the Holy Spirit to operate in every arena of your life including SEX. 2. God gave you a marital license to have SEX & that much more abundantly. 3. God desires for YOUR “INTIMACY” to be fulfilled through “HIS” CREATIVE Mysteries. Finally, my brothers and sisters that are married or awaiting marriage, I believe that God wants us to be happy in EVERYTHING HE made. Need to know more about marriage, love, sex and intimacy, email me and I will be more than happy to bring some “Holy Spirit Inspired” wise counsel. If you want to bring sparks to your love-life, please get copies of my books, which are ADVERTISED on the back of this magazine: The BBQ Series - The BBQ: Fireworks Spark, The BBQ: Lover’s Holiday, The BBQ: The Resurrection and The BBQ: Scarlet Covenant. Stay tuned for more truth that will lead you into a greater and deeper fulfillment of your “Sexual Reclamation.
VOL. 9, ISSUE 2---2018
Did You Know? By- Debbie C. Mullen The New Living Translation says,"The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel." -Proverbs 12:10 Since God has given man dominion over the animals, we are responsible to make sure that they are taken care of by ALL means! Just as people require love, so do ANIMALS!
Debbie C. Mullen is our new Animal Columnist and a Woman of God who loves the four-legged creatures that God created and the many blessings that they can bring into ones life, so look for some Awesome stories coming from her in our next issue!
VOL. 9, ISSUE 2---2018
Let's Talk About Finances By-Leslie Elia Allow me to introduce myself. I am Leslie Elia and I work with Life Leadership, an international group of business owners passionate about getting people out of the financial Matrix. In the 1999 movie The Matrix starring Laurence Fishburne and Keanu Reeves, the character Neo is offered a chance to take a blue or a red pill. If he takes the blue pill he will awaken in his warm bed believing anything he wants to. If he takes the red pill he will be exposed to some ugly truths about his world. If you have not seen it, I won’t spoil which one he chose. As for me, I chose the red pill when our family income took a dive about 13 years ago. My husband and I were living with my parents. At the time that meant four paychecks, even if two of them were just small amounts of Social Security for my retired parents. We never thought about money and always seemed to have what we needed right when we needed it. We thought about the future a bit, but it just seemed so far off. Well as you can imagine, parent number one passed away and parent number two went into a nursing home. Two incomes were still doable as long as the kids would stop eating and growing. Well, since that was not a viable option, we tightened our belts and did the “B” word. Yes, I’m talking about that dreaded budget! However, my husband lost his job rather suddenly and was out of work for 6 months. I found out quickly that food stamps and unemployment could only take you so far, even with a budget. The crushing blow was when my husband finally did find work, it was less than half of what he made in his former profession. He was making more money collecting unemployment, which we did not want to rely on any longer than necessary.
VOL. 9, ISSUE 2---2018
We needed more than just coupon cutting and second-hand clothes from friends. We needed to not only know the offense and defense of money (making and keeping it) but we also needed to know the playing field (how it works in the real world). Enter the green box. When I joined Life Leadership I was given a green box that would change my life with 47 principles of personal finance. The first one is understanding the concept that it is not what you make but what you keep that determines your success. You must pay yourself first and save what you pay yourself. Ugh! My grandma taught me that and she was a Great Depression Survivor and a tightwad. No way did I see myself washing out plastic sandwich bags to reuse. I was not about to take my husband's worn T-shirts and cut them into rags when there was a dollar store down the street. Guess what? When I pay myself first and save what I pay myself, strange and wonderful things begin to happen. Suddenly an old T-shirt makes a wonderful dust cloth when cleaning our coffee table. Suddenly I don’t need to get my hair professionally colored. A good home kit will cover the gray just as well at a fraction of the cost. I begged my husband to start saving from his paycheck as well and at first, he would put about 10% of each check in, only to have to borrow a bit of it back out at the end of the month to pay one last bill. It was frustrating for us but diligence paid off. We finally saved $1,000 for unexpected things that life can throw at a couple. A funny thing happened when we hit that magic number. Things stopped being so urgent. We were so proud of our savings that we didn’t need to call the repairman when the dryer broke. My husband used his knowledge from his job, an owners manual and a couple of YouTube videos to fix it himself for less than half of what we would have paid a repair person. We wanted to see that $1,000 stay safely in our account as we went on to learn about principle number two. So, make a commitment today and follow Principle Number One to pay yourself first, save what you pay yourself, and next month we will look at the next step to getting out of the financial Matrix. For more information or to purchase a Green Box Financial Fitness package, please contact and put Green Box in the subject box.
VOL. 9, ISSUE 2---2018
Zumba: Exercise or SEXerise?
By- Theresa Nelson
God has placed it upon my heart to write about Zumba, a workout that has captured the attention of more than 20,000 instructors in 35 countries (according to Wikipedia), which has thousands of men, women, and including children, signing up everywhere for the classes. And now it’s in the church. I did some homework on it (and you can too). I know my fair share about genuine exercise and health and over all wellness, and what it takes to be and look healthy. But Zumba over the last couple of years has been raising questions with me, then shortly after, the convictions of the Holy spirit started. Okay, I know that I’m going to get a mixed bag on this topic, but here goes. First of all, what is Zumba? Many Christians are beginning to gravitate to it, yet they don’t really know what it is or why they’re doing it, but they sign up for it anyway. The Bible says that we perish for the lack of knowledge. So, let me give you some background information (and you can Google it for yourself as well). Zumba originated from Alberto “Beto” Perez in Colombia during the 1990’s, when as a dance choreographer, he forgot his tape of aerobic music for a class that he was about to teach and ran out to his car to get a Latin music tape and began a salsa-like work-out routine and from it, “Zumba” was created. The word means “fast moving” and it’s also fused with the word “rumba” which means “party.” So that’s why when you do it, you feel like you’re at a party. It’s described as a sexy workout that is considered “an exercise in disguise” whereas a person doing it can typically burn up to 500-1,000 calories an hour. Now…most people, including some Christians would probably say, “Okay, so what’s wrong with that?” Well, do you still go to the club? Do you dance like that in church? Do you think God would be pleased by you shaking your butt in a crowd of women and men (possibly behind you who could be struggling with lust or homosexuality), doing hip thrusts, and
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popping it up to secular music (which I know some churches use Christian music to do it as well)! I also believe that some people may say, “Well, I do it at home alone or I can just turn the music down.” BUT what are you watching? Think about it…let me help you…other women and men shaking it up. The Bible says in Psalm 101:3, “I will not put anything wicked in front of my eyes. I hate what unfaithful people do. I want no part of it” (God’s Word Translation). We have to learn to live from the inside out, because God sees everything, in church, at home, even in the gym, etc. He sits high and looks down low. There are no ceilings with God. Zumba involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music. The choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Squats and lunges are also included. The owner of the Zumba program, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or fitness centers. They are being inducted into a mass cult ritual. The founding principals of any cult are to prey on the insecurities of their followers. Being considered overweight is one of the most common insecurities of modern women. These women tend to bond with similar types of women which create a form of unity between them. It also has the effect of isolating themselves away from those who are not like them. The frenzy that is worked up during popular Latin dance-inspired workouts, border on what has been called “the cult of the body.” Couple that with the endorphin rush people get during an intense workout and you have all the ingredients for idolatry. I am reminded of the pagan worship practices of the Moabites, Babylonians and other ancient peoples. Priestesses were temple prostitutes, and copulation was part of the demonic worship practices. For an eye opening, stomach turning reveal, do a search on the origins of Easter and its links to the Moabite goddess Ashtar, Check it out for yourselves. This may seem like a hideous comparison but take a look sometimes at the TV commercials for a certain Latin dance inspired fitness system (Hint). Consider the atmosphere of the “fitness party” at their large conventions. Listen how attendees explain the way this program makes them feel. Apart from the exhilaration, that weight loss and improved fitness have given them, there is an almost cultic exaltation of the program and adoration for its founder.
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People are hungry for a spiritual relationship and if they do not know Jesus Christ personally, they can be tricked into what I call “cotton candy spirituality” (deadly; it tastes sweet and alluring but has no substantive nourishment). Listen, I’m not here to judge the sinner, but church folk…come on ladies. We have to watch the enemy in this and watch out for what we bring into the church and into our Christian lives. Remember, judgment is going to start in the House of God. My job is not to condemn you, but to bring awareness and awaken you in this last hour before Jesus returns. I want you and me to be ready when we stand before a holy and righteous judge someday. For all I know, you may become convicted on it right now or have had questions about it yourself or know someone who’s doing it. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; the Lord will punish men for such sins. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.” Personally, I wouldn’t choose Zumba. I would stay far away from all appearance of evil (1 Thess. 5:22). It is indeed a sexy workout, and if you want to defend it by saying, “You can take the sexy moves out of it,” then I would say, “It wouldn’t be called Zumba, it would just be called aerobics.” I know the truth hurts, but trust God’s Word, it will make you free. Put away the former things of this life. You’re a new creature in Him. If you don’t dance like that anymore, then choose not to go back to it, even for a workout. Watch the enemy my sisters and brothers! He’s subtle. One last note: If you dance in church, most likely if you keep, doing Zumba, you’ll have to watch that you don’t bring those sexy moves into the church house! So instead of fighting with your body and the enemy, I lovingly suggest, that you to just let it go because there are other ways to get fit and stay healthy. Ask the Lord what’s the best workout program for you. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Luke 11:9)
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Selah (pause and consider). Remember Jesus is coming back soon! Those who endure unto the end shall be saved. Let's get ready from the Inside Out. If you take any type of Zumba class or any other format, think about these questions... Whydo you have to look sexy to work out? Would I want to be associated even with a gym that’s called CULT? What other associations are Zumba and the music artists they use for the music in the classes associated with? (You’ll be surprised!) Why does an exercise program need to sell lip gloss? I’m just going to work out, get sweaty and stinky in some cases! Yes, Zumba sells lip gloss. It is their Zumba brand and it’s on their site. Why do I have to party myself into shape? Why can’t I just exercise?
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In conclusion, you may be asking yourself who is this trying to tell me about one of my favorite classes? Well, I’m Theresa Nelson, a former Zumba instructor in the picture on page 23. I was convicted for the last couple of years of teaching Zumba to the people I love people,those whom I did not know, and people who came from different cities and states. I started teaching Zumba in 2010 and the Lord pulled me out in the year 2017. My prayer was, "Lord if it does not Glorify you, take it away!" He showed me and He will show you if you are serious about your walk with Christ, there are simply things we cannot be entangled with. Pay attention to how many people were there within the picture. We did this three years in a row as the numbers were greater and I was a part of deceiving God's people and yes, I have repented and asked for forgiveness because I did not know what I was doing. I will leave you with this, what I do know is what John 8:32 says, "He (GOD) let me KNOW the truth and the TRUTH set me Free." What I prophetically see within the picture are various NATIONS! In 2012, the Zumba class broke the Guinness Record for the largest-ever in the U.S. with 2,777 participants. In 2013, it broke that record, with 3,012 people. By the year 2015 in the streets of Manila, they broke the record with over 12,000 people attending. Now my question is why isn’t this happening for the Glory of Our Father's Kingdom in Heaven? Approximately 15 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 200,000 locations across 180 countries. This was back in 2012 and we are now in 2018 and the numbers are steadily growing, and even Yoga according to Yoga Alliance since 2012. Practitioners also increased by 50 percent to over 36 million! Yearly Practitioner spending grew from $10B to $16B, yes Billions! Thank you for taking the time to read this article and I hope that you will truly meditate upon John 8:32. Peace and Blessings.
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This picture below is of Theresa Nelson who was featured in a newspaper article teaching others the Art of Zumba... AND then on page 24, she is NOW teaching others in the godly way of Health & Fitness in a program called CHISELED FAITH! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!
Add a little bit of body text
Connect with Theresa on Facebook @
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Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries Health & Fitness Columnist: Ann Wooten Taylor Spiritual Relationship Between God & Mankind’s Eating Habits From the beginning, God ordained a spiritual connection between food and man's positive or negative relationship with Him. For example, Adam and Eve would have been taken to the next spiritual level had they chosen to eat from the Tree of Life instead of from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Jesus is the Tree of Life and the True Vine who gives us, and would have given them, eternal life (Revelation 2:7; 22:1-2 & 14-15) as well as the true spiritual wisdom they desired when they ate the forbidden fruit. Likewise, the Israelites were Egyptian slaves, but after God miraculously set them free from bondage, He elevated them by making them a nation. Then He transformed the Levites into priests and instituted the Jews' new method of worship to include eating for His glory (see Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy 14). God specifically stated the food restrictions imposed on the Israelites were made so they would "be holy because I am holy (Leviticus 11:44-45)." Again, God changed the way mankind worshipped and ate when He removed us from the curse of the law and saved Jews and Gentiles alike by grace through faith in His Son, Jesus the Christ. The disciples were elevated to apostles, and God's Holy Spirit was, and still is, poured out on all flesh who believe in Jesus. It was at this point the Lord told Peter that all foods were declared clean, giving us the spiritual freedom to eat what we want. However, the commandment to eat in a way that reflects His holiness remains: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)."
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These examples teach us that eating for God's glory instead of solely for our physical pleasure is a sign of spiritual maturity. Like children in the natural, you should eventually graduate from spiritual milk to solid food in Christ (1 Peter 2:2, 1 Corinthians 3:2) as your relationship with God deepens and matures. Consequently, it's time to put away the childish things of pizza, fried foods, burgers and fries, cobbler, ice cream and cookies in spiritual obedience to honor God with your body by taking care of the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). If you’re ready to finally mature in Christ and worship God even in the way that you eat, then order your copy of the Eating as an Act of Worship Teacher’s Edition TODAY! In the book, you will learn the Biblical principles regarding the body, dieting, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body for the Glory of God! As you apply the principles to your life, the Holy Spirit will empower you to do what you have been unable to do for yourself and succeed where so many others have failed! Order your copy of the Eating as an Act of Worship Teacher’s Edition online NOW at Ann Wooten-Taylor, C.E.O. Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries, Connect with Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries on Facebook @
Worshippers make better Lovers By- Clarissa Rhinehart
Jenn Ray is a woman that I must say, who has no problem being as transparent as a glass of water about speaking with such liberation on the topic of SEX! This amazing woman of God, is a Wife to Jason Ray, a mother to her daughter and son, an Author who is on her way for great success, an inspiration to myself and others, a Worshipper who understands the true art of worshipping the Lord and most importantly, the Daughter of a King who has a voice within this hour that the church NEEDS to hear on a vivid and explicit look into the parallelism between WORSHIP, INTIMACY and SEX! Ray is a native of Lima, Indiana and someone that I am so honored to have met and interviewed for this issue of Back2Eden News Mag's topic about that sizzling subject called SEX that many of the SAINTS need to BECOME more OPEN about. As I read Ray's book, "Worshippers make better Lovers," I discovered a few things that I had never thought about before when it comes to SEX and because I want each person reading this magazine to support this powerful Woman of God, I do not want to give a way too much detail within the book, but I must admit, my favorite chapter within the book was a chapter called, "Assume the Position," where Ray explained and broke down what the word SUBMISSION really means! Ray stated that the word submission meant to get under the goal or purpose! Okay, please catch this within your spirit because it just may save your intimate relationship with your husband or wife! From Ray's point-of-view, she believes that when we know that God is the ultimate lover, and a server who is willing to do WHATEVER it takes to provide you with everything you need and desire, the goal then BECOMES extremely valid. At this point, Ray says that submission, (or giving support to assist Him in providing everything you need and desire), seems like a very good idea. The point overall, is when one understands what it means to be SUBMISSIVE to God, then and only then will they NOT have a problem being submissive to their husband or wife!
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Truth is, Ray believes and I also find this to be true as a major revelation for folks to grasp, that the word submission was NEVER meant or intended by God to be a word of negative connotation, but one that has always been intended by God, to be a very good and appealing word! Ray brought a breath of fresh air to my spirit when she said asked the question, "How many people actually get up during testimony time and praise God about how great their intimate session was the night before with their spouses?" When Ray asked me that question, I nearly passed out because not only was it totally blunt and funny to me, but it was loaded with so much to consider within the Walls of the Church and the saints who would possibly look at you like you had just LOST your mind to say something like that if you did! (SELAH)... It is no doubt that the enemy is definitely after the marriages within the church to destroy, while the world sits back and watch! I am so grateful that God nudged Jenn Ray to write this book because it is a book that will properly teach others to understand that worship and sex go hand in hand, for the art of giving oneself to another during sex, is the same as giving oneself to God when worshipping! Ladies and gentlemen, this is why SEX IS SO SCARED and the Lord intends for His sons and daughters to be married within a covenant if they are going to partake within the act, for God is a God who sees us all and He even knows that Worshippers make better LOVERS! Connect with Jenn Ray on Facebook @ (On page 29 is Jenn Ray's ad and PLEASE be sure to tell her that you saw it within Back2Eden News Mag)!
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