Vol 9 issue 3 2018 LIBERATION IN CHRIST

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Vol. 9, Issue 3- 2018

IN THIS ISSUE Liberated in Christ

Back2Eden News Mag



follow the American Dream, but to follow Christ!



God isn't the only person you should stay healthy for!

PUBLISHER'S NOTE The Webster's American Dictionary defines the word LIBERATION, as to set FREE! God has a way that He uses us all for His purpose while He gets the GLORY from every situation that may arise. To be liberated in Christ, is actually a beautiful and wonderful thing, because you are no longer under the subjection of the conformities of this world! The Word of God says for us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and once we are, that is a FREEDOM that is PRICELESS! I am 36 years old and I must say, that every year that God allows me to reach another number, I grow even more within my liberation with Him! I am not a person who cares about keeping up with the lastest trends or one who becomes shy when it comes to opening my mouth about what God has brought me through and from! The bible says in Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." This scripture carries great weight because I am reminded that a TRUE and FREE person in the Lord, WILL NEVER BE ASHAMED OF THEIR TESTIMONY! I want each reader to allow God to speak LIBERATION unto your spirit for whatever chains of bondage that may have you bounded! I pray in the Name of Jesus, that every chain will be... BROKEN!!!! GET FREE IN THE LORD!




Eddie N. Mwangi


Martins Akor


Debbie Mullen


Clarissa Rhinehart


Chisa Roby


Clarissa Rhinehart Publisher

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LIBERATION, NOT CONFORMITY Our world, the systems by which we live; religion, family, education, media, arts/entertainment, government and business, – have all been compromised by conformity. Conforming to the standards of a lifestyle and social climate of a darkened world perspective, is where our earth is because of the rejection of the true and “Living God.” No matter what part of the earth that you reside in, the shadows of evil, wickedness and sin has tainted our Earth Realm. I live on the East Coast, Long Island, New York. Our main (there are other gates of entry points) imports and exports of spiritual livelihood is the Island of Manhattan. On this Island of Manhattan, resides one of the most famous and well known statues: The Statue of Liberty. I’m going to try and give a brief history, (although I’m no expert in the least from a historical or theological perspective) but I will attempt to explain why we must understand the influences that determine our true “liberation versus conformity.”

The Statue of Liberty is promoted as a symbol of “freedom”. While doing just a bit of research, the Statue of Liberty aka Libertas means liberty. However, this statue represents an idolatrous pagan goddess known by many names: Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Athens, Astarte, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Isis, etc. The Statue of Liberty was a Masonic concept conceived from within Freemasonry. Not accidental but incidental to assist with the intentional movement of demonic influences and strategies. The Statue of Liberty is known for promoting the ideals of “personal freedom and liberty”, to do anything that “feels good.” The goddess that this statue was made in the image of - was for “sexual freedom” and all forms of perversion, especially prostitution.

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Countless of unsuspecting Americans/Christians, have embraced this statue centered in the main entrance or portal of New York State. People from all nations come to admire it on tour buses, not aware that it symbolizes sexual energy in exchange for money, power and freedom. through Christ alone. Everything else is a facade of peace or liberty. The American Dream The American Dream has probably been taught in nearly every home, not only in America but other countries by which many migrate to her to obtain this golden concept. It is by far, the most compromised version of liberty and conformity known in our land. We have been sold on a bill of lesser inheritance by men and women who rule over and in the earth with banking systems and credit reporters, to govern the way by which we will obtain stability or living standards.

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Could this be why the stock exchange, Wall street, the arts and fashion district is filled with sexual promiscuity? This sex trade is certainly apart of a major point or spiritual gateway for corruption, wickedness, idolatry and many diversities of criminal activities. On one hand it brings power to those in rulership serving darkness but on the other side, it brings vulnerability to those who are innocent/ignorant to its horrific consequences. Can you see that the 911 attack was an open door because of our conformity to man’s version of liberty? We as believers can see why it is so vital to know our Earthly history as well as our Heavenly history. True liberty exists in God

Still, we contend to get a home, car and raise our children by “America’s promise of the dream”, not trusting in God alone. In order for us to receive true Liberation, we must get “Back to Eden,” the basics of the fundamentals/blueprint of the garden. This is the way, that Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit meant for us to be prosperous. The system of tithing and offering (Malachi 3:10) liberates us as a “spiritual taxation”

if you can receive this revelation), to take dominion over the land and landscape of the territories of God. This is the only way to inhabit a land filled with greedy and murderous intentions towards God’s people. Here’s how we will receive “Liberation, not Conformity” to this world and it’s systems. I believe that the Word of God gives us the formula for success and to become Kings again as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were. They showed us the template to contend for “Sonship.” This is what Jesus gave his life for, that we would be rendered back into a proper relationship with the Father, God. This would enable our access to “heavenly places” to rule from in the Earth Realm. True liberation and freedom versus conformity, can only come in the form of Jesus the anointed one , who is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).

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Contrary to popular belief, this is conformity on its highest level and degree. God never told us to follow the “American Dream” but to follow Christ. Within the bible verse, Genesis 1:26, God mapped out our ability to gain wealth and build a family structure using our authority and power by taking dominion. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, set up a system that would not fail even though we lost it through Adam. Christ purchased our Earthly legal rights to take back what the enemy stole (Matthew 11:12).

The Importance of Family Fitness

Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries is a family oriented organization. Although we initially taught the Biblical principles regarding the body, dieting, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body to individuals who were looking for a solution to their issue with weight, we have matured into a ministry that transforms entire households instead of just one person within it. Our adult classes were once filled with women who asked to be taught to eat and drink for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Now wives are accompanied by their husbands, children by their parents, and even those who are dating attend EAW Weight Loss Classes together. Family fitness is an important part of Christianity because it is a major component of the abundant life Christ promised believers (John 10:10). An abundant life is NOT one filled with material things that you're too fat, too sick, or prematurely dead to enjoy. Abundant living is, first and foremost, experiencing true life in the Spirit, and you cannot attain true spiritual life unless you're reborn into the Spirit of God. Once that happens, then your mind can be renewed to God's perspective, and you'll desire to obey His command to take care of and to honor God with your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 6:1920).

But God isn't the only person you should stay healthy for. You should also endeavor to be in optimal health for the sake of your family. Although death is inevitable, Jesus came that we would have abundant life (John 10:10). An abundant life is a long one filled with the love and joy of your family. When a loved one gets sick and dies prematurely due to obesity related diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes, the entire family suffers not just the person diagnosed with the illness. For example, leaving a career you enjoy to provide full time care to an overweight parent who is paralyzed on one side due to a stroke and can no longer take care of himself is NOT abundant living. Being unable to travel the world with your husband after retirement because he needs frequent dialysis treatments is NOT abundant living. Burying your 36 year old child who died from a massive heart attack is NOT abundant living.

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By- Ann W. Taylor (EAW Health & Fitness Columnist)


Eating and drinking healthy foods and beverages TOGETHER AS A FAMILY for the glory of God SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES THE CHANCES of those things happening to you and your loved ones. Husbands exercising together with their wives and parents walking with their children instead of their dogs after dinner not only makes a long, abundant life together more likely, but it also strengthens family bonds. Without the distractions of the television, internet, video games, and phones, you give your spouse and children what they really WANT AND NEED, more of the precious, limited time you've been given together. What's been missing in your marriage just might be rekindled. The child that won't talk to you just might open up and invite you into his world, but first, you must be an obedient child of God and invite God and His Will for your eating and drinking habits into your world. He's waiting for the invitation to USE YOU AS THE CATALYST TO CHANGE THE DESTINY of your entire family. Ann Wooten-Taylor, C.E.O. Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries

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It's Not What You Make... By- Leslie Elia


Last month I spoke about the green box. It is a finance pack that changed my husband and my life. Understanding that it is not what you make but what you keep, was Principle Number One and now I will speak upon Principle Two – money is a gift. I know, I know. You worked hard for that less than optimal paycheck and you may want to use it for something fun. Something you “deserve”. The Bible (and once in a while common sense) tells us otherwise. There are verses in 1 Corinthians (seeking the good of your neighbor, and being a trustworthy steward), Colossians (working for the Lord and not men, and doing word and deed in the name of the Lord), Titus (showing integrity and dignity ), Proverbs (not withholding good and giving freely when we can), Leviticus (when you reap your harvest leave some on the edges), Hebrews (remembering to not love money and to be content with what you have), 1 Timothy(warning that you have denied your faith more than an unbeliever if you do not provide for your relatives), Matthew (the story of the five talents), and one of my favorites, Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said ‘It is blessed to give than to receive” Stewardship must be awfully important for God to bring it home to us so many times, but what do we consider stewardship? It can encompass taking care of something, managing, an obligation, or something entrusted to one’s care. Money has such potential to be misused. So, if you want to understand how to be a good steward of your finances, get that savings account opened TODAY! Perhaps you did that last month with Principle Number One (understanding that it is not what you make but what you keep) but now is where the rubber meets the road.

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Are you putting 10% away with each paycheck? Maybe you are already stressed out that you are trying to tithe 10% to your church. I get it. I have been there. But, remember, God has given you this opportunity to be a good steward of not only your cash but of your gifts and talents. Think of this 10% as investing in yourself. If you were a business or a company your value is determined by your current income and assets. What is your value today? Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward write “Remember, your financial future is in your hands. You are the most important investment there is.” These words can sting if you are not able to squeeze out a tiny portion of your paycheck and put it in your savings account. I can still recall the disappointment going to a restaurant with friends and only ordering an appetizer instead of an entre because of the price. I bought my daughter her school uniform from The Salvation Army. I accepted hand me down clothing from friends. My children seldom wore name brand clothing (unless they earned the money to purchase it themselves) and only 2 years ago did I jump into the 21st Century with a refurbished smartphone I purchased online and paid cash for. All of those sacrifices seem small to me now, as I look at my emergency savings account and feel the profound sense of security knowing that if my transmission falls out of my car tomorrow, it will not affect the other financial obligations I have each month. Start that savings account, and keep to a 10% rule. You will be shocked how God will bless your investment in yourself. Stay tuned for more Principles from the Life Leadership Financial Fitness Green Box. To find out more, contact Leslie Elia at leback2enm@gmail.com or Clarissa Rhinehart @ crback2enm@gmail.com

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Being a function of government, a decree must be issued by those in authority and thereafter declared and by implication enforced by those to whom authority has been delegated. The Bible says in Matthew 28:18, "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." Jesus in essence was saying, that the government of heaven and all the governments of earth are from now henceforth under my charge. Which means that He is in a position to issue a decree in heaven which must be followed on earth and has further given His followers the authority to declare and to enforce the same in the earth realm.

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A decree is a governmental word which is defined as an official resolution, passed by a governing authority, or person; which is law. In ancient times, kings and kingdoms issued decrees which were unquestionably the law. The word of the king would be published and declared through the use of heralds (announcers). The herald, though not the originator of the decree, enforced it by declaring it in the hearing of the people and the recipients would take it as if the authority behind the herald had spoken it in person. Therefore, a decree carries with it the authority of the originator and the urgency thereof. A declaration (spoken or pronounced) is to make known. The proclamation of a decree by declaration establishes its authority over a person, people or the realm in which it is spoken.

We are His heralds, or His sent ones to earth. What we say on earth, has the same authority as He has in heaven. He further says in Matthew 18:18 & 19 that we have the same authority to cause the authority of the kingdom of heaven to function on the realm of earth through our declarations. Therefore, when we start exercising our abilities as heralds, we have this confidence, that the name of Jesus carries with it the governmental authority in heaven and on earth and through it, we have what we ask for.


However, not just anyone can exercise this authority. Only the sent ones can exercise the authority of The Christ of God, the same who has authority in heaven and even on earth. The sons of Sceva, assuming to have had the authority as was preached and exercised by Paul, The Apostle, soon discovered that the authority delegated to a herald is not assumed. The ability to pronounce through the name of Jesus Christ is carried in and by the sent ones. Anyone who has been delegated Christ’s governmental authority has also been availed to the resources required to make possible and available that which they declare. The term “sent one” is used very deliberately in this context because it interprets the word, “apostle” which is derived from the Greek word, “apóstolos”. This word has its root use in ancient day Greek military as it referred to ships sent by the king, with supplies and arms to take care of and replenish the needs of the soldiers who were serving far from home. The apóstolos therefore, had the message and the supplies given at the authority of the king, to empower the army to do that which they needed to do.

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Therefore, it is appropriate to say that the one whom The King sends, not only has power and authority to function on behalf of The King, but has the supplies needed to bring into existence that which The King needs done. That is how at the hands of the apostles great works have been and continue being accomplished, with signs and wonders following. The quality of the work of the sent one is backed by the decree issued. This is shown in the word of Jesus when He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do… (John 14:12),”The master Himself says that many are called but few are chosen." I must therefore aim at yielding myself to the point of being among the chosen few so that I will qualify myself to become a proclaimer. Every proclaimer, is well selected because of having successfully attained a measure of standards; 2 Timothy 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." A proclaimer has sat under the teachings of Christ, learnt of Him and is a disciplined follower so that he can say and do even as has been established in the kingdom of heaven. The sons of Sceva’s mistake was not in exercising the authority of Christ by declaring that which had already been decreed. Their mistake was that they were not sent, they didn’t have the equipping of the holder of the authority and therefore they had no mandate to declare His decrees.

Dominion is exercised when one takes the authority in the decree and makes declaration with the mouth. You can only declare over an area you have conquered; an area which you possess and have dominion over.

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Dominion is practiced through conquest. When a decree is issued in the earthly realm by earthly governments, it only has power within the borders of the jurisdiction under that government. It doesn’t matter how powerful or how destructive it is as a law, a decree will never be exercised in another jurisdiction unless that jurisdiction falls under the control of jurisdiction wishing to exercise its laws over it. What we must know as believers in Christ is that satan has no jurisdiction over the life of a believer. He knows this, but he wants to keep it unknown to the believer so that he can prevent the believer from exercising authority over him. A believer who knows that Christ’s decrees are not suggestions but laws which must be obeyed even by the kingdom of darkness is the one who can say to this mountain, be thou removed and be cast into the sea. This knowledge starts from conquest.

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Before facing it off with Goliath, David had already made some conquest in the wilderness to the enemy of increase. When the bear and the lion came for his increase, he did several things; 1. He made deliberate and courageous moves to go after and confront the enemy in battle; David went out after the bear and the lion and he struck it. He pursued the thief of increase and killer of growth. 2. He claimed back that which was stolen; David delivered the lamb out of the mouth of the beast. He secured the lamb which had been stolen. 3. He destroyed the thief; David struck and killed the beast. This is the same spirit that drove him to declare to goliath the following words: 1 Samuel 17:46-47.


46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands." There is no record of a conversation David had had with God prior to this event where he had been promised victory over Goliath. As a matter of fact, David was going into the battlefield to deliver some supplies to his brethren and find out their welfare. But because he was a man who had learnt to conquer the thief of territory and increase; he had learnt to conquer the instiller of fear and impeder of progress, he had confidence in the decrees of God to Joshua that, “no enemy shall withstand you all the days of your life,” and with that heaven backed him up. How did he know what to declare? Because he had walked in conquest of previous attacks. THE POWER OF THE DECREE IN THE MOUTH OF THE HERALD

Right there in the garden, John 10:10 is seen at work, the devil came and stole from man through deception, killed his abilities to exercise dominion on earth, subsequently destroying his original and intended purpose.

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Right from the beginning, The LORD desired to drive His agenda among men through a kingdom. That is why he created man to have dominion on earth in equal measure as He Himself has dominion in heaven (Genesis 1:2628). However, in Genesis 3, man killed His ability to have dominion on earth, when he allowed the devil to partner with his flesh which led to disobedience against God who is the authority giver.


When Christ came to earth, His greatest work was to restore this dominion by stripping the devil of all authority (Colossians 2:15). Effectively positioning us with him back to the place of dominion, seated with God the Father and His Christ. If then we be seated with Christ, we are able to say with Him what He says and it shall be established; Ephesians 1:20; Ephesians 2:6.

CONCLUSION Decrees and declarations are a believers tools of exercising kingdom authority in the realm of earth. We cannot have dominion on earth, unless we clothe ourselves with the same power with which Christ is clothed and has made available to us. We must learn to effectively use the decreed word of God in warfare, both to repulse the enemy and to plunder him (James 4:7; Matthew 12:29; Mark 3:27). Every area of our lives must be submitted to Christ so as to effectively become a herald who has the ability to exercise the authority of the sent one.

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Picture Elijah walking into Ahab’s palace and declaring that it won’t rain until he said so. His protégé Elisha declares to King Jehoram the way food will be sold cheaply in Samaria in a matter of 24 hours. These men spoke and thus it happened. What we learn from them is that it is possible for a man to become a proclaimer from understanding the power in their words. A proclaimer will not see and then proclaim, rather he proclaims and then it is seen. The power to cause the kingdom of God to come to the earthly realm lies in the mouth of one who declares it. We can think it, we can meditate on it, but until we proclaim it the enforcing angels of God will not move. Joshua declared it and the sun stood still, Daniel as well did it and provoked heaven to send warring angels over the realm of Babylon. Once declared in our mouth, a decree has the backing of heaven and will avail to us more than we can think of or imagine.


We must be aware that hell will seek to stop us or to stop the actualization of our declarations based on God’s decrees (1 Thessalonians 2:18; Daniel 10:13), but in Christ we can stand on this one decree, “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18. (All scripture has been quoted from the NKJV Bible).

Connect with Eddie on Facebook at:

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YES WE CAN!- BRING BACK AMERICA By- Martins Akor Years ago, those words echoed all over the world and reverberated as Obama’s winning wand. From America to Africa and to the world over, whites, blacks and people of all colors chanted “Yes we can!”. Now with many years gone by, one wonders how many of us really understood the context of those words back then.

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Nonetheless, Yes he did! He did found his way with the Obamacare agenda. Yes he did! He did facilitated the laws that paved way for the same sex marriage (LGBT) agenda that is on fire all over the world today. Yes he did! He supported the legalization of abortion and became the champion of Liberalism and the new world order today. Yes he did! He succeeded in relegating the Kingdom of the God in whom America once trusted yet promoted secularism and Islam. Yes, he did all that and much more. He definitely meant business when he sang that YES THEY COULD! Not only has he printed an indelible mark, but America once had touch with a man called Obama and the nation has never been the same again, EVER. Anyway, this article is not anything about the Obama’s or the Democratics’ old slogan - Yes we can! Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. ” The phrase ‘through Christ’ signifies things that are good, perfect and pure (Philippians 4:8). So it isn’t just about being able to do things, but doing the right things that matter. God expects us to do things that build or edify. He expects us to do things that preserve rather than destroy.



HOW CAN WE? How can we achieve this restoration of our land? The answer has already been provided in our two passages above. The first says “I can, while the second one says “We are well able”. Those are the secrets to our strength. When each of us can bring our individual abilities together, and unite our various potentials towards the same purposes, we will be able to gradually begin to bring America back to her lost glory. Before Elijah could pray down the fire, he had to first of all repair the broken altar. The altars and the foundations of the American dream has been desecrated. That is why we cannot see fire now. Christians now support abortion and same sex marriages. Christians now commit atrocities on the streets and in the church. We have way gone past what America ever was and represents. Islam has entered into the land in leaps and bounds to enslave those seeking for religion. That is why we cannot see fire anymore.

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Caleb said in Numbers 13:30 that, “We are well able…..” I dare to challenge you today dear reader, that we too are well able. We can make America what it ought to be. We can bring her back to her place of glory. We can stir up a movement for God today. All so far, we’ve only seen mostly ungodly assemblies, calling for the slaughter of babies and for the overthrow of natural family. All so far, we’ve only mostly seen the ungodly assemblies trying to enthrone darkness and enforce evil practices upon us as a new standard of living we must swallow. They said they could and they’ve been quite busy at it, and being successful too. So what are we waiting for? Like Joshua I like to encourage us to rise up now to the challenge. Duty is calling. We got to rise up and quench the raging flames of immorality and perverseness that are engulfing the states. If we don’t take action now, it would get lot worse and more difficult to correct in future.


The flames of love and Truth has been quenched and people who speak the Truth or defend the Truth are now viewed as haters and fanatics in the same land that once held that in God we trust. Prayers have been banned in schools and the Bible forbidden in the Country that once produced the greatest preachers of the world. That is why we cannot see fire now. There is evil in the nation and our land is getting cursed if we do not rise up to the challenge. Those are where to begin from. From interceding for America and confessing our sins to God. Then we must begin to speak out, write, publish, sing in songs, act in movies, preach to fellow believers and demand for the restoration of the foundations of natural family, Christianity back in America. The roots of righteous legislations must be repaired in every state. We must begin to vote only people who stand for God into political offices irrespective of our individual political affiliations. We must continue to do every little thing within our capabilities to bring God back to our land. And yes it is possible; YES WE CAN! Connect with Martins Akor on Facebook at:

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Proverbs 12:10

Man's Best Friend By- Debbie C. Mullen (Animal Columnist)



Depression, anxiety and panic disorders are considered mental disorders now and something I have dealt with on a daily basis since 2012. I hope and pray nobody has to endure this mental torment and battlefield in your mind! This is hard to explain if you haven't been through it and well meaning people give you advice that doesn't help, but God knows what will, I needed a friend. In 2012, I was doing pretty good just living my life and one day I was mentally and physically attacked in my mind. I was curled up on my couch like a fetus, clutching my stomach because it felt like I was being punched over and over again. I felt like a hamster on a spinning wheel running on it but going nowhere and my heart racing. I couldn't sleep or eat. I lost 20 pounds in one month. I was close to death. I prayed, I cried out to Jesus over and over again. I read my bible on healing scriptures, watched Christian television, listened to Christian music only, wrapped myself in a prayer shawl I had bought in Israel and anointed myself to no avail. I finally went to my Christian doctor who prescribed me some medication and gave me a lecture on God created the medicine. In 2012, my son took me to the local humane society to walk dogs and to love on kitties. I was reluctant but I went. It was there. I met Annie who became my best friend; a brown and white herding dog who had been at the shelter for five years. She took me as her personal project, my therapy dog. She wouldn't eat if I didn't come, so that forced me out the house and to Annie, everyday to walk her and let her love on me and me on her. For years, me and Annie had our walks and talks and then I began walking other dogs. I promised Annie she would have a home. God was hand picking somebody for her and now she is living on a farm and loving life and comes to visit from time to time. Annie was my hero whom God used. She had been left by her owner at the shelter to find a forever home and that she did. Annie helped me to get LIBERATED! I have many other shelter stories that maybe I can share. Man has neglected the fact that God put man in charge of caring for the animals and we will have to answer for that one day. Proverbs 12:10, "A righteous man regards the life of his animals, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." I found one of my passions was helping the animals. I have been at the shelter now volunteering going on my sixth year. I have also adopted three dogs of my own from there. I thank God that He never leaves us or forsakes us. As I continue to serve him and receive my healing, either here on earth or when I get to heaven. Never give up! God might have a best friend for you that walks on 4 legs and gives kisses. God Bless You. Debbie Mullen E-mail Debbie @ dmback2enm@gmail.com






Skirts, Dresses & Pants By- Clarissa Rhinehart

How many of you have ever visited a church and immediately you knew that you were being JUDGED because of your garments? Now I am not speaking of dressing like a "hooker," but having on the attire of some jeans and a nice comfortable, non-revealing blouse! The people began to look at you as if you were a disease because somewhere in the pit of their bondage and religious mind-set, you are not HOLY because you are not wearing a skirt or a dress! Truth be told, I pray for the liberation of those who think that a woman is not Holy in God's eyes if she wears a pair of pants, but I will say that I do understand what it means in the scripture, in Deuteronomy 22:5, when it said, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." KJV. This scripture was rightfully speaking I believe, in regards to a man not dressing like a woman within the realm of homosexuality and vice versa for a woman, because within this day and age, you literally have women who wear male underwear as a man and vice versa. Now even though there are jeans for men and women, there is a difference from a man trying to squeeze into something specially designed for a woman and for that woman to do the same with those garments that have been specially designed for a man. This scripture has been taken out of serious context!

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I truly believe in entering into the House of God in a respectful manner, but to JUDGE a woman on her choice to wear a pair of FEMALE DESIGNED JEANS that are not disrespectful to God's House or His people, is truly ridiculous to me on many levels. Liberation is a powerful thing and when the Word of God said in John 8:36, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed," I stand on that scripture by all means necessary because the things that keep people in bondage, turns out to be the very things that will hold them back from going into DEEPER PLACES with God! Once we as Believers learn how to really be FREE in Christ, then and only then will we be able to truly carry His GLORY! I want to close this article with a question to those who may read this and who are still struggling with this whole theory of women MUST BE in dresses and skirts, take a moment and really let this question sink in before you answer it; "If someone you loved was unconscious on the side of the road and needed CPR, and the women who WERE wearing skirts and dresses did not know what to do, while a woman who comes up wearing a t-shirt and some jeans was able to perform CPR on the person, would it truly matter at that moment what they were wearing? If your answer is NO, than why does it matter if they come to your CHURCH WEARING the same thing and it is not disrespectful, tacky or distasteful, what is the problem?" (E-mail me your responses, for I would love to know what you think... crback2enm@gmail.com) Page 24 God bless-

Curtisha & Rob Roberson: Natural Born REBELS B2ENM: Rob, three words that describe you... RR: Sincere. Thoughtful. Brave. B2ENM: What do you want our readers to know about the two of you? RR: Our marriage is powerfully built on love for each other, fueled by our love for our God. And we don’t care if we look like “relationship goals” to others. Our goal is not to pretend to have a good marriage, it is to actually have one. **Back2Eden News Mag had the opportunity to get an exclusive Q and A with the lovely Curtisha and Rob Roberson, Natural Born REBELS! B2ENM: Define what it means to be Liberated in Christ... Rob Roberson: I’m free from the control sin had over me, free from shame in my past, free to start fresh every morning and free from the opinions of others. B2ENM: How did the two of you meet? We met at a grocery store called “Kroger”. I was a handsome clerk. She was a queenly cashier.

B2ENM: Do you both see yourselves as Rebels for Christ and if so, why? RR: Yes. If you are truly in Christ, then you are a rebel to the world by default.There is no such thing as a child of God, that isn’t a rebel. A lot of the times, pleasing God is an open sore to those who do not serve Him. B2ENM: What would you both like to see change within the church arena? (Continue on page 26) Page 25

CR: When I was 16 years old, I was a Cashier at a grocery store called Kroger. Rob was a Courtesy Clerk and he bagged my groceries one evening. He was confident and made it known He was "Feeling Me." So I decided to give this Brother a Chance! (Laughing Out Loud)!

RR: If we’re talking about the actual church, then I would have to say growth. If we’re talking about the majority of those who “attend church service”, then I would love to see more of them saved. B2ENM: What do you both desire to leave behind as your legacy? RR: That imperfect, yet honorable men’s rarity may be equivalent to unicorns, but we do exist. Other than that, let it not be said of me that I loved strangers, more than those who loved me. B2ENM: Define what it means to be Liberated in Christ... Curtisha Roberson: To be "Liberated in Christ," means to be free from the Opinions of Men, Sin, and Power of Darkness that once enslaved me. B2ENM: How did the two of you meet?

B2ENM: Curtisha give us three words that describe you. CR: Humorous, Motivated, & Genuine, it's hard to just pick three words to describe myself! B2ENM: What do you want our readers to know about the two of you? CR: The life that Rob and I live is authentic. Our desire is to use our God-Given abilities, talents, and wisdom to make an impact in lives and please our God with every fiber of our being. Rob and I are constantly working on bettering ourselves when it comes to our Spiritual Walk, Marriage, Children, Relationships, and areas in our life that we need to improve. We truly do love each other, have a good marriage, and are best friends. We depend on God's Grace and wisdom to navigate the Troubles of Life. Our first Ministry is our Home. We have three kids, our youngest has complex Special Needs, and we adopted our Daughter who is the eldest. We desire to adopt a little girl in the next few years. Page 26

B2ENM: Do you both see yourselves as Rebels for Christ and if so, why? CR: Yes, we are "Natural Born Rebels." We are not Chameleons who change and live our lives to please Men. Our desire is to be obedient to God before anything else. As a result we have been persecuted, mocked, lost jobs, and been lied on, but we still continue to carry our CROSS and we won't bow down to the god of this World or the opinions of men. We don't care about Titles, Popularity, or Fame but we just want to bring Glory to 'The Name Above All Names." B2ENM: What would you both like to see change within the church arena? CR: I would like to see churches return back to their first love and model the way they did things in the "Early Church" in the Book of Acts with believers who are authentic and genuine who reach out and love on people. The way many churches are ran today are far from biblical. Many are concerned about growing numbers, popularity, and financial gain. We need Pastors and leaders in the pulpits who have a heart to Shepherd the Sheep, lay their lives down for the Gospel, while equipping the saints to go outside the Four Walls to fulfill the Great Commission. B2ENM: What do you both desire to leave behind as your legacy? CR: The legacy I want to leave our children, is to know that they were truly loved by their parents and that we lived an authentic life before them that pointed to Christ. The legacy I desire to leave behind for everyone else, is a legacy that was evident that I genuinely loved people, and laid my life down for the Gospel, while I was a woman of Integrity who impacted lives and fulfilled the Purpose that God put me on this Earth to accomplish. B2ENM: Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roberson, Back2Eden News Mag salute you both for being NATURAL BORN REBELS for CHRIST who are TOTALLY LIBERATED WITHIN HIM and may God bless your union with 16 MORE YEARS AND BEYOND!

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Liberation in Christ Prayer By- Prophetic & Intercessory Columnist Chisa A. Roby Father in the name of Jesus, I come to you right now giving you all the Glory and the Honor, and giving you all the Praise. I come before you asking, according to the Word that says, "Who the son sets is free is free indeed. Thank you Father for the Freedom to Worship, to Praise, to honor you with our whole heart and soul. Please touch your people today. Lord, give the people wisdom in how to walk into their freedom. We speak freedom in the name of Jesus Christ. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over your people right now and teach them how to be free in you. I speak liberty in our minds, body, and spirits in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, help your people to be free in the spirit to walk into Kingdom Building in Jesus Name. I speak freedom over those individuals who do not know You right now in the name of Jesus. The bible says that if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, that you maybe saved. Lord, free those who are having mental problems, in the name of Jesus. Free spouses who need their marriages restored right now in Jesus Name. I speak FREEDOM all over the world in Jesus Name I Pray. Amen. If you need prayer, please send me an email at crobyback2enm@gmail.com



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