2021 | Urban Revitalization Project
Dr. M. Salamun Air Force Specialized Hospital RSAU Salamun, Bandung
2020 / Academic Project Urban Revitalization Project Collaborator : Nastassja Michelle, Samuel Indra, Harwin Kaspari, Axel Juliano Mentor: Agus R. Soeriaatmadja, S.T., MLA.
Site : Hegarmanah, Bandung.
Salamun Hospital is one of the referral hospitals in West Java. Salamun Hospital receives patients not only from Bandung area but also other areas in West Java. The existence of Salamun Hospital is very useful for bothn the people of West Java and Bandung. Despite being on a protected catchment area, this area has quite a high density, with street vendors and local housing placed abruptly around the hospital. The existence of Salamun Hospital often cause congestion in this area, as there are only narrow road about 4m as the main road.
2021 | Urban Revitalization Project
2021 | Urban Revitalization Project
Protected Area
Power Pole Border
Open Green Area
Toll Border
(Garden, Grave, Outdoor Sports Area)
Protected Area
River Border
(Plasma Nuthfah Eks-Situ)
Railway Border
Nature Conservation Area
Salamun Hospital is located in the North Bandung area, Cidadap District, Hegarmanah Village. According to the Bandung Regional Regulation number 10 of 2015, the area is classified as a Protected Area. North Bandung Area is located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. The term protected area for this specific area is designated as a catchment area. Therefore, it is very important to preserve green area as a place for water to seep. Because of this, this North Bandung Area regulation requires an urban design that provides a relatively large percentage of green land. According to The Regional Government of West Java Province number 30 of 2008, The site has a Ground Coverage Area of 40 percent, and a Green Area Ratio of minimum 52 percent.
2021 | Urban Revitalization Project
Small Shop Hotel
Small Shop
Local Housing
Local Housing
SOUTH Small Shop
Street Vendor
Local Housing
MAIN PROBLEM NORTH BANDUNG AREA REGULATION Green Area Ratio at site does not meet the north bandung area requirements. Ground Coverage at site also exceeds the north bandung requirements, making the site lacking of water catchment area.
PROBLEMS WITHIN SITE Site Planning doesn’t meet with the provisions of the North Bandung Area. Irregular mass arrangement, public-private zoning is not clearly defined.
PROBLEMS SURROUNDING SITE CIRCULATION Congestion on Ciumbuleuit Road in the East (Especially on Sundays). Narrow road surrounding site (Average Width 4 meters, two ways). Baseless public transport terminal combined with commercial functions near site results in many public vehicles parked ilegally on one side of the road. Pedestrian paths are maintained poorly, and are disturbed by illegal buildings and street vendors.
2021 | Urban Renewal Project
PROJECT GOALS - GREEN AREA The current hospital area does not yet to meet the provisions of the regional regulations set by the government related to North Bandung Area, In this case, the catchment area. In order to achieve the Ground Coverage and Green Ratio Area suited for catchment area, the following solutions are carried out:
01 MERGING MASS Merging the building mass and increasing the height of the building. This strategy is done in order to increase the open space in the area that can be used as green area.
02 MATERIALS Use of Grass Block for parking area so that the area can also be used as a catchment area.
01. Mass Merging, Resulting in more Open and Green Spaces.
02. Use of Grass Block as parking floor to maximize catchment area
2021 | Urban Renewal Project
01. Mass Merging, Resulting in more Open and Green Spaces.
2021 | Urban Revitalization Project
PROJECT GOALS - ACCESSIBILITY All Hospital function are expected to handle therefore Salamun hospital emergencies, must be easily accessed by all sorts of groups. However, with the current conditions of the hospital, it is a little difficult to achieve an efficient accessibility due to major problems such as illegal parking, illegal buildings, and congestion around the area.
A. Expand the road by moving back the boundary wall of the hospital area. Road expansion can help minimalize the congestion in this area. B. Expansion and repairment of the sidewalk across the hospital area can be result in more comfort pedestrians.
G2 G3
G5 G4
G7 G6
3A. Moving back the hospital site’s boundary to create more space for the main road and sidewalks.
Being a hospital function in a sub-urban area, this hospital often causes congestion due to its narrow road. Openings and Gate are redesigned to minimalize the congestions, especially in Ciumbuleuit road. Additional Gate are also added to improve the circulation.
Main Gate
Main Gate
Service Gate
Gate (Pedestrian Only)
Additional Gate
Service Gate
3B. Sidewalk design to create a better environment around the hospital.
2021 | Urban Revitalization Project
04 RELOCATION Relocation of illegal street vendors and terminals to reduce urban density and unorderly space. Relocation are done by moving the illegal vendors and terminals to a designed canteen and terminal area in the hospital area. Relocation of illegal vendors and terminals are expected to reduce congestion and to create better access for the hospital.
Terminal and Canteen
4A. Terminal and Canteen acts as place support for previous terminal and illegall street vendors.
2021 | Urban Appreciation
Suropati Park Taman Suropati
2020 / Academic Project Urban Appreciation Collaborator : Christabel S. Mentor: Ir. F.X. Budiwidodo Pangarso, M.S.P.
Suropati Park is located in Menteng Area, an elite region since the Dutch East Indies era. The area is home for government officials. Menteng area is famous for its city parks. Suropati park was one of Menteng’s famous city park and was built in 1925. Following the european style, the park is always customized with local style that responds well to the tropical climate.
Suropati Park also serves as a open public space for art. Other than artistic stuffs that acts as the park’s landmark, activities related to art are also generated and supported in this park. Musician community, and other art related community frequently held activities in this park. In a wider understanding, public art in Suropati Park has its purpose in the urban community and helps improving life quality of its users.
Famous for its eliteness, Suropati Parks shows it eliteness with its urban landscape design. The man-made element dominates the area, integrating with the vegetation. Suropati Park forms a space of strategic pattern. The scope of appreciation are a Square which is The Suropati Park itself and a Crossing which includes accessibility through roads and cross.
Built Environment
Site : Menteng, Jakarta.
Better Quality of Life
2021 | Urban Appreciation
2021 | Urban Appreciation
Block Plan
Suropati Park was established to meet the need for urban oasis. Procurement of park in Menteng Area as a symbol of the social cultural level and community category. Suropati Park contains historical statues of the founding countries of the association of nations in South East Asia. There are some statues including:
Section A-A
1. Monument made by Nonthivathn Chandhanapalin 2. Monument made by Awang LJ Aspar 3. Monument made by Luis E. Y. 4. Monument made by Sunaryo 5. Monument made by Wee Beng Chong Made 6. Monument made by Lee Kian Seng
2021 | Urban Appreciation
S t r e e t L i g h t i n g
E n t ra n c e S i g n
T e r m i n a l S i g n a g e
S t r e e t L i g h t i n g
S i g n a g e
W a s t e D i s p o s a l
2021 | Urban Appreciation
Block Plan
Traffic Lighting Suropati Parks
Street Lighting Surveillance Camera
l Road
Pangera n
Detailed Block Plan
Vegetations surrounding crossing includes Mahogany as shading vegetation and Shrubs as Hazards Barrier.
oro Roa
2021 | Urban Appreciation
Cross A Perspective.
Cross B Perspective.
Cross C Perspective.
2021 | Urban Appreciation
Suropati Garden
6 Besuki Road
Taman Suropati Road
Pangeran Diponegoro Road 8
9 Taman Sunda Kelapa Road
5 Imam Bonjol Road
10 Madiun Road
5 4 3 9
Teuku Umar Road
4 Imam Bonjol Road
Syamsu Rizal Road
2021 | Urban Appreciation
Pangeran Diponegoro has a cool ambience because it is shaded by mahogany trees that grow in the path of the plant on the left and right side of the road. Two operating traffic flows are separated by a path of vegetation.
2021 | Final Year Research
Visual Diversity Expressions of Kota Tua Padang Townscape Ekspresi Keragaman Rupa Visual pada Kota Tua Padang
2021 / Academic Project Final Year Research Status : Nominee of Skripsi Awards. Mentor: Ir. F.X. Budiwidodo Pangarso, M.S.P.
Site : Kota Tua Padang.
Townscape is a physical form of a city that is born from visual arts in the arrangement of buildings, roads, and spaces in an urban environment. When doing an in-depth study of townscape, it is necessary to not only deepen the understanding of literature related to townscape but also to study the physical data of a city. This research aims to add data and documentation related to townscape, specifically Indonesian townscape. The city studied in this research is Kota Tua Padang, West Sumatra. Kota Tua Padang is chosen as the object of research because it has a strong histographic value and a unique, diverse expression of townscape. The research concluded that most of the townscape of Kota Tua Padang have a high visual complexity with chaotic expressions. The existence of a high complexity of visual variety actually has great potential for improving the visual image of the city if accompanied by arrangement and patterning that can provide an orderly expression. Treatment of physical-spatial elements can also add regularity to the panoramic expression of urban space in the Kota Tua Padang area.
2021 | Final Year Research
2021 | Final Year Reseach Scheme of ‘Elements of Townscape’
RESEARCH METHOD This research is conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner. The literature used in this research includes 'The Concise Townscape' by Gordon Cullen, 'The Aesthetic Townscape' by Yoshinobu Ashihara, and 'Road Form and Townscape' by Jim McClusky. The three literature studies form the basis in describing the townscape. The three literature also helps assess indicators related to the expression of the visual diversity that is formed in the area. Identification of the research object is conducted through web-based satellite imagery. Furthermore, the visual description is carried out using the pictorial analysis method. The pictorial analysis method helps identify the physical-spatial facts that exist within the city.
Identification of physical-spatial elements in the urban environment.
Pictorial Graphic as Identification Tool.
Semantic Value
Qualitative description based on visual observation. The results of visual observations of physical-spatial elements in the area are then stated in the form of the following semantic assessment value.
PhysicalSpatial Element Description
0 (-0.3<x<+0.3)
02 03
Each physical-spatial element has a different index. The index is the complexity and visual role of each physical-spatial element in an area. The index value will of course be different for each element in each region.
Calculating the average semantic value of physical-spatial elements per area. The result of the average creates a descriptive value of city townscape.
Patterned, Orderly, Adding Quality to Townscape Visual
Patterned, Orderly, Adding Quality to Townscape Visual, Increasing Sense of Possesion for its user
Semantic Value of Each Physical-Spatial Element of an area.
Index Value
Index Description
Not Dominating the visual appearance of an area or having low visual complexity
Dominating the visual appearance of an area or having high visual complexity
Index Value of Each Physical-Spatial Element of an area.
Orderly Visual Expression
Chaotic Visual Expression
High Visual Complexity
Low Visual Complexity
04 19
Briefly Patterned, Orderly
In an Orderly Manner, Unpatterned.
Descriptive value of the visual diversity expression presented in an area’s townscape
2021 | Final Year Research
ANALYSIS EXAMPLE Here is an example of step-by-step analysis of Batang Arau Pedestrian Area, an area in Kota Tua Padang.
Street View
Pictorial Graphic
Orderly Visual Expression
High Visual Complexity Low Visual Complexity
Chaotic Visual Expression
Table of Townscape Description
Townscape area with Semantic Value of +1.05 are considered to have an Orderly Visual Diversity Expression with High Visual Complexity.
2021 | Final Year Research
Batang Arau Area Kelenteng Area Niaga Area Pasar Gadang Area
2021 | Final Year Research
Observation points 1 are located on the Siti Nurbaya Bridge with views from under the bridge. Siti Nurbaya Bridge has the function of a tourist area, therefore this area has a fairly neat and orderly expression. Based on description table, observation point 1 a and 1b are defined to have a high diversity of elements with orderly expressions. However, observation point 1c are considered to have low visual complexity with orderly expression. Although the observation points 1a, 1b, and 1c are quite similar of an area, the semantic average value at the 1c observation point is lower. This is because the observation point 1c does not highlight natural elements that have a major contribution to the semantic value of the area.
Batang Arau Pedestrian Area are considered to have a high complexity of visual variety with orderly expression. Despite having a similar semantic value, observation point 2b has higher complexity and orderly expression point. Angles has an impact on differences in semantic values of the area. The man-made elements that appear at observation point 2b shows the man-made in an orderly manner. Pedestrian, park pavings, and railings are all seen integrated in observation point 2b, creating a screened vista that frames the natural elements in the area.
2021 | Final Year Research
East Side of Batang Arau is considered to have a high complexity of visual variety with chaotic expressions. The low semantic mean value is caused by the lack of order between the elements. One of the elements that quite reduce the semantic value in this area is the element of wild vegetation. Vegetation serves as a decorative and shading element, but at this point of observation the vegetation grows uncontrollably, creating a messy expression.
Kelenteng area is considered to have a high complexity of visual variety with chaotic expressions. Existence of Heritage building adds point to the semantic value of the area. Carving that appears in the heritage mass such as See Hien Kiong Temple adds point to the complexity of visual variety. Unfortunately, these complexity of elements are not supported by its monotonous surrounding. The value of townscape can be further increased by arranging physical-spatial in a more orderly manner. For example, elements of public parking spaces can be further tidied up by marking or marking on the road. By tidying up and clarifying the shape and identity of an element, city users can more easily identify each element and its role.
2021 | Final Year Research
8 7
Niaga area is a Commercial Area that has has a low complexity of visual variety with chaotic expressions. This is due to the function of the Commercial Area that is dominated by shop houses that has monotonous visual expressions. Although this area used to have more diversity of physical-spatial elements, these elements are now increasingly eroded and faded by time and lack of maintenance. Carving that once existed in a shop house slowly began to turn into an ordinary wall with a monotonous expression. Commercial posters and banners dominate the visuals with their chaotic expressions.
Pasar Gadang Area has a low complexity of visual variety with chaotic expressions. Similar to the Commercial Area, the various physical-spatial elements that once existed in this area are getting eroded and faded over time due to lack of maintenance. Observation points 10 and 11 have an expression of visual diversity similar to observation points 4 and 5, where there is one building that stands out from the surrounding environment. At observation point 10, the prominent building is the See Hien Kiong Temple. Meanwhile, at the observation point 11 buildings that stand out are the Muhammadan Mosque. The existence of prominent buildings that are not supported by the surrounding environment creates irregular expressions at observation points 10 and 11. Observation point 12 has low complexity of visual variety with messy expressions. This is because the existing visual diversity does not have certain special preparations that can create the complexity of various visual forms or give the area a lively expression.
2020 | Competition Entry
Kemang Plaza Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
Covid-19 is a pandemic virus that has reached all sorts of group around the world. In Indonesia, the number of people infected continues to increase every day, and it is not certain when the Covid-19 pandemic will end.
2020 / Competition Competition Entry Collaborator: Clement Jonathan, Nara Nugroho
The Government has asked for the Indonesian people to live in peace with Covid-19 until a cure vaccine is found. This pattern of life is called the "New Normal". JL. BANGKA
Site : Jl Bangka Raya, Jakarta Selatan
As an architecture student, responses and contributions can be made through works and designs that respond to the "New Normal" situation.
2020 | Competition Entry
2020 | Competition Entry
CHALLENGES o The Kemang area with a creative entertainment culture. Thus, creating a new, creative, and interesting socializing area becomes a challenge in itself. o The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the people of Kemang to hesitate to go out for entertainment purposes, due to the fear of the spread when making physical contact in the middle of socializing in a closed room.
Housing Complex Retail and Office
Creating a space with a sustainable activity generator. This means that there are event venues in the center of the building that support fresh events such as live music, talk shows, etc.
The openness of the building will improve air circulation, automatically creating a healthier and more creative environment
Linear arrangement without creating layers of space so that the entire area is a semi-outdoor area. Although the arrangement is linear, the orientation remains centered on the center of activity.
Design is not just about putting physical elements on the site. This design actually prioritizes the creation of NEGATIVE SPACE where the priority is on open space. Massing of the building is designed so that the space is only created due to the split level game. Thus, functional spaces are created as if only because of landscape play. Outdoor air circulation with optimal sun exposure is a priority achieved by this building.
2020 | Competition Entry
Creative Space
Public Toilet
Amphi theater
2020 | Competition Entry
Open Lounge as Activity Generator
Food Vendors
Open Corridor
2020 | Competition Entry
Creative Space
Walking Track
CONTACT e-mail : clarissalius@gmail.com phone : (+62) 81383123531