Division 20- December Newsletter

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Division 20

New York District of Key Club International Division 20 December Newsletter

December Newsletter Caring, our way of life

Page 2 Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting ————————————— PAGE 3 Governor’s bulletin ————————————— Page 4 Social media ————————————— Page 5-10 District updates ————————————— Page 11 Endorsed projects ————————————— You’re invited to LTC!! The Leadership Training Conference is an amazing , exciting way to meet Key Clubbers from all over New York state! This threeday, two night weekend is filled with workshops to participate in, getting to know other key club members, electing officers for the district, and enjoying a great time! Click here for more info: https://nydkc.org/ltc/ Written by Division 20 lieutenant governor Clarissa MberA


Page 12 Service spotlights ————————————— Page 11 Service ideas ————————————— Page 12 Contacts ————————————— Page 13 Paperwork

Division 20

December Newsletter

Lieutenant Governor’s Greeting: Hello Divison 20! My name is Clarissa Mbera and I am a junior at Seton Catholic Central High School in Binghamton, New York. I am a member of Key Club, Yes Leads, Sustainability Club, a cheerleader, and your Lieutenant Governor for the 2019-2020 service year! My goal this service year is to keep service at the center of Key Club! Let’s not get caught up in all the work and ever forget what the purpose of Key Club is. Being of service to others, our community and our world! Thank you!


Division 20

December Newsletter



GOVERNOR'S BULLETIN Updates from Governor Camille!

Featured projects are BACK! This month is my Governor's Project, Special Olympics New York. Their mission is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition for individuals with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

Winner's Circle

What I've been up to... Hey Key Clubbers! Happy Holidays! November was a busy month. I had the opportunity to attend NY Circle K's NY Speaking and our Tri-K Board meeting. I had an amazing time at both. I always love seeing branches of the K-Family working together!

#NYDKC Huntington High School Key Clubbers sold holiday cards throughout their town and at events in their school district over the course of the month of December. Club members created designs for the cards and sold them to their family members as well. The cards are always a huge hit in the community and all proceeds raised are donated to the local chapter of Make a Wish!

LTC planning has already begun, and we're excited to share the weekend with all of you! From 3/27-3/29, join Key Clubbers from around NY for an incredible event of celebrating the service year and ringing in a new one. The price per student is $300. IF there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your LTG or me. Or you can visit our website at www.nydkc.org. Now that it's December, there are a few things you and your club could do! You could buy gifts for those who may not be able to afford them, plan a winter outerwear drive, or host a holiday party. You could also look through the awards booklet to see what you could apply for! (Reach out to me or your LTG if there are any questions.)


Division 20

December Newsletter

Social Media

Division 20 @nydkc20 New York District @nydkc Sistrict @newlamissho Key Club International @keyclubint Division 20 @nydkc20 New York District @nydkc Key Club International @keyclub Division 20 New York District

Key Club InternationalGovernor's Project 4

Division 20

December Newsletter

District Updates Governor’s ProjectNew York Chapter of the Special Olympics!! This year's governor's project is the New York Chapter of the Special Olympics. Special Olympics New York is a project that provides all inclusive athletic opportunities. Athletes with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to challenge themselves in fair and even competition. Win or lose, they are able to grow and develop their own character, make new friends and uncover undiscovered wells of determination within themselves. Special Olympics promotes the message of inclusion, which is something for everyone to support and relate to! Website: https://www.specialolympics-ny.org/ District ProjectProject Semicolon! Project Semicolon is an organization dedicated to the prevention of suicide. Their work is based on the foundation and belief that suicide is preventable and that everyone has a collective responsibility in preventing suicide. Through raising public awareness, educating the public, and equipping every person with the right tools, they know that lives all over the world can and will be saved. Website: https://projectsemicolon.com/ Our goal is to raise $15,000 for each!


Division 20

December Newsletter

District Updates International Partner & President’s Project: Key Club International has plenty of different project partners that aim to aid young people all across the world! These include Thirst Project, Landscape Structures, Nickelodeon, U.S. Army, Up with People, Squads Abroad, Kiwanis Gives Online, Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, UNICEF, K Corps, Project Happiness!

International President K’lena Schnack has chosen The Eliminate Project as her President’s Project! Kiwansi International and UNICEF joined forces to aid in eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) all over the world. This historic initiative, named the Eliminate Project, aims to end this cruel, centuries-old disease. This will help pave the way for the delivery of other lifesaving services, such as clean water, nutrition and other vaccines. UNICEF USA and Kiwanis International are working to raise $110 million to provide women with lifesaving vaccines to protect them and their future newborns. For additional information, please visit The Eliminate project.org . 6

Division 20

December Newsletter

District Updates 2019-2020 Service Goals!! District Service Hours Goal: 120,000 Hours! We are at 49.35% of our service hours goal. That is a total of 59,226.67 hours!! Please do all that you can to help our district reach the set goals.And a gentle reminder to complete the monthly report forms each month so that the hours your club volunteers can be tracked. Thank you!

District Fundraising Goal: $200,000 So far, the district has raised $71,852,47!! That's about 35.9% of our goal! Let's host some more fundraisers and events to boost those numbers! I know we can reach our goal, so let’s do it!


Division 20

December Newsletter

District Updates Leadership Training Conference Registration Priority Deadline: February 21, 2020 Final Registration Deadline: March 2, 2020 Payment Deadline: March 13, 2020

Price (Per Attendee) Key Club Member Quad Room: $300 Advisor/Chaperone Double Room: $335 Advisor/ Chaperone Single Room: $650 *

Running For Office If you are interested in running for Division 20 Lieutenant Governor for the next 2020-2021 service year, elections are held at LTC which means the Lieutenant Governor elect should attend! The role of a Lieutenant Governor is to oversee the activities of all clubs within their division. A division covers smaller areas of a district and usually includes from 5-10 clubs. Lieutenant Governors assist club officers with dues, projects, and management. 8

Division 20

December Newsletter

District Updates Awards Booklet The Awards Booklet is OUT and filled with various different awards that ANY club can enter to win! There are awards that are given to clubs, Key Clubbers, Faculty Advisors, Kiwanis Advisors, and club officers such as individual awards, club awards, automatic entry awards The booklet also has information about contests that will be held, scholarships that ANYONE can apply for, international recognitions, submission methods and deadlines! Everyone has a chance to win, all you have to do is apply!Â

Content Submission Form The International Public Relations Committee is trying to compile photos and videos from clubs and divisions in order to create promotional content for Key Club. Please fill this form out if they would like to submit anything! All videos must be Key Club appropriate, shot in landscape mode, have high audio and video quality, and encompass Key Club’s spirit of leadership and service. 9

Division 20

December Newsletter

District Updates The Empire Key Written by District Editor Angelo Lontok

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New York Minute Brought to you by Camille Brock

https://youtu.be/0AG4a22RGIk 10

Division 20

December Newsletter

Endorsed Projects International Partner Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works, with the support of youth, to end the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe and clean drinking water. What makes this project so important, what is about water? It’s simple. Everyone’s health and sanitation are extremely important. Waterborne diseases have killed more children every single year than aids, malaria, and all world violence combined. small children typically don’t have strong enough me and systems to buy diseases. By providing communities with safe drinking water, disease rates have the potential to drop up to 88% almost instantly! Clean water plays an extremely critical role in treating and managing HIV/AIDS in rural communities.

District Partner Camp Kiwanis is aimed at providing exciting exercise and adventure. It strives to afford opportunities in order to participate in a unique, creative, outdoor group experience in a democratic setting and develop characteristics of leadership and fair play. The program at Camp Kiwanis is made to mainstream every child, including up to 20 each session with special needs. It is noncompetitive prioritizing group and team building. No activity is forced, but all are highly encouraged. We aim to raise $3,500 for Camp Kiwanis and Thirst Project! 11

Division 20

December Newsletter

*Service Spotlights* This November was Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and The Westmoreland Key Club wanted to Raise Money for the Alzheimer’s Association. A small group of members came up with the idea of having a pajama/ hat day and presented it to the rest of the club. The Key Club had everyone who wanted to wear pajamas donate a dollar on the 15th and everyone who wanted to wear a hat donate on the 26th. Westmoreland Key Club was able to raise $217 to go towards finding a cure for Alzheimer’s. -Olivia Golden, Westmoreland Key Club President The annual key club talent show is one of our biggest fundraising events. We invite some of our most talented individuals to perform and compete for the tope 3 spot’s in both an elementary and high school division. This year we had 13 acts, and it was one of our most successful crowds we had in a while. We had many singers, musicians, dancers, and our very own Noelle Dutch performing a comedy ASMR act. The show was also surprised with a quick intermission act from our club’s treasurer, Sloane Ryan, and board member, Cadence Payne. The judges had a very hard decision on their hands, but they finally found three winners from each category. The first place won $50 and a trophy while second and third were awarded with trophies. The club members worked very hard at making the show a success, and the profits proved this. Now, we will be able to send even more members down to the Kiwanis Leadership and Training Conference in Albany to better their skills. - Ogdensburg Key Club President Anton Skamperle 12

Division 20

December Newsletter

Service Ideas Host a fundraiser for any of these beautiful causes -Special Olympics -Project Semicolon -Camp Kiwanis -Thirst Project

Write holiday cards to - first responders -children in the hospital -the elderly and sick in nursing homes!

Collect canned goods, food, and presents for the holidays to donate to a homeless shelter. Collect sweaters, hats, gloves, scarfs, blanket, etc. to donate for this cold winter.


Division 20

December Newsletter

Contacts -Lieutenant Governor Clarissa Mbera (clarissambera@gmail.com / (607) 759-9892) -Circle K Lieutenant Governor Brendon Nguyen (brendon.nguyen@nycirclek.org) -Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Scott MacDonald (scottmd1944@gmail.com) -Governor Camille Brock (governor@nydkc.org) -Secretary Linna Cheung (secretary@nydkc.org) -Treasurer Anthony Lim (treasurer@nydkc.org) -Internal Executive Assistant Qianting "Tiffany" Chen (qtchen.ea@nydkc.org) -External Executive Assistant Jaron Belmore (jaronbelmore.ea@nydkc.org) -Webmaster Ramisa Azad (webmaster@nydkc.org) -Bulletin Editor Angelo Lontok (editor@nydkc.org) -District Administrator John Goldstein (nydkca@frontier.com) -Assistant District Administrator Jason Steiner (ianjs@aol.com) -Assistant District Administrator Michael Berthel (mjberthel@gmail.com) 14

Division 20

December Newsletter

Paperwork Club Name

Dues Paid



Apr. MRF


June MRF

July MRF

August Sept. MRF MRF

October Novembe MRF r MRF



























Charlotte Valley

Johnson City Laurens Central


MaineEndwell X


Owego Seton Catholic








UnionEndicott Windsor



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