Hot Drawings

Page 1

: Introduction


: Building Components : Building Instructions : Wiring & Coding : Intended Product

Hot Drawings is a multi-part instrument that combines the vibration of sawdust, xy axis movement, and the heating and dispensing of wax. Hot Drawings is a project meant to utilize materials in a new way through coded instruments. Furthermore, it is meant to serve as a provocation to more typical notions of authorship. With so many components doing many things, there are many options for how to introduce chance, temporality, and collaboration into the overall process. All of these conditions provoke traditional notions of authorship. Listed below were some of the options the team was strongly considering.


The vibration of sawdust occurs from nine motors. The team intended to allow digital users to control which motors were turned on, and at what frequency. This would have produced varied results from the outset with different sawdust patterns. Additionally, the motors could have possibly turned on and off without notice, introducing chance to the sawdust patterns. Temporality would have played a part in the distribution of hot wax over the sawdust. The hot wax would have had to be released at a certain rate to avoid burning. Additionally, digital users would have been given control over the xy movement of the hot wax or control of the distance traveled. While the team had not yet figured out which options and combinations would have produced the most variability, all options would have introduced a collaboration between material, programmers, and users.

Building Components

This section lists the required parts needed for the vibrating component, XY base component, and the heating component. Pieces are grouped by these three components, except for the last section-Wiring and Coding Components. The pieces go to the vibrating, xy base, and heating components. These are the pieces that allow the machine to operate once programmed. Of the pieces in this list, some are bought as is, while others need to be made. The wood members, woodblocks, and acrylic will need to be cut to size. The wood pieces can be made from 2 x 4’s or 2 x 6’s. The acrylic can be cut from a 1/8” acrylic sheet. There are 6 parts that will need to be custom 3D prints. These are the pieces that will hold the stepper motor and the timing belt pulley wheels. The specifications for these pieces are notated in this section.

Vibrating Component 1 1/2 ”


a. Wood Member (x2)




b. 1/8” Acrylic (x1)

3” 1 1/2


1 1/2 1 1/2





1 1/2

c. 1/8” Acrylic (x1)

XY Base Component 4”


d. Wood Member (x2)





e. Wood Member (x2)


” 24

g. Drawer Slide (x3)




te n






f. Wood Member (x1)


XY Base Component (continued) Note: Interior cavity should be slightly larger than the size of the stepper motor. Dimensions may vary.

” ”

7 8

1 ”

3 16

” 5 8

” 1 8” 8

” 1 1/4 ” 5





11 16

” ”



11 16


” 1 1 8”

1 8

1 8

1 1/4” 1

1 16

1 5 8”


5 8


5 8


11 16





1 1/2”



” 16

” 16


5 8

5 8

i. 3D Print (x1)


1 1/2”



1 1/4




5 8

3/4 ”


3 8

3 8

3 16

7 8

5 8



5 8

3 8

” 1/2 2

” 3 8

” 1/2 2


1 1 8”



3 16

3 16

h. 3D Print (x1)





3 8

3 8





j. 3D Print (x1)

k. 3D Print (x1)

1 1/4”

m. #6 Wood Screw (x50)







l. Timing Belt (x2)

1 1/2


1 1/2




n. Wood Block (x1)

o. Wood Block (x2)

Heating Component 8






q. Copper Pipe (x1)

3 1/2”






p. Nichrome Wire 4”

r. Wood Block (x1)

s. Metal Funnel (x1)

Motors and Wiring Components

t. Breadboard (x2)

u. Arduino Uno (x2)

v. Power Supply - 12V 5A (x3)

w. Stepper Motor (x2)

x. Vibrating Motor (x9)


U. Arduino Uno (x2)

y. Timing Belt Pulley Wheel (x4)

W. Stepper Motor (x2)

z. Jumper Wires (xMany)

Y. Timing Belt Pulley Wheel (x4

aa. 6V Battery (x1)

bb. Alligator Clip (x4)

AA. 6V Battery (x1)

cc. A4988 Motor Driver (x2)

Building Instructions

Following are the building instructions. These include assembly instructions for the vibrating component, xy movement component, and the heating component. Slight variations can be made to the assembly as a whole - not al of the kinks were worked out. Additionally, some steps require particular attention. A rule of thumb would be to lay out pieces first before screwing or sliding anything together. The building instructions do not include attaching the breadboard (t), Arduino Uno (u), power supplies (v), jumper wires (z), or battery (aa) . These will be addressed in the wiring and coding section. Keep in mind, however, that you will want to keep wiring lengths as short as possible to avoid entanglement or crowding. With this being said, most wiring components will want to be in close proximity to the components they are programming. More on this can be found in the wiring and coding section.

01 : Vibrating Component b


Steps :


: Slip the (9) vibrating motors (x) through acrylic piece (c) so that each motor is resting on top of the acrylic, face up. : Stack acrylic piece (b) on top of the vibrating motors so that the acrylic sheets are aligned. : Slip the above assembly into the notches of the (2) wood pieces (a).


02 : XY Base

Steps : : Align wood members (e) so that they are parallel to and along the short edges of wood members (d), as shown in the image above. The spacing of wood members (d) can vary but should be at least 20” center to center. : Use (4) wood screws (m) at each overlap, for a total of (16) wood screws total, to screw the wood members together. Make sure that they are flush to the wood.




03 : Combine Base & Vibrating

Steps : : Place the vibrating component from Step 01 on top of the xy base from Step 02. Ensure that the acrylic is still firmly held by the wood members when placing the vibrating component. : Use (2) wood screws (m) at each overlap, for a total of (8) wood screws, to screw the vibrating component to the xy base. : At this point you can remove and set aside the (2) sheets of acrylic and the vibrating motors until the rest of the assembly has been completed.


04 : Bottom Movement




m w y


Steps : : First, take the (3) drawer slides (g) and remove the top most slide. Instructions for this can be found either in the packaging or online. Set (1) drawer slide and the (3) removed pieces to the side. : Screw the (2) drawer slides onto each top wood member (e), making sure that they are aligned to the interior edges. The bottom most slide should be centered on the wood member. : To assemble 3D print (k), place (1) timing belt pulley wheel (y) between the two 3D print pieces. : To assemble 3D print (h), place (1) stepper motor (w) into the interior cavity. Then, place (1) timing belt pulley wheel (y) onto the stepper motor. : Screw the (2) 3D print pieces to one of the wood members (e). Use (1) timing belt (l) to align the pieces - the timing belt should run parallel to the drawer slide and be centered on the bottom slide.

05 : Top Movement

Steps :

: Take the remaining drawer slide (g) and screw it onto wood member (f).

Orient the slide so that it slides away from the hole in the wood member. : Next, take the (3) removed drawer slide pieces and flip them over so that the flat side is face down. Screw wood block (n) and (2) wood blocks (o) onto the drawer slide pieces, (1) per slide. Make sure that the blocks are on the end that reattaches to the rest of the drawer slide. Set the drawer slide with wood block (n) to the side. : Before screwing the (2) slide and block assemblies to wood member (f), align the slides with the drawer slides already attached to the xy base. Then, screw the assemblies together, wood to wood, with (4) wood screws (m). Align the wood blocks to the side with the drawer slide above.

g m







y i


Steps : : Assemble 3D prints (i) and (j) similarly to how you assembled 3D prints (h) and (k). : Screw the (2) 3D print pieces to wood member (f). The 3D prints need to avoid the hole cut into the wood member. Use (1) timing belt (l) to align the pieces - the timing belt should run parallel to the drawer slide and be centered on the bottom slide. This timing belt length may vary from the other timing belt length.

06 : Heating Component

Steps : : First, assemble the heating component. Wrap the nichrome wire (p) around the copper pipe (q). Place the metal funnel (s) into the copper pipe so that it sits snuggly. : Take the remaining drawer slide with wood block (n) and screw wood block (r) to it. Use (4) wood screws (m) to make a wood to wood connection. Then, slide this assembly back onto the base drawer slide. : Place the heating component into the hole of wood block (r). While a heat spacer is not listed in the components, it will be necessary to ensure that nothing catches on fire.






Wiring & Coding

The following pages explain the programming required to make the machine vibrate, move, and heat. The diagrams explain the steps to wire the vibrating motors, stepper motors, and heating coil. The code is attached for each component. These three components are currently programmed separately, with hopes that they can eventually be combined into one wired system with one single code. The wiring and coding of each component were resolved to some extent; however, none of the three were completely clarified. In the following diagrams, it is noted where attention is needed to work out any issues. As previously mentioned in the introduction, the public has the ability to change the vibrations and the xy movement. This would be done in the code of each component. This is something that has yet to be solved as well. The goal is to have the code connected to an online platform that would allow anyone to change certain factors of the codes, resulting in various outcomes.

Vibrating 12V Power Supply

12V Power Supply


Wiring :

: First, attach jumper wires (z) to 5V and GND ports to the breadboard. (t) : Connect 9 pairs of jumper wires (z) to the breadboard (t), keeping the set within the same row of + and - and jumping to corresponding rows. Example: - to 28A, + to 27B. : Connect the + and - ends of the vibrating motors (x) to the breadboard (t). Example: - to 28B, + 27B. : Plug in the 12V power supply (v) to the arduino (u).

Notes :

Code :

: This is the wiring and code to vibrate all 9 motors (x) at once at the same speed. The vibrating wiring could be adapted to allow control of individual motors, requiring a parallel circuit set-up. This alternative wiring set-up may require the addition of a battery, resistors, diodes, pMOS transitors, and more jumper wires.

void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) }

XY Movement 12V Power Supply

12V Power Supply


5V GND 3 2

Wiring :

: First, place the motor driver (cc) onto the breadboard (t). The pins should line up so that they are on the second column in from the middle on each side, as pictured above. On the underside of the motor driver are labels to each connection. These will be used in the upcoming steps. : Attach the stepper motor (w) to the breadboard at ports 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B. It is important to make sure that the wires from the motor plugged into the 1 ports create a full circuit and the wires into the 2 ports create WIRING INSTRUCTIONS a full circuit. : Connect the breadboard to the arduino (u). Use jumper wires (z) to connect the “2” port on the arduino to the “DIR” pin on the motor driver, and the “3” port on the arduino to the “STEP” pin on the motor driver via the breadboard. Connect the “SLEEP” to “RESET” on the motor driver. : Connect the 12V power supply (v) to the arduino. Use jumper wires to connect the arduino 5V and GND ports to the breadboard. Connect the VDD and GND on the motor driver to the breadboard so that the wires from the arduino 5V and GND line up and the motor driver VDD(5V) and GND. Next, connect a 12v power supply to the breadboard with the + and - inputs to the columns as shown above. Finally connect the GND on the motor driver to the - column of the breadboard power input and the VMOT to the + column.

Code : // Define stepper motor connections and steps per revolution: #define dirPin 2 #define stepPin 3 #define stepsPerRevolution 200 void setup() { // Declare pins as output: pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // Set the spinning direction clockwise: digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // Spin the stepper motor 1 revolution slowly: for (int i = 0; i < stepsPerRevolution; i++) { // These four lines result in 1 step: digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(2000); digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2000); } delay(1000); }

Notes :

: This is the wiring and code to move one stepper motor. The XY movement wiring and coding needs to be adapted for multiple stepper motors. To wire a second motor, you would make a second, parallel, circuit on the breadboard. You would need a second motor driver and stepper motor. You would attach the motor driver and stepper motor to the breadboard just like the first one. The difference is that you would connect the STEP and DIR pins to ports 4 and 5 on the arduino and you would only connect the motor driver power pins to the power columns on the breadboard, not directly to the power supply like the first one. : The code needs further adjustment. Currently this code could be made faster or slower, and change directions; however, it is not yet resolved how to move a certain distance or how to move continuously without stopping between revolutions.

Heating 12V Power Supply

GND 13

9V Battery

Wiring : : First wrap two jumpers wires (z) around the nichrome wire (p), one on each end of the wire coil. : Connect the top wire to port 13 on the arduino (u) and the bottom wire to the positive terminal on the battery (a). : Use another jumper wire (z) to connect the negative terminal on the battery (a) to the GND port on the arduino (u). : Plug in the 12V power supply (v) to the arduino.

Code : void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(3000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(3000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s) }

Notes :

: This wiring and code is modeled after a closed circuit system and was never tested irl. The code is set to switch between low and high settings every 3 seconds. : The code and wiring may require adaption to account for overheating and timing of heating. Running the code to switch from high to low every 3-5 seconds may work to control the temperature of the coil.

The following pages describe the instrument’s three moving parts: vibrating, melting, and pouring.

Movement Diagrams

Each of the nine vibrating motors can be turned on and off by the public. The vibrations move and shift the dust around. The movement of the dust caused by the vibration is difficult to precisely predict. This element allows for chance to be introduced in the final composition of the dust. The wax is placed into the funnel. It will melt due to the heating coil*, changing the wax from solid to liquid. As the wax melts it will drip through the funnel and begin to fall onto the bristol canvas. As the melted wax moves through the funnel, the public can control the path of its pouring. The pouring of the hot wax is controlled by x and y coordinate movements. The location of the deposited wax is controlled by the public. The hot wax will cover the dust that is sitting on the bristol canvas. Once the liquid wax is set, it will cool down and return to its solidstate. *The heating coil has not been fully worked out. For now, we advise manually heating it with a heat gun.

Heating Movement

Vibrating Movement

XY Movement

XY Movement (continued)

XY Movement (continued)

Intended Product

The following page speculates the instrument’s intended products. The final product is a drawing on nine inch by nine inch bristol paper. The drawing is composed of dust and wax. The dust can be sawdust, sand, or anything lightweight enough to be moved by the vibrating motors. We recommend soy wax because it is inexpensive and has a low melting point. The soy wax can be dyed* with food coloring to achieve more opacity. The moving dust becomes trapped inside the solidified wax. The drawings produced by this instrument explore layers, opacity, and field conditions. *To dye the wax, melt until liquid and add food coloring of choice. Mix until combined and let set. Once the wax is solid, it can be used in the instrument.

Final Product

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