2023 Feb 10 Conversation With Pattern Itself

Folding more positions of need than ever before, we come to a time of Need. All that’s been acquired, and all is ready. Now is the time to cut all the cords from nonsense and cast-off.
Breath. Breathe into the Pattern, and another breath. Breathe. And another. A pattern you’re born with, a gift you’re given, constant, a constancy, a relief, a life, a way to be, and a way of being.
The patterns, the Mycelial Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns, patterns we asked for, patterns as easy as breath, patterns that open the breath, the heart, and instill Compassion.
One day we rose up out of our bed and asked for patterns, we rose up out of our bed and drew what we asked for, one day we rose up out of our bed and painted colors from our Garden bed.
One day we asked for a thread, and we were given a needle and thread, a Red Thread with an ancient history that we would learn about, as we woke up from our sleep. A thread woven from our dreaming, had found its way into our daytime world.
The Red Thread spoke of patterns to us, and we listened, because we could. We took our hands, we took our ears, we took our hearts, and we began to follow the thread of this ancient lineage, an ancient story of tellers.
It didn’t take us long to realize we were of the story-teller lineage, and the thread, the Red Thread that we found, found us. We fit into our own pattern, we were stitched into the fabric of our own making, of a very ancient lineage.
Pattern is all around us, all around you, all around them, and all around the theys. This was a Once Upon a Time, and as we all really know, all Once Upon a Times are Real, in any real sense of the Word.
Once uttered, Is. What we have here is a Reality so real, that it scares the hell out of those who have grown too old for their own good. This is not pretend, this is not make believe, in the way it is used to demean or diminish, this is the making of something far greater than all the nonsense out in the world these days.
Breaking with tradition of set into concrete, the threadial life is one that is woven from the organic of natural rhythms, natural tendrils, natural breathing. A non-caught breathing is an alive breath.
We woke up from our bed one day and asked for patterns that would free the breath, free the heart, and open us up to Compassion. The Rose of rising spoke to us, and we heard, because we could.
It was then that the Garden Plan laid out its Harmonical Grid, and we were able to step our right foot upon it. This was long before we knew it as the Garden Pan, but early enough for us to know before we knew.
The Mycelial Network took us up in its rooted history, its more than ancient ways, and fed us connection to all things. Isolated in our endeavors, we were never alone. Not only did we have each other, we had the natural network that we stood upon.
It’s fibered, electrical, magnetic energy fed us, and we were consciously aware of our changing nature. This is the nature of need, want, and desire. As we moved deeper into the threaded existence of ourselves, the story unfolded around us.
Pattern. A word, a gesture, a platonic set of solids, photonic light, molecular, cellular existence. We drew and drew and drew, and painted and painted and painted until our fingers fell off, but in the garden we knew we could grow them back.
Years of asking and listening, looking and seeing, years of drawing and painting, and years of sharing and silence. The patterns took care of us, the patterns answered our questions, the patterns gave us solace, encouragement, and bravery.
Fractal awareness is wholeness revealed, part and whole, bit by bit unity, puzzlement put together. Patterns go with tea, like mint and meant. No accident that. Sound pattern, light pattern, thought pattern, all interlinked and available for conversation.
Mycelial rooted network providing nourishment; electric, light, magnetic, all combined into these bodies of ours, an embodiment. Mint and meant, pattern connection; Body Zero, Celtic, Creativity, Fairy, Flower, Holographic, Manifestional, Omnidirectional, Recognitional, all Mycelial Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Decks that open the breath and the heart to Compassion, for the Self and others.
The quality of space, that is now given is more open, and the gesture is more supportive. As the nonsense leaves our lives, we begin to have more nestial room for the sacredness of who we are, and that is only the first step.
We begin to include ourselves in the holy, in the bound upward, in the laid out course, in the multidimensional understanding. What is nonsense is all that did not believe in us, what is nonsense is what bears witness against us, what is nonsense is what do not hold us sacred and beautiful.
What is nonsense is what picks us apart, as if we are dead. What is nonsense that we are ready for the grave immediately after we leave the cradle, those two points do not connect, that is nonsense. We begin to believe the nonsense when we are young, because we are told that is the most sensible of all.
Our curiosity searches out the nonsense, as if it is something to be truly curious about. It is the one that has no curiosity, it is the one that pegs everything out ahead, it is the one that always says never.
Yes, nonsense is thought to be the cradle, but it is the fall out of the cradle. The lullabyes are about when the nonsense comes and we begin to fall out of all our cradles, so now we must cradle ourselves, cradle our very being, cradle our thoughts, cradle our imagination, cradle our beautiful individuality.
Yes, the nestial is the very essence that sustains us, we are volumed in the chords of the octaves, we climb the cathedric climb, we constitute our constitutional, so that we can get to the top of the vine and live with giants. Let there be giants in our lives, because that is what we are. Our tribe, our match, our very being.
Small can be immense, there are always giants in every land, in every mind, in every heart. The nonsense is that we are not among them, that we do not belong in the land above and the land below.
Our sovereignity is denied, our crownial evolvement is made into nonsense. Jack and Jill climbed up the hill and their crownial evolvement fell, because of nonsense. The nursery rhythms were always called rhythms of nonsense, and now we know why.
If you climb up the hill with your bucket of water and your pineal eqaution, your situla is said not to be able to hold water. You have a hole in your bucket dear Henry, which king are we talking to?
It is a mighty race to become a situla that holds water and lives in the land of giant, can climb the Vine and hold its own in the passage to Never Never Land. You inquiry, you inspire, you fold your making into your codial awareness, and there is no nonsense in the Hail of your crownial sovereignty.
There is no inch worm to get you there, but there is a serpentine rise that creates the ease of the Vine. Purpose and place reigns in a land of solidity, because there is no room for the nonsense of unmeanlessness.
Cats in the cradle, string theory, needle in the hole pulling it through, over the top and under, all part of the journey of the Thread, the Thread being the Grail, the bud being the Vine, the Vine being the line, the immensity being the truth.
The Corrugated Fan your eye looks through from time to time is wide open, fanned out, and ready for your Exquisite Mode. Fan your feelings forward into the Pattern you yourself are, and make way for your own curiosity.
We bring conversation to ourselves by asking questions to each other, and especially to ourselves. Light Imprintisal Pattern conversation happens when you engage with the rooting of your own Existial Mode.
Engagement with the patterns of light brings a depth beyond past, present, and future, because they are beyond all of those. They are outside of Time, and inside of it at the same time.
Patterns that expand awareness and Compassion, are by their very nature nurturing and nourishing. All food is light, and we are fed freely by the Sun. To converse with your day is to acknowledge its sentience, and your relationship with its gifts.
There is a building that happens, as you become more and more open to the reality of your life, that all things are sentient, and all of life opens before you. You become one of the living ones.
Living with an open heart is to live inside of Compassion, and to allow yourself the time it takes to connect once again, as you did as a child, to everything around you, not as objects, but as Real.
The pattern you carry is the pattern you’ve become, to become some more is to change. Patterns are change, patterns are ever-flowing, as is nature. Nothing is still and inert.
Voice is Pattern, and its sound is heard by the hearing listening. Your eyes listen to the colors sound makes and the sun provides, patterns provide through their light imprintsiality.
Need, want, and desire, the trinary building blocks of awareness and embodiment. As we thread our way forward through the eye of every needle, we see what is and what is becoming. Fibered by our conscious awareness, we weave our way into the cloth of our own existence.
Nonsense tries to erode, discolor, and evaporate the senses and distract the heard sound of sight. Insightfulness, filled with sight, filled with sound, filled with light, filled with listening, all marks of becoming your own self pattern awareness.
The Celtic of woven lives the folded perspective of walls and creates a discernment in pattern, it relegates positions and angles of comfort needed to create the ease of corrugation, assimilation, and potentialization.
This creates a mode that is exquisite for the self to present the self in. We are so used to the straight quarters of lines that it is hard at times to even circulate a curve. Our perspectives are shifted more easily when we can move more close in our needs and responses.
We are no longer measured by the rule and we become more free of the nonsense. The more we are able to embody the curve, the more able we are to see ahead, and confirm our passage, in this we become more free to become wild, and become a root of the Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life is no unnurtured presence, it is so organic in its rooting system that one can’t even imagine all of its reeds and quarrys, and diggings below.
The Tree of Life codifies the codified, and it moves through the rooting waters of potency. We are less regulated by it, not as we are regulated by the world. The Tree of Life has no nonsense, it just carries the stories that are rich and powerful, colored and profoundly needed.
The rooted branch that you occupy is sustained by the rooted water held in the trunk of the Tree of Life, and therefore, you are always fed by the nature of its nature.
Spoken is the conversation of the Tree of Life, eased is its speech, easy is its sound upon the ears, beautiful to the eyes it conveys. We are part and whole to the threaded existence of all that Is.
Time times itself through the rhythmic swaying of the Tree of Life, the flow of the Red Thread that waters our life into exitence. Our pulse is emmanating, rhythmic, organic, natural, and codial.
To realize you are inside a pattern, you are part of the pattern, is to know more of yourself in the fabric of things. This brings insight and a lighted comfort to surround you and give meaning to a path.
Path your way into your life, path your way through your life, path your way daily as a practice of woven threads connecting you to what surrounds you with all that you see. To see is to hear, and to hear is to speak the words of the gifts given.
Pattern points the way to gift, and gift is all that surrounds you, one way or the other, one way and another. Pick your pattern, choose your choice, put your foot on the path that feels easy, light, and becoming.
Ancient are the patterns, new in their way of always becoming, and connected are you to the Celtic of what is human. To know the reed at its Ogham is to alphabet the tree and gemmo the mark of made. The Celtic Deck marks its alphabet on your tree limbs.
Oak in strength, birch in written, apple in knowledge, the lineage is a grove surrounded by the rooted magic of Mycelial. Body Zero Deck rises from its grounded nature and the patterns include the formula of instinctual, each one nested into the next, forming the embodiment of meaning.
The Creativity Deck, Pleiadian in its manner, converses with us in the manner of starlight, and the light within the patterns inform and bring connection at a galactic scale.
Unfolding are the Fey, the Fairie, the Fair Folk, the Light Beings, bringers of information filled with light, to enlighten. They are meant to be seen when aware of the etheric-electric, vibrational, and magnetic breath of In sight. The Fairy Deck unfolds it patterns of In sight.
The Garden Plan woke us up out of our beds, and we asked thousands upon thousands of questions, each met by its own answer. The Flowers spoke to us, they flowed their essence into us and we drank the answers into our pores. The Flower Deck blooms with ease, and nurtures you with her composition with the Bee.
To Be is to be Holographic in nature, a lighted presence in the space of time. Each movement catches the light and is projected from its own center. Your pattern is spoken to in the Holgraphic Deck, and emits a lighted awareness of your own Compassion.
A pattern manifests when called upon. You were called upon and arrived to a beginning awareness, from which you have grown many iterations of yourself. The Manifestational Deck creates as you see it and what you see is In sighted for you in the moment.
In all directions you arrived, Omnidirectional in nature, you match with your surroundings, and occur easily. The Omnidirectional Deck positions itself as you do, and emits an answering call to your question. The quest of an Ion is complete when connected.
To Recognize brings you to the conversation within the Recognitional Deck, a christed-light pattern of inner illumination, codial in its nature and natural to all. Each Deck, each pattern threads its way through the footed path and brings a full tapestry into the Made.
We each speak from our insides out, our intonation is mathematical in equation ,and numeric in our lettered presence. We alphabet ourselves forward and story ourselves into existence. We do this because we can. We share this because we are able. The connections are made and you are part of all of this. Magical are these connections and community is its nature, like a garden in the Garden Plan.
Timely, and all the words are said, so for now on, be ready for the unsaid, unheard, and unknown.