The Journey Through Long Or Brief Is The Same

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The Alchemical Rede Magazine

The Journey Through Long Or Brief Is The Same


The Space that yields is now ready for its Time.


February 9th Issue

The Journey Through Long Or Brief Is The Same Intense Intensity is intense, whether it’s in a moment, or of long duration, the times three of Intense always brings forward the Clear State of Momentum. This is this month, this time, this era, this point in time.

We are well prepared, the Ease is realized, and the Patterns of Mycelial Healing are available. Time and distance fold and are able to crease and corrugate, so, that the resilience comes forward into a yielding space.

What was once thought impossible becomes so possible, that the edge is removed and the corner is navigated with the ease of familiar, which sets the course into alignment and the momentum increases the speed rate.

Moving more easily allows for the support needed, and the necessary is accepted, because the Round comes over the curve being within the thread moving within the weave and connecting fiber to fiber.

The woven is folded into the Square, so that the Circle encompasses the digits, making up the counting that letters itself into place, and the intensity levels out.

Level to level the eye sees the next available layer, and is able to move sight into an accompanied vision, that supports energy as it aligns and releases its hold. Held is the breath that breathes between the layers.

Motion opens up the way and the foot moves forward, so that what was behind comes in front, this then creates the needed movement that plants the seed into Papered Awareness.

Mindful of the advancement needed, the woven speaks to the thread that penetrates beyond resistance, making the ease primary and the way forward available in a way that conveys expression through Compassion.

Time wraps around distance so that space can be filled with expression, and the creative unfolds its matter through the geomatric lineage of threaded thought, thereby in creasing the folded with corrugationary awareness.

This unfolding eventual is visioning itself beyond limitational constrictions, and allowing the rise of a more lighted way of sight, the insightful of inner vision breaking past past, and into the primary present of future reading its nesting dolls in the now of Nu.

The bending that takes place is one of immense corrugation, and the finding of purpose inside the volume is intense. But time is not the only factor in the radial travel of circumferic measure, the ease of spiral takes into account the number entry through Portal development.

As the Portal registries are made, the embodiment of velocity comes into play, and the Play is essential to the Muse of Creation. We are never in a position to impede the flow of the Divine creative Energy, rather we are one of the many components that insure its expression.

Papered Awareness threads the story beyond one telling, so that the Ease of Heard can be registered more deeply. When this is common and its allowance is paid, then the volume of finding can be readily available to more and more.

Sound carries its notes, the notes being the volume of tone and timbre, that resonates within the Heart Chamber of Existial Presence. The notes of C; Clarity, Compassion, Conveyance, Contribution merge their tones with the notes of G; Generosity, Greatfulness, and Gratitude.

To merge the folded pages of story with the text of digital, brings into Play the light-heartedness of hearing. The Red Thread of Hearing is one that all children hear and many adults have forgotten.

And that’s what the Long Spoon Table of Story is for, to hear, listening to the tones of remembrance that recalls the joy of hearing a tale of told in a way fashioned for your acceptance that carries you to Safety Made Real.

Marking the way with signs of character identification, you soon learn that what suits one person, is a suit of many colors, and the colors all match, because they come from the same Source.

“Probably,” said Alice, “you’ll find it over there, over there being right here in front of you, which is where it is most of the time when you’ve gone to look for something. Something being rather larger, in a smallish kind of way.

If you find something larger than most, but smaller than, say a Rabbit, well then, you most probably have found what you’re looking for. The numbers all add up, especially when you used all your fingers and toes to summarize the total.

Mathematically speaking, the Round Sound of Portal opening can’t be missed, because the Sound of Round is like no other. A stone rolled away from a doorway, an arch canopying the entrance into a Garden, the rise of the Sun beyond the edge of the horizon.

All these and more, are the ways of Thread pulling Red through the Pulse of Becoming. “How exciting,” said Alice, as she got out her garden gloves and started serving Tea.

All tools were put on the Table, spoons soon turned into trowels, forks became rakes, knives became spades, with the Ace of Spades leading the way. The Garden Plan is current, if not tidy, a tidy little package of immensity.

We post out these letters, white on black, numbered in their arrival, and we send them on their way, because we know that what is most important is that they be shared, and those that receive these very special letters, find themselves, at some point, able to do the same.

Who would have thought that small was so large? Small was so immense, and that it took up so much space?

Who would have thought that small made such a large sound that even the Trees banked on its foundational support?

When faced with the advent of print, the ink that dries on the surface of Paper, is all deep within the fibers, and set to the task. Bring your reading glasses, or best set of eyes, so that you can follow the letters, as they March across the page, all hare-brained and sharp as a tack.

No longer content to be down the Rabbit Hole, the March hare is ready to spring forth, even though there are still many days of Winter left. Raking in the leaves of last Fall, nesting ourselves into a fine-toothed comb of resilience, we find the the taken is took, and the took is Made real.

To be took in, is to be made ready for the thread of Mycelial mending, and the Mended Cloth of Witness is the fine threaded weave of connection. Healing is repaired and the Ease is established, so that was is repaired in a way of Compassion.

Making everything count is a foremost of all things, and the sentience of every is the adornment of All, and its value within the scope of planetary, galactic, universal, solar regional systems of all travel.

We make our way through the determination and willingness of our creative expression, expression coming from our Source, the Pulse of the Mother, and the Tongue of her Speech, the Bird language of flight, levitation, and the levity of laughter, the play of words on the tongue.

The tip of the pen set against the surface of the page, the spring of the brush bristles moving across the canvas, the collage folding and corrugating into position and place, all these set into a fabric expression of Play.

Stored within the cabinets of our working mind are the drawers filled with the nuts and bolts of Consciousness, that thing that tells and guides, steers, and shapes, foregoes and adheres, each a positional continence making positive the conjured of Reality.

The Wave and the Particle, two schools of thought combined into a working formula, one that is two in the combining, the forging, the ahead of past participle, beyond dangling a line over the Edge of Becoming.

The focusing found of every moment enables us to become more deeply penetrated by the wisdom of what completes. The message unfolding is that the focused memory of what excels the passage of orientation can also excel the passage of what is membered for ease.

The orientating flux and flow of what gives and takes is now beginning to remember its own calculating wisdom, and as we travel through this time, we become more shifted and aware of positional needs that enhance our passage, recalculation and ease.

The coordinating factors within our own minds begins to lay down folds that need precision, accuracy, and acceptance. We wash away the resistance in Blue, and current all the following permissions to mobilize our needs.

We are the Time, we are the body of the Time, we are the Body Needs of the Time, and we count down our willingness to receive the momentual, the full flow of accepting wisdom.

We coordinate what will fold and bend and rede, we occupy the full space of inherent Need. We coordinate the response that will hold us safe, sound, sovereign and free. We do not memorize what we already know, as if it is not part of us.

We are not ignorant to the thread or the pull of the knot. We are counting each measure full and reded, to maintain the respect in every breath.

When the moment sits within us we are occupied with the space of ourselves, our intensity, our density, and our grounded perspective of what roots us as beings of a Divine nature.

Making up space more than once, we hold together the teeth of a fine-toothed comb, and move it through our hair of self-reliance, because we are generated more by twicetold than we have ever been by first told.

We call in the whispers of comfort that read us through our own call, calling, being called, have called, will call. We remember the sound of the Call, and what it tasted like in our mouth, to finally be remembered, called out and listened to.

The nature of plenty unfolds us, and we wrap ourself in a solidity of what we deeply know, beyond the thread broken. There is no longer a broken thread, because the digits are faster than light, and they have no recall of unthreaded.

We pinch ourselves, to make sure we are awake enough in this day, we pinch ourselves to make sure we remember who we are, we pinch ourselves beyond the sleep that passes through in the air of this time.

Respecting the world around us as if it is more than it seems, we lift the veil, we pull back the curtain, we look under the bed, we dig deep in the garden, we allow our feet to feel the rooting surface of all that lives, and we know we are part of it, not separated from.

They have not succeeded asphalting the surface of our reason. The river runs through our toes, and we heat up the generating surface.

Permeated is the focusing membrane that now leads to a consciousness between the worlds, and we accept our Source as self-originated, originating-self, original mark of wisdom’s thought, originating self as sublime and its nature creative.

We are the creative force that creates the original seed of the original force that we are. Accommodating all the realms, that illuminate the lit of life, we own our position within the Square of a Rounded Position knowing itself Squared out of opposition to its own very nature.

Explaining sentences are strickened out of the Code, so that they do not de-code the illustrated frame, that combines the fixing factors into the glue of cohesiveness that opens the Rede to itself.

Know your own, know your own owning, know your own owning your own postulated fractal that accumulates the S-curve of a creative panoramic explosion force that rises up through the spine and own the Mind of the Pineal occupation of an ancient Tree of Life.

More codial than wood, more Fire than Water, more origamic than organic, more other-worldly than worldly. More evolutional than binary, more creational than creation, more occipital.

The amount of solitude is now forged evenly, so that the outer reach is approached, so that included the included sentience of all. This breaks the past tradition of separation and builds resilience into the All of Everything.

Mounting the reason into the frame of existence, we monitor nothing, so that the nothing is left alone and without. This dissolves the thread of limitation, and branches out into new territory.

The Tree Territory is Ariel in its nature of wisdom, and angelic in its skyward inclusion. The ease of view is momentous and the visual is expansive.

Creativity is the expressionary vehicle that carries forward the Realm Awareness of Fey, as well as Angelic, so that the Sound is Rounded in its nature, and inclusive in its continence.

Time and its Intensity are combined, to allow Space its measure of expansion, and its reach into the Abyss of Cosmic Infinitude.

Once was told the Table was large, once was told the Table was small, once was told the Table was Round, and the Sound has forever been Heard.


Forming back what is Black, we locate our own echo system.

Publishers: Su.Sane & Robert Hake, Clarity

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