2023 Jan 20 Take A Pattern

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Take A Pattern

By Clarity

1 2023 Jan. 20

2023 Jan. 20 The Alchemical Rede Class

Take a Pattern Introduction

Take a pattern for a breath, bring a breath into a pattern, create a conversation with living, allow a pattern to make a difference, allow a pattern to make a fold, fold a pattern to make a crease, this is true conversation.


Take A Pattern

As we awaken, and the day presents itself, as the gift it is always being, we move within the patterns that are within us. Take a pattern for a delicious walk and with it you will go further than you ever imagined.

To find a day, is to find your purpose and your delight. Take a pattern for a walk, inside or outside, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that you have chosen to take a pattern for a delicious walk in your world today.


Include yourself in your day, include the patterns you need to support and assist you in your present day. Present yourself to you, and talk the sound of the patterns within you that are needed in your world.

The ribbon that connects you to your Voice, is the same Red Thread that connects you to all of Life. Life gives to you all the time, and you give to it with each out-going breath, but to realize you do is a powerful step.


Put your foot into your Voice and ‘Speak the White (Light) that colors your world’. Compassion comes to those who give it, because their breath matches the in-coming breath with their out-going breath.

Become more out-going in your support, find the Joy in taking that in-breath, unlock your locked breath and make room for the Red Thread to flow more easily through you. As the time increases its flow, you too are ready for the flow to increase, deep breath.


Under the over of things, the angles of geomatric infusion combine their elements, to engage the physical nature of who we are becoming, as we become more of who we are already being.

As the Round curves its trajectory, the radius calculates its own distance, and we are made aware of the movement needed, as we want the desired to be present and the turn to be made Whole in its I-ness.


Making our way forward, the Mycelial Network works its magic and connects us to our lineage, unbroken, and healing the time constraints imposed upon us, through the cultured deficits that hold their illusion of limitation in the atmosphere of fear.

Making our way past the illusion is the work of becoming more of the deep breath you take, breath can only be given by Life. Always accept it, mix it in the Cauldron of your own sweet body, and with it call for the patterns that are given as the gift most needed.


Time is accepting your presence, time is accepting your Voice, time is accepting your Self in the room you take up, because you are supposed to be there, to be in the space you are and are becoming.

Make your way to the corner of your own Squared Existence, make your way to your own breath, take in the gift, do not tighten to its entry, allow it to fill you up, give it the space it needs, you need and want. Keep alive to your own good Self.


Folding into the fall of ourselves, we become the leaves, treed in our own House, and from this perspective we can see with the eye of our own root system. We are connected above and below, and in our conversations with the patterns, we learn to express through the breath we are given.

Opening up space, for the inter-twined loveliness of corrugating factors of mutual harmony, that are responsible to the auric fields of love, we collaborate our breath into these fields, as a complimentary system of awakening. 9

Many feel caught in this timing, but actually it unlatches the caught, and becomes a reality that needs to be sniffed out, by a wilder nature than we are always used to.

We kneel inside the curve, we kneel inside the smell, we kneel inside the breath, we become carnivorous for the need, we become wolfish for the loyalty, we become cunning for the truth.


Our nature walks within us, around us, beside us, and we

take the totemic alliance to heart. Step by step, curve by curve, round by round, we are always together, as we knew as children and were taught to forget.

Time to wake up, time to remember when you first remembered, before you began to lose who you were being. Our totemic presence is with us, always helping us to step into our breath, connect with Gaia, the planets, the galaxies, the universes, the solar systems.


We globe our walk through the Mycelial Forest, rooting our way forward, curving this way and that, finding the passage, finding the breath of sound, the words of our calling.

Know the time is great within us and the tick and tock is a measure of sound, a pulse that threads us through our lineage rooted in the future and the harmonized calibrations of Hope.


Delicious is the walk, and the ease with which it occurs is the alliance you have made with your instinctive nature, organic in its makeup and vital in its wildness. Breathe the rich dark earth of who you are, your loamy tendrils, your rooty limbs, your lighted eyes.

Pick a pattern, find a path that’s already found by your totemic reach and the smell in your knows. We are made up, and we are ready to make. As you move, you take with you the universe orbiting itself, finding more of what it is becoming, as well.


The moving forward space is now more granted of grace, and we can, as a world, a planet, a galaxy, a universe, come to movement through expression, so that the demand of experience can be left to those who cannot love.

To the deepness of caring is where now all must move, and also where all the numbers are all united in a squared perspective of consciousness that can inaugurate through change. The voluntary fold is a fold of love, commitment, complete receiving, in this we become fully nurtured by the score of our own relief.


We are potentualized by the universe by the potency of the received character of living becoming the potency of Being, and the Being relationships itself to a greater knowledge that comes from the full devourment of expression.

The connecting expressions of matter are now visiting this planet, and there are many who seek this expression. We are turned out more quickly in our affirmations of related expressions, and the full consummation of intention we do marvel as a universe, at the individuality of the vastness of expression.


The breath consumes the full integrity of expression revealed in the mere presence in matter, in matter expression is all that matters. In expression the full vitality is all that matters is completely consumed universally as of worth and the sight of initiated consumation.

Light consumes breath and breath consumes the electric nature of matter circumnavigated by breath. The initiative force has a velocity that cannot be erased. Individual universality is cubed inside the power of Metatron, and this arcing angle is this vast power in identity.


The navigational witness to the full nova of wisdom, the Sofiaic Intelligencia is this wisdom, and it corrugates through us, so that breath can enter and move like a windsong that knows our meaning.

When the sources of Air vastly formed a navigational being of wisdom, the Sofiaic of Intelligencia moves the content of the crowning effect. We, as a universe, all corrugate within this, like the Pea within the mattress of Divine Sofiaic Corrugating Intelligencia .


To conspire, to inspire, is the perspective that seals the

dominion of Grace, and creates the capstone of the Golden Mean. Perspective is like a windsail of a longed for potentiality and every note of encounter goes through the Realm that reaches through time and curls around the spiral of Need.

Need, the male and female conjoined in time, to deny need is to deny desire, and to deny desire is to deny creator, creators, creation. The scope, that files the Need and sharpens the desire, becomes the Needle of Intention, and to intend is the pyramidial point of reference, that conifies the numerical platform that all creation lands upon, the Black Box .


The Black Box platform, the content of the Word, the number, the speed, the velocity, the Geomatric Constitution, the witness to the profound, so that content is within and without. The face of the face, facing the face of Divinity, Infinity, the Point.

The channel of difference is more populated than ever before, and the Code cannot even qualify its rhythm. Take a breath, take a breath, be a breath, be the breath, breathe, conceive, swallow the Need, raise it up as the child of Desire within you, and the palette of beauty of all that is Divine.


Cancel all questions, know all the answers, prepare to be the Thread, the Red Thread, the red blood cell thread that needles through every legendary agreement. Wake up, prick your finger, you’ve already been asleep 100 years, a millennia, eons, eternity.

Now wake up and put your foot to the treading wheel and spin out the fiber of your listening, the fabric of your weave, the potent of your particle awareness, be the bead that falls and rises back up to the thread of your needle, and place it in the knowledge that you now have of the Sofiaic Intelligencia of your castle in the sky, in the world, on the Black Box platform, where you build your Need from your Desire.


While your are writing I’ve been weaving, and our expression threads together, and the story begins, and begins, and begins again, and we love inside the expression of what we know.

We now water our expression with all we know and spend our expression, so that the currency flows and the Situla fills. Our legacy equals our need, wanted and desired, for the Compassion given to us by the Sofiaic Intelligencia to share and be shared.


The length of connection is threaded through the sounded expression of voice, worded through the notes keeping pace with the rotational volume of Need. The need to be awake is given each day, and the walk of our voice, up and out of our throat, is sounded in a sunrise of appreciation.

The quadrant of East is arced to the West of our blackened sky, filled to over-flowing with stars, suns of our expression, meeting the curved geomatric lineage of uniting inner and outer realms of each footed way.


Making way, we proceed forward and lighted by the expression of pattern, colored with light and reaching into a voice of conversation. All lives, all is alive, the rooted way is expansive and conscious of all you are, all you wish to be.

Folding the wings for more speed, we take to the Air and Fire up our Ger, so that the Shem is raised at the right angle and allowed its flight to Home. Home making nightfall, and dayrise, all in a curve of support and Compassion.


Coming forward to the crease, we peer over the edge into the vastness of space given room enough, to allow all things their expression and Compassion its full tilt of Love.

Pouring out, the Situla waters the emotional angles of expression, and equates sight to giving. Giving light, giving pattern, giving movement, giving sound, the water feeds us even in our breath.


You will not drown, so take in all the breath you can, and

expel any limitation you have been taught. Rely on the exception to the rule, thread your way through your own breath breathing you awake.

Lend yourself your own ears, and listen deeply to the cadence of the rhythmic patterns surrounding you, with their notes of harmony. Inhale the tonic of geomatric alliances, as they gather around your feet and show you the way forward.


Note the regency of sound, heard beyond reason and

limit, sound procured through intuitive organic registries. Register your own capability, your own capacity to enter into, and fully engage with the conversation designed especially for you, by your own lending spirit.

Now is the time to meet in the middle of yourself, square your perspective, and elongate your need so that the needled presence can penetrate the barrier and enter the Threaded Way of Red.


Moment by moment the pulse of the Mother feeds us our breath, and as we inhale, we accept its gift and give back its language. Worded numbers bring speech to the voice of rising, the sound of sweetness filled with joy, love, and compassion.

We are honored to be given to, we honor by giving to, creating the currency of curve, circle, and round, all squared into a perspective that allows the Ger its Shem and Rise. Walk the pattern into your forward motion, rise with its coming into form, in form yourself with the Need.


We equate the rise with the opening, the daybreak, the eastern most edge, the Ra of our Boat shining, and the movement of our flow proclaiming landfall, and a place of Time given its gravity of Grace.

Totemed are our alliances, charted in the stars, navigated through eons beyond millennia, and anchored in their support, as we find our way through the limitations placed, but not set on Gaia.


Mentioned are the names of Goddesses and Angels alike, patterns of light all. We frame our reference within the alliance of planets, galaxies, universes, and solar systems. Odd may be the sound of such things, odder still would be their exclusion.

Delicious are the patterns of light, gifted into the breath of our day , and we carry these gifts forward through the intention of our Existial Self wrapped in the swaddled nature of the Mother.


Organically we grow ourselves through the light of our Need, Need given to us as an essential nature to our makeup, flowing from the Sofiaic Intelligencia into our field of primary colors.

We thread our Red through every cell, and spin the disks of their resonance, to pitch ourselves forward into the curve of corrugating factors that emit light into sound. The patterns of sound colorize our internal landscape and preserve the memories of our etchings.


Our salted presence, our Fish File Archive, all these moments of alchemical markings, bring the sound of walking into the footed presence of Put. Put the dot in the center, circle it with circumferic folding, corrugate it with creases, wet its surface with the depth of our your spit, your DNA.

Announce yourself at the Door of Precision, and enter into the files of your future, calibrated through Hope and made safe by Real. Delicious is your walk, timely is your Voice, and emerging is your pattern of relief.


Adjust your sight, angle your presence, make ready your Need, you are now able to rise above the limited and into the reach of becoming more than thought possible.



Moving the forward inward and allowing a break in the cause, so a breath can enter, and a whole anatomy to become the Soul of yourself. The Mother watches and holds your hand, as you step across the conversation of the breath.


The Return of the Mother was a show of Water that we did in 2016, and we never knew who these Water Goddesses were, but it was the year that our son Daniel came and saw the making of this show, and then, in December during the show, he hyper-planed in water and hit a tree. I, for the first time, in 30 years, returned to Ky. to be with him and all my sons.

We are all holding the Ukrainian people and the whole world in our breath, as we engage the Air of Transformation, Compassion, and Love.

So the Return of the Mother was very appropriate and now I know who these Mothers are, and the Ukrainian Water Goddess was the one I knew the least of, but it is her face, like the sunflower and the blue, that we have created collages about the Ukraine. Now you will see her whole body and what she is doing.

We’ve been working with this since 2016.


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