All Begins to Settle Around Us

Very often we are seldom aware of, or connected to, our deepest longing, so we have to get down on the floor, crawl around, look under our bed of dreaming, to find the toys that have been somehow hidden from us. Pull them out and try to remember why we loved them so. Life is harsh at times, and we hide many things away to protect them, from what tries to make them unreal. Let’s settle into them and remember some way.
By Clarity2023 The Alchemical Reed Class
All Begins to Settle Around Us

As the flow moves to settle the atmosphere, environment, and field, we begin to finally relax the folding nature within us, to receive the amount of volume needed. The need is volumed from within .
Inside the need we bring our promise to nurture our want and desire, for the Sacred to be primary in each and every breath. Breathing in our settled nature, we exhale the disruption with our totemic resource of Peacock.
Fanning color out behind us, we eat the poison in front of us, and we finally begin to settle our mind to the loving task of creativity. Creativity that requires our total attention, our total Love, and Compassion, the blood and thread of our Red living.
Each day brings the necessary Sacred Path of our longing, our needs forward, so that our great Desire for the Sacred in every moment, every breath, brings its conversation into this dimensional sound.

As each moment moves its breath into us, we become more and more aware that we are being breathed. We settle into its rhythm, and we manage the numbers and the letters, we fold and bend, and crease, until we are so corrugated that we are surprised that we are still able to breathe.
By the region, by the planet, by the galaxy, by the universe, and by the solar system, our locality is listed as hinged. We do the stone work, we do the timbre work, we make the sounds needed to create the necessary levitation.

To lift the weight of measure, that is so heavy in this dimension, is to be confronted with the ease left wanting. To be able to move a dimension is more than necessary, more than required, more than we are capable of.
We listen and we call forward our desire, our need, and our want. This begins to settle us, as all that is around us, realizes what is demanded will not happen. We make a new point of receivement, and we count the ease as the path to take.

Reaching into the abyss of nothing, always brings out from the Mad Hatter’s Hat; the Cheshire Cat, the Door Mouse, and the Alice of our curiosity. Mathematical, the words come out within reach, but formulaed in a way that is realer than the Queen of Hearts’ demand to paint the Roses.
Increasing the yield, is not the harvest, increasing the yield is us opening more and more, to the breath that is breathing us. We breathe the breath given to us, and the magical breath we breathe out is sharing the given.

Tailored without the trim, tailored only through the organic, the natural mycelial way, is the path we take to fit in. We only fit in with that which allows the breathing to breath them.
Stitched into place, woven into the reeds of sound, we weave our way forward, threaded through the work we do. Found is our sound, found is our way, found is our ways and means, but we are not found by the other.

Other than that we are fine. Fine as a handmade comb, fine as hen’s teeth, fine as a feather in a china shop. We tally the till, and find it filled with all but the coins of Caesar.
The feathers crop of hair, Red, like a Woodpecker, we continue to peck holes into the environments until it’s like a sieve. We funnel our way through all the obscure obstacles, and we corrugate each fan of potential.

We hide behind the fanning ways, and look out with one eye, until we see what we are looking for. It is ourselves looking back at us, and we recognize our own feathered ways from behind.
We recognize the fanning peacock we are, and we begin to eat the snake of consciousness, as it spirals up through us, male and female, above and below, side to side.

Our perspective changes and we weave the woven with a Red Thread that turns into a green snake, that turns into a totemic volume, and the Lizard within wakes up, enters its Portal and leaves.
Yes, the exit is ready and it has happened, and the eons of a spoken, not ours, lifts out of our heads. We are in the time, and the time is in us, and the character of flaw has moved to a new sight, less visioned for us.

We manage to thread the weave through, and create a balance in the kundalini of our consciousness. We forward what was backward and exit it out of the Portal. We come to a full Plum and we are balanced.
The measuring and count is only for builders, the plum is only for measurers, the pyramid is only for the questions, the large and the small shift characters and the full meaning of worth is given room.

The inside outside, the upside downside, the one side post side skips the anterior mode and looks from another moon. We are countered and clicked in, but now we click out, and then see we are large and no longer small, and the small we honor as our original home.
Within the small we grew large, from our home to our Place of Real, made large by our desire to allow our curiosity room to grow. The creative within us grew us out and out we came, to the bigger larger.

More large than we were once small, we came into a place so mysterious that we claimed our right to be there. There was enough room for us and our curiosity. Answers came quickly, after we had asked the right question.
All questions are right, any left behind are right also. So we filled our baskets to overflowing, and made our way home. All the answers you could ever want to know, were tucked into all the questions we ever wanted to ask.

Reaching beyond the threshold of opening, we entered into a relationship with wonder. We built a house filled with wonder, with curiosity, and mystery. How we did it is anyone’s guess.
The house provided us with the deepest view of where we were, what we were about, and where we came from. Hatched out of the primordial alembic egg, our alchemical trappings wrapped us up and kept us warm.

The cold hard edge of the shoulders out there, could not keep us from our curiosity, our creativity, and the mystery that lives inside us. For that we are eternally grateful. We are blessed to know ourselves, no matter how few other people do.
But the world is filled with people, some say too many, some say soon not enough. Either way, we know what we long for longs for us, and with that, we continue in conversation, communication, and companionship with the great Wonder.

To know this is to know that within all the planets, galaxies, universes, and solar system, we are part of the creative breath breathing. We write, paint, draw, sculpt, assemble, photograph, and speak with the breath we are given and the original cause of our being.
We are so filled with Light, that we resonate the vibrational water of our Situlas, each cell being the quantum of Me, each cell being the Light of the breath, the solar system, universe, galaxy, and planet that lives within us.

Lighted by our own inner resonance, we harmonize with the curious nature of the solar system, and all its components are our components. We are fractalized in our complete wholeness, and therefore a complete part of the entire.
Our greater view reaches past us, goes out further than we can imagine, and brings us back the flowers of our scent of knowing. We remember the planting, we remember the dirt, we remember the light reaching for us, we remember shooting out from one cosmos to the next.

We are our own wish wished for, we find it inside us, we find it around us, as we brush off the dirt of our beginnings and the salt of our dried tears. There is a place that was, is, and will be designed for us, it will be called planet, galaxy, universe, solar system, and the Source Beyond Source.
We are home to the naming, and home to the residence of open door. We step through, knowing we are heard by our steps taken, our foot placed, and our standing stone of megalithic resonance.

The Wedded Circumference of our nature comes up through our feet, and connects us squarely with our mycelial current, creating the resonance of our breath to our heart, our heart being the mind that matters.
Embodied in our curiosity, we maneuver our way through the cosmic web of Neith, and the Female of her sound brings with it the gold of our dreams. Alchemy rises up into a wave pattern of particle splendor, and reaches across the abyss of black.

Black holds the fibers of our longing, and weaves together the light necessary, for the visual acuity to be made clear. Surrounded in black, we are allowed to exhale the light we have taken in, with each breath we breathe.
We light the universe with this light, we light the galaxy with this light, we light the solar system with this light, we light this planet with this light. We are the illumination of the brightness that gives Compassion and Love in this Lighted Way.

We settle into the ease of our own understanding as it moves the discernment of our days into our nights, and the blackness of our dreaming selves. We move the block of our stone into the standing of our footed way.
Right on time, the ease moves into place and the crease folds its measurement over itself, so that the fold will match the distance with precision and grace.

Found are the many folded flowers of life, reaching their petals out in every direction, finding the ease of bloom opened by Light ,being received as Gift.
We now move easily into the corners and square our purpose, creating the circumference around us. Wedded to this bliss, we are then able to move up the spiral and account only to ourselves.

We catch the thread and wind our way through the skein of everlasting, making home our place marked by nest, feathered by flight. Landed are we, and from land to land we make our way.
Pleated by the corrugations of our Papered Awareness, we complete the ease of coming forth and the sounds of our restitution are applied to the numbers of our lettered purpose.

Lighting upon the ready, we mark our way forward through the desire, lit and threaded within the need, as wanted for the ease of passage.
Coming into time, the ready positions itself, for the foot to make its way onto the path of ease, and the sight is given room for view. Viewing the sound pattern of color, the notes of E, C, B are given fragrance and bloom.

Mattered are the chords, as they octavate the measure and beat, and the ancient merges with the current, creating the present as gift given and received.
Motioning the ready forward, the past eliminates the illusional field of doubt, and creates a course of navigated bliss. The comfort is accepted, and the relaxed is put at ease.

We rest within what we know, and are now able to receive Nu, as ancient and applicable in the now present. This brings us into alignment with the planetary, galactic, universal, and solar system array of pattern equilibrium.
Focusing more matter to the right, you complete the exit of what needs to corrugate its full pattern of realization. We are now in the center of a new field of promise, and it creates an embodiment shift that will allow more infused energy to support.

There is much now that is more focused in, and this focus brings things into a squared perspective that is needed as a presentational volume that is activated at a new speed rate.
The creative momentum inside the grid is being tuned up to allow more sequential evolvements at one time. We are now inside this evolving attunement, and this will quicken the speed rate X 100.

When the narrow begins to crawl, the surface will smooth out, and it will never be just an image again. There is a center point that soon will occur that gathers speed rate dominion, and corrugated evolutionary change.
From the top to the center, from the fold to the memory, from the positional to the acquired, there will be movement allowed.

When we realize this, and share this inside our evolutionary path, we help volumize and steady the grid system. All is pattern in the lineage of line, and all is color in the lineage feeling, and all is folded in the lineage knowing, and the crease is made and the comfort is forgiven of its need.
Expressions of the heart are wave-lengths that can identify time, and orientate us to the volumary requirements. There are positive and negative vehicles but the ones that allow the balance are trinary.

This is not always comfortable to everyone in this time, but it does quicken the field expression, which moves all the penetrational volume into sense and the weave is fulfilled.
From wave to particle and back again is a travel of an exceedingly powerful speed, which brings color and sound into an adjusted reality, balanced and ready for a maintained depth of brilliance.

Time spent and time gained, breach past the containing field of limit, and bring Nu forward into toned notes into clarity. This woven and threaded dimension, colorizes the field of visual perceptivity, and settles the elements into complete alignment.
Aligned within the view of fold and crease, the Papered Awareness anchors itself through the Red Thread, and volumes itself into the creased and rounded precision. Circumferic is the view and motioned is it's countenance.

Portrayed are the characters of letter, numbered are their voices, both internal and external, making way for the connection of Earth to Sky, and inside to outside, seeking a greater view.
We long for the relief of passage, we long for the fibered existence to be made willing and able to thread its way into the heart. We are hearted by our own sweet passage, as it winds its way along a path of Intention.

To Intention our way forward brings unknown gifts and pleasures, when we open ourselves to the notes of E ; Expression, endeavor, economy, enthusiasm, and enlistment.
Listed are the ways to mark the time with space expanding its expression, we settle into the already and form the Nu. Threaded together they make a constancy that settles the foot and allows for a reach that feelings safe.

The reach of longing settles at our feet and we pick up the tempo, the beat, and the measure, as we circumnavigate our field of endeavor, and adjust our sight for the Nu rising.
Keeping pace with ourselves, we culminate the accepted with the Nu, and weave the threads of color into a tapestry of Light, that stories itself into Existence. We matter.

We take out some oil and massage our chest, and move up to the collarbones, that everything seems to sit on, and we love them sweetly. Take a deep breath and swallow our longings whole.