The Alchemical Rede Magazine
By Clarity
2024 September 27th Issue
Every Day In Every Way There Is Listening Waiting For You Introduction:
Your times up for forgetting, so now sit down into Remember.
Every Day In Every Way There Is Listening Waiting For You
Have you heard the listening, the leaning in of the soft quiet space inside of anything; chaos to silence. The Trees always speak of it, because their ears are the ground, the network of fibers threaded within their makeup.
To know that Listening is waiting, allows you the context of why the importance of hearing is primary to the Fibered Cloth of Existence. The Threaded Rede is connected deeply into the resonance of the rooted Footed Path.
The Papered Awareness creases, bends, folds, and corrugates, as the sounds of listening penetrate deeper and deeper, and create a resonance that the body embraces as owned.
The body moves forward, without hesitation, when allowed its own natural rhythm, mycelial in nature and connected to Gaia, in a pattern of sound resonance that eases the flowing current of opening.
Unfolded, but filled with the increase in abundance, mysterious, yet so familiar at the same time. We listen to the Story-telling of the Trees, and are nurtured by the sweetness they impart.
Tending to the reach, we always branch out, in order to gather in the fine threads of letter, number, and word. Our ability to know and feel, to recognize and understand allows us to discern the way forward, no matter the distance.
Ready is the language of listening, and we follow its course, giving us the Breath of Life, and the forward momentum of the Mystery. Unrestrained, the Mystery is able to find, hold, and comfort the traveler.
When the gift comes, allow the white of its color to enhance your movement, allow the white to offset your contraction, and bring the Nu from the Ger to hand. Reach for the gift and allow it to come into hand.
Here, the hesitation is lost, the resistance is forgotten, and the ease regained, in its power to receive beyond measure. In this your way forward is seen, as a registry of circumferic radiance, and the radial movement is centered in the output.
Follow the Red Thread, allow the Rede of your gathering to comfort you in your traveling. The quickness of your allowing is the quickness of your gift. Let in the light of hearing and the ease of acceptance.
We are then able to move our hearing forward into the primary position of receivement, and this acts as a catalyst for inner harmony, growth, and expressionary expansion.
The Threaded sounds equalize the differences between hearing and listening. The radius sends its receptors out to the curve and gathers in the sympathetic resilience’s needed to ascertain the complexities of simplicity.
The vein in the leaf, the vein in your arm, the vein in the rib of the oak, all founded upon the nestial reach of listening for the resonance that harmonizes, the vibrational nuance of Life.
The Table is set; the plates, cups and saucers, the silverware, all arranged with enough room to place your elbows on the table while listening to the Story-telling, the Truth-rendering, the Mystery-saying of what goes for fact and fiction, both realized through a Squared Perspective.
Each day the Table is set, and whether Alice shows up, or the Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, or the Dormouse, is anyone’s guess. When invited, invite yourself the time to make the space in your day to sit.
Bring your finest ears, your clearest listening, and the easiest way to lean into what you want, need, and desire, so that within your grasp are the essential listening points that fund your endeavors of expression.
The numbers are adding up, as they always do, and the letters are advancing across the Papered Awareness page, so that the provisions will be adequate for each new phase.
What was once told is now Twice Told and the ease of threaded and fibered motion can flow into a grace that supports the newest endeavors as they expand their reach.
The Tree Told Story and the woven fibers of Mycelial Networking are gaining altitude and the Galactic resonance is heard. As the listening becomes intensified, the distance is folded through the corrugational network of Platonic solids and the heard is felt.
Felted through the penetrational fibers, the layers are knitted together and the held safe is guaranteed, so that the Situla bears forward the outcome of income, and the justification of enumeration is balanced.
Not listening no longer is primary, to keep distraction alive, rather the ease of listening finds new audience, and the audio of heard is preferred over the lack of sound. Wound through the Elemental waters, the vibrational note of G grounds the Ger and allows the lift of Shem.
Sighted fully, the Nu brings the White in close for the Light to be recognized, and the ease to be felt once more. The expanded expression brings creativity into the visual cortex, and the Codex of Situla finds room to breathe more easily.
As the head is moved, so the hearing is more acute, the directional flow can move up the spine and sight is restored its full intention, creating a relief and release that brings comfort and a greater sense of completeness to the flow.
Our watery awareness is carried through, and the Tree brings into its upper branches the nourishment needed for the crownial evolvement. Nestial awareness is brought into focus, and the breath-taking beauty of height is achieved.
Adding letter to sum, the parts are whole and the Rabbit has his watch in hand, so that what was second becomes first. The Cheshire Cat smiles that smile of his, and the Hatter wears the crown upon the head.
Waiting at the corner of the Squared Perspective, sound reverberates and the listening comes easier and easier, which creates an atmosphere that expands the environment into layers of conscious attunement.
Quiet within the sound is found in the center of each note, the ear hears the center and marks the head with Om. The patterns repeat in a variety of ways and the meaning shifts to accommodate the reason of Story-telling.
Within the letter’s domain, there resides an acute letter of alpha that acquires the notes to sew the meaning onto stitched timing, and this creates the quilted fibers of comfort.
Feathered and nested, your own tone partakes of the sound bite of meal, and the table is ready for the setting of tea and time, so that the mint of thyme is blended into a concoction of immeasurable length.
The distance of meaning and meant sews the fabric of timing, into a course of reliance, that brings together the notes of accompaniment, which then collaborates the tones into a net of endurance and an enhancement of fibers.
Fibered hearing is in the listening, and the listening is in the desire to hear more clearly. Why and how are the notes to follow, so in the beginning of thought, the first edge can be attained, and then the step becomes easy.
The full texture of sound is much more complex than we realize in our everyday life, sometimes when we meditate we touch into this complexity and begin to understand the whole vision of Potency.
Potency, a hard paragraph to describe because it is so layered in itself that is so layered. We only know this fully when we live in sync with its effect with even the smallest sound.
We work with large, but we plant with tiny, and only tiny can hold the Potency of large. The straight forward message of endearing grace is always in the tiniest seed at the very most immense of sound.
One must listen to the immense to the tiniest subtlety of a moment. We engage this subtlety when we sit inside ourselves, when we create, when we hear direct from our Source. We are connected through many visionary resonances, and we thread them into the most eloquent of weaves.
The weaver, the speller, the namer, the closer, the filler, the full, all part of this connective relationship with sound. Intentional sound is much larger filling and immense, because of its positioning in the conversation of sound.
We cover our bases and electrify our meaning, to gain lift in the Potency, so it will rise up in the weave and knot itself into place.
To make things whole and yet different is to listen to the threading of the knot, the composure of the distance and the solidifying of the intention. Intention into of the distance that fills the Seed into a Squared Perspective in the beginning of its first curve.
We regenerate our complexity as we listen for the breath of our ideal in Perspective. We know that it is true, we feel that it is true, we recognize the knot that it is true. We potentize the space that knots that it is true, and we become comfortable with the space that it fills.
We are caused by the allowance of the causal and the free way it runs is accelerated and free of bumps. We may bump into permission, we may bump into allowance, but we will never bump into cause, cause is more deliberate, and navigating.
We are continued in our stretch across the meridian system, of mapping our way through the resistant world of ignorance.
When the never comes knocking, we open up the need and know the answer has arrived, because it never forgets our call. Throughly giving to the spoken the need rhymes its way through the poetry of distance, allowing rejuvenation, regeneration, and most of all motivation.
Alchemicaling our lives of the need crossing over the distance that answer requires, drop down into it, open up the well of knowledge, and pour out the fluent flow of answer always given.
The never ending story, of profound sound engaged in listening, twice told is the gem that always gives to second, so it can become first.
Kneel into it, fold and wrap around it, swaddle it within your Being, and corrugate across the unknown, the ignorant, and the forsaken.
Making oneself naked to the wisdom, sometimes feels like you might catch a cold, when warmth has seemed to walk away, and you feel the shiver of the great expanse giving you more room than you ever have.
The manager and the mixer gather up all the distances between you and your need, and you swaddle up within the folds, within the Origamic Blanket your Source provides.
While we often measure how much, we often forget how many. We mark space and we mark it again and again and again, until our whole life is marked up with the attention we dreamed of having.
We know then, we are tended to. Clarity seeks clarity, the profound seeks the profound, permission seeks permission, and there is no escape from Desire that seeks Desire.
Making matter matter more, than once, making the numbers multiply the needs, till they become a dream, and every dream matters, and every desire must be listened to. It needs an appointment with your Source.
The carefully beheld is rocked, swaddled, and consumed, as part of. Motionary volume begins to explode into our life, and all the tenses become present.
The present begins to become all that matters, because it has gone through all the conversations of change. So make no argument with what no longer argues, make no loss with what no longer loses, and make no doubt with what no longer doubts. Hesitation is not your gesture of the future.
Be calm, known, and fulfilled. Those are your future words of power. No longer doubt hesitation, or forgetfulness. Open up the bible of your own presence, open up the bible of who you are.
You are a Codial Reference of the Mystery, not a bible of what was, and was not. Codify your pattern into a real signal that listens , corrugates, unfolds, and sets into.
Be the neighbor you have always wanted, be the confidant you have always needed, be the erasure of what is not, and fulfill your destiny as circumnavigated, as Real.
In this listening, you will gather up yourself and be the Sound Heard of your hearing, the navigated and mapped of your circumference, the listening post of posting to others the sounds of round that you yourself have heard.
Keep to yourself no longer, give to others the gifts you’ve received, answer the questions as they come, and be ready to make the Table long enough to say all that you have heard for yourself.
The Story-telling is in your your mouth, and you are now able to speak beyond doubt. Easy is this new time, see what has come, and speak the White of what colors your words.