The Alchemical Rede Magazine

By Clarity

By Clarity
Close up, far sight, distance revealed.
2025 March 9th Issue
As we open to speak, we open the Portal to Twice Told, and the Red Thread follows the Red Pulse coursing through us. The Sound emits light and the glow brings number to letter to our Papered Awareness.
Finding ourselves here, with you, is an amazing Story of endurance, fortitude, and commitment. Each fold, bend, crease, and corrugation a part of the travel from there to here.
The conversation through; asemic writing, to deep listening, with need, want, and desire, allows the thought of sound to light up the reach across the abyss of bridge, bridge being the arc of step.
Our right step forward, we speak who we are each day, the Present, being the bridge between Past and Future. Our Future Self being witness to all we’ve composed to make up our own Story.
We Thread the resistance past the knot of no, and move forward beyond the shadow of doubt, so that when we crease the fold, we are engaged inside of what matters most, Creative Expression, the Pulse of Red.
No longer are we unable to speak to the Ease of things, because what was impossible is now becoming possible, what was first thought untenable, is now, with a swallow of pride, palatable.
The Table is set, with diners as guests you never thought you’d be dining with. The Hatter serves up a delicious platter of hare-brained ideas, and without missing a beat, the band plays ‘Hare today, Gone tomorrow’.
Applause and apple sauce blends together, and what was thought non-sensical begins to make perfect sense, as the numbers and letters recalculate what meaning means, and when sentences run on to fetch the Spoon.
We are what we are, and when we are being ourselves, we are able to complete our two-sense, rubbed together for good luck. Say show me, which is very close to sesame, and watch your words mark who you are.
The best of you comes out, when you feel the urge to play, which accounts for how and why the world is all topsy-turvy, too serious for words, and when you don’t use your words of Compassion, Love, and Well-being, then no wonder.
Unable to wonder how to change seats, the passenger always gets left behind, and the stop is missed. The Cheshire Cat appears above, on the luggage rack, and hands you your walking papers.
When your radial circumference is met with your curved intuitive nature, you begin to understand why it is that what bothers you most isn’t other people, it’s the incomplete story you’re caught in.
The Red Thread penetrates the substratum and loosens up the layers, until you are back on your feet again. To be on your feet requires a steadfast anchor, in the weight of gravity needed, to navigate beyond the ordinary to reach the extraordinary.
What constitutes a take-over of thought, is the willingness to see differently than you did before, but to do that you need pi, with a ratio of crust to cheese, that permits the cycle to roll-over. It’s at that point you can sit up.
Dogged by endless questions pertaining to the Origin of things, the note that follows sew, are threaded amongst the jab jab bird’s nest, the Nest of All Things Important, labeled, IMPORTANT.
To fulfill the wishes of each and everyone, takes a big Pot of Soup, one filled to over-flowing with root vegetables. This helps with the getting to the root of it All. All being the key word here, and the Key is what you are after, afterall.
When you find yourself sequestered inside a tiny bottle, with the bottleneck too far above you to reach, then lay down on your own side, to make matters better. As the bottle tips over, and we all fall out, you’ll find yourself among friends.
Allies and enemies are bit two spices on the counter of cooking.When you can add salt and pepper to your eggs, or when you can add oil and vinegar to your salad, or you can add chocolate to your milk, then you have a chance at seeing how a good cook avoids conflict.
The letters that make up food, are the letters you entertain before the food arrives. Thought procures matter, matter commands space to gravitate into form, and once you are informed and buy the formula, you can eat with pleasure.
So many ways and means are available now to crease and fold the corrugated creases, increasing the chances of getting somewhere, from nowhere. This is a very exciting time to be in, even if it might not seem that way.
To make matters better, your Exquisite Mode becomes available to the Pulse of Red and the heard of Voice, first from the Mother Source, then from the Throat of your own Tongue, in the language of forgotten meaning.
Three panels to the left, three panels to the right, and three panels straight ahead, all set into place long before you got Here. Here being a place of residence, a homing school that allows time to be forgotten and space a rest.
The entire Rabbit, the whole Rabbit, the Rabbit hole, allows any and everything to find its way by falling UP. There is no better excuse to be late with your homework, than to having gotten lost in a path no one has ever traveled before.
Follow the money until it runs out, then follow your nose, until you run smack dab into the donkey without a tale.
Count on Ganesh to bust down the impediments, so that the Story gets told Twice.
Be your Voice, be the breath that gives the Voice, give the words meaning and watch your day change from contained to expansive. Look at others as characters, good, bad, and ugly.
Don’t judge them out of your book, you run the risk of being written out of your own story, by the one who wrote you into what you are being, a character who changes from breath to breath, moment to moment.
When surrounded by too much contractive energy, turn the page, and make the contraction the passage out. This claims Sovereignty, and puts you in for a promotion. Promoting yourself to tour guide in your own Story is a feat.
Living with two left feet will only get you running in circles, but if you want to Square up your corners, just have a right attitude, and you accelerate your own process. The notes of C; Compassion, Centeredness, Confidence, and Color, combined with the notes of E; Energy, Evening Star, Elevation, and Elven, and Magic when heard in a Story.
The Elephant hears as easily through its feet as it does through those big big ears, and what is heard can be creatively used as food for thought.
Matching note to whole, the Red Thread can pierce the toughest hide, and bring tears to crocodiles. Never count your eggs before they hatch, because surprises are always in the offing.
An offing is a tiny thing made of wishes and prayers thought too outlandish for words, yet it is sometimes those very wishes that change the course of tide.
In the exchanging of forces and the meddling of rhythms, we find it difficult at times to touch base with who we deeply are. Are we who we are because we are told, or are we who we are because we know?
There is a huge difference between the two and the amount of sovereignty involved is immense. We mark our way in spades and we calculate between the numbers so that the deck turns up, hopefully, in our favor.
If we hear close enough, without interference, we can soon find the answers to all of this. We speak in riddles to ourselves at times, and we can’t figure which side is up and which side is down, because it is hard to tell what side of the coin we have chosen to be.
The more we listen beyond the curve, inside of the line, of the mark we have made, the closer we are to the finetooth comb of our own clarity.
We are measured by the inches, not the feet, because the inches are what makes the feet, and they are small, and wrapped around our steps, and what we hear inside the heart of who we are.
If a heart is open it is completely different than if it is closed and that conversation is essential, if we are to know what will be, when we call out to hear from deep inside.
The marking space triples itself each time we allow the sound to include the heart, mind, and soul. This inclusion is not taught easily in this world, because it has no time, does not have time for any part of the three.
It’s more invested in skipping a beat, missing a letter, avoiding a close in hug, a clear eye of admiration, or a deep breath of inclusion.
The deep breaths of inclusion are what lays the road to Oz, and the way home to include is a basket of apples, to exclude is an empty horizon.
We are now making our way with a full basket of apples, climbing up into a wide-nature full horizon that is bright with Love, inclusion, forgivingness, and expression.
We mark our way with the cookies we have saved that we scatter about so we don’t lose our way, to that openhearted nature that fills the horizon with a brilliant bright light of illuminating factors, that see beyond the veil, beyond the hidden, and beyond the marked away.
We initiate the fold, and we mark the hold as the pattern of realization carves out a window of realization into a new day.
The precious is filled with the inside of our longing, and we know that we come from somewhere that we remember., and are grateful for.
We inclimate and include that world, where all rises higher to mark the ability to have a dream. When enfolded in our bend, we include the flesh of rolling over what is needed and including all that’s found, in a generous basket of awareness.
The sparkling quality of what lights our future lights up from itself, not what it was told, or what it was forced to be, or what was burned out of its memory, but more a quiet grace of an accepting breath of an inclusionary form.
When the marvel of this time, becomes more clear and seen, there will be a light that appears that in every way that assists and give forth meaning to what is now becoming more known.
To trace the particle of awareness to its own seed is to trace one’s self to the I/Eye of Intention. The I/Eye of Intention is the most powerful Seed Essence that desire holds, and it is desire that marks everything with the potency of potential of Life.
We are so desired that we actually exist, so no wonder we stay connected to our Source, and in this we become more conveyed, of all the signals that are emerging within us.
The Particle of Awareness, that is fully in sync with the intent of the desire of who we are, is our Thread to the Source of our own Instinctual Completeness.
To prepare one’s life is to live inside of it, to know the Threads of each Spoken, the desire of each making, and the Heart of Gold of the Voice of Manifestation.
The Voice is spoken, it is the spoke, the spoke of the Wheel of Intention, given room to equate with Sound. We are the Maker of our own Rede, we are the quilter of our own fiber, and we are the lover of our own Need.
Loving the fact that we are able to Need, loving the fact we have the seed of the emotion, of the desire of what we need. Be grateful that you are what you need, be grateful of what you need, the seed of what you need.
It is the spark of life, the spark of life that you create the need. Love the need, desire the need, give forth the need, love the need, and be nested inside the very Seed of Desire that became you.
Our conversation with ourselves is the conversation with the world, sometimes shared, sometimes withheld, but the page turns nevertheless, and the amount of spoken adds to the flavor of what you are becoming.
Reach deep inside yourselves, omit and cast out the contractive negative that you were forced to swallow, replace either with the food rich in Nu trient, trinary letters of magnitude.
Small the smallness of your life large and open, embrace the side of yourself no one saw, and cut into the abyss of longing that has you counting the days until.
The world waits for everyone, because the Table has the Magic that hones in on the capricious, the dalliance, the forever upsmanship, and turns it into the fodder of compost needed in the Garden.
Drink at your own risk, one bottle says poison, one bottle say drink me, one cake say eat me, one cake says too many sweets. Pick your poison, and count your ducks all in a row. Row the boat ashore, not aground. You are ready to decide.
One foot down flat on the floor, now walk forward with an Imprint, and each day walk forward with an Imprint. Your Guardian and your Reach.