Level 2 Readers Bluebonnet 41-50

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Fickle Fay

No. 41 Fickle Fay




ILLUSTRATIONS BY Elizabeth Leigh Scagel

Published By Classical School Solutions Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Flora Gray

Flora Gray went one day to tend her blooms on the first of May.

This rose is red, but I am blue.

The pests have been here. What shall I do?

Do not fret, Flora Gray. We shall drive those pests away.

Fickle Fay

You may say Fay is fickle, but I am in quite a pickle.

You see it is a very fine day.

I have work to do but I want to play.

“Come on Fay,” my Nan will say.

“First comes work, and then comes play.”

Ken and Kay Play

Ken and Kay play hide and seek.

Close your eyes; you may not peek.

Kay goes first, and Ken runs that way.

Ruff the dog barks as Ken runs a-way.

Hush, Ruff, do not make a sound. If you do we will both be found.

Little Joe Grows

Little Joe works very hard.

He plants trees all a-round the yard.

He tends the trees that are small.

He tends the trees that grow quite tall.

Little Joe will show us the way to grow our very own trees one day.

Daisy May

No. 42 Daisy May


Editor Rebecca Shivone Smith



Published By

Classical School Solutions

Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Over the Hills

Sweet Fay is fair of face.

Gail is kind and full of grace.

And wee Blair is a bonny maid.

All the girls go out to play with little gray dog on a sunny day. Over the hills in the fresh air the girls run free with the wind in their hair.

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill to get a pail of wa-ter.

But by the path on the grass, they found a wee little fairy lass.

“Jack and Jill, I have come to say you must not go up the hill today.

Just sit down here for a spell.

I will fly up and get the wa-ter from the well.”

Daisy May

Daisy May went out to play in the wood late one day.

What did she find by the tree?

Not one fairy, but three!

The fairy did say to Daisy May, “A maid so mild and fair must have a rose for her hair.”

Fred Meets Bees

Faith found Fred in the yard.

“Fred I must ask what folly you have met. It looks like you took a tiger for a pet.”

Fred told Faith not to fret.

“I sat down by the big oak trees. And all at once I had to sneeze. The sound was so loud it gave quite a scare to a hive of bees.”

Ahoy Roy

No. 43 Ahoy Roy



Rebecca Shivone Smith



ILLUSTRATIONS BY Elizabeth Leigh Scagel

Published By

Classical School Solutions Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Ahoy Roy

“Ahoy,” said Roy from the deck of his boat.

“I have set sail this day for a trip around the coast.

My loy-al cat Nate shall act as first mate.

Oh what joy to sail and float!

Just Nate and I in our wee house boat.”

Joy Ride

There goes little Boy Blue.

There goes bitty Sweet Sue.

Boy Blue drives Sweet Sue and her little dog too.

Ride away, ride away, Boy Blue shall ride away.

The sun shines down as if to say,

Come out for a joy ride to-day.

Fly-Boy Blue

Fly-Boy Blue likes to fly his plane.

Over the hills we see, up in the air goes he.

Fast as a flash he zooms by.

Oh what a day to sail the sky!

Like a bird on the wind, in clouds of gray,

Fly-Boy Blue sails up, up and away.

Pride and Joy

Oh what a day and what a mess!

The bull is quite cross with Jack and Bess.

We are Moth-er’s pride and joy, her sweet little girl and her bonny wee boy. Next time we will heed Moth-er when she warns, “Mess with the bull and you get the hor ns.”

Noisy Pigs

No. 44

Noisy Pigs

Editor Rebecca Shivone Smith



Published By Classical School Solutions

Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Happy Ham

Pop and Peg Pig took the brood to the shore.

What a day to romp and play.

No pig could ask for more.

Splish, splash, splosh went the pigs as they swam.

“Oink, oink, oink,” said the clan of happy ham.

Noisy Pigs

Poor Mr. Pig was at his wits’ end.

The three little pigs in his class were noisy and wild and full of sass.


pigs must heed what I say.

“You may come face to face with a wolf one day.”
“Oink, oink, we shall not worry. Oink, oink, we are not a-fraid.
No wolf will foil the plans we made.”

To the Fair

Pop and Peg are off to the fair.

Quick, there is no time to spare.

Rub a dub dub, three pigs in a tub.

The pigs will have a wash and a scrub.

May the best pig win the prize.

A pig must show poise and be of good size.

Oink, oink, here we go on our way.

Oink, oink, we are off to the fair to-day.

Pork Party Ball

If you look the whole world o-ver, you will find that pigs are happy in clo-ver.

But now you see these little pigs are more apt to dance little jigs. Oink, oink, say the pigs. Come one and come all. This is the way to the pork party ball.

Ice Cream

No. 45 Ice Cream

Editor Rebecca Shivone Smith



Published By Classical School Solutions

Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Little Lulu

Little Lulu likes to read lots of books. Her kitty me-ows and gives her sad looks.

“Me-ow, me-ow” as if to say, “Please, will you play with me to-day.”

Oh kitty dear I must say, I really do not wish to play.

Let’s sit a spell in the house.

I will read you a tale of cat and mouse.

Tea and Cake

“Will you please stay for tea,” said Dee.

“How nice of you to ask,” said Lee.

So Lee and Dee sat down for tea on a clear day at half past three.

Lee told Dee “Why, this is the best tea and cake I ever had.

When I try to bake it all tur ns out bad.”

Dee told Lee, “Oh you must hush.

Your kind words shall make me blush.”

Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

Thirty-one kinds of ice cream to eat.

How can you pick just one sweet treat?

Little Joe is keen to do his part. He scoops cones from his blue cart.

What a nice break from the heat. An ice cream cone can not be beat.

Did You Hear?

Oh Nelly dear, did you hear?

I shall whis-per in your ear.

The word I heard from Betty and Bob is Little Boy Blue fell down on the job.

The sheep were in the mea-dow and the cows got in the cor n.

No one could find Little Boy Blue. He was asleep in the hay with his hor n.

Paw Prints

No. 46 Paw Prints



ILLUSTRATIONS BY Elizabeth Leigh Scagel

Published By

Classical School Solutions

Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Dot and Spot

Dot and Spot make a fine pair.

Where Dot goes, Spot is al-ways there.

Dot takes Spot to play on the lawn.

They run and play till the sun is gone.

Spot will whine and beg for food.

You must not beg, Spot, it is quite rude.

Dot looks out for Spot with great care.

Dot and Spot make a very fine pair.

Paw Prints

Little Bea is quite cross you see.

She found dirty paw prints on her Dolly Dee.

Oh no! Oh no!

Ruff, you must keep a-way.

With Dolly Dee you can not play. I will take you out to the park.

We can run and play till it gets dark.

Prissy Missy

It pains me to say that my dog Missy can at times be quite prissy.

I wash and brush her hair till it shines.

I give her treats each time she whines. The last straw came to-day. For Missy did not want to play. If she keeps up this snooty act, to the dog-house she will go and that is a fact.

My Pet Bird

Some may like dogs and cats for pets.

But birds as pets are as good as it gets.

Our little bird eats seeds and nuts. She walks a-bout, or more like struts.

When I saw her in the pet store, I felt I could love no pet more.

Oh what ever would we do if we did not have our white cock-a-too?

Maude & Claude

No. 47

Maude & Claude





ILLUSTRATIONS BY Elizabeth Leigh Scagel

Published By Classical School Solutions Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Maude and Claude

Oh look here comes


Oh wait I see double.

Maude and Claude make quite the pair.

See them ride a-bout town with the wind in their hair.

Please drive slow, Maude will plead.

“Silly Maude,” said Claude.

“I feel the need for speed."

Little Laura

Little Laura plans a trip to see

Aunt Maura.

Aunt Maura’s house is out of town.

Over the hills and past the woods on a little road you must drive down. Laura packs her bags and coat.

Little Laura shouts with glee, “I bet

Aunt Maura can not wait to see me.”

Stay For Tea

Audry will you stay for tea?

Oh how nice of you to ask me.

I am a-fraid I can not stay.

I have not been home for most of the day.

Ruff and I went on a short jaunt to the park.

We must get home soon while the sun is still up.

For Ruff is quite a-fraid of the dark.

Little Paul Stout

Little Paul Stout is a boy scout.

He lear ns how to make a fire to keep warm.

He lear ns how to stay dry in a stor m.

To scout camp he will go in Au-gust, the month of the year that is by far the hot-test.

Paul does not mind the sum-mer heat.

A scout is ready for all he will meet.

Bonny Saved Bunny

No. 48 Bonny Saved Bunny



Rebecca Shivone Smith



ILLUSTRATIONS BY Elizabeth Leigh Scagel

Published By Classical School Solutions Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Bonny Saved Bunny

Bonny is a gal with two bunny pals.

Bonny saved Bunny and Bert

Rab-bit from a dog one day.

Then she asked them to her house to play.

Bunny wore her Sunday best.

Bert sport-ed red pants and a green vest.

“Many thanks to you," said Bunny and Bert.

“If not for you we would have been hurt.”

Nelly and Sue

What has you scared, Nelly and Sue?

Have no fear, you silly two. What you heard was not a mouse. It was a creaky door in this big old house. If you stop and think, you will find what scares you may be in your mind. I do not fib but tell it true. What silly girls are Nelly and Sue!

Gail’s Garden

Gail has a gar-den of her own.

Oh Gail how does your gar-den grow?

With bulbs and beets and kale and leeks plant-ed all in a row.

Gail has plant-ed her crops and pulled the weeds.

She has seen to all of her crop’s needs.

Soon it will be time to pick and pull bulbs and beets by the bag-ful.

Peggy Pearl

Oh what a sweet girl is wee Peggy Pearl. She is quite fond of her little bird flock. She feeds them nuts and seeds in the mor n at six o’clock. She named them Betty and Earl and Eddy and Merle. So kind a girl is wee Peggy Pearl.

Chet Chick

No. 49 Chet Chick




Published By Classical School Solutions

Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Happy Chick

Happy Chick has a flair for style.

She wears a blue hat and al-ways wears a smile.

Moth-er Hen bids Happy to stay near the coop.

But Happy likes to go out in a group.

Oh Moth-er dear, be of good cheer. It is quite safe, have no fear.

Not So Happy Chick

Happy Chick has lost her way.

She strayed too far from the coop to-day.

The rain and wind swept

Happy to and fro.

She could not see which way to go.

“Oh me, oh my, more fool am I.

I shall heed Moth-er Hen by and by.”

Chet Chick

Chet Chick must rush to School.

He slept too late and feels like a fool.

He did not wake when the roost-er crowed.

He did not wake to the croak of the toad.

If he is late Moth-er Hen will be vexed.

Chet does not like to think of what will come next.

Dap-per Fel-low

Chip Chick is quite a dap-per fel-low.

He is by far the best dressed bird of yel-low.

Chip is full of grace and char m.

He gives cheer to all on the far m.

Chip is quick to tell one and all, “It is not the clothes that make the bird; It is what he does in deed and word.”

Long Way Home

No. 50 Long Way Home




ILLUSTRATIONS BY Elizabeth Leigh Scagel

Published By Classical School Solutions Fort Worth, TX

Level 2 Readers

Introducing Also Starring Introducing Introducing

Spring In His Step

I see Shep has a spring in his step.

The time has come to plant the seeds. The time has come to pull the weeds.

Shep has a green thumb they say. When it comes to plants, he leads the way.

With his spade he will work and toil, to grow the seeds from the soil.

Song in My Heart

No time for rest down here on the far m.

I have a list of chores as long as your ar m.

I fed the cows and goats just fine. Now I will hang the wash on the line. I work hard to do my part, with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Long Way Home

There goes Billy Blue and Sunny Sue.

Happy as the day is long are these two.

“But where are we go-ing?” said Sunny Sue to Billy Blue.

Sue, there is no need to worry.

The day is nice and we are in no hurry.

Such a fine day to race and roam. We will take the long way home.

Fish and Chips

Oh look, the gang’s all here.

Cats can smell when fish are near.

Such silly cats to cry and whine.

Hear me now, this fish is mine.

I will bring you milk from the house.

Then you can go look for a mouse.

Heed my words and read my lips, You shall not have my fish and chips.

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