The following lesson plans complement the Readers In Rhyme Level 1 Teal Set Readers. These plans offer a structured framework for small group instruction while reducing the need for extensive planning.
An index located at the back of the guide serves as a reference to assist with locating vocabulary and idioms used throughout the readers.
This guide was designed to aid general education teachers, reading specialists, ESL instructors, special education teachers, and any educator seeking valuable resources for teaching phonics to their students.
Lesson plans written by Deborah Kindred and Elizabeth Scagel
Copyright ©2024 Classical School Solutions www.classicalschoolsolutions.com
All rights reserved. This guide is intended to be used with Readers in Rhyme curriculum.
Lesson Outline
Pre Reading
Before beginning the reading lesson, it's important to reinforce the phonogram sounds your students have previously learned. Repetition is essential for mastering these sounds and achieving automatic recognition.
Phonogram Hunt Activity-Using the front and back covers of the book, give students a word containing one or more of the phonograms being studied and encourage them to search for it in the boxes of phonograms. Once they locate the phonogram, prompt them to say the sound(s) associated with that phonogram. Teacher says: My word is ‘quit’ what phonogram is in ‘quit’?” The students find and point out QU and say “/kw/.” Using their fingers, guide them in counting and identifying the number of sounds in the word. Example:“quit” has three /kw/ /i/ /t/ and sleep has four /s/ /l/ /E/ /p/.
Before reading introduce the story by reading the title to the students.
Picture Question
Ask the students what they think is happening in the picture for the story. Point out anything of interest.
Introduce and discuss any vocabulary in the story that the students might now know.
Students read the story.
Discussion Questions
Assess comprehension by posing insightful questions. Is there a connection between this tale and others the students have read?
Encouraging repeated readings of the stories enhances fluency and boosts confidence levels.
Bill and the Hill
Skip (P.2) To jump forward hopping on one foot and then the other. Trip (P.2) To catch your foot on something and stumble, Or to go on a journey.
Scab (P.2) The crust of blood that forms over a wound.
Go over the two meanings of the word “trip” and ask the students: What do you think it means in this story by “Bill did trip”?
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Looking at the picture, how does Bill make you feel?
2. Look at the first line. “Bill will go skip up the hill”. Which three words in the sentence rhyme? (Hill, Bill, will)
Prim Plum
Miss (P.4) Used as a title before the name of an unmarried lady or girl.
Prim (P.4) Correct and proper beyond what is needed.
Grim (P.4) Stern or harsh.
Glum (P.4) In low spirits; sad or gloomy.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Prim Plum is not grim or glum. Can you think of words that describe Prim Plum?
2. Prim’s cats are called Pip and Pep. Point to the words Pip and Pep. What is different about these two words?
*Extra-Alliteration: Have students practice making an alliteration ex: “Prim Plum pets Pip and Pep.” “Prim Plum picks pears.”
No. 21 Pam’s Pram
Sad Dot
Snip (P.2) To cut or clip with short, quick strokes of scissors.
Bald (P.2) Having little or no hair on the head.
Fret (P.2) To feel troubled or worried.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Why do you think Dot is sad?
2. Why do you think her parents will be mad?
3. Can you find words that rhyme with “glad”?
Pam’s Pram
Pram (P.2) Small carriage or baby stroller (British Term)
Trek (P.2) To travel or make one's way slowly and with difficulty.
Fret (P.2) To feel troubled or worried.
Fuss (P.2)
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Pam is pushing the pram. Where are Cam and Sam? Can you find Gus in the picture?
2. Why do you think Pam might need to yell at Gus?
3. Find all the words that rhyme with Pam.
No. 22 Clint and Flint
Dan Grabs a Crab
Grabs (P.2) To take hold of suddenly or with force.
Snap (P.2) To grab or try to grab something suddenly.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Dan had a trip to the sea shore. What else might Dan like to grab in his net?
2. Dan caught a crab. He needs to be careful. Why?
3. What word rhymes with sand? Can you think of others? (And, land, band, stand)
Meg’s Stunt
Stunt (P.4) An act of skill, strength, or bravery.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What can Meg do? (Run, jump, hop, skip)
2. What is the stunt Meg does does best?
3. What do the words jump, fun, run, sun and stunt have in common?
No. 22 Clint and Flint
No, Stan, No
Mind (P.6) The part of a person that thinks, understands, remembers, directs, and feels OR to pay attention to and obey.
Go over the meanings of the word “mind” and ask the students: Which meaning is used in this story “What comes to dogs that do not mind?”
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Who does Stan want to go with?
2. Who do you think Stan is bothering? (Donkey-look at his eye)
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
Clint and Flint
Romp (P.8) To move about or play in a lively manner. Roll (P.8) To move by turning over and over.
Stroll (P.8) To walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose.
Swell (P.8) Excellent or nice. (old fashioned meaning)
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. In the last line Clint says Flint, his dog, is a “gift of gold”. Gold is precious do you think Flint is precious to Clint? Can you tell this by looking at the picture?
2. What does Clint do with Flint?
3. Gold Rhymes with which word? Can you think of other words that rhyme with “gold”? (Sold, fold, cold, told, bold, hold, mold…etc.)
No. 23 See the Bees
See the Bees
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘feet’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘feet’?” Students: “three /f/ /E/ /t/”
Flee (P.2) To run away.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What do you think may happen if the boy and dog don’t run away.
2. What other words can you think of that rhyme with bees? (trees, knees, please, sneeze, threes, freeze)
My Quilt
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘quit’?” when they find qu ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/kw/” Ask: “How many sounds are in the word ‘quit’?” Students: “Three, /kw/ /i/ /t/”
Snug (P.4) Comfortable and cozy.
Creep (P.4) To move slowly on hands and knees.
Quilt (P.4) Bed cover made of patches of fabric sewn together.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. This little girl likes to creep around at night. What would you rather do than go to sleep?
2. Which 2 words in this story rhyme with keep? Can you find them?
No. 23 See the Bees
Get up Bree!
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘sweet’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘sweet’?”
Students: “four /s/ /w/ /E/ /t/”
Glee (P.6) Excited high spirited joy and happiness.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. How does Bree know it is time to get up?
2. What will Bree do with glee? (run and jump)
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
Queen Dee
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘queen’?” when they find ee and qu ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: “E double E always says E” and /kw/ Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘queen’?”
Students: “three /kw/ /E/ /n/”
Boss (P.8) A person who is in charge. Fond (P.8) Having a liking or love for something. Heed (P.8) To pay attention.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Where did Nat go?
2. What is Dee queen of? What would you wish to be the queen or king of and why?
No. 24 Seth and Cass
Three Pigs
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘three’?” when they find ee and th ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: “E double E always says E” and /th/ /TH/ Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘three’?” Students: “three /th/ /r/ /E/”
Wee (P.2) Very small.
Path (P.2) A track made by foot travel.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. The three pigs are having fun. Why do you think they are so happy?
2. Do you know the story of the Three Little Pigs? Why do you think the pigs are celebrating in this story?
Three Cats
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘sweet’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘sweet’?”
Students: “four /s/ /w/ /E/ /t/”
Wee (P.) Very small.
Pass (P.) To go past; move beyond.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Can you tell the names of the cats?
2. What words would you use to describe the cats?
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
Ned’s Bed
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘with’?” when they find th ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/th/ /TH/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘with’?” Students: “three /w/ /i/ /th/”
Snug (P.6) Comfortable and cozy.
“Snug as a bug in a rug” (P.6) To be in a very comfortable situation. Grump (P.6) A complaining, ill-tempered person.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. If you were Ned’s parents, what might you do if you came to check on Ned? (Tuck him in)
2. Look at the picture and see if you can find something in the picture that rhymes with sweet. (feet, sheet)
Seth and Cass
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘that’?” when they find th ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/th/ /TH/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘that’?” Students: “three /TH/ /a/ /t/”
Pest (P.) Someone or something that annoys or bothers you.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Where are Seth and Cass going?
2. What is Seth and Cass’s plan?
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
No. 25 Wake up Jake
Wags and Mags
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘this’?” when they find th ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/th/ /TH/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘this’?” Students: “three /TH/ /i/ /s/”
Cross (P.2) Grumpy or angry.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What do you think Wags is saying to Mags?
2. Do you think Mags is annoyed about going to the lake? What might Wags be saying to Mags? What might Mags be saying to Wags?
Wake up Jake
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘greet’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘greet’?”
Students: “four /g/ /r/ /E/ /t/”
Greet (P.4) To speak kindly to someone upon meeting.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. How can you tell it is time for Jake to wake up?
2. If Jake wakes ups late what may happen?What do the words Jake, wake and late have in common?
3. What do the words Jake, wake and late have in common?
Mags and Jake
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘teeth’?” when they find ee and th ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: “E double E always says E” and /th/ /TH/ Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘teeth’?” Students: “three /t/ /E/ /th/”
“Past Time”(P.) Something that should have already happened.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Why do you think Mags wants Jake to wake up?
2. Other than hissing, what could Mags do to wake Jake?
3. What word rhymes with Jake? Can you find it? How many other words can you think off that rhyme with Jake? (lake, take, shake, rake, bake)
Wags and Jake
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘street’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘street’?”
Students: “five /s/ /t/ /r/ /E/ /t/”
Ruff (P.8) what is happening when we hear “ruff, ruff”?
Discussion Ideas/Questions
2. When Jake said Wags is a sweet pup. Do you think that mean he can taste wags and he tastes good?
3. Some words in our language look and sound the same like “sweet” and have two meanings.
No. 26 Shep and Shelly
Shep and Shelly
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘shop’?” when they find sh ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/sh/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘shop’?” Students: “three /sh/ /o/ /p/”
Cash (P.2) Money in the form of bills or coins.
Spend (P.2) To pay out.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Who gave Shep and Shelly money to spend at the shop?
2. If you went to this shop what would you buy?
3. Find two other words that rhyme with doll.
The Shop
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘shell’?” when they find sh ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/sh/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘shell’?” Students: “three /sh/ /e/ /ll/”
cry (P.) To make a loud shout or yell OR To shed tears.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Which meaning of the word “cry” is used in this story?
2. Can you play with a fish? Do you think this is a good pet? What pet would you like to have?
3. Which word rhymes with pot? Can you think of others? (Tot, dot, hot, not, etc…)
No. 26 Shep and Shelly
The Pet Fish
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘sheep’?” when they find ee and sh ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: “E double E always says E” and /sh/ Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘sheep’?” Students: “three /sh/ /E/ /p/”
Agree (P.6) To have the same opinion or feel the same way. Wee (P.6) Very small.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. How will Shep and Shelly keep their fish safe?
2. I hope Dad agrees that the fish is a good pet. What should the children have done before buying the pet?
3. Find the words “splish, splash, splosh”. What is different about each word?
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘splash’?” when they find sh ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/sh/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘splash’?” Students: “five /s/ /p/ /l/ /a/ /sh/”
Dash (P.8) To move swiftly.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Why do you think Shelly named the fish Dash?
2. Do you think the children made a good choice for a pet? Why or Why not?
3. Find the words at the ends of the lines that rhyme.
No. 27 Barb and Carl
Barb and Carl
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘peek’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘peek’?” Students: “three /p/ /E/ /k/”
Peek (P.2) To look quickly or secretly. Seek (P.2) To look for; try to find.
Hush (P.2) To be quiet.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. If the hen makes a lot of noise what might happen?
2. In this story Barb is talking to the hen. When someone speaks in a story we use special marks called quotation marks to show that someone is talking. Find the quotation marks in this story. What does Barb say?
Eggs in the Pen
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘farm’?” when they find ar ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/ar/ as in star” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘farm’?” Students: “three /f/ /ar/ /m/”
Fresh (P.4) Newly made, gotten, or experienced. Barn (P.4) A large farm building used to shelter animals or store equipment. Pen (P.4) A long, thin tool used for writing in ink. OR A small, fenced area for animals.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Do you know where we get eggs?
2. Which meaning of the word “pen” is used in this story?
No. 27 Barb and Carl
Little Bree
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘bash’?” when they find sh ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/sh/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘splash’?” Students: “three /b/ /a/ /sh/”
Cold (P.6) Without heat or warmth. OR A common sickness that causes sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose.
Wee (P.6) Very small.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Bree sends Bart a card because he is sick. What might the card say?
2. Which meaning of the word “cold” is used in this story?
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
A Drive with Dad
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘far’?” when they find ar ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/ar/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘far’?” Students: “two /f/ /ar/”
Yips (P.8) To bark quickly and sharply, as a puppy does. Glee(P.8) Excited high spirited joy and happiness.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What places do the children drive by with their dad?
2. What do you think it means to drive “fast and free?”
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
No. 28 Lucky Duck
Moll’s Sick Doll
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘harsh’?” when they find ar and sh ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: “/ar/ as in star” and /sh/ Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘harsh’?” Students: “three /h/ /ar/ /sh/”
Tuck (P.) A fold sewn into the fabric OR To cover with blankets in a snug way. Broth (P.) Water in which meat is boiled that is used to make a soup.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Which use of the word “tuck” is used in the story?
2. Broth is good to eat when you are sick. Do you think broth will make the doll better? Why or why not?
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
Pat gets Stuck
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘stuck’?” when they find ck ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/k/ the 2-letter /k/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘stuck’?” Students: “four /s/ /t/ /u/ /ck/”
Yard (P.4) An open area next to a house or other building. “Keep to” (P.4) If you keep to something, you do not move away from it. Stuck (P.4) Unable to move or be moved from a particular spot or position. Flash: (P.4) a very short amount of time; an instant OR a sudden, bright light that shines, then quickly disappears.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What kind of pet is Pat?
2. What is the meaning of the word “flash” in this story?
No. 28 Lucky Duck
Jack and Dee
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘quick’?” when they find qu and ck ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: /kw/ and “/k/ the 2letter /k/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘quick’?” Students: “three /qu/ /i/ /ck/”
Flock (P.6) A group of animals such as birds or sheep.
Harm (P.6) Injury or hurt.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. The ducks got free and ran away. Where should Jack and Dee put the ducks when they get back to the farm? (pen, barn)
2. What kind of animal might harm the ducks?
3. Find all the words that end in CK and say a rhyming word for each.
Lucky Duck
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘speed’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘speed’?”
Students: “four /s/ /p/ /E/ /d/”
Flock (P.8) A group of animals such as birds or sheep.
Fine (P.8) Agreeable or to one’s liking.
Pond (P.8) Agreeable or to one’s liking.
Dock (P.8) A raised platform that is built out into the water.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Where did Lucky Duck go and why?
2. What do you think Lucky Duck will do with the fish?
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
No. 29 Hobby Horse
Hobby Horse
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘yard’?” when they find ar ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/ar/ as in star” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘yard’?” Students: “three /y/ /ar/ /d/”
Hobby Horse (P.2) A toy horse or stick horse that you can ride.
Forth (P.2) Forward or onward.
Mare (P.2) An adult female horse.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Where does the boy ride his horse? (back and forth, west and north)
2. If Fran wants a “quick ride” do you think she wants to ride for a long time or a short time?
3. Find the words at the end of the lines that rhyme.
Meet the Babe
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘torn’?” when they find or ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/or/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘torn’?” Students: “three /t/ /or/ /n/”
Peek (P.4) To look quickly or secretly.
Meet (P.4) To be introduced to.
Babe (P.4) A baby.
Tot (P.4) A very young child.
Cot (P.4) A small bed that folds up OR a British term for a baby crib.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What are the two words in the story used for “baby?” (babe, tot)
2. How old is the baby? How do you know this?
3. Can you find words that rhyme with “dot”? There are three.
No. 29 Hobby Horse
Little Blue
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘north’?” when they find or and th ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: “/or/” and /th/ /TH/ Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘north’?” Students: “three /n/ /or/ /th/”
Horn (P.6) A musical instrument usually made of brass OR one of the hard bony growths on the head of many hoofed animals.
“Back and forth” (P.6) To move backward and forward.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Which meaning of the word “horn” is used in the story?
2. Why is it important for Little Blue to be quick? (A storm is coming)
3. What other words can you think of that rhyme with horn?
Ford Mends the Horse
Pal (P.8) Close friend.
Mend (P.8) To repair or fix something.
Yarn (P.8) A strand of twisted fibers made from things like cotton or wool and used for knitting or weaving.
Worn (P.8) Damaged or old looking from being used a lot.
Kind (P.8) Helpful friendly and good.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. Look at the picture. How can you tell Ford mends things? (Often pictures tell stories too)
2. How do we know Ford is kind?
3. Ford is the boys friend. What word tells us this? (Pal)
No. 30 By the Brook
Wee Robin
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘sleet’?” when they find ee ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “E double E always says E” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘sleet’?” Students: “four /s/ /l/ /E/ /t/”
Robin (P.2) A bird with an orange-red breast and dark brown head and back. Sleet (P.2) Freezing rain.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What time of the year do you think it is? How can you tell from the picture and the story? What does it tell us about the north wind?
2. When it is cold all the animals go in the barn. They keep each other warm. If we are cold, what are ways we can keep warm?
By the Brook
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘look’?” when they find oo ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/oo/ /OO/” (too/foot) Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘look’?” Students: “three /l/ /OO/ /k/”
Blooms (P.) Flowers
Brook(P.) A small stream.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. The girl made a crown for the baby. What did she make the crown out of? This crown of flowers is called a daisy chain.
2. What will the girl do while the baby naps? Does the picture tell us this?
3. Point to each oo word and tell if the word uses the first or second sound of oo. (blooms 1st /oo/, look 2nd /OO/)
No. 30 By the Brook
Cora’s Cakes
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonogram used in the word ‘sick’?” when they find ck ask: “what does this phonogram say?” Students: “/k/ the 2-letter /k/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘sick’?” Students: “three /s/ /i/ /ck/”
Tarts (P.6) A small baked pastry shell with a fruit or other filling.
Noon (P.6) Twelve o'clock in the daytime.
Mood (P.6) The way a person feels at a certain time.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. What does Cora like to do?
2. Do you think Cora is a kind? Why?
3. Point to each oo word and tell if the word uses the first or second sound of oo. (noon 1st /oo/, cook 2nd /OO/)
Clark Hits the Mark
Pre Reading- have the students look inside the front and back cover. Ask: “who can find the phonograms used in the word ‘shoot’?” when they find sh and oo ask: “what do these phonograms say?” Students: /sh/ and “/oo/ /OO/” Ask: “how many sounds are in the word ‘shoot’?”
Students: “three /sh/ /oo/ /t/”
Dart (P.8) A short arrow thrown with the hand or shot from a gun.
Mark (P.8) A goal or target.
Root (P.8) To cheer for a team or a person in a contest OR the part of a plant that usually grows underground.
Discussion Ideas/Questions
1. How do you win the game Clark is playing? Do you know what it is called when you hit the mark exactly in the center of the target? (A Bull’s eye)
3. Which meaning of the word “root” is used in the story?