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1927 Ford A Pick Up
1927 Ford A Pick Up
The Ford A was the second market success after Ford model T. Henry Ford´s disdain for cosmetic vanity as applied to automobiles led him to leave the Model A's styling to a team led by his son Edsel, even though he would take credit for it despite his son doing more of the work. This model represents the design of an era.
This car´s been extremely well restored and customized. Works perfectly and turns heads as you may imagine. A fresh flashing metallic painting, the front grille, and lots of chromes around are making this vehicle shine on a sunny day along The Costa del Sol. Ideal for music videos or just for fun!!. Pics courtesy by Sonja Inselmann.

1928 Ford A
The Ford Model A (also colloquially called the A-Model Ford or the A, and A-bone among rodders and customizers) was the Ford Motor Company's second market success after its predecessor, the Model T first-generation. It came in a wide variety of styles including a Coupe, Business Coupe, Sport Coupe, Roadster Coupe, Convertible, Phaeton, Tudor Sedan, Town Car, Fordor, Victoria, Town Sedan, Station Wagon, Taxicab, Truck, and Commercial. It was the first Ford to use the standard set of driver controls with conventional clutch, brake pedals, throttle, and gearshift.
This vehicle is registered in Malaga with historic spanish plates. The oldest wedding car in our brochure. We keep it in a very good condition, it works perfectly. Avaliable for weddings, shootings, and videos in Málaga area, additional charges are applied for bookings outside this area to cover the extra transportation of it. Please enquire for an exact budget.