Claudia canales arch&urb

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IN D E X CV Projects collaborations academic projects

- C L AU D I A Lima - Peru 17.02.1984

I a m a rc h i t e c t w i t h a m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y b a c k g ro u n d w i t h a d e e p i n t e re s t i n l a n d s c a p e a rc h i t e c t u re, l a n d s c a p e u r b a n i s m , e c o l o g y, h o u s i n g a n d urbanism. I c u r re n t l y l i ve i n A n t w e r p, B e l g i u m w h e re I w o r k a s a n i n d e p e n d e n t a rc h i t e c t & u r b a n i s t d eve l o p i n g p ro j e c t s i n F l a n d e r ’s re g i o n .


Advanced Master in Human Settlements Magna cum laude, 2016 KU Leuven University, Belgium *

PMBOK Project Managment Diploma Distinction, 2014 Dharma Consultancy, Peru *

Master in Art Direction & Design Distinction, 2010 Manchester Metropolitan University, UK *

Master in Architecture Diploma with Honours, 2007 Ricardo Palma University, Peru PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE *


urbanist, 2017 Nijlen *

BLAUWDRUK STEDENBOUW urbanist, 2017 Antwerp *


project coordinator housing programme, 2014 Lima


Applied Sciences University UPC lecturer design workshop , 2011-2014 Lima


Freelance Architect & Designer Lima


VLIR - UOS Scholarship from the Belgian Cooperation, 2015 *

KATHMANDU TOWN EXTENSIONS. vol 3 Publication with KU Leuven & UN-Habitat *

Landscape Architecture articles Specialized magazine SKILLS & COMPETENCES Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Lightoom, Final Cut Autocad 2D - 3D, Vectorworks, Sketchup, Revit, MS Project, Office *

LANGUAGES & SKILLS Spanish: Native , English: Full proficiency Dutch: Level C1, Portuguese: Level A1 *

COURSES & WORKSHOPS Urban Design for the Public Good: Dutch Urbanism TU DELFT [Online course EDX] 2018 Sustainable Urban Development TU DELFT - WAGENINGEN [Online course EDX] 2018 Urban Water - Innovations for Environmental Sustainability UBC [Online course EDX] 2015 Landscape Architecture Workshop Agrarian University UNALM 2013 Recipes for a fast forward future Architectural Association London Summer school 2006

* VOLUNTARY WORK Cascoland Art Collective Amsterdam Design volunteer, Sep 2016

Futuro Caliente Art Collective Peru Production volunteer, Dec 2014


BLAUWDRUKSTEDENBOUW urbanist - designer

In collaboration with Els Nulens, Leonie Rupert, Caterina Rosso & Margot Proesmans Antwerpen

TURNHOUT Feasibility study for a housing development Orionsite, 2017

Existing housing & buildings


Green structure and its relaton with the site

How to create a green corridor between the site and central park?

Infrastructure & connectivity to the site Creating a secondary road for direct access to the site

Housing blocks Living with in the green

Building with collective areas A flexible programme with complementary areas

commercial areas

big appartments

housing units: rooms + bathrooms

studio’s & helpcenters /basic typlogy

Green structure The open spaces doted by squares, gardens and parks

Phasing of the project

Clusters & green corridor


Design proposal. Feasibility study for Urban project, 2017

Flexible program

Commercial - Offices - Housing

Design principes

Commercial - Offices - Housing

Combination of typologies

Flats & duplex - independent circulation for housing units

type A corner duplex 132m2

type B flat 65m2

type C flat 90m2

type D duplex 130m2



‘ KATHMANDU EXTENSIONS’ vol.3 In collaboration with Wim Bruneel, Ruben Hoek, Antoine Legrand & Grace Valasa Leuven 2016

Lecturers : Bruno De Meulder, Viviana d ‘ Auria Assitants: Stefanie Dens & Annelies De Nijs

Morphologies of transitions Mapping of the different typologies and their transition from urban to rural

Mapping [Urban-Peri Urban - Rural ] Kathmandu Reading the topography and its influence in the study area

Sequence of scenes along the irrigation canal Walking along the canal to understand the importance of the water element in the area

Interweaving productivity and urban pressure What is the role of a productive landscape in a constantly sprawling urban tissue?

Frequencies of appropriation How are the different spaces used throughout the day and by whom?

Vision Armature - structure Line - Thickening - Plug

Armature themes The landscape themes that guide the urbanisation of the armature

Bungamati market Open space scenarios: Multifunctionality and resilience of an open space

Market scenario

Daily scenario

Earthquake scenario

Educational hub Phasing of the hub implementation Line - thickening - plug

New Development Karyabinayak site Line - Thikecning - Plug

New Developments Brick Kilns site Line - Thikecning - Plug


‘ GUIDELINES FOR THE CO-CREATION PROCESS IN OOSTENDE’ In collaboration with Adriana Aguilera, Irina Constantinescu, Caroline Custine, Swagata Das, Dilruba Ferdous Shruva, Jacques Murama, Grace Nyagwalla Leuven, 2015

Lecturers : Pieter Van Den Broeck, Jan Scheurs Assitants: Tim Devos & Seppe De Blust

Studio Timeline Research process and network found over 4 months of study

GUIDELINES The co-creation process should become an opportunity to involve different stakeholders in decision making in order to stimulate a more balanced urban development

Spatiality: reducing conflict between land use developments Synergies with new projects: strategies should define within which different programs developments can happen Identifying stakeholders: aiming to clarify the role of the various development and the role of each stakeholder Determining the different gains: defining clear channels of communication in the reflection stage, to ensure all parties are involved at every stage


MindMap Contradictions found, interests and image of the city

LLAMA URBAN DESIGN URBAN DESIGN STUDIO Collaboration with : Mariana Leguia, Angus Laurie, Sara Bearzatto Lima, 2014

SAN BARTOLO Urban & Mobility regeneration

San Bartolo is a coastal town located at 50km south from Lima. During summer its population grows. It is one of the districts with the highest rate of pedestrian trips. San Bartolo has a compact town character with destinations located at walking distances. However, with the expansion of the real estate boom to the beaches south of Lima, San Bartolo is threatened by the increase in density and the resulting increase in vehicles on the streets. The existing streets of San Bartolo are based on national building regulations, and follow the modernist logic of the city of the 50s, where the car was seen as the only agent to give priority to when designing the railway section. It is urgent to give feasible and simple solutions to improve the quality of the urban tissue and mitigate the constant risk local dwellers face during summer season.

Inhabitable streets

Feasible & simple solutions


The project is organized along a grand staircase that proposes a ceremonial descent, a pilgrimage, committing the user to look at the horizon. Since the land is totally disconnected from the urban fabric that surrounds it, it is necessary to connect it to the surrounding roads to make it an accessible and active place. The pedestrian flows coming from the street and the boardwalk are prolonged and annexed to the course of the building, in an operation that dissolves the limits between the three, transforming them into a single great journey. The location of the complex in the middle of a slope of 23 meters difference between the upper and lower level, calls for a transversal connection between the city and the sea. Our response to this demand is the creation of a large integrating pedestrian axis, which in turn makes up a large public space.



‘ MAPPING MEMORIES Manchester, 2010 Lecturer: Clinton Cahill

Mapping Memories Video - art installation Golden Gallery in Manchester

During the master I developed a serie of experimental projects related to architecture, graphic design, city navigation and memory. I wanted to establish similarities between this broad art disciplines. The final project is a 4 minute footage in Manchester, where I began a journey through the city an spontaneous derive through its streets stablishing spatial similarities with images and memories of Lima.



Lecturers : Aldo Lertora

Redinamization of a Neglected heritage building

Many colonial villas are beign left - neglected by local governments waiting for their deterioation to initate the construction of new developments. The proposal is to restore the building and propose a performative art school in the neighbourhood of Miraflores in Lima. The programme gathers classrooms, rehearsal spaces, polyvalent spaces and auditorium, administrative area and underground parking.

FUTURO CALIENTE ART COLLECTIVE Collaboration with : Teresa Borassino, Elisenda Estrems & Maricel Delgado Lima, 2014

Futuro Caliente What do the public think about climate change and its effects?

It is collaborative project as a response for the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties and the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting to the Kyoto Protocol which took place from 1 to 12 December. COP 20/CMP 10 was hosted by the Government of Peru, in Lima, Peru. The main purpose of this event was to generate awareness among dwellers and motivate them to participate of talks regarding environmental topics. I participated in Futuro Caliente as production assistant of the landscaping installation leaded by students of the Agronomy Faculty of UNALM University. This installation was located in a pedestrian space and it included an open forum made by stacks of recycled cardboard, the landscape installation was done with 1000 organic plants and recycled crates, plastic bottles were used as containers for small shrubs

Futuro Caliente An open space for public debate and exchange of ideas


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