The ABC of UNESCO Heritage

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United in Diversity: UNESCO Regional Heritage within European identity ERASMUS+ PROJECT


The ABC of UNESCO Heritage 1

Did you know that…….? ➢ UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Paris ➢ It stands for UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION ➢ it was officially created on 4th November 1946 ➢ its first major cultural campaign was about the moving of Abu Simbel temple in 1960 away from the Aswan Dam ➢ its declared purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration and understanding of different cultures ➢ UNESCO has 193 members and 11 associated members ➢ The world heritage committee was established in 1976 and the World Heritage Site List was opened in 1978 ➢ In 2003 it promoted the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage ➢ In 2006 it promoted the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions ➢ In 1968 UNESCO promoted the Man and the Biosphere Programme, for the protection of natural heritage ➢ UNESCO also promotes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, issued in 1948 ➢ It advocates education for all and life-long learning ➢ It attempts to bridge the Digital Divide among nations and generations and in 2005 it opened the Information for All Programme ➢ It works for the attainments of the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS, ➢ It promotes the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Goals ➢ UNESCO Schools is an association of schools which share and teach the UNESCO campains


A Agricolture in Tokaji region represents a valuable UNESCO heritage linked to the production of wine Ancient civilizations: their remains, dated back to thousands of years ago, can be discovered in many European centres Art: UNESCO protects art production in any form as part of human heritage Architecture: from traditional houses to grand complexes, architecture is a fundamental element in UNESCO heritage recognition

Tokaji vineyards


B Boats: traditional vessels used by fishermen can be found on the Ohrid lake Brewery: the process of beer production. It is a very important part of Plzen’s culture, history and economy Biodiversity: UNESCO studies and protects biodiversity in protected natural parks and reserves Beaches: lakes, rivers, sea shores, all beaches offer unique views and rich traditions Blog: an easy way to create conversations and links among people, used also on e-twinning

Traditional Ohrid boat


C Christianity: religion that unites many countries in Europe in a common cultural and philosophical heritage Creativity: the ability to invent and develop original ideas, also a basic skill Czech Republic: is a nation in central Europe, one of its schools takes part in the project Churches: buildings built through centuries to pray. They often are great examples of art development Caves are holes in the rock of the mountains and where people go to see stalactites and stalagmites Climate change: recent effect of air and water pollution linked to the glass-house effect Coliseum is the symbol of Rome, one of the most important UNESCO heritage sites in Italy Coliseum


D Diversity: the result of many different types of things, people, ideas Doves are a symbol of peace, love. This symbol comes from the Byble, after the Flood God sent a dove to symbolize a new pact between god and men Dam is a wall built to stop the water in the course of a river, which can create changes in the environment and in the local climate Dances are movement of the body accompanied to music that make you feel happy. Dances are important elements of immaterial cultural heritage


E Europe: one of the five continents, it has a long complex history of shared cultural heritage English: the international language of this project Equality: it means that everyone has the same rights, not hindered by ethnic group, nationality, sex, religion‌ Enviromental education: it teaches you to respect the environment where you live Endemic species: characteristic species of a place that cannot be found elsewhere Exploration: a journey to visit new places and to meet differents types of cultures Exploitation of resources: excess use of somenatural resources which damages the enviroment Economic resources: available resources which can help a country’s production and wealth E-Twinning: a platform dedicated to intercultural exchange for students all around Europe


F Future: events not yet occurred, but that must be planned from today by the younger generations Flora: the part of biotic component composed of plants Fauna: the part of biotic component composed of animals Fossils: the remains of living organism of the past which can be found in stones Family accomodation: a great opportunity to get in contact with local cultures and people Fountains: buildings of various shapes that use water, often used as architectural elements in public spaces Forum: public meeting to discuss problem of importance, nowadays also virtually, represented as a page on a website Furmint: kind of grapes used to produce wine in Hungary

Furmint ripe grapes


G Geography: the science that studies the Earth: it can be physical, anthropological, political Gastronomy: is the study of the food related to the culture of a Country Global warming: changing of the temperature of the planet caused by the human pollution Geology:the science that studies the composition of a planet. Goals 2030 for Sustainable development: an UN programme made to help the poor countries developing without compromising the ability of the future generations


H History: the study of the past, useful to understand the present and to imagine the best possible future Heritage: the legacy of a society from the past, living in the present and shared by everyone Hungary: state situated in the centre of Europe, whose capital is Budapest. It is partner in this project Harvest: collecting ripe fruits and cereals in the summer Human rights: rights that belong to everyone, regardless of nationality, skin colour, gender and religion Habitat: place where a certain species lives because of favourable environmental factors.


I Italy European nation which contains one third of all UNESCO heritage in the world. It is partner in this project International projects are a great learning resource for students and teachers Inclusion: Erasmus projects aim at social inclusion without any form of discrimination ICT information and communication technology Interviews are a great way to collect data and meet people


J Job opportunities : this project informs young students about job opportunies in Europe Journey it is a very important part of this project because students will travel to different countries. Journal : while travelling, students can write journals or diaries about what they are learning about other countries.

All journeys, all roads lead to Rome ‌.


K Key skills : during the project, students will learn basic life skills, such as group work, entrepreneurship, public spealing Kindness : the students and the teachers need to be kind to each other to build pleasant relations and have a better experience. Kaneo: peninsula on Lake Ohrid where the famous St John’s Church lies : it is a very important sight in Macedonia. Kaneo peninsula and St John Church


L Lakes are important landmarks and often part of natural heritage areas; there are different types of lakes: coastal, glacial, volcanic, tecnotic lakes Lake Ohrid is a UNESCO heritage park, both as natural reserve and historic area Local identity: UNESCO defends local cultural identity in material and immaterial creations Local products: food, drinks, textiles, handcrafts represent cultural heritage Life-long Learning is an important element in Erasmus projects, which unites teachers and students in the same goals Latin: the language of the Roman Empire, it was spoken in all the Empire and influenced local languages Light: City of Light is Ohrid City’s Greek name, Lychnidos Languages: in our project we use 5 different languages: Italian, Macedonian, Chech, Hungarian and English, our common vehicular language


M Monuments: historical or memorial structures built to commemorate European history. Memory: personal or collective remembrance of culture. Monasteries: typical monk's residence Music: melodies and harmonies created by instruments and voices, often with traditional meaning Mobilities: encounter between people from different countries to share findings and products and to work together. Museums: storage and exhibition place containing manufacts, artworks, crafts, historical documents Mandolino: typical Italian musical instrument. Naum’s Monastery on Ohrid Lake


N Nature: all the animals and plants of an area which represent a great resource National parks: nature reserves, Method used by insitutions to protect the natural heritage of their country Nutrition: nourishment, in europe nutrition is diverse from a country to another because of different cultures. Nasone a very peculiar public fountain in Rome, which is known for its big “nose�


O Ohrid City: beautiful city, part of the UNESCO heritage, that hosted the first part of this project Opportunities: possibility for everyone to create their own future as they want knowing new places and people thanks also to projects like this one. Orthodox religion: part of Christian religion that unites the culture of most of the countries of Eastern Europe Old people: in their lives they created the heritage that we have to protect. Ohrid City: beautiful city, part of the UNESCO heritage, that hosted the first part of this project

Typical House in Ohrid city


P Pizza: is an Italian typical food. Pizza Margherita is made of dough, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and basil. There are lots of other types of pizza Pasta: is another Italian typical dish, that can be made with different toppings Perspective: is a mental view in respect to their relative distance, positions, culture, relegion Protection: is something that keeps the danger away. Planet: scientists defined a planet a celestial body that has specific features: - is not a satellite - has an orbit that is around the sun - has an almost round shape Pollution: is something that damages the enviroment in the soil, the air, the water Paprika: Paprika is a spice derived from some plants of the genus Capsicum (peppers and chillies). It is also known by the names: red pepper, red pimento, capsicum Plsen: is a city of the Czech Republic where a good type of beer is produced Pearls: are little spheres that can be found in oysters. They’re used to make jewels 18

Q Questionnaires: it is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents and useful when looking for Heritage informations. Quality of life: It is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It includes health-care,education,wealth,security,work and employment. Qualifications: It is either the process of qualifying for an achievement, or a credential attesting to that achievement. Questions: it is important to ask the right questions if you want to have reliable answers


R Rome: The wonderful capital city of Italy. Its centre is part of UNESCO Heritage. The city's early population originated from a mix of Latins, Etruscans and Sabines. It is called “Caput Mundi” that means “Capital of the world”. Republic: It is a form of government in which the country is considered a “public matter”, not the private concern or property of the rulers. Resources: An economic or productive factor required to accomplish an activity for example land, labor and energy. It could be a source of help or information Remember: to have or keep an image or idea in your mind of (something or someone from the past), especially if they are good and pleasant memories Relationship: It is a close friendship between two people, or if meant between things it is the way in which they are connected. Recycling: It is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects for further use. The 3 R’s for the environment are: reduce, reuse, recycle The 3 R’s of sustainable development: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle


S Sightseeing: when you are on holiday and visit interesting places with friends or family. Springs: the season of the year between winter and summer. The weather becomes warmer, leaves and plants start to grow again and flower appear. Specialities: a product that is extremily good in a particullar place. Solutions: ways to resolve problems. Sweets: food with sugar like cake, candy and candy canes. They can be traditional confectionary Schools: place where the people go to get educated, where they socialize and make friends. S.P.Q.R.: “ Senatus PopulusQue Romanus” that means “ the Roman Senate and People” referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic.


T Traditions set of habits and ceremonies, from which we have the opportunity to discover different cultures Together: We all need to collaborate to have a better result Tokaj Hungary wine production area Tiber The most important Roman river, along which the Roman civilization developed Travel The project gives us the chance to travel around Europe and visit new places Tourism Unesco heritage attracts people who want to know an other country's traditions and culture Taste Every country has a particular cuisine and it is important to discover new flavors Teamwork, a basic skill it is important to learn how to work with other people Temples Are the most common buildings included in Unesco Heritage Threats : it is important to defend Unesco Heritage from hazards, exploitments, thefts, damaging


U United in Diversity Is the project's name and it implies the sharing of different traditions while finding our unifying roots UNESCO it is a board of the United Nation founded in 1945. It means United Nation for Education, Science and Culture Unique Every country,every population has its own traditions, stories, artworks that makes it special University It educates young people who will make up the future of the country Understanding Everyone needs to know the value of his own and other countries'culture


V Viticolture is one of the most important economic resources oF Tokaj region and it is protected as UNESCO Heritage: Vatican City State is an independent nation within Rome. Established with the Lateran Treaty(1929), it is the place of the Holy See (Latin: Sancta Sedes). With an area of 44 hectares , and a population of about 1,000, it is the smallest state in the world by both area and population. It has its own flag, coin and language (Latin). You don’t need a passport to go there Variety in every form, organic, inorganic, material or immaterial, cultural or historical, is always enriching Video production can be a nice means to share knowledge and ideas Video chats are a great way to know each other and make friends


W Wine: it is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. It is a drink in common in a lot of countries, such as Italy, Czech Republic and Hungary (Tokaj) Winery: the place where wine is produced and sold. Waterfall: It is a place where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a stream or a river Water: It is the most important resource of the Earth. It can be renewable energy resource, useful for preparing food and washing Walls: they are stuctures, usually made of stone bricks, that protect and protected people who live inside those from enemies. Well-being: It is the condition of an individual or group. A high level of it means that the condition is positive spiritually and healthly Welfare: It is the economic condition that allows you to live a positive life Wonder: It is a monument of great artistic intrerest, there are seven wonders in the world, one of them is the Colosseum in Rome.


X Xenophobia It means hating anyone who is different from you because he comes from a different country. We fight xenophobia with this project.

Y Yes! We say YES to commitment, to cooperation, to social inclusion and to peace! Youth is the group of people most Erasmus+ actions are dedicated to, so to prepare the future stakeholders


Z Zoological endemic species characterize many natual reserves, it means that they live only in that specific part of the world. For example the trout breeded in the Ohrid lake. Zoology: the science that studies different forms of animal life on the planet. It also tries to preserve natural diversity and the chararacteristic species of each place Zurla: Macedonian traditional instrument


This booklet is the result of the activities of students and teachers from four European schools who collaborated in the development and implementation of the Erasmus+ Project

United in Diversity: UNESCO Regional Heritage within European Identity

“Sv.Kliment Ohridski” High School Dimitar Vlahov 71 6000 Ohrid Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Liceo Scientifico Statale “Aristotele” Via dei Sommozzatori, 50 – 00143- Roma Italy Stredni zdravotnicka skola a Vyssi odborna skola zdravotnicka, Plzen, Karlovarska 99 Karlovarská 99 32300 Plzeň Czech Republic Szerencsi Szakképzési Centrum Tokaji Ferenc Gimnáziuma és Szakgimnáziuma Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre út 18-20. 3910 Tokaj Hungary Images are original materials or borrowed from Wikimedia Commons


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