Client-Based Project Final Memo

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Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject:

Dr. Flammia Claudia Gonzalez March 12, 2014 Flyer and Booklet Design Decisions

Introduction After speaking with the client, we decided that the document will take on two parts; a flyer and a booklet to be distributed. The flyer was meant to inform students and families on the upcoming event, and the booklet for the students and families to keep after the event. The booklet mainly contains information about the program for the incoming students that are unaware. P.A.S.S. The purpose of both documents is to create an aid that will ensure parents and students attend the mandatory event, as well as to inform the families of what to expect in the upcoming school year. The audience of the document is meant to be both students and parents alike. It is important for both to be aware of what they are committing to once accepted into the program. There was a lot of information that could have been included; the client and I together decided upon what is most important to present to the audience now and what can be presented to them later on as the school year progresses. These documents along with the event itself will avoid future problems of “I was unaware�. The purpose of it all as a whole is to ensure that all participants are aware of the program requirements and expectations. Discussion of Cognates and their Overall Effect on the Flyer The flyer is meant merely to inform the current students of the event, as well as the incoming ones. Initially the flyer was meant to be just something maybe hung up or passed out. When the client mentioned that it would be mailed out to the incoming families instead, the design is split in half down the fold (as it would be folded for the envelopes). Students or parents may open the flyer similar to a booklet, and read the information as such. Arrangement and Emphasis

Since the flyer is being mailed and may have to be folded in order to do so, the client and I decided to design it that way. Folded down the middle, it encourages the receiver to read the flyer as a sort of booklet. On the left side, the reader sees the most important part: the event, when and where it is hosted, and the fact that it is mandatory. On the left, the flyer proceeds to discuss the purpose of the event and informs readers that it is a catered event as well. Clarity and Conciseness

Clarity and conciseness are achieved on the flyer by utilizing a simple design and a simple font. The design is not loud and is only two contrasting colors. The graphic that is used is not

Dr. Flammia


March 12, 2014

distracting to the design, and is simple enough to add a visual element that does not take away from the content itself. The flyers are smaller; the information is short and to the point. It does not go into depth, as that is the purpose of attending the event and receiving the booklet. Version 1 of the Flyer This version had all the information on one side, and a graphic on the other based upon the template the client chose. After reading the peer review and sending it to the client as well, it was evident that some changes should be made. The current version did not have a clear hierarchy of information, and the text was all together, making it more difficult to read and less visually appealing. Version 2 of the Flyer This version aims to have more of a hierarchy of information and incorporates the graphic the client chose into the flyer. While it was more visually appealing than the first version, it was also all centered. This presented a problem because if the bottom portion (for incoming students) was to be mailed, it would be folded, making it less appealing once it is received by the families. The client wanted a flyer that did both what the first version did (split it into sections) and to be as visually appealing as the second version. Final Version of the Flyer This version is one that the client was ultimately happy with. It incorporated the graphic she chose well with the text. The split design allowed for the flyer to be folded if it was being mailed, or passed out to the current students that may want to attend. The one page includes the two flyers; as it is printed the top half will be cut and given to current students, the bottom half folded and mailed out to the incoming families. The client preferred this method to creating two separate flyer for both groups of students.

Discussion of Cognates and their Overall Effect on the Booklet The booklet is a document that goes hand in hand with the website that parents and students will be utilizing throughout the year. The color scheme and font were made so that students and parents can associate the booklet with the website as well. It is a simple document with limited use of graphics (similar to the website), containing all of the information to get the families started. Version 1 of the Booklet In this version of the booklet, it was meant to match the flyer. The information was very concise and simple, giving the client more of an opportunity to discuss the information rather than having the parents and students read from it. This version was a good draft to work with, as the client and I discussed precisely what information she wanted to include on which pages and in what order. In regards to page layout, the entire thing is in just one font (the same that is used on the website, Calibri). The marching band section has its according headers and the information is

Dr. Flammia


March 12, 2014

straightforward for the reader. Requirements are listed; to list for all of the Band Gear that must be purchased would have taken too much space of the document, which is why the client insisted on just passing out a separate catalog of the items instead (I did not have to create one; it is a catalog from the company the items are ordered from). The next section is important forms (students cannot participate at all without having these forms turned in). She wanted brief explanations on each form and why it is important to have them turned in. To have students say they forgot their forms or do not have them is inexcusable. The client also decided to have students print the forms from the website instead of passing them out so that they are not lost. There was a lot of space to work on for the GPA and Magnet Contract section. I waited to discuss that section with the client because that is the most important of forms and rules to adhere by when joining the program. The last pages just have listed information; I did this organization based on the format of the information rather than content. These last two pages have contact information listed and dates listed. I felt these two went best together because it is not a lot of information just being presented to the reader, but rather incidental information that they may be interested in knowing (though the dates are important, they will be reinforced as they come up). Final Version of Booklet After viewing the first version, the client suggested very few design and content changes. After taking a look at the first version she decided that the booklet would better go with the website in terms of design, rather than the flyer. This required changing the brown theme to a color scheme that would better embody the website (orange and gray, with white text). The layout of some of the pages was also changed. To emphasize on the hierarchy of information, the font and sizing of heading were changed accordingly, rather than having the entire document in “Calibri”. The “band fees” section was changed into a bullet form list rather than paragraph form so that it is clearly visible to parents what the band fees are covering. On the page of “Important Forms”, initially a description of the Magnet contract was included. The client felt that the more important points of the contract should be outlined in the booklet because they were to be discussed in the meeting; she wanted to avoid the excuse of having students or families saying that they were “unaware” of any information. The first booklet did not include any information on the GMYS music camps. The client felt this was important to include as well as a copy of this year’s flyer for the camp. The camp is a separate organization; however, the client works with GMYS and hosts and instructs at the camp. It is an opportunity offered to the music program’s current students, but she wanted to extend it to the incoming students as well, so they may be better prepared for the upcoming year. Based on the order that information will be discussed, in the first version of the flyer the dates was on the last page of the booklet; however, the dates correspond with marching band and is not a separate topic of discussion. Because of this, in this version the dates were moved to before the marching band section so that they can be discussed together. The last thing the client wanted discussed was the boosters of the program. If any parents, after hearing what is coming in the

Dr. Flammia


March 12, 2014

next year, were to be interested in volunteering with the program, they can contact the current boosters for further information, as well as the client herself or her assistant. Conclusion The final versions of the flyer and booklet implemented the changes that were suggested in the peer review, as well as what was discussed client. The changes Michael suggested for the flyer were very helpful in choosing a final design, and the changes that the client requested for the booklet made for a great final product as well. We were both content with the final versions of these documents and felt that they will now be able to serve their purpose well. Reflection Because of the history shared with the client, I enjoyed working on these documents with her. We were both comfortable with each other, and comfortable enough to openly share our thoughts and opinions on the documents. Based on my experience in the program I was able to provide her with a student’s perspective on what information was absolutely necessary to include and which was not. Based on her perspective as an instructor she was able to let me know what she felt was important to include and why. We were able to take the time and go over the booklet section by section and discuss which sections she wanted and what she wanted them to say. This was maybe the best part of working with her; had that not been done there would have been much more than just two versions of the booklet. The changes that were made were more due to design than content, and when there is as much content as was involved, this was definitely good news. We both decided that it would be best to go with a very simple design for the booklet, to eliminate graphics, and to have it be strictly content, as many might end up losing the booklet afterwards, and doing so would make it easiest to reproduce the booklet if need be. Unfortunately, not all of my experiences with clients will be as pleasant, nor will we be on the same page at all time as I was with this current client. However, it was a pleasure to work with her as more than just her student, and closer to equals at this point. Client Reaction The client was very “in the loop” with each design and content decision I made, so by the time she received the final version of both documents she was very content with them. They were up to par with her standards and expectations, and were the closest to what was discussed among us. She liked the final appearance of the booklet, as she wanted the design and color scheme to go hand in hand with the programs’ new website. The content she felt was very well developed. It was enough for parents to sort through on their own without her, and for her to explain section by section at the event itself. From her reaction, she was just as pleased to work with me as I was with her, and she valued the input I gave. She agreed that we both worked well together and looks forward to working together again if need be.

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