Interlibrary Loan Distance learning students may obtain both UCF and non-UCF library materials such as books, journal articles, etc. using the UCF Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. UCF’s Interlibrary Loan Service is now using Illiad. You can sign up and request to borrow books and retrieve electronic versions of journal articles by visiting the ILL website: . Click on First Time User Registration to establish your Illiad account.
Comment [c1]: Name of importance, italics Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic
When setting up your Illiad account, make sure to identify yourself as a “Distance Student” by selecting UCF-Distance Learner under “Loan Pickup Location”. This will ensure that all articles will be sent to you electronically whether the library owns them or not. When you log into the system, you will use your PID number (available at by clicking on “What is my PID & NID?”) and a password of your choice. Note: PID number available at by clicking on What is my PID & NID Illiad provides forms for requesting articles, book chapters, conference papers, standards, books, microfilm and dissertations. You also can review each of your requests and track its progress towards completion. Many of the subscription databases provide direct links to the ILL article request form via the “Get Full Text” icon for those articles that are not available full text online. Articles less than 50 pages will be sent to your ILL account electronically. The Interlibrary Loan Department notifies you by e-mail when your material is available. To pick up an item, log on to the ILL website and click on ‘Download Articles’. Requested items such as books, videos and DVDs will be transported to the circulation department of the library that you picked in your patron profile or will be mailed directly to you if you are a distance learner. Books, videos, and DVDs can be returned to the UCF Orlando Library or a library on one of the area campuses. If you choose to mail back the material, you are responsible for the return postage. There are some restrictions. Refer to the Interlibrary Loan Frequently Asked Questions for details regarding the Interlibrary Loan service and their policies, or contact the Interlibrary Loan office email or, by phone at (407) 823-2383.
Using Interlibrary Loan from UCF Databases
Comment [c2]: This can be made into a hyperlink as to avoid the noise of random links; not visually appealing Comment [c3]: Items clicked in bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Font: Bold, Italic, Font color: Accent 1 Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Font: Bold
Comment [c4]: This can be made into a hyperlink, avoid noise of actual links within doc Formatted: Font: Bold
Comment [c5]: Can be made into hyperlink
Comment [c6]: The instructions should not be one big image, instead the text typed and the images added in so that they may be edited. Comment [c7]: Instead of all the arrows, the images should be underneath the instruction, and large enough to be seen clearly Comment [c8]: Get full text icon should be removed Comment [c9]: The numbers should be black and bold if the goal is emphasis. Colors are distracting.