Ammett & Cora Carvell: A Legacy of Labor, Laughter and Love Carvell Family History, Book III
The Carvell Homeplace Minnow Branch Giles County, Tenn. Carvell Family History, Book II, was researched and compiled by its publisher, Daphene Carvell Cope, who also wrote much of the manuscript. Daphene is the daughter of RA Carvell and granddaughter of Cora and Ammett Carvell. Photos, additional written contributions and oral materials were contributed by numerous Carvell family members, both credited and uncredited herein. The book was edited and designed by Claudia Kay Johnson. This book may be downloaded and printed for educational, genealogical or family history use only. Permission is expressly denied by the publisher as to reproduction for sale. For questions, additions, corrections or dialogue, please contact Copyright 2014 by Daphene Carvell Cope for the Carvell Family, all rights reserved.