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VCE 220-010 VCE Vblock Systems Administration
Version: DEMO
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Question: 1 Which two components are part of the Vblock速 System infrastructure? (Choose two) A. Network switches B. Producton applicaton sofware C. Storage array D. Database sofware
Answer: B,D Question: 2 Which management sofware is used to administer physical blade servers on VCE Vblock速 Systems? A. UCSM B. Unisphere C. DCNM D. vCenter
Answer: A Question: 3 Which network confguraton is ofen used to isolate network trafc? A. FTP B. SSH C. VLAN D. TCP
Answer: C Question: 4 What is the set of confgured disks used to safe guard data accessed by thin devices? A. storage pool B. server pool C. MAC address pool D. UUID pool
Answer: A Question: 5 Which document is used to validate latest Vblock速 System frmware and sofware level compliance?
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A. Administraton Guide B. Architecture Guide C. Release Certfcaton Matrix D. Logical Confguraton Survey
Answer: C Question: 6 Which Vblock速 System logs are sent to this server to facilitate reportng alerts and troubleshootng? A. syslog server B. vCenter server C. Unisphere server D. SQL server
Answer: D Question: 7 What is the UCSM concept that confrms associated blade server hardware has the required confguraton? A. Templates B. Service profles C. Resource pools D. Server pools
Answer: B Question: 8 Which protocol is used to provide block storage connectvity in a Vblock速 System 200? A. FCoE B. NFS C. iSCSI D. FC
Answer: D Question: 9 What are three supported disk types for a Vblock速 System 720? (Choose three) A. EFD B. FC C. SAS
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Answer: A,B,D Question: 10 A customer wants to take an existng VCE Vblock® System compliance policy and tailor it to their environment. Which element manager would you recommend? A. VCE Vision™ Intelligent Operatons B. UCSM C. Unisphere D. vCenter
Answer: A Question: 11 You are managing a Vblock® System and have been asked to prove the Vblock® System is using the most recent frmware version across all components in their environment. Which VCE Vision™ Intelligent Operatons feature would you use to accomplish this task? A. Health Monitor B. Compliance Checker C. System Library D. Adapter for vCenter Operatons Manager
Answer: B
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