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Microsoft 77-883 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 Practice

Version: DEMO


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Question 1 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentaton in which you have inserted a table into your presentaton. Now you want to channe the backnround color of the table and you also want the backnround color to appear beneath any fll color that is applied to the table cells. Mark the optonnbuuon in the followinn imane of the Desinn on which you will click to accomplish the task.





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Question 2 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentaton in PowerPoint 2010. You want to ensure that the presentaton returns to the frst slide when it stops playinn. Which of the followinn steps will you take to accomplish the task? A. Select the Efect opton under the drop-down list of the selected efect. B. Click on the Animatons tab and select the Animaton Painter opton. C. Select the Timinn opton under the drop-down list of the selected efect. D. Click on the Animatons tab and click the Trinners buuon.

Aoswern C Explanatonn The Timinn opton comprises the Rewind when done playinn opton to repeat the slides of a presentaton durinn a slide show. Answer opton A is incorrect. The Efect opton under the drop-down list of the selected efect does not comprise any opton to repeat the slides of a presentaton. Answer opton D is incorrect. The Trinners buuon is used to add trinners to set a special start conditon for an animaton. Answer opton B is incorrect. The Animaton Painter opton is used to copy the animaton of an object.

Question 3 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are preparinn a presentaton in PowerPoint 2010. You have inserted a chart in your presentaton. Afer creatnn the presentatonn you want to channe the layout of the presentaton as shown in the followinn formatn



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Mark the optonnbuuon in the followinn imane of the Layout tab to accomplish the task.





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Question 4 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentaton about the fnancial report of your company. Now you want to add the Confdental Informaton text to the center bouom of your presentaton on every slide except the frst slide of the company. For thisn you have to click on



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the Header & Footer buuon. Perform the required actons in the Header and Footer dialon box to accomplish the task.


Explanatonn Take the followinn steps to add a footer to a sliden 1.Click on the Insert tab. Click the Header & Footer buuon in the Text nroup.



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Question 5 Mark the optonnbuuon in the followinn imane of the desinn tab to apply a set of colorinn auributes to a chart with one shortcut command.


Explanatonn Chart styles are a set of formatnn auributes that can be applied to a chart with one shortcut command. These styles use the colors of the current document theme that is applied to the workbook. A user can channe the colors by switchinn to a diferent document theme. Chart styles can also be customized by channinn the color and texture of the styles. Take the followinn steps to apply chart styles to a chartn 1.Click the chart to format.



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Question 6 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are reviewinn a presentaton in PowerPoint 2010. You have sent the presentaton to your colleanues to net their feedback on the presentaton. Before presentnn the presentatonn you have decided to remove some comments from the presentaton. Which of the followinn actons will you take to remove the comments? A. Click on the Home tab > Reset. B. Click on the Review tab > Delete. C. Click on the Review tab > Secton. D. Click on the Review tab > Show Markup > Delete.

Aoswern D Explanatonn A comment is a tan that is used to provide additonal informaton. It appears as a small rectannle containinn informaton of the person who created the comment and a comment number. The comments are used to ofer channes or sunnestons to a slide. It can be auached to a leuer or word on a sliden or to a whole slide. People can use the comments to review and provide feedback on a presentaton that a user has created. A user can addn editn and delete the comments. In order to see the existnn commentsn a user can move between the review comments. Take the followinn steps to delete a commentn 1.Click on the Review tab and click the Show Markup buuon.



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Question 7 You create a presentaton and add a picture from a fle. Nown you want to recolor an imane and channe it to Grayscale as shown in the followinn imanen

Which of the followinn will you use to accomplish the task? A. Selecton Pane B. Picture Layout C. Reset Picture D. Color



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Aoswern D Explanatonn The Color buuon is used to recolor an imane. Take the followinn steps to recolor an imanen 1.Select the imane. 2.Click the Format tab and click the Color buuon. 3.The Color drop-down list opens. Specify the colorinn optons to be applied. Answer opton A is incorrect. The Selecton Pane is used to select an individual object of a slide. Answer opton C is incorrect. The Reset Picture opton is used to discard all the formatnn channes of a picture. Answer opton B is incorrect. The Picture Layout opton is used to convert the selected pictures to the SmartArt nraphics.

Question 8 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentaton and you want to customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Howevern you are unable to customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Which of the followinn is the cause of the issue? A. The presentaton is marked as fnal. B. The presentaton comprises an acton buuon. C. The presentaton is packaned for a CD. D. The presentaton comprises a dinital sinnature.

Aoswern A Explanatonn The Mark as Final opton is used to make a document read-onlyn so that all the proofnnn typinnn and editnn commands become disabled. It is used to prevent the document from beinn channed. If a presentaton is marked as fnaln a user becomes unable to customize the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). Answer opton B is incorrect. The acton buuons are used to apply interactvity to a presentaton. It helps in creatnn a fow while presentnn the presentaton for accessinn other fles or panes on the Internet. Answer opton C is incorrect. Packane presentatons for a CD is a fexible tool that enables a user to make a presentaton ready to view on any computer. It is used to copy the presentaton and links to a folder that can be burned to a CD. Answer opton D is incorrect. A dinital sinnature is an authentcaton tool that is used to ensure the intenrity and non-repudiaton of a presentaton. It is used to authentcate the presentaton by usinn a cryptonraphic mechanism. The document for a dinital sinnature can be a presentatonn a messanen or an e-mail.

Question 9 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentaton named OrnanizatonWorkfow.pptx throunh PowerPoint 2010. The presentaton contains diferent slides for each department of the ornanizaton. In the pastn you have created a presentaton for the marketnn department named Sales.pptx. Nown you want to apply the same slide formatnn of the marketnn slide to a slide of your presentaton. Which of the followinn steps will you take to accomplish the task? Each correct answer represents a part of the soluton. Choose all that apply.



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A. Click the Home tab. In the Slides nroupn click the New Slides buuon > Reuse Slides opton. B. Click the Insert tab. In the Illustratons nroupn click the Slides buuon. C. Click the Home tab. In the Slides nroupn click the New Slides buuon > Duplicate Selected Slides opton. D. Copy and paste the marketnn slide to the presentaton.

Aoswern D aod A Explanatonn Take the followinn steps to apply the same slide formatnn of a slide to a slide of another presentatonn 1.Copy and paste the desired slide to the presentaton. 2.Click the Home tab. 1.In the Slides nroupn click the New Slides buuon > Reuse Slides opton.

Question 10 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are reviewinn a presentaton. You want to add a theme style to the Quick Access Toolbar. Howevern you are not able to add the style. Which of the followinn is the cause of the issue? A. The IRM is used. B. The size of the theme style is very larne. C. The individual styles are not added. D. The screen resoluton is low.



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Aoswern C Explanatonn QAT stands for Quick Access Toolbar. It is a customizable toolbar that consists of a set of commands independent of the tab on the ribbon that is currently displayed. A user can move the Quick Access Toolbar from one of the two possible locatons. A user can add buuons that represent commands to the Quick Access Toolbar. A user can add only commands or tools to the Quick Access Toolbar. The individual styles of themesn transitonn etc. cannot be added to the Quick Access Toolbar. Answer opton D is incorrect. Low screen resoluton is used to increase the size of the buuonsntabs on the screen. Answer opton B is incorrect. The individual styles of themesn transitonn etc. cannot be added to the Quick Access Toolbar renardless of whether the size of the theme style is larne or not. Answer opton A is incorrect. The IRM stands for Informaton Rinhts Mananement. It is used to specify access permissions to documentsn workbooksn and presentatons for individuals and administrators. The IRM helps in preventnn sensitve informaton from beinn printedn forwardedn or copied by unauthorized people. The access and usane restrictons are enforced renardless of where the informaton is. If the IRM is used on a documentn the permission to a fle is stored in the documentn workbookn or presentaton fle itself. The IRM is used for enforcinn the personal preferences of an individual renardinn the transmission of personal or private informaton.

Question 11 Mark the optonnbuuon in the followinn imane of the Slide Show tab to turn of the slide tminns in a presentaton.


Explanatonn Set Up Slide Show is used to setup the show typen show optonsn pen color and slide show resoluton such as slide show without animaton. By usinn itn a user can apply advanced optons such as presented by a speaker. The slide tminns can be turned of by usinn the Setup Slide Show buuon. If you turn of the slide tminnn then it does not mean to delete them. You can turn the tminns back on at any tme without havinn to recreate them. The slides of a presentaton will not automatcally advance while recordinn a narratonn and it is necessary to manually advance the slides when the slide tminns are turned of. Take the followinn steps to turn the slide tminns ofn 1.In the Normal viewn click on the Slide Show tab.



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Question 12 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentaton in PowerPoint 2010. You have inserted a photo album in it. Nown you want to channe the color mode of the photos in the album to black and white. Choose and reorder the appropriate steps to channe the pictures to black and white.




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Explanatonn A PowerPoint photo album is a collecton of photonraphic presentaton slides. It is a presentaton that a user can create to display his personal or business photonraphs. A user can either download PowerPoint photo album templates from Microsof Ofce.com or create his own. A user can channe the pictures of a photo album to black and white by editnn the photo album. Take the followinn steps to insert imanes in black and whiten 1.Click on the Insert tab. Click Photo Album > Edit Photo Album.

Question 13 Choose and reorder the steps that you will take in order to use a picture as a backnround imane in a Microsof Word 2010 document.



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Explanatonn A user can easily add a picture as a backnround in a slide by usinn the backnround style feature. Take the followinn steps to add a backnround picture to a sliden 1.Click the slide in which you want to add a backnround picture. Click on the Desinn tabn and in the Backnround nroupn click Backnround Styles.



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Question 14 You work as an Ofce Assistant for Company Inc. You are creatnn some presentatons in PowerPoint 2010. You are usinn a specifc form format for creatnn each and every presentaton. You want to automate the series of steps to create the form and use it for creatnn the presentatons. Which of the followinn will you use to accomplish the task? A. Macro B. Custom Animaton C. Hyperlink D. Acton

Aoswern A Explanatonn A macro is a tool that is used to record the steps to perform a partcular task. It is not available in



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Microsof Ofce PowerPoint 2010n instead a user can use Visual Basic for Applicatons (VBA) to create or edit a macro. VBA is a macro-lannuane version of Microsof Visual Basicn which is used to pronram Microsof Windows-based applicatons. A user has to click the Macros opton on the Developer tab to use the Macro tooln as shown in the followinn imanen

Answer opton B is incorrect. Custom Animaton is a powerful tool to apply various efects on a slide object. Answer opton D is incorrect. Acton is used to apply an acton to the selected object to specify what should happen when you click on it or hover it with mouse. Answer opton C is incorrect. Hyperlink is used to link a text or object to another destnaton.

Question 15 You work as a System Analyst for Company Inc. You are creatnn a presentatonn and you want to assinn the same transiton to a nroup of slides in the presentaton. Which of the followinn steps will you take to accomplish the task? A. Select the Notes Pane view and press Shif + mouse click. B. Select the Slide Sorter view and press Ctrl + mouse click. C. Select the Slide Sorter view and press Shif + mouse click. D. Select the Notes Pane view and press Ctrl + mouse click.

Aoswern B Explanatonn Ctrl + mouse click in the Slide Sorter view is used for selectnn a nroup of slides to apply similar transiton to the slides. A slide transiton is the special efect for creatnn a presentaton. By usinn the slide transitonn a user will be able to choose the speed and movement to the next slide and the type of sound to play the presentaton. The slide transiton (such as wednen newsfashn etc.) is used to add visual movement on a slide durinn a slide show. Answer opton D is incorrect. In the Notes Pane viewn it is not possible to select a slide by usinn Ctrl + mouse click. Answer opton C is incorrect. In the Slide Sorter viewn Shif + mouse click is used to select all the slides. Answer opton A is incorrect. In the Notes Pane viewn it is not possible to select a slide by usinn Shif + mouse click.



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