Traditional food from Sibiu County, Romania

Page 1

• Dairy products • Meat delicacies • Bakery products • Vegetables • Desserts • Beverages • products and producers • gastronomic events • markets and fairs

choose healthy food, buy straight from producers!


Traditional Products from Sibiu County


ibiu has always been known as the land of sheep cheeses and meat delicacies. Its traditional products reflect the richness of its lands but also the region’s cultural diversity. Try the telemea cheese from Mărginimea Sibiului which made the local shepherds famous throughout the country or the shepherd style smoke-dried mutton. Indulge in the foods inherited from the Saxon cuisine – hencles cake, rhubarb pie – or from the Hungarian cuisine – poppy seed sponge cake or plum dumplings. All year long you may take part in various festivals to taste the delicious foods prepared with local products. Go to markets and fairs to buy seasonal products directly from the small producers. You may find all the specialties Sibiu has to over on the tables of restaurants and guest houses.


dairy products & producers


meat delicacies & ProducERS


bakeRy products & ProducERS


Vegetables, fruits and herbs


PRESERVES & Producers


DesSERTS & ProducERS


beverages & Producers


Markets, fairs and gastronomic events


Stores with traditional produce



Traditional Products from Sibiu County

Cheeses are, by excellence, part of this region’s culinary and cultural tradition and its diversity is given by its high pastures and specific production techniques. In the alpine pastures of Mărginimea Sibiului the locals continue the ancestral tradition of telemea cheese, sour milk, burduf cheese, kneaded cheese or urda. If in the 18th and 19th centuries the shepherds would travel all to way to Crimea during the transhumance periods, today some of them have settled mainly in Banat and Dobrogea and others still practice the local shepherding at the

Dairy products

Traditional Products from Sibiu County


Did you know? • As early as the 15th century, the size of their pastoral economy allowed the villagers from Mărginimea Sibiului to expand their grazing areas beyond the Transylvanian borders. • The inhabitants of the village of Rășinari organize a Cheese Festival each year, in the last week of August.

sheepfolds from the Cibin Mountains. Discover the secrets of shepherding by joining one of the events which give seasons their rhythm: · The Taking of the Sheep to the Mountains in the villages from Mărginimea Sibiului, May · Up high on the Jina Mountain, 28 July · The Shepherds’ Feast Tilişca, 15 August · The Descending of the Sheep in the villages from Mărginimea Sibiului, September In Saxon settlements, the buffalo milk and the goat milk give cheeses a special flavour.

• During the Peony Festival from Gura Râului you may taste specific shepherd dishes during the “shepherd style dinner”. • The shepherd’s basic meal is polenta with milk, cheese, jintiță (a type of sweet or sour yoghurt). Some holiday dishes are: balmoş (butter, cheese, corn flour and cream) and sloi de oaie (mutton, mutton fat, garlic, onion). • Traditional smokehouses use beech wood to cure the cheeses.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County



SC TomSib SRL Alămor Nr. 204



+40269 537 419

Yellow semi-hard Dalia cheese, urda.


Arpaşu de Sus Nr. 505

+40743 321 015

Burduf cheese, telemea cow cheese.

PF Dârloşan Ionel

Ernea Nr. 70

+40269 256 601

Telemea goat cheese, farmer goat cheese, goat urda, kneaded goat cheese.

Dârloşan Eugenia

Ernea F.N.

+40269 256 601

Dairy products

Conţiu Avram

Gura Râului Nr. 630

+40269 572 369 +40744 139 910

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Sopa Mihai

Ilimbav Nr. 1

+4 0745 483 550

Morariu Dumitru

Jina Nr. 115

+4 0740 238 640

PF Bebeşelea Cornelia

Jina Str. Fagului nr. 1104 +40743 976 922

PF Bebeşelea Eugenia

Jina Nr. 245

PF Bebeşelea Sterp Ion

Jina Str. Hudiţă, 1290

PF Bebeşelea Sterp Vasile

Jina Nr. 39

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Răduţiu Dumitru

Jina Str. Guruieţ, nr. 874 +40753 043 874

Farmer cow cheese, burduf cheese, Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, urda, butter.

Farmer sheep cheese, burduf cheese, telemea cow cheese, telemea sheep cheese, urda. Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, farmer cow cheese, urda, butter. Farmer cow cheese, burduf cheese, Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, urda, butter. Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, sour milk, butter.

+40751 927 593

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, burduf cheese, butter.

Dairy producers name


Traditional Products from Sibiu County




+40754 564 025

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, butter, yellow semi-hard cheese.

+40743 412 465

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, urda, butter.

+40749 648 555

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, butter, yellow semi-hard cheese.

+40745 603 401

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, burduf cheese, farmer sheep cheese, yellow semihard cheese, sour cream, butter, urda, telemea goat cheese.

Willy şi Lavinia Moşna Schuster Str. Cetăţii nr. 543

+40269 862 206

Unfattened cottage cheese, cottage cheese with sour cream/herbs/hot pepper/ horseradish/fruits, urda, farmer sheep cheese, diet yellow semi-hard cheese, yellow semi-hard cheese with herbs.

PF Cocoş Vasile Cosmin

Nemşa FN

+40749 991 004

Telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, kneaded goat cheese.

IF Topârcean Dumitru

Orlat Str. Morii nr. 676

+40748 193 603

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, sour milk.

Maniţiu Nicolae

Poiana Sibiului nr. 1289

+40269 531 725

Sibiu telemea cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Dăncilă Maria

Poiana Sibiului Str. Vlaşinului nr. 1172

+40747 085 777

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese

PF Băra Ana

Răşinari Str. O. Goga nr. 755 +40747 949 584

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, burduf cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda.

PF Bogdan Mioara

Răşinari Str. Emil Cioran nr. 1504

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Sterp Dumitru

Jina Nr. 915

PF Sterp Nicolae

Jina Str. Principală, nr. 277 Jina Str. Principală, nr. 448

PF Streulea Mihai

Jina Str. Curmătură, nr. 255

PF Sterp Ioan

+40741 456 757

Răşinari PF Bogdan Sava Popovici Nicolae Adrian Str. Barcianu, nr. 220A

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Grebenea Paraschiva

Răşinari Str. G-ral Ilcuşiu nr. 139

+40751 774 659

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese.

PF Roşca Nicolae

Răşinari Str. E. Brote, nr. 1449 +40744 592 141

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Roşca Valerica

Răşinari Str. Emil Cioran nr. 1557

+40752 520 380

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

+40269 567 139

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, burduf cheese, urda, Sibiu telemea cheese.

PF Cândea Râu Sadului Georgeta Maria Nr. 170


Traditional Products from Sibiu County



Ioan şi Ramona Roşia Jaglea Nr. 49



+40269 582 451 +40749 140 522

Fresh cow’s milk

PF Muntean Maria

Sadu Str. Fabricii, nr.14

+40740 130 501

PF Vonica Livia Sadu Mioara Str. Bisericii, nr. 3

+40740 028 650

Valeriu şi Şeica Mare Aurelia Popenta Str. Răchite, nr. 544

+40269 853 975

SC Valirom SRL Şmig Nr. 217

+40269 238 641

Mare PF Radu Ancuţa Şura Str. Principală, Domnica nr. 468

+40747 186 251

SC Sib Natur SRL

Şura Mare FN

+40269 543 349

IF Barbosa Lucia Olimpia

Tălmăcel Nr. 144

+40743 023 803

SC Caprimed SRL

Tălmaciu Str. M.Viteazu, nr. 39 Târnava Str. 1 Decembrie, nr. 52 Târnava Str. 1 Decembrie, nr. 52


Ţichindeal FN

Cecilia Sinea PF Cucerzan Monica

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, farmer cow cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese. Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese, smoked yellow semi-hard cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese. Milk, telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, yellow semi-hard cheese, buttermilk, yoghurt, goat urda. Farmer sheep cheese, burduf cheese, kneaded cheese, telemea cheese, yellow semi-hard Dalia cheese, urda. Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, burduf cheese, yellow semihard cheese, urda, telemea goat cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese. Farmer sheep cheese, burduf cheese, kneaded cheese, telemea cheese, yellow semi-hard Dalia cheese, urda, cottage cheese, sour cream. Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, smoked farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

+40730 651 723

Dairy products

+40761 688 932

Telemea goat cheese, farmer goat cheese, goat urda, kneaded goat cheese.

+40369 425 837

Goat cheese

+40269 216 244 +40744 565 000

Harbach burduf cheese, Harbach spiced burduf cheese, Harbach telemea cheese, bio Harbach telemea cheese.

Diary producers

Traditional Products from Sibiu County






PF Banciu Elena

Tilişca Str. Vale, nr. 418

+40751 514 463

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, burduf cheese, sour milk, butter, yellow semi-hard cheese, urda.

PF Ciorogar Dumitru

Tilişca Nr. 315

+40747 925 857

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Dănese Ilie

Tilişca Str. Principală, nr. 115

+40741 590 864

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.

PF Micu Gheorghe

Tilişca Str. Vale, nr. 414

+40745 601 411

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, sour milk.

PF Popa Dumitru

Tilişca Str. Iugeşti, nr. 276

+40746 088 082

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda.

PF Prică Maria

Tilişca Str. Şcolii, nr. 497

PF Zeicu Petru

Tilişca Str. Iugeşti, nr. 259

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese. +40269 554 233

Mărginimea Sibiului telemea cheese, Sibiu telemea cheese, farmer sheep cheese, urda, burduf cheese.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County

To get through the frosty mountain winters, shepherds from Sibiu eat a lot of proteins and fat accompanied by “just a tiny bit of strong plum brandy”; this is a widespread habit in our county where the best “vegetable” will always be the pork. The killing of the pig takes place during the ritual of St. Ignatius on December 20th. The sacrifice strictly follows a whole set of customs and it ends with a thanksgiving dinner called “the pig’s funeral feast”.

Meat delicacies

Traditional Products from Sibiu County


Did you know?

Nothing is thrown away from the pig and the housewives skilfully prepare meat delicacies made after century-old recipes: liver sausages, sausages, headcheese, meat jelly, deepfried lard, lard-preserved meat, salted pork rinds or meat jelly seasoned with thyme, pepper, tarragon, coriander, allspice and paprika for they say these spices are all perfect for pork meat. An exquisite delicacy is well smoked, salt-cured lard. The Saxons used to keep it in the church’s steeple. Villagers from Mărginimea smoke it with beech wood smoke and then hang it in the pantry. The lamb haggis with basil and rosemary or the smoke-dried mutton with garlic sauce are also constantly present on the villagers’ table. If you go to a sheepfold you will feel the smell of the mutton stew from a long distance.

• The fortified churches from around Sibiu still take pride in their Lard Steeple. Back in the old days, each Saxon family would keep their lard in the tower throughout the year as it was chilly and windy even in summer; the lard chunks were properly marked, to make sure no one would dare steal from their neighbour’s lard. • A typical local delicacy is chisătura – a paste of fi ne cut lard mixed with parsley and onion. Th is is the shepherds’ sandwich; spread on large slices of bread whose crust was beaten off, it just makes your mouth water. • The pâté from Sibiu has a tradition of over 90 years. Besides the pâté tins made in Sibiu and sold in supermarkets, the local housewives also prepare lebar which is a paste made of pork or chicken liver.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County

name Albota



Arpaşu de Sus Nr. 505

+40743 321 015

Pork sausages/pork spare rib roast/sirloin/ smoke-dried pork/smoked lard, smoked mutton breast, sheep hot sausages, smoked trout.

+40269 847 171

Pork/beef/chicken salami, Târnăvioara „summer” salami, Târnăvioara salami with ham, cabanos sausages, headcheese, liver sausages, pork sausages, minced meat, beef sausages, smoked pork spare rib roast, Târnăvioara smoked jambon.

SC MC Import Export SRL

Copşa Mică Str. Târnăvioara, nr. 90

PF Bebeşelea Eugenia

Jina Nr. 245

PF Sterp Dumitru

Jina Nr. 915

PF Sterp Ioan PF Sterp Nicolae

Jina Str. Principală, nr. 277 Jina Str. Principală, nr. 448


Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages. +40754 564 025

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

+40743 412 465

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

+40749 648 555

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton sausages.

Meat delicacies producers

Traditional Products from Sibiu County






PF Strulea Mihai

Jina Str. Curmătură, nr. 255

+40745 603 401

Smoked pork sausages, pork spare rib roast, pork jambon, smoked pork breast, smokedried pork, smoked lard, deep-fried lard, headcheese, liver sausages, mutton sausages, shepherd style smoke-dried mutton.

SC Salconserv SA

Mediaş +40269 833 303 Str. Carpaţi, nr. 33

Traditional salami, traditional sausages, traditional home-made sausages, traditional home-made salami.

PF Stănuş Miercurea Sibiului +40748 345 078 Liviu Gheorghe Nr. 70

Smoked pork sausages, hot sausages, homemade salami.

PF Dăncilă Maria

Poiana Sibiului Str. Vlaşinului, nr. 1172

+40747 085 777

Mutton sausages, smoked pork sausages, shepherd style smoke-dried mutton.

II Cazan Paraschiva

Răşinari Str. Copăcele, nr. 182

+40742 822 711

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton/ pork sausages, smoked pork chop/ spare rib roast, smoked lard.

PF Bogdan Mioara

Răşinari Str. Emil Cioran, nr. 1504

+40741 456 757

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Roşca Valerica

Răşinari Str. Emil Cioran, nr. 1557

+40752 520 380

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

+40269 582 451 +40749 140 522

Beef meat

+40744 975 431

Smoked spicy pork sausages, smoked pork sausages, smoked pork breast, smoked lard, smoked pork chop/spare rib roast/leg/hand/ hock.

+40740 601 090

Smoked pork chop/spare rib roast/sirloin/ ham/hock/smoke-dried pork/lard/pork sausages, smoked spicy pork/beef/mutton sausages, headcheese, liver sausages, deepfried lard.

+40269 238 019

Bradu smoked pork sausages, pork jambon, smoke-dried pork, traditional smoked lard, peasant style ham, spiced pork jambon, spiced smoke-dried mutton leg.

Ioan şi Ramona Roşia Jaglea Nr. 49 I.I. Bendic Ilie Romulus

Sibiu Str. N. Iorga nr. 42

Sibiu SC Carne COM Str. Şos. A. Iulia Ştrand SRL nr. 73/24

Sibiu SC IACOBINII Str. Maşiniştilor, SA nr. 15/72


Traditional Products from Sibiu County




SC Izabel Prod SRL

Sibiu Str. Vopsitorilor, nr. 7

SC Muvi Impex SRL

Sibiu Str. Drumul Ocnei, +40269 220 705 nr. 4

SC Nova Trade Sibiu International Str. Faurului, SRL nr. 19 SC Oly Sib SRL

Sibiu Str. Oituz, nr. 18

Sibiu Str. Matei Millo, nr. 2 Sibiu SC Sevcom SRL Str. Anton Pann, nr. 10 SC SAMARIA COM SRL

Şura Mare PF Radu Ancuţa Str. Principală, Domnica nr. 468

products Smoked spicy beef sausages, smoked spicy pork sausages, smoked pork sausages, raw dried pork sausages, smoked pork breast, smoked lard, smoked pork bottom neck lard, smoked pork chop, smoked pork spare rib roast/leg/hock, smoke-dried beef, smoked sirloin.

+40744 939 484

Pork sausages, peasant style headcheese, liver sausages, Poiana salami, traditional „summer” salami, smoked lard, traditional beef sausages. Smoked pork sausages, smoked breast, smoke-dried pork, smoked lard, smoked sirloin, deep-fried lard, hot sausages.

+40269 416 103

Minced meat, pork sausages.

+40269 232 220

Smoked spicy sausages, smoked sausages, smoked pork breast/lard/sirloin/spare rib roast/jambon/hock.

+40269 424 175

Traditional home-made sausages, spicy sausages, smoke-dried pork, smoked sirloin.

+40747 186 251

Smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages, liver sausages, smoked pork sausages, smoked sirloin, smoked lard, smoked headcheese.

+40743 023 803

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton/ pork sausages, liver sausages, Tălmăcel headcheese, smoked lard, smoked pork jambon.

IF Barbosa Lucia Olimpia

Tălmăcel nr. 144


Tălmaciu Str. M.Viteazu, nr. 66

+40743 779 690

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton/ pork sausages, liver sausages, Tălmăcel headcheese, smoked lard, smoked pork jambon, pork chop, hot sausages, deepfried lard, meat and sausages in a jar, black pudding, lamb haggis.

II Oancea Ioan Bogdan

Tălmaciu Str. Cibinului, nr. 58

+40745 353 097

Pork sausages with basil, mutton sausages, Păltiniş pork jambon, Prejba smoke-dried pork, Cindrel sirloin, shepherd style fillet.

+40746 652 345

Smoked spicy pork sausages, smoked pork sausages, smoked pork breast, smoked pork sirloin, smoke-dried pork, mutton jelly, mutton sausages, home-made salami, veal sausages.

II Rusu Simion

Tălmaciu Str. Unirii, nr. 21

Meat delicacies producers

Traditional Products from Sibiu County






PF Banciu Elena

Tilişca Str. Vale, nr. 418

+40751 514 463

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Ciorogar Dumitru

Tilişca Nr. 315

+40747 925 857

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Dănese Ilie

Tilişca Str. Principală, nr. 115

+40741 590 864

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Micu Gheorghe

Tilişca Str. Vale, nr. 414

+40745 601 411

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Popa Dumitru

Tilişca +40746 088 082 Str. Iugeşti, nr. 276

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Prică Maria

Tilişca Str. Şcolii, nr. 497

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.

PF Zeicu Petru

Tilişca +40269 554 233 Str. Iugeşti, nr. 259

Shepherd style smoke-dried mutton, mutton jelly, mutton sausages.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County

For many of us the taste of country bread baked on a wooden fire has remained just a nice childhood memory. However, in the region of Sibiu there still are many households where women wake up before dawn to put the dough in the oven. The locals of Sibiu prefer the sweet, rich taste of the potatoes bread which can be kept for several weeks. Next to the traditional white potatoes bread, people also bake linseeds, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds breads.

Bakery products

Traditional Products from Sibiu County


Did you know? • Bread is believed to be a sacred element and people show a mystical respect towards it.

Transylvania is “the land of breads as big as a cart wheel” and naturally Sibiu lives up to this reputation. Bakers bake big, round breads of up to one kilogram, to have enough for everybody. When taken out of the oven, the bread crust is coal black so you don’t really feel like eating it. But while still hot, the baker hurries to beat it on all sides and… what a wonder: the burnt crust falls off and the bread remains nice and brown, just perfect for breakfast. To discover the secrets of traditional bakeries, visit the Old Mill from Hosman (

• In Transylvania it is considered a sin to throw away any leftover bread or breadcrumbs. The customs of drawing an imaginary cross on the bread before cutting it and putting it into a white towel are symbols of purity and are believed to keep the evil away. • At Galeş you may still find a water mill running. • At Şura Mică, at no. 99 on Principală St. they sell sponge cake “by the meter” prepared after a Saxon recipe.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County

name SC Valencia Trading SRL

address Arpaşu de Jos Nr. 119



+40269 520 313 +40744 578 363

Traditional bread, traditional sponge cake.

SC Rusu Pan Prod SRL

Aţel Str. Principală, nr. 1A

+40269 831 300

Traditional home-made bread, traditional sponge cake.

SC Pan Pom Com SRL

Boiţa Str.Traian, nr. 331

+40269 556 031 +40756 784 291

White potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, home-made bread, traditional walnut/lokum sponge cake.

SC Pecu Pan SRL

Cristian Str. X, nr. 32

+40269 579 419

White potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, traditional white/semiwhite bread, round white potatoes bread, traditional walnut sponge cake.

II Boldizsar Violeta

Hosman Str. Văii, nr. 163

+40741 914 479

Hearth-baked potatoes bread, apples filled bannock.

Moara Veche

Hosman, Str. Crucii nr.211

+40748 800 049


+40269 841 671

Potatoes bread, potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, semi-white bread, black bran bread, cheese/apple/ cabbage/onion pie, traditional Mediaş sponge cake with walnuts/lokum/poppy seeds/raisins/cacao.

+40269 257 706

Potatoes home-made bread, home-made bread with its crust beaten down, round white potatoes bread, traditional walnut sponge cake, cabbage/onion/cheese filled bannock.

Mediaş SC Panmed SA Şos. Sibiului, nr. 72

SC Bianco Pan SRL

Nemşa Nr. 55

IF Bereczki Ioan

Ocna Sibiului Str. Mihai Viteazul, +40269 541 490 nr. 37

Potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, sponge cake with poppy seeds/raisins/lokum/walnuts, sweet cottage cheese wrap, apple pie.

Pal Ştefan

Ocna Sibiului Str. M. Viteazu, nr. 31 A

+40269 541 822

Traditional white bread, home-made bread with its crust beaten down.

SC Vladexim SRL

Orlat Str. Avram Iancu, nr. 102

+40269 553 690 +40721 287 092

White potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, home-made bread, traditional walnut sponge cake.

SC Mari Pan SRL

Răşinari Str. Giurculeţ, nr. 720

+40269 557 367

White/black home-made bread, homemade bread with its crust beaten down, naporojna.

Bakery producers name


Traditional Products from Sibiu County




SC Vladexim SRL

Sălişte Str. I. Lupaş, nr. 1251

+40269 553 690

White potatoes home-made bread, white potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, traditional walnut sponge cake.

SC Oana & Paul Prod SRL

Şeica Mică Nr. 267

+40269 514 517

SC Atena Com SRL

Sibiu Str. Mărăşti, nr. 3A

Traditional white/semi-white/black bread, traditional walnut sponge cake, simple home-made sponge cake.

+40269 427 356 +40722 368 213

White potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, home-made bread.

SC Floris SRL

Sibiu Str. Lupeni, nr. 16

+40269 236 146

White potatoes bread, white potatoes bread with its crust beaten down, traditional semi-white potatoes bread, traditional walnut sponge cake.

SC Naty Prod SRL Sc Panificaţie Dobrun SA

Sibiu Str. A. France, nr. 40

Hearth-baked bread.

Sibiu Str. Dobrun, nr. 1

+40269 215 955

Home-made transylvanian bread, Păltiniş bretzels, traditional sponge cake.

SC Simpa SA

Sibiu Şos. A. Iulia, nr. 70

+40269 229 616

Peasant style bread, Sibiu bread, walnut sponge cake, cabbage pie, black bread.

SC Pati Turean SRL

Şura Mică Str. Principală, nr. 99

+40269 557 160

Traditional hearth-baked white bread, traditional white/semi-white bread, traditional walnut sponge cake.

SC Vitoşa SRL

Tălmaciu +40269 555 360 Str. I. Creangă, nr. 2

Traditional white/semi-white bread, traditional walnut sponge cake.

SC Grewe SRL

Veştem Nr. 193

+40269 565 150

White potatoes home-made bread, white potatoes home-made bread with its crust beaten down, home-made transylvanian bread, sponge cake with walnuts/poppy seeds/raisins/lokum.

I.F. Bugner Voichiţa

Vurpăr Str. H.C şi Crişan, nr. 456

+40761 358 785

Hearth-baked home-made bread, homemade sponge cake, cabbage/onion/cheese filled bannock, home-made hearth-baked rolls.

20 Traditional Products from Sibiu County

The people of Sibiu are very hardworking people with a long tradition of crop growing both in the fields and in their home garden. They divide their gardens in two: on one side they plant cereals, on the other vegetables and then they rotate the crops. In villagers’ gardens one will always find potatoes, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, bell peppers, zucchinis, tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkins but also flavoured herbs such as dill, lovage, mint, orache, parsley, tarragon or wild garlic. These last two are specific to this region; in traditional houses and restaurants the Tran-

Vegetables, fruits and herbs

Traditional Products from Sibiu County


Did you know?

sylvanian pork soup is served with a bit of vinegar-preserved tarragon and the wild garlic is mostly used by the women from Mărginimea Sibiului. Besides the vegetables, in the local gardens you will also find fruits: strawberries, black, red and white currants, raspberries and rhubarb. Every household has its own orchard with various assortments of apples, pears, plums, quinces, cherries, sour cherries, cherry plums and walnuts and on the village streets in front of their houses people plant plum and pear trees. From early spring to late autumn, the markets of Sibiu are full of fresh and tasty fruits and vegetables. name Novac Constantin

address Şeica Mare FN

Contact +40723 137 755

• In the county of Sibiu some villages have created famous “local brands” of special vegetables or fruits grown there. The Avrig sweet potato, the Moşna cabbage, the Ludoş cucumbers, the Sibiel, Cacova or Fântânele apples and the Cisnădioara cherries are just a few of them. • The town of Moşna is famous for its delicious cabbage. They even have an annual Cabbage Festival in the first Sunday of October.

products Bio vegetables


Traditional Products from Sibiu County

From August to October the women of Sibiu are as busy as bees preparing preserves for the winter. Big, smartly decorated jars struggle to find their place on the pantry shelves. In winter time, all meals are accompanied by preserved vegetables which are said to ease digestion, provide vitamins and give extra flavour to all dishes. Imagine a traditional pork roast with peasant style potatoes accompanied by a platter of pickled bell peppers, cucumbers, cauliflowers, green tomatoes or cabbage seasoned with tarragon or a bit of dill‌ a genuine feast of colours and flavours. The pantry shelves are stacked with jars of vegetable spread, horseradish paste or hot peppers which go perfectly with a bowl of beef soup. Nothing less can be said of jams and marmalades.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County


Did you know? • Horseradish paste is a specific Saxon product. It is prepared by mixing horseradish with a bit of vinegar, water, salt and honey and served with meats and sausages.

They are all prepared of the fruits harvested from people’s gardens and orchards or picked-up from the forest. The most common jams are made of cherry plums, plums, strawberries, bitter cherries, sour cherries, white currants, baby walnuts, red currants, berries and, of course, the customary hip berry jam. name



• The hip berry jam (Hetschenpetsch) was initially made by the Saxons living in the region of Sibiu. To prepare the actual jam, you need a hip berry paste which you get by separating the fruit from the seeds and then boiling it; the resulted paste is then passed through a sieve and baked in traditional ovens.



Arpaşu de Sus Nr. 505

+40743 321 015

Blueberries/strawberries/ blackberries jam, hipberry/plum jam, traditional vegetable spread.

II Cioran Mioara şi Emilian

Nucet Nr. 198

+40269 259 610 +40744 618 865

Green baby walnut jam, sugar-free plum jam, vegetable spread, pickles.

SC Sitemani SRL

Sibiu Str. Ştefan cel Mare, nr. 193C

Vegetable spread, mushroom/carrot vegetable spread, plum jam, pickled cabbage in an oak barrel.


Traditional Products from Sibiu County

The centuries-old cohabitation of Romanians, Saxons and Hungarians in the region of Sibiu has strongly influenced the diversification of culinary recipes and the sweets are a significant example. Wherever you go in the area, your hosts will welcome you with delicious sweets made after old recipes inherited from their grandmothers. The range of desserts is wide and it covers all tastes: hencles, Saxon sponge cake, fruit cakes, jam or honey cakes, sweetsour rhubarb cake, plum, cabbage, onion pies or urda and dill pancakes. So let us invite you to a journey of tastes; don’t hesitate tasting everything – all sweets are natural, they are non-fattening and especially… who could say no to a freshly baked, nicely browned cake just taken off the bread oven?

Desserts Products & producers name

Traditional Products from Sibiu County






Agnita Str. Fabricii, nr.7

+40269 512 500

Hencleş, rhubarb pie, desserts.

SC Bianco Pan SRL

Nemşa Nr. 55

+40269 257 706

Sour cream and cottage cheese hencleş.

IF Bereczki Ioan

Ocna Sibiului +40269 541 490 Str. M. Viteazul, nr. 37

Hencleş, gingerbread.

Sc Panificaţie Dobrun SA

Sibiu Str. Dobrun, nr. 1

+40269 215 955

Hencleş, Lica wafers, Lica wafer cake.

I.F. Bugner Voichiţa

Vurpăr Str. H.C şi Crişan, nr. 456

+40761 358 785


Honey products Although the local climate is not very warm, there are numerous bee keepers in the area who travel to the warmer areas of our country in summer time. Be it multi-flower, acacia, lime, rapeseed, sunflower or chestnut honey, you may buy it from bee keepers anywhere in the county.

Producers of honey and by-products name Wilhelm Tartler



+40269 543 609 Hamba Str. Principală, nr. 50 +40749 417 077

products Honey, pollen, propolis.

26 Traditional Products from Sibiu County

Non-alcoholic beverages Thanks to the terraced, sunny hills and to the rich soil the people of the region of Sibiu could grow nice orchards, especially apple and plum orchards in several areas of the county. The natural apple juice from Slimnic and Mălâncrav is largely known for its nutritional values. Try also the natural berries syrups, the delicious fir-tree buds syrup or the elder-flower soft drink known as socata, sweetened with honey and prepared after ancient recipes. The locals still use various infused medicinal plants. If you ask for an herbal tea you will receive an energizing infusion of St. John’s wort, lime and mint with healing properties.

Alcoholic beverages Fruits are also used to prepare alcoholic drinks. A rich table is not complete without some Tălmaciu or Sadu brandy drunk as appetizers. The liquors made of raspberries, blueberries or sour cherries are tasty, strong flavoured drinks with healing properties if consumed moderately; they are said to heal illnesses of the intestines or of the stomach.

Beverages Products & producers

Traditional Products from Sibiu County


Did you know? • A man from Sibiu has been preparing a type of liquor said to treat stomach, lung and kidney diseases for 15 years. This is a special brandy in which he puts a viper or water snake. • As soon as you enter Brateiu coming from Sibiu you will see aligned on both sides of the road the traditional brandy alembics made of copper by the Roma people from the village.

Producers of non-alcoholic beverages name




Wilhelm Tartler

Hamba +40269 543 609 Str. Principală, nr. 50 +40749 417 077

Apple liquor


Mălâncrav +40269 448 777 Zona Livezii, nr. 86A +40753 056 181

Bio Mălâncrav apple juice

II Cioran Mioara Nucet şi Emilian Nr. 198 Ioan Păşcănuţ

Sibiu Str. Poiana, nr. 6, bl. 40, ap. 25

+40269 259 610 +40744 618 865

Hipberry sloe syrup

+40744 510 654

Common sea-buckthorn syrup

Producers of alcoholic beverages name




AF Veştemean Dumitru

Sadu +40269 568 378 Str. Ioan Săvoiu, nr. 1 +40748 100 989

Sadu brandy

AF Veştemean Nicolae

Tălmaciu Str. Râului, nr. 13

Tălmaciu brandy

+40269 555 930

28 Traditional Products from Sibiu County

It feels so nice to wander through the local markets to find fresh produce, seasonal fruits and vegetables, home-made bread, cheeses and meat products to make up a picnic basket! In many of the villages of Sibiu the weekly market provides a nice venue to meet with the producers.

Markets and fairs: • Arpaşu de Jos - The 1st and 15th of the month • Agnita - daily • Apoldu de Jos - on Sunday • Avrig - daily • Cisnădie - daily • Jina - daily • Dumbrăveni -on Saturday • Gura Râului - on Sunday • Mediaş - on Thursday • Miercurea Sibiului - on Saturday • Mîrşa - daily • Nocrich - February 2, May 5, October 16

• Orlat -on Thursday • Poiana Sibiului-May 5, July 11, September 19; on Sunday • Răşinari - on Saturday • Sadu - daily • Sălişte-on Monday • Sibiu- daily (Cibin Market-Turnului Street, Rahova Market-Rahovei Street, Vasile Aaron Market-Semaforului Street) • Soroştin - last Sunday of the month • Şeica Mică - March 6, June 21, November 8 • Tălmaciu - daily • Tilişca - on Sunday • Vurpăr - on Sunday

Gastronomic events

Traditional Products from Sibiu County


The Transylvania CountryMarket Gastronomic EVENTS From January to December, each Saturday, Sibiu – The Transylvania Sports Centre The Transylvania Countrymarket From April to October, on Saturday and Sunday, in the Dumbrava Sibiului Open-air Museum from Sibiu – The Countryside Fair From June to September, each Friday, Sibiu – the Huet Square The Green Friday Fair of Organic Products From April to September, in different locations Transylvanian Brunch

A mobile grocery market placed in front of the Transylvania Sports Centre from Sibiu - open every Saturday from 8.00 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on holidays with a special timetable. The market was organized by the Sibiu County Council for the county locals who wish to sell their produce and for those who like to buy fresh, natural local produce.

30 Traditional Products from Sibiu County

June, Sibiu Hungarikum Days First weekend of July, Gura Râului The Peony Festival +40269 572 001 - Gura Râului Town Hall Last weekend of August, Răşinari The Cheese and Ţuica Festival +40269 558 022 - The Tourist Information Centre First Sunday of September, Cornăţel Farmer’s Day +40269 582 301 - Roşia Town Hall First Sunday of October, Moşna The Cabbage Festival +40269 862 291 - Moşna Town Hall

October, Hoghilag The Wine Festival +40269 866 801 - Hoghilag Town Hall October, Avrig The Festival of Produce and Traditions from Țara Oltului +40269 523 163

Stores with traditional produce Biocoop 11, Avram Iancu St. Open: Monday-Friday, 10-18 Magazin NoE. Curat culinar! ASTRA Parc, Sibiu - entry from Dr. Ioan Lupaş St.; Open: Monday-Friday - 10-18, Saturday 10-16 Tel.: +40269 430 565


SIBIU COUNTY TOURISM ASSOCIATION 14 General Magheru St., 550185 - Sibiu Tel. / Fax: +40269 218 121 E-mail:; Translation: Silvana Vulcan Photos: Adela Dadu, Daniel Secărescu, Irina Cristian, Laura Călinescu, Mihai Dragomir. Print: Honterus Sibiu; Print run: 3000 copies 2013 - 2nd edition • Distributed freely

This brochure was developed within the project “Culinar.Cult – Promotion of the Traditional Culinary Treasures of the Region of Sibiu for Sustainable Rural Development” financed based on the Decentralised Cooperation Agreement between the Sibiu County Council and the Ille-et-Vilaine General Council. Partners: ASTRA National Museum, The County Directorate for Agriculture, The „Ille et Vilaine-Sibiu” Friendship Association, The Sibiu County Tourism Association, The Association of Traditional and Organic Food Producers from „Mărginimea Sibiului”.

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