Clay Times Magazine • Volume 13 Issue 71

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Purely PurelyBlack-and-White Black-and-White Groovy GroovyPots Pots&&Ways Ways totoMake MakeThem Them AACloser CloserLook Lookatat Glaze GlazeFormulation Formulation How-to How-toRaku: Raku: Too TooHot HottotoHandle! Handle! Inviting InvitingCritique: Critique: Can CanYou YouHandle Handle the theTruth? Truth?

$ 7.50 U.S./$9 CAN $ 7.50 U.S./$9 CAN

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Tim TimChristensen: Christensen:

Vol. Vol.1313No. No.4 4 July/August July/August2007 2007

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