Chemistry – Course Policy and General Information Mrs. Ellett
(925) 682-3800 x2637
Introduction: Chemistry is a laboratory science course in which the student will have the opportunity to study chemical concepts and processes. At the end of the year students should have a sound understanding of the benchmarks outlined in the California State Standards for Chemistry. ( Required Materials: You will need lined paper, 3-Ring binder with 3 tabs, black or blue pen and/or pencil, and a scientific calculator. Computer/Internet access is also needed. Getting Help: If you find the material difficult to understand; it is your responsibility to get help, whether from the teacher, another student or a tutor. I strongly encourage forming study teams that meet regularly. I am available at lunch by appointment and after school on Mondays (if there is no staff meeting) and Thursdays. The day before the test or at the end of the quarter is not the time to tell me you don’t understand the material. Get help as soon as you need it! Grading: The grading scale use in this course is as follows A=100–90% B= 89-80% C=79-70% than 55% Grades are weighted Tests/Quizzes: 55% Homework/Labs/Projects 35%
F= Less
Semester Finals 10 %
Grades will be online at PowerSchool and updated periodically. Parents and students should review grades regularly for student progress. Parents may also email me if they would like any other grade information. Assignments: All assignments are expected to be complete, correct (ed) and on time to receive full credit. Homework detention will be assigned if an assignment is missing, not complete or less than satisfactory. It is expected that the student will attend homework detention and complete the assignment with in two days of the due date. Full credit will be given to the assignment if turned in within two days of the due date and a signature by the homework detention monitor. If you are going to miss class due to a school activity (field trip, sports, etc.) you must turn in any homework due on that day and get the assignment for the day that you will not be in class. Absences and Tardies: • Students are responsible for getting missed work and turning it in on time. All assignments will be posted on the CVCHS Mrs. Ellett’s teacher page. For every day of an excused absence you have one day to make up the work. For extended absences the student MUST discuss the time frame for turning in the assignments with the teacher. • If you are tardy (not in your seat) when homework is being checked, the homework will be considered late (see Assignment section). • Tests and quizzes missed due to absences will be made up with the benchmark test. Missed tests due to extended absences must be discussed with the teacher. • Any test, quiz, lab or other assignment that is missed due to a cut will receive a grade of 0 (zero). • Missed lab are difficult to make u, and will need to be arranged with the teacher. • Tardies will be dealt with per the CVCHS policy Cheating: Copying other’s work as one’s own and talking or any other inappropriate behavior. Any cheating will not be tolerated. If caught cheating, all parties involved will receive a grade of zero. If a cell phone, IPOD, PSP or any electronic device (other than an approved calculator) is visible during a test, it will be assumed that the student is cheating, even if the student has finished the test. Lab reports are to be written in your own words. Discussing and helping each other on labs and homework is encouraged; copying another student’s homework answers is cheating and will result in a zero for each person involved. tmpE0_jrF
Chemistry – Course Policy and General Information The guidelines for cheating set forth in the Student Handbook will be followed. (See also Academic Integrity) Lab/Classroom Safety: Behaving in a safe and responsible manner in a chemistry classroom is critical to the safety of all students. During laboratories, students who do not follow the safety guidelines or behave in any unsafe manner will be asked to leave the lab area and the student will receive zero for the lab. This includes students who do not have their safety glasses on properly (not covering their eyes; not on top of the head, around the neck, etc). Actions such as throwing items, horseplay, squirting of water, etc. may result in removal from the class. Classroom Procedure: All other classroom procedures will be posted in the classroom. We follow all school policies and procedures as followed by Clayton Valley Charter High School. Participation Points: Students receive participation points for answering questions in class, community service in the classroom, and class room behavior. Students receive 10 points daily for taking good notes, paying attention and using respectful classroom behavior. Students can also lose points for unacceptable behavior during class such as excessive talking, disruptive behavior, eating or drinking in the classroom and using a phone in the class room, etc. (See Behavior Rubric) Restroom procedure: Students should go to the restroom between classes. Note to parents: Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with your student at Pittsburg High School