Table of Contents 2013-2014 Information Welcome 4 School Wide Learner Results ..........................................................................................................6 Correlates of Highly Effective School……………………………………………………………………..7 Mission Statement ............................................................................................................................ 8 Non-Discrimination Statement .......................................................................................................... 8 Rights and Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 9 Academics California Scholastic Federation (CSF) ..........................................................................................11 College and Career Center……………………………………………………………………………….11 Library .............................................................................................................................................12 Progress Report/Report Cards ......................................................................................................13 Attendance Policy and Procedures Compulsory Attendance Policy.......................................................................................................14 Homework for Absent Students ......................................................................................................14 Independent Study………………………………………………………………………………………...15 Permit to Leave School ..................................................................................................................15 Excused Absences .........................................................................................................................15 Excusing an Absence .....................................................................................................................16 Truancy Policy (SART/SARB) ........................................................................................................16 Tardy Policy ....................................................................................................................................17 School Safety School Safety Plan .........................................................................................................................18 Visitor Passes ................................................................................................................................18 Cyberbullying, Sexting, Public Display of Affection (PDA) Bullying/Cyberbullying ....................................................................................................................19 Sexting ............................................................................................................................................19 Public Display of Affection (PDA) ...................................................................................................19 Academic Integrity Academic Honest Policy .................................................................................................................20 Strategies to use in Place of Cheating or Plagiarism .....................................................................20 Consequences ................................................................................................................................20 Student Services and Responsibilities Dress Code ....................................................................................................................................21 Animal and Pet Policy .....................................................................................................................21 Bicycles ...........................................................................................................................................21 Skateboards, Rollerblades, Etc. .....................................................................................................22 Fines, Fees, Charges……………………………………………………………………………………..22 Hall Passes ....................................................................................................................................22 Cell Phones and Electronic Devices .............................................................................................23 Lockers……………………………………………………………………………………………………..24 Parking Permits……………………………………………………………………………………………24 Internet Acceptable Use Policy ......................................................................................................26
Student Behavior, Conduct and Discipline Do the Right Thing Principles .........................................................................................................27 Four-Step Classroom Discipline Policy ..........................................................................................28 During Suspension ........................................................................................................................29 Discipline Action (Level 1) .............................................................................................................31 Discipline Action (Level 2) ..............................................................................................................37 Discipline Action (Level 3)……………………………………………………..…………………………39 Detention ........................................................................................................................................47 Saturday School .............................................................................................................................47 Suspension from Class ..................................................................................................................47 Extra-Curricular Activities Fall Sports ......................................................................................................................................48 Winter Sports ..................................................................................................................................48 Spring Sports ..................................................................................................................................48 ASB Leadership……………………………………………………………………………………………48 Link Crew .......................................................................................................................................49 Renaissance Leadership ................................................................................................................49 Student Activities ............................................................................................................................49 Campus Clubs ................................................................................................................................49 Dance Policy ...................................................................................................................................49 Requirements of Guests to attend Junior and Senior Prom ...........................................................49 Requirements of CVHCS Students to attend Junior and Senior Prom ..........................................50 Dance Behavior Expectations ........................................................................................................50 Parent Procedures Student Drop Off………………………………………………………………….…..…………..……….51 Visitors……………………………………………………………………………………………………...51 Communication Guideline………………………………………………….………………..………..….51 Student Community Resources 24 Hour Hot Lines…………………………………………………………………..……..………..…...…52 Community Agencies…………………………………………………………………………………..…..52 Psychiatric Emergency and Assessment……………………………………………….…………....….53
Welcome to Clayton Valley Charter High School! The vision is clear: We will prepare our students to become first class citizens with a world-class st education! In doing so, we will be preparing them for college admissions equipped with 21 century skills. All students have a right to a world-class education and this is the mission of Clayton Valley Charter High School (CVCHS). We need the entire faculty, staff and administration to be dedicated to this challenge and we invite parents to join us as partners to make this vision a reality. I am committed to leading the way with the faculty and staff’s full support to insure that we provide our students with a rigorous and relevant education based upon nurturing relationships with students. This is our framework of Rigor/Relevance/Relationships which equal great achievement Results! All students need to be prepared for admissions to the university of their choice with college preparatory skills of critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving, effective communication, and with proficiency in the use of technology. A high school education is far more than classroom learning. It entails character education, as we prepare our students to be meaningful contributors to society. We are “our brother’s keeper” and our students must learn “to do unto others as we would have others do unto us.” This golden rule and other key principles of character education must be modeled for our students as “more is caught than is taught”. To this end, we join with parents in our commitment to educate the “whole child”… heart, mind, body and soul. I am very excited about the 2013-2014 school year for CVCHS! You will see much of the familiar performed in an unfamiliar way. Innovation, best practices of instruction, student-centered guidance programs, and a customer service approach to working with parents and students will be our focus. I will work closely with our faculty and staff to make learning powerful in the classroom while we offer outstanding co-curricular programs in the arts, athletics, clubs and guidance programs. We will be a high performance school! I am inviting all of our staff, parents and community members to get on board, join the vision, roll up our sleeves with hard work, and celebrate our success as we enter year two of our journey of moving from Good to GREAT!
Registration Dates And Times
12 grade Registration th 11 grade Registration th 10 grade Registration th 9 grade Registration
August 6 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. th August 7 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. th August 8 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. th August 5 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Last Name A-K 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Last Name L-Z th th th 9 Grade Summer Transition - August 6 – 9 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. th School Starts August 14 8:00 a.m. - Period 1
Please be sure to have your student attend Orientation to pick up their class schedule. The Counselors will be available to see students with any conflicts in their schedule that may need to be changed. I am sure you are aware that absences cost us money. We are completely dependent upon attendance for our school budget. Be sure your child is at school for Orientation and every school day to support their success.
CVCHS Administrative Team I am very pleased to introduce to you our new CVCHS administration. We have an outstanding team that is committed to meeting the needs of all students and insuring they are on track for success in school and in life. Mr. David Linzey Mrs. Pat Middendorf Dr. Patrick Gaffney Mr. Miguel Romo Mr. Neil McChesney Mr. Dylan Perreira Mr. Greg Fister Mrs. Amber LineweaverMrs. Eileen Linzey Mrs. Jackie Valdez Mr. Steve Nares Mrs. Nancy Kahl -
Executive Director (Ext 3101) Director of School Operations, and Special Ed (Ext 3102) Director of Discipline and Attendance (Ext 3146) Director of Student Services (Ext 3103) Director of Administrative Services (Ext 3106) Director of Curriculum and Instructional Technology (Ext 3142) Dean of Students (Ext 2625) Athletic Director (Ext 3115) Coordinator of Guidance and Special Education (Ext 3151) Guidance Counselor for students last name A-L (Ext 3113) Guidance Counselor for students last name M-Z (Ext 3127) Executive Administrative Assistant (Ext 3101)
Please feel free to contact any of us to be of assistance to you. Great schools have great partnerships between school and parents along with tremendous support from the community. Together we will make a united team focused on a quality education for our students. I look forward to meeting each student and parent in the upcoming year. Here’s to a great 2013/2014 school year!
David L. Linzey Executive Director
Schoolwide Learner Outcomes st
Clayton Valley Charter High School will prepare students to excel in the 21 Century skills of: College and Career Readiness – as evidenced by: Students’ eligibility to meet college entrance requirements Students’ participation in and completion of career exploration activities EAP, AP, ACT, and SAT data College acceptance and graduation data Data collected by Naviance Character Education – as evidenced by: Positive citizenship in the classroom, at school, and in the community Respect for self and others Demonstration of integrity, both in academics and as a person Respect for diverse cultures, lifestyles, and ideas Participation in programs like Do The Right Thing implemented through Link Crew and Club 800 Critical Thinking – as evidenced by: Mastery of the Common Core State Standards Assignments that reflect use of logic, analysis, and conceptualization across content areas Instructional activities that require students to o Define problems o Analyze assumptions and biases o Consider other interpretations o Tolerate ambiguity Passing the California High School Exit Exam at or above proficient Communication – as evidenced by: Presentations, speeches, debates, Socratic Seminars that reflect effective o Nonverbal expression o Clarity of thought o Organization o Active listening and appropriate response Essays and other written assignments that reflect effective o Use of language o Use of logic and other persuasive strategies o Synthesis that makes connections between information and arguments PowerPoint and other electronic communication media that reflect the most current and relevant use of tools and strategies to produce high-quality, professional presentations Collaborative Problem-solving – as evidenced by: Classroom partner and group work that reflects shared responsibility Teamwork that supports and builds on individual members’ strengths and challenges Classroom activities that promote effective discourse among students
To support our expected school-wide learning results CVCHS will embrace the 7 Correlates of Highly Effective Schools by Lezotte. 1. Instructional Leadership The effective school practices that the principal is the "leader of leaders" not the "leader of followers." The principal understands and applies the characteristics of instructional effectiveness in the management of the instructional program. The principal and all adults must take an active role in instructional leadership. 2. Safe and Positive Environment The effective school has a positive, purposeful, businesslike environment, which is free from the threat of physical harm. Desirable student behaviors are consistently articulated and expectations are clear. Students and teachers help each other and do what is best for all. This environment nurtures interaction between students and teachers that is collaborative, cooperative, and student centered. 3. Clearly Stated and Focused Mission The effective school has a clearly articulated mission. The staff shares an understanding and commitment to the mission and the instructional goals, priorities, and assessment procedures it projects. The staff accepts responsibility and accountability for promoting and achieving the mission of learning for all students. 4. High Expectations for ALL Students The effective school expects that all students can attain mastery of the essential school skills. In order to meet these high expectations, a school is restructured to be an institution designed for "learning" not "instruction." Teachers and students must have access to "tools" and "time" to help all students learn. 5. Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress The effective school frequently measures academic student progress through a variety of assessment procedures. Assessment results are used to improve individual student performance and also improve instructional delivery. Assessment results will show that alignment must exist between the intended, taught, and tested curriculum. 6. Maximize Learning Opportunities The effective school allocates and protects a significant amount of time for instruction of the essential skills. The instruction must take place in an integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum. Effective instruction time must focus on skills and curriculum content that are considered essential, that are assessed, and most valued. There should be abandonment of less important content. 7.
Positive Communication - School, Home, Community The effective school builds trust and communication within the school, parents and Community. Forming partnerships with the parents and community enables all stakeholders to support the mission of the school and have the same goals and expectations.
Mission Statement The mission of Clayton Valley Charter High School (CVCHS) is to unite our stakeholders, including students, teachers and staff, parents, and community members, in a common goal to diligently prepare all st students for success in the 21 Century. We believe in instilling timeless principles and fostering a culture of excellence with Rigor, Relevance & Relationships. Non Discrimination Statement Clayton Valley Charter High School is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based on an individual's sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color or mental or physical disability or any other basis protected by federal, state, local law, ordinance or regulation. Harassment under Title IX (sex), Title VI (race, color, or national origin), and Section 504 and Title II of ADA (mental or physical disability) is a form of unlawful discrimination that will not be tolerated by the school. Harassment is intimidation or abusive behavior toward a student/employee that creates a hostile environment, and that can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee. Harassing conduct can take many forms, including verbal acts, graphic and written statements, or conduct that is physically threatening or humiliating. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, school programs and activities, including vocational education. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation in the schools programs or activities. Additional information prohibiting other forms of unlawful discrimination, inappropriate behavior, and/or hate crimes may be found in this handbook. It is the intent of the school that all such policies are read consistently to provide the highest level of protection from unlawful discrimination in the provision of educational services and opportunities. The school prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a complaint or who participates in a complaint investigation. Any inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy or the filing of discrimination/harassment complaints may be directed to any Administrative Director. Title Ix Policy for Staff and Students Federal law, Title IX, State law and Clayton Valley Charter High School policy prohibit anyone at a school from discriminating against any student on the basis of sex, sexual orientation or gender. Males and females must be treated the same in all areas, including: Participation in athletics Enrollment in classes Counseling services Participation in extracurricular activities Treatment in the classroom Recognition and honors, special awards, scholarships Graduation activities
To attend school unless removed under due process as specified in the Education Code. To attend school in a secure academic and social climate, free from discrimination, harassment and intimidation. To enjoy the full benefit of their teachers’ efforts, without interruption by the disruptive student. To have ready access to a designated counselor or guidance specialist. To examine personal records upon reaching the age of sixteen or completing the 10th grade. To be fully informed of school rules and regulations.
Responsibilities of Students -
To attend school and classes regularly and on time. To be prepared for class with the appropriate materials and work.
To know and obey school rules and regulations.
To respect the rights of school personnel, fellow students, and the public in general. To demonstrate pride in the appearance of school buildings and grounds. To resolve differences in a positive way and seek adult assistance and support with resolving differences.
Rights of Parents -
To expect that their children will spend their time at school in a safe, wholesome, stimulating atmosphere engaged in productive activity under the care and direction of a dedicated staff. To be informed of policies and regulations and school rules. To review their child's record with a certificated staff member providing assistance.
Responsibilities of Parents -
To visit school periodically to participate in conferences with teachers, counselors or administrators regarding the academic and behavioral status of their children. To provide supportive action by making sure that children have enough sleep, adequate nutrition and appropriate clothing before coming to school. To maintain consistent and adequate control over their children and to approve of reasonable control measures as applied by school personnel. To cooperate with the school in bringing about improvements designed to enhance the educational program offered students. To provide the school with current information regarding legal address, phone, medical data, and other facts which may help the school to serve their children. To become familiar with policies and school rules and regulations.
Rights of Teachers -
To expect and receive the attention, effort, and participation of the students attending their classes. To have parental and administrative backing when enforcing rules designed to provide an optimum learning climate. To teach with interruptions held to an absolute minimum. To enjoy the same level of respect and courteous treatment accorded members of the class individually and collectively.
Responsibilities of Teachers -
To consider the personal worth of each individual student as a single, unique, important human being. To attempt to equip each learner with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required for successful living. To hold students accountable for their actions at all times. To assess divergent ideas, opinions, and expressions objectively and deal with them in a balanced, unbiased manner. To keep parents and students informed with timely or periodic reports, including all pertinent data related to the student's school experience. To consistently critique their own performance with the objective of an ever growing professional stature. To initiate and enforce individual classroom rules consistent with school and District policies.
Rights of Administrators -
To initiate such control measures as needed to establish and maintain an environment in which optimum learning and teaching conditions prevail. To make decisions on all issues confronting schools, primarily on the basis of what is best for the students. To hold students accountable for their conduct and to take prompt and appropriate action toward those guilty of violations. To expect that all school employees recognize and fulfill their role in terms of campus control.
Responsibilities of Administrators -
To provide leadership that will establish, encourage, and promote good teaching and effective learning. To establish, publicize, and enforce school rules that facilitate effective learning and promote attitudes and habits of good citizenship among the students. To request assistance from support services and community agencies and resources in all cases indicating such action. To make a determined effort to stay attuned to expressions of student/staff/parent/community concerns and to react with sensitivity toward them.
ACADEMICS California Scholastic Federation (CSF) CSF is a state-wide organization to honor high school students who have shown outstanding academic accomplishments. Our motto is “Scholarship for Service” and our official color is gold. Membership is not automatic; students wishing to become members of this elite group must apply before the announced deadline, by submitting their last semester’s report card. Grades earn points and some classes count more than others, based upon the University of California’s a-g lists of courses. The application categorizes these courses according to their academic difficulty by lists designated as I, II, or III. The applicant must have at least 7 points from the more academic centered classes, I and II, and an additional 3 points from any of the three lists, using no more than five of their classes. The student must have exemplary citizenship. A grade of “D” or “F” automatically disqualifies a student from membership that semester. Four semesters of membership, beginning with grades from the sophomore year, including at least one semester during the senior year, are required for a member to graduate as a CSF Sealbearer or Life Member. Sealbearer’s are recognized at graduation by being honored with a gold tassel for their graduation cap and a gold stole to wear with their graduation gown. Sealbearers will also receive a Life Membership pin. Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes Students may enroll in courses at colleges and universities with administrator approval if comparable classes are not available at Clayton Valley Charter High School. Clayton Valley Charter High School will accept college units on the following basis: Less than 1 college unit = no high school credit 1 college unit = 2.5 high school credits 2 college units = 5 high schools credits 3 or more college units = 10 credits Warning: College courses are more rigorous than high school courses; therefore, the grades earned in college courses could result in a lower high school G.P.A. Consult the college catalog for the course descriptions and prerequisites. Please be aware that the University of California system will not give college units for college courses that appear on a high school transcript. It is the responsibility of the student to provide a copy of the college report card or college transcript to the Clayton Valley Charter High School Registrar. The grade from the college will be the grade recorded on the high school transcript. Students, please plan ahead: Students choosing to take classes for enrichment or credit during the summer at Diablo Valley College, Los Medanos or De Anza need to make sure that they have spoken to their school administrator and have a concurrent enrollment form approved by their school administrator. Forms are available in the school office. All high school concurrent students must register for DVC classes in person. You may apply online but must register in person. College and Career Center The College/Career Center is located in the Administrative Wing and is typically open 7:30 to 3:30. A vast amount of college and career related materials and information is available to students and teachers. Counselors are available to meet with students at lunch, brunch, before and after school. Appointments can also be made by students, and/or parents. By using the Career Center students can research colleges with the resources available, search for scholarships, pick-up valuable informative handouts about the college process, scholarships, financial aid or testing. Fee waivers for ACT and SAT tests are also available in the Career Center. College Representatives schedule visits in the Career Center in the fall. Dates and times are announced in the school bulletin and morning announcements on a regular basis. Students may sign up to attend these presentations in the Career Center.
Students need to watch for College and Career workshops held throughout the year. These workshops include but are not limited to, how to apply online to the CSU’s, how to apply to the UC’s, financial aid, and career exploration. Information nights are held throughout the year to provide current information to parents and/or students about college admissions and financial aid. Announcements are made on the web page, in morning announcements. The CVCHS website should be checked often for college and career center updates and important deadline information. CVCHS Library What’s here: A book collection which supports the CVCHS curriculum and students’ recreational reading interests Subscriptions to magazines Networked computers with Microsoft Office Suite and Internet access. Save to your own account on the school server or to a flash drive. Print to the networked black & white printers (.10 per page) Limited black & white copying (Not self-service, behind staff counter .10 per copy) Commonly used textbooks (in-library use only) CVCHS yearbooks from the past (in-library use only), by appointment only Scissors, colored pencils, and other supplies (in-library use only) How it Works: Use your Clayton Valley Charter High School student I.D. card to check out library materials and access your computer account Most books may be checked out for 3 weeks and renewed if still needed Most reference books may be checked out for overnight use only For the benefit of all students, overdue fines will be charged to encourage the prompt return of all books. 10 cents/day for regular circulation and 1.00/day for reference books. Students with overdue books or fines will not be allowed to check out more books until their account is settled. If you lose a book, you must pay its full value. If you damage a book with liquid or rough handling, a fine may be assessed. Computer use follows all the rules set down in this handbook under CVCHS Computer Use Guidelines Ask the Librarian – for any help you might need – finding information, selecting a book, working on the computer, etc. Please be responsible: Return books on time, leave food and drink outside the library, maintain appropriate behavior for all students to be able to read and study together
No Food or Drinks are allowed in the CVCHS Library Water in Sealable Containers is allowed
Textbooks: What to expect and what is expected of you The Textbook Room is at the CVCHS Library. Every student is assigned a specific copy of most textbooks. You are responsible for handling your books with care, and are not allowed to write in them with pencil, pen or marker. You will be charged for damage that happens to books in your care, including water damage and barcode damage. If books are lost, or not returned to the Library for proper check-in, you will be charged for the full cost of the book, which could be as much as $145. However, late fees do NOT apply to textbooks, so please turn them in even if they are from the year before. Two times a year, you should receive a notice through your English class that shows what books you have checked out, any overdue books, as well as any Library fines you may have. All these items need to be cleared by the end of May, or else you will not receive your class schedule in August. You can check the status of your book accounts by stopping in the Library and checking with the Librarian.
Progress Reports/Report Cards Progress Reports Progress Reports are sent out approximately every five weeks. Semester report cards are mailed home. NOTE: Progress reports are handed to students at school. Incomplete Grades If a student receives an “Incomplete” (I) grade because course work is not completed before the end of the semester, the incomplete work must be completed during the following six (6) weeks or the “I” grade will become an “F”. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher to make up work missed, obtain a “grade change” form from the Registrar, and to take the form to the teacher once the missing work has been completed within the 6 weeks.
ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURES Compulsory Attendance Policy Regular attendance at school is necessary for academic achievement. All absences negatively impact the educational progress of students. Classroom instruction, discussion, interaction, and activities are critical components of learning and cannot be adequately replaced or duplicated when a student is absent from school. Therefore, discretionary absences and appointments should not be scheduled during school hours. California law mandates compulsory, full-time education for all school-aged children until age eighteen, unless exempted by statutory provision (high school diploma, California High School Proficiency Exam Certification, expulsion). The parent/guardian or other person having custody or control of the pupil is responsible, by law, for sending the pupil to school. Homework for Absent Students Teachers are required to allow the student to make up tests, homework, classwork (or the equivalent) missed during the period of an excused absence. A reasonable amount of time to make up missed work will be set by the teacher (i.e. if a student is absent 2 days, they have two days to make up the work, etc.). It is the responsibility of the student to obtain make up work and to make any necessary arrangements with his/her teachers. Students who are truant or have unexcused absences are not entitled to make up missed assignments, quizzes, or tests. Teachers are encouraged to allow students to make up missed work in the effort to support learning. When a student can anticipate an unavoidable absence, he/she should contact teachers to obtain assignments prior to the absence. If a student becomes ill and will be out for more than 3 days, a doctor’s note is required and the student should contact each of their teachers for homework assignments. Contact can be made by phone or email. Teacher email addresses can be found on the CVCHS website. If possible, absent students should review teacher’s webpage to check for homework assignments they may be able to complete while absent. Requesting Independent Study for Extended Absences Independent Study contracts will not be provided for less than 3 days. 1. Contact the Dean of Students for an Independent Study contract if the student will be gone for 3 days or longer. 2. Notify the Dean of Students 7 school days prior to the first date of the extended absence. 3. Schedule a meeting with the Dean of Students to complete all necessary documents. 4. Student will pick up all assigned work form their teachers on their final day prior to leaving. 5. Student is to meet with and submit work to the Dean of Students on the first day of their return. 6. FAILURE to complete assigned work will void the contract and the student will receive an “unexcused absence” for each day missed.
Permits to Leave School Note: Clayton Valley Charter High School is a Closed Campus! Any student leaving campus during the school day must have a Permit to Leave School before they leave campus. Leaving campus, for any reason, without a permit will be considered truant and cannot be cleared by a parent. To request a permit to leave campus please contact the Attendance Secretary at 925-682-7474 ext. 3110. In case of an unavoidable situation, such as urgent medical appointment, death in the family, or other unforeseen circumstance, students must obtain a valid Permit to Leave School from the Attendance Office. If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, Clayton Valley staff will make every effort to contact a parent, guardian, or adult listed on the emergency form. Therefore, we ask that parents/guardians list all working telephone numbers on the Clayton Valley Charter High School Emergency Form. This includes all home, work, cellular phone, and pager numbers. In case of an emergency, voice mail and pager numbers are often inadequate. Should telephone numbers change or become invalid during the school year, please contact the attendance office to update this information. Excused Absences Under California law, valid reasons for excusing a student absence include: Illness or injury of the student, or serious illness which necessitates the absence of the student Student attendance at a medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic appointment Student attendance at a funeral service of an immediate family member A quarantine imposed by a city or county health official Student service on a jury Up to five (5) days to obtain required immunizations Exclusion from school for reasons of public health, lack of immunizations, and/or physical examination Court appearance Observance of a holiday and/or ceremony of his/her religion Employment interview or conference (Any absence that is not considered excused is unexcused and is subject to Clayton Valley Charter High School’s “Truancy Policy”) Medical Verification: It is critical that students be at school. Students who accumulate more than 10 excused absences will be placed on Medical Verification. This requires the parent/guardian to have a medical doctor provide the Clayton Valley Charter High School Attendance Office with a note from the doctor stating the medical reason for the absence. Any absence for which Clayton Valley Charter High School does not receive medical verification will be classified as truant.
Excusing an Absence 24-Hour Attendance Recorder Number: 925-682-7474 ext. 3333 Or e-mail dina.jacobsen@clayton Parents need to call the 24-hour attendance recorder at 925-682- 7474 ext. 3333. You need to leave the following information on the attendance recorder. 1. First, please state if you are clearing an absence or tardy. 2. Give student’s name (please spell the last name). 3. Give student’s grade. 4. State your name and your relationship to student. 5. State the date(s) of absence or time the permit is needed. 6. Give a specific reason for the absence. 7. Name the person picking up the student if it’s a request for a permit. (The student may also deliver a written note, signed by a parent/guardian, to the Attendance Secretary) All absences must be cleared within 72 hours (3 days). No exceptions. If the absence is not cleared within 72 hours it will be recorded as an unexcused absence (truant). Clayton Valley uses an automated calling system to inform parents of their child’s absences. These phone calls are made during the evening hours at approximately 6:30 pm. The calling system informs the parents if their child has missed one or more classes that day. Parents may check on attendance by the following. By Phone:
Parents may call the Attendance Secretary between the hours of 8 am and 3 pm at 925-682-7474
By Mail:
Parents may submit a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Attendance Secretary, who will then mail an attendance printout.
By Email
Parents can email the Attendance Secretary at
By Student:
Students may request an attendance printout in the attendance office.
By Power School:
Log on to your account and click attendance.
If you receive a call stating your student was absent in one or more classes on a particular day and you believe there was an error, have your student may pick up an Attendance Correction Form from the attendance office, fill out all the information, have the teacher sign it and then return the form to the attendance office. Step 2: Upon the third unexcused absence/truancy (period or day) the student shall be considered a “habitual truant” and assigned Saturday School Detention, a Notice of Truancy will be sent home to parents/guardians. Step 3: Upon the fourth unexcused absence/truancy (day or period) the student will be assigned to Saturday School, truancy letter #2 will be sent home to the parent/guardians with a mandatory School Attendance Review Team (SART) Meeting with parents and student. Step 4: If truancy continues, the student signs the Notice of Truancy informing him/her that attendance at a hearing at the CVCHS School Attendance Review Board (SARB) is mandatory. The student must attend the hearing with his/her parent/guardian. The student will be placed on a truancy contract, and a copy of Notice of Truancy is sent to the parent/guardian.
Step 5: If truancy continues, the student and parent/guardian are referred to the Contra Costa County Juvenile Courts for a hearing. Juvenile Court could order the student to: 1. Perform forty (40) hours of after-school community service, and 2. Pay a fine of $100 - $500 (for which the parent/guardian is jointly liable), and 3. Suspend the student’s driver license or his/her eligibility to apply for one Without parent/guardian cooperation, the only alternative will be to refer this matter to the Clayton Valley Charter High School Attendance Review Board (SARB) who may refer this matter to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution, pursuant to Penal code 272 and/or Education Code 48290, or refer this matter to Juvenile Court, pursuant to Education Code 48264.5 (d).
Student Tardy Policy CVCHS tardies are enforced and monitored each semester. Students will be held accountable to the following for each class period. A student is considered tardy if they are not in their seat ready to begin when the bell rings. Tardy #1: Teacher provides a verbal warning to student Tardy #2: Teacher will call the home of the student in inform the parents of the situation Tardy #3: Teacher will assign the student a teacher determined consequence (including detention) and write a Log Entry in Power School Tardy #4: Teacher will write a referral to Dean of Students who will assign Saturday School TARDY #5 and thereafter: Students who receive multiple referrals for tardies will be assigned in-school suspension by the Dean of Students and a Parent conference will be held. An attendance contract may be implemented.
School Safety School Safety Plan Clayton Valley Charter High School has prepared safety plans addressing violence prevention, emergency preparedness, traffic safety and crisis intervention. Parents may learn more about the Clayton Valley Charter High School’s safety plans from the safety designee or administrative director who oversees school safety. A copy of the Clayton Valley Charter High School’s Safety Plan is available in the Main Office. We are committed to ensuring that employee-student relationships are positive, professional and non-exploitive. Improper employee-student relationships are not tolerated. Visitor Passes As a matter of security, Clayton Valley Charter High School requires all campus visitors to sign in at the Main Office and obtain a Visitor’s Pass. School staff members are directed to question any visitor they do not recognize. School-aged visitors are generally refused permission to visit campus during school hours and students are generally not allowed to bring “guests” to school during regular school hours. Parents/guardians of Clayton Valley students are welcome on campus as visitors and should follow the aforementioned check-in procedure when visiting Clayton Valley.
Cyberbullying, Sexting, Public Display of Affection Bullying / Cyberbullying Bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated at Clayton Valley Charter High School. Bullying/cyberbullying can be verbal, physical, or electronic statements or other acts committed by an individual or group that are meant to harass, intimidate, or threaten the physical and mental well-being of another individual. Examples include, but are not limited to: Wearing gang paraphernalia and other clothing meant to intimidate or exclude another. Spreading rumors, posting, or reposting degrading, harmful, or explicit pictures, messages, or information using social media or other forms of electronic communication, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, or texts. Taunting or making sexual slurs about a person’s gender, orientation or sexual status. Name-calling, joking, or making offensive remarks about a person’s religion, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Physical acts of bullying, such as punching, slapping, or tripping someone. Intimidating another individual by taking money or food, or cutting lunch lines. Consequences: st
1 Offense: nd
3 Offense:
2-3 day suspension 3-5 day suspension and recommendation for alternative education program or expulsion. 5 Day Suspension. Administrative conference. 45 Day Activity suspension. Police notified as appropriate. Possible expulsion. Possible civil fines and penalties.
Sexting Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between cell phones. Students who text photographs of themselves or of their friends or partners may be charged with distribution of child pornography in a court of law. Those who receive pornography may be charged with possession of child pornography in a court of law. If this offense affects the school environment, and or a student’s attendance and learning process the offender will be subject to disciplinary action.
Public Display of Affection (PDA) Public displays of affection have no place at school. Students observed inappropriately hugging, kissing, sitting in another’s lap, groping/fondling, or displaying other forms of affection before, during, and after school on school grounds or at a school sponsored activity are in violation of this policy. Allowable are hand-holding and brief hugs. If this offense affects the school environment, and or a student’s attendance and learning process the offenders will be subject to disciplinary action.
Academic Integrity Academic Honesty Policy The Clayton Valley Charter High School staff believes that students should act in an honest and responsible manner toward other students, teachers, staff and school administrators. Examples of cheating and therefore violations of the Clayton Valley Charter High School Honesty Policy include, but are not limited to, the following examples: Providing any previously-scored assessments and/or assignments to another student without specific teacher approval. Representing as your own work, in whole or part, work completed by other(s). Changing a teacher’s grade on an assignment/test/quiz/project and claiming that the teacher made an error. Using electronic devices to cheat by prerecording unauthorized formulas, answers or processes. Communicating unauthorized information during a test/assessment to another student by electronic, written, or other means. Using unauthorized “cheat sheets” during a test/quiz/assessment. Falsifying data for assignment/project/class activity and representing false data as accurate and true. Plagiarism* (see below) *To plagiarize, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the American Language, is to “…steal and use the (ideas of writing of another) as one’s own; to appropriate passages of ideas from (another) and use them as one’s own; to take and use as one’s own the writings or ideas of another.” It is essential that students understand the definition of plagiarism and give due credit through citations, footnotes, and/or bibliographies for ideas, passages, and quotations taken from outside sources. For example, students must know that downloading information from online sources, copying from written sources, or transcribing from oral sources without providing appropriate citation is plagiarism. In addition, failure to paraphrase and/or summarize ideas taken from outside sources, or simply changing several non-essential words and appropriating the idea as one’s own, is plagiarism. Strategies to use in Place of Cheating or Plagiarism When you are falling behind in a class, ask for help from the teacher, your academic counselor, the after-school tutors, the department chair, or other administrator. When you are preparing a research paper or report of information, verify the rules for documentation with your teacher. Ask successful students to share the study habits tips, rather than copying their work. Ask your teacher to help organize study groups before major tests. Accept the fact that some learning requires serious, even tedious, efforts. Consequences for Flagrant Violation of the CVCHS Honesty Policy Consequences for violations of the CVCHS Honesty Policy are applicable for the entire academic year. First Violation Failure of assignment/test/quiz/project/activity Documented parent/guardian contact by teacher regarding the violation CVCHS Honesty Policy Contract reviewed and signed by student Incident reported to administration with copy of contract. Notice entered into student’s file and all teachers on student’s schedule notified. Second Violation Referral to administrator Parent/Guardian/Teacher/Administrator/Student Conference 2 day In-School Suspension Third Violation Parent/Guardian/Student/Teacher/Administrator Conference 5 Day Suspension If in the same class the student will be dropped with a “Withdrawl Fail” and the schedule will be shortened
Student Services and Responsibilities Student Dress Code Policy 1. No tube tops, halter tops, spaghetti strap tops, or see-through blouses. Tanks tops are allowed, however, the straps must be as wide as the width of two fingers (two inches). 2. No bare midriffs, cleavage, or underwear. Tank tops, blouses, and shirts need to have necklines with no exposed cleavage. 3. No ribbed or thin cotton tank tops, traditionally worn as an undershirt. 4. No shorts, skirts and/or dresses shorter than your fingertips with the relaxed hand, arms straight at your side. 5. Tights and leggings cannot be worn in place of pants. These items can only be worn under tunics/dresses/skirts that have lengths no shorter than what was stated in Item #4. 6. Sweatpants and pajama bottoms cannot be worn in place of pants, except for approved CV club and sport organizations. 7. No clothing or accessories promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco. 8. Clothing may not contain offensive, obscene images and/or language; no depictions of weapons or any kind of gang attire. 9. No sagging pants that expose underwear or shorts underneath. The waistband must remain above the hip flexor. Waistband should never be on the thigh. 10. Holes in jeans and pants must be lower than dress code length stated in Item #4. 11. Shoes must be worn at all times. No sole-less shoes or slippers. 12. Hats and hoods may not be worn inside a building. Staff has the right to deem other apparel not mentioned above as inappropriate. If a student is not appropriately dressed, the following should take place: 1. The student will be required to change clothes at school and leave the inappropriate clothing in C-1 until after school. The Student’s parents will be notified. Students will be allowed to change into loaner P.E. clothes. or 2. Student will have to wait in C-1. The parent will receive a phone call and will be asked to bring a change of clothing to the office. Once the student has changed, they will be allowed back to class. 3. Students with multiple offenses will have additional consequences for violating the dress code, including but not limited to detention, CV Community Service and/or campus beautification detail. Animal and Pet Policy Under no circumstances are students to bring any animal and/or pet to school without written permission from his/her teachers and Vice Principal. Animals may present a health and safety hazard to students and school staff. In addition, a crowded school campus may cause extreme anxiety to the animal/pet. Clayton Valley Charter High School accepts no responsibility and/or liability for any animal brought on campus. Bicycles Students may park their bicycles in the designated available spaces. Bikes should be locked with a strong lock when unattended. Students park their bikes on campus at their own risk and Clayton Valley Charter High School assumes no liability for damage to or loss of student bicycles. Bicycles must be walked through campus at all times. In case of theft, please contact the Concord Police Department at (925) 671-3232.
Skateboards, Rollerblades, etc. Skateboards, rollerblades, shoes with wheels, and skateboards with handles (i.e. “razors”) are not to be ridden on campus at any time. Students must not be in possession of a skateboard during school hours. Skateboards must be stored. Use of these items seriously damages school facilities and presents a danger to pedestrians on campus. Failure to observe this regulation will result in confiscation of the item until a parent/guardian comes to retrieve it from an administrator. Repeated violations will result in further disciplinary action. Fines, Fees and Student Charges Students who owe money to the school for lost or damaged books, unpaid fees, overdue library materials, athletic uniforms, or other school property will not receive grade transcripts, admission to major school events (such as dances), or diplomas until the charges are paid in full through the Clayton Valley Treasurer’s office. Parents and/or students who submit personal checks which are later returned due to insufficient funds (“NSF”) will be charged an additional processing fee of $15.00, with the requirement that all future financial transactions with Clayton Valley Charter High School be on a cash, money order, or Visa/MasterCard basis only. By the end of the school year, all bills must be cleared either by paying cash, money order, or Visa/MasterCard; no checks will be accepted. Upon payment, a receipt will be issued immediately.
Hall Passes In general, students are not allowed outside of class during regular class times unless they have a hall pass from their teacher. Regulations regarding hall passes are: 1. Hall passes must clearly state the date and the time the student leaves class. 2. Students may not leave class for any reason (family or medical emergencies excepted) during the first fifteen (15) minutes of class. 3. Teachers will carefully review each student’s request for a hall pass and limit issuance of a pass to emergency and/or urgent situations only. 4. Teachers will maintain and enforce an active “No Pass” list for students who abuse hall pass privileges. Students on this list will not receive passes to leave the classroom during class time for the remainder of the school year. 5. A student who is out of class without a valid hall pass will be escorted back to his/her class by an administrator or campus supervisor. Repeated violations of the hall pass policy will result in further administrative disciplinary action. 6. Teaching Assistants (T. A.’s) must wear designated T. A. identification necklaces/lanyards/passes at all times when out of class. Failure to observe this policy may result in loss of T. A. position and placement in another class. 7. The school staff will encourage students to plan their time effectively and to take care of personal business between classes, not during class time.
Cell phones and Electronic Devices The Clayton Valley Charter High School administration, faculty, and staff understand the importance of allowing students to communicate – via cell phone – with their parents during the school day. Currently students are allowed to access their cell phones at break and lunch. However, inappropriate cell phone and other electronic device usage can become a very disruptive concern in the classroom and therefore can interfere with learning and result in the loss of valuable instructional time. In order to maintain and support an effective instructional environment, the following cell phone/electronic device policy will be implemented for the 2013-2014 school year. According to Education Code 48901.5: a) The governing board of each school district, or its designee, may regulate the possession or use of any electronic signaling device that operates through the transmission or receipt of radio waves, including, but not limited to, paging and signaling equipment, by pupils of the school district while the pupils are on campus, while attending school-sponsored activities, or while under the supervision and control of the school district employees. According to Education Code 78908: The use by any person, including a student, of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the instructor is prohibited, except as necessary to provide reasonable auxiliary aids and academic adjustments to disabled students. Any person, other than a student, who willfully violates this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Electronic Signaling Devices All Electronic Signaling Devices (i.e. cell phones, IPhones, Blackberrys, Ipods that can text, etc.) and accessories (ear buds, headphones) are to be turned off and be out of sight during class time, unless directed by teacher for specific educational purpose. Failure to comply with this request may result in confiscation and/or further disciplinary action. 1. Before entering classrooms and during instructional time cell phones and all other electronic devices are to be turned off and put away. 2. Any non-instructional use of an electronic device in the classroom or educational setting will be subject to immediate confiscation by the teacher or a disciplinary referral to the discipline office. Only 1 warning may be issued.
Consequences: st
1 Offense: nd
Official warning /possible confiscation Detention/possible confiscation
Saturday School/possible confiscation
In-School Suspension/possible confiscation
3 Offense: 4 Offense:
5th or Subsequent Offenses: Student is subject to additional suspension days, Director Conference and/or transfer to an alternative program. Parents/guardians are reminded not to contact students during school hours via pager and/or cellular telephone. In case of an emergency, please call the student services office and arrangements will be made to contact your child.
Theft Students are also advised that electronic devices are often targets of theft. Clayton Valley Charter High School is not responsible for the theft/loss of personal electronic devices at school or at schoolsponsored events. Lockers All student lockers are under jurisdiction of Clayton Valley Charter High School. Consequently, student lockers are public property and subject to periodic and/or emergency inspection at any time, in or out of the presence of the student to which it is assigned. All students assigned a locker are to read and sign a School Locker Contract. Clayton Valley Charter High School assumes no responsibility for valuable personal items and/or money stored or left in student lockers. Valuables should be left at home, as they can become a target for theft. Students may not store any materials in his/her locker which are a violation of Clayton Valley Charter High School, California, and/or federal law or regulations. The student to whom the locker is assigned is responsible for the items stored in the locker. Students are issued a locker which includes a combination lock by Clayton Valley Charter High School. Students are only to use the locker assigned to them and will not give the locker combination to anyone. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in loss of locker privileges. Lockers are available on a first come first serve availability. Students provide their own locks for P. E. lockers. Parking Lot Students are not allowed in the school parking lots during school hours. Students are not to leave items needed during the school day in their cars. School lockers are available for storage. Unauthorized students in the parking lot during school hours may lose their parking privileges at Clayton Valley. There are two student parking lots. One student parking lot is located adjacent to the school on Alberta Drive, near the Gym, and the other is in the rear of the school off of Academy Road. Students are not to park in the staff/visitor lot near the main office nor in the staff lot located near S Wing. Parking Permits / Assigned-Numbered Parking Spaces Before a student has permission to park in the student parking lot, completion of a parking permit application, a copy of their valid driver’s license and payment must be made. The fee is $25.00 per school year or $10.00 for second semester only. Parking applications are available in the Treasurer’s office. Once the application is completed and the parking fee paid, students will receive a Clayton Valley parking permit to hang from the rear view mirror or place on the right side of the dashboard and an assigned, numbered parking space. Students must park only in their assigned parking space at all times. Student vehicles parked on school property without a student parking permit will be cited by the Concord Police Department. Students are reminded that simply purchasing a parking permit is not sufficient to avoid a parking citation. Student parking permits must be properly displayed at all times while the vehicle is parked on Clayton Valley Charter High School property. In addition, student parking permits may not be transferred or shared between or among students. Clayton Valley Charter High School has a limited number of parking spaces available to students and must prevent the use of these spaces by non-students.
The following regulations apply to all students who park vehicles on Clayton Valley property: 1. Students must park only in the designated student parking lot and in their assigned, numbered parking spot. 2. Students may not park in faculty lots, visitor parking spaces, disabled spaces (without a DMV-issued placard), bus zones, red zones, or anywhere else on campus at any time. 3. The parking lot speed limit is 5 m.p.h. 4. All directional arrows must be observed and vehicles must be parked “front first” in the parking space. Vehicles may not be double parked or park in emergency entrances, fire lanes, or student pedestrian walkways. 5. Student vehicles may be cited for mechanical and license violations as well as for parking violations. 6. Any student parked in the student parking lot who needs to leave campus must obtain a valid “Permit to Leave School” through the Attendance Office. 7. Parking lot privileges may be suspended and/or revoked for: Reckless, exhibitionist, or unsafe driving Parking violations Failure to observe the directions of Parking Lot Supervisors Continued and repetitive abuse of privileges The student accepts all liability for loss or damage to vehicles while parked or driving on Clayton Valley Charter High School property. Any casualty, loss or damage should be reported immediately to the student’s insurance company and the Concord Police Department.
CVCHS Internet Acceptable Use Policy CVCHS Computer Use Guidelines In order to ensure that the Clayton Valley Charter High School computers are maintained in optimal working order for all students, each student is required to observe the following guidelines while using lab facilities and/or classroom computers:
All students wishing to use the internet must submit a signed copy of the CVCHS Internet Access Acceptable Use Policy. Students are not permitted in the computer labs unless a supervising teacher is present. No food or drink is permitted in the computer labs at any time. Students must use only the computer station assigned by the supervising teacher in the lab. Students must leave their work area clean at the end of the period. Installation of unauthorized software on the hard drive is prohibited. Unauthorized modification(s) of the system software is prohibited. Copying any software, other than personal data files, from the hard drive is prohibited. Students shall not attempt to acquire another person’s account password and are not allowed to share their password with others. Students shall not access/alter files of another person without expressed permission of that person or the instructor. Attempts to bypass filters is forbidden Each student is responsible for any actions committed on their personal account. “My friend did it”, or “It wasn’t me” are not acceptable excuses. Using unapproved computer/handheld devices on the school network is prohibited. Using software from removable storage to run unapproved programs is prohibited. Opening computer cases is prohibited. Handle all computer hardware (e.g., keyboard, mouse, disk drive, display) with care. Abuse or misuse of computer lab equipment will not be tolerated.
Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above may result in any combination of the following consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Revocation of all Clayton Valley Charter High School computer use privileges In-House Suspension or School suspension Payment of financial restitution Expulsion may be recommended if use of computer or handheld device is used for bullying, harassment, or sexual harassment.
Student Behavior, Conduct and Discipline The guiding principles included in this “Do The Right Thing” supplement are in addition to our broad, discretionary authority to maintain safety, order and discipline inside the school zone. These principles support, but do not limit, our authority. All students are expected to adhere to the: CVCHS -- Do The Right Thing Ethics Agreement: Responsibility Doing what I am supposed to do Always doing my best Being accountable for my choices Respect Using good manners, not bad language Being considerate; honoring the feelings of others Dealing peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements Kindness Being kind to myself, others and the environment Helping others in need Being forgiving Self-Discipline Practicing self-control Setting goals and working towards them Striving for personal improvement Integrity (honesty) Being reliable: doing what I say I’ll do Building a good reputation Telling the truth, even when it’s not easy Courage Standing for what is right, even if I stand alone Resisting negative peer pressure Being true to myself
Four-Step Classroom Discipline Policy The Four-Step Classroom Discipline Policy is applied when student behavior disrupts the learning environment. Disruptive and defiant student behavior is defined as “any behavior which actively disrupts the learning environment for other students and/or challenges, refuses to obey, or respect the directive, authority or position of the classroom teacher.” Note: In the case of serious classroom disruption or defiance of authority, the teacher may proceed directly to Step Four and submit a disciplinary referral to an administrator. Step One Step Two Step Three Step Four
Teacher warns and counsels student regarding inappropriate behavior Teacher contacts parent/guardian and makes record of contact Teacher provides a teacher assigned disciplinary consequence inputs it into Power School Teacher submits a disciplinary referral to the appropriate administrator for administrative disciplinary action, which may include student suspension from school
Classroom Suspension / In-School Suspension (ISS) Classroom suspension is the temporary removal of a student from his/her regular classroom by a teacher or administrator. In the case of a teacher suspension from class, the student will remain on campus and report to the designated administrator’s office during the period from which he/she is suspended. Teacher suspensions may be for the remainder of the class period or the remainder of the class period and the following class period. The suspending teacher will contact the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).
BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS AND CONSEQUENCES Consequences are determined by the number of violations occurring in one school year. During Suspension: 1.
Student shall not report to school during the period of suspension, except in the case of inschool suspension, unless coming to the office on official business by prior arrangement with a school administrator. Student is expected to be under the supervision of a parent during school hours when serving suspension days at home. (7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) P.C. 653G, P.C. 627
Student is not to attend any school event, including athletic contests and practices, on any school campus during home suspension.
1. The responsibility of obtaining and doing class work lies with the student. However, it is the teacher’s discretion as to whether or not the student is allowed to make up assignments, quizzes, and tests missed while suspended. A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts which are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance which occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: a. b. c. d.
While on school grounds While going to or coming from school During the lunch period whether on or off the campus During, or while going to, or coming from, a school sponsored activity
Students accumulating 20 days of suspension are subject to expulsion or involuntary transfer to an alternative program.
(E.C. 48904 sub-section a 4) Parental liability for willful misconduct of a minor that results in injury or death to a pupil or school employee or who willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures in any way any property, real or personal, belonging to a school district or personal property of any school employee shall be liable for all damages so caused by the minor. The liability of the parent or guardian shall not exceed the state established limit. The parent or guardian shall also be liable for the amount of any reward not exceeding the state established limit.
Students and parents have a right to appeal disciplinary action taken against a student. A meeting must be requested with the executive director.
Vehicles/Lockers/Pack Backs and Clothing subject to search on school property. By entering school property, the student is deemed to consent to a complete search of their vehicle/locker/back pack --all its compartment and contents--by school officials or law enforcement personnel for any reason whatsoever. This notice also applies to all vehicles of any type and is in force 24 hours a day. California Vehicle Code Section 21113 (A).
All CVCHS Students CVCHS reserves the right to exclude a student from the graduation ceremony or other activities for flagrant infractions of school rules irrespective of the student’s academic status.
Important Notice No pupil shall be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated unless the act is related to a school activity or school attendance. (E.C. 48900)
Closed Campus
Clayton Valley Charter High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus during their school day.
Note: Students who leave campus without permission shall be classified as Truant and subject to disciplinary action
Disciplinary Actions
The site administrator will determine whether the consequence should include, but not be limited to, home suspension, in-school suspension, Saturday school, detention, community service, outside counseling. Community service may include, but is not limited to, work performed on school grounds during nonschool hours in the areas of outdoor beautification, campus betterment, and teacher or peer assistance programs. (e.c. 48900.6) Law enforcement agencies may be notified at the discretion of the administration. If the nature of the offense makes an alternative education placement or expulsion recommendation appropriate, the student will be suspended five days for the infraction. Student may be suspended on the first offense if it is determined that the pupil's presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. (e.c. 48900.5)
Level 1 Actions that can result in disciplinary consequences up to and including suspension: Level one actions -- depending on the seriousness of the act, the student may be recommended for additional suspension days, alternative education placement, or expulsion on the first or succeeding offenses. 1.
Possessing, using, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind. Possessing not more than one ounce of marijuana. Using or being under the influence of marijuana or any controlled substance (as defined in Section 11053 of the Health and Safety Code). (E.C. 48915 and E.C. 48900, sub-section c). 1st Offense:
5-day suspension and notification of parents. 45-day activity suspension. May be assigned to a substance abuse counseling program.
2nd Offense:
5-day suspension, 45-day activity suspension. Recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency.
3 Offense:
5-day suspension, 4- day activity suspension. Recommendation for Expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency.
Unlawfully possessing or unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (E.C. 48900, subsection j) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency. May be assigned to a substance abuse counseling program.
The suspension will be reduced to two days if the student completes a site-approved intervention program.
2nd Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency.
Activation of false alarms or tampering with emergency equipment, fire-setting or attempted firesetting. (Penal Code Sec. 447 and 455, 148.4) (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension.
2nd Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion.
Fire-setting of any nature may lead to recommendation for alternative expulsion on the first offense. Fire-setting is never considered to be a prank. The burning of trash cans can lead to immediate and serious consequences.
Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both. (E.C. 48900, sub-section o) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion.
2nd Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for alternative education program or expulsion. Mandatory removal from campus.
5. Causing, attempting, or threatening to cause physical injury or willfully using force or violence upon another person. (E.C. 48900, sub-sections (a) (1), (a) (2), and s) An individual must do everything possible to avoid a conflict. Acts of aggression will not be considered self-defense. Note:
An incident will be considered a mutual fight when two students engage in a physical altercation, regardless of who initiated the conflict. A student who allows him/herself to be provoked into fighting will be considered as guilty as the one who starts the fight. It is the responsibility of the administrator to conduct an investigation to determine if one of the parties was acting in self-defense.
1st Offense:
2-3 day suspension
2nd Offense:
3-5 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
Any act committed against school staff shall warrant consequences starting at Step 2.
If a student caused serious physical injury (as defined in Penal Code Section 243) to another person, except in self-defense, the executive director must recommend expulsion or report in writing to the governing board that expulsion is inappropriate due to the nature of the particular circumstances which shall be indicated in the report of the incident. (E.C. 48915).
Causing or attempting to cause damage to property--cutting, defacing, or otherwise injuring any school district property, or the malicious injury or destruction of any other person's real or personal property. (Penal Code Sec. 594) (E.C. 48900, sub-section f and t) Note:
Damage valued in excess of $25.00 will warrant consequences starting at Step 2.
1st Offense:
1-3 day suspension. Suspension may be increased depending on severity of the damage. Possible police notification
2nd Offense:
3-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion.
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
Parent/guardian will be held responsible for damage to school property up to the State established limit. When the minor and parent are unable to pay for the damages, the school shall provide a program of voluntary work for the minor in lieu of the payment of
monetary damages. Parents or guardian of the student are also liable for the amount of a reward paid for information leading to the apprehension of person(s) causing damage up to the State established limit. (E.C.48904).
7. Threatening, intimidating, menacing or harassing (including sexual harassment) any other person (E.C. 48900 sub-section a and/or k) (E.C. 48900.2) (E.C. 48900.4) Possible removal from campus or separation of student. 1st Offense:
2-3 day suspension
2nd Offense:
3-5 day suspension and recommendation for alternative education program or expulsion.
In the event an allegation of sexual harassment is not resolved informally to the satisfaction of a complainant, the complainant may use the complaint process for formal resolution of such complaints. (AR 5145.7)
8. Engaging in, or having any part in hazing or committing any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces any other person attending school. Causing, attempting to cause, threatening to cause, or participating in an act of hate violence. (E.C. Sec. 32050-52) (E.C. Sec. 33032.5) (E.C. 48900, subsection a and/or k and q) (E.C. 48900.3) "Hazing" includes any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to these organizations which causes, or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace. (E.C. 32050) 1st Offense:
3-day suspension
2nd Offense:
5-day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
9. Stealing or attempting to steal school property or private property (E.C. 48900 sub-section g and t) Note: Stolen items of value greater than $25.00 will warrant consequences starting at Step 2 1st Offense:
1-3-days suspension, possible police notification
2nd Offense:
3-day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
10. Knowingly receiving stolen school property or private property (E.C. 48900 sub-section l and t) Note:
Stolen items of value greater than $25.00 will warrant consequences starting at Step 2
1st Offense:
1-3-days suspension
2nd Offense:
5-day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
11. Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity either verbally or in writing. (E.C. 48900, sub-section i) Note: A student may be suspended on the first offense for 5 days if such behavior disrupts school activities, (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) threatens to disrupt the instructional process, or causes a danger to persons or property (E.C. 48900.5). 1st Offense:
2nd Offense:
Saturday School
3rd Offense:
12. Use of racial/ethnic slurs either verbally or in writing. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) Note: A student may be suspended on the first offense for 5 days if such behavior disrupts school activities, (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) threatens to disrupt the instructional process, or causes a danger to persons or property (E.C. 48900.5). 1st Offense:
1-3 days suspension. Suspension may be extended depending on the nature of the incident.
2nd Offense:
3-day suspension.
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion
Any act committed against school staff would warrant consequences starting at Step 2.
13. Possessing any dangerous objects of a dangerous nature, including but not limited to, laser pointers and spiked accessories (unless in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal) ON CAMPUS if the principal deems expulsion inappropriate. (E.C. 48900 sub-section b) 1st Offense:
Warning to student. Notification of parent and/or other alternative consequences
2nd Offense:
Detention/Saturday School
3rd Offense:
14. Forging, falsifying, altering, or using forged school correspondence, passes, parking permits or readmit slips (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) 1st Offense:
1-3 day in-school suspension
2nd Offense:
3-day suspension
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and possible recommendation for alternative education program
15. Possessing or using tobacco (or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products) in grades 712. (E.C. 48900, sub-section h) Tobacco and nicotine products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel. (E.C. 48011, sub-section h) 1st Offense:
Saturday School
2nd Offense:
1-3 in-school suspension
3rd Offense:
3 day suspension
No school shall permit the smoking or use of tobacco, or any product containing tobacco, or nicotine products, by pupils of the school while pupils are on campus, or while attending school-sponsored activities or while under the supervision and control of school district employees. (E.C. 48901) Confiscated materials will not be returned to students.
16. Failing to identify oneself or giving false information to school personnel. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) - CVCHS students should have their ID with them at all times and provide it immediately upon request from any school personnel. 1st Offense:
1-day suspension. 10 hours of campus beautification
2nd Offense:
2-3 day suspension. 20 hours of campus beautification. Parent conference
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and possible recommendation for alternative education program. Parent Conference
17. Tampering with property of the school or belongings of any other person. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k and t) 1st Offense:
Warning to student and/or alternative consequences.
2nd Offense:
3-day suspension.
3rd Offense:
5-day suspension and possible recommendation for alternative education program.
18. Being in a parking lot without proper authorization. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) 1st Offense:
Warning to student and/or alternative consequences
2nd Offense:
Detention/Saturday School
3rd Offense:
1-3 day suspension
19. Gambling and wagering, or habitually being present where gambling and wagering are taking place. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) 1st Offense:
Warning to student and/or alternative consequences
2nd Offense:
Detention/Saturday School
3rd Offense:
1-3 day suspension and possible recommendation for alternative education program
20. Loitering on or about any campus without apparent lawful purpose. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) (Penal Code 653G and 627) Note:
A student may be subject to arrest according to Penal Code 653G if he/she loiters at or near any school or public place at or near where students attend or normally congregate, or reenters or comes upon such school or place after being asked to leave by a school official. According to PC 653G, punishment for loitering includes a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months.
1st Offense:
Warning to student and/or alternative consequences
2nd Offense:
Detention/Saturday school
3rd Offense:
1-3 day suspension and possible recommendation for alternative education program
21. Any dress, grooming, or appearance which disrupts, or tends to disrupt the educational process, or affect the health or safety of individuals shall be prohibited. Any violation of the CVCHS dress code. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) (E.C. 35161, 35183, 35291.5, 35294.1; C.A.C. Title 5, Section 302; and BP 5135, 5135.1, and 5137.) Refer to AR 5135, pp. 12-14 Note:
Any attire/paraphernalia/symbol that signifies gang affiliation will not be allowed on campus. Any attire/paraphernalia/symbol that displays a logo or other message promoting alcohol or controlled substances, promoting violence, illegal activity, or relating to gangs may not be worn on campus.
1st Offense:
Removal/replacement/covering of clothing article, parent contact, detention
2nd Offense:
Removal/replacement/covering of clothing article, parent contact, Detention, Saturday School, or other alternatives to home suspension
3rd Offense:
1-day In-school suspension
All subsequent violations are subject to additional referrals to In-school suspension.
22. Willful defiance or disobedience: A willful act, verbal or non-verbal, that demonstrates deliberate resistance or refusal to object a reasonable request or directive issued by a school district employee. (E.C. 48900, sub-section k) 1st Offense:
Detention/Saturday School Parent contact
2nd Offense:
1-3 days suspension
3rd Offense:
3-5 days suspension
Including but not limited to: Eating/drinking in class, willfully defying staff in nonsafety related incident, non-habitual use of profanity or vulgarity, verbal insults/put-downs/name calling (non-discriminatory), horseplay, etc.
23. Interfering with the peaceful conduct of the campus or classroom: Any willful act of a minor but annoying nature, verbal or non-verbal, that disrupts the educational process, distracts from the educational environment, or interrupts any administrative, disciplinary, or other activity sponsored or approved by the district.(E.C. 48900, sub-section k). The following consequences are also applicable to students who violate our No Gum Policy. 1st Offense:
Detention/Saturday School. Parent contact
2nd Offense:
1 day suspension. Parent contact
3rd Offense:
2-3 day suspension
Including but not limited to: Minor altercation not resulting in actual fight (i.e. pushing/shoving), bullying etc.
Level 2 Actions that will result in Suspension and the Recommendation for Expulsion Unless the Executive Director finds that expulsion is inappropriate, due to the particular circumstance. (E.C. 48915 sub-section a)
Caused serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense. (E.C. 48915 and 48900, sub-section a). An individual must do everything possible to avoid a conflict. Acts of aggression will not be considered self-defense. 1st Offense: nd
5-day suspension, possible recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
“Serious bodily injury� means a serious impairment of physical condition including, but not limited to, the following: loss of consciousness; concussion; bone fracture; protracted loss or impairment of function of any bodily member or organ; a wound requiring extensive suturing; and serious disfigurement. (P.C. 243 (f) (4)
An incident will be considered a mutual fight when two students engage in a physical altercation, regardless of who initiated the conflict. A student who allows him/herself to be provoked into fighting will be considered as guilty as the one who starts the fight. It is the responsibility of the administrator to conduct an investigation to determine if one of the parties was acting in self-defense.
Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion (E.C. 48915 and 48900 sub-section e) 1st Offense: 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency 2nd Offense: 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
Committed assault or battery on school personnel (Penal Code Sec. 240, 242) (E.C. 48915 and E.C. 48900, sub-section a, E.C. 44014) 1st Offense: 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil on school grounds or at a school related activity off school grounds unless in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal. (E.C. 48915 and 48900, sub-section b). This includes pepper spray and mace. Note: A knife includes, but is not limited to, a dirk, dagger, ice pick, razor any folding blade knife, any locking blade knife, fixed blades longer than 3 ½�, or objects with a fixed, sharpened blade designed to cut or stab. (E.C. 48915 sub-section g) Note:
Furnishing or possessing an imitation controlled substance (look-a-likes) with the intent to distribute will result in a recommendation for expulsion. Imitation controlled substances are considered "dangerous objects." This offense is also in violation of Health and Safety Code 11680.
Look-a-like (imitation) toy guns refers to a replica of a firearm that is substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm. (E.C. 48900 sub-section m).
Possession of tear gas/tear gas weapon/pepper spray/mace is considered a dangerous object. (Penal Code Sec. 12401, 12402) (E.C. 49330)
1st Offense: 5-day suspension, possible recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency. 2nd Offense: 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency.
5. Committed a terroristic threat including, but not limited to, a bomb threat. (E.C. 48900.7) This includes any threatening statement, written or oral, which threatens death, great bodily injury or property damage in excess of $1,000, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out. 1st offense:
5-day suspension, possible recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
2nd Offense: 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency Note:
The elements of a Terrorist Threat include the intent that the statement be taken as a serious threat, the gravity and immediacy of the threat is unequivocal, unconditional, immediate and specific, and causes sustained fear in the person/people threatened.
LEVEL 3 Actions that will result in the Recommendation for Expulsion as Mandated by Law E.C. 48915 (c) 1.
Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm, unless in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the Executive Director or the designee of the Executive Director. (E.C. 48915, subdivision (c) (1)) 1st Offense: 5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
2. Brandishing a knife at another person. (E.C. 48915 sub-section (c) (2)) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
Note: Brandishing means to display or wield in a threatening manner.
3. Unlawfully selling, offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code. (E.C. 48915 sub-section (c) (3)) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
4. Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Sections 261, 266c, 286, 288, 288a, or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code. (E.C 48915 sub-section (c) (4) and E.C. 48900, sub-section n) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
Possession of an explosive. (E.C. 48915 sub-section (c) (5)) 1st Offense:
5-day suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification of appropriate law enforcement agency
Behavior Consequences
Detention of Students after School Detention (Before, After or Lunch), lasting up to 60 minutes, may be assigned by individual teachers as a consequence for inappropriate behavior in an individual classroom. Twenty-four hours’ notice will be given to the student for After-School Detention, and these detentions are served under a teacher’s supervision. The Education Code allows for school detention regardless of a student’s transportation constraints. After-School Detention (ASD) may be assigned by administration/supervision in certain instances. Failure to serve ASD will result in the assignment of an additional detention. Failure to serve detentions will then result in Saturday school. Saturday School (E.C. 37223) The governing board of any elementary, high school, or unified school district may maintain classes on Saturday. The Clayton Valley Charter High School Governing Board approves such classes when appropriate and practicable. Saturday School is assigned by administrators. A portion of the time may be dedicated to campus beautification. Saturday School may be rescheduled only once, and must be arranged prior to the originally scheduled Saturday School assignment. Failure to show for Saturday School will result the student being assigned two Saturday Schools or in-school suspension. Suspension from Class A teacher shall send the pupil to the administration for appropriate action. The teacher will provide the student with a class assignment which must be completed by the end of the period to receive full credit. As soon as possible, the teacher will contact the student’s parent/guardian regarding the suspension. If an in-person conference is not feasible, a telephone conference may be substituted. A school administrator will attend the conference if the teacher or parent/guardian so request. The pupil shall not be returned to the class during the period of suspension without the concurrence of the teacher and the administration. A pupil suspended from a class shall not be placed in another regular class during the period of suspension.
Extra-Curricular Activities Sports Information Students interested in participating in any sport should listen to the daily Announcements and/or ask the Athletic Director, Coach, or a Physical Education teacher about tryout information. See the Athletic Director for specific requirements and expectations for athletes. The following is a list of sports for the Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons: Fall Sports Sport Football Boys’ Water Polo Girls’ Water Polo Cross Country Girls’ Tennis Girls’ Volleyball Girls’ Golf
Coach Tim Murphy Dennis Bledsoe Dennis Bledsoe Anthony Munch Rick Ortega Dave Hobson Jennifer Moore
Contact Tim.murphy@clayton
Coach Paul Kommer Eric Bamberger Guillermo Jara Scott Booth Kyle Behmlandr
Coach Casey Coakley Jen Arnold-Garcia Jennifer Moore Stephan Coddington Matt Hill Mitch McDuff Shaun Guest Les Garaventa Rick Ortega
Winter Sports Sport Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Basketball Boys’ Soccer Girls’ Soccer Wrestling Spring Sports Sport Baseball Softball Boys’ Golf Boys’ Volleyball Boys’ Lacrosse Girls’ Lacrosse Swim and Dive Track and Field Boys’ Tennis
Associated Student Body (ASB) Leadership ASB Leadership is the Student Body Government for Clayton Valley Charter High School. This organization plans and executes Student Activities. Elections for ASB Leadership officers, Class officers and Class Representatives begin in February. Listen to the daily Announcements for information. For further information regarding ASB Leadership, see the ASB Leadership teacher. Eligibility includes maintaining a 2.5 minimum GPA and exemplary citizenship and leadership.
Link Crew The Link Crew Peer Mentorship program is an integral part of the Freshman Transition program. Older peers are chosen and trained to facilitate experiential activities that incorporate the Clayton City Council Do The Right Thing Program character attributes which are: Responsibility, Respect, Kindness, Self Discipline, Integrity, and Courage. Once a month Link Crew Leaders meet with PE9 classes and play games and conduct activities aimed at getting Freshmen to think about how they are a positive contributor to Clayton Valley and why “doing the right thing” at school and in their lives is important. Renaissance Leadership Renaissance is a service and leadership course composed of students who work to improve Clayton Valley Charter High School. The course will hone individual leadership ability; especially developing those unique characteristics, attitudes, and skills which empower a person to make significant changes in self and to move a group of people in new and positive directions. Renaissance effects change through staff and student appreciation, campus beautification, academic culture enrichment, and much more. Student enrollment is by sign-up, teacher recommendation, and possible interview. Student Activities There are a wide variety of student classes and activities available to students at CVCHS including Cheer, Drama, Instrumental Music, Band, Women’s Ensemble, Show Choir, Concert Choir, The Talon (School Newspaper), and Yearbook. Each organization requires specific eligibility requirements and/or auditions. Please see the individual coaches and teachers for additional information. Campus Clubs Campus Clubs often change from year to year depending on student interests. CVCHS on average has many active clubs on campus. Clubs are formed and/or renewed at the beginning of each school year by the Associated Study Body class. Club application forms are available in the ASB Classroom – F4. We encourage students to form clubs that bring students of like interests together for positive interactions. All clubs must be approved by the ASB and meet the requirements as outlined by ASB. Most club meetings are held at lunch, but club activities are sometimes held after school hours. Parents and students can obtain a complete list of clubs from the ASB Leadership teacher or Club Commissioner. This list of clubs is subject to change throughout the year, and from year to year. CVCHS Dance Policy Clayton Valley Charter High School dances are intended for students of the school. They are not intended to serve as community dances. Therefore, only currently enrolled Clayton Valley Charter High School students may attend Clayton Valley dances, provided they meet eligibility requirements (below). CVCHS students may bring select guests to some semi-formal and formal dances. Dance ticket sales are FINAL. Refunds will not be issued to students who do not use purchased tickets. Tickets are sold to specific individuals and are not transferable. Students and guests are dismissed from CVCHS dances at 11:30 PM or 30 minutes prior to the end of a dance. Requirements of Guests for Attending CVCHS Junior Prom and Senior Ball Senior Ball and Junior Prom are open to outside guests of a Clayton Valley Charter High School student. However, Clayton Valley Charter High School reserves the right to exclude outside guests from school functions at any time. Students who do not attend Clayton Valley may attend Senior Ball and Junior Prom only if the following conditions are satisfied: 1. One guest per Clayton Valley Charter High School student 2. The guest must be 20 years of age or younger 3. The Clayton Valley student must submit a completed permission form, with all required signatures, and secure administrative approval 4. If the outside guest is a high school student, he/she must be in good standing with their school of attendance. Their school administrator’s signature on the Clayton Valley permission slip must acknowledge this fact 5. If the guest is not a CVCHS student, then a Non-CVCHS Permission Form must be completed with a government photocopy ID attached prior to the event and submitted to their appropriate Administrator for approval 6. If the guest is a CVCHS student, they must be a student in good standing, including but not limited to academics, attendance, and discipline
Requirements for CVCHS Student to Attend School Dances, Junior Prom and Senior Ball 1. Attendance at dances is a privilege which may be revoked as a discipline consequence 2. Students attending must have at least a 2.0 GPA 3. Only currently enrolled Clayton Valley Charter High School students may attend (exceptions noted above) 4. A completed Clayton Valley dance permission form, including the requisite parent/guardian signature and telephone numbers, must be turned in to the Clayton Valley Treasurer prior to each dance. Each student who attends a Clayton Valley dance must also provide the names and telephone numbers of at least two (2) responsible adults, twenty-four (24) years of age or older, on the Clayton Valley dance permission form 5. Admission must be paid prior to the event 6. NO “in-and-out” privileges are permitted. Once a student leaves a dance, they will not be readmitted. 7. Students are expected to follow all school regulations while attending Clayton Valley-sponsored events/functions 8. Unlawful possession or use of any controlled substance will result in a five (5) day suspension from school, mandatory attendance at a drug/alcohol/tobacco abuse workshop, and suspension from all Clayton Valley Charter High School extra-curricular activities for up to ninety (90) days, and not less than forty-five (45) days 9. No backpacks, large purses, duffel bags, etc. are allowed inside the dance. Any person attending a Clayton Valley Charter High School dance is subject to search at any time 10. If a student violates any school regulation while attending a Clayton Valley dance, he/she may be confined to a designated location and released to the parent/guardian listed on the dance permission form, depending on the severity of the violation
Dance Behavior Expectations 1. There are no dance admission tickets are sold at the door 2. You must have a photo ID (school ID preferred) to enter the dance 3. No entry to the dances after 9:00 pm 4. No alcohol or drugs or being under the influence of either. 5. No drug paraphernalia including, “glow in the dark” mouthpieces or pacifiers 6. Outside guests must have a contract on file 7. Dresses must be appropriate (i.e.: dresses must be kept at least mid thigh, no shorts, no jeans, all shirts must be kept on the entire dance) 8. Students must dance appropriately. (i.e.: no freaking or grinding allowed at any time) 9. Staff will determine appropriate dress, dancing and behavior 10. School rules are in effect and must be followed 11. School discipline policy will be followed if any of the above rules are breached 12. Students and guests are dismissed from CVCHS dances at 11:30 PM or 30 minutes prior to the end of a dance.
Parent Procedures for Parking and Student Drop Off Student Drop Off & Use of Staff / Visitors Lot When dropping off your student, please use the drop off lane in front of the Multi-Use Room, and exit the staff/visitor lot (by the main office) on Academy Road. It is illegal to exit the staff/visitor lot directly onto Alberta Way (near Multi-Use Room). Please remember that the speed limit in all CVCHS parking lots is 5 m.p.h. Be careful of pedestrians in all parking lots at all times. Please do not drop off your student in the Staff “S” wing lot, as the stopping of traffic in this lot impedes the traffic flow on Alberta Way. There is no place to stop in this lot. When visiting CVCHS, parents are to park in the spaces marked “visitor” in the parking lot near the main office.
CVCHS Communication Guideline The outline below sets forth the process for addressing a student’s academic or athletic concerns and will govern communications between staff and others in the CVCHS community. If any step in the line of communication is not followed, the issue in question will be immediately referred back to the first skipped level. A. Line of Communication – Academic 1. Student speaks with teacher 2. Student and parent communicate with teacher 3. Student and parent communicate with Guidance Counselor, Director and/or Teacher 4. Student and parent communicate with Executive Director, Director, Guidance Counselor, and Teacher as needed B. Line of Communication – Athletics 1. Student athlete speaks with coach 2. Student athlete and parent communicate with coach 3. Student athlete and parent communicate with coach and Athletic Director 4. Student athlete and parent communicate with coach, Athletic Director, Director and/or Executive Director as needed
Concord Police Department (925) 671-3333
Clayton Police Department (925) 673-6750
Contra Costa Fire Department (925) 757-1303
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse (877)881-1116
Casa Serena Treatment Facility
(925) 682-8252
1868 Clayton Rd. #123 Concord, CA 94520
Dr. Anna Shorenstein
(925) 241-5529
39 Quail Court #205 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Dr. Gertrudes Aquino Hernanadez
(510) 550-5856
1600 South Main Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Debbie Bauer, LMFT
(925) 437-2203
2255 Morello Ave, Suite 103 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Dr. Karen Goldberg-Bertz John F Kennedy Counseling Center
(925) 788-7888
2930 Camino Diablo #305 Walnut Creek, CA94597
(925) 798-9240
100 Ellinwood Way Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Megan Brubaker, LMFT Thunder Road Adolescent Treatment Center Weyland Consulationa Services
(925) 304-4222 (510) 653-5040 (925) 945-7816 ext. 41
280 Buchanan Field Rd #2A Concord, CA 94520 390 40th Street Oakland, CA 94609 2930 Camino Diablo, #110 Walnut Creek, CA 94597
John Muir Behavioral Health
(925) 825-8523
2740 Grant Street Concord, CA 94520
La Clinica Monument
(925) 363-2000
2000 Sierra Road Concord, CA 94518
(877) 905-4545 (925) 676-0300 (415) 658-9239 (925) 825-8523 (925) 798-9240 (925) 363-2000 (925) 241-5148 (925) 392-0884 (925) 695-7919
3052 Willow Pass Rd. Concord, CA 994519
(925) 363-2000
2000 Sierra Road Concord, CA 94518
Dental Diablo Valley College Dental Clinic
(925) 685-1230 x2534
321 Golf Club Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Dental Smile Care Family Dentistry Vision Lions Club Sight Savers
(925) 827-2798 (510) 466-5927
1851 Sutter Street Concord, CA 94521 Oakland
(925) 685-7340 (925) 687-0363 (925) 682-8000 ext. 3960
1266 San Carlos Ave Concord, 94518 2370 Salvio Street Concord, 94518 One Santa Barbara Road Pleasant Hill, 94523
Eating Disorders
Parent/Teen Issues
Substance Abuse Treatment
Pregnancy/Women’s Health Concord Health Center Anxiety/Depression
ADHD/Executive Functioning
Planned Parenthood Dr. Jadu M. Jagel John Muir Behavioral Health John F Kennedy Counseling Center La Clinica Monument Laura Wittenberg, LMFT BCPC Betty Blaney, MA EdS Dr. Lara Honos-Webb
2185 Pacheco Street Concord, CA 94520 925 Ygnacio Valley Road #103B Walnut Creek, 94596 2740 Grant Street Concord, CA 94520 100 Ellinwood Way Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 2000 Sierra Road Concord, CA 94518 3704 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549 33 Quail Court Walnut Creek CA 94596 3000 Citrus Circle Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Health Dental/Vision La Clinica Monument
Alternative Education Options
Loma Vista Adult Education Olympic High School Horizons Independent Study