CLAYTON VALLEY CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4: 00 PM CVCHS F-4 1101 Alberta Way, Concord, CA 94521
I. Call to Order II. Oral Communications Public comment for items of interest to the public and within the scope of the CVCHS Student Services Committee shall be no longer than two (2) minutes. Speakers may not yield their time. Note: Public comment for agenda items shall be no longer than three (3) minutes and will be heard at that point in the meeting. Speakers may not yield their time.
III. Director of Student Services Report Updates on programs: 1) ELL students and CELDT testing 2) Collaborative Education 3) Tutoring Program 4) Intervention Programs IV. Update on Dress Code V. Agenda Items for next meeting (Tentatively schedule for Wednesday, Nov. 14th at 4 PM) VI. Chairperson/Committee Announcements