Glayton Valley Gharter High School
Academics . Gharacter . 2i"i Gentury skills . Ar*s & Athletics October
Dear Parents and Guardians: There is so much enthusiasm about Clayton Valley Charrer High School taking place on campus and in the community! I have received numerous requests from 8th grade p*"nir about our tremendously successful transition to a charter school that I believe it would bi great to invite all of our interested parents to an early orientation meeting on Tuesday, November 13th at 7 PM in the gymnasium of CVCHS. The vision of Clayton Valley Charter High is clear: "We will prepare all of our students to become first class citizens with a world class education and empower them with the 2I't century skills that will lead to admissions to the university and career of their choice. "First class and world class fully describes our high expectations of students and staff that have characterized the transition process from good to GREAT! We aim to make CVCHS one of the great high schools in the region and the state. We welcome those parents with like mind to join us in this great mission and become a part of the excitement. The philosophy that I have as the educational leader is to insure that CVCHS is student centered in our approaches to teaching, decision-making, developing great co-curricular programs and in working with our parents as partners in education. We want YOU to be a part! We are not only focused upon offering rigorous academic programs that prepare our students for college, but we have implemented outstanding guidance programs, athletics and arts programs as we know school is not just preparing our students for life, but for them school is life! (as John Dewey so eloquently stated). So please mark your calendar
for Tuesday night, November 13th at 7 PM and come meet me in the gym. I would love to introduce you to our school board members, administrative team, academic counselors and academy leaders. We have so much going on at CVCHS that your student will make CVCHS a great home away from home. We will provide you with an application for admissions and other key information. Also, feel free to browse our website at clal' to learn more about our great high school. Sincerely,
David L.Linzey Executive Director