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Resolution No. _______ In Recognition of Do the Right Thing Program WHEREAS, the city of Clayton developed and implemented the “Do the Right Thing” program; and WHEREAS, the public schools in the Clayton Valley area have adopted the program as important tenets of positive school and community culture; and WHEREAS, taking RESPONSIBILITY for what one is supposed to do and being accountable for one’s choices, having RESPECT for others, showing KINDNESS to others and being forgiving, developing SELF-­‐ DISCIPLINE by setting goals and working to achieve them, building INTEGRITY by being reliable and doing what one says one will do, displaying COURAGE by standing up for what is right, even if one stands alone, and keeping the CVCHS campus safe, clean, and filled with school spirit and Eagle pride are all important values in the “Do the Right Thing” program: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Clayton Valley Charter High School Governing Board recognizes and supports the “Do the Right Thing” program and as such Governing Board Members will represent Clayton Valley High School on and off campus as persons of character. Adopted this _____ day of _________________, 2012 _____________________________________________________ Neil McChesney, Governing Board President

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