Multi-Genre Grade Sheet Name____________________________ 1) Introduction that analyzes the subject of your auto/biography. Discussion of why you selected the individual and anything else you consider important that the reader/audience should know prior to going through the report. Introduction is analysis rather than summary. An overview of your format and genre is included. 2)
Body of the piece must include a minimum of 5 different genres. Genres are varied, professional and reflect effort.
Each genre is linked with transitions that clearly show how the genres are related to each other. The report also provides a sense of closure.
Writing is clear and focused. Work is polished and well-presented. All work is grammatically correct
150 points possible
Presentation 1) Introduction is compelling and creative. Discussion is based on analysis not simply retelling the story. Focuses on interesting, captivating aspects of the biographical subject. 2) Two genres are presented with passion and skill. 3) Clearly transitions between genres by showing how each genre is connected to each other and the subject. 4) Well-prepared (little use of notes). 5) Poise (confident, conversational tone, eye contact, gestures, movement, pitch and pace of speech captures audience’s attention). 6) Polished/prepared Grade____________________ 40 points possible Total Points____________________ 190