10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Due week of April 2, 2012 see English teacher for exact date
Clayton Valley Charter High School SOPHOMORE COURSE REQUEST FORM
Last name:_________________________ First name: _____________________ Date: __________ I want a 0 period class (check one) YES NO Required Courses: I participate in school athletics (check one) YES NO 1. English II 2. World History 3. Biology Other (if Life Sci. requirement has been met) ____________________________ 4. Physical Education – 1st Choice: ___________________ 2nd Choice: ____________________
5. Math ____________________ (Assigned by current Math teacher.)
Initials _______
Electives (one course): Course name
Teacher approval *
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
6. Please indicate whether you are a member of: ClaytonArts Academy Public Service Academy Engineering Academy
EcoSci Academy
Resource SDC ELD
*******Once a student has signed up for a class, he/she is committed for duration of class******* _______________________________ Student signature
______________________________ Parent/guardian signature
_____________________ Summer phone number
Electives Available for Sophomores At Large Courses Leadership* - y Leadership (Renaissance)* – y Yearbook – y English Academic Literacy I - y Creative Writing A/B –s/y Creative Writing/ROP** - y ELD Academic Language* - y English Language Development* - y Intro. To Film Study– y Journalism I, II*– y Public Speaking I, II* - y Video Production I* - y Foreign Language French I, II*, III* - y French IV AP* or V H* - y Spanish I, II*, III* – y Spanish IV AP* or V H* - y Home Economics Clothing – y Clothing Adv* - y Education I - y Dev. Psychology of Children ROP** – y Foods I/2 – y
y = s = s/y =
Industrial Technology Auto I – y Cabinetmaking or Construction Tech ROP** - y Radio Communications/ROP**-y 2 periods Woodworking Tech. I – y Woodworking Tech. Adv.* - y Mathematics AIMS - y AIMS II – y Algebra Concepts & Skills - y Algebra I – y Algebra II* - y Algebra II/Trig* - y Geometry *- y Accounting* - y Physical Education Aerobics – s/y (taught at In-Shape gym) Bowling – s/y (taught @ C. V. Bowl) Dance - y Personal Fitness – s/y Team Sports – s/y Weight Training I – s/y Science Biology I – y Intro to Biology - y Chemistry, or Chemistry H* – y
year-long course * = prerequisite or teacher approval necessary semester course ** = must be at least 16 years old course that may be taken for either a semester or a year
Earth Science – y Physiology* – y Sports Medicine/ROP** y Social Studies Psychology – s Sociology – s Visual Arts Art I or II* or Adv*– y Art & Animation ROP** - y Art Design A/B– s/y Adv Art Design* - y AP Art History* - y Ceramics I, II*– y Computer Graphics ROP** - y Digital Arts for the Web ROP** - y Photography Arts I, Adv.*– y Performing Arts Band – Jazz*, Marching*, Orchestra*, Stage*, Wind Ensemble* or Symphonic*-y Choir – Concert, Show or Treble* – y Dance - y Drama I or II* or III* – y Exploring Music - y Guitar Beg; or Adv;*– y Musical Theatre - y