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Online Classes FAQs
1. How will I know that a course will be online?
The course will be listed as an online course when you register and noted in this schedule, as well as on our website. If we need to shift the course to an online format, you will receive an email from CLC staff or your instructor. Check your CLC email regularly for updates Contact helpdesk@clcillinois.edu for CLC email assistance.
2. What technology will I need to complete an online course?
For all online courses, you will need a reliable internet connection. In addition to a connection and device (it is recommended to have a laptop, desktop or tablet), some courses may require additional software downloaded or a second device to practice on while viewing live instructions. Please check your CLC email regularly for requirements from CLC staff or your instructor.
3. What if I don’t have internet at home?
If you are using a computer or device off-campus, use a secure Wi-Fi connection with a strong signal. There are several options for free internet access during this time on the CLC website: www.clcillinois.edu/studentservices/tutoring-and-academicsupport/succeed/lancers-keep-learning
5. Who can help me with technology issues?
CLC is here to help! For technology questions, call (847) 543-4357. Select option #2 and be prepared to answer identity verification questions such as courses taken in previous terms or student ID number. Chat 24/7 is also offered at www.clcillinois.edu/aboutclc/depts/hlp.
6. What information do I need to be successful in my Zoom class?
Instructors may use Zoom, a video conference tool, for class discussions. To get started with Zoom, you’ll need an internet connected computer, laptop, tablet or phone (ideally with a microphone) and a “meeting ID number” or link from your instructor. You might also want to use ear buds with a mic if you have them. This can help reduce background noise.
CLC is committed to the safety and security of online instruction and is constantly adapting to offer the best experience for all users. To help ensure security, a password to enter the Zoom session will be provided to assist with these measures.
Directions on use can be found on the CLC website: www.clcillinois. edu/student-services/tutoring-andacademic-support/succeed/lancerskeep-learning.
8. Why are some classes moved to an online format, but others are not?
We are committed to providing the best quality instruction that complies with industry standards. Some courses, such as those requiring proctored final exams, are not compatible with our online learning methods at this time.
9. How do I get the book(s) for my class?
Reach out to the CLC Bookstore to inquire about current process. Full contact information can be found at www.clcbkst.com
10. Who can I speak to if I have further questions?
For questions about Professional Development courses, email professionalworkshops@clcillinois.edu or call (847) 543-2990. For questions about Personal Enrichment courses, email cpeinfo@clcillinois.edu or call (847) 543-2980.
4. What will an online class be like?
Some courses will be asynchronous, which means you will watch videos and complete activities on your own time while receiving access to an instructor who can answer questions. These courses do not have specific times listed with them and are available 24/7. Other courses are synchronous. In these classes, you and your classmates will be engaged at the same time as the instructor delivers material on a platform like Zoom. There are specific times associated with these courses.
7. What is important for me to remember for synchronous online classes?
Check your CLC email for details about delivery from your instructor. Take a look at the location and time settings on your computer and email accounts. Since courses are delivered at a specific time, it is important that your device reflects the accurate time zone.