CLC World 2012 - Issue 2

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2012 - Issue 2

Life-Long Christian Service:

“God doesn’t call those equipped - He equips the called!”

Liberia: The Rebirth of a Ministry!

Civil Wars & 20 years later - CLC picks up the torch again!

Taking ‘The Fight’ to prisons:

Author, Luke Wordley shares how he is answering God’s call...

Author: Diane Hunt Publisher: CLC USA Publications ISBN: 9781936143221 Price: £9.99

Picture a river at flood stage—the water is surging and churning—and you are desperate to reach the other side. The last thing you want is to dive in, but you can’t turn back. What do you do? You may not be facing a literal raging torrent, but you may anxiously be noticing things coming between you and God’s plan for your life. Do you seem to always be in a bad mood? Has someone sinned against you? Is your loved one struggling with addiction? Just like the Jordan River prevented the Israelites from entering the promised land of milk and honey, obstacles in your life— including your own attitude—may be keeping you from living in Christ’s full victory. Crossing the Jordan: Living Victoriously in Difficult Relationships depicts the life of freedom awaiting those who choose to leave the wilderness and cross over into the land of promise. A compilation of convicting Biblical studies from multiple authors with real-life experiences of suffering, bitterness and addiction, the book originated at America’s Keswick Retreat Center as a study for women whose fiancés/husbands were residents of the Colony of Mercy (a 120-day recovery programme focused on presenting the gospel’s message of victorious living to men caught in the bondage of addiction). This book targets key heart issues and is designed to be completed in fourteen to sixteen weeks. If you diligently apply these Biblical concepts and seek the illumination of the Holy Spirit, Crossing the Jordan will change you, renew you and help you grow. Are you willing to step out in faith— trusting God to meet you, no matter how threatening the waves of life may seem? Are you ready to get your feet wet?

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In This Issue: 4 Being Christ’s Hands & Feet 5 Stepping Out... 6 - 7 Liberia: The Rebirth of a Ministry! 8 - 9 OYB: Service for Life 11 Choosing to Sing a New Song 12 Global Prayer/Praise Points

From the editor:

I was recently reading John chapter 15 from the Message Bible when verse 12 jumped out at me, “Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love.“This year, as we come once again to the cross, may we all be reminded of Jesus’ perfect example of love. It is my greatest desire that you would feel His presence and know His love for you this season! But do not let us stop there... instead I pray that we will all be challenged to pick up the torch and carry the light of His love to our friends, family, communities and around the world. May this issue inspire and instruct you into a life-long service of love! a Lutes

- Amand

15 Meet Cristi Cotovan from Romania 16 Holiness without the Halo 17 DVD Reviews 18 - 19 Spotlight on CLC Ecuador 20 - 21 Taking ‘The Fight’ to Prisons & Other Great Ideas for Father’s Day 22 Feed the Hungry! 23 Book Reviews available rly CLC World is Published quarte or post. d shops, downloa free via CLC Book py, or co ur yo be sure of To subscribe and by us t ac nt co s, copie to order multiple ld, or : FAO CLC W email or write to 9BJ rd, Hants, SO24 sfo re Al 51 The Dean,

CLC International (UK) 291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ

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Here at CLC Chiang Mai we recently had the opportunity to be involved in some relief work for Jesus. For a few months, the central region of Thailand, including Bangkok, was flooded under a few feet of water. This was due to excessive rains in the north, and oversaturation of the soil. Many 1,000’s of people were displaced from their homes, and the entire vicinity was soon infected with filth and stench. The water was unsanitary, the toilets didn’t work, and people became very hungry. Our hearts went out to the victims there and we began to pray for opportunities to help them. God soon opened the doors. Air Asia agreed to ship the aid down to Bangkok for free, and with Yongyut’s (the CLC Bookshop manager) good relationship with the governor of Bangkok, we were able to send ready-to-eat food packs down to the most needy areas.

Being Christ’s Hands & Feet...

CLC Thailand Reach Out In Love!

We did this two different times. The first time, we hired someone to cook and pack the food, and then we shipped it down by air. The second time we cooked the food ourselves, and packed it into 2,650 foam cartons and shipped it down to Bangkok to be eaten the same day. We worked from 5pm to 5am (all night). It was a lot of work, but it was a great joy to be of service to those who are hungry. The food was purchased by donated funds, and we are very grateful to all those who felt led to give for this relief effort. It is in times like these that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and we rejoice that He blessed us with the opportunity to serve in this way.


Blessed be His Name, Martin Holsinger, CLC Thailand

Stepping Out... “The closer you get to a dream, the louder the internal ‘failure parade’ gets.”

Oh my, I read those words and a bell went off within me so loud I couldn’t even breath. How true is that. These days, my “failure parade” is getting as big as the Macy’s parade, on Thanksgiving, in New York. It even includes one of those giant floating Snoopy balloons of fear looming several storeys high over me. Perhaps Nelson Mandela said it best when he said these profound words at his inaugural speech, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. When that ‘failure parade’ begins to march - stop and remember God’s unmistakable voice asking you to trust Him. Remember all that He has done to light your path. Remember His voice of compassion and love telling you that you are His beloved and that HE is your strength in weakness. Be reminded that God doesn’t require a perfect person to serve Him. He isn’t looking for the strongest, the smartest, the most talented. He just wants our hearts. Jesus is the one that redeems and strengthens. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. The truth is that stepping out and making our dreams a reality is scary. Stepping out equals change and change is scary. Do you know that 97% of people live in their comfort zone? For most “the devil they know” is better than “the devil they don’t know.” It is why people stay in abusive relationships, in jobs they hate, in decades of regret, in plastic friendships, in addictions and bondage. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. It is not going to be easy. Whatever it is God has asked you to step out into is going to be one of the scariest things you have ever done, but, you are not alone. Even if it is as simple as walking out of the darkness and sharing your hurt with a safe friend, or seeking help for an addiction, God will equip and strengthen you. So let me ask you, what is that dream that God has put into your heart? What has God asked you to step out in faith to accomplish? What is it that you fear will happen if you do step out? Blog by Julie Busby

Here are a couple songs to encourage you: Left QR - Walk on the Water by Britt Nicole Right QR - Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns



The Rebirth of a Ministry by David Almack, CLC USA

In 2012, we are preparing to restart the work of CLC in Monrovia, Liberia and are trusting the Lord to provide all we will need to make this significant dream a reality. The CLC work in Liberia began in 1948, in the first decade of the life of CLC itself. It was one of the first eight nations in which God allowed CLC to open a Christian bookshop and was a vital outpost for the advance of the gospel in this West African nation. Many missionaries (over several decades), including Herb and Marion Congo, Bonnie Hilton, Betty Wendland, Pat Jenkins and Lorna Line gave of their lives and earthly treasure to see this work prosper for nearly fifty years. In the late 1980s, with great joy, the work was entrusted to the hands of a capable national leader, Isaac George, and his team of Liberian workers. Unfortunately, war overtook the nation and the CLC shop was twice the victim of looting and destruction. After the first incident in 1992, the team cautiously began the work again and out of the rubble was able to see the ministry continue. Sadly, the civil war heated up again and after a second round of looting and destruction in 1996 the work was reluctantly “temporarily suspended� as many of the local team had to flee the country for their safety. Since the end of a second civil war in 2003, CLC teams around the world have been praying about the possibility of returning and setting up operations again. In 2008, a research team visited and determined that the conditions of stability and safety were such that a new start could take place. After an initial attempt to work with a local ministry was not successful, the decision was made to pursue a full-scale restart of the work.


Left to right: Isaac Dweh (Liberia), Phil Burnham (UK), David Almack (USA) and Isaac George (Liberia)

Starting the work again from scratch is a major undertaking and not to be done lightly, especially in Liberia with its many challenges. At this point, though political stability has returned, much of the key infrastructure, such as good roads, running water and consistent electricity, still need to be developed on a wider scale. Despite these issues, there are several positive factors. English is the national language and education is a key priority for the new government. Through the fires of war, God used the tragic circumstances to strengthen his church and allow national leaders to take responsibility for local church growth and development. These churches are now crying out for the return of a Christian resource centre that can provide a regular supply of Bibles and books. CLC’s new bookshop will be a strategic part of developing the next generation of church leaders and lay people dedicated to spreading the gospel throughout Liberia. In addition, it will support the many Bible colleges, Bible institutes and para-church ministries that have begun again. For the last four years, we have been raising funds, awareness and personnel to relaunch

a store once again. In February, a CLC team visited Monrovia to scout out a potential location for the shop and to begin the process of government registration. A container of Bibles and books is being sent as the start-up inventory and a missionary is committed to spending several months in Liberia developing a strong local team once again to take over the day-to-day running of the work. Would you commit to praying for us about this significant new advance of the CLC work in Africa and consider donating funds or quality used books for the project?



Service for life KEY TRUTH Every Christian is in full-time service for Jesus; there are no part-timers or reservists in God’s “army”.

Ready for change The Holy Spirit is dynamic – he is always on the move, always working. We, on the other hand, usually prefer a quiet life which is secure and stable. When Jesus spoke to the church in Ephesus, he said that while they had been faithful to him, they had lost their first love. They needed to be open to change, ready to follow him wherever he led, just as they had once done. That has always been a challenge to Christians. We need to ask frequently, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”

Giving everything to Jesus In one sense, we have already given everything to Jesus – our whole selves, our lives, in return for his forgiveness and new life. But there may be a further way in which he wants us to give ourselves to him; by being willing to give up our jobs and join the staff of a church or missionary society, or enter some other form of Christian work. Our commitment to him may also be expressed in our willingness to give up more of our spare time to take on church responsibilities. However, if we have families, it is important not to neglect them.

Supporting his workers


“The worker deserves his wages” is a New Testament principle which reminds us that church leaders and workers, some of whom have given up well-paid jobs to serve Jesus in

the church, need food to eat and clothes to wear. And if we do not provide those things for them, they will be hungry and cold. God expects us to share their ministry to us by sharing our earnings and goods with them. Paul considered that such support was a right. In Corinth, however, he did not exercise that right, to avoid being a burden on the church. Instead, he earned money by making tents. But that was his personal decision, and did not alter the principle on which he usually worked.

Praying for God’s servants Some people do not seem to have much to give in the way of Christian service. They may be old, infirm, poor or with little time to give to the church. But of course, they can love and care about others. And above all, as with everyone else, they can give time to prayer.

TO TH I N K ABOUT • How has your Christian service changed already over the time you have been a believer? What caused those changes? • What is your service like at the moment? Do you need to find fresh ways to serve God? Or do you need to renew your enthusiasm for your current activities? • Is God calling you to some form of Christian work? How can you test this call? You should also look for opportunities to support other Christian workers. • Are there any people you know who need your support at the moment?

Excerpt from CLC’s Open Your Bible: The All-in-one Bible Guide

Section: Living the Christian Life - Pages 774 & 775

Available at all CLC Bookshops or online at

God works the world over through the prayers of his people. Moses, the Jewish leader, once needed someone to support him physically as he led Israel in battle; through prayer, we support spiritually those who are on the front line of spiritual warfare. Without us, the going would be tougher.

BIBLE CHECK Ready for change Revelation 2:17; John 3:8 Giving everything to Jesus Jeremiah 1:4-10; Luke 10:1-12; Romans 10:14-17 Supporting his workers Luke 10:7; 1 Corinthians 9:3-18 Praying for God’s servants Exodus 17:10-13; Colossians 1:9; 4:2-4

POSTSCRIPT Christian service is a work of love. It is hard work, and it is more effective when it stems from our love for Jesus and his people.

• What steps can you take to find out about their needs, so that you can pray for them and give to them more effectively? In the world of work, retirement comes when a person reaches a certain age. • Does a Christian ever retire? How does this make you feel? Thank God that he will always have work for you to do, whatever stage of life you are at. Pray for strength to serve him faithfully to the end.


PAU L, A S E RVANT OF GOD In some respects Paul the apostle was an exceptional person. The amount of work he got through would have killed a lesser person (2 Corinthians 11:23-29)! But despite that, his service for Jesus remains an inspiring model for us to follow.

Dedicated to Jesus Paul did not believe in doing things by halves. Jesus had given everything for him, so he gave everything for Jesus (Galatians 2:20). Such was his dedication that he never slackened, right up to when he died (2 Timothy 4:6-8). That is the basis of all Christian service – we cannot expect to achieve great things for God unless we are ready to follow him fully.

Controlled by God’s word Before his conversion, Paul was a Jewish scholar (Galatians 1:14) with a good knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures. After his conversion, God revealed the full truth about Jesus to him (Galatians 1:11-12), which was in full agreement with what the other apostles had been teaching (Galatians 2:1-2). All his teaching was firmly built on the basic facts of who Jesus was and what he had done on the cross, and Paul firmly resisted all attempts to alter that gospel or add to it (Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Timothy 1:11-14). That is a key to effective Christian service; we cannot expect to win others for Jesus or to help other Christians to grow, if we ourtselves are not firmly teaching and applying his truth.



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Choosing to Sing aBy New Song David Almack, CLC USA For some time now, there have been a growing chorus of nay-sayers predicting the end of bricks and mortar bookstores. With the closure of many large independent stores, the volume seemed to increase as the chorus got louder. Shouting in the midst of this ever increasing din was a recent post by influential blogger Tim Challies. He suggested that Christian bookstores have now largely become irrelevant and primarily cater to the lowest common denominator in the evangelical Christian sub culture. Having just spent a week with some of the most talented and committed professionals in the independent Christian retail arena, I have a bit of a different perspective. These folks have chosen to ignore the nay-sayers, don’t listen to the prevailing media choristers and have taken a different path. To a person, they are operating bricks and mortar stores that matter to their local communities and provide an oasis of peace in a world of chaos. Fundamentally, they understand that selling Christian resources is about the potential for life transformation and not simply a money making venture. In some cases, these brave merchants have taken other jobs outside their bookstores in order to keep the doors open and maintain viable ministry locations in the commercial heart of their towns. In other cases, their presence in the community has granted them access to the movers and shak-

ers that influence the very future of their city. What unites them is a deep commitment to the reality that what they do every day is not simply Christian retailing. At the most basic level they are in the business of:

• • • • • •

Inspiration Hope Encouragement Peace Friendship Celebration

and as one person I met said,

“Helping people feel closer to God.” What unites them is a deep commitment to the reality that what they do every day is not simply Christian retailing. At the most basic level they are in the business of: That is a business that is not only relevant, but worth doing every day with joy and excitement. What a reason to get up in the morning with a smile on your face knowing that you have the potential to impact someone’s life for eternity each and every day. I hope that in the years to come, there will be a new set of voices pointing to the vital nature of these light houses on main street. I know that I will certainly be one of them, no matter how badly I sing.


Global Prayer & Praise Points!

Please pray for the bookshop in Naples. It seems that the particular area where our shop is situated, in the city centre and close to the central train station, is deteriorating. At the time of writing, the two shops immediately in front of CLC had just been robbed by armed men. Manager Pino Perrella asks us to pray for protection and also for God’s guidance as we need to decide whether to relocate the shop. Photo of Pino Perrella and Gary Chamberlin. CLC Hong Kong is well located on a very busy main street but, like many other shops, it is not at ground level. Casey and Mare Allison write: “We are thankful for our new sign at street level. Please pray that it will help increase our visibility, and that more people will discover our shop.”


The UK team will be providing the bookstall for the Elim Bible Week (April 9th - 13th) in Telford, UK. We give thanks for this opportunity and pray we can serve the participants well and also have good sales as a result. Please pray for all those attending and working at this event that they will be led by the Holy Spirit and truly feel His presence.

Spain: CLC Family - Nacho Sanchez, the National Director, writes: “We give thanks to God for the CLC family around the world. We have been aware of their care, support and prayers during a time of difficulties and challenges for the ministry in Spain. We are also grateful for the helpful input from our leaders in the International Office. We thank the Lord for His care and protection. His ways are perfect – even if we don’t understand everything that happens.” At the time of writing, CLC London Bookshop has just had a Thanksgiving Celebration in which they dedicated their new shop to the Lord. A big thank you to all who were involved in the preparations and service. We were wonderfully surprised by the number of people in the area who came out to support us! We greatly appreciate that many of you see the London shop as ‘community hub’ where Christians meet up and encourage one another. Thank you for your love and support!

More photos to come in the next issue!

Workers Needed At CLC! CLC are seeking full-time and part-time workers who sense God’s calling to our ministry and who are versatile, teamoriented, computer literate, and have related experience. Due to the nature of our ministry, we are looking for those who have strong ‘customer-service/ hospitality’ gifts and who will greatly enjoy serving their community and the Lord. Join us as we minister to the ‘high streets’! Please note: Not all roles are salaried; CLC can cover some overheads and you may need to develop a team of prayer and financial supporters. Please write to for more information.

Current Needs: • Aberdeen (Full-Time) • Blackpool (Part-Time) • Canterbury (Full-Time) • Dundee (Full-Time & Part-Time) • Leicester (Shop Manager & PartTime Positions) • London (Full-Time & Part-Time) • Newcastle (Full-Time) • Sheffield (Full-Time & Part-Time) • Wholesale (Warehouse Manager, Sales Development, Full-Time & Part-Time Positions)

Working with us will seriously improve your mission vision!

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Get ready to be amazed by God’s creation with this spectacular giftbook! Combining awe-inspiring photographs taken through the lens of the Hubble Telescope with scientific facts, short stories, quotes and scriptures makes it an idea gift for family or friends. Especially if they love to star-gaze! Only

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£12.99 Nelson

His Name is Jesus by Max Lucado ISBN: 9781404186736 This giftbook is an excellent idea for an Easter present! Lucado, well-known and well-loved for his story-telling abilities, always weaves together tales and Only devotional insights making them £15.99 relevant and relatable Nelson to today. He really has a way of making Biblical truths and people ‘come alive’ and His Name is Jesus is no exception!

Discover the people ‘behind the scenes’:

Meet Cristian Cotovan from Romania Please give a brief description of how you came to learn about and join CLC: In 1998, while still in highschool, I was attending the

same church as the CLC National Director at that time. I think one day I visited the CLC offices with a friend and I remember they had trouble with their printer - I helped fix it and that was my ‘job interview’, even if I wasn’t yet looking for a job. After that I started helping more and more with various tasks such as computer issues, designing the odd poster, print materials, etc. Shortly after that, the offices and shop relocated to the main city (Brasov) and in 2001, I became officially employed there. I heard from a colleague that when you first joined CLC you sometimes spent the night sleeping on the shop floor... is this true? Because I was at school during the day, I only had the


afternoons or evenings to come to the shop and help. Many by Matt Redman & Louie Giglio times evening came while working on the print catalogue Review by Cristian Cotovan - which was a yearly publication and required a lot of work Being a secret admirer of the - and since I lived in another town, 12 km away, and buses stars and cosmos, I was thrilled were no longer available after 9 pm - I would often work as to be able to find a book that late as I could and then sleep in the shop. The floor thing, well, blends cosmic facts and images the heaters were next to the walls and the floor had a brand with spiritual literature. While you new carpet so it was cozy... could call this book ‘light reading’ and while it seems you could What is your current ‘job description’: I work in the ‘CLC Media chew through it in one afternoon, Services’ department of the International Office. This was an it makes for a good devotional official name we came up with back in 2005 or so, when we read. Matt and Louie alternate started. The first job was redesigning the CLC logo. My main in writing the short chapters task is designing and developing the e-commerce websites and provide a great balance of around the world as well as research and development of new science facts about the universe areas such as e-books, apps, blogs, etc. At the moment we’re and worshipful insight. In some working hard to push the new version of our e-commerce chapters the facts depicted platform out the door - the first one will be CLC UK’s website are mind-boggling, as anything space-related is, but then that ( After this year’s CLC Council, all turns quickly into amazement and the other sites that use the old platform, plus new ones, will awe as things are being put into be launched on this new one. perspective when the book’s main How can readers pray for you and your team? I am grateful for theme is expressed: how such a great and magnificent God, who the addition of Patricio Arenas from CLC Chile who has joined created the heavens and the the team last year. Please pray for the both of us in our task of earth, the planets, the stars and maintaining and supporting the websites. With an increasing the galaxies took human form number of websites and projects things can get quite busy at and identified with us. Available times. We would appreciate prayer for protection over our in two editions: a paperback servers - many times we’ve had various hackers attempt (9780781406024) and a gift book (9780781406031). to disrupt our activity by hitting our servers, with more or I highly recommend you grab the less success. While this may sound like something out of the gift edition as the larger, fullmovies, it is very real and can cause quite a lot of headaches colour format - for instance it can make all of the really makes websites inaccessible to our visitors the photos of and customers. the universe pop out. Most importantly, we would appreciate prayer for our families Only and our health - last year we had Gift! £9.99 many health problems that added £15.99 DCC DCC delays in our work. Thank you. 15

Holiness without

the Halo

by Stuart & Jill Briscoe ISBN: 9781936413177 Publisher: CLC Publications Price: £8.99

Rate the Following in Your Order of Preference . . . Being Healthy / Being Holy / Being Happy If you think about life in the same way Stuart Briscoe did when he was very young—and most of us, if we are perfectly honest, do— Being Happy will rate first, Being Healthy second, and Being Holy will rate a poor third. So, must you give up any hope of happiness if you decide to give yourself wholeheartedly to God? In this engaging book by Stuart and Jill Briscoe, you will discover that there is no conflict with being thoroughly happy, truly healthy, and practically holy. You will also learn what God is asking of you when He says, “Be holy, because I am holy.” Available at your local CLC Bookshop or online at

Book excerpt:

Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers, was not pleased. In his opinion, his team was play­ing well below its capability. So he called a special team meeting, held up a ball and with heavy irony and unveiled sarcasm said to the professional footballers, “Gentlemen, this is a football!” One of his more intrepid players held up his hand and asked, “Could you go over that again, Coach?” This remark was no doubt dealt with as Lombardi continued making the point, all too obviously, that they were going to start learning the game again at the very beginning. He was reintroducing them to fundamentals. In our increasingly complex world an occasional revisit of fundamentals is usually of great value! Speaking of fundamentals, the book of Proverbs says that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” For “beginning” read “fundamental basis.” So the fear of the Lord is to wisdom what a football is to football! Wisdom, one of the domi­nant themes of the Old Testament, means a lot more than acquiring information or establishing a database. For instance wisdom is clearly related to “the beginning of knowledge,” “discipline,” “insight,” “prudence,” “what is right, just, and fair,” “direction” and “guidance” in the introductory verses of Proverbs (Proverbs 1:1–7). When taken together these words describe what we call, in modern terms, “a system of values.” So you could say that the fear of the Lord is the fundamental basis of a system of values. . . . To many people there is something frightening about fearing the Lord. This is understandable, and we must be careful how we deal with the issue. In my pastoral ministry I find many people whose lives have been so conditioned by “a religion of fear” that they have little or no concept of the joy of salvation and the wonders of amazing grace. But I also meet many people who have been encouraged to con­centrate on the love of God and His kindness until they have settled comfortably into what the late German theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace.” Their lives all too often demonstrate the old adage, “That which is lightly held is easily dropped.” There is a balance. The psalmist struck it when he wrote, “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling” (Ps. 2:11). 16


Grace [The One and Only]: by Louie Giglio

Review by Pastor David Baker, Ipswich Int’l Church

Faith, Hope, Love & Everything by Mick Brooks

DVD Code: 5027957001329

This seven session DVD small group resource provides a practical and down-to-earth approach as it tackles some of the issues of faith, hope and love. Using the illustration of a journey through life, presenter Mick Brooks examines issues like having a biblical world view, improving relationships with others and developing a closer relationship with God, among other subjects. These are split into seven 20 minute sessions with questions at the end of each chapter. R.T. Kendall’s foreword states that “this is timely teaching for our Church, for Church leaders and all Christians who are trying to reach those with no understanding of the Christian faith.” This clarified things for me, because at times I wasn’t sure if it was aimed at people who were not yet Christians or those already on their journey of faith. I feel that Only most of the material could be easily adapted to suit any group’s £19.99 needs, such as an Alpha group, a discipleship meeting, etc. The book is also available for £9.99 - ISBN: 9781853455988 Review by Julian Gittings, CLC Bolton


Yorkshire Pudding by Adrian Plass DVD Code: 5060256820000


This collection of engaging reflections on life consists of short monologues, sketches and poems. Adrian Plass excels in highlighting, with his dry humour, some of the uncomfortable bits of the Christian faith, provoking reflection, thought and discussion. found some of the true life examples of what it means to ‘live’ the life of a Christian brilliant, with others leaving me feeling slightly irritated which, of course, is exactly what they are designed to do. I give Yorkshire Pudding a big thumbs up! And, do have a look at the study guides on Adrian’s website. They’ll give you plenty to talk about!


Review by Stephen George, God Squad Team, Ipswich Int’l Church


DVD Code: 5099991788894

This is one of the best modern day teaching series on grace that I have heard. I loved the way that Louie Giglio has the capacity to explain complex truths in a simple way. He does so in such an access-ible and challenging way, revealing the true depths and wonders of radical grace. As usual he does this through his conversational style and use of visual illustrations. Some of his stories make you laugh and others leave you in deep thought, pondering the truth he has revealed. Giglio clearly identifies that CLC Publications Ad: I could never have made it back to God if He had not intervened and sent Jesus. Giglio also shows how outrageously committed God is to changing my life as I walk with Him by the power of His grace. I believe that these DVDs are very liberating, and that anyone watching them all would be drawn into the depth of Only the ‘incomparable riches of God’s grace.’ There are £11.99 so many transforming nuggets of truth that once EMI grasped will radicalise your life. I am still working them out! This DVD series is ideal material to use in student/youth settings as well as in an ordinary service.


D V D B i b l e S t u d i e s 17

Spotlight on CLC Ecuador! Carlos Marín CLC Ecuador Director

CLC Ecuador was involved in a two day conference, organised by Casa Biblica, in the city of Guayaquil on the 7th and 8th of January, 2012. The CLC team took a very active role is supporting this event: participating in two of the workshops provided for Sunday school teachers; inviting pastor and conference speaker, Javier Jaraba, who works with CLC Colombia, to come and represent CLC Colombia Publishing at the event; as well as inviting their ‘brother’ Orlando Castaño from ‘Sabio and Prudente’ to take part in the conference! * Sabio and Prudente, meaning ‘Wise and Prudent’, are children’s cartoons from one of the Hispanic Publishers who publish children’s Christian material for ages 4 to 105! The blue hat chap is Sabio while Prudente is the pink fellow with the green bow-tie.

In addition to participating in the seminars and workshops, CLC Ecuador was able to promote a number of our resources to an audience of 1,000 people from all around the country. They had an extensive exhibition where people could come and discover their materials and place orders according to each customer’s individual needs. The necessity of providing churches with a good range of teaching resources was very evident from this event. The whole event, and CLC’s contribution, was very well received by those who attended. In fact, at times their exhibition was so crowded that they didn’t have enough staff, or hands, to serve everyone! Carlos Marín states, “We give thanks to God for the opportunity and we ask Him to renew our strength and give us new strategies so we can carry on doing this work. We want to contribute our ‘grain of sand’ [a Spanish expression which means to do our small bit] to help those in need - people with a hunger and thirst for the Word.” The CLC team humbly acknowledges and appreciates all of those at the event who expressed their gratitude for the active role that CLC took in offering help, advice and materials. This event is set to be held in different cities and CLC Ecuador has already committed itself to support and participate in each one. Article created by Carlos Marín, CLC Ecuador Director Translated by Sheena Wardrope, CLC International Office 18

Director Carlos Marín sharing the ministry of CLC Ecuador at the event.

Pastor Javier Jaraba (CLC Colombia) explaining one of our books. A very busy CLC exhibit!

CLC Workshop: ‘Enseña todo el día, todos los días’ (Teach all day - everyday!)

bros os libros

«Dona un Libro» es una campaña internacional que se celebrará el próximo 23 de abril, Día Internacional del Libro, establecido por la UNESCO.

‘Donate a Book’ is an international campaign organised by Grupo Nelson (the Spanish division of Thomas Nelson Publishers) which will be celebrated on April 23rd – the day established by UNESCO as the International Day of the Book. CLC Ecuador is actively participating in this campaign and providing collection points in all of their shops. Books, both new and second hand, can be se donated during l, the month of April and will be given to a variety of nspirar outreach uevo ministries.

A big ‘thank you’ to the CLC team for all their hard work!

What a wonderful event! It was attended by nearly 1000 people from all over Ecuador!



“I...thelove your book, but... problem is - men don’t read, and they don’t buy books. I’m

sorry. We can’t publish it. Can you write us a Christian novel for women instead?” said the Chief Editor of a major Christian publisher. “I love your book. This would really speak to the guys we’re trying to help in our prison and youth work. How can we get hold of it?” said the Director of Missions of a Christian charity working with troubled youngsters. These two contradictory conversations came days apart and left me wondering what God was saying. When I first became a Christian at age 19, I was surprised and frustrated that there wasn’t more fiction with a spiritual theme, especially for men. I even detected a general disregard for fiction and its place in the church. To me, it didn’t make sense since Jesus taught extensively in parables – fictional stories which illustrated deep spiritual truths. And in years gone by, John Bunyan and C.S. Lewis used exactly this medium to point literally millions of people to God through Pilgrim’s Progress and the Narnia Stories. But where were the contemporary Christian novels that were going to help me as a young man explore my new-found faith or encourage and challenge men of all ages in their walk with God? So, over an eight year period, The Fight was conceived and written – a gritty story dealing with issues affecting men like pride, ambition, anger and family relationships. But little did I realise that in aiming at this under-served male market, some would deem it commercially ‘unviable’. What to do? Change the book, the cover and the title to appear less ‘masculine’? Or abandon it altogether and accept the invitation to write a novel aimed more at the popular women’s market as the publisher suggested? As I prayed, God convicted me about my motives. What was I really writing for? To become a successful writer and sell lots of books or to write something that would help men in their spiritual walk? ‘Stop worrying about money and just get it out there’, I felt God saying to me. ‘And not just to men who can buy it, but men who can’t too – in prisons and youth projects.’ An idea quickly formed. “Buy One, Give One Free.” Selling one book could fund another to be given free to prison and youth ministry! I’m grateful to CLC International who are helping me promote it to Christians and bookshops, and also distribute it to prisons and youth projects. Already strong sales have funded the despatch of dozens of books to prisons in London. With the help of CLC and its customers, I pray that many more can be sent to prison chaplaincies and youth charities across the world. Author: Luke Wordley has spent his career to date in international development and charity work. The Fight is his first novel. He is passionate about presenting the Christian message in a contemporary and relevant way, and supporting youth and prison ministry in the UK and abroad.


Buy One, Give One Free! For every printed copy of The Fight sold, the author is giving a copy to prison and youth work ministry in the UK. Further information can be found at:

Pages: 320 Price: £8.99 ISBN: 9780956924506

Set in East London during the early 1990s, The Fight centres around Sam, a disturbed teenager driven by anger following a family tragedy. One day a street fight leads him to a boxing club, and to Jerry, an ex-boxer and Christian who has dedicated his life to helping boys from tough backgrounds. But, as Jerry reaches out to Sam, an extraordinary talent emerges – a talent that re-opens the wounds of Jerry’s own life. Can Sam be saved from his rage? Or will Jerry’s reawakened ambition tear them both apart? The Fight is a gritty story of two desperate struggles: The battle over a man’s past and the fight for a boy’s future.

Article by author, Luke Wordley

Nearing Home

by Billy Graham Reviewed by Rev. Brian Butler Publisher: Nelson Pages: 182 ISBN: 9780849948329 Billy Graham needs no introduction to readers of this magazine. His Only remarkable crusade ministry has £9.99 brought thousands of people to Christ. That phase of life is over as he is now in his nineties and ‘nearing home’ and yet, the desire to reach out to people and share Christ with them is still strong. As one might expect, this little book is crammed with Scripture, but lightened with numerous stories and quotes which shed light on the theme—growing old. As he rightly says, ‘old age is not for sissies.’ It is a struggle, and Billy sheds a lot of helpful light on living the last stages of life, while still witnessing with unshakeable faith in the life to come. There’s a great chapter on heaven. We are grateful for this inspiring book, which should bring encouragement and hope to many.

Another Man’s War by Sam Childers

Review by Alan Middleton (CLC Wholesale) Publisher: Nelson Only Pages: 240 £9.99 ISBN: 9781595554246 Another Man’s War is the story of how the American pastor Sam Childers began an orphanage in South Sudan for the children displaced by the terrorists of the Lord’s Resistance Army from Uganda. The story has three parellel strands running - 1) his earlier life and conversion, 2) the development of the work and God’s leading and provision and 3) the present situation. This is so that one area doesn’t dominate and interest is maintained. What stands out is that Childers is always open to go into situations, sometimes dangerous, with faith that God will be with him in them. Highly recommended!

The Edge of Redemption by Troy A. Evans

ISBN: 9780898274899 (HB) Publisher: Wesleyan Book Description: Evans was chasing the hip-hop dream: fame, fortune and power could be his. He was sure he could get it all if the gang violence or the law didn’t get him first. Then redemption stepped in from the most unlikely circumstances to bring about the most unlikely change. Today,Pastor Troy Evans ministers to the community that once was his prey. Intro Enter into Evans’ story £10.99 Price! and God’s vision.

Great ideas for

Father’s Day:






Too Good To Leave Out... The Faith Response by John R. Van Gelderen

Review by Wilma Cliff Brock ISBN: 9781936143184 Publisher: CLC USA Publications Pages: 115 In this book, John Van Gelderen addresses the question, ‘Is faith a work….or is it a gift?’ His approach is to outline a proper, biblical understanding of the nature of faith, which is true God-dependence – realising ‘I can’t, but God can’. Faith is the God-ordained link between our need and God’s provision. If we think wrong ideas regarding faith, then we are hindered in experiencing the life of faith and, consequently, growth in grace. In later chapters, he makes practical application of this Goddependence reality to our daily walk with God. Very readable with helpful illustrations.

Table Grace by Douglas Webster

Review by Bonnie Brooks ISBN: 9781845507527 Publisher: Christian Focus Pages: 160 In Table Grace, Douglas Webster explores examples of hospitality from the Bible, and challenges us to adopt an openhearted approach to others in our daily lives. We see the graciousness shown by David’s invitation to Mephibosheth to dine at his table. The author examines how Christ met the needs of people during several mealtime encounters, and also used these opportunities to share God’s truth and question wrong attitudes. Each chapter ends with some thought-provoking questions for discussion. We are encouraged to give our time and friendship generously and sacrificially, taking Christ as our example. This book is both edifying and inspiring.


A Heart for Freedom by Chai Ling


All is Grace by Brennan Manning



Review by Wilma Cliff Brock ISBN: 9781414364858 Publisher: Tyndale Publishers Pages: 288 Chai Ling was a key student leader and led the protesters in the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising. This young, idealistic college student became China’s most wanted woman. In this book, her amazing story is a compelling and moving tale, rich in narrative detail that keeps the reader completely engrossed. Nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize, Chai Ling is founder of an organisation dedicated to restoring life, value and dignity to girls and mothers and revealing the injustice of China’s one-child policy. An inspirational true story of a dedicated and courageous woman. Review by John Watkins, CLC Stockport ISBN: 9780781406161 Publisher: David C Cook Pages: 240 Brennan Manning speaks of meeting God, “It was not that I found the more but that the more found me”. All of Grace shows a deeply flawed man held by the love of God in spite or because of his sins. Why so flawed? Why so plagued by alcoholism even when God was using his speaking and writing talents? Original sin exacerbated by nature and nurture but what would I have been like with a different background and upbringing? The author has no easy answers to his own dilemmas and leaves the reader with questions but takes us back time and again to the love of God. All is grace!

Diamond Geezers: Tough, Transparent & Trusted by Anthony Delaney Only


ISBN: 9781907080159 Publisher: River Pages: 208 Review by David Barnes Delaney is a policeman who has become a pastor. Writing for men, he draws a comparison between ‘coal men’ on the one hand and ‘diamond geezers’ on the other. The former are empty inside and crumble under pressure: “vaunted sporting heroes hang their heads in the gossip column because they can put it in the net, but can’t keep it in their “pants”. If you’re a ‘diamond geezer’ however, you have Christ at the centre, so when the pressure comes, “God will shape you” to make “impurities disappear”. You become “transparent and reflective” as you are made like Jesus Christ, “the only perfect man.” The book is written in an easy, accessible style. It is punchy, with good linking of scriptural insight and observation of what life is like for men. Chapters on family, finance, fitness, failure and friends are included but I would have also liked to see chapters on employment and the man’s role in relation to the church. A good book for a men’s group to explore together. 23

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